
     1  #! /bin/bash
     2  # A small utility to build fixture servers
     3  # for non regression testing of codegen
     4  shopt -s extglob
     6  # function initColors() {
     7  if [[ -z "${MONO}" ]]; then
     8      normal=$(tput sgr0)
     9      red=$(tput setaf 1)
    10      green=$(tput setaf 2)
    11      orange=$(tput setaf 3)
    12      bold=$(tput bold)
    13      blue=$(tput setaf 4)
    14  else
    15      normal=""
    16      red=""
    17      green=""
    18      orange=""
    19      blue=""
    20      bold=""
    21  fi
    22  # }
    24  function okcr() {
    25      ok "$*"; printf "\n"
    26  }
    27  function ok() {
    28      printf "${green}%s${normal}" "$*"
    29  }
    30  function errcr() {
    31      err "$*" ; printf "\n"
    32  }
    33  function err() {
    34      printf "${red}${bold}%s${normal}" "$*"
    35  }
    36  function successcr() {
    37      success "$*" ; printf "\n"
    38  }
    39  function success() {
    40      printf "${green}${bold}%s${normal}" "$*"
    41  }
    42  function warncr() {
    43      warn "$*" ; printf "\n"
    44  }
    45  function warn() {
    46      printf "${orange}%s${normal}" "$*"
    47  }
    48  function infocr() {
    49      info "$*" ; printf "\n"
    50  }
    51  function info() {
    52      printf "${blue}%s${normal}" "$*"
    53  }
    55  if [ ! -f `which swagger` ]; then
    56    echo "can't find swagger in the PATH"
    57    exit 1
    58  fi
    60  # NOTE(fredbi):
    61  # The following ones fail generation:
    62  # - existing-model.yml requires pregeneration (not supported yet by this script)
    63  # - issue72: model works with --skip-validation. Invalid spec (duplicate operationID)
    64  # - todolist.simple.yml: invalid default values put on purpose for UT (provided fixed version for testing)
    65  # - fixture-basetypes.yaml: exhibits some edge case failures with discriminator (e.g. using a base type in tuple...)
    66  # - fixture-polymorphism.yaml: idem
    67  #
    68  # The following ones requires some checks to be skipped:
    69  # - azure-text-analyis.json: works with --skip-validation. Invalid specification with duplicate property in allOf construct (provided fixed version for testing)
    70  # - swagger-gsma.json: idem
    71  #
    72  # The following ones used to fail and are ok:
    73  # - todolist.discriminators.yml: works (not with expand)
    74  # - bitbucket.json: works nows (not with expand: too many files for ordinary ulimit)
    75  # - cloudbreak.json : now works
    76  known_failed="@(\
    77  existing-model.yml|\
    78  issue72.json|\
    79  todolist.simple.yml|\
    80  fixture-basetypes.yaml|\
    81  fixture-polymorphism.yaml|\
    82  )"
    83  # The following ones should fail validation, but produce correct generated code (at least it builds)
    84  known_skip_validation="@(\
    85  todolist.enums.yml|\
    86  todolist.enums.flattened.json|\
    87  todolist.models.yml|\
    88  todolist.schemavalidation.yml|\
    89  azure-text-analyis.json|\
    90  swagger-gsma.json|\
    91  fixture-844-variations.yaml|\
    92  fixture-allOf.yaml|\
    93  fixture-errors.yaml|\
    94  fixture-itching.yaml|\
    95  fixture-tuple.yaml|\
    96  fixture-simple-tuple.yaml|\
    97  )"
    99  # A list of known client build failures
   100  known_client_failure="@(\
   101  todolist.arrayform.yml|\
   102  todolist.arrayquery.yml|\
   103  todolist.url.basepath.yml|\
   104  todolist.url.simple.yml|\
   105  swagger-codegen-tests.json|\
   106  fixture-1414.json|\
   107  fixture-909-3.yaml|\
   108  fixture-909-4.yaml|\
   109  fixture-909-5.yaml|\
   110  fixture-909-6.yaml|\
   111  gentest2.yaml|\
   112  gentest3.yaml|\
   113  gentest.yaml|\
   114  fixture-1437-4.yaml|\
   115  fixture-1392-2.yaml|\
   116  fixture-1392-3.yaml|\
   117  )"
   119  # A list of known fixtures not supporting expand mode (not including the discriminator case).
   120  # Normally, this is because of duplicate names constructed during codegen of anonymous structures.
   121  # This should be solved with proper analysis of names before codegen.
   122  known_expand_failure="@(\
   123  todolist.enums.flattened.json|\
   124  fixture-1479.yaml|\
   125  bitbucket.json|\
   126  )"
   128  # A list of known failures with minimal spec flattening. For those special cases, a full
   129  # flattening is required
   130  known_failed_minimal="@(\
   131  fixture-1767.yaml|\
   132  )"
   134  if [[ "$1" == "--circleci" ]] ; then
   135      # Coloured output not supported by default on CircleCI.
   136      # Forcing term to xterm is not enough: tput not available with minimalist env.
   137      MONO=1
   138      # In CI run, test builds with default option (minimal flatten)
   139      OPTS="--with-flatten=minimal"
   140      #export TERM=xterm
   141      #MONO=""
   142  else
   143      # In manual run, enable coloured output
   144      MONO=""
   145      # In manual run, test the full range of available options for spec preprocessing
   146      OPTS="--with-flatten=full --with-flatten=minimal --with-flatten=expand"
   147  fi
   149  # A little chrome does not hurt...
   150  # initColors
   152  # All fixtures in ./fixtures/codegen + some others
   153  cd $(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)
   154  specdir="fixtures/codegen fixtures/bugs/909 fixtures/bugs/1437 fixtures/bugs/1314 fixtures/bugs/1062/eve-online-esi.json"
   155  specdir=${specdir}" fixtures/bugs/1392"
   156  specdir=${specdir}" fixtures/bugs/1277"
   157  specdir=${specdir}" fixtures/bugs/1536"
   158  specdir=${specdir}" fixtures/bugs/1487"
   159  specdir=${specdir}" fixtures/bugs/1571"
   160  specdir=${specdir}" fixtures/bugs/957"
   161  specdir=${specdir}" fixtures/bugs/1614"
   162  specdir=${specdir}" fixtures/bugs/931"
   163  specdir=${specdir}" fixtures/bugs/1683"
   164  specdir=${specdir}" fixtures/bugs/1796"
   165  specdir=${specdir}" fixtures/bugs/1839"
   166  specdir=${specdir}" fixtures/bugs/1719"
   167  specdir=${specdir}" fixtures/bugs/1859"
   168  gendir=./tmp-gen
   169  rm -rf ${gendir}
   171  check_list=`for d in ${specdir}; do ls $d/*.yml;ls $d/*.json;ls $d/*.yaml;done 2>/dev/null`
   172  # there are several subspecs there: we just want the master
   173  check_list=${check_list}" fixtures/bugs/1621/fixture-1621.yaml"
   174  check_list=${check_list}" fixtures/bugs/1774/def_api.yaml"
   175  check_list=${check_list}" fixtures/bugs/1767/fixture-1767.yaml"
   176  check_list=${check_list}" fixtures/bugs/1260/fixture-realiased-types.yaml"
   177  check_list=${check_list}" fixtures/bugs/1260/test3-swagger.yaml fixtures/bugs/1260/test3-bis-swagger.yaml"
   178  check_list=${check_list}" fixtures/bugs/1260/test3-ter-swagger.yaml fixtures/bugs/1260/test3-ter-swagger-flat.json"
   180  list=( $check_list )
   181  fixtures_count=${#list[@]}
   182  okcr "Running codegen for ${fixtures_count} specs"
   184  for spec in ${check_list}; do
   185      testcase=${spec##*/}
   186      case ${testcase} in
   187      ${known_failed})
   188          warncr "[`date +%T`]${spec}: not tested against full build because of known issues."
   189          run="false"
   190          opts=""
   191          buildClient="false"
   192          noexpand="false"
   193          ;;
   194      ${known_skip_validation})
   195          infocr "[`date +%T`]${spec}: assumed spec is invalid but tested against build nonetheless..."
   196          run="true"
   197          opts="--skip-validation"
   198          buildClient="true"
   199          noexpand="false"
   200          ;;
   201      ${known_client_failure})
   202          warncr "[`date +%T`]${spec}: will not attempt to build the client because of known issues..."
   203          run="true"
   204          opts=""
   205          buildClient="false"
   206          noexpand="false"
   207          ;;
   208      ${known_expand_failure})
   209          warncr "[`date +%T`]${spec}: will not attempt to build with expand mode because of known issues..."
   210          run="true"
   211          opts=""
   212          buildClient="true"
   213          noexpand="true"
   214          ;;
   215      ${known_failed_minimal})
   216          warncr "[`date +%T`]${spec}: will not attempt to build with flatten minimal mode because of known issues..."
   217          run="true"
   218          opts=""
   219          buildClient="true"
   220          noflatten="true"
   221          ;;
   222      *)
   223          infocr "[`date +%T`]${spec}: assumed valid and tested against build."
   224          run="true"
   225          opts=""
   226          buildClient="true"
   227          noexpand="false"
   228          ;;
   229      esac
   231  	if [[ ${run} == "true" ]]; then
   232          declare -i index=0
   233          for preprocessingOpts in ${OPTS} ; do
   234              index+=1
   235              infocr "Generation with options: ${preprocessingOpts} ${opts}"
   237              # Do not attempt to generate on expanded specs when there is a discriminator specified
   238  	        grep -q discriminator ${spec}
   239  	        discriminated=$?
   240  	        if [[ ${discriminated} -eq 0 && ${preprocessingOpts} == "--with-flatten=expand" ]] ; then
   241  	            warncr "Skipped ${testcase} with ${preprocessingOpts}: discriminator not supported in this mode"
   242  	            continue
   243  	        fi
   244            if [[ ${noexpand} != "true" && ${preprocessingOpts} == "--with-flatten=expand" ]] ; then
   245                continue
   246            fi
   247            if [[ ${noflatten} == "true" && ( ${preprocessingOpts} == "--with-flatten=minimal" || ${preprocessingOpts} == "" ) ]] ; then
   248              if [[ ${OPTS} == "--with-flatten=minimal" ]] ; then
   249                preprocessingOpts="--with-flatten=full"
   250              else
   251                continue
   252              fi
   253            fi
   255  	        target=${gendir}/gen-${testcase%.*}${index}
   256  	        target_client=${gendir}/gen-${testcase%.*}${index}"-client"
   258  	        server_name="nrcodegen"
   259  	        client_name="nrcodegen"
   260  	        errlog=${gendir}/stderr.log
   262  	        rm -rf ${target} ${target_client}
   263  	        mkdir -p ${target} ${target_client}
   264  	        rm -f ${errlog}
   266  	        # Gen server
   267  	        if ! swagger generate server --spec ${spec} --target ${target} --name=${server_name} --quiet ${opts} ${preprocessingOpts} 2>${errlog} ; then
   268  	            errcr "Generation Failed"
   269  	            if [[ -f ${errlog} ]] ; then errcr "$(cat ${errlog})" ; rm ${errlog};fi
   270  	            exit 1
   271  	        fi
   272  	        okcr "Generation server OK"
   273  	        rm -f ${errlog}
   274  	        # Gen client
   276  	        if ! swagger generate client --spec "${spec}" --target "${target_client}" --name "${client_name}" --quiet ${opts} "${preprocessingOpts}" 2>${errlog}; then
   277  	            errcr "Generation Failed"
   278  	            if [[ -f ${errlog} ]] ; then errcr `cat ${errlog}` ; rm ${errlog};fi
   279  	            exit 1
   280  	        fi
   281  	        okcr "Generation client OK"
   283              #
   284              # Check build on generated artifacts
   285              #
   287  	        # Build server
   288  	        if ! (cd ${target}/cmd/${server_name}"-server"; go build) 2>${errlog} ; then
   289  	            errcr "Server build Failed"
   290  	            if [[ -f ${errlog} ]] ; then errcr `cat ${errlog}` ; rm ${errlog};fi
   291  	            exit 1
   292  	        fi
   293  	        okcr "Server build OK"
   294  	        # Build models if any produced
   295  	        if [[ -d ${target}/models ]] ; then
   297  	            if ! (cd ${target}/models ; go build) 2>${errlog}; then
   298  	                errcr "Model build Failed"
   299  	                if [[ -f ${errlog} ]] ; then errcr `cat ${errlog}` ; rm ${errlog};fi
   300  	                exit 1
   301  	            fi
   302  	        fi
   303  	        okcr "Models build OK"
   304  	        # Build client
   305  	        if [[ ${buildClient} == "false" ]] ; then
   306  	            warncr "(no client built)"
   307  	        else
   308  	            if ! (cd ${target_client}/client ; go build) 2>${errlog} ; then
   309  	                errcr "Client build Failed"
   310  	                if [[ -f ${errlog} ]] ; then errcr `cat ${errlog}` ; rm ${errlog};fi
   311  	                exit 1
   312  	            fi
   313  	            okcr "Client build OK"
   314  	        fi
   315  	        successcr " [All builds for ${spec}:  OK]"
   316  	        rm -f ${errlog}
   317  	        rm -rf ${target} ${target_client}
   318  	    done
   319  	fi
   320  done
   321  rm -rf ${gendir}
   322  exit 0