
     1  swagger: '2.0'
     3  info:
     4    version: "1.0.0"
     5    title: Simple Search API
     6    description: |
     7      A very simple api description that makes a x-www-form-urlencoded only API to submit searches.
     9  tags:
    10    - name: search
    11    - name: tasks
    13  produces:
    14    - application/json
    16  consumes:
    17    - application/json
    19  paths:
    20    /search:
    21      post:
    22        operationId: search
    23        summary: searches tasks
    24        description: searches the task titles and descriptions for a match
    25        consumes:
    26          - application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    27        tags:
    28          - search
    29        parameters:
    30          - name: q
    31            in: formData
    32            type: string
    33            description: the search string
    34            required: true
    35        responses:
    36          default:  
    37            description: Generic Error
    38    /tasks:
    39      get:
    40        operationId: getTasks
    41        summary: Gets `Task` objects.
    42        description: |
    43          Optional query param of **size** determines
    44          size of returned array
    45        tags:
    46          - tasks
    47        parameters:
    48          - name: size
    49            in: query
    50            description: Size of task list
    51            type: integer
    52            format: int32
    53            default: 20
    54          - name: completed
    55            in: query
    56            description: when true shows completed tasks
    57            type: boolean
    59        responses:
    60          default:
    61            description: Generic Error
    62          200:
    63            description: Successful response
    64            headers:
    65              X-Rate-Limit:
    66                type: integer
    67                format: int32
    68              X-Rate-Limit-Remaining:
    69                type: integer
    70                format: int32
    71                default: 42
    72              X-Rate-Limit-Reset:
    73                type: integer
    74                format: int32
    75                default: 1449875311
    76              X-Rate-Limit-Reset-Human:
    77                type: string
    78                default: 3 days
    79              X-Rate-Limit-Reset-Human-Number:
    80                type: string
    81                default: "3"
    82              Access-Control-Allow-Origin:
    83                type: string
    84                default: "*"
    85            schema:
    86              type: array
    87              items:
    88                $ref: "#/definitions/Task"
    89      post:
    90        operationId: createTask
    91        summary: Creates a 'Task' object.
    92        description: |
    93          Validates the content property for length etc.
    94        parameters:
    95          - name: body
    96            in: body
    97            schema:
    98              $ref: "#/definitions/Task"
    99        tags:
   100          - tasks
   101        responses:
   102          default:
   103            description: Generic Error
   104          201:
   105            description: Task Created
   107    /tasks/{id}:
   108      parameters:
   109        - name: id
   110          in: path
   111          type: integer
   112          format: int32
   113          description: The id of the task
   114          required: true
   115          minimum: 1
   116      put:
   117        operationId: updateTask
   118        summary: updates a task.
   119        description: |
   120          Validates the content property for length etc.
   121        tags:
   122          - tasks
   123        parameters:
   124          - name: body
   125            in: body
   126            description: the updated task
   127            schema:
   128              $ref: "#/definitions/Task"
   129        responses:
   130          default:
   131            description: Generic Error
   132          200:
   133            description: Task updated
   134            schema:
   135              $ref: "#/definitions/Task"
   136      delete:
   137        operationId: deleteTask
   138        summary: deletes a task
   139        description: |
   140          Deleting a task is irrevocable.
   141        tags:
   142          - tasks
   143        responses:
   144          default:
   145            description: Generic Error
   146          204:
   147            description: Task Deleted
   150  definitions:
   151    Task:
   152      title: A Task object
   153      description: |
   154        This describes a task. Tasks require a content property to be set.
   155      required:
   156        - content
   157      type: object
   158      properties:
   159        id:
   160          title: the unique id of the task
   161          description: |
   162            This id property is autogenerated when a task is created.
   163          type: integer
   164          format: int64
   165          readOnly: true
   166        content:
   167          title: The content of the task
   168          description: |
   169            Task content can contain [GFM](
   170          type: string
   171          minLength: 5
   172        completed:
   173          title: when true this task is completed
   174          type: boolean
   175        creditcard:
   176          title: the credit card format usage
   177          type: string
   178          format: creditcard
   179        createdAt:
   180          title: task creation time
   181          type: string
   182          format: date-time
   183          readOnly: true