
     1  # File Duplicate Finder (fdf)
     3  ![build status](
     5  A cross-platform duplicate file finder supporting deduplication via copy-on-write clones and hard links. Inspired by [Olof Laderkvist's Windows-only fdf utility](
     7  ## Installation
     9  `go install`
    11  ### System Requirements
    13  * Go (with CGO support enabled on non-Windows platforms)
    14  * One of the following platforms:
    16  | Platform | Minimum version | Reason |
    17  |---|---|---|
    18  | Linux | 2.6.33+ | File-to-file `sendfile()` support |
    19  | Mac OS X | Sierra 10.12+ | `clonefile()` and APFS support |
    20  | Windows | Windows 10 or Windows Server 2016+ | `FSCTL_DUPLICATE_EXTENTS_TO_FILE` support |
    22  ## Usage
    23  ```
    24  usage: fdf [--clone | --copy | --delete | --link] [-hqrtv]
    25          [-m FIELDS] [-z BYTES] [-n LENGTH]
    26          [--protect PATTERN] [--unprotect PATTERN] [directory ...]
    28    -a, --clone               (verb) create copy-on-write clones instead of hardlinks (not supported on all filesystems)
    29    -c, --copy                (verb) split existing hardlinks via copy
    30                              mutually exclusive with --ignore-hardlinks
    31    -d, --delete              (verb) delete duplicate files
    32    -t, --dry-run             don't actually do anything, just show what would be done
    33        --exclude GLOB        exclude files matching GLOB from scanning
    34        --exclude-dir DIR     exclude DIR from scanning, throws error if DIR does not exist
    35        --help                show this help screen and exit
    36        --if-kept GLOB        only remove files if the 'kept' file matches the provided GLOB
    37        --if-kept-dir DIR     only remove files if the 'kept' file is a descendant of DIR
    38        --ignore-content      allow --match without 'content'
    39    -h, --ignore-hardlinks    ignore existing hardlinks
    40                              mutually exclusive with --copy
    41        --include GLOB        include GLOB, opposite of --exclude
    42        --include-dir DIR     include DIR, throws error if DIR does not exist
    43        --json-report FILE    on completion, dump JSON match data to FILE
    44    -l, --link                (verb) hardlink duplicate files
    45    -m, --match FIELDS        Evaluate FIELDS to determine file equality, where valid fields are:
    46                                name (case insensitive)
    47                                  range notation supported: name[offset:len,offset:len,...]
    48                                    name[0:-1] whole string
    49                                    name[0:-2] all except last character
    50                                    name[1:2]  second and third characters
    51                                    name[-1:1] last character
    52                                    name[-3:3] last 3 characters
    53                                copyname (case insensitive)
    54                                  '' == 'foo (1).bar' == 'Copy of', also requires +size or +content
    55                                namesuffix (case insensitive)
    56                                  one filename must end with the other, e.g.: '' and ''
    57                                nameprefix (case insensitive)
    58                                  one filename must begin with the other, e.g., '' and ''
    59                                parent (case insensitive name of immediate parent directory)
    60                                  range notation supported: see 'name' for examples
    61                                path
    62                                  match parent directory path
    63                                relpath
    64                                  match parent directory path relative to input dir(s)
    65                                size
    66                                content (default, also implies size)
    67                              specify multiple fields using '+', e.g.: name+content
    68    -z, --minimum-size BYTES  skip files smaller than BYTES, must be greater than the sum of --skip-header and --skip-footer (default 1)
    69        --preserve PATTERN    (deprecated) alias for --protect PATTERN
    70    -p, --protect PATTERN     prevent files matching glob PATTERN from being modified or deleted
    71                              may appear more than once to support multiple patterns
    72                              rules are applied in the order specified
    73        --protect-dir DIR     similar to --protect 'DIR/**/*', but throws error if DIR does not exist
    74    -q, --quiet               don't display current filename during scanning
    75    -r, --recursive           traverse subdirectories
    76        --skip-footer LENGTH  skip LENGTH bytes at the end of each file when comparing
    77    -n, --skip-header LENGTH  skip LENGTH bytes at the beginning of each file when comparing
    78        --unprotect value     remove files added by --protect
    79                              may appear more than once
    80                              rules are applied in the order specified
    81        --unprotect-dir DIR   similar to --unprotect 'DIR/**/*', but throws error if DIR does not exist
    82    -v, --verbose             display additional details regarding protected paths
    83  ```
    85  ## Copy-on-write Cloning
    87  The `--clone` flag enables copy-on-write clones on compatible filesystems. Common filesystems with support include APFS, ReFS, and Btrfs. See [Comparison of file systems]( on Wikipedia for more. Note that `--copy` may also create clones when using Mac OS X with an APFS filesystem.
    89  ## License
    91  Licensed under the [Apache 2.0 license](LICENSE).
    93  * [clonefile_windows.go](clonefile_windows.go) is adapted from [git-lfs](, licensed under the [MIT license](
    94  * [path_windows.go](path_windows.go) is adapted from the [Go standard library](, licensed under a [BSD-style license](LICENSE-golang).