
     1  distgo
     2  ======
     3  distgo is a library and CLI for running, building, distributing and publishing products in a Go project.
     5  Documentation
     6  -------------
     7  Documentation for distgo is provided in the Go code and as part of the application itself.
     9  * Run `distgo --help` to get an overview of the commands and flags
    10  * distgo is configured using a YML or JSON configuration file. Refer to the documentation in
    11    `apps/distgo/config/config.go` for information on the configuration parameters that are available.
    12  * Refer to `apps/distgo/config/example_test.go` for sample configuration files
    14  Development
    15  -----------
    16  Use the following commands for development. All paths in the example commands assume that they are run from the root
    17  project directory of godel -- if the current working directory is `apps/distgo`, use `../../godelw` instead.
    19  * Run `./godelw verify` to apply formatting, perform linting checks and run the gödel tests
    20  * Run `./godelw test --tags=distgo` to run the distgo-specific tests (not included by default in the tests run by `./godlew verify`)
    21  * Run `./godelw build` to build the `distgo` binary in `apps/distgo/build`