
     1  #!/bin/bash
     2  #
     3  # Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
     4  #
     5  # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
     6  #
     9  set -e
    11  #############################################################################################################################
    12  # This shell script contains common functions that can be used across benchmark tests
    13  # Following is the description of the list of variables that this script uses
    14  #
    15  # OUTPUT_DIR_ROOT - Root dir for tests results
    16  # RAW_OUTPUT_FILE - File name that contains the raw output produced by a test that otherwiese is printed on screen
    17  # RESULTS_FILE - File name that contains the test parameters and the time taken by the test (in csv format)
    18  # PKG_NAME - Name of the golang package for the test
    19  # FUNCTION_NAME - Name of the Benchmark function
    20  # TEST_PARAMS - Parameters for the test
    21  # RESULTANT_DIRS - An optional list of dirs whose size needs to be captured in the results in the RESULTS_FILE
    22  #
    23  # The default values for some of the above variables are set in this script and can be overridden by a test specific
    24  # script. For remaining variables, a test specific script needs to set the appropriate values before calling the
    25  # function 'executeTest' of this script
    26  #
    27  # The result file for a test gets created in a csv format in the folder
    28  # $OUTPUT_DIR_ROOT/<last_element_of>$PKG_NAME<segment>/$FUNCTION_NAME
    29  #############################################################################################################################
    32  OUTPUT_DIR_ROOT=`echo /tmp`
    33  RAW_OUTPUT_FILE="output_LTE.log"
    34  RESULTS_FILE="results.csv"
    36  benchmarkLineRegex="^Benchmark.*[[:blank:]]+[[:digit:]]+[[:blank:]]+([[:digit:]]+).*$"
    37  testParamRegex="-\([^=]*\)=\([^,]*\)"
    39  echo "**Note**: This is a Benchmark test. Please make sure to set an appropriate value for ulimit in your OS."
    40  echo "Recommended value is 10000 for default parameters."
    41  echo "Current ulimit=`ulimit -n`"
    44  ## Execute test and generate data file
    45  function executeTest {
    46    runTestSetup
    47    cmd="go test -v -timeout 1000m $PKG_NAME -testParams=\"$TEST_PARAMS\" -bench=$FUNCTION_NAME"
    48    echo $cmd
    49    RAW_OUTPUT=`eval $cmd || true`
    50    if [[ "$RAW_OUTPUT" == *"FAIL"* ]]; then
    51      printf "%s\n" "$RAW_OUTPUT"
    52      echo "Failed to run the test.";
    53      return 1;
    54    fi
    55    writeResults
    56  }
    58  function writeResults {
    59    outputDir=`getOuputDir`
    60    echo "Test Output Start:"
    61    echo "$RAW_OUTPUT"
    62    echo "Test Output Finish"
    63    while read -r line; do
    64      echo $line >> $outputDir/$RAW_OUTPUT_FILE
    65      if [[ $line =~ $benchmarkLineRegex ]]; then
    66        resultsDataLine="`extractParamValues`, `nanosToSec ${BASH_REMATCH[1]}`"
    67        for d in $RESULTANT_DIRS; do
    68          if [ -d $d ]
    69            then
    70              dirSizeKBs=`du -sk $d | cut -f1`
    71              resultsDataLine="$resultsDataLine, `kbsToMbs $dirSizeKBs`"
    72          else
    73            resultsDataLine="$resultsDataLine, DoesNotExist"
    74          fi
    75          done
    76          echo $resultsDataLine >> $outputDir/$RESULTS_FILE
    77      fi
    78    done <<< "$RAW_OUTPUT"
    79  }
    81  function runTestSetup {
    82    outputDir=`getOuputDir`
    83    for d in ${TESTS_SETUP_DONE[@]}
    84      do
    85        if [ $d == $outputDir ]
    86        then
    87          return
    88        fi
    89      done
    90    createOutputDir
    91    writeResultsFileHeader
    92    TESTS_SETUP_DONE+=($outputDir)
    93  }
    95  function writeResultsFileHeader {
    96    outputDir=`getOuputDir`
    97    echo "" >> $outputDir/$RESULTS_FILE
    98    echo "# `date`" >> $outputDir/$RESULTS_FILE
    99    headerLine="# `extractParamNames`, Time_Spent(s)"
   100    for d in $RESULTANT_DIRS; do
   101      headerLine="$headerLine, Size_$(basename $d)(mb)"
   102    done
   103    echo "$headerLine" >> $outputDir/$RESULTS_FILE
   104  }
   106  function extractParamNames {
   107    echo $TEST_PARAMS | sed "s/$testParamRegex/\1/g"
   108  }
   110  function extractParamValues {
   111    echo $TEST_PARAMS | sed "s/$testParamRegex/\2/g"
   112  }
   114  function getOuputDir {
   115    pkgName=$(basename $PKG_NAME)
   116    outputDir="$OUTPUT_DIR_ROOT/$pkgName/$FUNCTION_NAME"
   117    if [ ! -z "$OUTPUT_DIR" ]; then
   118      outputDir="$OUTPUT_DIR_ROOT/$pkgName/$OUTPUT_DIR"
   119    fi
   120    echo $outputDir
   121  }
   123  function createOutputDir {
   124    outputDir=`getOuputDir`
   125    if [ ! -d "$outputDir" ]; then
   126      mkdir -p $outputDir
   127    else
   128      echo "INFO: outputDIR [$outputDir] already exists. Output will be appended to existing file"
   129    fi
   130  }
   132  function clearOSCache {
   133    platform=`uname`
   134    if [[ $platform == 'Darwin' ]]; then
   135      echo "Clearing os cache"
   136      sudo purge
   137    else
   138      echo "WARNING: Platform [$platform] is not supported for clearing os cache."
   139    fi
   140  }
   142  function nanosToSec {
   143    nanos=$1
   144    echo $(awk "BEGIN {printf \"%.2f\", ${nanos}/1000000000}")
   145  }
   147  function kbsToMbs {
   148    kbs=$1
   149    echo $(awk "BEGIN {printf \"%.2f\", ${kbs}/1024}")
   150  }
   152  function upCouchDB {
   153    if [ "$useCouchDB" == "true" ];
   154    then
   155      downCouchDB
   156      echo "Starting couchdb container on port 5984..."
   157      export COUCHDB_ADDR=localhost:5984
   158      docker run --publish 5984:5984 --detach --name couchdb couchdb:2.3 >/dev/null
   159      sleep 5
   160    fi
   161  }
   163  function downCouchDB {    
   164      couch_id=$(docker ps -aq --filter 'ancestor=couchdb:2.3')
   165      if [ "$couch_id" != "" ]; then
   166        echo "Stopping couchdb container (id: $couch_id)..."
   167        docker rm -f $couch_id &>/dev/null
   168      fi
   169      sleep 5
   170  }
   172  trap downCouchDB EXIT