
     1  Configuration
     2  =============
     3  gödel projects are configured using YML files in the "godel/config" directory. The YML files in that directory specify
     4  the declarative configuration for various different aspects of gödel projects.
     6  Overview
     7  --------
     9  The following is a list of the supported configuration files:
    11  | File | Tasks | Struct definitions |
    12  | ---- | ----- | ------------------ |
    13  | `check.yml` | `check`, `verify` | [apps/okgo/config/config.go] |
    14  | `dist.yml`  | `artifacts`, `build`, `dist`, `products`, `publish`, `run` | [apps/distgo/config/config.go] |
    15  | `exclude.yml` | All | [config/config.go] |
    16  | `format.yml` | `format`, `verify` | [apps/gonform/config/config.go] |
    17  | `imports.yml` | `imports`, `verify` | [vendor/] |
    18  | `license.yml` | `license`, `verify` | [vendor/] |
    19  | `test.yml` | `test`, `verify` | [apps/gunit/config/config.go] |
    21  check.yml
    22  ---------
    23  `check.yml` configures the `check` task. It controls which checks are run and allows the checks to be customized. The
    24  configuration can be used to disable specific checks, specify command-line arguments that should be provided to a check,
    25  or white-list/ignore failure output based on the message, path or name of the file.
    27  The default behavior runs all checks with no custom arguments and no ignored output.
    29  The configuration consists of a top-level map named `checks` where the key is the name of the check (`compiles`,
    30  `deadcode`, `errcheck`, etc.) and the value is the configuration for that check.
    32  Example configuration:
    34  ```yml
    35  checks:
    36    errcheck:
    37      # specify custom command-line arguments provided to the check when run
    38      args:
    39       - "-ignore"
    40       - "|Warn|Error|Critical)f?"
    41    golint:
    42      filters:
    43       # if "type" is unspecified, defaults to "message". Filters (ignores) output generated by the check if the message
    44       # matches the provided pattern (regexp).
    45       - value: "and that stutters"
    46       # "path" and "name" are also valid types.
    47       - type: path
    48         value: ""
    49    outparamcheck:
    50      # if "skip" is set to true, the check is skipped entirely.
    51      skip: true
    52  ```
    54  For further documentation on individual fields and parameters, refer to the [config documentation](
    56  dist.yml
    57  --------
    58  `dist.yml` specifies the project structure and controls the behavior of the project and product-related tasks, which
    59  are `artifacts`, `build`, `dist`, `products`, `publish` and `run`.
    61  The configuration consists of a top-level map named `products`, where the key is the name of the product (this is the
    62  name that will be used to specify the product to commands such as `build` and `dist`) and the value is the configuration
    63  for the product. A product is a `main` package meant to be built and distributed.
    65  The `build` configuration for a product specifies parameters related to building the executable, including things such
    66  as the location of the `main` package, the directory in which the executables should be built, parameters that should be
    67  provided to the `build` command and the OS/architecture combinations for which the executable(s) should be built.
    69  The `dist` configuration for a product specifies parameters related to building the distribution artifact for a product.
    70  A distribution artifact is typically a single file (such as a `tgz` or `RPM`) that is generated that contains the
    71  executables built by the `build` task and other supporting files such as default configuration. The output artifacts of
    72  the `dist` task are also the artifacts that are published by the `publish` task. Because creating a distribution can
    73  often involve many customized steps (such as downloading external dependencies), the configuration supports specifying
    74  a bash script that can be run as part of the distribution task to create the distribution for a product.
    76  Example configuration:
    78  ```
    79  products:
    80    distgo:
    81      build:
    82        output-dir: ./apps/distgo/build
    83        main-pkg: ./apps/distgo/main/distgo
    84        environment:
    85          CGO_ENABLED: "0"
    86        version-var:
    87      dist:
    88        output-dir: ./apps/distgo/dist
    89        dist-type:
    90          type: bin
    91          info:
    92            omit-init-sh: true
    93    example:
    94      build:
    95        main-pkg: ./example/main/example
    96        output-dir: example/build/bin
    97        os-archs:
    98          - os: linux
    99            arch: amd64
   100      dist:
   101        output-dir: example/build/distributions
   102        dist-type:
   103          type: sls
   104        script: |
   105                 echo $(date +%Y-%m-%d.%H:%M:%S) >> "$DIST_DIR/timestamp.txt"
   106  ```
   108  For further documentation on individual fields and parameters, refer to the [config documentation](
   110  exclude.yml
   111  -----------
   112  `exclude.yml` specifies the files and directories that should be excluded from gödel tasks. This configuration is used
   113  by most of the gödel sub-tasks, so if there are files or directories that should always be excluded from tasks
   114  (generated source, vendored files, etc.), they should be defined here.
   116  ### names
   117  Regular expressions that match the names of the files or directories that should be excluded. Uses the
   118  [Go regular expression syntax](
   120  ### paths
   121  Relative file paths (which can contain [globs]( that match the names of the
   122  files or directories that should be excluded.
   124  ### Example
   126  The default file contains the following configuration:
   128  ```yml
   129  names:
   130    - "\\..+"
   131    - "vendor"
   132  paths:
   133    - "godel"
   134  ```
   136  This configuration excludes all hidden files and directories (those that start with `.`) and all `vendor` directories in
   137  the project and also excludes the `godel` directory located in the root of the project (which is where the configuration
   138  is stored).
   140  format.yml
   141  ----------
   142  `format.yml` configures the `format` task. This configuration file can be used to customize the arguments that are
   143  provided to the formatters.
   145  The configuration consists of a top-level map named `formatters`, where the key is the name of the formatter (`gofmt` or
   146  `ptimports`) and the value is the configuration for that formatter. The configuration for the formatter can be used to
   147  customize the command-line flags provided to the formatters.
   149  The default file contains the following configuration:
   151  ```yml
   152  formatters:
   153    gofmt:
   154      args:
   155        - "-s"
   156  ```
   158  This configuration runs `gofmt` with the `-s` flag to make it simplify the code for the files on which it is run.
   160  For further documentation on individual fields and parameters, refer to the [config documentation](
   162  imports.yml
   163  -----------
   164  `imports.yml` configures the `imports` task, which runs [`gocd`](
   165  The `imports.yml` file specifies the directories that should be considered "root" directories that should be analyzed by
   166  `gocd` -- directories that are specified as root directories will have a `gocd_imports.json` file produced and verified
   167  for it.
   169  Example configuration:
   171  ```yml
   172  root-dirs:
   173    - pkg
   174  ```
   176  For further documentation on individual fields and parameters, refer to the [config documentation](
   178  license.yml
   179  -----------
   180  `license.yml` configures the `license` task, which runs [`golicense`](
   181  The `license.yml` file specifies the license header that should be applied to all of the non-excluded `.go` files in the
   182  project. If different files in the project should have different license headers, overrides can also be configured using
   183  this file.
   185  Example configuration:
   187  ```
   188  header: |
   189    // Copyright 2016 Palantir Technologies, Inc.
   190    //
   191    // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   192    // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   193    // You may obtain a copy of the License at
   194    //
   195    //
   196    //
   197    // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   198    // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   199    // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
   200    // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   201    // limitations under the License.
   203  custom-headers:
   204    - name: outparamcheck
   205      header: |
   206        // Copyright 2016 Palantir Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.
   207        // Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE in the project root
   208        // for license information.
   210      paths:
   211        - outparamcheck
   212    - name: outparamcheck-custom
   213      header: |
   214        // Copyright 2013 Kamil Kisiel
   215        // Modifications copyright 2016 Palantir Technologies, Inc.
   216        // Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE in the project root
   217        // for license information.
   219      paths:
   220        - outparamcheck/exprs
   221        - outparamcheck/outparamcheck/error.go
   222        - outparamcheck/outparamcheck/outparamcheck.go
   223        - outparamcheck/outparamcheck/outparamcheck_test.go
   224  ```
   226  For further documentation on individual fields and parameters, refer to the [config documentation](
   228  test.yml
   229  --------
   230  `test.yml` configures the `test` task. It can be used to specify and define test "tags" that match certain files or
   231  paths in the project. Tests that match a tag are only run when explicitly specified using the `--tags` flag for the
   232  `test` task.
   234  Example configuration:
   236  ```
   237  tags:
   238    integration:
   239      names:
   240        - "^integration$"
   241  ```
   243  For further documentation on individual fields and parameters, refer to the [config documentation](