
     1  /*
     2  Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
     4  SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
     5  */
     7  package privdata
     9  import (
    10  	"bytes"
    11  	"crypto/rand"
    12  	"io/ioutil"
    13  	"os"
    14  	"sync"
    15  	"testing"
    17  	pb ""
    18  	proto ""
    19  	""
    20  	""
    21  	""
    22  	""
    23  	""
    24  	""
    25  	""
    26  	""
    27  	""
    28  	""
    29  	""
    30  	""
    31  	gmetricsmocks ""
    32  	privdatacommon ""
    33  	""
    34  	""
    35  	""
    36  	""
    37  	""
    38  	""
    39  	""
    40  )
    42  func init() {
    43  	policy2Filter = make(map[privdata.CollectionAccessPolicy]privdata.Filter)
    44  }
    46  // protoMatcher is used to test that a slice of protos equals another slice of protos.
    47  // This is needed because in general reflect.Equal(proto1, proto1) may not be true.
    48  func protoMatcher(pvds ...*proto.PvtDataDigest) func([]*proto.PvtDataDigest) bool {
    49  	return func(ipvds []*proto.PvtDataDigest) bool {
    50  		if len(pvds) != len(ipvds) {
    51  			return false
    52  		}
    54  		for i, pvd := range pvds {
    55  			if !pb.Equal(pvd, ipvds[i]) {
    56  				return false
    57  			}
    58  		}
    60  		return true
    61  	}
    62  }
    64  var policyLock sync.Mutex
    65  var policy2Filter map[privdata.CollectionAccessPolicy]privdata.Filter
    67  type mockCollectionStore struct {
    68  	m            map[string]*mockCollectionAccess
    69  	accessFilter privdata.Filter
    70  }
    72  func newCollectionStore() *mockCollectionStore {
    73  	return &mockCollectionStore{
    74  		m:            make(map[string]*mockCollectionAccess),
    75  		accessFilter: nil,
    76  	}
    77  }
    79  func (cs *mockCollectionStore) withPolicy(collection string, btl uint64) *mockCollectionAccess {
    80  	coll := &mockCollectionAccess{cs: cs, btl: btl}
    81  	cs.m[collection] = coll
    82  	return coll
    83  }
    85  func (cs *mockCollectionStore) withAccessFilter(filter privdata.Filter) *mockCollectionStore {
    86  	cs.accessFilter = filter
    87  	return cs
    88  }
    90  func (cs mockCollectionStore) RetrieveCollectionAccessPolicy(cc privdata.CollectionCriteria) (privdata.CollectionAccessPolicy, error) {
    91  	return cs.m[cc.Collection], nil
    92  }
    94  func (cs mockCollectionStore) RetrieveCollection(privdata.CollectionCriteria) (privdata.Collection, error) {
    95  	panic("implement me")
    96  }
    98  func (cs mockCollectionStore) RetrieveCollectionConfig(privdata.CollectionCriteria) (*peer.StaticCollectionConfig, error) {
    99  	panic("implement me")
   100  }
   102  func (cs mockCollectionStore) RetrieveCollectionConfigPackage(privdata.CollectionCriteria) (*peer.CollectionConfigPackage, error) {
   103  	panic("implement me")
   104  }
   106  func (cs mockCollectionStore) RetrieveCollectionPersistenceConfigs(cc privdata.CollectionCriteria) (privdata.CollectionPersistenceConfigs, error) {
   107  	return cs.m[cc.Collection], nil
   108  }
   110  func (cs mockCollectionStore) RetrieveReadWritePermission(cc privdata.CollectionCriteria, sp *peer.SignedProposal, qe ledger.QueryExecutor) (bool, bool, error) {
   111  	panic("implement me")
   112  }
   114  func (cs mockCollectionStore) AccessFilter(channelName string, collectionPolicyConfig *peer.CollectionPolicyConfig) (privdata.Filter, error) {
   115  	if cs.accessFilter != nil {
   116  		return cs.accessFilter, nil
   117  	}
   118  	panic("implement me")
   119  }
   121  type mockCollectionAccess struct {
   122  	cs  *mockCollectionStore
   123  	btl uint64
   124  }
   126  func (mc *mockCollectionAccess) BlockToLive() uint64 {
   127  	return mc.btl
   128  }
   130  func (mc *mockCollectionAccess) thatMapsTo(peers ...string) *mockCollectionStore {
   131  	policyLock.Lock()
   132  	defer policyLock.Unlock()
   133  	policy2Filter[mc] = func(sd protoutil.SignedData) bool {
   134  		for _, peer := range peers {
   135  			if bytes.Equal(sd.Identity, []byte(peer)) {
   136  				return true
   137  			}
   138  		}
   139  		return false
   140  	}
   141  	return mc.cs
   142  }
   144  func (mc *mockCollectionAccess) MemberOrgs() map[string]struct{} {
   145  	return nil
   146  }
   148  func (mc *mockCollectionAccess) AccessFilter() privdata.Filter {
   149  	policyLock.Lock()
   150  	defer policyLock.Unlock()
   151  	return policy2Filter[mc]
   152  }
   154  func (mc *mockCollectionAccess) RequiredPeerCount() int {
   155  	return 0
   156  }
   158  func (mc *mockCollectionAccess) MaximumPeerCount() int {
   159  	return 0
   160  }
   162  func (mc *mockCollectionAccess) IsMemberOnlyRead() bool {
   163  	return false
   164  }
   166  func (mc *mockCollectionAccess) IsMemberOnlyWrite() bool {
   167  	return false
   168  }
   170  type dataRetrieverMock struct {
   171  	mock.Mock
   172  }
   174  func (dr *dataRetrieverMock) CollectionRWSet(dig []*proto.PvtDataDigest, blockNum uint64) (Dig2PvtRWSetWithConfig, bool, error) {
   175  	args := dr.Called(dig, blockNum)
   176  	return args.Get(0).(Dig2PvtRWSetWithConfig), args.Bool(1), args.Error(2)
   177  }
   179  type receivedMsg struct {
   180  	responseChan chan protoext.ReceivedMessage
   181  	*comm.RemotePeer
   182  	*protoext.SignedGossipMessage
   183  }
   185  func (msg *receivedMsg) Ack(_ error) {
   187  }
   189  func (msg *receivedMsg) Respond(message *proto.GossipMessage) {
   190  	m, _ := protoext.NoopSign(message)
   191  	msg.responseChan <- &receivedMsg{SignedGossipMessage: m, RemotePeer: &comm.RemotePeer{}}
   192  }
   194  func (msg *receivedMsg) GetGossipMessage() *protoext.SignedGossipMessage {
   195  	return msg.SignedGossipMessage
   196  }
   198  func (msg *receivedMsg) GetSourceEnvelope() *proto.Envelope {
   199  	panic("implement me")
   200  }
   202  func (msg *receivedMsg) GetConnectionInfo() *protoext.ConnectionInfo {
   203  	return &protoext.ConnectionInfo{
   204  		Identity: api.PeerIdentityType(msg.RemotePeer.PKIID),
   205  		Auth: &protoext.AuthInfo{
   206  			SignedData: []byte{},
   207  			Signature:  []byte{},
   208  		},
   209  	}
   210  }
   212  type mockGossip struct {
   213  	mock.Mock
   214  	msgChan chan protoext.ReceivedMessage
   215  	id      *comm.RemotePeer
   216  	network *gossipNetwork
   217  }
   219  func newMockGossip(id *comm.RemotePeer) *mockGossip {
   220  	return &mockGossip{
   221  		msgChan: make(chan protoext.ReceivedMessage),
   222  		id:      id,
   223  	}
   224  }
   226  func (g *mockGossip) PeerFilter(channel common.ChannelID, messagePredicate api.SubChannelSelectionCriteria) (filter.RoutingFilter, error) {
   227  	for _, call := range g.Mock.ExpectedCalls {
   228  		if call.Method == "PeerFilter" {
   229  			args := g.Called(channel, messagePredicate)
   230  			if args.Get(1) != nil {
   231  				return nil, args.Get(1).(error)
   232  			}
   233  			return args.Get(0).(filter.RoutingFilter), nil
   234  		}
   235  	}
   236  	return func(member discovery.NetworkMember) bool {
   237  		return messagePredicate(api.PeerSignature{
   238  			PeerIdentity: api.PeerIdentityType(member.PKIid),
   239  		})
   240  	}, nil
   241  }
   243  func (g *mockGossip) Send(msg *proto.GossipMessage, peers ...*comm.RemotePeer) {
   244  	sMsg, _ := protoext.NoopSign(msg)
   245  	for _, peer := range {
   246  		if bytes.Equal(, peers[0].PKIID) {
   247  			peer.msgChan <- &receivedMsg{
   248  				RemotePeer:,
   249  				SignedGossipMessage: sMsg,
   250  				responseChan:        g.msgChan,
   251  			}
   252  			return
   253  		}
   254  	}
   255  }
   257  func (g *mockGossip) PeersOfChannel(common.ChannelID) []discovery.NetworkMember {
   258  	return g.Called().Get(0).([]discovery.NetworkMember)
   259  }
   261  func (g *mockGossip) Accept(acceptor common.MessageAcceptor, passThrough bool) (<-chan *proto.GossipMessage, <-chan protoext.ReceivedMessage) {
   262  	return nil, g.msgChan
   263  }
   265  type peerData struct {
   266  	id           string
   267  	ledgerHeight uint64
   268  }
   270  func membership(knownPeers ...peerData) []discovery.NetworkMember {
   271  	var peers []discovery.NetworkMember
   272  	for _, peer := range knownPeers {
   273  		peers = append(peers, discovery.NetworkMember{
   274  			Endpoint:,
   275  			PKIid:    common.PKIidType(,
   276  			Properties: &proto.Properties{
   277  				LedgerHeight: peer.ledgerHeight,
   278  			},
   279  		})
   280  	}
   281  	return peers
   282  }
   284  type gossipNetwork struct {
   285  	peers []*mockGossip
   286  }
   288  func (gn *gossipNetwork) newPullerWithMetrics(metrics *metrics.PrivdataMetrics, id string, ps privdata.CollectionStore,
   289  	factory CollectionAccessFactory, knownMembers ...discovery.NetworkMember) *puller {
   290  	g := newMockGossip(&comm.RemotePeer{PKIID: common.PKIidType(id), Endpoint: id})
   291 = gn
   292  	g.On("PeersOfChannel", mock.Anything).Return(knownMembers)
   294  	p := NewPuller(metrics, ps, g, &dataRetrieverMock{}, factory, "A", 10)
   295  	gn.peers = append(gn.peers, g)
   296  	return p
   297  }
   299  func (gn *gossipNetwork) newPuller(id string, ps privdata.CollectionStore, factory CollectionAccessFactory,
   300  	knownMembers ...discovery.NetworkMember) *puller {
   301  	metrics := metrics.NewGossipMetrics(&disabled.Provider{}).PrivdataMetrics
   302  	return gn.newPullerWithMetrics(metrics, id, ps, factory, knownMembers...)
   303  }
   305  func newPRWSet() []util.PrivateRWSet {
   306  	b1 := make([]byte, 10)
   307  	b2 := make([]byte, 10)
   308  	rand.Read(b1)
   309  	rand.Read(b2)
   310  	return []util.PrivateRWSet{util.PrivateRWSet(b1), util.PrivateRWSet(b2)}
   311  }
   313  func TestPullerFromOnly1Peer(t *testing.T) {
   314  	t.Parallel()
   315  	// Scenario: p1 pulls from p2 and not from p3
   316  	// and succeeds - p1 asks from p2 (and not from p3!) for the
   317  	// expected digest
   318  	gn := &gossipNetwork{}
   319  	policyStore := newCollectionStore().withPolicy("col1", uint64(100)).thatMapsTo("p2")
   320  	factoryMock1 := &collectionAccessFactoryMock{}
   321  	policyMock1 := &collectionAccessPolicyMock{}
   322  	policyMock1.Setup(1, 2, func(data protoutil.SignedData) bool {
   323  		return bytes.Equal(data.Identity, []byte("p2"))
   324  	}, map[string]struct{}{"org1": {}, "org2": {}}, false)
   325  	factoryMock1.On("AccessPolicy", mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(policyMock1, nil)
   326  	p1 := gn.newPuller("p1", policyStore, factoryMock1, membership(peerData{"p2", uint64(1)}, peerData{"p3", uint64(1)})...)
   328  	p2TransientStore := &util.PrivateRWSetWithConfig{
   329  		RWSet: newPRWSet(),
   330  		CollectionConfig: &peer.CollectionConfig{
   331  			Payload: &peer.CollectionConfig_StaticCollectionConfig{
   332  				StaticCollectionConfig: &peer.StaticCollectionConfig{
   333  					Name: "col1",
   334  				},
   335  			},
   336  		},
   337  	}
   338  	policyStore = newCollectionStore().withPolicy("col1", uint64(100)).thatMapsTo("p1")
   339  	factoryMock2 := &collectionAccessFactoryMock{}
   340  	policyMock2 := &collectionAccessPolicyMock{}
   341  	policyMock2.Setup(1, 2, func(data protoutil.SignedData) bool {
   342  		return bytes.Equal(data.Identity, []byte("p1"))
   343  	}, map[string]struct{}{"org1": {}, "org2": {}}, false)
   344  	factoryMock2.On("AccessPolicy", mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(policyMock2, nil)
   346  	p2 := gn.newPuller("p2", policyStore, factoryMock2)
   347  	dig := &proto.PvtDataDigest{
   348  		TxId:       "txID1",
   349  		Collection: "col1",
   350  		Namespace:  "ns1",
   351  	}
   353  	store := Dig2PvtRWSetWithConfig{
   354  		privdatacommon.DigKey{
   355  			TxId:       "txID1",
   356  			Collection: "col1",
   357  			Namespace:  "ns1",
   358  		}: p2TransientStore,
   359  	}
   361  	p2.PrivateDataRetriever.(*dataRetrieverMock).On("CollectionRWSet", mock.MatchedBy(protoMatcher(dig)), uint64(0)).Return(store, true, nil)
   363  	factoryMock3 := &collectionAccessFactoryMock{}
   364  	policyMock3 := &collectionAccessPolicyMock{}
   365  	policyMock3.Setup(1, 2, func(data protoutil.SignedData) bool {
   366  		return false
   367  	}, map[string]struct{}{"org1": {}, "org2": {}}, false)
   368  	factoryMock3.On("AccessPolicy", mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(policyMock3, nil)
   370  	p3 := gn.newPuller("p3", newCollectionStore(), factoryMock3)
   371  	p3.PrivateDataRetriever.(*dataRetrieverMock).On("CollectionRWSet", mock.MatchedBy(protoMatcher(dig)), uint64(0)).Run(func(_ mock.Arguments) {
   372  		t.Fatal("p3 shouldn't have been selected for pull")
   373  	})
   375  	dasf := &digestsAndSourceFactory{}
   377  	fetchedMessages, err := p1.fetch(dasf.mapDigest(toDigKey(dig)).toSources().create())
   378  	rws1 := util.PrivateRWSet(fetchedMessages.AvailableElements[0].Payload[0])
   379  	rws2 := util.PrivateRWSet(fetchedMessages.AvailableElements[0].Payload[1])
   380  	fetched := []util.PrivateRWSet{rws1, rws2}
   381  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   382  	assert.Equal(t, p2TransientStore.RWSet, fetched)
   383  }
   385  func TestPullerDataNotAvailable(t *testing.T) {
   386  	t.Parallel()
   387  	// Scenario: p1 pulls from p2 and not from p3
   388  	// but the data in p2 doesn't exist
   389  	gn := &gossipNetwork{}
   390  	policyStore := newCollectionStore().withPolicy("col1", uint64(100)).thatMapsTo("p2")
   391  	factoryMock := &collectionAccessFactoryMock{}
   392  	factoryMock.On("AccessPolicy", mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(&collectionAccessPolicyMock{}, nil)
   394  	p1 := gn.newPuller("p1", policyStore, factoryMock, membership(peerData{"p2", uint64(1)}, peerData{"p3", uint64(1)})...)
   396  	policyStore = newCollectionStore().withPolicy("col1", uint64(100)).thatMapsTo("p1")
   397  	p2 := gn.newPuller("p2", policyStore, factoryMock)
   398  	dig := &proto.PvtDataDigest{
   399  		TxId:       "txID1",
   400  		Collection: "col1",
   401  		Namespace:  "ns1",
   402  	}
   404  	store := Dig2PvtRWSetWithConfig{
   405  		privdatacommon.DigKey{
   406  			TxId:       "txID1",
   407  			Collection: "col1",
   408  			Namespace:  "ns1",
   409  		}: &util.PrivateRWSetWithConfig{
   410  			RWSet: []util.PrivateRWSet{},
   411  		},
   412  	}
   414  	p2.PrivateDataRetriever.(*dataRetrieverMock).On("CollectionRWSet", mock.MatchedBy(protoMatcher(dig)), mock.Anything).Return(store, true, nil)
   416  	p3 := gn.newPuller("p3", newCollectionStore(), factoryMock)
   417  	p3.PrivateDataRetriever.(*dataRetrieverMock).On("CollectionRWSet", mock.MatchedBy(protoMatcher(dig)), mock.Anything).Run(func(_ mock.Arguments) {
   418  		t.Fatal("p3 shouldn't have been selected for pull")
   419  	})
   421  	dasf := &digestsAndSourceFactory{}
   422  	fetchedMessages, err := p1.fetch(dasf.mapDigest(toDigKey(dig)).toSources().create())
   423  	assert.Empty(t, fetchedMessages.AvailableElements)
   424  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   425  }
   427  func TestPullerNoPeersKnown(t *testing.T) {
   428  	t.Parallel()
   429  	// Scenario: p1 doesn't know any peer and therefore fails fetching
   430  	gn := &gossipNetwork{}
   431  	policyStore := newCollectionStore().withPolicy("col1", uint64(100)).thatMapsTo("p2", "p3")
   432  	factoryMock := &collectionAccessFactoryMock{}
   433  	factoryMock.On("AccessPolicy", mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(&collectionAccessPolicyMock{}, nil)
   435  	p1 := gn.newPuller("p1", policyStore, factoryMock)
   436  	dasf := &digestsAndSourceFactory{}
   437  	d2s := dasf.mapDigest(&privdatacommon.DigKey{Collection: "col1", TxId: "txID1", Namespace: "ns1"}).toSources().create()
   438  	fetchedMessages, err := p1.fetch(d2s)
   439  	assert.Empty(t, fetchedMessages)
   440  	assert.Error(t, err)
   441  	assert.Contains(t, err.Error(), "Empty membership")
   442  }
   444  func TestPullPeerFilterError(t *testing.T) {
   445  	t.Parallel()
   446  	// Scenario: p1 attempts to fetch for the wrong channel
   447  	gn := &gossipNetwork{}
   448  	policyStore := newCollectionStore().withPolicy("col1", uint64(100)).thatMapsTo("p2")
   449  	factoryMock := &collectionAccessFactoryMock{}
   450  	factoryMock.On("AccessPolicy", mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(&collectionAccessPolicyMock{}, nil)
   452  	p1 := gn.newPuller("p1", policyStore, factoryMock)
   453  	gn.peers[0].On("PeerFilter", mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(nil, errors.New("Failed obtaining filter"))
   454  	dasf := &digestsAndSourceFactory{}
   455  	d2s := dasf.mapDigest(&privdatacommon.DigKey{Collection: "col1", TxId: "txID1", Namespace: "ns1"}).toSources().create()
   456  	fetchedMessages, err := p1.fetch(d2s)
   457  	assert.Error(t, err)
   458  	assert.Contains(t, err.Error(), "Failed obtaining filter")
   459  	assert.Empty(t, fetchedMessages)
   460  }
   462  func TestPullerPeerNotEligible(t *testing.T) {
   463  	t.Parallel()
   464  	// Scenario: p1 pulls from p2 or from p3
   465  	// but it's not eligible for pulling data from p2 or from p3
   466  	gn := &gossipNetwork{}
   467  	policyStore := newCollectionStore().withPolicy("col1", uint64(100)).thatMapsTo("p2", "p3")
   468  	factoryMock1 := &collectionAccessFactoryMock{}
   469  	accessPolicyMock1 := &collectionAccessPolicyMock{}
   470  	accessPolicyMock1.Setup(1, 2, func(data protoutil.SignedData) bool {
   471  		return bytes.Equal(data.Identity, []byte("p2")) || bytes.Equal(data.Identity, []byte("p3"))
   472  	}, map[string]struct{}{"org1": {}, "org2": {}}, false)
   473  	factoryMock1.On("AccessPolicy", mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(accessPolicyMock1, nil)
   475  	p1 := gn.newPuller("p1", policyStore, factoryMock1, membership(peerData{"p2", uint64(1)}, peerData{"p3", uint64(1)})...)
   477  	policyStore = newCollectionStore().withPolicy("col1", uint64(100)).thatMapsTo("p2")
   478  	factoryMock2 := &collectionAccessFactoryMock{}
   479  	accessPolicyMock2 := &collectionAccessPolicyMock{}
   480  	accessPolicyMock2.Setup(1, 2, func(data protoutil.SignedData) bool {
   481  		return bytes.Equal(data.Identity, []byte("p2"))
   482  	}, map[string]struct{}{"org1": {}, "org2": {}}, false)
   483  	factoryMock2.On("AccessPolicy", mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(accessPolicyMock2, nil)
   485  	p2 := gn.newPuller("p2", policyStore, factoryMock2)
   487  	dig := &proto.PvtDataDigest{
   488  		TxId:       "txID1",
   489  		Collection: "col1",
   490  		Namespace:  "ns1",
   491  	}
   493  	store := Dig2PvtRWSetWithConfig{
   494  		privdatacommon.DigKey{
   495  			TxId:       "txID1",
   496  			Collection: "col1",
   497  			Namespace:  "ns1",
   498  		}: &util.PrivateRWSetWithConfig{
   499  			RWSet: newPRWSet(),
   500  			CollectionConfig: &peer.CollectionConfig{
   501  				Payload: &peer.CollectionConfig_StaticCollectionConfig{
   502  					StaticCollectionConfig: &peer.StaticCollectionConfig{
   503  						Name: "col1",
   504  					},
   505  				},
   506  			},
   507  		},
   508  	}
   510  	p2.PrivateDataRetriever.(*dataRetrieverMock).On("CollectionRWSet", mock.MatchedBy(protoMatcher(dig)), mock.Anything).Return(store, true, nil)
   512  	policyStore = newCollectionStore().withPolicy("col1", uint64(100)).thatMapsTo("p3")
   513  	factoryMock3 := &collectionAccessFactoryMock{}
   514  	accessPolicyMock3 := &collectionAccessPolicyMock{}
   515  	accessPolicyMock3.Setup(1, 2, func(data protoutil.SignedData) bool {
   516  		return bytes.Equal(data.Identity, []byte("p3"))
   517  	}, map[string]struct{}{"org1": {}, "org2": {}}, false)
   518  	factoryMock3.On("AccessPolicy", mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(accessPolicyMock1, nil)
   520  	p3 := gn.newPuller("p3", policyStore, factoryMock3)
   521  	p3.PrivateDataRetriever.(*dataRetrieverMock).On("CollectionRWSet", mock.MatchedBy(protoMatcher(dig)), mock.Anything).Return(store, true, nil)
   522  	dasf := &digestsAndSourceFactory{}
   523  	d2s := dasf.mapDigest(&privdatacommon.DigKey{Collection: "col1", TxId: "txID1", Namespace: "ns1"}).toSources().create()
   524  	fetchedMessages, err := p1.fetch(d2s)
   525  	assert.Empty(t, fetchedMessages.AvailableElements)
   526  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   527  }
   529  func TestPullerDifferentPeersDifferentCollections(t *testing.T) {
   530  	t.Parallel()
   531  	// Scenario: p1 pulls from p2 and from p3
   532  	// and each has different collections
   533  	gn := &gossipNetwork{}
   534  	factoryMock1 := &collectionAccessFactoryMock{}
   535  	accessPolicyMock1 := &collectionAccessPolicyMock{}
   536  	accessPolicyMock1.Setup(1, 2, func(data protoutil.SignedData) bool {
   537  		return bytes.Equal(data.Identity, []byte("p2")) || bytes.Equal(data.Identity, []byte("p3"))
   538  	}, map[string]struct{}{"org1": {}, "org2": {}}, false)
   539  	factoryMock1.On("AccessPolicy", mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(accessPolicyMock1, nil)
   541  	policyStore := newCollectionStore().withPolicy("col2", uint64(100)).thatMapsTo("p2").withPolicy("col3", uint64(100)).thatMapsTo("p3")
   542  	p1 := gn.newPuller("p1", policyStore, factoryMock1, membership(peerData{"p2", uint64(1)}, peerData{"p3", uint64(1)})...)
   544  	p2TransientStore := &util.PrivateRWSetWithConfig{
   545  		RWSet: newPRWSet(),
   546  		CollectionConfig: &peer.CollectionConfig{
   547  			Payload: &peer.CollectionConfig_StaticCollectionConfig{
   548  				StaticCollectionConfig: &peer.StaticCollectionConfig{
   549  					Name: "col2",
   550  				},
   551  			},
   552  		},
   553  	}
   555  	policyStore = newCollectionStore().withPolicy("col2", uint64(100)).thatMapsTo("p1")
   556  	factoryMock2 := &collectionAccessFactoryMock{}
   557  	accessPolicyMock2 := &collectionAccessPolicyMock{}
   558  	accessPolicyMock2.Setup(1, 2, func(data protoutil.SignedData) bool {
   559  		return bytes.Equal(data.Identity, []byte("p1"))
   560  	}, map[string]struct{}{"org1": {}, "org2": {}}, false)
   561  	factoryMock2.On("AccessPolicy", mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(accessPolicyMock2, nil)
   563  	p2 := gn.newPuller("p2", policyStore, factoryMock2)
   564  	dig1 := &proto.PvtDataDigest{
   565  		TxId:       "txID1",
   566  		Collection: "col2",
   567  		Namespace:  "ns1",
   568  	}
   570  	store1 := Dig2PvtRWSetWithConfig{
   571  		privdatacommon.DigKey{
   572  			TxId:       "txID1",
   573  			Collection: "col2",
   574  			Namespace:  "ns1",
   575  		}: p2TransientStore,
   576  	}
   578  	p2.PrivateDataRetriever.(*dataRetrieverMock).On("CollectionRWSet", mock.MatchedBy(protoMatcher(dig1)), mock.Anything).Return(store1, true, nil)
   580  	p3TransientStore := &util.PrivateRWSetWithConfig{
   581  		RWSet: newPRWSet(),
   582  		CollectionConfig: &peer.CollectionConfig{
   583  			Payload: &peer.CollectionConfig_StaticCollectionConfig{
   584  				StaticCollectionConfig: &peer.StaticCollectionConfig{
   585  					Name: "col3",
   586  				},
   587  			},
   588  		},
   589  	}
   591  	store2 := Dig2PvtRWSetWithConfig{
   592  		privdatacommon.DigKey{
   593  			TxId:       "txID1",
   594  			Collection: "col3",
   595  			Namespace:  "ns1",
   596  		}: p3TransientStore,
   597  	}
   598  	policyStore = newCollectionStore().withPolicy("col3", uint64(100)).thatMapsTo("p1")
   599  	factoryMock3 := &collectionAccessFactoryMock{}
   600  	accessPolicyMock3 := &collectionAccessPolicyMock{}
   601  	accessPolicyMock3.Setup(1, 2, func(data protoutil.SignedData) bool {
   602  		return bytes.Equal(data.Identity, []byte("p1"))
   603  	}, map[string]struct{}{"org1": {}, "org2": {}}, false)
   604  	factoryMock3.On("AccessPolicy", mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(accessPolicyMock3, nil)
   606  	p3 := gn.newPuller("p3", policyStore, factoryMock3)
   607  	dig2 := &proto.PvtDataDigest{
   608  		TxId:       "txID1",
   609  		Collection: "col3",
   610  		Namespace:  "ns1",
   611  	}
   613  	p3.PrivateDataRetriever.(*dataRetrieverMock).On("CollectionRWSet", mock.MatchedBy(protoMatcher(dig2)), mock.Anything).Return(store2, true, nil)
   615  	dasf := &digestsAndSourceFactory{}
   616  	fetchedMessages, err := p1.fetch(dasf.mapDigest(toDigKey(dig1)).toSources().mapDigest(toDigKey(dig2)).toSources().create())
   617  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   618  	rws1 := util.PrivateRWSet(fetchedMessages.AvailableElements[0].Payload[0])
   619  	rws2 := util.PrivateRWSet(fetchedMessages.AvailableElements[0].Payload[1])
   620  	rws3 := util.PrivateRWSet(fetchedMessages.AvailableElements[1].Payload[0])
   621  	rws4 := util.PrivateRWSet(fetchedMessages.AvailableElements[1].Payload[1])
   622  	fetched := []util.PrivateRWSet{rws1, rws2, rws3, rws4}
   623  	assert.Contains(t, fetched, p2TransientStore.RWSet[0])
   624  	assert.Contains(t, fetched, p2TransientStore.RWSet[1])
   625  	assert.Contains(t, fetched, p3TransientStore.RWSet[0])
   626  	assert.Contains(t, fetched, p3TransientStore.RWSet[1])
   627  }
   629  func TestPullerRetries(t *testing.T) {
   630  	t.Parallel()
   631  	// Scenario: p1 pulls from p2, p3, p4 and p5.
   632  	// Only p3 considers p1 to be eligible to receive the data.
   633  	// The rest consider p1 as not eligible.
   634  	gn := &gossipNetwork{}
   635  	factoryMock1 := &collectionAccessFactoryMock{}
   636  	accessPolicyMock1 := &collectionAccessPolicyMock{}
   637  	accessPolicyMock1.Setup(1, 2, func(data protoutil.SignedData) bool {
   638  		return bytes.Equal(data.Identity, []byte("p2")) || bytes.Equal(data.Identity, []byte("p3")) ||
   639  			bytes.Equal(data.Identity, []byte("p4")) ||
   640  			bytes.Equal(data.Identity, []byte("p5"))
   641  	}, map[string]struct{}{"org1": {}, "org2": {}}, false)
   642  	factoryMock1.On("AccessPolicy", mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(accessPolicyMock1, nil)
   644  	// p1
   645  	policyStore := newCollectionStore().withPolicy("col1", uint64(100)).thatMapsTo("p2", "p3", "p4", "p5")
   646  	p1 := gn.newPuller("p1", policyStore, factoryMock1, membership(peerData{"p2", uint64(1)},
   647  		peerData{"p3", uint64(1)}, peerData{"p4", uint64(1)}, peerData{"p5", uint64(1)})...)
   649  	// p2, p3, p4, and p5 have the same transient store
   650  	transientStore := &util.PrivateRWSetWithConfig{
   651  		RWSet: newPRWSet(),
   652  		CollectionConfig: &peer.CollectionConfig{
   653  			Payload: &peer.CollectionConfig_StaticCollectionConfig{
   654  				StaticCollectionConfig: &peer.StaticCollectionConfig{
   655  					Name: "col1",
   656  				},
   657  			},
   658  		},
   659  	}
   661  	dig := &proto.PvtDataDigest{
   662  		TxId:       "txID1",
   663  		Collection: "col1",
   664  		Namespace:  "ns1",
   665  	}
   667  	store := Dig2PvtRWSetWithConfig{
   668  		privdatacommon.DigKey{
   669  			TxId:       "txID1",
   670  			Collection: "col1",
   671  			Namespace:  "ns1",
   672  		}: transientStore,
   673  	}
   675  	// p2
   676  	policyStore = newCollectionStore().withPolicy("col1", uint64(100)).thatMapsTo("p2")
   677  	factoryMock2 := &collectionAccessFactoryMock{}
   678  	accessPolicyMock2 := &collectionAccessPolicyMock{}
   679  	accessPolicyMock2.Setup(1, 2, func(data protoutil.SignedData) bool {
   680  		return bytes.Equal(data.Identity, []byte("p2"))
   681  	}, map[string]struct{}{"org1": {}, "org2": {}}, false)
   682  	factoryMock2.On("AccessPolicy", mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(accessPolicyMock2, nil)
   684  	p2 := gn.newPuller("p2", policyStore, factoryMock2)
   685  	p2.PrivateDataRetriever.(*dataRetrieverMock).On("CollectionRWSet", mock.MatchedBy(protoMatcher(dig)), uint64(0)).Return(store, true, nil)
   687  	// p3
   688  	policyStore = newCollectionStore().withPolicy("col1", uint64(100)).thatMapsTo("p1")
   689  	factoryMock3 := &collectionAccessFactoryMock{}
   690  	accessPolicyMock3 := &collectionAccessPolicyMock{}
   691  	accessPolicyMock3.Setup(1, 2, func(data protoutil.SignedData) bool {
   692  		return bytes.Equal(data.Identity, []byte("p1"))
   693  	}, map[string]struct{}{"org1": {}, "org2": {}}, false)
   694  	factoryMock3.On("AccessPolicy", mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(accessPolicyMock3, nil)
   696  	p3 := gn.newPuller("p3", policyStore, factoryMock3)
   697  	p3.PrivateDataRetriever.(*dataRetrieverMock).On("CollectionRWSet", mock.MatchedBy(protoMatcher(dig)), uint64(0)).Return(store, true, nil)
   699  	// p4
   700  	policyStore = newCollectionStore().withPolicy("col1", uint64(100)).thatMapsTo("p4")
   701  	factoryMock4 := &collectionAccessFactoryMock{}
   702  	accessPolicyMock4 := &collectionAccessPolicyMock{}
   703  	accessPolicyMock4.Setup(1, 2, func(data protoutil.SignedData) bool {
   704  		return bytes.Equal(data.Identity, []byte("p4"))
   705  	}, map[string]struct{}{"org1": {}, "org2": {}}, false)
   706  	factoryMock4.On("AccessPolicy", mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(accessPolicyMock4, nil)
   708  	p4 := gn.newPuller("p4", policyStore, factoryMock4)
   709  	p4.PrivateDataRetriever.(*dataRetrieverMock).On("CollectionRWSet", mock.MatchedBy(protoMatcher(dig)), uint64(0)).Return(store, true, nil)
   711  	// p5
   712  	policyStore = newCollectionStore().withPolicy("col1", uint64(100)).thatMapsTo("p5")
   713  	factoryMock5 := &collectionAccessFactoryMock{}
   714  	accessPolicyMock5 := &collectionAccessPolicyMock{}
   715  	accessPolicyMock5.Setup(1, 2, func(data protoutil.SignedData) bool {
   716  		return bytes.Equal(data.Identity, []byte("p5"))
   717  	}, map[string]struct{}{"org1": {}, "org2": {}}, false)
   718  	factoryMock5.On("AccessPolicy", mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(accessPolicyMock5, nil)
   720  	p5 := gn.newPuller("p5", policyStore, factoryMock5)
   721  	p5.PrivateDataRetriever.(*dataRetrieverMock).On("CollectionRWSet", mock.MatchedBy(protoMatcher(dig)), uint64(0)).Return(store, true, nil)
   723  	// Fetch from someone
   724  	dasf := &digestsAndSourceFactory{}
   725  	fetchedMessages, err := p1.fetch(dasf.mapDigest(toDigKey(dig)).toSources().create())
   726  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   727  	rws1 := util.PrivateRWSet(fetchedMessages.AvailableElements[0].Payload[0])
   728  	rws2 := util.PrivateRWSet(fetchedMessages.AvailableElements[0].Payload[1])
   729  	fetched := []util.PrivateRWSet{rws1, rws2}
   730  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   731  	assert.Equal(t, transientStore.RWSet, fetched)
   732  }
   734  func TestPullerPreferEndorsers(t *testing.T) {
   735  	t.Parallel()
   736  	// Scenario: p1 pulls from p2, p3, p4, p5
   737  	// and the only endorser for col1 is p3, so it should be selected
   738  	// at the top priority for col1.
   739  	// for col2, only p2 should have the data, but its not an endorser of the data.
   740  	gn := &gossipNetwork{}
   741  	factoryMock := &collectionAccessFactoryMock{}
   742  	accessPolicyMock2 := &collectionAccessPolicyMock{}
   743  	accessPolicyMock2.Setup(1, 2, func(data protoutil.SignedData) bool {
   744  		return bytes.Equal(data.Identity, []byte("p2")) || bytes.Equal(data.Identity, []byte("p1"))
   745  	}, map[string]struct{}{"org1": {}, "org2": {}}, false)
   746  	factoryMock.On("AccessPolicy", mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(accessPolicyMock2, nil)
   748  	policyStore := newCollectionStore().
   749  		withPolicy("col1", uint64(100)).
   750  		thatMapsTo("p1", "p2", "p3", "p4", "p5").
   751  		withPolicy("col2", uint64(100)).
   752  		thatMapsTo("p1", "p2")
   753  	p1 := gn.newPuller("p1", policyStore, factoryMock, membership(peerData{"p2", uint64(1)},
   754  		peerData{"p3", uint64(1)}, peerData{"p4", uint64(1)}, peerData{"p5", uint64(1)})...)
   756  	p3TransientStore := &util.PrivateRWSetWithConfig{
   757  		RWSet: newPRWSet(),
   758  		CollectionConfig: &peer.CollectionConfig{
   759  			Payload: &peer.CollectionConfig_StaticCollectionConfig{
   760  				StaticCollectionConfig: &peer.StaticCollectionConfig{
   761  					Name: "col2",
   762  				},
   763  			},
   764  		},
   765  	}
   767  	p2TransientStore := &util.PrivateRWSetWithConfig{
   768  		RWSet: newPRWSet(),
   769  		CollectionConfig: &peer.CollectionConfig{
   770  			Payload: &peer.CollectionConfig_StaticCollectionConfig{
   771  				StaticCollectionConfig: &peer.StaticCollectionConfig{
   772  					Name: "col2",
   773  				},
   774  			},
   775  		},
   776  	}
   778  	p2 := gn.newPuller("p2", policyStore, factoryMock)
   779  	p3 := gn.newPuller("p3", policyStore, factoryMock)
   780  	gn.newPuller("p4", policyStore, factoryMock)
   781  	gn.newPuller("p5", policyStore, factoryMock)
   783  	dig1 := &proto.PvtDataDigest{
   784  		TxId:       "txID1",
   785  		Collection: "col1",
   786  		Namespace:  "ns1",
   787  	}
   789  	dig2 := &proto.PvtDataDigest{
   790  		TxId:       "txID1",
   791  		Collection: "col2",
   792  		Namespace:  "ns1",
   793  	}
   795  	store := Dig2PvtRWSetWithConfig{
   796  		privdatacommon.DigKey{
   797  			TxId:       "txID1",
   798  			Collection: "col1",
   799  			Namespace:  "ns1",
   800  		}: p3TransientStore,
   801  		privdatacommon.DigKey{
   802  			TxId:       "txID1",
   803  			Collection: "col2",
   804  			Namespace:  "ns1",
   805  		}: p2TransientStore,
   806  	}
   808  	// We only define an action for dig2 on p2, and the test would fail with panic if any other peer is asked for
   809  	// a private RWSet on dig2
   810  	p2.PrivateDataRetriever.(*dataRetrieverMock).On("CollectionRWSet", mock.MatchedBy(protoMatcher(dig2)), uint64(0)).Return(store, true, nil)
   812  	// We only define an action for dig1 on p3, and the test would fail with panic if any other peer is asked for
   813  	// a private RWSet on dig1
   814  	p3.PrivateDataRetriever.(*dataRetrieverMock).On("CollectionRWSet", mock.MatchedBy(protoMatcher(dig1)), uint64(0)).Return(store, true, nil)
   816  	dasf := &digestsAndSourceFactory{}
   817  	d2s := dasf.mapDigest(toDigKey(dig1)).toSources("p3").mapDigest(toDigKey(dig2)).toSources().create()
   818  	fetchedMessages, err := p1.fetch(d2s)
   819  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   820  	rws1 := util.PrivateRWSet(fetchedMessages.AvailableElements[0].Payload[0])
   821  	rws2 := util.PrivateRWSet(fetchedMessages.AvailableElements[0].Payload[1])
   822  	rws3 := util.PrivateRWSet(fetchedMessages.AvailableElements[1].Payload[0])
   823  	rws4 := util.PrivateRWSet(fetchedMessages.AvailableElements[1].Payload[1])
   824  	fetched := []util.PrivateRWSet{rws1, rws2, rws3, rws4}
   825  	assert.Contains(t, fetched, p3TransientStore.RWSet[0])
   826  	assert.Contains(t, fetched, p3TransientStore.RWSet[1])
   827  	assert.Contains(t, fetched, p2TransientStore.RWSet[0])
   828  	assert.Contains(t, fetched, p2TransientStore.RWSet[1])
   829  }
   831  func TestPullerFetchReconciledItemsPreferPeersFromOriginalConfig(t *testing.T) {
   832  	t.Parallel()
   833  	// Scenario: p1 pulls from p2, p3, p4, p5
   834  	// the only peer that was in the collection config while data was created for col1 is p3, so it should be selected
   835  	// at the top priority for col1.
   836  	// for col2, p3 was in the collection config while the data was created but was removed from collection and now only p2 should have the data.
   837  	// so obviously p2 should be selected for col2.
   838  	gn := &gossipNetwork{}
   839  	factoryMock := &collectionAccessFactoryMock{}
   840  	accessPolicyMock2 := &collectionAccessPolicyMock{}
   841  	accessPolicyMock2.Setup(1, 2, func(data protoutil.SignedData) bool {
   842  		return bytes.Equal(data.Identity, []byte("p2")) || bytes.Equal(data.Identity, []byte("p1"))
   843  	}, map[string]struct{}{"org1": {}, "org2": {}}, false)
   844  	factoryMock.On("AccessPolicy", mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(accessPolicyMock2, nil)
   846  	policyStore := newCollectionStore().
   847  		withPolicy("col1", uint64(100)).
   848  		thatMapsTo("p1", "p2", "p3", "p4", "p5").
   849  		withPolicy("col2", uint64(100)).
   850  		thatMapsTo("p1", "p2").
   851  		withAccessFilter(func(data protoutil.SignedData) bool {
   852  			return bytes.Equal(data.Identity, []byte("p3"))
   853  		})
   855  	p1 := gn.newPuller("p1", policyStore, factoryMock, membership(peerData{"p2", uint64(1)},
   856  		peerData{"p3", uint64(1)}, peerData{"p4", uint64(1)}, peerData{"p5", uint64(1)})...)
   858  	p3TransientStore := &util.PrivateRWSetWithConfig{
   859  		RWSet: newPRWSet(),
   860  		CollectionConfig: &peer.CollectionConfig{
   861  			Payload: &peer.CollectionConfig_StaticCollectionConfig{
   862  				StaticCollectionConfig: &peer.StaticCollectionConfig{
   863  					Name: "col2",
   864  				},
   865  			},
   866  		},
   867  	}
   869  	p2TransientStore := &util.PrivateRWSetWithConfig{
   870  		RWSet: newPRWSet(),
   871  		CollectionConfig: &peer.CollectionConfig{
   872  			Payload: &peer.CollectionConfig_StaticCollectionConfig{
   873  				StaticCollectionConfig: &peer.StaticCollectionConfig{
   874  					Name: "col2",
   875  				},
   876  			},
   877  		},
   878  	}
   880  	p2 := gn.newPuller("p2", policyStore, factoryMock)
   881  	p3 := gn.newPuller("p3", policyStore, factoryMock)
   882  	gn.newPuller("p4", policyStore, factoryMock)
   883  	gn.newPuller("p5", policyStore, factoryMock)
   885  	dig1 := &proto.PvtDataDigest{
   886  		TxId:       "txID1",
   887  		Collection: "col1",
   888  		Namespace:  "ns1",
   889  	}
   891  	dig2 := &proto.PvtDataDigest{
   892  		TxId:       "txID1",
   893  		Collection: "col2",
   894  		Namespace:  "ns1",
   895  	}
   897  	store := Dig2PvtRWSetWithConfig{
   898  		privdatacommon.DigKey{
   899  			TxId:       "txID1",
   900  			Collection: "col1",
   901  			Namespace:  "ns1",
   902  		}: p3TransientStore,
   903  		privdatacommon.DigKey{
   904  			TxId:       "txID1",
   905  			Collection: "col2",
   906  			Namespace:  "ns1",
   907  		}: p2TransientStore,
   908  	}
   910  	// We only define an action for dig2 on p2, and the test would fail with panic if any other peer is asked for
   911  	// a private RWSet on dig2
   912  	p2.PrivateDataRetriever.(*dataRetrieverMock).On("CollectionRWSet", mock.MatchedBy(protoMatcher(dig2)), uint64(0)).Return(store, true, nil)
   914  	// We only define an action for dig1 on p3, and the test would fail with panic if any other peer is asked for
   915  	// a private RWSet on dig1
   916  	p3.PrivateDataRetriever.(*dataRetrieverMock).On("CollectionRWSet", mock.MatchedBy(protoMatcher(dig1)), uint64(0)).Return(store, true, nil)
   918  	d2cc := privdatacommon.Dig2CollectionConfig{
   919  		privdatacommon.DigKey{
   920  			TxId:       "txID1",
   921  			Collection: "col1",
   922  			Namespace:  "ns1",
   923  		}: &peer.StaticCollectionConfig{
   924  			Name: "col1",
   925  		},
   926  		privdatacommon.DigKey{
   927  			TxId:       "txID1",
   928  			Collection: "col2",
   929  			Namespace:  "ns1",
   930  		}: &peer.StaticCollectionConfig{
   931  			Name: "col2",
   932  		},
   933  	}
   935  	fetchedMessages, err := p1.FetchReconciledItems(d2cc)
   936  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   937  	rws1 := util.PrivateRWSet(fetchedMessages.AvailableElements[0].Payload[0])
   938  	rws2 := util.PrivateRWSet(fetchedMessages.AvailableElements[0].Payload[1])
   939  	rws3 := util.PrivateRWSet(fetchedMessages.AvailableElements[1].Payload[0])
   940  	rws4 := util.PrivateRWSet(fetchedMessages.AvailableElements[1].Payload[1])
   941  	fetched := []util.PrivateRWSet{rws1, rws2, rws3, rws4}
   942  	assert.Contains(t, fetched, p3TransientStore.RWSet[0])
   943  	assert.Contains(t, fetched, p3TransientStore.RWSet[1])
   944  	assert.Contains(t, fetched, p2TransientStore.RWSet[0])
   945  	assert.Contains(t, fetched, p2TransientStore.RWSet[1])
   946  }
   948  func TestPullerAvoidPullingPurgedData(t *testing.T) {
   949  	// Scenario: p1 missing private data for col1
   950  	// p2 and p3 is suppose to have it, while p3 has more advanced
   951  	// ledger and based on BTL already purged data for, so p1
   952  	// suppose to fetch data only from p2
   954  	t.Parallel()
   955  	gn := &gossipNetwork{}
   956  	factoryMock := &collectionAccessFactoryMock{}
   957  	accessPolicyMock2 := &collectionAccessPolicyMock{}
   958  	accessPolicyMock2.Setup(1, 2, func(data protoutil.SignedData) bool {
   959  		return bytes.Equal(data.Identity, []byte("p1"))
   960  	}, map[string]struct{}{"org1": {}, "org2": {}}, false)
   961  	factoryMock.On("AccessPolicy", mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(accessPolicyMock2, nil)
   963  	policyStore := newCollectionStore().withPolicy("col1", uint64(100)).thatMapsTo("p1", "p2", "p3").
   964  		withPolicy("col2", uint64(1000)).thatMapsTo("p1", "p2", "p3")
   966  	// p2 is at ledger height 1, while p2 is at 111 which is beyond BTL defined for col1 (100)
   967  	p1 := gn.newPuller("p1", policyStore, factoryMock, membership(peerData{"p2", uint64(1)},
   968  		peerData{"p3", uint64(111)})...)
   970  	privateData1 := &util.PrivateRWSetWithConfig{
   971  		RWSet: newPRWSet(),
   972  		CollectionConfig: &peer.CollectionConfig{
   973  			Payload: &peer.CollectionConfig_StaticCollectionConfig{
   974  				StaticCollectionConfig: &peer.StaticCollectionConfig{
   975  					Name: "col1",
   976  				},
   977  			},
   978  		},
   979  	}
   980  	privateData2 := &util.PrivateRWSetWithConfig{
   981  		RWSet: newPRWSet(),
   982  		CollectionConfig: &peer.CollectionConfig{
   983  			Payload: &peer.CollectionConfig_StaticCollectionConfig{
   984  				StaticCollectionConfig: &peer.StaticCollectionConfig{
   985  					Name: "col2",
   986  				},
   987  			},
   988  		},
   989  	}
   991  	p2 := gn.newPuller("p2", policyStore, factoryMock)
   992  	p3 := gn.newPuller("p3", policyStore, factoryMock)
   994  	dig1 := &proto.PvtDataDigest{
   995  		TxId:       "txID1",
   996  		Collection: "col1",
   997  		Namespace:  "ns1",
   998  	}
  1000  	dig2 := &proto.PvtDataDigest{
  1001  		TxId:       "txID1",
  1002  		Collection: "col2",
  1003  		Namespace:  "ns1",
  1004  	}
  1006  	store := Dig2PvtRWSetWithConfig{
  1007  		privdatacommon.DigKey{
  1008  			TxId:       "txID1",
  1009  			Collection: "col1",
  1010  			Namespace:  "ns1",
  1011  		}: privateData1,
  1012  		privdatacommon.DigKey{
  1013  			TxId:       "txID1",
  1014  			Collection: "col2",
  1015  			Namespace:  "ns1",
  1016  		}: privateData2,
  1017  	}
  1019  	p2.PrivateDataRetriever.(*dataRetrieverMock).On("CollectionRWSet", mock.MatchedBy(protoMatcher(dig1)), 0).Return(store, true, nil)
  1020  	p3.PrivateDataRetriever.(*dataRetrieverMock).On("CollectionRWSet", mock.MatchedBy(protoMatcher(dig1)), 0).Return(store, true, nil).
  1021  		Run(
  1022  			func(arg mock.Arguments) {
  1023  				assert.Fail(t, "we should not fetch private data from peers where it was purged")
  1024  			},
  1025  		)
  1027  	p3.PrivateDataRetriever.(*dataRetrieverMock).On("CollectionRWSet", mock.MatchedBy(protoMatcher(dig2)), uint64(0)).Return(store, true, nil)
  1028  	p2.PrivateDataRetriever.(*dataRetrieverMock).On("CollectionRWSet", mock.MatchedBy(protoMatcher(dig2)), uint64(0)).Return(store, true, nil).
  1029  		Run(
  1030  			func(mock.Arguments) {
  1031  				assert.Fail(t, "we should not fetch private data of collection2 from peer 2")
  1033  			},
  1034  		)
  1036  	dasf := &digestsAndSourceFactory{}
  1037  	d2s := dasf.mapDigest(toDigKey(dig1)).toSources("p3", "p2").mapDigest(toDigKey(dig2)).toSources("p3").create()
  1038  	// trying to fetch missing pvt data for block seq 1
  1039  	fetchedMessages, err := p1.fetch(d2s)
  1041  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  1042  	assert.Equal(t, 1, len(fetchedMessages.PurgedElements))
  1043  	assert.Equal(t, dig1, fetchedMessages.PurgedElements[0])
  1044  	p3.PrivateDataRetriever.(*dataRetrieverMock).AssertNumberOfCalls(t, "CollectionRWSet", 1)
  1046  }
  1048  type counterDataRetreiver struct {
  1049  	numberOfCalls int
  1050  	PrivateDataRetriever
  1051  }
  1053  func (c *counterDataRetreiver) CollectionRWSet(dig []*proto.PvtDataDigest, blockNum uint64) (Dig2PvtRWSetWithConfig, bool, error) {
  1054  	c.numberOfCalls += 1
  1055  	return c.PrivateDataRetriever.CollectionRWSet(dig, blockNum)
  1056  }
  1058  func (c *counterDataRetreiver) getNumberOfCalls() int {
  1059  	return c.numberOfCalls
  1060  }
  1062  func TestPullerIntegratedWithDataRetreiver(t *testing.T) {
  1063  	t.Parallel()
  1064  	gn := &gossipNetwork{}
  1066  	ns1, ns2 := "testChaincodeName1", "testChaincodeName2"
  1067  	col1, col2 := "testCollectionName1", "testCollectionName2"
  1069  	ap := &collectionAccessPolicyMock{}
  1070  	ap.Setup(1, 2, func(data protoutil.SignedData) bool {
  1071  		return bytes.Equal(data.Identity, []byte("p1"))
  1072  	}, map[string]struct{}{"org1": {}, "org2": {}}, false)
  1074  	factoryMock := &collectionAccessFactoryMock{}
  1075  	factoryMock.On("AccessPolicy", mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(ap, nil)
  1077  	policyStore := newCollectionStore().withPolicy(col1, uint64(1000)).thatMapsTo("p1", "p2").
  1078  		withPolicy(col2, uint64(1000)).thatMapsTo("p1", "p2")
  1080  	p1 := gn.newPuller("p1", policyStore, factoryMock, membership(peerData{"p2", uint64(10)})...)
  1081  	p2 := gn.newPuller("p2", policyStore, factoryMock, membership(peerData{"p1", uint64(1)})...)
  1083  	committer := &mocks.Committer{}
  1084  	tempdir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "ts")
  1085  	if err != nil {
  1086  		t.Fatalf("Failed to create test directory, got err %s", err)
  1087  		return
  1088  	}
  1089  	storeProvider, err := transientstore.NewStoreProvider(tempdir)
  1090  	if err != nil {
  1091  		t.Fatalf("Failed to open store, got err %s", err)
  1092  		return
  1093  	}
  1094  	store, err := storeProvider.OpenStore("test")
  1095  	if err != nil {
  1096  		t.Fatalf("Failed to open store, got err %s", err)
  1097  		return
  1098  	}
  1099  	defer storeProvider.Close()
  1100  	defer os.RemoveAll(tempdir)
  1101  	result := []*ledger.TxPvtData{
  1102  		{
  1103  			WriteSet: &rwset.TxPvtReadWriteSet{
  1104  				DataModel: rwset.TxReadWriteSet_KV,
  1105  				NsPvtRwset: []*rwset.NsPvtReadWriteSet{
  1106  					pvtReadWriteSet(ns1, col1, []byte{1}),
  1107  					pvtReadWriteSet(ns1, col1, []byte{2}),
  1108  				},
  1109  			},
  1110  			SeqInBlock: 1,
  1111  		},
  1112  		{
  1113  			WriteSet: &rwset.TxPvtReadWriteSet{
  1114  				DataModel: rwset.TxReadWriteSet_KV,
  1115  				NsPvtRwset: []*rwset.NsPvtReadWriteSet{
  1116  					pvtReadWriteSet(ns2, col2, []byte{3}),
  1117  					pvtReadWriteSet(ns2, col2, []byte{4}),
  1118  				},
  1119  			},
  1120  			SeqInBlock: 2,
  1121  		},
  1122  	}
  1124  	committer.On("LedgerHeight").Return(uint64(10), nil)
  1125  	committer.On("GetPvtDataByNum", uint64(5), mock.Anything).Return(result, nil)
  1126  	historyRetreiver := &mocks.ConfigHistoryRetriever{}
  1127  	historyRetreiver.On("MostRecentCollectionConfigBelow", mock.Anything, ns1).Return(newCollectionConfig(col1), nil)
  1128  	historyRetreiver.On("MostRecentCollectionConfigBelow", mock.Anything, ns2).Return(newCollectionConfig(col2), nil)
  1129  	committer.On("GetConfigHistoryRetriever").Return(historyRetreiver, nil)
  1131  	dataRetreiver := &counterDataRetreiver{PrivateDataRetriever: NewDataRetriever(store, committer), numberOfCalls: 0}
  1132  	p2.PrivateDataRetriever = dataRetreiver
  1134  	dig1 := &privdatacommon.DigKey{
  1135  		TxId:       "txID1",
  1136  		Collection: col1,
  1137  		Namespace:  ns1,
  1138  		BlockSeq:   5,
  1139  		SeqInBlock: 1,
  1140  	}
  1142  	dig2 := &privdatacommon.DigKey{
  1143  		TxId:       "txID1",
  1144  		Collection: col2,
  1145  		Namespace:  ns2,
  1146  		BlockSeq:   5,
  1147  		SeqInBlock: 2,
  1148  	}
  1150  	dasf := &digestsAndSourceFactory{}
  1151  	d2s := dasf.mapDigest(dig1).toSources("p2").mapDigest(dig2).toSources("p2").create()
  1152  	fetchedMessages, err := p1.fetch(d2s)
  1153  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  1154  	assert.Equal(t, 2, len(fetchedMessages.AvailableElements))
  1155  	assert.Equal(t, 1, dataRetreiver.getNumberOfCalls())
  1156  	assert.Equal(t, 2, len(fetchedMessages.AvailableElements[0].Payload))
  1157  	assert.Equal(t, 2, len(fetchedMessages.AvailableElements[1].Payload))
  1158  }
  1160  func toDigKey(dig *proto.PvtDataDigest) *privdatacommon.DigKey {
  1161  	return &privdatacommon.DigKey{
  1162  		TxId:       dig.TxId,
  1163  		BlockSeq:   dig.BlockSeq,
  1164  		SeqInBlock: dig.SeqInBlock,
  1165  		Namespace:  dig.Namespace,
  1166  		Collection: dig.Collection,
  1167  	}
  1168  }
  1170  func TestPullerMetrics(t *testing.T) {
  1171  	t.Parallel()
  1172  	// Scenario: p1 pulls from p2 and sends metric reports
  1173  	gn := &gossipNetwork{}
  1174  	policyStore := newCollectionStore().withPolicy("col1", uint64(100)).thatMapsTo("p2")
  1175  	factoryMock1 := &collectionAccessFactoryMock{}
  1176  	policyMock1 := &collectionAccessPolicyMock{}
  1177  	policyMock1.Setup(1, 2, func(data protoutil.SignedData) bool {
  1178  		return bytes.Equal(data.Identity, []byte("p2"))
  1179  	}, map[string]struct{}{"org1": {}, "org2": {}}, false)
  1180  	factoryMock1.On("AccessPolicy", mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(policyMock1, nil)
  1182  	testMetricProvider := gmetricsmocks.TestUtilConstructMetricProvider()
  1183  	metrics := metrics.NewGossipMetrics(testMetricProvider.FakeProvider).PrivdataMetrics
  1185  	p1 := gn.newPullerWithMetrics(metrics, "p1", policyStore, factoryMock1, membership(peerData{"p2", uint64(1)})...)
  1187  	p2TransientStore := &util.PrivateRWSetWithConfig{
  1188  		RWSet: newPRWSet(),
  1189  		CollectionConfig: &peer.CollectionConfig{
  1190  			Payload: &peer.CollectionConfig_StaticCollectionConfig{
  1191  				StaticCollectionConfig: &peer.StaticCollectionConfig{
  1192  					Name: "col1",
  1193  				},
  1194  			},
  1195  		},
  1196  	}
  1197  	policyStore = newCollectionStore().withPolicy("col1", uint64(100)).thatMapsTo("p1")
  1198  	factoryMock2 := &collectionAccessFactoryMock{}
  1199  	policyMock2 := &collectionAccessPolicyMock{}
  1200  	policyMock2.Setup(1, 2, func(data protoutil.SignedData) bool {
  1201  		return bytes.Equal(data.Identity, []byte("p1"))
  1202  	}, map[string]struct{}{"org1": {}, "org2": {}}, false)
  1203  	factoryMock2.On("AccessPolicy", mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(policyMock2, nil)
  1205  	p2 := gn.newPullerWithMetrics(metrics, "p2", policyStore, factoryMock2)
  1207  	dig := &proto.PvtDataDigest{
  1208  		TxId:       "txID1",
  1209  		Collection: "col1",
  1210  		Namespace:  "ns1",
  1211  	}
  1213  	store := Dig2PvtRWSetWithConfig{
  1214  		privdatacommon.DigKey{
  1215  			TxId:       "txID1",
  1216  			Collection: "col1",
  1217  			Namespace:  "ns1",
  1218  		}: p2TransientStore,
  1219  	}
  1221  	p2.PrivateDataRetriever.(*dataRetrieverMock).On("CollectionRWSet", mock.MatchedBy(protoMatcher(dig)),
  1222  		uint64(0)).Return(store, true, nil)
  1224  	dasf := &digestsAndSourceFactory{}
  1226  	fetchedMessages, err := p1.fetch(dasf.mapDigest(toDigKey(dig)).toSources().create())
  1227  	rws1 := util.PrivateRWSet(fetchedMessages.AvailableElements[0].Payload[0])
  1228  	rws2 := util.PrivateRWSet(fetchedMessages.AvailableElements[0].Payload[1])
  1229  	fetched := []util.PrivateRWSet{rws1, rws2}
  1230  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  1231  	assert.Equal(t, p2TransientStore.RWSet, fetched)
  1233  	assert.Equal(t,
  1234  		[]string{"channel", "A"},
  1235  		testMetricProvider.FakePullDuration.WithArgsForCall(0),
  1236  	)
  1237  	assert.True(t, testMetricProvider.FakePullDuration.ObserveArgsForCall(0) > 0)
  1238  	assert.Equal(t,
  1239  		[]string{"channel", "A"},
  1240  		testMetricProvider.FakeRetrieveDuration.WithArgsForCall(0),
  1241  	)
  1242  	assert.True(t, testMetricProvider.FakeRetrieveDuration.ObserveArgsForCall(0) > 0)
  1243  }