
     1  # swagger:operation
     3  A **swagger:operation** annotation links a path to a method.
     4  This operation gets a unique id, which is used in various places as method name.
     5  One such usage is in method names for client generation for example.
     7  Because there are many routers available, this tool does not try to parse the paths
     8  you provided to your routing library of choice. So you have to specify your path pattern
     9  yourself in valid swagger (YAML) syntax.
    11  <!--more-->
    13  ##### Syntax:
    15  ```
    16  swagger:operation [method] [path pattern] [?tag1 tag2 tag3] [operation id]
    17  ```
    19  ##### Properties:
    21  Any valid Swagger 2.0 YAML _Operation_ property is valid.
    22  Make sure your indentation is consistent and correct,
    23  as it won't parse correctly otherwise.
    25  You can find all the properties at
    27  Note that if you specify the _tags_, _summary_, _description_ or _operationId_ as part of the
    28  YAML spec, you will override the _summary_, _descriptions_, _tags_ or _operationId_, specified as part of the regular swagger syntax above.
    30  Also note that you need to start your YAML spec with a triple dash `---`.
    32  ##### Example:
    34  ```go
    35  // ServeAPI serves the API for this record store
    36  func ServeAPI(host, basePath string, schemes []string) (err error) {
    37  	// swagger:operation GET /pets getPet
    38  	//
    39  	// Returns all pets from the system that the user has access to
    40  	//
    41  	// Could be any pet
    42  	//
    43  	// ---
    44  	// produces:
    45  	// - application/json
    46  	// - application/xml
    47  	// - text/xml
    48  	// - text/html
    49  	// parameters:
    50  	// - name: tags
    51  	//   in: query
    52  	//   description: tags to filter by
    53  	//   required: false
    54  	//   type: array
    55  	//   items:
    56  	//     type: string
    57  	//   collectionFormat: csv
    58  	// - name: limit
    59  	//   in: query
    60  	//   description: maximum number of results to return
    61  	//   required: false
    62  	//   type: integer
    63  	//   format: int32
    64  	// responses:
    65  	//   '200':
    66  	//     description: pet response
    67  	//     schema:
    68  	//       type: array
    69  	//       items:
    70  	//         "$ref": "#/definitions/pet"
    71  	//   default:
    72  	//     description: unexpected error
    73  	//     schema:
    74  	//       "$ref": "#/definitions/errorModel"
    75  	mountItem("GET", basePath+"/pets", nil)
    77      return
    78  }
    79  ```
    81  ##### Result:
    83  ```yaml
    84  ---
    85  paths:
    86    "/pets":
    87      get:
    88        summary: Returns all pets from the system that the user has access to
    89        description: Could be any pet
    90        produces:
    91          - application/json
    92          - application/xml
    93          - text/xml
    94          - text/html
    95        operationId: getPet
    96        parameters:
    97          - type: array
    98            items:
    99              type: string
   100            collectionFormat: csv
   101            description: tags to filter by
   102            name: tags
   103            in: query
   104          - type: integer
   105            format: int32
   106            description: maximum number of results to return
   107            name: limit
   108            in: query
   109        responses:
   110          '200':
   111            description: pet response
   112            schema:
   113              type: array
   114              items:
   115                $ref: "#/definitions/pet"
   116          default:
   117            description: unexpected error
   118            schema:
   119              $ref: "#/definitions/errorModel"
   120  ```