
     1  package mounts // import ""
     3  import (
     4  	"errors"
     5  	"os"
     6  	"runtime"
     7  	"strings"
     8  	"testing"
    10  	""
    11  	""
    12  	""
    13  )
    15  type parseMountRawTestSet struct {
    16  	valid   []string
    17  	invalid map[string]string
    18  }
    20  func TestConvertTmpfsOptions(t *testing.T) {
    21  	type testCase struct {
    22  		opt                  mount.TmpfsOptions
    23  		readOnly             bool
    24  		expectedSubstrings   []string
    25  		unexpectedSubstrings []string
    26  	}
    27  	cases := []testCase{
    28  		{
    29  			opt:                  mount.TmpfsOptions{SizeBytes: 1024 * 1024, Mode: 0700},
    30  			readOnly:             false,
    31  			expectedSubstrings:   []string{"size=1m", "mode=700"},
    32  			unexpectedSubstrings: []string{"ro"},
    33  		},
    34  		{
    35  			opt:                  mount.TmpfsOptions{},
    36  			readOnly:             true,
    37  			expectedSubstrings:   []string{"ro"},
    38  			unexpectedSubstrings: []string{},
    39  		},
    40  	}
    41  	p := &linuxParser{}
    42  	for _, c := range cases {
    43  		data, err := p.ConvertTmpfsOptions(&c.opt, c.readOnly)
    44  		if err != nil {
    45  			t.Fatalf("could not convert %+v (readOnly: %v) to string: %v",
    46  				c.opt, c.readOnly, err)
    47  		}
    48  		t.Logf("data=%q", data)
    49  		for _, s := range c.expectedSubstrings {
    50  			if !strings.Contains(data, s) {
    51  				t.Fatalf("expected substring: %s, got %v (case=%+v)", s, data, c)
    52  			}
    53  		}
    54  		for _, s := range c.unexpectedSubstrings {
    55  			if strings.Contains(data, s) {
    56  				t.Fatalf("unexpected substring: %s, got %v (case=%+v)", s, data, c)
    57  			}
    58  		}
    59  	}
    60  }
    62  type mockFiProvider struct{}
    64  func (mockFiProvider) fileInfo(path string) (exists, isDir bool, err error) {
    65  	dirs := map[string]struct{}{
    66  		`c:\`:                    {},
    67  		`c:\windows\`:            {},
    68  		`c:\windows`:             {},
    69  		`c:\program files`:       {},
    70  		`c:\Windows`:             {},
    71  		`c:\Program Files (x86)`: {},
    72  		`\\?\c:\windows\`:        {},
    73  	}
    74  	files := map[string]struct{}{
    75  		`c:\windows\system32\ntdll.dll`: {},
    76  	}
    77  	if _, ok := dirs[path]; ok {
    78  		return true, true, nil
    79  	}
    80  	if _, ok := files[path]; ok {
    81  		return true, false, nil
    82  	}
    83  	return false, false, nil
    84  }
    86  func TestParseMountRaw(t *testing.T) {
    88  	previousProvider := currentFileInfoProvider
    89  	defer func() { currentFileInfoProvider = previousProvider }()
    90  	currentFileInfoProvider = mockFiProvider{}
    91  	windowsSet := parseMountRawTestSet{
    92  		valid: []string{
    93  			`d:\`,
    94  			`d:`,
    95  			`d:\path`,
    96  			`d:\path with space`,
    97  			`c:\:d:\`,
    98  			`c:\windows\:d:`,
    99  			`c:\windows:d:\s p a c e`,
   100  			`c:\windows:d:\s p a c e:RW`,
   101  			`c:\program files:d:\s p a c e i n h o s t d i r`,
   102  			`0123456789name:d:`,
   103  			`MiXeDcAsEnAmE:d:`,
   104  			`name:D:`,
   105  			`name:D::rW`,
   106  			`name:D::RW`,
   107  			`name:D::RO`,
   108  			`c:/:d:/forward/slashes/are/good/too`,
   109  			`c:/:d:/including with/spaces:ro`,
   110  			`c:\Windows`,                // With capital
   111  			`c:\Program Files (x86)`,    // With capitals and brackets
   112  			`\\?\c:\windows\:d:`,        // Long path handling (source)
   113  			`c:\windows\:\\?\d:\`,       // Long path handling (target)
   114  			`\\.\pipe\foo:\\.\pipe\foo`, // named pipe
   115  			`//./pipe/foo://./pipe/foo`, // named pipe forward slashes
   116  		},
   117  		invalid: map[string]string{
   118  			``:                                 "invalid volume specification: ",
   119  			`.`:                                "invalid volume specification: ",
   120  			`..\`:                              "invalid volume specification: ",
   121  			`c:\:..\`:                          "invalid volume specification: ",
   122  			`c:\:d:\:xyzzy`:                    "invalid volume specification: ",
   123  			`c:`:                               "cannot be `c:`",
   124  			`c:\`:                              "cannot be `c:`",
   125  			`c:\notexist:d:`:                   `source path does not exist: c:\notexist`,
   126  			`c:\windows\system32\ntdll.dll:d:`: `source path must be a directory`,
   127  			`name<:d:`:                         `invalid volume specification`,
   128  			`name>:d:`:                         `invalid volume specification`,
   129  			`name::d:`:                         `invalid volume specification`,
   130  			`name":d:`:                         `invalid volume specification`,
   131  			`name\:d:`:                         `invalid volume specification`,
   132  			`name*:d:`:                         `invalid volume specification`,
   133  			`name|:d:`:                         `invalid volume specification`,
   134  			`name?:d:`:                         `invalid volume specification`,
   135  			`name/:d:`:                         `invalid volume specification`,
   136  			`d:\pathandmode:rw`:                `invalid volume specification`,
   137  			`d:\pathandmode:ro`:                `invalid volume specification`,
   138  			`con:d:`:                           `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`,
   139  			`PRN:d:`:                           `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`,
   140  			`aUx:d:`:                           `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`,
   141  			`nul:d:`:                           `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`,
   142  			`com1:d:`:                          `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`,
   143  			`com2:d:`:                          `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`,
   144  			`com3:d:`:                          `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`,
   145  			`com4:d:`:                          `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`,
   146  			`com5:d:`:                          `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`,
   147  			`com6:d:`:                          `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`,
   148  			`com7:d:`:                          `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`,
   149  			`com8:d:`:                          `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`,
   150  			`com9:d:`:                          `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`,
   151  			`lpt1:d:`:                          `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`,
   152  			`lpt2:d:`:                          `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`,
   153  			`lpt3:d:`:                          `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`,
   154  			`lpt4:d:`:                          `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`,
   155  			`lpt5:d:`:                          `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`,
   156  			`lpt6:d:`:                          `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`,
   157  			`lpt7:d:`:                          `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`,
   158  			`lpt8:d:`:                          `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`,
   159  			`lpt9:d:`:                          `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`,
   160  			`c:\windows\system32\ntdll.dll`:    `Only directories can be mapped on this platform`,
   161  			`\\.\pipe\foo:c:\pipe`:             `'c:\pipe' is not a valid pipe path`,
   162  		},
   163  	}
   164  	lcowSet := parseMountRawTestSet{
   165  		valid: []string{
   166  			`/foo`,
   167  			`/foo/`,
   168  			`/foo bar`,
   169  			`c:\:/foo`,
   170  			`c:\windows\:/foo`,
   171  			`c:\windows:/s p a c e`,
   172  			`c:\windows:/s p a c e:RW`,
   173  			`c:\program files:/s p a c e i n h o s t d i r`,
   174  			`0123456789name:/foo`,
   175  			`MiXeDcAsEnAmE:/foo`,
   176  			`name:/foo`,
   177  			`name:/foo:rW`,
   178  			`name:/foo:RW`,
   179  			`name:/foo:RO`,
   180  			`c:/:/forward/slashes/are/good/too`,
   181  			`c:/:/including with/spaces:ro`,
   182  			`/Program Files (x86)`, // With capitals and brackets
   183  		},
   184  		invalid: map[string]string{
   185  			``:                                   "invalid volume specification: ",
   186  			`.`:                                  "invalid volume specification: ",
   187  			`c:`:                                 "invalid volume specification: ",
   188  			`c:\`:                                "invalid volume specification: ",
   189  			`../`:                                "invalid volume specification: ",
   190  			`c:\:../`:                            "invalid volume specification: ",
   191  			`c:\:/foo:xyzzy`:                     "invalid volume specification: ",
   192  			`/`:                                  "destination can't be '/'",
   193  			`/..`:                                "destination can't be '/'",
   194  			`c:\notexist:/foo`:                   `source path does not exist: c:\notexist`,
   195  			`c:\windows\system32\ntdll.dll:/foo`: `source path must be a directory`,
   196  			`name<:/foo`:                         `invalid volume specification`,
   197  			`name>:/foo`:                         `invalid volume specification`,
   198  			`name::/foo`:                         `invalid volume specification`,
   199  			`name":/foo`:                         `invalid volume specification`,
   200  			`name\:/foo`:                         `invalid volume specification`,
   201  			`name*:/foo`:                         `invalid volume specification`,
   202  			`name|:/foo`:                         `invalid volume specification`,
   203  			`name?:/foo`:                         `invalid volume specification`,
   204  			`name/:/foo`:                         `invalid volume specification`,
   205  			`/foo:rw`:                            `invalid volume specification`,
   206  			`/foo:ro`:                            `invalid volume specification`,
   207  			`con:/foo`:                           `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`,
   208  			`PRN:/foo`:                           `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`,
   209  			`aUx:/foo`:                           `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`,
   210  			`nul:/foo`:                           `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`,
   211  			`com1:/foo`:                          `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`,
   212  			`com2:/foo`:                          `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`,
   213  			`com3:/foo`:                          `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`,
   214  			`com4:/foo`:                          `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`,
   215  			`com5:/foo`:                          `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`,
   216  			`com6:/foo`:                          `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`,
   217  			`com7:/foo`:                          `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`,
   218  			`com8:/foo`:                          `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`,
   219  			`com9:/foo`:                          `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`,
   220  			`lpt1:/foo`:                          `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`,
   221  			`lpt2:/foo`:                          `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`,
   222  			`lpt3:/foo`:                          `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`,
   223  			`lpt4:/foo`:                          `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`,
   224  			`lpt5:/foo`:                          `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`,
   225  			`lpt6:/foo`:                          `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`,
   226  			`lpt7:/foo`:                          `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`,
   227  			`lpt8:/foo`:                          `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`,
   228  			`lpt9:/foo`:                          `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`,
   229  			`\\.\pipe\foo:/foo`:                  `Linux containers on Windows do not support named pipe mounts`,
   230  		},
   231  	}
   232  	linuxSet := parseMountRawTestSet{
   233  		valid: []string{
   234  			"/home",
   235  			"/home:/home",
   236  			"/home:/something/else",
   237  			"/with space",
   238  			"/home:/with space",
   239  			"relative:/absolute-path",
   240  			"hostPath:/containerPath:ro",
   241  			"/hostPath:/containerPath:rw",
   242  			"/rw:/ro",
   243  			"/hostPath:/containerPath:shared",
   244  			"/hostPath:/containerPath:rshared",
   245  			"/hostPath:/containerPath:slave",
   246  			"/hostPath:/containerPath:rslave",
   247  			"/hostPath:/containerPath:private",
   248  			"/hostPath:/containerPath:rprivate",
   249  			"/hostPath:/containerPath:ro,shared",
   250  			"/hostPath:/containerPath:ro,slave",
   251  			"/hostPath:/containerPath:ro,private",
   252  			"/hostPath:/containerPath:ro,z,shared",
   253  			"/hostPath:/containerPath:ro,Z,slave",
   254  			"/hostPath:/containerPath:Z,ro,slave",
   255  			"/hostPath:/containerPath:slave,Z,ro",
   256  			"/hostPath:/containerPath:Z,slave,ro",
   257  			"/hostPath:/containerPath:slave,ro,Z",
   258  			"/hostPath:/containerPath:rslave,ro,Z",
   259  			"/hostPath:/containerPath:ro,rshared,Z",
   260  			"/hostPath:/containerPath:ro,Z,rprivate",
   261  		},
   262  		invalid: map[string]string{
   263  			"":                                "invalid volume specification",
   264  			"./":                              "mount path must be absolute",
   265  			"../":                             "mount path must be absolute",
   266  			"/:../":                           "mount path must be absolute",
   267  			"/:path":                          "mount path must be absolute",
   268  			":":                               "invalid volume specification",
   269  			"/tmp:":                           "invalid volume specification",
   270  			":test":                           "invalid volume specification",
   271  			":/test":                          "invalid volume specification",
   272  			"tmp:":                            "invalid volume specification",
   273  			":test:":                          "invalid volume specification",
   274  			"::":                              "invalid volume specification",
   275  			":::":                             "invalid volume specification",
   276  			"/tmp:::":                         "invalid volume specification",
   277  			":/tmp::":                         "invalid volume specification",
   278  			"/path:rw":                        "invalid volume specification",
   279  			"/path:ro":                        "invalid volume specification",
   280  			"/rw:rw":                          "invalid volume specification",
   281  			"path:ro":                         "invalid volume specification",
   282  			"/path:/path:sw":                  `invalid mode`,
   283  			"/path:/path:rwz":                 `invalid mode`,
   284  			"/path:/path:ro,rshared,rslave":   `invalid mode`,
   285  			"/path:/path:ro,z,rshared,rslave": `invalid mode`,
   286  			"/path:shared":                    "invalid volume specification",
   287  			"/path:slave":                     "invalid volume specification",
   288  			"/path:private":                   "invalid volume specification",
   289  			"name:/absolute-path:shared":      "invalid volume specification",
   290  			"name:/absolute-path:rshared":     "invalid volume specification",
   291  			"name:/absolute-path:slave":       "invalid volume specification",
   292  			"name:/absolute-path:rslave":      "invalid volume specification",
   293  			"name:/absolute-path:private":     "invalid volume specification",
   294  			"name:/absolute-path:rprivate":    "invalid volume specification",
   295  		},
   296  	}
   298  	linParser := &linuxParser{}
   299  	winParser := &windowsParser{}
   300  	lcowParser := &lcowParser{}
   301  	tester := func(parser Parser, set parseMountRawTestSet) {
   303  		for _, path := range set.valid {
   305  			if _, err := parser.ParseMountRaw(path, "local"); err != nil {
   306  				t.Errorf("ParseMountRaw(`%q`) should succeed: error %q", path, err)
   307  			}
   308  		}
   310  		for path, expectedError := range set.invalid {
   311  			if mp, err := parser.ParseMountRaw(path, "local"); err == nil {
   312  				t.Errorf("ParseMountRaw(`%q`) should have failed validation. Err '%v' - MP: %v", path, err, mp)
   313  			} else {
   314  				if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), expectedError) {
   315  					t.Errorf("ParseMountRaw(`%q`) error should contain %q, got %v", path, expectedError, err.Error())
   316  				}
   317  			}
   318  		}
   319  	}
   320  	tester(linParser, linuxSet)
   321  	tester(winParser, windowsSet)
   322  	tester(lcowParser, lcowSet)
   324  }
   326  // testParseMountRaw is a structure used by TestParseMountRawSplit for
   327  // specifying test cases for the ParseMountRaw() function.
   328  type testParseMountRaw struct {
   329  	bind      string
   330  	driver    string
   331  	expType   mount.Type
   332  	expDest   string
   333  	expSource string
   334  	expName   string
   335  	expDriver string
   336  	expRW     bool
   337  	fail      bool
   338  }
   340  func TestParseMountRawSplit(t *testing.T) {
   341  	previousProvider := currentFileInfoProvider
   342  	defer func() { currentFileInfoProvider = previousProvider }()
   343  	currentFileInfoProvider = mockFiProvider{}
   344  	windowsCases := []testParseMountRaw{
   345  		{`c:\:d:`, "local", mount.TypeBind, `d:`, `c:\`, ``, "", true, false},
   346  		{`c:\:d:\`, "local", mount.TypeBind, `d:\`, `c:\`, ``, "", true, false},
   347  		{`c:\:d:\:ro`, "local", mount.TypeBind, `d:\`, `c:\`, ``, "", false, false},
   348  		{`c:\:d:\:rw`, "local", mount.TypeBind, `d:\`, `c:\`, ``, "", true, false},
   349  		{`c:\:d:\:foo`, "local", mount.TypeBind, `d:\`, `c:\`, ``, "", false, true},
   350  		{`name:d::rw`, "local", mount.TypeVolume, `d:`, ``, `name`, "local", true, false},
   351  		{`name:d:`, "local", mount.TypeVolume, `d:`, ``, `name`, "local", true, false},
   352  		{`name:d::ro`, "local", mount.TypeVolume, `d:`, ``, `name`, "local", false, false},
   353  		{`name:c:`, "", mount.TypeVolume, ``, ``, ``, "", true, true},
   354  		{`driver/name:c:`, "", mount.TypeVolume, ``, ``, ``, "", true, true},
   355  		{`\\.\pipe\foo:\\.\pipe\bar`, "local", mount.TypeNamedPipe, `\\.\pipe\bar`, `\\.\pipe\foo`, "", "", true, false},
   356  		{`\\.\pipe\foo:c:\foo\bar`, "local", mount.TypeNamedPipe, ``, ``, "", "", true, true},
   357  		{`c:\foo\bar:\\.\pipe\foo`, "local", mount.TypeNamedPipe, ``, ``, "", "", true, true},
   358  	}
   359  	lcowCases := []testParseMountRaw{
   360  		{`c:\:/foo`, "local", mount.TypeBind, `/foo`, `c:\`, ``, "", true, false},
   361  		{`c:\:/foo:ro`, "local", mount.TypeBind, `/foo`, `c:\`, ``, "", false, false},
   362  		{`c:\:/foo:rw`, "local", mount.TypeBind, `/foo`, `c:\`, ``, "", true, false},
   363  		{`c:\:/foo:foo`, "local", mount.TypeBind, `/foo`, `c:\`, ``, "", false, true},
   364  		{`name:/foo:rw`, "local", mount.TypeVolume, `/foo`, ``, `name`, "local", true, false},
   365  		{`name:/foo`, "local", mount.TypeVolume, `/foo`, ``, `name`, "local", true, false},
   366  		{`name:/foo:ro`, "local", mount.TypeVolume, `/foo`, ``, `name`, "local", false, false},
   367  		{`name:/`, "", mount.TypeVolume, ``, ``, ``, "", true, true},
   368  		{`driver/name:/`, "", mount.TypeVolume, ``, ``, ``, "", true, true},
   369  		{`\\.\pipe\foo:\\.\pipe\bar`, "local", mount.TypeNamedPipe, `\\.\pipe\bar`, `\\.\pipe\foo`, "", "", true, true},
   370  		{`\\.\pipe\foo:/data`, "local", mount.TypeNamedPipe, ``, ``, "", "", true, true},
   371  		{`c:\foo\bar:\\.\pipe\foo`, "local", mount.TypeNamedPipe, ``, ``, "", "", true, true},
   372  	}
   373  	linuxCases := []testParseMountRaw{
   374  		{"/tmp:/tmp1", "", mount.TypeBind, "/tmp1", "/tmp", "", "", true, false},
   375  		{"/tmp:/tmp2:ro", "", mount.TypeBind, "/tmp2", "/tmp", "", "", false, false},
   376  		{"/tmp:/tmp3:rw", "", mount.TypeBind, "/tmp3", "/tmp", "", "", true, false},
   377  		{"/tmp:/tmp4:foo", "", mount.TypeBind, "", "", "", "", false, true},
   378  		{"name:/named1", "", mount.TypeVolume, "/named1", "", "name", "", true, false},
   379  		{"name:/named2", "external", mount.TypeVolume, "/named2", "", "name", "external", true, false},
   380  		{"name:/named3:ro", "local", mount.TypeVolume, "/named3", "", "name", "local", false, false},
   381  		{"local/name:/tmp:rw", "", mount.TypeVolume, "/tmp", "", "local/name", "", true, false},
   382  		{"/tmp:tmp", "", mount.TypeBind, "", "", "", "", true, true},
   383  	}
   384  	linParser := &linuxParser{}
   385  	winParser := &windowsParser{}
   386  	lcowParser := &lcowParser{}
   387  	tester := func(parser Parser, cases []testParseMountRaw) {
   388  		for i, c := range cases {
   389  			t.Logf("case %d", i)
   390  			m, err := parser.ParseMountRaw(c.bind, c.driver)
   391  			if {
   392  				if err == nil {
   393  					t.Errorf("Expected error, was nil, for spec %s\n", c.bind)
   394  				}
   395  				continue
   396  			}
   398  			if m == nil || err != nil {
   399  				t.Errorf("ParseMountRaw failed for spec '%s', driver '%s', error '%v'", c.bind, c.driver, err.Error())
   400  				continue
   401  			}
   403  			if m.Destination != c.expDest {
   404  				t.Errorf("Expected destination '%s, was %s', for spec '%s'", c.expDest, m.Destination, c.bind)
   405  			}
   407  			if m.Source != c.expSource {
   408  				t.Errorf("Expected source '%s', was '%s', for spec '%s'", c.expSource, m.Source, c.bind)
   409  			}
   411  			if m.Name != c.expName {
   412  				t.Errorf("Expected name '%s', was '%s' for spec '%s'", c.expName, m.Name, c.bind)
   413  			}
   415  			if m.Driver != c.expDriver {
   416  				t.Errorf("Expected driver '%s', was '%s', for spec '%s'", c.expDriver, m.Driver, c.bind)
   417  			}
   419  			if m.RW != c.expRW {
   420  				t.Errorf("Expected RW '%v', was '%v' for spec '%s'", c.expRW, m.RW, c.bind)
   421  			}
   422  			if m.Type != c.expType {
   423  				t.Fatalf("Expected type '%s', was '%s', for spec '%s'", c.expType, m.Type, c.bind)
   424  			}
   425  		}
   426  	}
   428  	tester(linParser, linuxCases)
   429  	tester(winParser, windowsCases)
   430  	tester(lcowParser, lcowCases)
   431  }
   433  func TestParseMountSpec(t *testing.T) {
   434  	type c struct {
   435  		input    mount.Mount
   436  		expected MountPoint
   437  	}
   438  	testDir, err := os.MkdirTemp("", "test-mount-config")
   439  	if err != nil {
   440  		t.Fatal(err)
   441  	}
   442  	defer os.RemoveAll(testDir)
   443  	parser := NewParser(runtime.GOOS)
   444  	cases := []c{
   445  		{mount.Mount{Type: mount.TypeBind, Source: testDir, Target: testDestinationPath, ReadOnly: true}, MountPoint{Type: mount.TypeBind, Source: testDir, Destination: testDestinationPath, Propagation: parser.DefaultPropagationMode()}},
   446  		{mount.Mount{Type: mount.TypeBind, Source: testDir, Target: testDestinationPath}, MountPoint{Type: mount.TypeBind, Source: testDir, Destination: testDestinationPath, RW: true, Propagation: parser.DefaultPropagationMode()}},
   447  		{mount.Mount{Type: mount.TypeBind, Source: testDir + string(os.PathSeparator), Target: testDestinationPath, ReadOnly: true}, MountPoint{Type: mount.TypeBind, Source: testDir, Destination: testDestinationPath, Propagation: parser.DefaultPropagationMode()}},
   448  		{mount.Mount{Type: mount.TypeBind, Source: testDir, Target: testDestinationPath + string(os.PathSeparator), ReadOnly: true}, MountPoint{Type: mount.TypeBind, Source: testDir, Destination: testDestinationPath, Propagation: parser.DefaultPropagationMode()}},
   449  		{mount.Mount{Type: mount.TypeVolume, Target: testDestinationPath}, MountPoint{Type: mount.TypeVolume, Destination: testDestinationPath, RW: true, CopyData: parser.DefaultCopyMode()}},
   450  		{mount.Mount{Type: mount.TypeVolume, Target: testDestinationPath + string(os.PathSeparator)}, MountPoint{Type: mount.TypeVolume, Destination: testDestinationPath, RW: true, CopyData: parser.DefaultCopyMode()}},
   451  	}
   453  	for i, c := range cases {
   454  		t.Logf("case %d", i)
   455  		mp, err := parser.ParseMountSpec(c.input)
   456  		if err != nil {
   457  			t.Error(err)
   458  		}
   460  		if c.expected.Type != mp.Type {
   461  			t.Errorf("Expected mount types to match. Expected: '%s', Actual: '%s'", c.expected.Type, mp.Type)
   462  		}
   463  		if c.expected.Destination != mp.Destination {
   464  			t.Errorf("Expected mount destination to match. Expected: '%s', Actual: '%s'", c.expected.Destination, mp.Destination)
   465  		}
   466  		if c.expected.Source != mp.Source {
   467  			t.Errorf("Expected mount source to match. Expected: '%s', Actual: '%s'", c.expected.Source, mp.Source)
   468  		}
   469  		if c.expected.RW != mp.RW {
   470  			t.Errorf("Expected mount writable to match. Expected: '%v', Actual: '%v'", c.expected.RW, mp.RW)
   471  		}
   472  		if c.expected.Propagation != mp.Propagation {
   473  			t.Errorf("Expected mount propagation to match. Expected: '%v', Actual: '%s'", c.expected.Propagation, mp.Propagation)
   474  		}
   475  		if c.expected.Driver != mp.Driver {
   476  			t.Errorf("Expected mount driver to match. Expected: '%v', Actual: '%s'", c.expected.Driver, mp.Driver)
   477  		}
   478  		if c.expected.CopyData != mp.CopyData {
   479  			t.Errorf("Expected mount copy data to match. Expected: '%v', Actual: '%v'", c.expected.CopyData, mp.CopyData)
   480  		}
   481  	}
   483  }
   485  // always returns the configured error
   486  // this is used to test error handling
   487  type mockFiProviderWithError struct{ err error }
   489  func (m mockFiProviderWithError) fileInfo(path string) (bool, bool, error) {
   490  	return false, false, m.err
   491  }
   493  // TestParseMountSpecBindWithFileinfoError makes sure that the parser returns
   494  // the error produced by the fileinfo provider.
   495  //
   496  // Some extra context for the future in case of changes and possible wtf are we
   497  // testing this for:
   498  //
   499  // Currently this "fileInfoProvider" returns (bool, bool, error)
   500  // The 1st bool is "does this path exist"
   501  // The 2nd bool is "is this path a dir"
   502  // Then of course the error is an error.
   503  //
   504  // The issue is the parser was ignoring the error and only looking at the
   505  // "does this path exist" boolean, which is always false if there is an error.
   506  // Then the error returned to the caller was a (slightly, maybe) friendlier
   507  // error string than what comes from `os.Stat`
   508  // So ...the caller was always getting an error saying the path doesn't exist
   509  // even if it does exist but got some other error (like a permission error).
   510  // This is confusing to users.
   511  func TestParseMountSpecBindWithFileinfoError(t *testing.T) {
   512  	previousProvider := currentFileInfoProvider
   513  	defer func() { currentFileInfoProvider = previousProvider }()
   515  	testErr := errors.New("some crazy error")
   516  	currentFileInfoProvider = &mockFiProviderWithError{err: testErr}
   518  	p := "/bananas"
   519  	if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
   520  		p = `c:\bananas`
   521  	}
   522  	m := mount.Mount{Type: mount.TypeBind, Source: p, Target: p}
   524  	parser := NewParser(runtime.GOOS)
   526  	_, err := parser.ParseMountSpec(m)
   527  	assert.Assert(t, err != nil)
   528  	assert.Assert(t, cmp.Contains(err.Error(), "some crazy error"))
   529  }