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     5  # onedriver
     7  **onedriver is a native Linux filesystem for Microsoft OneDrive.**
     9  onedriver is a network filesystem that gives your computer direct access to your
    10  files on Microsoft OneDrive. This is not a sync client. Instead of syncing
    11  files, onedriver performs an on-demand download of files when your computer
    12  attempts to use them. onedriver allows you to use files on OneDrive as if they
    13  were files on your local computer.
    15  onedriver is extremely straightforwards to use:
    17  - Install onedriver using your favorite installation method.
    18  - Click the "+" button in the app to setup one or more OneDrive accounts.
    19    (There's a command-line workflow for those who prefer doing things that way
    20    too!)
    21  - Just start using your files on OneDrive as if they were normal files.
    23  I've spent a lot of time trying to make onedriver fast, convenient, and easy to
    24  use. Though you can use it on servers, the goal here is to make it easy to work
    25  with OneDrive files on your Linux desktop. This allows you to easily sync files
    26  between any number of Windows, Mac, and Linux computers. You can setup your
    27  phone to auto-upload photos to OneDrive and edit and view them on your Linux
    28  computer. You can switch between LibreOffice on your local computer and the
    29  Microsoft 365 online apps as needed when working. Want to migrate from Windows
    30  to Linux? Just throw all your Windows files into OneDrive, add your OneDrive
    31  account to Linux with onedriver, and call it a day.
    33  **Microsoft OneDrive works on Linux.**
    35  Getting started with your files on OneDrive is as easy as running:
    36  `onedriver /path/to/mount/onedrive/at` (there's also a helpful GUI!). To get a
    37  list of all the arguments onedriver can be run with you can read the manual page
    38  by typing `man onedriver` or get a quick summary with `onedriver --help`.
    40  ## Key features
    42  onedriver has several nice features that make it significantly more useful than
    43  other OneDrive clients:
    45  - **Files are only downloaded when you use them.** onedriver will only download
    46    a file if you (or a program on your computer) uses that file. You don't need
    47    to wait hours for a sync client to sync your entire OneDrive account to your
    48    local computer or try to guess which files and folders you might need later
    49    while setting up a "selective sync". onedriver gives you instant access to
    50    _all_ of your files and only downloads the ones you use.
    52  - **Bidirectional sync.** Although onedriver doesn't actually "sync" any files,
    53    any changes that occur on OneDrive will be automatically reflected on your
    54    local machine. onedriver will only redownload a file when you access a file
    55    that has been changed remotely on OneDrive. If you somehow simultaneously
    56    modify a file both locally on your computer and also remotely on OneDrive,
    57    your local copy will always take priority (to avoid you losing any local
    58    work).
    60  - **Can be used offline.** Files you've opened previously will be available even
    61    if your computer has no access to the internet. The filesystem becomes
    62    read-only if you lose internet access, and automatically enables write access
    63    again when you reconnect to the internet.
    65  - **Fast.** Great care has been taken to ensure that onedriver never makes a
    66    network request unless it actually needs to. onedriver caches both filesystem
    67    metadata and file contents both in memory and on-disk. Accessing your OneDrive
    68    files will be fast and snappy even if you're engaged in a fight to the death
    69    for the last power outlet at a coffeeshop with bad wifi. (This has definitely
    70    never happened to me before, why do you ask?)
    72  - **Has a user interface.** You can add and remove your OneDrive accounts
    73    without ever using the command-line. Once you've added your OneDrive accounts,
    74    there's no special interface beyond your normal file browser.
    76  - **Free and open-source.** They're your files. Why should you have to pay to
    77    access them? onedriver is licensed under the GPLv3, which means you will
    78    _always_ have access to use onedriver to access your files on OneDrive.
    80  ## Quick start
    82  ### Fedora/CentOS/RHEL
    84  Users on Fedora/CentOS/RHEL systems are recommended to install onedriver from
    85  [COPR]( This will
    86  install the latest version of onedriver through your package manager and ensure
    87  it stays up-to-date with bugfixes and new features.
    89  ```bash
    90  sudo dnf copr enable jstaf/onedriver
    91  sudo dnf install onedriver
    92  ```
    94  ### OpenSUSE
    96  OpenSUSE users need to add the COPR repo either for Leap or Tumbleweed
    98  ```bash
    99  # Leap 15.4
   100  sudo zypper addrepo -g -r onedriver
   101  sudo zypper --gpg-auto-import-keys refresh
   102  sudo zypper install onedriver
   104  # Tumbleweed
   105  sudo zypper addrepo -g -r onedriver
   106  sudo zypper --gpg-auto-import-keys refresh
   107  sudo zypper install onedriver
   108  ```
   110  ### Ubuntu/Pop!\_OS/Debian
   112  Ubuntu/Pop!\_OS/Debian users can install onedriver from the
   113  [OpenSUSE Build Service](
   114  (despite the name, OBS also does a nice job of building packages for Debian).
   115  Like the COPR install, this will enable you to install onedriver through your
   116  package manager and install updates as they become available. If you previously
   117  installed onedriver via PPA, you can purge the old PPA from your system via:
   118  `sudo add-apt-repository --remove ppa:jstaf/onedriver`
   120  ### Arch/Manjaro/EndeavourOS
   122  Arch/Manjaro/EndeavourOS users can install onedriver from the
   123  [AUR](
   125  Post-installation, you can start onedriver either via the `onedriver-launcher`
   126  desktop app, or via the command line: `onedriver /path/to/mount/onedrive/at/`.
   128  ### Gentoo
   130  Gentoo users can install onedriver from
   131  [this ebuild overlay]( provided by a user. If
   132  you don't want to add user-hosted overlays to your system you may copy the
   133  ebuild for the latest version to a local overlay, which can be created by
   134  following the instructions available in the
   135  [Gentoo Wiki](
   137  Make sure to carefully review the ebuild for the package before installing it
   139  ### NixOS/NixPkgs
   141  NixOS and Nix users can install onedriver from
   142  [the unstable channel](
   143  either by adding the package to their system's configuration (if they are using
   144  NixOS) or by installing it manually via `nix-env -iA unstable.onedriver`.
   146  ## Multiple drives and starting OneDrive on login via systemd
   148  **Note:** You can also set this up through the GUI via the `onedriver-launcher`
   149  desktop app installed via rpm/deb/`make install`. You can skip this section if
   150  you're using the GUI. It's honestly easier.
   152  To start onedriver automatically and ensure you always have access to your
   153  files, you can start onedriver as a systemd user service. In this example,
   154  `$MOUNTPOINT` refers to where we want OneDrive to be mounted at (for instance,
   155  `~/OneDrive`).
   157  ```bash
   158  # create the mountpoint and determine the service name
   159  mkdir -p $MOUNTPOINT
   160  export SERVICE_NAME=$(systemd-escape --template onedriver@.service --path $MOUNTPOINT)
   162  # mount onedrive
   163  systemctl --user daemon-reload
   164  systemctl --user start $SERVICE_NAME
   166  # automatically mount onedrive when you login
   167  systemctl --user enable $SERVICE_NAME
   169  # check onedriver's logs for the current day
   170  journalctl --user -u $SERVICE_NAME --since today
   171  ```
   173  ## Building onedriver yourself
   175  In addition to the traditional [Go tooling](, you will
   176  need a C compiler and development headers for `webkit2gtk-4.0` and `json-glib`.
   177  On Fedora, these can be obtained with
   178  `dnf install golang gcc pkg-config webkit2gtk3-devel json-glib-devel`. On
   179  Ubuntu, these dependencies can be installed with
   180  `apt install golang gcc pkg-config libwebkit2gtk-4.0-dev libjson-glib-dev`.
   182  ```bash
   183  # to build and run the binary
   184  make
   185  mkdir mount
   186  ./onedriver mount/
   188  # in new window, check out the mounted filesystem
   189  ls -l mount
   191  # unmount the filesystem
   192  fusermount3 -uz mount
   193  # you can also just "ctrl-c" onedriver to unmount it
   194  ```
   196  ### Running the tests
   198  The tests will write and delete files/folders on your onedrive account at the
   199  path `/onedriver_tests`. Note that the offline test suite requires `sudo` to
   200  remove network access to simulate being offline.
   202  ```bash
   203  # setup test tooling for first time run
   204  make test-init
   206  # actually run tests
   207  make test
   208  ```
   210  ### Installation from source
   212  onedriver has multiple installation methods depending on your needs.
   214  ```bash
   215  # install directly from source
   216  make
   217  sudo make install
   219  # create an RPM for system-wide installation on RHEL/CentOS/Fedora using mock
   220  sudo dnf install golang gcc webkit2gtk3-devel json-glib-devel pkg-config git \
   221      rsync rpmdevtools rpm-build mock
   222  sudo usermod -aG mock $USER
   223  newgrp mock
   224  make rpm
   226  # create a .deb for system-wide installation on Ubuntu/Debian using pbuilder
   227  sudo apt update
   228  sudo apt install golang gcc libwebkit2gtk-4.0-dev libjson-glib-dev pkg-config git \
   229      rsync devscripts debhelper build-essential pbuilder
   230  sudo pbuilder create  # may need to add "--distribution focal" on ubuntu
   231  make deb
   232  ```
   234  ## Troubleshooting
   236  During your OneDrive travels, you might hit a bug that I haven't squashed yet.
   237  Don't panic! In most cases, the filesystem will report what happened to whatever
   238  program you're using. (As an example, an error mentioning a "read-only
   239  filesystem" indicates that your computer is currently offline.)
   241  If the filesystem appears to hang or "freeze" indefinitely, its possible the
   242  fileystem has crashed. To resolve this, just restart the program by unmounting
   243  and remounting things via the GUI or by running `fusermount3 -uz $MOUNTPOINT` on
   244  the command-line.
   246  If you really want to go back to a clean slate, onedriver can be completely
   247  reset (delete all cached local data) by deleting mounts in the GUI or running
   248  `onedriver -w`.
   250  If you encounter a bug or have a feature request, open an issue in the "Issues"
   251  tab here on GitHub. The two most informative things you can put in a bug report
   252  are the logs from the bug/just before encountering the bug (get logs via
   253  `journalctl --user -u $SERVICE_NAME --since today` ... see docs for correct
   254  value of `$SERVICE_NAME`) and/or instructions on how to reproduce the issue.
   255  Otherwise I have to guess what the problem is :disappointed:
   257  ## Known issues & disclaimer
   259  Many file browsers (like
   260  [GNOME's Nautilus]( will
   261  attempt to automatically download all files within a directory in order to
   262  create thumbnail images. This is somewhat annoying, but only needs to happen
   263  once - after the initial thumbnail images have been created, thumbnails will
   264  persist between filesystem restarts.
   266  Microsoft does not support symbolic links (or anything remotely like them) on
   267  OneDrive. Attempting to create symbolic links within the filesystem returns
   268  ENOSYS (function not implemented) because the functionality hasn't been
   269  implemented... by Microsoft. Similarly, Microsoft does not expose the OneDrive
   270  Recycle Bin APIs - if you want to empty or restore the OneDrive Recycle Bin, you
   271  must do so through the OneDrive web UI (onedriver uses the native system
   272  trash/restore functionality independently of the OneDrive Recycle Bin).
   274  onedriver loads files into memory when you access them. This makes things very
   275  fast, but obviously doesn't work very well if you have very large files. Use a
   276  sync client like [rclone]( if you need the ability to copy
   277  multi-gigabyte files to OneDrive.
   279  OneDrive is not a good place to backup files to. Use a tool like
   280  [restic]( or [borg]( if you're
   281  looking for a reliable encrypted backup tool. I know some of you want to "back
   282  up your files to OneDrive". Don't do it. Restic and Borg are better in every
   283  possible way than any OneDrive client ever will be when it comes to creating
   284  backups you can count on.
   286  Finally, this project is still in active development and is provided AS IS.
   287  There are no guarantees. It might kill your cat.