
     1  # Chaincode for Operators
     3  ## What is Chaincode?
     5  Chaincode is a program, written in [Go](, [Node.js](,
     6  or [Java]( that implements a prescribed interface.
     7  Chaincode runs in a secured Docker container isolated from the endorsing peer
     8  process. Chaincode initializes and manages ledger state through transactions
     9  submitted by applications.
    11  A chaincode typically handles business logic agreed to by members of the
    12  network, so it may be considered as a "smart contract". Ledger updates created
    13  by a chaincode are scoped exclusively to that chaincode and can't be accessed
    14  directly by another chaincode. However, within the same network, given the
    15  appropriate permission a chaincode may invoke another chaincode to access
    16  its state.
    18  In the following sections, we will explore chaincode through the eyes of a
    19  blockchain network operator rather than an application developer. Chaincode
    20  operators can use this tutorial to learn how to use the Fabric chainode
    21  lifecycle to deploy and manage chaincode on their network.
    23  ## Chaincode lifecycle
    25  The Fabric chaincode lifecycle is a process that allows multiple organizations
    26  to agree on how a chaincode will be operated before it can be used on a channel.
    27  The tutorial will discuss how a chaincode operator would use the Fabric
    28  lifecycle to perform the following tasks:
    30  - [Install and define a chaincode](#install-and-define-a-chaincode)
    31  - [Upgrade a chaincode](#upgrade-a-chaincode)
    32  - [Deployment Scenarios](#deployment-scenarios)
    33  - [Migrate to the new Fabric lifecycle](#migrate-to-the-new-fabric-lifecycle)
    35  If you are upgrading from a v1.4.x network and need to edit your channel
    36  configurations to enable the new lifecycle, check out
    37  [Enabling the new chaincode lifecycle](./enable_cc_lifecycle.html).
    39  ## Install and define a chaincode
    41  Fabric chaincode lifecycle requires that organizations agree to the parameters
    42  that define a chaincode, such as name, version, and the chaincode endorsement
    43  policy. Channel members come to agreement using the following four steps. Not
    44  every organization on a channel needs to complete each step.
    46  1. **Package the chaincode:** This step can be completed by one organization or
    47    by each organization.
    48  2. **Install the chaincode on your peers:** Every organization that will use the
    49    chaincode to endorse a transaction or query the ledger needs to complete this
    50    step.
    51  3. **Approve a chaincode definition for your organization:** Every organization
    52    that will use the chaincode needs to complete this step. The chaincode
    53    definition needs to be approved by a sufficient number of organizations
    54    to satisfy the channel's LifecycleEndorsment policy (a majority, by default)
    55    before the chaincode can be started on the channel.
    56  4. **Commit the chaincode definition to the channel:** The commit transaction
    57    needs to be submitted by one organization once the required number of
    58    organizations on the channel have approved. The submitter first collects
    59    endorsements from enough peers of the organizations that have approved, and
    60    then submits the transaction to commit the chaincode definition.
    62  This tutorial provides a detailed overview of the operations of the Fabric
    63  chaincode lifecycle rather than the specific commands. To learn more about how
    64  to use the Fabric lifecycle using the Peer CLI, see [Install and define a chaincode](build_network.html#install-define-chaincode)
    65  in the Building your First Network Tutorial or the [peer lifecycle command reference](commands/peerlifecycle.html).
    67  ### Step One: Packaging the smart contract
    69  Chaincode needs to be packaged in a tar file before it can be installed on your
    70  peers. You can package a chaincode using the Fabric peer binaries, the Node
    71  Fabric SDK, or a third party tool such as GNU tar. When you create a chaincode
    72  package, you need to provide a chaincode package label to create a succinct and
    73  human readable description of the package.
    75  If you use a third party tool to package the chaincode, the resulting file needs
    76  to be in the format below. The Fabric peer binaries and the Fabric SDKs will
    77  automatically create a file in this format.
    78  - The chaincode needs to be packaged in a tar file, ending with a `.tar.gz` file
    79    extension.
    80  - The tar file needs to contain two files (no directory): a metadata file
    81    "Chaincode-Package-Metadata.json" and another tar containing the chaincode
    82    files.
    83  - "Chaincode-Package-Metadata.json" contains JSON that specifies the
    84    chaincode language, code path, and package label.
    85    You can see an example of a metadata file below:
    86    ```
    87    {"Path":"fabric-samples/chaincode/fabcar/go","Type":"golang","Label":"fabcarv1"}
    88    ```
    90  ![Packaging the chaincode](lifecycle/Lifecycle-package.png)
    92  *The chaincode is packaged separately by Org1 and Org2. Both organizations use
    93  MYCC_1 as their package label in order to identify the package using the name
    94  and version. It is not necessary for organizations to use the same package
    95  label.*
    97  ### Step Two: Install the chaincode on your peers
    99  You need to install the chaincode package on every peer that will execute and
   100  endorse transactions. Whether using the CLI or an SDK, you need to complete this
   101  step using your **Peer Administrator**. Your peer will build the chaincode
   102  after the chaincode is installed, and return a build error if there is a problem
   103  with your chaincode. It is recommended that organizations only package a chaincode
   104  once, and then install the same package on every peer that belongs to their org.
   105  If a channel wants to ensure that each organization is running the same chaincode,
   106  one organization can package a chaincode and send it to other channel members
   107  out of band.
   109  A successful install command will return a chaincode package identifier, which
   110  is the package label combined with a hash of the package. This package
   111  identifier is used to associate a chaincode package installed on your peers with
   112  a chaincode definition approved by your organization. **Save the identifier**
   113  for next step. You can also find the package identifier by querying the packages
   114  installed on your peer using the Peer CLI.
   116    ![Installing the chaincode](lifecycle/Lifecycle-install.png)
   118  *A peer administrator from Org1 and Org2 installs the chaincode package MYCC_1
   119  on the peers joined to the channel. Installing the chaincode package builds the
   120  chaincode and creates a package identifier of MYCC_1:hash.*
   122  ### Step Three: Approve a chaincode definition for your organization
   124  The chaincode is governed by a **chaincode definition**. When channel members
   125  approve a chaincode definition, the approval acts as a vote by an organization
   126  on the chaincode parameters it accepts. These approved organization definitions
   127  allow channel members to agree on a chaincode before it can be used on a channel.
   128  The chaincode definition includes the following parameters, which need to be
   129  consistent across organizations:
   131  - **Name:** The name that applications will use when invoking the chaincode.
   132  - **Version:** A version number or value associated with a given chaincodes
   133    package. If you upgrade the chaincode binaries, you need to change your
   134    chaincode version as well.
   135  - **Sequence:** The number of times the chaincode has been defined. This value
   136    is an integer, and is used to keep track of chaincode upgrades. For example,
   137    when you first install and approve a chaincode definition, the sequence number
   138    will be 1. When you next upgrade the chaincode, the sequence number will be
   139    incremented to 2.
   140  - **Endorsement Policy:** Which organizations need to execute and validate the
   141    transaction output. The endorsement policy can be expressed as a string passed
   142    to the CLI or the SDK, or it can reference a policy in the channel config. By
   143    default, the endorsement policy is set to ``Channel/Application/Endorsement``,
   144    which defaults to require that a majority of organizations in the channel
   145    endorse a transaction.
   146  - **Collection Configuration:** The path to a private data collection definition
   147    file associated with your chaincode. For more information about private data
   148    collections, see the [Private Data architecture reference](
   149  - **Initialization:** All chaincode need to contain an ``Init`` function that is
   150    used to initialize the chaincode. By default, this function is never executed.
   151    However, you can use the chaincode definition to request that the ``Init``
   152    function be callable. If execution of ``Init`` is requested, fabric will ensure
   153    that ``Init`` is invoked before any other function and is only invoked once.
   154  - **ESCC/VSCC Plugins:** The name of a custom endorsement or validation
   155    plugin to be used by this chaincode.
   157  The chaincode definition also includes the **Package Identifier**. This is a
   158  required parameter for each organization that wants to use the chaincode. The
   159  package ID does not need to be the same for all organizations. An organization
   160  can approve a chaincode definition without installing a chaincode package or
   161  including the identifier in the definition.
   163  Each channel member that wants to use the chaincode needs to approve a chaincode
   164  definition for their organization. This approval needs to be submitted to the
   165  ordering service, after which it is distributed to all peers. This approval
   166  needs to be submitted by your **Organization Administrator**. After the approval
   167  transaction has been successfully submitted, the approved definition is stored
   168  in a collection that is available to all the peers of your organization. As a
   169  result you only need to approve a chaincode for your organization once, even if
   170  you have multiple peers.
   172    ![Approving the chaincode definition](lifecycle/Lifecycle-approve.png)
   174  *An organization administrator from Org1 and Org2 approve the chaincode definition
   175  of MYCC for their organization. The chaincode definition includes the chaincode
   176  name, version, and the endorsement policy, among other fields. Since both
   177  organizations will use the chaincode to endorse transactions, the approved
   178  definitions for both organizations need to include the packageID.*
   180  ### Step Four: Commit the chaincode definition to the channel
   182  Once a sufficient number of channel members have approved a chaincode definition,
   183  one organization can commit the definition to the channel. You can use the
   184  ``checkcommitreadiness`` command to check whether committing the chaincode
   185  definition should be successful based on which channel members have approved a
   186  definition before committing it to the channel using the peer CLI. The commit
   187  transaction proposal is first sent to the peers of channel members, who query the
   188  chaincode definition approved for their organizations and endorse the definition
   189  if their organization has approved it. The transaction is then submitted to the
   190  ordering service, which then commits the chaincode definition to the channel.
   191  The commit definition transaction needs to be submitted as the **Organization**
   192  **Administrator**.
   194  The number of organizations that need to approve a definition before it can be
   195  successfully committed to the channel is governed by the
   196  ``Channel/Application/LifecycleEndorsement`` policy. By default, this policy
   197  requires that a majority of organizations in the channel endorse the transaction.
   198  The LifecycleEndorsement policy is separate from the chaincode endorsement
   199  policy. For example, even if a chaincode endorsement policy only requires
   200  signatures from one or two organizations, a majority of channel members still
   201  need to approve the chaincode definition according to the default policy. When
   202  committing a channel definition, you need to target enough peer organizations in
   203  the channel to satisfy your LifecycleEndorsement policy. You can learn more
   204  about the Fabric chaincode lifecycle policies in the [Policies concept topic](policies/policies.html).
   206  You can also set the ``Channel/Application/LifecycleEndorsement`` policy to be a
   207  signature policy and explicitly specify the set of organizations on the channel
   208  that can approve a chaincode definition. This allows you to create a channel where
   209  a select number of organizations act as chaincode administrators and govern the
   210  business logic used by the channel. You can also use a signature policy if your
   211  channel has a large number Idemix organizations, which cannot approve
   212  chaincode definitions or endorse chaincode and may prevent the channel from
   213  reaching a majority as a result.
   215    ![Committing the chaincode definition to the channel](lifecycle/Lifecycle-commit.png)
   217  *One organization administrator from Org1 or Org2 commits the chaincode definition
   218  to the channel. The definition on the channel does not include the packageID.*
   220  An organization can approve a chaincode definition without installing the
   221  chaincode package. If an organization does not need to use the chaincode, they
   222  can approve a chaincode definition without a package identifier to ensure that
   223  the Lifecycle Endorsement policy is satisfied.
   225  After the chaincode definition has been committed to the channel, the chaincode
   226  container will launch on all of the peers where the chaincode has been installed,
   227  allowing channel members to start using the chaincode. It may take a few minutes for
   228  the chaincode container to start. You can use the chaincode definition to require
   229  the invocation of the ``Init`` function to initialize the chaincode. If the
   230  invocation of the ``Init`` function is requested, the first invoke of the
   231  chaincode must be a call to the ``Init`` function. The invoke of the ``Init``
   232  function is subject to the chaincode endorsement policy.
   234    ![Starting the chaincode on the channel](lifecycle/Lifecycle-start.png)
   236  *Once MYCC is defined on the channel, Org1 and Org2 can start using the chaincode. The first invoke of the chaincode on each peer starts the chaincode
   237  container on that peer.*  
   239  ## Upgrade a chaincode
   241  You can upgrade a chaincode using the same Fabric lifecycle process as you used
   242  to install and start the chainocode. You can upgrade the chaincode binaries, or
   243  only update the chaincode policies. Follow these steps to upgrade a chaincode:
   245  1. **Repackage the chaincode:** You only need to complete this step if you are
   246    upgrading the chaincode binaries.
   248      ![Re-package the chaincode package](lifecycle/Lifecycle-upgrade-package.png)
   250     *Org1 and Org2 upgrade the chaincode binaries and repackage the chaincode. Both organizations use a different package label.*  
   252  2. **Install the new chaincode package on your peers:** Once again, you only
   253    need to complete this step if you are upgrading the chaincode binaries.
   254    Installing the new chaincode package will generate a package ID, which you will
   255    need to pass to the new chaincode definition. You also need to change the
   256    chaincode version, which is used by the lifecycle process to track if the
   257    chaincode binaries have been upgraded.
   259      ![Re-install the chaincode package](lifecycle/Lifecycle-upgrade-install.png)
   261     *Org1 and Org2 install the new package on their peers. The installation creates a new packageID.*  
   263  3. **Approve a new chaincode definition:** If you are upgrading the chaincode
   264    binaries, you need to update the chaincode version and the package ID in the
   265    chaincode definition. You can also update your chaincode endorsement policy
   266    without having to repackage your chaincode binaries. Channel members simply
   267    need to approve a definition with the new policy. The new definition needs to
   268    increment the **sequence** variable in the definition by one.
   270      ![Approve a new chaincode definition](lifecycle/Lifecycle-upgrade-approve.png)
   272     *Organization administrators from Org1 and Org2 approve the new chaincode definition for their respective organizations. The new definition references the new packageID and changes the chaincode version. Since this is the first update of the chaincode, the sequence is incremented from one to two.*
   274  4. **Commit the definition to the channel:** When a sufficient number of channel
   275    members have approved the new chaincode definition, one organization can
   276    commit the new definition to upgrade the chaincode definition to the channel.
   277    There is no separate upgrade command as part of the lifecycle process.
   279      ![Commit the new definition to the channel](lifecycle/Lifecycle-upgrade-commit.png)
   281     *An organization administrator from Org1 or Org2 commits the new chaincode definition to the channel.*  
   283  After you commit the chaincode definition, a new chaincode container will
   284  launch with the code from the upgraded chaincode binaries. If you requested the
   285  execution of the ``Init`` function in the chaincode definition, you need to
   286  initialize the upgraded chaincode by invoking the ``Init`` function again after
   287  the new definition is successfully committed. If you updated the chaincode
   288  definition without changing the chaincode version, the chaincode container will
   289  remain the same and you do not need to invoke ``Init`` function.
   291    ![Upgrade the chaincode](lifecycle/Lifecycle-upgrade-start.png)
   293   *Once the new definition has been committed to the channel, each peer will automatically start the new chaincode container.*
   295  The Fabric chaincode lifecycle uses the **sequence** in the chaincode definition
   296  to keep track of upgrades. All channel members need to increment the sequence
   297  number by one and approve a new definition to upgrade the chaincode. The version
   298  parameter is used to track the chaincode binaries, and needs to be changed only
   299  when you upgrade the chaincode binaries.
   301  ## Deployment scenarios
   303  The following examples illustrate how you can use the Fabric chaincode lifecycle
   304  to manage channels and chaincode.
   306  ### Joining a channel
   308  A new organization can join a channel with a chaincode already defined, and start
   309  using the chaincode after installing the chaincode package and approving the
   310  chaincode definition that has already been committed to the channel.
   312    ![Approve a chaincode definition](lifecycle/Lifecycle-join-approve.png)
   314  *Org3 joins the channel and approves the same chaincode definition that was
   315  previously committed to the channel by Org1 and Org2.*
   317  After approving the chaincode definition, the new organization can start using
   318  the chaincode after the package has been installed on their peers. The definition
   319  does not need to be committed again. If the endorsement policy is set the default
   320  policy that requires endorsements from a majority of channel members, then the
   321  endorsement policy will be updated automatically to include the new organization.
   323    ![Start the chaincode](lifecycle/Lifecycle-join-start.png)
   325  *The chaincode container will start after the first invoke of the chaincode on
   326  the Org3 peer.*
   328  ### Updating an endorsement policy
   330  You can use the chaincode definition to update an endorsement policy without
   331  having to repackage or re-install the chaincode. Channel members can approve
   332  a chaincode definition with a new endorsement policy and commit it to the
   333  channel.
   335    ![Approve new chaincode definition](lifecycle/Lifecycle-endorsement-approve.png)
   337  *Org1, Org2, and Org3 approve a new endorsement policy requiring that all three
   338  organizations endorse a transaction. They increment the definition sequence from
   339  one to two, but do not need to update the chaincode version.*
   341  The new endorsement policy will take effect after the new definition is
   342  committed to the channel. Channel members do not have to restart the chaincode
   343  container by invoking the chaincode or executing the `Init` function in order to
   344  update the endorsement policy.
   346    ![Commit new chaincode definition](lifecycle/Lifecycle-endorsement-commit.png)
   348  *One organization commits the new chaincode definition to the channel to
   349  update the endorsement policy.*
   351  ### Approving a definition without installing the chaincode
   353  You can approve a chaincode definition without installing the chaincode package.
   354  This allows you to endorse a chaincode definition before it is committed to the
   355  channel, even if you do not want to use the chaincode to endorse transactions or
   356  query the ledger. You need to approve the same parameters as other members of the
   357  channel, but not need to include the packageID as part of the chaincode
   358  definition.
   360    ![Org3 does not install the chaincode](lifecycle/Lifecycle-no-package.png)
   362  *Org3 does not install the chaincode package. As a result, they do not need to
   363  provide a packageID as part of chaincode definition. However, Org3 can still
   364  endorse the definition of MYCC that has been committed to the channel.*
   366  ### One organization disagrees on the chaincode definition
   368  An organization that does not approve a chaincode definition that has been
   369  committed to the channel cannot use the chaincode. Organizations that have
   370  either not approved a chaincode definition, or approved a different chaincode
   371  definition will not be able to execute the chaincode on their peers.
   373    ![Org3 disagrees on the chaincode](lifecycle/Lifecycle-one-disagrees.png)
   375  *Org3 approves a chaincode definition with a different endorsement policy than
   376  Org1 and Org2. As a result, Org3 cannot use the MYCC chaincode on the channel.
   377  However, Org1 or Org2 can still get enough endorsements to commit the definition
   378  to the channel and use the chaincode. Transactions from the chaincode will still
   379  be added to the ledger and stored on the Org3 peer. However, the Org3 will not
   380  be able to endorse transactions.*
   382  An organization can approve a new chaincode definition with any sequence number
   383  or version. This allows you to approve the definition that has been committed
   384  to the channel and start using the chaincode. You can also approve a new
   385  chaincode definition in order to correct any mistakes made in the process of
   386  approving or packaging a chaincode.
   388  ### The channel does not agree on a chaincode definition
   390  If the organizations on a channel do not agree on a chaincode definition, the
   391  definition cannot be committed to the channel. None of the channel members will
   392  be able to use the chaincode.
   394    ![Majority disagree on the chaincode](lifecycle/Lifecycle-majority-disagree.png)
   396  *Org1, Org2, and Org3 all approve different chaincode definitions. As a result,
   397  no member of the channel can get enough endorsements to commit a chaincode
   398  definition to the channel. No channel member will be able to use the chaincode.*
   400  ### Organizations install different chaincode packages
   402  Each organization can use a different packageID when they approve a chaincode
   403  definition. This allows channel members to install different chaincode binaries
   404  that use the same endorsement policy and read and write to data in the same
   405  chaincode namespace.
   407  Channel members can use this capability to install chaincode written in
   408  different languages and work with the language they are most comfortable. As
   409  long as the chaincode generates the same read-write sets, channel members using
   410  chaincode in different languages will be able to endorse transactions and commit
   411  them to the ledger. However, organizations should test that their chaincode
   412  is consistent and that they are able to generate valid endorsements before
   413  defining it on a channel in production.
   415    ![Using different chaincode languages](lifecycle/Lifecycle-languages.png)
   417  *Org1 installs a package of the MYCC chaincode written in Golang, while Org2
   418  installs MYCC written in Java.*
   420  Organizations can also use this capability to install smart contracts that
   421  contain business logic that is specific to their organization. Each
   422  organization's smart contract could contain additional validation that the
   423  organization requires before their peers endorse a transaction. Each organization
   424  can also write code that helps integrate the smart contract with data from their
   425  existing systems.
   427    ![Using different chaincode binaries](lifecycle/Lifecycle-binaries.png)
   429  *Org1 and Org2 each install versions of the MYCC chaincode containing business
   430  logic that is specific to their organization.*
   432  ### Creating multiple chaincodes using one package
   434  You can use one chaincode package to create multiple chaincode instances on a
   435  channel by approving and committing multiple chaincode definitions. Each
   436  definition needs to specify a different chaincode name. This allows you to run
   437  multiple instances of a smart contract on a channel, but have the contract be
   438  subject to different endorsement policies.
   440    ![Starting multiple chaincodes](lifecycle/Lifecycle-multiple.png)
   442  *Org1 and Org2 use the MYCC_1 chaincode package to approve and commit two
   443  different chaincode definitions. As a result, both peers have two chaincode
   444  containers running on their peers. MYCC1 has an endorsement policy of 1 out of 2,
   445  while MYCC2 has an endorsement policy of 2 out of 2.*
   447  ## Migrate to the new Fabric lifecycle
   449  For information about migrating to the new lifecycle, check out [Considerations for getting to v2.0](./upgrade_to_newest_version.html#chaincode-lifecycle).
   451  If you need to update your channel configurations to enable the new lifecycle, check out [Enabling the new chaincode lifecycle](./enable_cc_lifecycle.html).
   453  <!--- Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
   454 -->