(about) 1 # Tests of parse errors. 2 # This is a "chunked" file; each "---" line demarcates a new parser input. 3 # 4 # TODO(adonovan): lots more tests. 5 6 x = 1 + 7 2 ### "got newline, want primary expression" 8 9 --- 10 11 _ = *x ### `got '\*', want primary` 12 13 --- 14 15 def f(a, ): # trailing comma is ok 16 pass 17 18 --- 19 20 def f(*args, ): ### `got '\)', want parameter` 21 pass 22 23 --- 24 25 def f(**kwargs, ): ### `got '\)', want parameter` 26 pass 27 28 --- 29 30 # Parameters are validated later. 31 def f(**kwargs, *args, *, b=1, a, **kwargs, *args, *, b=1, a): 32 pass 33 34 --- 35 36 def f(a, *-b, c): # ### `got '-', want ','` 37 pass 38 39 --- 40 41 def f(**kwargs, *args, b=1, a, **kwargs, *args, b=1, a): 42 pass 43 44 --- 45 46 def pass(): ### "not an identifier" 47 pass 48 49 --- 50 51 def f : ### `got ':', want '\('` 52 53 --- 54 55 f(a, ) # trailing comma is ok 56 57 --- 58 59 f(*args, ) ### `got '\)', want argument` 60 61 --- 62 63 f(**kwargs, ) ### `got '\)', want argument` 64 65 --- 66 67 f(a=1, *, b=2) ### `got ',', want primary` 68 69 --- 70 71 _ = {x:y for y in z} # ok 72 _ = {x for y in z} ### `got for, want ':'` 73 74 --- 75 76 def f(): 77 pass 78 pass ### `unindent does not match any outer indentation level` 79 80 --- 81 def f(): pass 82 --- 83 # Blank line after pass => outdent. 84 def f(): 85 pass 86 87 --- 88 # No blank line after pass; EOF acts like a newline. 89 def f(): 90 pass 91 --- 92 # This is a well known parsing ambiguity in Python. 93 # Python 2.7 accepts it but Python3 and Starlark reject it. 94 _ = [x for x in lambda: True, lambda: False if x()] ### "got lambda, want primary" 95 96 _ = [x for x in (lambda: True, lambda: False) if x()] # ok in all dialects 97 98 --- 99 # Starlark, following Python 3, allows an unparenthesized 100 # tuple after 'in' only in a for statement but not in a comprehension. 101 # (Python 2.7 allows both.) 102 for x in 1, 2, 3: 103 print(x) 104 105 _ = [x for x in 1, 2, 3] ### `got ',', want ']', for, or if` 106 --- 107 # Unparenthesized tuple is not allowed as operand of 'if' in comprehension. 108 _ = [a for b in c if 1, 2] ### `got ',', want ']', for, or if` 109 110 --- 111 # Lambda is ok though. 112 _ = [a for b in c if lambda: d] # ok 113 114 # But the body of such a lambda may not be a conditional: 115 _ = [a for b in c if (lambda: d if e else f)] # ok 116 _ = [a for b in c if lambda: d if e else f] ### "got else, want ']'" 117 118 --- 119 # A lambda is not allowed as the operand of a 'for' clause. 120 _ = [a for b in lambda: c] ### `got lambda, want primary` 121 122 --- 123 # Comparison operations are not associative. 124 125 _ = (0 == 1) == 2 # ok 126 _ = 0 == (1 == 2) # ok 127 _ = 0 == 1 == 2 ### "== does not associate with ==" 128 129 --- 130 131 _ = (0 <= i) < n # ok 132 _ = 0 <= (i < n) # ok 133 _ = 0 <= i < n ### "<= does not associate with <" 134 135 --- 136 137 _ = (a in b) not in c # ok 138 _ = a in (b not in c) # ok 139 _ = a in b not in c ### "in does not associate with not in" 140 141 --- 142 # shift/reduce ambiguity is reduced 143 _ = [x for x in a if b else c] ### `got else, want ']', for, or if` 144 --- 145 [a for b in c else d] ### `got else, want ']', for, or if` 146 --- 147 _ = a + b not c ### "got identifier, want in" 148 --- 149 f(1+2 = 3) ### "keyword argument must have form name=expr" 150 --- 151 print(1, 2, 3 152 ### `got end of file, want '\)'` 153 --- 154 _ = a if b ### "conditional expression without else clause" 155 --- 156 load("") ### "load statement must import at least 1 symbol" 157 --- 158 load("", 1) ### `load operand must be "name" or localname="name" \(got int literal\)` 159 --- 160 load("a", "x") # ok 161 --- 162 load(1, 2) ### "first operand of load statement must be a string literal" 163 --- 164 load("a", x) ### `load operand must be "x" or x="originalname"` 165 --- 166 load("a", x2=x) ### `original name of loaded symbol must be quoted: x2="originalname"` 167 --- 168 # All of these parse. 169 load("a", "x") 170 load("a", "x", y2="y") 171 load("a", x2="x", "y") # => positional-before-named arg check happens later (!) 172 --- 173 # 'load' is not an identifier 174 load = 1 ### `got '=', want '\('` 175 --- 176 # 'load' is not an identifier 177 f(load()) ### `got load, want primary` 178 --- 179 # 'load' is not an identifier 180 def load(): ### `not an identifier` 181 pass 182 --- 183 # 'load' is not an identifier 184 def f(load): ### `not an identifier` 185 pass 186 --- 187 # A load statement allows a trailing comma. 188 load("module", "x",) 189 --- 190 x = 1 + 191 2 ### "got newline, want primary expression" 192 --- 193 def f(): 194 pass 195 # this used to cause a spurious indentation error 196 --- 197 print 1 2 ### `got int literal, want newline` 198 199 --- 200 # newlines are not allowed in raw string literals 201 raw = r'a ### `unexpected newline in string` 202 b' 203 204 --- 205 # The parser permits an unparenthesized tuple expression for the first index. 206 x[1, 2:] # ok 207 --- 208 # But not if it has a trailing comma. 209 x[1, 2,:] ### `got ':', want primary` 210 --- 211 # Trailing tuple commas are permitted only within parens; see b/28867036. 212 (a, b,) = 1, 2 # ok 213 c, d = 1, 2 # ok 214 --- 215 a, b, = 1, 2 ### `unparenthesized tuple with trailing comma` 216 --- 217 a, b = 1, 2, ### `unparenthesized tuple with trailing comma` 218 219 --- 220 # See 221 a = max(range(10))) ### `unexpected '\)'` 222 223 --- 224 # 225 s = "\x-0" ### `invalid escape sequence`