
     1  run:
     2    timeout: 5m
     3    skip-dirs:
     4      - gen
     6  linters:
     7    enable-all: true
     8    disable:
     9      - dupl # allow duplication
    10      - funlen # allow long functions
    11      - gomnd # allow some magic numbers
    12      - wsl # unwanted amount of whitespace
    13      - godox # allow TODOs
    14      - interfacer # deprecated by the author for having too many false positives
    15      - gocognit # allow higher cognitive complexity
    16      - testpackage # unwanted convention
    17      - nestif # allow deep nesting
    18      - unparam # allow constant parameters
    19      - goerr113 # allow "dynamic" errors
    20      - dogsled # allow blank identifiers
    21      - cyclop # allow complex functions
    22      - nlreturn # allow return/break without whitespace
    23      - exhaustive # TODO: make switches exhaustive and enable
    24      - noctx # TODO: update http calls and enable
    25      - wrapcheck # TODO: don't require error wrapping
    26      - paralleltest # TODO: make tests parallel and enable
    27      - forbidigo # TODO: remove Printf from CLI tools and enable
    28      - exhaustivestruct # don't require exhaustive structs
    29      - ifshort # has false positives in 1.37.0