
     1  ---
     2  swagger: "2.0"
     3  info:
     4    description: "Test fixture for issue#1781, based on deterministic or pseudo-random data generator"
     5    version: "1.0.0"
     6    title: "Pseudo Service"
     7    contact:
     8      name: "go-swagger maintainers"
     9    license:
    10      name: "Apache 2.0"
    11  host: "localhost"
    12  basePath: "/"
    13  schemes:
    14  - "http"
    15  #- "https"
    16  consumes:
    17  - "application/json"
    18  produces:
    19  - "application/json"
    20  parameters:
    21    count:
    22      name: "count"
    23      in: "path"
    24      description: "How many results to generate."
    25      required: true
    26      type: integer
    27      format: "int32"
    28      maximum: 500
    29      minimum: 1
    30    seed:
    31      name: "seed"
    32      format: "int64"
    33      in: "query"
    34      description: "The seed for the pseudo-random generator. For each unique value the same results will be given. If no seed is provided a pseudo-random one will be generated (rand.Int63)."
    35      required: false
    36      type: "integer"
    37  paths:
    38    /health:
    39      get:
    40        description: "Get the health of the service"
    41        responses:
    42          200:
    43            description: "Everything is fine"
    44          default:
    45            description: "Service is not available"
    46    /custom/{count}:
    47      get:
    48        description: "Generate results based on a pattern/template."
    49        parameters:
    50        - $ref: "#/parameters/count"
    51        - $ref: "#/parameters/seed"
    52        - in: query
    53          name: "template"
    54          type: "string"
    55          description: "The template used to generate the results, eg: 'My name is ~name~'"
    56          required: true
    57          minLength: 1
    58          maxLength: 1024
    59        responses:
    60          200:
    61            description: "The results were successfully generated"
    62            schema:
    63              $ref: "#/definitions/CustomResponseModel"
    64          default:
    65            description: "Error occurred"
    66            schema:
    67              $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorModel"
    68        security:
    69        - apikey: []
    70    /users/{count}:
    71      get:
    72        description: "Get a random user"
    73        parameters:
    74        - $ref: "#/parameters/count"
    75        - $ref: "#/parameters/seed"
    76        responses:
    77          200:
    78            description: "The users were successfully generated"
    79            schema:
    80              $ref: "#/definitions/UserResponseModel"
    81          default:
    82            description: "Error occurred"
    83            schema:
    84              $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorModel"
    85  securityDefinitions:
    86    apikey:
    87      type: "apiKey"
    88      name: "token"
    89      in: "query"
    90  security: #apply the apikey to all endpoints
    91  - apikey: []
    92  definitions:
    93    User:
    94      type: "object"
    95      required:
    96      - "id"
    97      - "name"
    98      properties:
    99        id:
   100          type: "string"
   101          format: "uuid"
   102          example: "356b1896-ee58-4fd8-931d-4cfaee21158e"
   103          description: "UUID for this user"
   104        age:
   105          type: "number"
   106          format: "int32"
   107          minimum: 0
   108          maximum: 255
   109        name:
   110          type: "string"
   111          example: "John Doe"
   112          description: "First and Last name"
   113        Company:
   114          type: "string"
   115          example: "De-engineered niches Group"
   116        position:
   117          type: "string"
   118          example: "Central Branding Producer"
   119        email:
   120          type: "string"
   121          example: ""
   122        country:
   123          type: "string"
   124          example: "Romania"
   125        friends:
   126          type: "array"
   127          example:
   128          - "356b1896-ee58-4fd8-931d-4cfaee21158e"
   129          - "3d813194-e9ed-4b09-a1ae-301b83bfdd9d"
   130          description: "Random list of UUIDs from the same response. To increase the chance of having friends request for bigger batches."
   131          items:
   132            type: "string"
   133            example: "356b1896-ee58-4fd8-931d-4cfaee21158e"
   134            description: "UUID for this friend"
   135      example:
   136        id: "356b1896-ee58-4fd8-931d-4cfaee21158e"
   137        age: 33
   138        name: "John Doe"
   139        company: "De-engineered niches Group"
   140        position: "Central Branding Producer"
   141        email: ""
   142        country: "Romania"
   143        friends:
   144        - "3d813194-e9ed-4b09-a1ae-301b83bfdd9d"
   145        - "356b1896-ee58-4fd8-931d-4cfaee21158e"
   146    UserResponseModel:
   147      type: "object"
   148      properties:
   149        seed:
   150          type: "integer"
   151          format: "int64"
   152          description: "Number that was used to generate these users"
   153        nextseed:
   154          type: "integer"
   155          format: "int64"
   156          description: "Use this to get the next users from the deterministic series"
   157        users:
   158          type: "array"
   159          items:
   160            $ref: "#/definitions/User"
   161      example:
   162        nextseed: 6
   163        seed: 0
   164        users:
   165        - id: "356b1896-ee58-4fd8-931d-4cfaee21158e"
   166          age: 33
   167          name: "John Doe"
   168          company: "De-engineered niches Group"
   169          position: "Central Branding Producer"
   170          email: ""
   171          country: "Romania"
   172          friends:
   173          - "3d813194-e9ed-4b09-a1ae-301b83bfdd9d"
   174          - "356b1896-ee58-4fd8-931d-4cfaee21158e"
   175    ErrorModel:
   176      type: "object"
   177      required:
   178      - "code"
   179      - "message"
   180      properties:
   181        code:
   182          type: "integer"
   183          format: "int32"
   184        message:
   185          type: "string"
   186      example:
   187        code: 42
   188        message: "Something went wrong"
   189    CustomResponseModel:
   190      type: "object"
   191      properties:
   192        seed:
   193          type: "integer"
   194          format: "int64"
   195          description: "Number that was used to generate these results"
   196        results:
   197          type: array
   198          items:
   199            type: string
   200            description: "One result is one template with random data"