
     1  ---------------------------- MODULE Tasks ----------------------------------
     3  EXTENDS TLC, Types
     5  VARIABLE tasks          \* The set of currently-allocated tasks
     7  (* The expected type of each variable. TLA+ is an untyped language, but the model checker
     8     can check that TasksTypeOK is true for every reachable state. *)
     9  TasksTypeOK ==
    10    \* `tasks' is a subset of the set of all possible tasks
    11    /\ tasks \in SUBSET Task
    13  (* Update `tasks' by performing each update in `f', which is a function
    14     mapping old tasks to new ones. *)
    15  UpdateTasks(f) ==
    16    /\ Assert(\A t \in DOMAIN f : t \in tasks, "An old task does not exist!")
    17    /\ Assert(\A t \in DOMAIN f :
    18                  LET t2 == f[t]
    19                  IN                        \* The updated version of `t' must have
    20                  /\      =      \* the same task ID,
    21                  /\ t.service = t2.service \* the same service ID,
    22                  /\ VSlot(t)  = VSlot(t2), \* and the same vslot.
    23              "An update changes a task's identity!")
    24    \* Remove all the old tasks and add the new ones:
    25    /\ tasks' = (tasks \ DOMAIN f) \union Range(f)
    27  (* A `new' task belonging to service `sid' with the given slot, id, and desired state. *)
    28  NewTask(sid, vslot, id, desired_state) ==
    29    [
    30      id            |-> id,
    31      service       |-> sid,
    32      status        |-> [ state |-> new ],
    33      desired_state |-> desired_state,
    34      node          |-> IF vslot \in Node THEN vslot ELSE unassigned,
    35      slot          |-> IF vslot \in Slot THEN vslot ELSE global
    36    ]
    39  \* A special ``state'' used when a task doesn't exist.
    40  null == "null"
    42  (* All the possible transitions, grouped by the component that performs them. *)
    43  Transitions == [
    44    orchestrator |-> {
    45      << null, new >>
    46    },
    48    allocator |-> {
    49      << new, pending >>
    50    },
    52    scheduler |-> {
    53      << pending, assigned >>
    54    },
    56    agent |-> {
    57      << assigned, accepted >>,
    58      << accepted, preparing >>,
    59      << preparing, ready >>,
    60      << ready, starting >>,
    61      << starting, running >>,
    63      << assigned, rejected >>,
    64      << accepted, rejected >>,
    65      << preparing, rejected >>,
    66      << ready, rejected >>,
    67      << starting, rejected >>,
    69      << running, complete >>,
    70      << running, failed >>,
    72      << running, shutdown >>,
    74      << assigned, orphaned >>,
    75      << accepted, orphaned >>,
    76      << preparing, orphaned >>,
    77      << ready, orphaned >>,
    78      << starting, orphaned >>,
    79      << running, orphaned >>
    80    },
    82    reaper |-> {
    83      << new, null >>,
    84      << pending, null >>,
    85      << rejected, null >>,
    86      << complete, null >>,
    87      << failed, null >>,
    88      << shutdown, null >>,
    89      << orphaned, null >>
    90    }
    91  ]
    93  (* Check that `Transitions' itself is OK. *)
    94  TransitionTableOK ==
    95    \* No transition moves to a lower-ranked state:
    96    /\ \A actor \in DOMAIN Transitions :
    97       \A trans \in Transitions[actor] :
    98          \/ trans[1] = null
    99          \/ trans[2] = null
   100          \/ trans[1] \preceq trans[2]
   101    (* Every source state has exactly one component which handles transitions out of that state.
   102       Except for the case of the reaper removing `new' and `pending' tasks that are flagged
   103       for removal. *)
   104    /\ \A a1, a2 \in DOMAIN Transitions :
   105       LET exceptions == { << new, null >>, << pending, null >> }
   106            Source(a) == { s[1] : s \in Transitions[a] \ exceptions}
   107       IN  a1 # a2 =>
   108             Source(a1) \intersect Source(a2) = {}
   110  ASSUME TransitionTableOK  \* Note: ASSUME means ``check'' to TLC
   112  =============================================================================