
     1  {{ define "bindprimitiveparam" }}{{/* an empty test definition to test template repo dependencies resolution - DO NOT CHANGE THIS */}}
     2  {{ end }}
     4  {{ define "bodyvalidator" }}
     5    {{- if .HasModelBodyParams }}
     6    // validate body object{{/* delegate validation to model object */}}
     7    if err := body.Validate(route.Formats); err != nil {
     8      res = append(res, err)
     9    }
    11    if len(res) == 0 {
    12      {{ .ReceiverName }}.{{ pascalize .Name }} = {{ if and (not .Schema.IsBaseType) .IsNullable }}&{{ end }}body
    13    }
    14    {{- else if and .HasSimpleBodyParams .HasModelBodyItems }}
    16      {{- if or .Schema.HasSliceValidations .Schema.Items.HasValidations }}
    17    // validate array of body objects
    18      {{- end }}
    19      {{- if .Schema.HasSliceValidations }}
    20        {{ .ReceiverName }}.{{ pascalize .Name }} = {{ if and (not .Schema.IsBaseType) .IsNullable }}&{{ end }}body
    21        {{ template "sliceparamvalidator" . }}
    22      {{- end }}
    24      {{- if and .Schema.Items.HasValidations (not (or .Schema.Items.IsInterface .Schema.Items.IsStream)) }}
    25    for {{ .IndexVar }} := range body {
    26        {{- if .Schema.Items.IsNullable }}
    27      if body[{{ .IndexVar }}] == nil {
    28          {{- if .Schema.Items.Required }}
    29          res = append(res, errors.Required({{ .Child.Path }}, {{ printf "%q" .Child.Location }}))
    30          break
    31          {{- else }}
    32        continue
    33          {{- end }}
    34      }
    35        {{- end }}
    36      if err := body[{{ .IndexVar }}].Validate(route.Formats); err != nil {
    37        res = append(res, err)
    38        break
    39      }
    40    }
    42        {{- if not .Schema.HasSliceValidations }}
    43    if len(res) == 0 {
    44      {{ .ReceiverName }}.{{ pascalize .Name }} = {{ if and (not .Schema.IsBaseType) .IsNullable }}&{{ end }}body
    45    }
    46        {{- end }}
    47      {{- else }}
    48    // no validation for items in this slice
    49    {{ .ReceiverName }}.{{ pascalize .Name }} = {{ if and (not .Schema.IsBaseType) .IsNullable }}&{{ end }}body
    50      {{- end }}
    52    {{- else if and .HasSimpleBodyParams .HasModelBodyMap }}
    54      {{- if and .Schema.HasValidations (not (or .Schema.AdditionalProperties.IsInterface .Schema.AdditionalProperties.IsStream)) }}
    55    // validate map of body objects
    56    for {{ .KeyVar }} := range body {
    57        {{- if .Schema.AdditionalProperties.Required }}
    58      if err := validate.Required({{ if .Child.Path }}{{ .Child.Path }}{{ else }}""{{ end }}, {{ printf "%q" .Child.Location }}, {{ if not .IsAnonymous }}{{ .Schema.GoType }}({{ end }}body[{{ .KeyVar }}]{{ if not .IsAnonymous }}){{ end }}); err != nil {
    59        return err
    60      }
    61        {{- end }}
    62        {{- if and .Schema.AdditionalProperties.IsNullable (not .IsMapNullOverride) }}
    63      if body[{{ .KeyVar }}] == nil {
    64          {{- if .Schema.AdditionalProperties.Required }}
    65          res = append(res, errors.Required({{ .Path }}, {{ printf "%q" .Location }}))
    66          break
    67          {{- else }}
    68          continue
    69          {{- end }}
    70      }
    71        {{- end }}
    72      if val , ok :=body[{{ .KeyVar }}]; ok {
    73          {{- if and .IsNullable (not .IsMapNullOverride) }}
    74          if val != nil {
    75          {{- end }}
    76          if err := val.Validate(route.Formats); err != nil {
    77              res = append(res, err)
    78              break
    79          }
    80          {{- if and .IsNullable (not .IsMapNullOverride) }}
    81          }
    82          {{- end }}
    83      }
    84    }
    86    if len(res) == 0 {
    87      {{ .ReceiverName }}.{{ pascalize .Name }} = {{ if and (not .Schema.IsBaseType) .IsNullable }}&{{ end }}body
    88    }
    89      {{- else }}
    90    // no validation for this map
    91    {{ .ReceiverName }}.{{ pascalize .Name }} = {{ if and (not .Schema.IsBaseType) .IsNullable }}&{{ end }}body
    92      {{- end }}
    93    {{- else if .HasSimpleBodyParams }}
    94      {{- if and (not .IsArray) (not .IsMap) .Schema.HasValidations }}
    95    // validate inline body
    96    {{ .ReceiverName }}.{{ pascalize .Name }} = {{ if and (not .Schema.IsBaseType) .IsNullable }}&{{ end }}body
    97    if err := {{ .ReceiverName }}.validate{{ pascalize .ID }}Body(route.Formats); err != nil {
    98      res = append(res, err)
    99    }
   100      {{- else if and (or .IsArray .IsMap) .Schema.HasValidations }}
   101    // validate inline body {{ if .IsArray }}array{{ else }}map{{ end }}
   102    {{ .ReceiverName }}.{{ pascalize .Name }} = {{ if and (not .Schema.IsBaseType) .IsNullable }}&{{ end }}body
   103    if err := {{ .ReceiverName }}.validate{{ pascalize .ID }}Body(route.Formats); err != nil {
   104      res = append(res, err)
   105    }
   106      {{- else  }}
   107    // no validation required on inline body
   108    {{ .ReceiverName }}.{{ pascalize .Name }} = {{ if and (not .Schema.IsBaseType) .IsNullable }}&{{ end }}body
   109      {{- end}}
   110    {{- else }}
   111        {{- if .IsInterface }}
   112    // no validation on generic interface
   113    {{ .ReceiverName }}.{{ pascalize .Name }} = {{ if and (not .Schema.IsBaseType) .IsNullable }}&{{ end }}body
   114       {{- end }}
   115    {{- end }}
   116  {{- end }}
   118  {{ define "sliceparamvalidator"}}
   119  {{ if or .MinItems .MaxItems }}
   120      {{ camelize .Name }}Size := int64(len({{ if and (not .IsArray) (not .HasDiscriminator) (not .IsInterface) (not .IsStream) .IsNullable }}*{{ end }}{{ if and .Child (not (hasPrefix .ValueExpression "o.")) }}{{ .Child.ValueExpression }}C{{ else }}{{ .ValueExpression }}{{ end }}))
   121  {{ end }}
   122  {{ if .MinItems }}
   123  // {{ .ItemsDepth }}minItems: {{ .MinItems }}
   124  if err := validate.MinItems({{ .Path }}, {{ printf "%q" .Location }}, {{ camelize .Name }}Size, {{ .MinItems }}); err != nil {
   125    return err
   126  }
   127  {{ end }}
   128  {{ if .MaxItems }}
   129  // {{ .ItemsDepth }}maxItems: {{ .MaxItems }}
   130  if err := validate.MaxItems({{ .Path }}, {{ printf "%q" .Location }}, {{ camelize .Name }}Size, {{.MaxItems}}); err != nil {
   131    return err
   132  }
   133  {{ end }}
   134  {{ if .UniqueItems }}
   135  // {{ .ItemsDepth }}uniqueItems: true
   136  if err := validate.UniqueItems({{ .Path }}, {{ printf "%q" .Location }}, {{ if and (not .IsArray) (not .HasDiscriminator) (not .IsInterface) (not .IsStream) .IsNullable }}*{{ end }}{{ if and .Child (not ( hasPrefix .ValueExpression "o." )) }}{{ .Child.ValueExpression }}C{{ else }}{{ .ValueExpression }}{{ end }}); err != nil {
   137    return err
   138  }
   139  {{ end }}
   140  {{ if .Enum }}
   141  // {{ .ItemsDepth }}Enum: {{ .Enum }}
   142  if err := validate.Enum(
   143    {{- .Path }}, {{ printf "%q" .Location }},
   144    {{- if and (not .IsArray) (not .HasDiscriminator) (not .IsInterface) (not .IsStream) .IsNullable }}*{{ end -}}
   145    {{- if .Child -}}
   146      {{- if not ( hasPrefix .ValueExpression "o." ) -}}
   147      {{- .Child.ValueExpression }}C{{- if .IsCustomFormatter }}.String(){{ end -}}
   148      {{- else -}}
   149        {{- .ValueExpression -}}{{- if .Child.IsCustomFormatter }}.String(){{ end -}}
   150      {{- end -}}
   151    {{- end -}},
   152    {{- printf "%#v" .Enum -}}
   153      ); err != nil {
   154    return err
   155    }
   156  {{ end }}
   157  {{ end }}
   159  {{- define "childvalidator" }}
   160    {{- if .Converter }}
   161      {{- if ne .SwaggerFormat "" }}
   162    // {{ .ItemsDepth }}Format: {{ printf "%q" .SwaggerFormat }}
   163      {{- end }}
   164    {{ varname .ValueExpression }}, err := {{ .Converter }}({{ varname .ValueExpression }}V)
   165    if err != nil {
   166      return errors.InvalidType({{ .Path }}, {{ printf "%q" .Location }}, "{{ .GoType }}", {{ varname .ValueExpression }})
   167    }
   168    {{- else if and .IsCustomFormatter (not .SkipParse) }}{{/* parsing is skipped for simple body items */}}
   169    // {{ .ItemsDepth }}Format: {{ printf "%q" .SwaggerFormat }}
   170    value, err := formats.Parse({{ printf "%q" .SwaggerFormat }},{{ varname .ValueExpression }}V)
   171    if err != nil {
   172      return errors.InvalidType({{ .Path }}, {{ printf "%q" .Location }}, "{{ .GoType }}", value)
   173    }
   174      {{ varname .ValueExpression }} := *(value.(*{{.GoType}}))
   175    {{- else if and .IsComplexObject .HasValidations }}{{/* dedicated to nested body params */}}
   176    {{ varname .ValueExpression }} := {{ varname .ValueExpression }}V
   177    if err := {{ .ValueExpression }}.Validate(formats) ; err != nil {
   178      if ve, ok := err.(*errors.Validation); ok {
   179        return ve.ValidateName({{ .Path }})
   180      }
   181      return err
   182    }
   183    {{- else }}
   184      {{ varname .ValueExpression }} := {{ varname .ValueExpression }}V
   185    {{- end }}
   186    {{ template "propertyparamvalidator" . }}
   187  {{- end }}
   189  {{- define "mapparamvalidator" }}
   190    {{- if and .Child.HasValidations (not (or .Child.IsInterface .Child.IsStream)) }}
   192    // validations for map
   193    {{- else }}
   195    // map has no validations: copying all elements
   196    {{- end }}
   197    {{ varname .Child.ValueExpression }}R := make({{ .GoType }},len({{ .Child.ValueExpression }}C))
   198    for {{ .KeyVar }}, {{ .Child.ValueExpression }}V := range {{ .Child.ValueExpression}}C {
   199      {{- if .Child.IsArray }}
   200        {{ .Child.Child.ValueExpression }}C := {{ varname .Child.ValueExpression }}V
   201        {{- if .Child.HasSliceValidations }}
   202          {{- template "sliceparamvalidator" .Child }}
   203        {{- end }}
   204        {{- template "sliceparambinder" .Child }}
   205      {{- else if .Child.IsMap }}
   206        {{ .Child.Child.ValueExpression }}C := {{ varname .Child.ValueExpression }}V
   207        {{ template "mapparamvalidator" .Child }}
   208      {{- else }}
   209        {{- if and .Child.IsNullable }}
   210      if {{ varname .Child.ValueExpression }}V == nil {
   211         {{- if .Child.Required }}
   212         return errors.Required({{ .Child.Path }}, {{ printf "%q" .Child.Location }})
   213         {{- else }}
   214          continue
   215         {{- end }}
   216      }
   217        {{- end }}
   218        {{- template "childvalidator" .Child }}
   219      {{- end }}
   220      {{ varname .Child.ValueExpression }}R[{{.KeyVar}}] = {{ varname .Child.ValueExpression }}{{ if or .Child.IsArray .Child.IsMap}}IR{{end}}
   221    }
   222  {{- end }}
   224  {{- define "propertyparamvalidator" }}
   225    {{- if .IsPrimitive }}
   226      {{ template "validationPrimitive" . }}
   227    {{- end }}
   228    {{- if and .IsCustomFormatter (not .IsStream) }}
   229      {{- if ne .SwaggerFormat "byte" }}
   230  if err := validate.FormatOf({{.Path}}, "{{.Location}}", "{{.SwaggerFormat}}", {{ .ValueExpression}}.String(), formats); err != nil {
   231    return err
   232  }
   233      {{- else }}
   234    // Format "byte" (base64 string) is already validated when parsed
   235      {{- end }}
   236    {{- end }}
   237    {{- if .IsArray }}{{/* slice validations */}}
   238      {{ template "sliceparamvalidator" . }}
   239    {{- else if .IsMap }}
   240      {{ .Child.ValueExpression }}C := {{ varname .Child.ValueExpression }}V
   241      {{ template "mapparamvalidator" . }}
   242    {{- end }}
   243  {{- end }}
   245  {{ define "sliceparambinder" }}
   246  var {{ varname .Child.ValueExpression }}R {{ .GoType }}
   247  for {{ if or .Child.HasValidations .Child.Converter .Child.IsCustomFormatter }}{{ .IndexVar }}{{ else }}_{{ end }}, {{ varname .Child.ValueExpression }}V := range {{ varname .Child.ValueExpression }}C {
   248    {{- if .Child.IsArray }}{{/* recursive resolution of arrays in params */}}
   249      {{- if not .Child.SkipParse }}
   250      // {{ .Child.ItemsDepth }}CollectionFormat: {{ .Child.CollectionFormat }}
   251      {{- end }}
   252      {{ .Child.Child.ValueExpression }}C := {{ if .Child.SkipParse }}{{ varname .Child.ValueExpression }}V{{ else }}swag.SplitByFormat({{ varname .Child.ValueExpression }}V, {{ printf "%q" .Child.CollectionFormat }}){{ end }}
   253      {{- if .Child.HasSliceValidations }}
   254        {{- template "sliceparamvalidator" .Child }}
   255      {{- end }}
   256    if len({{ varname .Child.Child.ValueExpression }}C) > 0 {
   257      {{ template "sliceparambinder" .Child }}
   258      {{ varname .Child.ValueExpression }}R = append({{ varname .Child.ValueExpression }}R, {{ varname .Child.ValueExpression }}{{ if or .Child.IsArray .Child.IsMap }}IR{{end}})
   259    }
   260    {{- else if .Child.IsMap }}{{/* simple map in items (possible with body params)*/}}
   261      {{ .Child.Child.ValueExpression }}C := {{ varname .Child.ValueExpression }}V
   262      {{- template "mapparamvalidator" .Child }}
   263      {{ varname .Child.ValueExpression }}R = append({{ varname .Child.ValueExpression }}R, {{ varname .Child.ValueExpression }}{{ if or .Child.IsArray .Child.IsMap }}IR{{end}})
   264    {{- else }}{{/* non-array && non-map type in items */}}
   265      {{- if and .Child.IsNullable (not .IsMapNullOverride) }}
   266      if {{ varname .Child.ValueExpression }}V == nil {
   267         {{- if .Child.Required }}
   268         return errors.Required({{ .Child.Path }}, {{ printf "%q" .Child.Location }})
   269         {{- else }}
   270          continue
   271         {{- end }}
   272      }
   273      {{- end }}
   274      {{- template "childvalidator" .Child }}
   275      {{ varname .Child.ValueExpression }}R = append({{ varname .Child.ValueExpression }}R, {{ varname .Child.ValueExpression }}{{ if or .Child.IsArray .Child.IsMap }}IR{{end}})
   276    {{- end }}
   277  }
   278  {{ end }}
   279  // Code generated by go-swagger; DO NOT EDIT.
   282  {{ if .Copyright -}}// {{ comment .Copyright -}}{{ end }}
   285  package {{ .Package }}
   287  // This file was generated by the swagger tool.
   288  // Editing this file might prove futile when you re-run the swagger generate command
   290  import (
   291    "net/http"
   293    ""
   294    ""
   295    ""
   296    ""
   297    ""
   298    ""
   300    strfmt ""
   302    {{ range .DefaultImports }}{{ printf "%q" .}}
   303    {{ end }}
   304    {{ range $key, $value := .Imports }}{{ $key }} {{ printf "%q" $value }}
   305    {{ end }}
   306  )
   308  // New{{ pascalize .Name }}Params creates a new {{ pascalize .Name }}Params object
   309  {{ if .Params.HasSomeDefaults -}}
   310  // with the default values initialized.{{ else -}}
   311  // no default values defined in spec.
   312  {{- end }}
   313  func New{{ pascalize .Name }}Params() {{ pascalize .Name }}Params {
   314  {{ if .Params.HasSomeDefaults }}
   315    var (
   316    // initialize parameters with default values
   317    {{ range .Params }}
   318        {{ if .HasDefault -}}
   319            {{ if not .IsFileParam }}{{ varname .ID}}Default =
   320                {{- if and .IsPrimitive .IsCustomFormatter (not (stringContains .Zero "(\"" )) }}{{ .Zero }}{{/* strfmt type initializer requires UnmarshalText(), e.g. Date, Datetime, Duration */}}
   321                {{- else if and .IsPrimitive .IsCustomFormatter (stringContains .Zero "(\"" ) }}{{.GoType}}({{- printf "%#v" .Default }}){{/* strfmt type initializer takes string */}}
   322                {{- else if and .IsPrimitive (not .IsCustomFormatter) -}}{{.GoType}}({{- printf "%#v" .Default }}){{/* regular go primitive type initializer */}}
   323                {{- else if .IsArray -}}{{- /* Do not initialize from possible defaults in nested arrays */ -}}
   324                    {{- if and .Child.IsPrimitive .Child.IsCustomFormatter }}{{ .Zero }}{{/* initialization strategy with UnmarshalText() */}}
   325                    {{- else if .Child.IsArray -}}{{ .Zero }}{{/* initialization strategy with json.Unmarshal() */}}
   326                    {{- else if and .Child.IsPrimitive (not .Child.IsCustomFormatter) -}}{{.GoType}}{{- goSliceInitializer .Default }}{{/* regular go primitive type initializer: simple slice initializer */}}
   327                    {{- else }}{{ printf "%#v" .Default }}{{/* all other cases (e.g. schema) [should not occur] */}}
   328                    {{- end }}
   329                {{- else }}{{ printf "%#v" .Default }}{{/* case .Schema */}}
   330                {{- end }}
   331            {{- end }}
   332        {{- end }}
   333    {{- end }}
   334    )
   336  {{ range .Params }}{{ if .HasDefault -}}{{- /* carry on UnmarshalText initialization strategy */ -}}
   337        {{ if and .IsPrimitive .IsCustomFormatter (not (stringContains .Zero "(\"")) }}{{ varname .ID}}Default.UnmarshalText([]byte({{ printf "%q" .Default }}))
   338        {{ else if .IsArray -}}
   339            {{ if or ( and .Child.IsPrimitive .Child.IsCustomFormatter ) .Child.IsArray -}}
   340            if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(`{{printf "%s" (json .Default)}}`), &{{ varname .ID }}Default); err != nil {
   341              // panics if specification is invalid
   342              msg := fmt.Sprintf("invalid default value for parameter {{ varname .ID }}: %v",err)
   343              panic(msg)
   344            }
   345            {{ end -}}
   346        {{- end }}
   347    {{ end -}}
   348  {{- end }}
   349  {{ end }}
   350    return {{ pascalize .Name }}Params{ {{ range .Params }}{{ if .HasDefault }}
   351      {{ pascalize .ID}}: {{ if and (not .IsArray) (not .HasDiscriminator) (not .IsInterface) (not .IsStream) .IsNullable }}&{{ end }}{{ varname .ID }}Default,
   352    {{ end }}{{ end }} }
   353  }
   355  // {{ pascalize .Name }}Params contains all the bound params for the {{ humanize .Name }} operation
   356  // typically these are obtained from a http.Request
   357  //
   358  // swagger:parameters {{ .Name }}
   359  type {{ pascalize .Name }}Params struct {
   361    // HTTP Request Object
   362    HTTPRequest *http.Request `json:"-"`
   364    {{ range .Params }}/*{{ if .Description }}{{ blockcomment .Description }}{{ end }}{{ if .Required }}
   365    Required: true{{ end }}{{ if .Maximum }}
   366    Maximum: {{ if .ExclusiveMaximum }}< {{ end }}{{ .Maximum }}{{ end }}{{ if .Minimum }}
   367    Minimum: {{ if .ExclusiveMinimum }}> {{ end }}{{ .Minimum }}{{ end }}{{ if .MultipleOf }}
   368    Multiple Of: {{ .MultipleOf }}{{ end }}{{ if .MaxLength }}
   369    Max Length: {{ .MaxLength }}{{ end }}{{ if .MinLength }}
   370    Min Length: {{ .MinLength }}{{ end }}{{ if .Pattern }}
   371    Pattern: {{ .Pattern }}{{ end }}{{ if .MaxItems }}
   372    Max Items: {{ .MaxItems }}{{ end }}{{ if .MinItems }}
   373    Min Items: {{ .MinItems }}{{ end }}{{ if .UniqueItems }}
   374    Unique: true{{ end }}{{ if .Location }}
   375    In: {{ .Location }}{{ end }}{{ if .CollectionFormat }}
   376    Collection Format: {{ .CollectionFormat }}{{ end }}{{ if .HasDefault }}
   377    Default: {{ printf "%#v" .Default }}{{ end }}
   378    */
   379    {{ if not .Schema }}{{ pascalize .ID }} {{ if and (not .IsArray) (not .HasDiscriminator) (not .IsInterface) (not .IsStream) .IsNullable }}*{{ end }}{{.GoType}}{{ else }}{{ pascalize .Name }} {{ if and (not .Schema.IsBaseType) .IsNullable (not .Schema.IsStream) }}*{{ end }}{{.GoType}}{{ end }}
   380    {{ end}}
   381  }
   383  // BindRequest both binds and validates a request, it assumes that complex things implement a Validatable(strfmt.Registry) error interface
   384  // for simple values it will use straight method calls.
   385  //
   386  // To ensure default values, the struct must have been initialized with New{{ pascalize .Name }}Params() beforehand.
   387  func ({{ .ReceiverName }} *{{ pascalize .Name }}Params) BindRequest(r *http.Request, route *middleware.MatchedRoute) error {
   388    var res []error
   390    {{ .ReceiverName }}.HTTPRequest = r
   392    {{ if .HasQueryParams }}qs := runtime.Values(r.URL.Query()){{ end }}
   394    {{ if .HasFormParams }}if err := r.ParseMultipartForm(32 << 20); err != nil {
   395  		if err != http.ErrNotMultipart {
   396              return errors.New(400,"%v",err)
   397          } else if err := r.ParseForm(); err != nil {
   398              return errors.New(400,"%v",err)
   399          }
   400  	}{{ if .HasFormValueParams }}
   401    fds := runtime.Values(r.Form)
   402    {{ end }}{{ end }}
   404    {{ range .Params }}
   405    {{ if not .IsArray -}}
   406    {{ if .IsQueryParam }}q{{ pascalize .Name }}, qhk{{ pascalize .Name }}, _ := qs.GetOK({{ .Path }})
   407    if err := {{ .ReceiverName }}.bind{{ pascalize .ID }}(q{{ pascalize .Name }}, qhk{{ pascalize .Name }}, route.Formats); err != nil {
   408      res = append(res, err)
   409    }
   410    {{ else if .IsPathParam }}r{{ pascalize .Name }}, rhk{{ pascalize .Name }}, _ := route.Params.GetOK({{ .Path }})
   411    if err := {{ .ReceiverName }}.bind{{ pascalize .ID }}(r{{ pascalize .Name }}, rhk{{ pascalize .Name }}, route.Formats); err != nil {
   412      res = append(res, err)
   413    }
   414    {{ else if .IsHeaderParam }}if err := {{ .ReceiverName }}.bind{{ pascalize .ID }}(r.Header[http.CanonicalHeaderKey({{ .Path }})], true, route.Formats); err != nil {
   415      res = append(res, err)
   416    }
   417    {{ else if .IsFormParam -}}
   418      {{if .IsFileParam }}{{ camelize .Name }}, {{ camelize .Name }}Header, err := r.FormFile({{ .Path }})
   419    if err != nil {{ if .IsNullable }}&& err != http.ErrMissingFile{{ end }}{
   420      res = append(res, errors.New(400, "reading file %q failed: %v", {{ printf "%q" (camelize .Name) }}, err))
   421          {{ if .IsNullable }}} else if err == http.ErrMissingFile {
   422      // no-op for missing but optional file parameter
   423          {{ end }}} else if err := {{ .ReceiverName }}.bind{{ pascalize .ID }}({{ camelize .Name }}, {{ camelize .Name }}Header); err != nil {
   424      {{ if .Required }}// Required: true{{ printf "\n" }}{{end }}res = append(res, err)
   425    } else {
   426      {{ .ReceiverName }}.{{ pascalize .Name }} = &runtime.File{Data: {{ camelize .Name }}, Header: {{ camelize .Name }}Header}
   427    }
   428      {{ else }}fd{{ pascalize .Name }}, fdhk{{ pascalize .Name }}, _ := fds.GetOK({{ .Path }})
   429    if err := {{ .ReceiverName }}.bind{{ pascalize .ID }}(fd{{ pascalize .Name }}, fdhk{{ pascalize .Name }}, route.Formats); err != nil {
   430      res = append(res, err)
   431    }
   432      {{ end }}{{/* end .FileParam */}}
   433    {{ end }}{{/* end not .Array */}}
   434    {{ else if .IsArray -}}
   435      {{ if .IsQueryParam }}q{{ pascalize .Name }}, qhk{{ pascalize .Name }}, _ := qs.GetOK({{ .Path }})
   436    if err := {{ .ReceiverName }}.bind{{ pascalize .ID }}(q{{ pascalize .Name }}, qhk{{ pascalize .Name }}, route.Formats); err != nil {
   437      res = append(res, err)
   438    }
   439    {{ else if .IsPathParam }}r{{ pascalize .Name }}, rhk{{ pascalize .Name }}, _ := route.Params.GetOK({{ .Path }})
   440    if err := {{ .ReceiverName }}.bind{{ pascalize .ID }}(r{{ pascalize .Name }}, rhk{{ pascalize .Name }}, route.Formats); err != nil {
   441      res = append(res, err)
   442    }
   443    {{ else if .IsHeaderParam }}if err := {{ .ReceiverName }}.bind{{ pascalize .ID }}(r.Header[http.CanonicalHeaderKey({{ .Path }})], true, route.Formats); err != nil {
   444      res = append(res, err)
   445    }
   446    {{ else if and .IsFormParam }}fd{{ pascalize .Name }}, fdhk{{ pascalize .Name }}, _ := fds.GetOK({{ .Path }})
   447    if err := {{ .ReceiverName }}.bind{{ pascalize .ID }}(fd{{ pascalize .Name }}, fdhk{{ pascalize .Name }}, route.Formats); err != nil {
   448      res = append(res, err)
   449    }
   450    {{ end }}{{ end }}
   451    {{ if and .IsBodyParam .Schema -}}
   452    if runtime.HasBody(r) {
   453      {{- if .Schema.IsStream }}
   454      {{ .ReceiverName }}.{{ pascalize .Name }} = r.Body
   455      {{- else }}
   456      defer r.Body.Close()
   457        {{- if and .Schema.IsBaseType .Schema.IsExported }}
   458      body, err := {{ toPackageName .ModelsPackage }}.Unmarshal{{ stripPackage .GoType (toPackageName .ModelsPackage) }}{{ if .IsArray }}Slice{{ end }}(r.Body, route.Consumer)
   459      if err != nil {
   460          {{- if .Required }}
   461        if err == io.EOF {
   462          err = errors.Required({{ .Path }}, {{ printf "%q" .Location }})
   463        }
   464          {{- end }}
   465      res = append(res, err)
   466      {{- else }}
   467      var body {{ .GoType }}
   468      if err := route.Consumer.Consume(r.Body, &body); err != nil {
   469          {{- if .Required }}
   470        if err == io.EOF {
   471          res = append(res, errors.Required({{ printf "%q" (camelize .Name) }}, {{ printf "%q" .Location }}))
   472        } else {
   473          {{- end }}
   474        res = append(res, errors.NewParseError({{ printf "%q" (camelize .Name) }}, {{ printf "%q" .Location }}, "", err))
   475          {{- if .Required }}
   476        }
   477          {{- end -}}
   478        {{- end }}
   479      } else {
   480        {{- template "bodyvalidator" . }}
   481      }
   482      {{- end }}
   483    }
   484      {{- if .Required }} else {
   485      res = append(res, errors.Required({{ printf "%q" (camelize .Name) }}, {{ printf "%q" .Location }}))
   486    }
   487      {{- end }}
   488    {{- end }}
   489    {{- end }}
   490    if len(res) > 0 {
   491      return errors.CompositeValidationError(res...)
   492    }
   493    return nil
   494  }
   496  {{- $className := (pascalize .Name) }}
   497  {{ range .Params }}
   498    {{- if .IsFileParam }}
   499  // bind{{ pascalize .ID }} binds file parameter {{ .ID }}.
   500  //
   501  // The only supported validations on files are MinLength and MaxLength
   502  func ({{ .ReceiverName }} *{{ $className }}Params) bind{{ pascalize .ID }}(file multipart.File, header *multipart.FileHeader) error {
   503      {{- if or .MinLength .MaxLength }}
   504      size, _ := file.Seek(0, io.SeekEnd)
   505      file.Seek(0, io.SeekStart)
   506      {{- end }}
   507      {{- if .MinLength}}
   508      if size < {{.MinLength}} {
   509          return errors.ExceedsMinimum({{ .Path }}, {{ printf "%q" .Location }}, {{ .MinLength }}, false)
   510      }
   511      {{- end }}
   512      {{- if .MaxLength}}
   513      if size > {{.MaxLength}} {
   514          return errors.ExceedsMaximum({{ .Path }}, {{ printf "%q" .Location }}, {{ .MaxLength }}, false)
   515      }
   516      {{- end }}
   517      return nil
   518  }
   519    {{- else if not .IsBodyParam }}
   520      {{- if or .IsPrimitive .IsCustomFormatter }}
   521  // bind{{ pascalize .ID }} binds and validates parameter {{ .ID }} from {{ .Location }}.
   522  func ({{ .ReceiverName }} *{{ $className }}Params) bind{{ pascalize .ID }}(rawData []string, hasKey bool, formats strfmt.Registry) error {
   523        {{- if and (not .IsPathParam) .Required }}
   524      if !hasKey {
   525          return errors.Required({{ .Path }}, {{ printf "%q" .Location }})
   526      }
   527        {{- end }}
   528      var raw string
   529      if len(rawData) > 0 {
   530          raw = rawData[len(rawData)-1]
   531      }
   533    // Required: {{ .Required }}
   534        {{ if .IsQueryParam }}// AllowEmptyValue: {{ .AllowEmptyValue }}{{ end }}{{ if .IsPathParam }}// Parameter is provided by construction from the route{{ end }}
   535        {{ if and (not .IsPathParam) .Required (not .AllowEmptyValue) -}}
   536    if err := validate.RequiredString({{ .Path }}, {{ printf "%q" .Location }}, raw); err != nil {
   537      return err
   538    }
   539        {{ else if and ( not .IsPathParam ) (or (not .Required) .AllowEmptyValue) -}}
   540    if raw == "" { // empty values pass all other validations{{ if .HasDefault }}
   541      // Default values have been previously initialized by New{{ $className }}Params(){{ end }}
   542      return nil
   543    }
   544        {{ end }}
   545        {{ if .Converter }}value, err := {{ .Converter }}(raw)
   546    if err != nil {
   547      return errors.InvalidType({{ .Path }}, {{ printf "%q" .Location }}, {{ printf "%q" .GoType }}, raw)
   548    }
   549    {{ .ValueExpression }} = {{ if .IsNullable }}&{{ end }}value
   550        {{ else if .IsCustomFormatter }}// Format: {{ .SwaggerFormat }}
   551    value, err := formats.Parse({{ printf "%q" .SwaggerFormat }}, raw)
   552    if err != nil {
   553      return errors.InvalidType({{ .Path }}, {{ printf "%q" .Location }}, {{ printf "%q" .GoType }}, raw)
   554    }
   555    {{ .ValueExpression }} = {{ if and (not .IsArray) (not .HasDiscriminator) (not .IsFileParam) (not .IsStream) (not .IsNullable) }}*{{ end }}(value.(*{{ .GoType }}))
   556        {{else}}{{ .ValueExpression }} = {{ if .IsNullable }}&{{ end }}raw
   557        {{ end }}
   558        {{if .HasValidations }}if err := {{ .ReceiverName }}.validate{{ pascalize .ID }}(formats); err != nil {
   559      return err
   560    }
   561        {{ end }}
   562    return nil
   563  }
   564      {{- else if .IsArray }}
   565  // bind{{ pascalize .ID }} binds and validates array parameter {{ .ID }} from {{ .Location }}.
   566  //
   567  // Arrays are parsed according to CollectionFormat: "{{ .CollectionFormat }}" (defaults to "csv" when empty).
   568  func ({{ .ReceiverName }} *{{ $className }}Params) bind{{ pascalize .ID }}(rawData []string, hasKey bool, formats strfmt.Registry) error {
   569        {{if .Required }}if !hasKey {
   570      return errors.Required({{ .Path }}, {{ printf "%q" .Location }})
   571    }
   572        {{ end }}
   573        {{ if eq .CollectionFormat "multi" -}}
   574    // CollectionFormat: {{ .CollectionFormat }}
   575    {{ varname .Child.ValueExpression }}C := rawData
   576        {{ else -}}
   577    var qv{{ pascalize .Name }} string
   578    if len(rawData) > 0 {
   579      qv{{ pascalize .Name }} = rawData[len(rawData) - 1]
   580    }
   582    // CollectionFormat: {{ .CollectionFormat }}
   583    {{ varname .Child.ValueExpression }}C := swag.SplitByFormat(qv{{ pascalize .Name }}, {{ printf "%q" .CollectionFormat }}){{ end }}
   584        {{if and .Required (not .AllowEmptyValue) }}
   585    if len({{ varname .Child.ValueExpression }}C) == 0 {
   586      return errors.Required({{ .Path }}, {{ printf "%q" .Location }})
   587    }
   588        {{ else }}if len({{ varname .Child.ValueExpression }}C) == 0 { {{ if .HasDefault }}
   589      // Default values have been previously initialized by New{{ $className }}Params(){{ end }}
   590      return nil
   591    }   {{- end }}
   592        {{ template "sliceparambinder" . }}
   593    {{ .ValueExpression }} = {{ varname .Child.ValueExpression }}R
   594        {{- if .HasSliceValidations }}
   595    if err := {{ .ReceiverName }}.validate{{ pascalize .ID }}(formats); err != nil {
   596      return err
   597    }
   598        {{- end }}
   600    return nil
   601  }
   602      {{ end }}
   603      {{ if or (and (not .IsArray) .HasValidations) (and .IsArray .HasSliceValidations) }}
   604  // validate{{ pascalize .ID }} carries on validations for parameter {{ .ID }}
   605  func ({{ .ReceiverName }} *{{ $className }}Params) validate{{ pascalize .ID }}(formats strfmt.Registry) error {
   606    {{ template "propertyparamvalidator" . }}
   607    return nil
   608  }
   609      {{ end }}
   610    {{- else if .IsBodyParam }}{{/* validation method for inline body parameters with validations */}}
   611      {{- if and .HasSimpleBodyParams (not .HasModelBodyItems) (not .HasModelBodyMap) }}
   612        {{- if .Schema.HasValidations }}
   613  // validate{{ pascalize .ID }}Body validates an inline body parameter
   614  func ({{ .ReceiverName }} *{{ $className }}Params) validate{{ pascalize .ID }}Body(formats strfmt.Registry) error {
   615          {{- if .IsArray }}
   616            {{- if .HasSliceValidations }}
   617                {{- template "sliceparamvalidator" . }}
   618            {{- end }}
   619            {{- if .Child.HasValidations }}
   620              {{ varname .Child.ValueExpression }}C := {{ .ValueExpression }}
   621              {{ template "sliceparambinder" . }}
   622              {{ .ValueExpression }} = {{ varname .Child.ValueExpression }}R
   623            {{- end }}
   624          {{- else if .IsMap }}
   625              {{ varname .Child.ValueExpression }}C := {{ .ValueExpression }}
   626              {{ template "mapparamvalidator" . }}
   627              {{ .ValueExpression }} = {{ varname .Child.ValueExpression }}R
   628          {{- else }}
   629            {{ template "propertyparamvalidator" . }}
   630          {{- end }}
   631    return nil
   632  }
   633        {{- end }}
   634      {{- end }}
   635    {{- end }}
   636  {{ end }}