
     1  ---
     2  layout: "aws"
     3  page_title: "AWS: aws_sqs_queue"
     4  sidebar_current: "docs-aws-resource-sqs"
     5  description: |-
     6    Provides a SQS resource.
     7  ---
     9  # aws\_sqs\_queue
    11  ## Example Usage
    13  ```
    14  resource "aws_sqs_queue" "terraform_queue" {
    15    name = "terraform-example-queue"
    16    delay_seconds = 90
    17    max_message_size = 2048
    18    message_retention_seconds = 86400
    19    receive_wait_time_seconds = 10
    20  }
    21  ```
    23  ## Argument Reference
    25  The following arguments are supported:
    27  * `name` - (Required) This is the human-readable name of the queue
    28  * `visibility_timeout_seconds` - (Optional) The visibility timeout for the queue. An integer from 0 to 43200 (12 hours). The default for this attribute is 30. For more information about visibility timeout, see [AWS docs](
    29  * `message_retention_seconds` - (Optional) The number of seconds Amazon SQS retains a message. Integer representing seconds, from 60 (1 minute) to 1209600 (14 days). The default for this attribute is 345600 (4 days).
    30  * `max_message_size` - (Optional) The limit of how many bytes a message can contain before Amazon SQS rejects it. An integer from 1024 bytes (1 KiB) up to 262144 bytes (256 KiB). The default for this attribute is 262144 (256 KiB).
    31  * `delay_seconds` - (Optional) The time in seconds that the delivery of all messages in the queue will be delayed. An integer from 0 to 900 (15 minutes). The default for this attribute is 0 seconds.
    32  * `receive_wait_time_seconds` - (Optional) The time for which a ReceiveMessage call will wait for a message to arrive (long polling) before returning. An integer from 0 to 20 (seconds). The default for this attribute is 0, meaning that the call will return immediately.
    33  * `policy` - (Optional) The JSON policy for the SQS queue
    34  * `redrive_policy` - (Optional) The JSON policy to set up the Dead Letter Queue, see [AWS docs](
    36  ## Attributes Reference
    38  The following attributes are exported:
    40  * `id` - The URL for the created Amazon SQS queue.
    41  * `arn` - The ARN of the SQS queue