
     1  version = "unstable"
     2  generator = "gogoswarm"
     3  plugins = ["grpc", "deepcopy", "storeobject", "raftproxy", "authenticatedwrapper"]
     5  # Control protoc include paths. Below are usually some good defaults, but feel
     6  # free to try it without them if it works for your project.
     7  [includes]
     8    # Include paths that will be added before all others. Typically, you want to
     9    # treat the root of the project as an include, but this may not be necessary.
    10    before = ["."]
    12    # Paths that should be treated as include roots in relation to the vendor
    13    # directory. These will be calculated with the vendor directory nearest the
    14    # target package.
    15    vendored = [""]
    17    # Paths that will be added untouched to the end of the includes. We use
    18    # `/usr/local/include` to pickup the common install location of protobuf.
    19    # This is the default.
    20    after = ["/usr/local/include"]
    22  [importpath]
    24  # This section map protobuf imports to Go packages. These will become
    25  # `-M` directives in the call to the go protobuf generator.
    26  [packages]
    27    "gogoproto/gogo.proto" = ""
    28    "google/protobuf/any.proto" = ""
    29    "google/protobuf/descriptor.proto" = ""
    30    "google/protobuf/field_mask.proto" = ""
    31    "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto" = ""
    32    "google/protobuf/duration.proto" = ""
    33    "google/protobuf/wrappers.proto" = ""
    35  [[descriptors]]
    36  prefix = ""
    37  target = "api/api.pb.txt"