
     1  /*
     2  Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
     4  SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
     5  */
     7  package gendoc_test
     9  import (
    10  	"bytes"
    11  	"io"
    12  	"os"
    13  	"path/filepath"
    14  	"strings"
    16  	""
    17  	. ""
    18  	. ""
    19  )
    21  var _ = Describe("Table", func() {
    22  	It("generates a markdown document the prometheus metrics", func() {
    23  		var options []interface{}
    25  		filepath.Walk("testdata", func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
    26  			defer GinkgoRecover()
    27  			if err == nil && !info.IsDir() && strings.HasSuffix(path, ".go") {
    28  				f, err := ParseFile(path)
    29  				Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred())
    30  				opts, err := gendoc.FileOptions(f)
    31  				Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred())
    32  				options = append(options, opts...)
    33  			}
    34  			return nil
    35  		})
    37  		cells, err := gendoc.NewCells(options)
    38  		Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred())
    40  		buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
    41  		w := io.MultiWriter(buf, GinkgoWriter)
    43  		gendoc.NewPrometheusTable(cells).Generate(w)
    44  		Expect(buf.String()).To(Equal(strings.TrimPrefix(goldenPromTable, "\n")))
    45  	})
    47  	It("generates a markdown document the statsd metrics", func() {
    48  		var options []interface{}
    50  		filepath.Walk("testdata", func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
    51  			defer GinkgoRecover()
    52  			if err == nil && !info.IsDir() && strings.HasSuffix(path, ".go") {
    53  				f, err := ParseFile(path)
    54  				Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred())
    55  				opts, err := gendoc.FileOptions(f)
    56  				Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred())
    57  				options = append(options, opts...)
    58  			}
    59  			return nil
    60  		})
    62  		cells, err := gendoc.NewCells(options)
    63  		Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred())
    65  		buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
    66  		w := io.MultiWriter(buf, GinkgoWriter)
    68  		gendoc.NewStatsdTable(cells).Generate(w)
    69  		Expect(buf.String()).To(Equal(strings.TrimPrefix(goldenStatsdTable, "\n")))
    70  	})
    71  })
    73  const goldenPromTable = `
    74  +--------------------------+-----------+------------------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
    75  | Name                     | Type      | Description                                                | Labels                                                                         |
    76  +==========================+===========+============================================================+==============+=================================================================+
    77  | fixtures_counter         | counter   | This is some help text that is more than a few words long. | label_one    | this is a really cool label that is the first of many           |
    78  |                          |           | It really can be quite long. Really long.                  +--------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+
    79  |                          |           |                                                            | label_two    | short and sweet                                                 |
    80  |                          |           |                                                            +--------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+
    81  |                          |           |                                                            | missing_help |                                                                 |
    82  +--------------------------+-----------+------------------------------------------------------------+--------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+
    83  | fixtures_gauge           | gauge     | This is some help text that is more than a few words long. | label_one    |                                                                 |
    84  |                          |           | It really can be quite long. Really long. This is some     +--------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+
    85  |                          |           | help text that is more than a few words long. It really    | label_two    |                                                                 |
    86  |                          |           | can be quite long. Really long.                            |              |                                                                 |
    87  +--------------------------+-----------+------------------------------------------------------------+--------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+
    88  | fixtures_histogram       | histogram | This is some help text                                     | label_one    | This is a very long help message for label_one, which could be  |
    89  |                          |           |                                                            |              | really, really long, and it may never end...                    |
    90  |                          |           |                                                            +--------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+
    91  |                          |           |                                                            | label_two    |                                                                 |
    92  +--------------------------+-----------+------------------------------------------------------------+--------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+
    93  | namespace_counter_name   | counter   | This is some help text                                     | label_one    |                                                                 |
    94  |                          |           |                                                            +--------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+
    95  |                          |           |                                                            | label_two    |                                                                 |
    96  +--------------------------+-----------+------------------------------------------------------------+--------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+
    97  | namespace_gauge_name     | gauge     | This is some help text                                     | label_one    |                                                                 |
    98  |                          |           |                                                            +--------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+
    99  |                          |           |                                                            | label_two    |                                                                 |
   100  +--------------------------+-----------+------------------------------------------------------------+--------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+
   101  | namespace_histogram_name | histogram | This is some help text                                     | label_one    |                                                                 |
   102  |                          |           |                                                            +--------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+
   103  |                          |           |                                                            | label_two    |                                                                 |
   104  +--------------------------+-----------+------------------------------------------------------------+--------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+
   105  `
   107  const goldenStatsdTable = `
   108  +----------------------------------------------------+-----------+------------------------------------------------------------+
   109  | Bucket                                             | Type      | Description                                                |
   110  +====================================================+===========+============================================================+
   111  | fixtures.counter.%{label_one}.%{label_two}         | counter   | This is some help text that is more than a few words long. |
   112  |                                                    |           | It really can be quite long. Really long.                  |
   113  +----------------------------------------------------+-----------+------------------------------------------------------------+
   114  | fixtures.gauge.%{label_one}.%{label_two}           | gauge     | This is some help text that is more than a few words long. |
   115  |                                                    |           | It really can be quite long. Really long. This is some     |
   116  |                                                    |           | help text that is more than a few words long. It really    |
   117  |                                                    |           | can be quite long. Really long.                            |
   118  +----------------------------------------------------+-----------+------------------------------------------------------------+
   119  | fixtures.histogram.%{label_one}.%{label_two}       | histogram | This is some help text                                     |
   120  +----------------------------------------------------+-----------+------------------------------------------------------------+
   121  |{label_one}.%{label_two}   | counter   | This is some help text                                     |
   122  +----------------------------------------------------+-----------+------------------------------------------------------------+
   123  |{label_one}.%{label_two}     | gauge     | This is some help text                                     |
   124  +----------------------------------------------------+-----------+------------------------------------------------------------+
   125  |{label_one}.%{label_two} | histogram | This is some help text                                     |
   126  +----------------------------------------------------+-----------+------------------------------------------------------------+
   127  `