
     1  # swagger:meta
     3  The **swagger:meta** annotation flags a file as source for metadata about the API.
     4  This is typically a doc.go file with your package documentation.
     6  You can specify a Consumes and Produces key which has a new content type on each line
     7  Schemes is a tag that is required and allows for a comma separated string composed of:
     8  http, https, ws or wss
    10  Host and BasePath can be specified but those values will be defaults,
    11  they should get substituted when serving the swagger spec.
    13  The description property uses the rest of the comment block as description for the api when not explicitly provided
    15  ##### Syntax:
    17  ```
    18  swagger:meta
    19  ```
    21  ##### Properties:
    23  Annotation | Format
    24  -----------|--------
    25  **Terms Of Service** | allows for either a url or a free text definition describing the terms of services for the API
    26  **Consumes** | a list of default (global) mime type values, one per line, for the content the API receives.<br>[List of supported mime types](#supported-mime-types)
    27  **Produces** | a list of default (global) mime type values, one per line, for the content the API sends.<br>[List of supported mime types](#supported-mime-types)
    28  **Schemes** | a list of default schemes the API accept (possible values: http, https, ws, wss) https is preferred as default when configured
    29  **Version** | the current version of the API
    30  **Host** | the host from where the spec is served
    31  **Base path** | the default base path for this API
    32  **Contact** | the name of for the person to contact concerning the API eg. John Doe&nbsp;&lt;;&nbsp;
    33  **License** | the name of the license followed by the URL of the license eg. MIT
    34  **Security** | a dictionary of key: []string{scopes}
    35  **SecurityDefinitions** | list of supported authorization types
    36  **Extensions** | list of extensions to Swagger Schema. The field name MUST begin with x-, for example, x-internal-id. The value can be null, a primitive, an array or an object.
    38  ##### Example:
    40  ```go
    41  // Package classification Petstore API.
    42  //
    43  // the purpose of this application is to provide an application
    44  // that is using plain go code to define an API
    45  //
    46  // This should demonstrate all the possible comment annotations
    47  // that are available to turn go code into a fully compliant swagger 2.0 spec
    48  //
    49  // Terms Of Service:
    50  //
    51  // there are no TOS at this moment, use at your own risk we take no responsibility
    52  //
    53  //     Schemes: http, https
    54  //     Host: localhost
    55  //     BasePath: /v2
    56  //     Version: 0.0.1
    57  //     License: MIT
    58  //     Contact: John Doe<>
    59  //
    60  //     Consumes:
    61  //     - application/json
    62  //     - application/xml
    63  //
    64  //     Produces:
    65  //     - application/json
    66  //     - application/xml
    67  //
    68  //     Security:
    69  //     - api_key:
    70  //
    71  //     SecurityDefinitions:
    72  //     api_key:
    73  //          type: apiKey
    74  //          name: KEY
    75  //          in: header
    76  //     oauth2:
    77  //         type: oauth2
    78  //         authorizationUrl: /oauth2/auth
    79  //         tokenUrl: /oauth2/token
    80  //         in: header
    81  //         scopes:
    82  //           bar: foo
    83  //         flow: accessCode
    84  //
    85  //     Extensions:
    86  //     x-meta-value: value
    87  //     x-meta-array:
    88  //       - value1
    89  //       - value2
    90  //     x-meta-array-obj:
    91  //       - name: obj
    92  //         value: field
    93  //
    94  // swagger:meta
    95  package classification
    96  ```
    98  ##### Result
   100  ```yaml
   101  ---
   102  swagger: '2.0'
   103  consumes:
   104    - application/json
   105    - application/xml
   106  produces:
   107    - application/json
   108    - application/xml
   109  schemes:
   110    - http
   111    - https
   112  info:
   113    description: "the purpose of this application is to provide an application\nthat is using plain go code to define an API\n\nThis should demonstrate all the possible comment annotations\nthat are available to turn go code into a fully compliant swagger 2.0 spec"
   114    title: 'Petstore API.'
   115    termsOfService: 'there are no TOS at this moment, use at your own risk we take no responsibility'
   116    contact: {name: 'John Doe', url: '', email:}
   117    license: {name: MIT, url: ''}
   118    version: 0.0.1
   119  host: localhost
   120  basePath: /v2
   121  x-meta-value: value
   122  x-meta-array:
   123    - value1
   124    - value2
   125  x-meta-array-obj:
   126    - name: obj
   127      value: field
   128  ```
   130  ##### Supported MIME types
   132  Consumes      | Produces
   133  --------------|---------
   134  json          | json
   135  yaml          | yaml
   136  xml           | xml
   137  txt           | txt
   138  bin           | bin
   139  urlform       | urlform
   140  multipartform | multipartform
   142  [Source](