
     1  # Process and Data Design
     3  **Audience**: Architects, Application and smart contract developers, Business
     4  professionals
     6  This topic shows you how to design the commercial paper processes and their
     7  related data structures in PaperNet. Our [analysis](./analysis.html) highlighted
     8  that modelling PaperNet using states and transactions provided a precise way to
     9  understand what's happening. We're now going to elaborate on these two strongly
    10  related concepts to help us subsequently design the smart contracts and
    11  applications of PaperNet.
    13  ## Lifecycle
    15  As we've seen, there are two important concepts that concern us when dealing
    16  with commercial paper; **states** and **transactions**. Indeed, this is true for
    17  *all* blockchain use cases; there are conceptual objects of value, modeled as
    18  states, whose lifecycle transitions are described by transactions. An effective
    19  analysis of states and transactions is an essential starting point for a
    20  successful implementation.
    22  We can represent the life cycle of a commercial paper using a state transition
    23  diagram:
    25  ![develop.statetransition](./develop.diagram.4.png) *The state transition
    26  diagram for commercial paper. Commercial papers transition between **issued**,
    27  **trading** and **redeemed** states by means of the **issue**, **buy** and
    28  **redeem** transactions.*
    30  See how the state diagram describes how commercial papers change over time, and
    31  how specific transactions govern the life cycle transitions. In Hyperledger
    32  Fabric, smart contracts implement transaction logic that transition commercial
    33  papers between their different states. Commercial paper states are actually held
    34  in the ledger world state; so let's take a closer look at them.
    36  ## Ledger state
    38  Recall the structure of a commercial paper:
    40  ![develop.paperstructure](./develop.diagram.5.png) *A commercial paper can be
    41  represented as a set of properties, each with a value. Typically, some
    42  combination of these properties will provide a unique key for each paper.*
    44  See how a commercial paper `Paper` property has value `00001`, and the `Face
    45  value` property has value `5M USD`. Most importantly, the `Current state`
    46  property indicates whether the commercial paper is `issued`,`trading` or
    47  `redeemed`. In combination, the full set of properties make up the **state** of
    48  a commercial paper. Moreover, the entire collection of these individual
    49  commercial paper states constitutes the ledger
    50  [world state](../ledger/ledger.html#world-state).
    52  All ledger state share this form; each has a set of properties, each with a
    53  different value. This *multi-property* aspect of states is a powerful feature --
    54  it allows us to think of a Fabric state as a vector rather than a simple scalar.
    55  We then represent facts about whole objects as individual states, which
    56  subsequently undergo transitions controlled by transaction logic. A Fabric state
    57  is implemented as a key/value pair, in which the value encodes the object
    58  properties in a format that captures the object's multiple properties, typically
    59  JSON. The [ledger
    60  database](../ledger/ledger.html#ledger-world-state-database-options) can support
    61  advanced query operations against these properties, which is very helpful for
    62  sophisticated object retrieval.
    64  See how MagnetoCorp's paper `00001` is represented as a state vector that
    65  transitions according to different transaction stimuli:
    67  ![develop.paperstates](./develop.diagram.6.png) *A commercial paper state is
    68  brought into existence and transitions as a result of different transactions.
    69  Hyperledger Fabric states have multiple properties, making them vectors rather
    70  than scalars.*
    72  Notice how each individual paper starts with the empty state, which is
    73  technically a [`nil`]( state for the
    74  paper, as it doesn't exist! See how paper `00001` is brought into existence by
    75  the **issue** transaction, and how it is subsequently updated as a result of the
    76  **buy** and **redeem** transactions.
    78  Notice how each state is self-describing; each property has a name and a value.
    79  Although all our commercial papers currently have the same properties, this need
    80  not be the case for all time, as Hyperledger Fabric supports different states
    81  having different properties. This allows the same ledger world state to contain
    82  different forms of the same asset as well as different types of asset. It also
    83  makes it possible to update a state's structure; imagine a new regulation that
    84  requires an additional data field. Flexible state properties support the
    85  fundamental requirement of data evolution over time.
    87  ## State keys
    89  In most practical applications, a state will have a combination of properties
    90  that uniquely identify it in a given context -- it's **key**. The key for a
    91  PaperNet commercial paper is formed by a concatenation of the `Issuer` and
    92  `paper` properties; so for MagnetoCorp's first paper, it's `MagnetoCorp00001`.
    94  A state key allows us to uniquely identify a paper; it is created as a result
    95  of the **issue** transaction and subsequently updated by **buy** and **redeem**.
    96  Hyperledger Fabric requires each state in a ledger to have a unique key.
    98  When a unique key is not available from the available set of properties, an
    99  application-determined unique key is specified as an input to the transaction
   100  that creates the state. This unique key is usually with some form of
   101  [UUID](, which
   102  although less readable, is a standard practice. What's important is that every
   103  individual state object in a ledger must have a unique key.
   105  _Note: You should avoid using U+0000 (nil byte) in keys._
   107  ## Multiple states
   109  As we've seen, commercial papers in PaperNet are stored as state vectors in a
   110  ledger. It's a reasonable requirement to be able to query different commercial
   111  papers from the ledger; for example: find all the papers issued by MagnetoCorp,
   112  or: find all the papers issued by MagnetoCorp in the `redeemed` state.
   114  To make these kinds of search tasks possible, it's helpful to group all related
   115  papers together in a logical list. The PaperNet design incorporates the idea of
   116  a commercial paper list -- a logical container which is updated whenever
   117  commercial papers are issued or otherwise changed.
   119  ### Logical representation
   121  It's helpful to think of all PaperNet commercial papers being in a single list
   122  of commercial papers:
   124  ![develop.paperlist](./develop.diagram.7.png) *MagnetoCorp's
   125  newly created commercial  paper 00004 is added to the list of existing
   126  commercial papers.*
   128  New papers can be added to the list as a result of an **issue** transaction, and
   129  papers already in the list can be updated with **buy** or **redeem**
   130  transactions. See how the list has a descriptive name: `org.papernet.papers`;
   131  it's a really good idea to use this kind of [DNS
   132  name]( because well-chosen
   133  names will make your blockchain designs intuitive to other people. This idea
   134  applies equally well to smart contract [names](./contractname.html).
   136  ### Physical representation
   138  While it's correct to think of a single list of papers in PaperNet --
   139  `org.papernet.papers` -- lists are best implemented as a set of individual
   140  Fabric states, whose composite key associates the state with its list. In this
   141  way, each state's composite key is both unique and supports effective list query.
   143  ![develop.paperphysical](./develop.diagram.8.png) *Representing a list of
   144  PaperNet commercial papers as a set of distinct Hyperledger Fabric states*
   146  Notice how each paper in the list is represented by a vector state, with a
   147  unique **composite** key formed by the concatenation of `org.papernet.paper`,
   148  `Issuer` and `Paper` properties. This structure is helpful for two reasons:
   150    * It allows us to examine any state vector in the ledger to determine which
   151      list it's in, without reference to a separate list. It's analogous to
   152      looking at set of sports fans, and identifying which team they support by
   153      the colour of the shirt they are wearing. The sports fans self-declare their
   154      allegiance; we don't need a list of fans.
   157    * Hyperlegder Fabric internally uses a concurrency control
   158      mechanism <!-- Add more information to explain this topic-->
   159      to update a ledger, such that keeping papers in separate state vectors vastly
   160      reduces the opportunity for shared-state collisions. Such collisions require
   161      transaction re-submission, complicate application design, and decrease
   162      performance.
   164  This second point is actually a key take-away for Hyperledger Fabric; the
   165  physical design of state vectors is **very important** to optimum performance
   166  and behaviour. Keep your states separate!
   168  ## Trust relationships
   170  We have discussed how the different roles in a network, such as issuer, trader
   171  or rating agencies as well as different business interests determine who needs
   172  to sign off on a transaction. In Fabric, these rules are captured by so-called
   173  [**endorsement policies**](endorsementpolicies.html). The rules can be set on
   174  a chaincode granularity, as well as for individual state keys.
   176  This means that in PaperNet, we can set one rule for the whole namespace that
   177  determines which organizations can issue new papers. Later, rules can be set
   178  and updated for individual papers to capture the trust relationships of buy
   179  and redeem transactions.
   182  In the next topic, we will show you how to combine these design concepts to
   183  implement the PaperNet commercial paper smart contract, and then an application
   184  in exploits it!
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