
     1  {{ if .IncludeModel -}}
     2    {{ if and .IsBaseType .IsExported (not .IsSuperAlias) -}}type {{ pascalize .Name }} interface {
     3      {{- if not (or .IsInterface .IsStream) }}{{/*
     4          A base type is always Validatable.
     5          Under normal conditions, we can't have a base type rendered a .IsStream or .IsInterface: this check is just for sanity check).
     7          In the definition of the base type itself, this means that the unexported struct holding
     8          the definition of the base type has a Validate() func.
     9      */}}
    10          runtime.Validatable
    11      {{- end }}
    12      {{ range .AllOf }}
    13        {{ if .IsAnonymous }}
    14          {{ range .Properties }}
    15            {{ if $.IsTuple }}{{ template "tuplefieldIface" . }}{{ else }}{{template "structfieldIface" . }}{{ end }}
    16          {{ end }}
    17          {{- if .HasAdditionalProperties }}
    18            {{- if .AdditionalProperties -}}
    19              // {{- template "docstring" .AdditionalProperties }}
    20              {{- template "propertyValidationDocString" .AdditionalProperties}} {{ pascalize .AdditionalProperties.Name }}() map[string]{{ template "schemaType" .AdditionalProperties }}
    21            {{end}}
    22          {{ end}}
    23          {{ if .AdditionalItems -}}
    24            // {{- template "docstring" .AdditionalItems }}
    25            {{- template "propertyValidationDocString" .AdditionalItems}} {{ pascalize .AdditionalItems.Name }}() []{{ template "schemaType" .AdditionalItems }}
    26          {{ end }}
    27        {{ else }}
    28          {{ .GoType }}
    29        {{ end }}
    30      {{ end }}
    31    {{range .Properties}}
    32      {{ if $.IsTuple }}
    33        {{ template "tuplefieldIface" . }}
    34      {{ else }}
    35        {{template "structfieldIface" . }}
    36      {{ end }}
    37    {{end}}
    38    {{ if .HasAdditionalProperties }}
    39      {{- if .AdditionalProperties -}}
    40        // {{- template "docstring" .AdditionalProperties }}
    41        {{- template "propertyValidationDocString" .AdditionalProperties}} {{ pascalize .AdditionalProperties.Name }}() map[string]{{ template "schemaType" .AdditionalProperties }}
    42      {{ end }}
    43    {{ end }}
    44    {{ if .AdditionalItems -}}
    45      // {{- template "docstring" .AdditionalItems }}
    46      {{- template "propertyValidationDocString" .AdditionalItems}} {{ pascalize .AdditionalItems.Name }}() []{{ template "schemaType" .AdditionalItems }}
    47    {{ end }}
    48  }
    50    type {{ camelize .Name }} {{ template "schemaBody" . }}
    52    {{ range .Properties }}
    53      // {{ pascalize .Name}} gets the {{ humanize .Name }} of this polymorphic type
    54      func ({{ $.ReceiverName}} *{{ camelize $.Name}}) {{ pascalize .Name}}() {{ template "schemaType" . }}{
    55        {{ if eq $.DiscriminatorField .Name }}return {{ printf "%q" $.DiscriminatorValue }}{{ else }}return {{ $.ReceiverName }}.{{camelize .Name}}Field{{end}}
    56      }
    57      // Set{{ pascalize .Name}} sets the {{ humanize .Name }} of this polymorphic type
    58      func ({{ $.ReceiverName}} *{{ camelize $.Name}}) Set{{ pascalize .Name}}(val {{ template "schemaType" . }}) {
    59        {{ if ne $.DiscriminatorField .Name }}{{ $.ReceiverName }}.{{camelize .Name}}Field = val{{end}}
    60      }
    61    {{ end }}
    62  // Unmarshal{{ pascalize .Name }}Slice unmarshals polymorphic slices of {{ pascalize .Name }}
    63  func Unmarshal{{ pascalize .Name }}Slice(reader io.Reader, consumer runtime.Consumer) ([]{{ pascalize .Name }}, error) {
    64    var elements []json.RawMessage
    65    if err := consumer.Consume(reader, &elements); err != nil {
    66      return nil, err
    67    }
    69    var result []{{ pascalize .Name }}
    70    for _, element := range elements {
    71      obj, err := unmarshal{{ pascalize .Name }}(element, consumer)
    72      if err != nil {
    73        return nil, err
    74      }
    75      result = append(result, obj)
    76    }
    77    return  result, nil
    78  }
    81  // Unmarshal{{ pascalize .Name }} unmarshals polymorphic {{ pascalize .Name }}
    82  func Unmarshal{{ pascalize .Name }}(reader io.Reader, consumer runtime.Consumer) ({{ pascalize .Name }}, error) {
    83    // we need to read this twice, so first into a buffer
    84    data, err := ioutil.ReadAll(reader)
    85    if err != nil {
    86      return nil, err
    87    }
    88    return  unmarshal{{ pascalize .Name }}(data, consumer)
    89  }
    91  func unmarshal{{ pascalize .Name }}(data []byte, consumer runtime.Consumer) ({{ pascalize .Name }}, error) {
    92    buf := bytes.NewBuffer(data)
    93    {{ if .Discriminates }} buf2 := bytes.NewBuffer(data) {{ end }}
    95    // the first time this is read is to fetch the value of the {{ .DiscriminatorField }} property.
    96    var getType struct { {{ pascalize .DiscriminatorField }} string `json:{{ printf "%q" .DiscriminatorField }}` }
    97    if err := consumer.Consume(buf, &getType); err != nil {
    98      return nil, err
    99    }
   101    if err := validate.RequiredString({{ printf "%q" .DiscriminatorField }}, "body", getType.{{ pascalize .DiscriminatorField }}); err != nil {
   102      return nil, err
   103    }
   105    // The value of {{ .DiscriminatorField }} is used to determine which type to create and unmarshal the data into
   106    switch getType.{{ pascalize .DiscriminatorField }} { {{ range $k, $v := .Discriminates }}
   107      case {{ printf "%q" $k }}:
   108        var result {{ if eq (upper (pascalize $.Name)) (upper $v) }}{{ camelize $.Name }}{{ else }}{{ $v }}{{ end }}
   109        if err := consumer.Consume(buf2, &result); err != nil {
   110          return nil, err
   111        }
   112        return &result, nil
   113      {{ end }}
   114    }
   115    return nil, errors.New(422, "invalid {{ .DiscriminatorField }} value: %q", getType.{{ pascalize .DiscriminatorField }})
   117  }
   118  {{ else if .IsSuperAlias -}}{{/*
   119    For types declared as $ref on some other type, just declare the type as a
   120    golang _aliased_ type, e.g. type A = B. No method shall be redeclared.
   121      */}}
   122      type {{ pascalize .Name }} {{ template "typeSchemaType" . }}
   123      {{ if .IsBaseType }}{{/*
   124        When the alias redeclares a polymorphic type, define factory methods with this alias.
   125      */}}
   126  // Unmarshal{{ pascalize .Name }} unmarshals polymorphic {{ pascalize .Name }}
   127  func Unmarshal{{ pascalize .Name }}(reader io.Reader, consumer runtime.Consumer) ({{ pascalize .Name }}, error) {
   128    return Unmarshal{{ pascalize .GoType }}(reader, consumer)
   129  }
   131  // Unmarshal{{ pascalize .Name }}Slice unmarshals polymorphic slices of {{ pascalize .Name }}
   132  func Unmarshal{{ pascalize .Name }}Slice(reader io.Reader, consumer runtime.Consumer) ([]{{ pascalize .Name }}, error) {
   133    return Unmarshal{{ pascalize .GoType }}Slice(reader, consumer)
   134  }
   135    {{ end }}
   136  {{ else -}}
   137    {{ if or .IsComplexObject .IsTuple .IsAdditionalProperties -}}
   138      {{ if .Name }}type {{ if not .IsExported }}{{ .Name }}{{ else }}{{ pascalize .Name }}{{ end }}{{ end }} {{ template "schemaBody" . }}
   139      {{ range .Properties }}
   140        {{ if .IsBaseType }}
   141          // {{ pascalize .Name}} gets the {{ humanize .Name }} of this base type
   142          func ({{ $.ReceiverName}} *{{ pascalize $.Name}}) {{ pascalize .Name}}() {{ template "schemaType" . }}{
   143            {{ if eq $.DiscriminatorField .Name }}return {{ printf "%q" $.DiscriminatorValue }}{{ else }}return {{ $.ReceiverName }}.{{camelize .Name}}Field{{end}}
   144          }
   145          // Set{{ pascalize .Name}} sets the {{ humanize .Name }} of this base type
   146          func ({{ $.ReceiverName}} *{{ pascalize $.Name}}) Set{{ pascalize .Name}}(val {{ template "schemaType" . }}) {
   147            {{ if ne $.DiscriminatorField .Name }}{{ $.ReceiverName }}.{{camelize .Name}}Field = val{{end}}
   148          }
   149        {{ end }}
   150      {{ end }}
   151      {{if .Default}}
   152        func ({{.ReceiverName}} *{{ pascalize .Name }}) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
   153          type {{ pascalize .Name }}Alias {{ pascalize .Name }}
   154          var t {{ pascalize .Name }}Alias
   155          if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte({{printf "%q" (json .Default)}}), &t); err != nil {
   156            return err
   157          }
   158          if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &t); err != nil {
   159            return err
   160          }
   161          *{{.ReceiverName}} = {{ pascalize .Name }}(t)
   162          return nil
   163        }
   164      {{end}}
   165    {{ else -}}
   166      type {{ pascalize .Name }} {{ template "typeSchemaType" . }}
   167    {{ end -}}
   168    {{ if (and .IsPrimitive .IsAliased .IsCustomFormatter (not (stringContains .Zero "(\""))) }}
   169        // UnmarshalJSON sets a {{ pascalize .Name }} value from JSON input
   170        func ({{.ReceiverName}} *{{ pascalize .Name }}) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
   171          return ((*{{ .AliasedType }})({{ .ReceiverName}})).UnmarshalJSON(b)
   172        }
   174        // MarshalJSON retrieves a {{ pascalize .Name }} value as JSON output
   175        func ({{.ReceiverName}} {{ pascalize .Name }}) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
   176          return ({{ .AliasedType }}({{ .ReceiverName}})).MarshalJSON()
   177        }
   178    {{ end -}}
   179    {{ if .IsSubType }}
   180      {{ range .AllOf }}
   181        {{ range .Properties }}
   182          // {{ pascalize .Name}} gets the {{ humanize .Name }} of this subtype
   183          {{ if .IsBaseType }}func ({{$.ReceiverName}} *{{ pascalize $.Name}}) {{ pascalize .Name}}() {{ template "schemaType" . }}{
   184            {{ if eq $.DiscriminatorField .Name }}return {{ printf "%q" $.DiscriminatorValue }}{{ else }}return {{ $.ReceiverName }}.{{camelize .Name}}Field{{end}}
   185          }
   186          // Set{{ pascalize .Name}} sets the {{ humanize .Name }} of this subtype
   187          func ({{$.ReceiverName}} *{{ pascalize $.Name}}) Set{{ pascalize .Name}}(val {{ template "schemaType" . }}) {
   188            {{ if ne $.DiscriminatorField .Name }}{{ $.ReceiverName }}.{{camelize .Name}}Field = val{{end}}
   189          }
   190        {{ end }}
   191      {{ end }}
   192    {{ end }}
   193  {{ if .HasAdditionalProperties }}
   194    {{- if .AdditionalProperties -}}
   195      // {{- template "docstring" .AdditionalProperties }}
   196      {{- template "propertyValidationDocString" .AdditionalProperties}} {{ pascalize .AdditionalProperties.Name }}() map[string]{{ template "schemaType" .AdditionalProperties }}{{end}}{{ end }}
   197  {{ if .AdditionalItems -}}
   198    // {{ template "docstring" .AdditionalItems }}
   199    {{- template "propertyValidationDocString" .AdditionalItems}} {{ pascalize .AdditionalItems.Name }}() []{{ template "schemaType" .AdditionalItems }}
   200  {{ end }}{{ end -}}
   201    {{ template "schemaSerializer" . }}{{ end }}
   202  {{- if and .IncludeValidator (not .IsSuperAlias) -}}
   203    {{- if and (not (or .IsInterface .IsStream)) (or .Required .HasValidations .HasBaseType) }}
   204      {{ template "schemavalidator" . }}
   205    {{- else if not (or .IsInterface .IsStream) -}}
   206  // Validate validates this {{ humanize .Name }}{{/* this schema implements the runtime.Validatable interface but has no validations to check */}}
   207  func ({{.ReceiverName}} {{ if or .IsTuple .IsComplexObject .IsAdditionalProperties }}*{{ end }}{{ if or (not .IsExported) .Discriminates }}{{ camelize .Name }}{{ else }}{{ pascalize .Name }}{{ end }}) Validate(formats strfmt.Registry) error {
   208    return nil
   209  }
   210    {{- else -}}
   211      {{- /* {{ .Name }} does not implement the runtime.Validatable interface */ -}}
   212    {{- end -}}
   213  {{- end }}
   214  {{- end }}
   215  {{ if and (not (or .IsInterface .IsStream .IsBaseType)) (or .IsTuple .IsComplexObject .IsAdditionalProperties (and .IsPrimitive .IsAliased .IsCustomFormatter (not (stringContains .Zero "(\"")))) }}
   216  // MarshalBinary interface implementation
   217  func ({{.ReceiverName}} *{{ pascalize .Name }}) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error) {
   218    if {{ .ReceiverName }} == nil {
   219      return nil, nil
   220    }
   221    return swag.WriteJSON({{ .ReceiverName }})
   222  }
   224  // UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
   225  func ({{.ReceiverName}} *{{ pascalize .Name }}) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error {
   226    var res {{ pascalize .Name }}
   227    if err := swag.ReadJSON(b, &res); err != nil {
   228      return err
   229    }
   230    *{{ .ReceiverName }} = res
   231    return nil
   232  }
   233  {{ end -}}