
     1  package config // import ""
     3  import (
     4  	"os"
     5  	"strings"
     6  	"testing"
     8  	""
     9  	""
    10  	""
    11  	""
    12  	""
    13  	is ""
    14  	""
    15  	""
    16  )
    18  func TestDaemonConfigurationNotFound(t *testing.T) {
    19  	_, err := MergeDaemonConfigurations(&Config{}, nil, "/tmp/foo-bar-baz-docker")
    20  	if err == nil || !os.IsNotExist(err) {
    21  		t.Fatalf("expected does not exist error, got %v", err)
    22  	}
    23  }
    25  func TestDaemonBrokenConfiguration(t *testing.T) {
    26  	f, err := os.CreateTemp("", "docker-config-")
    27  	if err != nil {
    28  		t.Fatal(err)
    29  	}
    31  	configFile := f.Name()
    32  	f.Write([]byte(`{"Debug": tru`))
    33  	f.Close()
    35  	_, err = MergeDaemonConfigurations(&Config{}, nil, configFile)
    36  	if err == nil {
    37  		t.Fatalf("expected error, got %v", err)
    38  	}
    39  }
    41  func TestParseClusterAdvertiseSettings(t *testing.T) {
    42  	_, err := ParseClusterAdvertiseSettings("something", "")
    43  	if err != discovery.ErrDiscoveryDisabled {
    44  		t.Fatalf("expected discovery disabled error, got %v\n", err)
    45  	}
    47  	_, err = ParseClusterAdvertiseSettings("", "something")
    48  	if err == nil {
    49  		t.Fatalf("expected discovery store error, got %v\n", err)
    50  	}
    52  	_, err = ParseClusterAdvertiseSettings("etcd", "")
    53  	if err != nil {
    54  		t.Fatal(err)
    55  	}
    56  }
    58  func TestFindConfigurationConflicts(t *testing.T) {
    59  	config := map[string]interface{}{"authorization-plugins": "foobar"}
    60  	flags := pflag.NewFlagSet("test", pflag.ContinueOnError)
    62  	flags.String("authorization-plugins", "", "")
    63  	assert.Check(t, flags.Set("authorization-plugins", "asdf"))
    64  	assert.Check(t, is.ErrorContains(findConfigurationConflicts(config, flags), "authorization-plugins: (from flag: asdf, from file: foobar)"))
    65  }
    67  func TestFindConfigurationConflictsWithNamedOptions(t *testing.T) {
    68  	config := map[string]interface{}{"hosts": []string{"qwer"}}
    69  	flags := pflag.NewFlagSet("test", pflag.ContinueOnError)
    71  	var hosts []string
    72  	flags.VarP(opts.NewNamedListOptsRef("hosts", &hosts, opts.ValidateHost), "host", "H", "Daemon socket(s) to connect to")
    73  	assert.Check(t, flags.Set("host", "tcp://"))
    74  	assert.Check(t, flags.Set("host", "unix:///var/run/docker.sock"))
    75  	assert.Check(t, is.ErrorContains(findConfigurationConflicts(config, flags), "hosts"))
    76  }
    78  func TestDaemonConfigurationMergeConflicts(t *testing.T) {
    79  	f, err := os.CreateTemp("", "docker-config-")
    80  	if err != nil {
    81  		t.Fatal(err)
    82  	}
    84  	configFile := f.Name()
    85  	f.Write([]byte(`{"debug": true}`))
    86  	f.Close()
    88  	flags := pflag.NewFlagSet("test", pflag.ContinueOnError)
    89  	flags.Bool("debug", false, "")
    90  	flags.Set("debug", "false")
    92  	_, err = MergeDaemonConfigurations(&Config{}, flags, configFile)
    93  	if err == nil {
    94  		t.Fatal("expected error, got nil")
    95  	}
    96  	if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "debug") {
    97  		t.Fatalf("expected debug conflict, got %v", err)
    98  	}
    99  }
   101  func TestDaemonConfigurationMergeConcurrent(t *testing.T) {
   102  	f, err := os.CreateTemp("", "docker-config-")
   103  	if err != nil {
   104  		t.Fatal(err)
   105  	}
   107  	configFile := f.Name()
   108  	f.Write([]byte(`{"max-concurrent-downloads": 1}`))
   109  	f.Close()
   111  	_, err = MergeDaemonConfigurations(&Config{}, nil, configFile)
   112  	if err != nil {
   113  		t.Fatal("expected error, got nil")
   114  	}
   115  }
   117  func TestDaemonConfigurationMergeConcurrentError(t *testing.T) {
   118  	f, err := os.CreateTemp("", "docker-config-")
   119  	if err != nil {
   120  		t.Fatal(err)
   121  	}
   123  	configFile := f.Name()
   124  	f.Write([]byte(`{"max-concurrent-downloads": -1}`))
   125  	f.Close()
   127  	_, err = MergeDaemonConfigurations(&Config{}, nil, configFile)
   128  	if err == nil {
   129  		t.Fatalf("expected no error, got error %v", err)
   130  	}
   131  }
   133  func TestDaemonConfigurationMergeConflictsWithInnerStructs(t *testing.T) {
   134  	f, err := os.CreateTemp("", "docker-config-")
   135  	if err != nil {
   136  		t.Fatal(err)
   137  	}
   139  	configFile := f.Name()
   140  	f.Write([]byte(`{"tlscacert": "/etc/certificates/ca.pem"}`))
   141  	f.Close()
   143  	flags := pflag.NewFlagSet("test", pflag.ContinueOnError)
   144  	flags.String("tlscacert", "", "")
   145  	flags.Set("tlscacert", "~/.docker/ca.pem")
   147  	_, err = MergeDaemonConfigurations(&Config{}, flags, configFile)
   148  	if err == nil {
   149  		t.Fatal("expected error, got nil")
   150  	}
   151  	if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "tlscacert") {
   152  		t.Fatalf("expected tlscacert conflict, got %v", err)
   153  	}
   154  }
   156  // Test for #40711
   157  func TestDaemonConfigurationMergeDefaultAddressPools(t *testing.T) {
   158  	emptyConfigFile := fs.NewFile(t, "config", fs.WithContent(`{}`))
   159  	defer emptyConfigFile.Remove()
   160  	configFile := fs.NewFile(t, "config", fs.WithContent(`{"default-address-pools":[{"base": "", "size": 24 }]}`))
   161  	defer configFile.Remove()
   163  	expected := []*ipamutils.NetworkToSplit{{Base: "", Size: 24}}
   165  	t.Run("empty config file", func(t *testing.T) {
   166  		var conf = Config{}
   167  		flags := pflag.NewFlagSet("test", pflag.ContinueOnError)
   168  		flags.Var(&conf.NetworkConfig.DefaultAddressPools, "default-address-pool", "")
   169  		flags.Set("default-address-pool", "base=,size=24")
   171  		config, err := MergeDaemonConfigurations(&conf, flags, emptyConfigFile.Path())
   172  		assert.NilError(t, err)
   173  		assert.DeepEqual(t, config.DefaultAddressPools.Value(), expected)
   174  	})
   176  	t.Run("config file", func(t *testing.T) {
   177  		var conf = Config{}
   178  		flags := pflag.NewFlagSet("test", pflag.ContinueOnError)
   179  		flags.Var(&conf.NetworkConfig.DefaultAddressPools, "default-address-pool", "")
   181  		config, err := MergeDaemonConfigurations(&conf, flags, configFile.Path())
   182  		assert.NilError(t, err)
   183  		assert.DeepEqual(t, config.DefaultAddressPools.Value(), expected)
   184  	})
   186  	t.Run("with conflicting options", func(t *testing.T) {
   187  		var conf = Config{}
   188  		flags := pflag.NewFlagSet("test", pflag.ContinueOnError)
   189  		flags.Var(&conf.NetworkConfig.DefaultAddressPools, "default-address-pool", "")
   190  		flags.Set("default-address-pool", "base=,size=24")
   192  		_, err := MergeDaemonConfigurations(&conf, flags, configFile.Path())
   193  		assert.ErrorContains(t, err, "the following directives are specified both as a flag and in the configuration file")
   194  		assert.ErrorContains(t, err, "default-address-pools")
   195  	})
   196  }
   198  func TestFindConfigurationConflictsWithUnknownKeys(t *testing.T) {
   199  	config := map[string]interface{}{"tls-verify": "true"}
   200  	flags := pflag.NewFlagSet("test", pflag.ContinueOnError)
   202  	flags.Bool("tlsverify", false, "")
   203  	err := findConfigurationConflicts(config, flags)
   204  	if err == nil {
   205  		t.Fatal("expected error, got nil")
   206  	}
   207  	if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "the following directives don't match any configuration option: tls-verify") {
   208  		t.Fatalf("expected tls-verify conflict, got %v", err)
   209  	}
   210  }
   212  func TestFindConfigurationConflictsWithMergedValues(t *testing.T) {
   213  	var hosts []string
   214  	config := map[string]interface{}{"hosts": "tcp://"}
   215  	flags := pflag.NewFlagSet("base", pflag.ContinueOnError)
   216  	flags.VarP(opts.NewNamedListOptsRef("hosts", &hosts, nil), "host", "H", "")
   218  	err := findConfigurationConflicts(config, flags)
   219  	if err != nil {
   220  		t.Fatal(err)
   221  	}
   223  	flags.Set("host", "unix:///var/run/docker.sock")
   224  	err = findConfigurationConflicts(config, flags)
   225  	if err == nil {
   226  		t.Fatal("expected error, got nil")
   227  	}
   228  	if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "hosts: (from flag: [unix:///var/run/docker.sock], from file: tcp://") {
   229  		t.Fatalf("expected hosts conflict, got %v", err)
   230  	}
   231  }
   233  func TestValidateConfigurationErrors(t *testing.T) {
   234  	intPtr := func(i int) *int { return &i }
   236  	testCases := []struct {
   237  		name        string
   238  		config      *Config
   239  		expectedErr string
   240  	}{
   241  		{
   242  			name: "single label without value",
   243  			config: &Config{
   244  				CommonConfig: CommonConfig{
   245  					Labels: []string{"one"},
   246  				},
   247  			},
   248  			expectedErr: "bad attribute format: one",
   249  		},
   250  		{
   251  			name: "multiple label without value",
   252  			config: &Config{
   253  				CommonConfig: CommonConfig{
   254  					Labels: []string{"foo=bar", "one"},
   255  				},
   256  			},
   257  			expectedErr: "bad attribute format: one",
   258  		},
   259  		{
   260  			name: "single DNS, invalid IP-address",
   261  			config: &Config{
   262  				CommonConfig: CommonConfig{
   263  					DNSConfig: DNSConfig{
   264  						DNS: []string{""},
   265  					},
   266  				},
   267  			},
   268  			expectedErr: " is not an ip address",
   269  		},
   270  		{
   271  			name: "multiple DNS, invalid IP-address",
   272  			config: &Config{
   273  				CommonConfig: CommonConfig{
   274  					DNSConfig: DNSConfig{
   275  						DNS: []string{"", ""},
   276  					},
   277  				},
   278  			},
   279  			expectedErr: " is not an ip address",
   280  		},
   281  		{
   282  			name: "single DNSSearch",
   283  			config: &Config{
   284  				CommonConfig: CommonConfig{
   285  					DNSConfig: DNSConfig{
   286  						DNSSearch: []string{"123456"},
   287  					},
   288  				},
   289  			},
   290  			expectedErr: "123456 is not a valid domain",
   291  		},
   292  		{
   293  			name: "multiple DNSSearch",
   294  			config: &Config{
   295  				CommonConfig: CommonConfig{
   296  					DNSConfig: DNSConfig{
   297  						DNSSearch: []string{"a.b.c", "123456"},
   298  					},
   299  				},
   300  			},
   301  			expectedErr: "123456 is not a valid domain",
   302  		},
   303  		{
   304  			name: "negative max-concurrent-downloads",
   305  			config: &Config{
   306  				CommonConfig: CommonConfig{
   307  					MaxConcurrentDownloads: intPtr(-10),
   308  				},
   309  			},
   310  			expectedErr: "invalid max concurrent downloads: -10",
   311  		},
   312  		{
   313  			name: "negative max-concurrent-uploads",
   314  			config: &Config{
   315  				CommonConfig: CommonConfig{
   316  					MaxConcurrentUploads: intPtr(-10),
   317  				},
   318  			},
   319  			expectedErr: "invalid max concurrent uploads: -10",
   320  		},
   321  		{
   322  			name: "negative max-download-attempts",
   323  			config: &Config{
   324  				CommonConfig: CommonConfig{
   325  					MaxDownloadAttempts: intPtr(-10),
   326  				},
   327  			},
   328  			expectedErr: "invalid max download attempts: -10",
   329  		},
   330  		{
   331  			name: "zero max-download-attempts",
   332  			config: &Config{
   333  				CommonConfig: CommonConfig{
   334  					MaxDownloadAttempts: intPtr(0),
   335  				},
   336  			},
   337  			expectedErr: "invalid max download attempts: 0",
   338  		},
   339  		{
   340  			name: "generic resource without =",
   341  			config: &Config{
   342  				CommonConfig: CommonConfig{
   343  					NodeGenericResources: []string{"foo"},
   344  				},
   345  			},
   346  			expectedErr: "could not parse GenericResource: incorrect term foo, missing '=' or malformed expression",
   347  		},
   348  		{
   349  			name: "generic resource mixed named and discrete",
   350  			config: &Config{
   351  				CommonConfig: CommonConfig{
   352  					NodeGenericResources: []string{"foo=bar", "foo=1"},
   353  				},
   354  			},
   355  			expectedErr: "could not parse GenericResource: mixed discrete and named resources in expression 'foo=[bar 1]'",
   356  		},
   357  	}
   358  	for _, tc := range testCases {
   359  		t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
   360  			err := Validate(tc.config)
   361  			assert.Error(t, err, tc.expectedErr)
   362  		})
   363  	}
   364  }
   366  func TestValidateConfiguration(t *testing.T) {
   367  	intPtr := func(i int) *int { return &i }
   369  	testCases := []struct {
   370  		name   string
   371  		config *Config
   372  	}{
   373  		{
   374  			name: "with label",
   375  			config: &Config{
   376  				CommonConfig: CommonConfig{
   377  					Labels: []string{"one=two"},
   378  				},
   379  			},
   380  		},
   381  		{
   382  			name: "with dns",
   383  			config: &Config{
   384  				CommonConfig: CommonConfig{
   385  					DNSConfig: DNSConfig{
   386  						DNS: []string{""},
   387  					},
   388  				},
   389  			},
   390  		},
   391  		{
   392  			name: "with dns-search",
   393  			config: &Config{
   394  				CommonConfig: CommonConfig{
   395  					DNSConfig: DNSConfig{
   396  						DNSSearch: []string{"a.b.c"},
   397  					},
   398  				},
   399  			},
   400  		},
   401  		{
   402  			name: "with max-concurrent-downloads",
   403  			config: &Config{
   404  				CommonConfig: CommonConfig{
   405  					MaxConcurrentDownloads: intPtr(4),
   406  				},
   407  			},
   408  		},
   409  		{
   410  			name: "with max-concurrent-uploads",
   411  			config: &Config{
   412  				CommonConfig: CommonConfig{
   413  					MaxConcurrentUploads: intPtr(4),
   414  				},
   415  			},
   416  		},
   417  		{
   418  			name: "with max-download-attempts",
   419  			config: &Config{
   420  				CommonConfig: CommonConfig{
   421  					MaxDownloadAttempts: intPtr(4),
   422  				},
   423  			},
   424  		},
   425  		{
   426  			name: "with multiple node generic resources",
   427  			config: &Config{
   428  				CommonConfig: CommonConfig{
   429  					NodeGenericResources: []string{"foo=bar", "foo=baz"},
   430  				},
   431  			},
   432  		},
   433  		{
   434  			name: "with node generic resources",
   435  			config: &Config{
   436  				CommonConfig: CommonConfig{
   437  					NodeGenericResources: []string{"foo=1"},
   438  				},
   439  			},
   440  		},
   441  	}
   442  	for _, tc := range testCases {
   443  		t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
   444  			err := Validate(tc.config)
   445  			assert.NilError(t, err)
   446  		})
   447  	}
   448  }
   450  func TestModifiedDiscoverySettings(t *testing.T) {
   451  	cases := []struct {
   452  		current  *Config
   453  		modified *Config
   454  		expected bool
   455  	}{
   456  		{
   457  			current:  discoveryConfig("foo", "bar", map[string]string{}),
   458  			modified: discoveryConfig("foo", "bar", map[string]string{}),
   459  			expected: false,
   460  		},
   461  		{
   462  			current:  discoveryConfig("foo", "bar", map[string]string{"foo": "bar"}),
   463  			modified: discoveryConfig("foo", "bar", map[string]string{"foo": "bar"}),
   464  			expected: false,
   465  		},
   466  		{
   467  			current:  discoveryConfig("foo", "bar", map[string]string{}),
   468  			modified: discoveryConfig("foo", "bar", nil),
   469  			expected: false,
   470  		},
   471  		{
   472  			current:  discoveryConfig("foo", "bar", nil),
   473  			modified: discoveryConfig("foo", "bar", map[string]string{}),
   474  			expected: false,
   475  		},
   476  		{
   477  			current:  discoveryConfig("foo", "bar", nil),
   478  			modified: discoveryConfig("baz", "bar", nil),
   479  			expected: true,
   480  		},
   481  		{
   482  			current:  discoveryConfig("foo", "bar", nil),
   483  			modified: discoveryConfig("foo", "baz", nil),
   484  			expected: true,
   485  		},
   486  		{
   487  			current:  discoveryConfig("foo", "bar", nil),
   488  			modified: discoveryConfig("foo", "bar", map[string]string{"foo": "bar"}),
   489  			expected: true,
   490  		},
   491  	}
   493  	for _, c := range cases {
   494  		got := ModifiedDiscoverySettings(c.current, c.modified.ClusterStore, c.modified.ClusterAdvertise, c.modified.ClusterOpts)
   495  		if c.expected != got {
   496  			t.Fatalf("expected %v, got %v: current config %v, new config %v", c.expected, got, c.current, c.modified)
   497  		}
   498  	}
   499  }
   501  func discoveryConfig(backendAddr, advertiseAddr string, opts map[string]string) *Config {
   502  	return &Config{
   503  		CommonConfig: CommonConfig{
   504  			ClusterStore:     backendAddr,
   505  			ClusterAdvertise: advertiseAddr,
   506  			ClusterOpts:      opts,
   507  		},
   508  	}
   509  }
   511  // TestReloadSetConfigFileNotExist tests that when `--config-file` is set
   512  // and it doesn't exist the `Reload` function returns an error.
   513  func TestReloadSetConfigFileNotExist(t *testing.T) {
   514  	configFile := "/tmp/blabla/not/exists/config.json"
   515  	flags := pflag.NewFlagSet("test", pflag.ContinueOnError)
   516  	flags.String("config-file", "", "")
   517  	flags.Set("config-file", configFile)
   519  	err := Reload(configFile, flags, func(c *Config) {})
   520  	assert.Check(t, is.ErrorContains(err, "unable to configure the Docker daemon with file"))
   521  }
   523  // TestReloadDefaultConfigNotExist tests that if the default configuration file
   524  // doesn't exist the daemon still will be reloaded.
   525  func TestReloadDefaultConfigNotExist(t *testing.T) {
   526  	skip.If(t, os.Getuid() != 0, "skipping test that requires root")
   527  	reloaded := false
   528  	configFile := "/etc/docker/daemon.json"
   529  	flags := pflag.NewFlagSet("test", pflag.ContinueOnError)
   530  	flags.String("config-file", configFile, "")
   531  	err := Reload(configFile, flags, func(c *Config) {
   532  		reloaded = true
   533  	})
   534  	assert.Check(t, err)
   535  	assert.Check(t, reloaded)
   536  }
   538  // TestReloadBadDefaultConfig tests that when `--config-file` is not set
   539  // and the default configuration file exists and is bad return an error
   540  func TestReloadBadDefaultConfig(t *testing.T) {
   541  	f, err := os.CreateTemp("", "docker-config-")
   542  	if err != nil {
   543  		t.Fatal(err)
   544  	}
   546  	configFile := f.Name()
   547  	f.Write([]byte(`{wrong: "configuration"}`))
   548  	f.Close()
   550  	flags := pflag.NewFlagSet("test", pflag.ContinueOnError)
   551  	flags.String("config-file", configFile, "")
   552  	err = Reload(configFile, flags, func(c *Config) {})
   553  	assert.Check(t, is.ErrorContains(err, "unable to configure the Docker daemon with file"))
   554  }
   556  func TestReloadWithConflictingLabels(t *testing.T) {
   557  	tempFile := fs.NewFile(t, "config", fs.WithContent(`{"labels":["foo=bar","foo=baz"]}`))
   558  	defer tempFile.Remove()
   559  	configFile := tempFile.Path()
   561  	var lbls []string
   562  	flags := pflag.NewFlagSet("test", pflag.ContinueOnError)
   563  	flags.String("config-file", configFile, "")
   564  	flags.StringSlice("labels", lbls, "")
   565  	err := Reload(configFile, flags, func(c *Config) {})
   566  	assert.Check(t, is.ErrorContains(err, "conflict labels for foo=baz and foo=bar"))
   567  }
   569  func TestReloadWithDuplicateLabels(t *testing.T) {
   570  	tempFile := fs.NewFile(t, "config", fs.WithContent(`{"labels":["foo=the-same","foo=the-same"]}`))
   571  	defer tempFile.Remove()
   572  	configFile := tempFile.Path()
   574  	var lbls []string
   575  	flags := pflag.NewFlagSet("test", pflag.ContinueOnError)
   576  	flags.String("config-file", configFile, "")
   577  	flags.StringSlice("labels", lbls, "")
   578  	err := Reload(configFile, flags, func(c *Config) {})
   579  	assert.Check(t, err)
   580  }