
     1  // Code generated by go-swagger; DO NOT EDIT.
     4  {{ if .Copyright -}}// {{ comment .Copyright -}}{{ end }}
     7  package {{ .Package }}
     9  // This file was generated by the swagger tool.
    10  // Editing this file might prove futile when you re-run the swagger generate command
    12  import (
    13    "context"
    14    "net/http"
    16    ""
    17    ""
    18    ""
    19    ""
    20    cr ""
    22    strfmt ""
    24    {{ range .DefaultImports }}{{ printf "%q" .}}
    25    {{ end }}
    26    {{ range $key, $value := .Imports }}{{ $key }} {{ printf "%q" $value }}
    27    {{ end }}
    28  )
    30  // New{{ pascalize .Name }}Params creates a new {{ pascalize .Name }}Params object
    31  // with the default values initialized.
    32  func New{{ pascalize .Name }}Params() *{{ pascalize .Name }}Params {
    33    {{ if .Params }}var (
    34    {{ range .Params }}{{ if .HasDefault }}{{ if not .IsFileParam }}{{ varname .ID}}Default = {{ if .IsPrimitive}}{{.GoType}}({{ end}}{{ printf "%#v" .Default }}{{ if .IsPrimitive }}){{ end }}
    35    {{ end }}{{ end }}{{end}}
    36    ){{ end }}
    37    return &{{ pascalize .Name}}Params{
    38    {{ range .Params }}{{ if .HasDefault }}{{ pascalize .Name}}: {{ if and (not .IsArray) (not .IsMap) (not .HasDiscriminator) (or .IsNullable  ) }}&{{ end }}{{ varname .ID }}Default,
    39    {{ end }}{{ end }}
    40      {{ camelize .TimeoutName }}: cr.DefaultTimeout,
    41    }
    42  }
    44  // New{{ pascalize .Name }}ParamsWithTimeout creates a new {{ pascalize .Name }}Params object
    45  // with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a timeout on a request
    46  func New{{ pascalize .Name }}ParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *{{ pascalize .Name }}Params {
    47    {{ if .Params }}var (
    48    {{ range .Params }}{{ if .HasDefault }}{{ if not .IsFileParam }}{{ varname .ID}}Default = {{ if .IsPrimitive}}{{.GoType}}({{ end}}{{ printf "%#v" .Default }}{{ if .IsPrimitive }}){{ end }}
    49    {{ end }}{{ end }}{{end}}
    50    ){{ end }}
    51    return &{{ pascalize .Name}}Params{
    52    {{ range .Params }}{{ if .HasDefault }}{{ pascalize .ID}}: {{ if and (not .IsArray) (not .IsMap) (not .HasDiscriminator) (or .IsNullable  ) }}&{{ end }}{{ varname .ID }}Default,
    53    {{ end }}{{ end }}
    54      {{ camelize .TimeoutName }}: timeout,
    55    }
    56  }
    58  // New{{ pascalize .Name }}ParamsWithContext creates a new {{ pascalize .Name }}Params object
    59  // with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a context for a request
    60  func New{{ pascalize .Name }}ParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *{{ pascalize .Name }}Params {
    61    {{ if .Params }}var (
    62    {{ range .Params }}{{ if .HasDefault }}{{ if not .IsFileParam }}{{ camelize .Name}}Default = {{ if .IsPrimitive}}{{.GoType}}({{ end}}{{ printf "%#v" .Default }}{{ if .IsPrimitive }}){{ end }}
    63    {{ end }}{{ end }}{{end}}
    64    ){{ end }}
    65    return &{{ pascalize .Name}}Params{
    66    {{ range .Params }}{{ if .HasDefault }}{{ pascalize .Name}}: {{ if and (not .IsArray) (not .IsMap) (not .HasDiscriminator) (or .IsNullable  ) }}&{{ end }}{{ camelize .Name }}Default,
    67    {{ end }}{{ end }}
    68      Context: ctx,
    69    }
    70  }
    72  // New{{ pascalize .Name }}ParamsWithHTTPClient creates a new {{ pascalize .Name }}Params object
    73  // with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a custom HTTPClient for a request
    74  func New{{ pascalize .Name }}ParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *{{ pascalize .Name }}Params {
    75    {{ if .Params }}var (
    76    {{ range .Params }}{{ if .HasDefault }}{{ if not .IsFileParam }}{{ camelize .Name}}Default = {{ if .IsPrimitive}}{{.GoType}}({{ end}}{{ printf "%#v" .Default }}{{ if .IsPrimitive }}){{ end }}
    77    {{ end }}{{ end }}{{end}}
    78    ){{ end }}
    79    return &{{ pascalize .Name}}Params{
    80    {{ range .Params }}{{ if .HasDefault }}{{ pascalize .Name}}: {{ if and (not .IsArray) (not .IsMap) (not .HasDiscriminator) (or .IsNullable  ) }}&{{ end }}{{ camelize .Name }}Default,
    81    {{ end }}{{ end }}HTTPClient: client,
    82    }
    83  }
    85  /*{{ pascalize .Name }}Params contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint
    86  for the {{ humanize .Name }} operation typically these are written to a http.Request
    87  */
    88  type {{ pascalize .Name }}Params struct {
    90    {{ range .Params }}/*{{ pascalize .Name }}{{if .Description }}
    91    {{ blockcomment .Description }}
    93    {{ end }}*/
    94    {{ pascalize .ID }} {{ if and (not .IsArray) (not .IsMap) (not .HasDiscriminator) (not .IsInterface) (not .IsStream) (or .IsNullable  ) }}*{{ end }}{{ if not .IsFileParam }}{{ .GoType }}{{ else }}runtime.NamedReadCloser{{end}}
    95    {{ end }}
    97    {{ camelize .TimeoutName }} time.Duration
    98    Context context.Context
    99    HTTPClient *http.Client
   100  }
   102  // With{{ pascalize .TimeoutName }} adds the timeout to the {{ humanize .Name }} params
   103  func ({{ .ReceiverName }} *{{ pascalize .Name }}Params) With{{ pascalize .TimeoutName }}(timeout time.Duration) *{{ pascalize .Name }}Params {
   104    {{ .ReceiverName }}.Set{{ pascalize .TimeoutName }}(timeout)
   105    return {{ .ReceiverName }}
   106  }
   108  // Set{{ pascalize .TimeoutName }} adds the timeout to the {{ humanize .Name }} params
   109  func ({{ .ReceiverName }} *{{ pascalize .Name }}Params) Set{{ pascalize .TimeoutName }}(timeout time.Duration) {
   110    {{ .ReceiverName }}.{{ camelize .TimeoutName }} = timeout
   111  }
   113  // WithContext adds the context to the {{ humanize .Name }} params
   114  func ({{ .ReceiverName }} *{{ pascalize .Name }}Params) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *{{ pascalize .Name }}Params {
   115    {{ .ReceiverName }}.SetContext(ctx)
   116    return {{ .ReceiverName }}
   117  }
   119  // SetContext adds the context to the {{ humanize .Name }} params
   120  func ({{ .ReceiverName }} *{{ pascalize .Name }}Params) SetContext(ctx context.Context) {
   121    {{ .ReceiverName }}.Context = ctx
   122  }
   124  // WithHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the {{ humanize .Name }} params
   125  func ({{ .ReceiverName }} *{{ pascalize .Name }}Params) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *{{ pascalize .Name }}Params {
   126    {{ .ReceiverName }}.SetHTTPClient(client)
   127    return {{ .ReceiverName }}
   128  }
   130  // SetHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the {{ humanize .Name }} params
   131  func ({{ .ReceiverName }} *{{ pascalize .Name }}Params) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client) {
   132    {{ .ReceiverName }}.HTTPClient = client
   133  }
   135  {{ range .Params }}
   136  // With{{ pascalize .ID }} adds the {{ varname .Name  }} to the {{ humanize $.Name }} params
   137  func ({{ $.ReceiverName }} *{{ pascalize $.Name }}Params) With{{ pascalize .ID }}({{ varname .Name  }} {{ if and (not .IsArray) (not .IsMap) (not .HasDiscriminator) (not .IsStream) (or .IsNullable  ) }}*{{ end }}{{ if not .IsFileParam }}{{ .GoType }}{{ else }}runtime.NamedReadCloser{{ end }}) *{{ pascalize $.Name }}Params {
   138    {{ $.ReceiverName }}.Set{{ pascalize .ID }}({{ varname .Name  }})
   139    return {{ .ReceiverName }}
   140  }
   142  // Set{{ pascalize .ID }} adds the {{ camelize .Name  }} to the {{ humanize $.Name }} params
   143  func ({{ $.ReceiverName }} *{{ pascalize $.Name }}Params) Set{{ pascalize .ID }}({{ varname .Name  }} {{ if and (not .IsArray) (not .IsMap) (not .HasDiscriminator) (not .IsStream) (or .IsNullable  ) }}*{{ end }}{{ if not .IsFileParam }}{{ .GoType }}{{ else }}runtime.NamedReadCloser{{ end }}) {
   144    {{ $.ReceiverName }}.{{ pascalize .ID }} = {{ varname .Name  }}
   145  }
   147  {{ end }}
   148  // WriteToRequest writes these params to a swagger request
   149  func ({{ .ReceiverName }} *{{ pascalize .Name }}Params) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error {
   151    if err := r.SetTimeout({{ .ReceiverName }}.{{ camelize .TimeoutName }}); err != nil {
   152      return err
   153    }
   154    var res []error
   155    {{range .Params}}
   157    {{if not (or .IsArray .IsMap .IsBodyParam) }}
   158    {{ if and .IsNullable (not .AllowEmptyValue) }}if {{ .ValueExpression }} != nil { {{ end}}
   159    {{ if .IsQueryParam }}
   160    // query param {{ .Name }}
   161    {{ if .IsNullable }}var qr{{ pascalize .Name }} {{ .GoType }}
   162    if {{ .ValueExpression }} != nil {
   163      qr{{ pascalize .Name }} = *{{ .ValueExpression }}
   164    }{{ else }}qr{{ pascalize .Name }} := {{ .ValueExpression }}{{ end}}
   165    q{{ pascalize .Name}} := {{ if .Formatter }}{{ .Formatter }}(qr{{ pascalize .Name }}){{ else }}qr{{ pascalize .Name }}{{ if .IsCustomFormatter }}.String(){{end}}{{end}}{{ if not .AllowEmptyValue }}
   166    if q{{ pascalize .Name }} != "" { {{ end }}
   167    if err := r.SetQueryParam({{ printf "%q" .Name }}, q{{ pascalize .Name }}); err != nil {
   168      return err
   169    }
   170    {{ if not .AllowEmptyValue }}}{{ end }}
   171    {{ else if .IsPathParam }}
   172    // path param {{ .Name }}
   173    if err := r.SetPathParam({{ printf "%q" .Name }}, {{ if .Formatter }}{{ .Formatter }}({{ if .IsNullable }}*{{end}}{{ .ValueExpression }}){{ else }}{{ if and (not .IsCustomFormatter) .IsNullable }}*{{end}}{{ .ValueExpression }}{{ if .IsCustomFormatter }}.String(){{end}}{{end}}); err != nil {
   174      return err
   175    }
   176    {{ else if .IsHeaderParam }}
   177    // header param {{ .Name }}
   178    if err := r.SetHeaderParam({{ printf "%q" .Name }}, {{ if .Formatter }}{{ .Formatter }}({{ if .IsNullable }}*{{end}}{{ .ValueExpression }}){{ else }}{{ if and (not .IsCustomFormatter) .IsNullable }}*{{end}}{{ .ValueExpression }}{{ if .IsCustomFormatter }}.String(){{end}}{{end}}); err != nil {
   179      return err
   180    }
   181    {{ else if .IsFormParam }}
   182    {{ if .IsFileParam }}
   183    {{ if .IsNullable}}
   184    if {{ .ValueExpression }} != nil {
   185    {{end}}
   186      // form file param {{ .Name }}
   187      if err := r.SetFileParam({{ printf "%q" .Name }}, {{ .ValueExpression }}); err != nil {
   188        return err
   189      }
   190    {{ if .IsNullable}}
   191    }
   192    {{ end }}
   193    {{ else }}
   194    // form param {{ .Name }}
   195    {{ if .IsNullable }}var fr{{ pascalize .Name }} {{ .GoType }}
   196    if {{ .ValueExpression }} != nil {
   197      fr{{ pascalize .Name }} = *{{ .ValueExpression }}
   198    }{{ else }}fr{{ pascalize .Name }} := {{ .ValueExpression }}{{ end}}
   199    f{{ pascalize .Name}} := {{ if .Formatter }}{{ .Formatter }}(fr{{ pascalize .Name }}){{ else }}fr{{ pascalize .Name }}{{ if .IsCustomFormatter }}.String(){{end}}{{end}}{{ if not .AllowEmptyValue }}
   200    if f{{ pascalize .Name }} != "" { {{ end }}
   201    if err := r.SetFormParam({{ printf "%q" .Name }}, f{{ pascalize .Name }}); err != nil {
   202      return err
   203    }
   204    {{ if not .AllowEmptyValue }}}{{ end }}
   205    {{ end }}
   206    {{ end }}
   207    {{ if and .IsNullable (not .AllowEmptyValue) }}}{{end}}
   208    {{else if .IsArray }}
   209    {{ if not .IsBodyParam }}{{ if .Child }}{{ if or .Child.Formatter .Child.IsCustomFormatter }}var values{{ pascalize .Name }} []string
   210    for _, v := range {{ if and (not .IsArray) (not .IsMap) (not .IsStream) (.IsNullable) }}*{{end}}{{ .ValueExpression }} {
   211      values{{ pascalize .Name }} = append(values{{ pascalize .Name }}, {{ .Child.Formatter }}{{ if .Child.Formatter }}({{ end }}v{{ if .Child.IsCustomFormatter }}.String(){{ end }}{{ if .Child.Formatter }}){{ end }})
   212    }
   213    {{ else }}values{{ pascalize .Name }} := {{ if and (not .IsArray) (not .IsStream) (not .IsMap) (.IsNullable) }}*{{end}}{{ .ValueExpression }}{{ end }}
   214    {{ else }}values{{ pascalize .Name }} := {{ if and (not .IsArray) (not .IsStream) (not .IsMap) (.IsNullable) }}*{{end}}{{ .ValueExpression }}{{ end }}
   215    joined{{ pascalize .Name}} := swag.JoinByFormat(values{{ pascalize .Name }}, "{{.CollectionFormat}}")
   216    {{ if .IsQueryParam }}// query array param {{ .Name }}
   217    if err := r.SetQueryParam({{ printf "%q" .Name }}, joined{{ pascalize .Name }}...); err != nil {
   218      return err
   219    }
   220    {{ else if and .IsFormParam }}// form array param {{ .Name }}
   221    if err := r.SetFormParam({{ printf "%q" .Name }}, joined{{ pascalize .Name }}...); err != nil {
   222      return err
   223    }
   224    {{ else if and .IsPathParam }}// path array param {{ .Name }}
   225    // SetPathParam does not support variadric arguments, since we used JoinByFormat
   226    // we can send the first item in the array as it's all the items of the previous
   227    // array joined together
   228    if len(joined{{ pascalize .Name }}) > 0 {
   229       if err := r.SetPathParam({{ printf "%q" .Name }}, joined{{ pascalize .Name }}[0]); err != nil {
   230        return err
   231      }
   232    }
   233    {{ end }}{{ end }}
   235    {{ end }}
   237    {{if .IsBodyParam}}
   238    {{ if or .Schema.IsInterface .Schema.IsStream (and .Schema.IsArray .Child) (and .Schema.IsMap .Child) (and .Schema.IsNullable (not .HasDiscriminator)) }} if {{ .ValueExpression }} != nil { {{end}}
   239      if err := r.SetBodyParam({{ .ValueExpression }}); err != nil {
   240        return err
   241      }
   242    {{ if or .Schema.IsInterface .Schema.IsStream (and .Schema.IsArray .Child) (and .Schema.IsMap .Child) (and .Schema.IsNullable (not .HasDiscriminator)) }} } {{end}}
   243    {{end}}
   245    {{end}}
   246    if len(res) > 0 {
   247      return errors.CompositeValidationError(res...)
   248    }
   249    return nil
   250  }