
     1  package eth
     3  import (
     4  	"bytes"
     5  	"fmt"
     6  	"math"
     7  	"math/big"
     8  	"math/rand"
     9  	"sort"
    10  	"sync"
    11  	"time"
    13  	""
    14  	""
    15  	ethlogger ""
    16  	""
    17  )
    19  var poolLogger = ethlogger.NewLogger("Blockpool")
    21  const (
    22  	blockHashesBatchSize       = 256
    23  	blockBatchSize             = 64
    24  	blocksRequestInterval      = 500 // ms
    25  	blocksRequestRepetition    = 1
    26  	blockHashesRequestInterval = 500 // ms
    27  	blocksRequestMaxIdleRounds = 100
    28  	blockHashesTimeout         = 60  // seconds
    29  	blocksTimeout              = 120 // seconds
    30  )
    32  type poolNode struct {
    33  	lock    sync.RWMutex
    34  	hash    []byte
    35  	td      *big.Int
    36  	block   *types.Block
    37  	parent  *poolNode
    38  	peer    string
    39  	blockBy string
    40  }
    42  type poolEntry struct {
    43  	node    *poolNode
    44  	section *section
    45  	index   int
    46  }
    48  type BlockPool struct {
    49  	lock      sync.RWMutex
    50  	chainLock sync.RWMutex
    52  	pool map[string]*poolEntry
    54  	peersLock sync.RWMutex
    55  	peers     map[string]*peerInfo
    56  	peer      *peerInfo
    58  	quit    chan bool
    59  	purgeC  chan bool
    60  	flushC  chan bool
    61  	wg      sync.WaitGroup
    62  	procWg  sync.WaitGroup
    63  	running bool
    65  	// the minimal interface with blockchain
    66  	hasBlock    func(hash []byte) bool
    67  	insertChain func(types.Blocks) error
    68  	verifyPoW   func(pow.Block) bool
    69  }
    71  type peerInfo struct {
    72  	lock sync.RWMutex
    74  	td               *big.Int
    75  	currentBlockHash []byte
    76  	currentBlock     *types.Block
    77  	currentBlockC    chan *types.Block
    78  	parentHash       []byte
    79  	headSection      *section
    80  	headSectionC     chan *section
    81  	id               string
    83  	requestBlockHashes func([]byte) error
    84  	requestBlocks      func([][]byte) error
    85  	peerError          func(int, string, ...interface{})
    87  	sections map[string]*section
    89  	quitC chan bool
    90  }
    92  // structure to store long range links on chain to skip along
    93  type section struct {
    94  	lock        sync.RWMutex
    95  	parent      *section
    96  	child       *section
    97  	top         *poolNode
    98  	bottom      *poolNode
    99  	nodes       []*poolNode
   100  	controlC    chan *peerInfo
   101  	suicideC    chan bool
   102  	blockChainC chan bool
   103  	forkC       chan chan bool
   104  	offC        chan bool
   105  }
   107  func NewBlockPool(hasBlock func(hash []byte) bool, insertChain func(types.Blocks) error, verifyPoW func(pow.Block) bool,
   108  ) *BlockPool {
   109  	return &BlockPool{
   110  		hasBlock:    hasBlock,
   111  		insertChain: insertChain,
   112  		verifyPoW:   verifyPoW,
   113  	}
   114  }
   116  // allows restart
   117  func (self *BlockPool) Start() {
   118  	self.lock.Lock()
   119  	if self.running {
   120  		self.lock.Unlock()
   121  		return
   122  	}
   123  	self.running = true
   124  	self.quit = make(chan bool)
   125  	self.flushC = make(chan bool)
   126  	self.pool = make(map[string]*poolEntry)
   128  	self.lock.Unlock()
   130  	self.peersLock.Lock()
   131  	self.peers = make(map[string]*peerInfo)
   132  	self.peersLock.Unlock()
   134  	poolLogger.Infoln("Started")
   136  }
   138  func (self *BlockPool) Stop() {
   139  	self.lock.Lock()
   140  	if !self.running {
   141  		self.lock.Unlock()
   142  		return
   143  	}
   144  	self.running = false
   146  	self.lock.Unlock()
   148  	poolLogger.Infoln("Stopping...")
   150  	close(self.quit)
   151  	//self.wg.Wait()
   153  	self.peersLock.Lock()
   154  	self.peers = nil
   155  	self.peer = nil
   156  	self.peersLock.Unlock()
   158  	self.lock.Lock()
   159  	self.pool = nil
   160  	self.lock.Unlock()
   162  	poolLogger.Infoln("Stopped")
   163  }
   165  func (self *BlockPool) Purge() {
   166  	self.lock.Lock()
   167  	if !self.running {
   168  		self.lock.Unlock()
   169  		return
   170  	}
   171  	self.lock.Unlock()
   173  	poolLogger.Infoln("Purging...")
   175  	close(self.purgeC)
   176  	self.wg.Wait()
   178  	self.purgeC = make(chan bool)
   180  	poolLogger.Infoln("Stopped")
   182  }
   184  func (self *BlockPool) Wait(t time.Duration) {
   185  	self.lock.Lock()
   186  	if !self.running {
   187  		self.lock.Unlock()
   188  		return
   189  	}
   190  	self.lock.Unlock()
   192  	poolLogger.Infoln("Waiting for processes to complete...")
   193  	close(self.flushC)
   194  	w := make(chan bool)
   195  	go func() {
   196  		self.procWg.Wait()
   197  		close(w)
   198  	}()
   200  	select {
   201  	case <-w:
   202  		poolLogger.Infoln("Processes complete")
   203  	case <-time.After(t):
   204  		poolLogger.Warnf("Timeout")
   205  	}
   206  	self.flushC = make(chan bool)
   207  }
   209  // AddPeer is called by the eth protocol instance running on the peer after
   210  // the status message has been received with total difficulty and current block hash
   211  // AddPeer can only be used once, RemovePeer needs to be called when the peer disconnects
   212  func (self *BlockPool) AddPeer(td *big.Int, currentBlockHash []byte, peerId string, requestBlockHashes func([]byte) error, requestBlocks func([][]byte) error, peerError func(int, string, ...interface{})) (best bool) {
   214  	self.peersLock.Lock()
   215  	defer self.peersLock.Unlock()
   216  	peer, ok := self.peers[peerId]
   217  	if ok {
   218  		if bytes.Compare(peer.currentBlockHash, currentBlockHash) != 0 {
   219  			poolLogger.Debugf("Update peer %v with td %v and current block %s", peerId, td, name(currentBlockHash))
   220  			peer.lock.Lock()
   221 = td
   222  			peer.currentBlockHash = currentBlockHash
   223  			peer.currentBlock = nil
   224  			peer.parentHash = nil
   225  			peer.headSection = nil
   226  			peer.lock.Unlock()
   227  		}
   228  	} else {
   229  		peer = &peerInfo{
   230  			td:                 td,
   231  			currentBlockHash:   currentBlockHash,
   232  			id:                 peerId, //peer.Identity().Pubkey()
   233  			requestBlockHashes: requestBlockHashes,
   234  			requestBlocks:      requestBlocks,
   235  			peerError:          peerError,
   236  			sections:           make(map[string]*section),
   237  			currentBlockC:      make(chan *types.Block),
   238  			headSectionC:       make(chan *section),
   239  		}
   240  		self.peers[peerId] = peer
   241  		poolLogger.Debugf("add new peer %v with td %v and current block %x", peerId, td, currentBlockHash[:4])
   242  	}
   243  	// check peer current head
   244  	if self.hasBlock(currentBlockHash) {
   245  		// peer not ahead
   246  		return false
   247  	}
   249  	if self.peer == peer {
   250  		// new block update
   251  		// peer is already active best peer, request hashes
   252  		poolLogger.Debugf("[%s] already the best peer. Request new head section info from %s", peerId, name(currentBlockHash))
   253  		peer.headSectionC <- nil
   254  		best = true
   255  	} else {
   256  		currentTD := ethutil.Big0
   257  		if self.peer != nil {
   258  			currentTD =
   259  		}
   260  		if td.Cmp(currentTD) > 0 {
   261  			poolLogger.Debugf("peer %v promoted best peer", peerId)
   262  			self.switchPeer(self.peer, peer)
   263  			self.peer = peer
   264  			best = true
   265  		}
   266  	}
   267  	return
   268  }
   270  func (self *BlockPool) requestHeadSection(peer *peerInfo) {
   271  	self.wg.Add(1)
   272  	self.procWg.Add(1)
   273  	poolLogger.Debugf("[%s] head section at [%s] requesting info",, name(peer.currentBlockHash))
   275  	go func() {
   276  		var idle bool
   277  		peer.lock.RLock()
   278  		quitC := peer.quitC
   279  		currentBlockHash := peer.currentBlockHash
   280  		peer.lock.RUnlock()
   281  		blockHashesRequestTimer := time.NewTimer(0)
   282  		blocksRequestTimer := time.NewTimer(0)
   283  		suicide := time.NewTimer(blockHashesTimeout * time.Second)
   284  		blockHashesRequestTimer.Stop()
   285  		defer blockHashesRequestTimer.Stop()
   286  		defer blocksRequestTimer.Stop()
   288  		entry := self.get(currentBlockHash)
   289  		if entry != nil {
   290  			entry.node.lock.RLock()
   291  			currentBlock := entry.node.block
   292  			entry.node.lock.RUnlock()
   293  			if currentBlock != nil {
   294  				peer.lock.Lock()
   295  				peer.currentBlock = currentBlock
   296  				peer.parentHash = currentBlock.ParentHash()
   297  				poolLogger.Debugf("[%s] head block [%s] found",, name(currentBlockHash))
   298  				peer.lock.Unlock()
   299  				blockHashesRequestTimer.Reset(0)
   300  				blocksRequestTimer.Stop()
   301  			}
   302  		}
   304  	LOOP:
   305  		for {
   307  			select {
   308  			case <-self.quit:
   309  				break LOOP
   311  			case <-quitC:
   312  				poolLogger.Debugf("[%s] head section at [%s] incomplete - quit request loop",, name(currentBlockHash))
   313  				break LOOP
   315  			case headSection := <-peer.headSectionC:
   316  				peer.lock.Lock()
   317  				peer.headSection = headSection
   318  				if headSection == nil {
   319  					oldBlockHash := currentBlockHash
   320  					currentBlockHash = peer.currentBlockHash
   321  					poolLogger.Debugf("[%s] head section changed [%s] -> [%s]",, name(oldBlockHash), name(currentBlockHash))
   322  					if idle {
   323  						idle = false
   324  						suicide.Reset(blockHashesTimeout * time.Second)
   325  						self.procWg.Add(1)
   326  					}
   327  					blocksRequestTimer.Reset(blocksRequestInterval * time.Millisecond)
   328  				} else {
   329  					poolLogger.DebugDetailf("[%s] head section at [%s] created",, name(currentBlockHash))
   330  					if !idle {
   331  						idle = true
   332  						suicide.Stop()
   333  						self.procWg.Done()
   334  					}
   335  				}
   336  				peer.lock.Unlock()
   337  				blockHashesRequestTimer.Stop()
   339  			case <-blockHashesRequestTimer.C:
   340  				poolLogger.DebugDetailf("[%s] head section at [%s] not found, requesting block hashes",, name(currentBlockHash))
   341  				peer.requestBlockHashes(currentBlockHash)
   342  				blockHashesRequestTimer.Reset(blockHashesRequestInterval * time.Millisecond)
   344  			case currentBlock := <-peer.currentBlockC:
   345  				peer.lock.Lock()
   346  				peer.currentBlock = currentBlock
   347  				peer.parentHash = currentBlock.ParentHash()
   348  				poolLogger.DebugDetailf("[%s] head block [%s] found",, name(currentBlockHash))
   349  				peer.lock.Unlock()
   350  				if self.hasBlock(currentBlock.ParentHash()) {
   351  					if err := self.insertChain(types.Blocks([]*types.Block{currentBlock})); err != nil {
   352  						peer.peerError(ErrInvalidBlock, "%v", err)
   353  					}
   354  					if !idle {
   355  						idle = true
   356  						suicide.Stop()
   357  						self.procWg.Done()
   358  					}
   359  				} else {
   360  					blockHashesRequestTimer.Reset(0)
   361  				}
   362  				blocksRequestTimer.Stop()
   364  			case <-blocksRequestTimer.C:
   365  				peer.lock.RLock()
   366  				poolLogger.DebugDetailf("[%s] head block [%s] not found, requesting",, name(currentBlockHash))
   367  				peer.requestBlocks([][]byte{peer.currentBlockHash})
   368  				peer.lock.RUnlock()
   369  				blocksRequestTimer.Reset(blocksRequestInterval * time.Millisecond)
   371  			case <-suicide.C:
   372  				peer.peerError(ErrInsufficientChainInfo, "peer failed to provide block hashes or head block for block hash %x", currentBlockHash)
   373  				break LOOP
   374  			}
   375  		}
   376  		self.wg.Done()
   377  		if !idle {
   378  			self.procWg.Done()
   379  		}
   380  	}()
   381  }
   383  // RemovePeer is called by the eth protocol when the peer disconnects
   384  func (self *BlockPool) RemovePeer(peerId string) {
   385  	self.peersLock.Lock()
   386  	defer self.peersLock.Unlock()
   387  	peer, ok := self.peers[peerId]
   388  	if !ok {
   389  		return
   390  	}
   391  	delete(self.peers, peerId)
   392  	poolLogger.Debugf("remove peer %v", peerId)
   394  	// if current best peer is removed, need find a better one
   395  	if self.peer == peer {
   396  		var newPeer *peerInfo
   397  		max := ethutil.Big0
   398  		// peer with the highest self-acclaimed TD is chosen
   399  		for _, info := range self.peers {
   400  			if > 0 {
   401  				max =
   402  				newPeer = info
   403  			}
   404  		}
   405  		if newPeer != nil {
   406  			poolLogger.Debugf("peer %v with td %v promoted to best peer",,
   407  		} else {
   408  			poolLogger.Warnln("no peers")
   409  		}
   410  		self.peer = newPeer
   411  		self.switchPeer(peer, newPeer)
   412  	}
   413  }
   415  // Entry point for eth protocol to add block hashes received via BlockHashesMsg
   416  // only hashes from the best peer is handled
   417  // this method is always responsible to initiate further hash requests until
   418  // a known parent is reached unless cancelled by a peerChange event
   419  // this process also launches all request processes on each chain section
   420  // this function needs to run asynchronously for one peer since the message is discarded???
   421  func (self *BlockPool) AddBlockHashes(next func() ([]byte, bool), peerId string) {
   423  	// register with peer manager loop
   425  	peer, best := self.getPeer(peerId)
   426  	if !best {
   427  		return
   428  	}
   429  	// peer is still the best
   431  	var size, n int
   432  	var hash []byte
   433  	var ok, headSection bool
   434  	var sec, child, parent *section
   435  	var entry *poolEntry
   436  	var nodes []*poolNode
   437  	bestPeer := peer
   439  	hash, ok = next()
   440  	peer.lock.Lock()
   441  	if bytes.Compare(peer.parentHash, hash) == 0 {
   442  		if self.hasBlock(peer.currentBlockHash) {
   443  			return
   444  		}
   445  		poolLogger.Debugf("adding hashes at chain head for best peer %s starting from [%s]", peerId, name(peer.currentBlockHash))
   446  		headSection = true
   448  		if entry := self.get(peer.currentBlockHash); entry == nil {
   449  			node := &poolNode{
   450  				hash:    peer.currentBlockHash,
   451  				block:   peer.currentBlock,
   452  				peer:    peerId,
   453  				blockBy: peerId,
   454  			}
   455  			if size == 0 {
   456  				sec = newSection()
   457  			}
   458  			nodes = append(nodes, node)
   459  			size++
   460  			n++
   461  		} else {
   462  			child = entry.section
   463  		}
   464  	} else {
   465  		poolLogger.Debugf("adding hashes for best peer %s starting from [%s]", peerId, name(hash))
   466  	}
   467  	quitC := peer.quitC
   468  	peer.lock.Unlock()
   470  LOOP:
   471  	// iterate using next (rlp stream lazy decoder) feeding hashesC
   472  	for ; ok; hash, ok = next() {
   473  		n++
   474  		select {
   475  		case <-self.quit:
   476  			return
   477  		case <-quitC:
   478  			// if the peer is demoted, no more hashes taken
   479  			bestPeer = nil
   480  			break LOOP
   481  		default:
   482  		}
   483  		if self.hasBlock(hash) {
   484  			// check if known block connecting the downloaded chain to our blockchain
   485  			poolLogger.DebugDetailf("[%s] known block", name(hash))
   486  			// mark child as absolute pool root with parent known to blockchain
   487  			if sec != nil {
   488  				self.connectToBlockChain(sec)
   489  			} else {
   490  				if child != nil {
   491  					self.connectToBlockChain(child)
   492  				}
   493  			}
   494  			break LOOP
   495  		}
   496  		// look up node in pool
   497  		entry = self.get(hash)
   498  		if entry != nil {
   499  			// reached a known chain in the pool
   500  			if entry.node == entry.section.bottom && n == 1 {
   501  				// the first block hash received is an orphan in the pool, so rejoice and continue
   502  				poolLogger.DebugDetailf("[%s] connecting child section", sectionName(entry.section))
   503  				child = entry.section
   504  				continue LOOP
   505  			}
   506  			poolLogger.DebugDetailf("[%s] reached blockpool chain", name(hash))
   507  			parent = entry.section
   508  			break LOOP
   509  		}
   510  		// if node for block hash does not exist, create it and index in the pool
   511  		node := &poolNode{
   512  			hash: hash,
   513  			peer: peerId,
   514  		}
   515  		if size == 0 {
   516  			sec = newSection()
   517  		}
   518  		nodes = append(nodes, node)
   519  		size++
   520  	} //for
   522  	self.chainLock.Lock()
   524  	poolLogger.DebugDetailf("added %v hashes sent by %s", n, peerId)
   526  	if parent != nil && entry != nil && entry.node != {
   527  		poolLogger.DebugDetailf("[%s] split section at fork", sectionName(parent))
   528  		parent.controlC <- nil
   529  		waiter := make(chan bool)
   530  		parent.forkC <- waiter
   531  		chain := parent.nodes
   532  		parent.nodes = chain[entry.index:]
   533 = parent.nodes[0]
   534  		orphan := newSection()
   535, parent.child)
   536  		self.processSection(orphan, chain[0:entry.index])
   537  		orphan.controlC <- nil
   538  		close(waiter)
   539  	}
   541  	if size > 0 {
   542  		self.processSection(sec, nodes)
   543  		poolLogger.DebugDetailf("[%s]->[%s](%v)->[%s] new chain section", sectionName(parent), sectionName(sec), size, sectionName(child))
   544, sec)
   545, child)
   546  	} else {
   547  		poolLogger.DebugDetailf("[%s]->[%s] connecting known sections", sectionName(parent), sectionName(child))
   548, child)
   549  	}
   551  	self.chainLock.Unlock()
   553  	if parent != nil && bestPeer != nil {
   554  		self.activateChain(parent, peer)
   555  		poolLogger.Debugf("[%s] activate parent section [%s]", name(, sectionName(parent))
   556  	}
   558  	if sec != nil {
   559  		peer.addSection(, sec)
   560  		// request next section here once, only repeat if bottom block arrives,
   561  		// otherwise no way to check if it arrived
   562  		peer.requestBlockHashes(sec.bottom.hash)
   563  		sec.controlC <- bestPeer
   564  		poolLogger.Debugf("[%s] activate new section", sectionName(sec))
   565  	}
   567  	if headSection {
   568  		var headSec *section
   569  		switch {
   570  		case sec != nil:
   571  			headSec = sec
   572  		case child != nil:
   573  			headSec = child
   574  		default:
   575  			headSec = parent
   576  		}
   577  		peer.headSectionC <- headSec
   578  	}
   579  }
   581  func name(hash []byte) (name string) {
   582  	if hash == nil {
   583  		name = ""
   584  	} else {
   585  		name = fmt.Sprintf("%x", hash[:4])
   586  	}
   587  	return
   588  }
   590  func sectionName(section *section) (name string) {
   591  	if section == nil {
   592  		name = ""
   593  	} else {
   594  		name = fmt.Sprintf("%x-%x", section.bottom.hash[:4],[:4])
   595  	}
   596  	return
   597  }
   599  // AddBlock is the entry point for the eth protocol when blockmsg is received upon requests
   600  // It has a strict interpretation of the protocol in that if the block received has not been requested, it results in an error (which can be ignored)
   601  // block is checked for PoW
   602  // only the first PoW-valid block for a hash is considered legit
   603  func (self *BlockPool) AddBlock(block *types.Block, peerId string) {
   604  	hash := block.Hash()
   605  	self.peersLock.Lock()
   606  	peer := self.peer
   607  	self.peersLock.Unlock()
   609  	entry := self.get(hash)
   610  	if bytes.Compare(hash, peer.currentBlockHash) == 0 {
   611  		poolLogger.Debugf("add head block [%s] for peer %s", name(hash), peerId)
   612  		peer.currentBlockC <- block
   613  	} else {
   614  		if entry == nil {
   615  			poolLogger.Warnf("unrequested block [%s] by peer %s", name(hash), peerId)
   616  			self.peerError(peerId, ErrUnrequestedBlock, "%x", hash)
   617  		}
   618  	}
   619  	if entry == nil {
   620  		return
   621  	}
   623  	node := entry.node
   624  	node.lock.Lock()
   625  	defer node.lock.Unlock()
   627  	// check if block already present
   628  	if node.block != nil {
   629  		poolLogger.DebugDetailf("block [%s] already sent by %s", name(hash), node.blockBy)
   630  		return
   631  	}
   633  	if self.hasBlock(hash) {
   634  		poolLogger.DebugDetailf("block [%s] already known", name(hash))
   635  	} else {
   637  		// validate block for PoW
   638  		if !self.verifyPoW(block) {
   639  			poolLogger.Warnf("invalid pow on block [%s %v] by peer %s", name(hash), block.Number(), peerId)
   640  			self.peerError(peerId, ErrInvalidPoW, "%x", hash)
   641  			return
   642  		}
   643  	}
   644  	poolLogger.DebugDetailf("added block [%s] sent by peer %s", name(hash), peerId)
   645  	node.block = block
   646  	node.blockBy = peerId
   648  }
   650  func (self *BlockPool) connectToBlockChain(section *section) {
   651  	select {
   652  	case <-section.offC:
   653  		self.addSectionToBlockChain(section)
   654  	case <-section.blockChainC:
   655  	default:
   656  		close(section.blockChainC)
   657  	}
   658  }
   660  func (self *BlockPool) addSectionToBlockChain(section *section) (rest int, err error) {
   662  	var blocks types.Blocks
   663  	var node *poolNode
   664  	var keys []string
   665  	rest = len(section.nodes)
   666  	for rest > 0 {
   667  		rest--
   668  		node = section.nodes[rest]
   669  		node.lock.RLock()
   670  		block := node.block
   671  		node.lock.RUnlock()
   672  		if block == nil {
   673  			break
   674  		}
   675  		keys = append(keys, string(node.hash))
   676  		blocks = append(blocks, block)
   677  	}
   679  	self.lock.Lock()
   680  	for _, key := range keys {
   681  		delete(self.pool, key)
   682  	}
   683  	self.lock.Unlock()
   685  	poolLogger.Infof("insert %v blocks into blockchain", len(blocks))
   686  	err = self.insertChain(blocks)
   687  	if err != nil {
   688  		// TODO: not clear which peer we need to address
   689  		// peerError should dispatch to peer if still connected and disconnect
   690  		self.peerError(node.blockBy, ErrInvalidBlock, "%v", err)
   691  		poolLogger.Warnf("invalid block %x", node.hash)
   692  		poolLogger.Warnf("penalise peers %v (hash), %v (block)", node.peer, node.blockBy)
   693  		// penalise peer in node.blockBy
   694  		// self.disconnect()
   695  	}
   696  	return
   697  }
   699  func (self *BlockPool) activateChain(section *section, peer *peerInfo) {
   700  	poolLogger.DebugDetailf("[%s] activate known chain for peer %s", sectionName(section),
   701  	i := 0
   702  LOOP:
   703  	for section != nil {
   704  		// register this section with the peer and quit if registered
   705  		poolLogger.DebugDetailf("[%s] register section with peer %s", sectionName(section),
   706  		if peer.addSection(, section) == section {
   707  			return
   708  		}
   709  		poolLogger.DebugDetailf("[%s] activate section process", sectionName(section))
   710  		select {
   711  		case section.controlC <- peer:
   712  		case <-section.offC:
   713  		}
   714  		i++
   715  		section = self.getParent(section)
   716  		select {
   717  		case <-peer.quitC:
   718  			break LOOP
   719  		case <-self.quit:
   720  			break LOOP
   721  		default:
   722  		}
   723  	}
   724  }
   726  // main worker thread on each section in the poolchain
   727  // - kills the section if there are blocks missing after an absolute time
   728  // - kills the section if there are maxIdleRounds of idle rounds of block requests with no response
   729  // - periodically polls the chain section for missing blocks which are then requested from peers
   730  // - registers the process controller on the peer so that if the peer is promoted as best peer the second time (after a disconnect of a better one), all active processes are switched back on unless they expire and killed ()
   731  // - when turned off (if peer disconnects and new peer connects with alternative chain), no blockrequests are made but absolute expiry timer is ticking
   732  // - when turned back on it recursively calls itself on the root of the next chain section
   733  // - when exits, signals to
   734  func (self *BlockPool) processSection(sec *section, nodes []*poolNode) {
   736  	for i, node := range nodes {
   737  		entry := &poolEntry{node: node, section: sec, index: i}
   738  		self.set(node.hash, entry)
   739  	}
   741  	sec.bottom = nodes[len(nodes)-1]
   742 = nodes[0]
   743  	sec.nodes = nodes
   744  	poolLogger.DebugDetailf("[%s] setup section process", sectionName(sec))
   746  	self.wg.Add(1)
   747  	go func() {
   749  		// absolute time after which sub-chain is killed if not complete (some blocks are missing)
   750  		suicideTimer := time.After(blocksTimeout * time.Second)
   752  		var peer, newPeer *peerInfo
   754  		var blocksRequestTimer, blockHashesRequestTimer <-chan time.Time
   755  		var blocksRequestTime, blockHashesRequestTime bool
   756  		var blocksRequests, blockHashesRequests int
   757  		var blocksRequestsComplete, blockHashesRequestsComplete bool
   759  		// node channels for the section
   760  		var missingC, processC, offC chan *poolNode
   761  		// container for missing block hashes
   762  		var hashes [][]byte
   764  		var i, missing, lastMissing, depth int
   765  		var idle int
   766  		var init, done, same, ready bool
   767  		var insertChain bool
   768  		var quitC chan bool
   770  		var blockChainC = sec.blockChainC
   772  		var parentHash []byte
   774  	LOOP:
   775  		for {
   777  			if insertChain {
   778  				insertChain = false
   779  				rest, err := self.addSectionToBlockChain(sec)
   780  				if err != nil {
   781  					close(sec.suicideC)
   782  					continue LOOP
   783  				}
   784  				if rest == 0 {
   785  					blocksRequestsComplete = true
   786  					child := self.getChild(sec)
   787  					if child != nil {
   788  						self.connectToBlockChain(child)
   789  					}
   790  				}
   791  			}
   793  			if blockHashesRequestsComplete && blocksRequestsComplete {
   794  				// not waiting for hashes any more
   795  				poolLogger.Debugf("[%s] section complete %v blocks retrieved (%v attempts), hash requests complete on root (%v attempts)", sectionName(sec), depth, blocksRequests, blockHashesRequests)
   796  				break LOOP
   797  			} // otherwise suicide if no hashes coming
   799  			if done {
   800  				// went through all blocks in section
   801  				if missing == 0 {
   802  					// no missing blocks
   803  					poolLogger.DebugDetailf("[%s] got all blocks. process complete (%v total blocksRequests): missing %v/%v/%v", sectionName(sec), blocksRequests, missing, lastMissing, depth)
   804  					blocksRequestsComplete = true
   805  					blocksRequestTimer = nil
   806  					blocksRequestTime = false
   807  				} else {
   808  					poolLogger.DebugDetailf("[%s] section checked: missing %v/%v/%v", sectionName(sec), missing, lastMissing, depth)
   809  					// some missing blocks
   810  					blocksRequests++
   811  					if len(hashes) > 0 {
   812  						// send block requests to peers
   813  						self.requestBlocks(blocksRequests, hashes)
   814  						hashes = nil
   815  					}
   816  					if missing == lastMissing {
   817  						// idle round
   818  						if same {
   819  							// more than once
   820  							idle++
   821  							// too many idle rounds
   822  							if idle >= blocksRequestMaxIdleRounds {
   823  								poolLogger.DebugDetailf("[%s] block requests had %v idle rounds (%v total attempts): missing %v/%v/%v\ngiving up...", sectionName(sec), idle, blocksRequests, missing, lastMissing, depth)
   824  								close(sec.suicideC)
   825  							}
   826  						} else {
   827  							idle = 0
   828  						}
   829  						same = true
   830  					} else {
   831  						same = false
   832  					}
   833  				}
   834  				lastMissing = missing
   835  				ready = true
   836  				done = false
   837  				// save a new processC (blocks still missing)
   838  				offC = missingC
   839  				missingC = processC
   840  				// put processC offline
   841  				processC = nil
   842  			}
   843  			//
   845  			if ready && blocksRequestTime && !blocksRequestsComplete {
   846  				poolLogger.DebugDetailf("[%s] check if new blocks arrived (attempt %v): missing %v/%v/%v", sectionName(sec), blocksRequests, missing, lastMissing, depth)
   847  				blocksRequestTimer = time.After(blocksRequestInterval * time.Millisecond)
   848  				blocksRequestTime = false
   849  				processC = offC
   850  			}
   852  			if blockHashesRequestTime {
   853  				var parentSection = self.getParent(sec)
   854  				if parentSection == nil {
   855  					if parent := self.get(parentHash); parent != nil {
   856  						parentSection = parent.section
   857  						self.chainLock.Lock()
   858, sec)
   859  						self.chainLock.Unlock()
   860  					} else {
   861  						if self.hasBlock(parentHash) {
   862  							insertChain = true
   863  							blockHashesRequestTime = false
   864  							blockHashesRequestTimer = nil
   865  							blockHashesRequestsComplete = true
   866  							continue LOOP
   867  						}
   868  					}
   869  				}
   870  				if parentSection != nil {
   871  					// if not root of chain, switch off
   872  					poolLogger.DebugDetailf("[%s] parent found, hash requests deactivated (after %v total attempts)\n", sectionName(sec), blockHashesRequests)
   873  					blockHashesRequestTimer = nil
   874  					blockHashesRequestsComplete = true
   875  				} else {
   876  					blockHashesRequests++
   877  					poolLogger.Debugf("[%s] hash request on root (%v total attempts)\n", sectionName(sec), blockHashesRequests)
   878  					peer.requestBlockHashes(sec.bottom.hash)
   879  					blockHashesRequestTimer = time.After(blockHashesRequestInterval * time.Millisecond)
   880  				}
   881  				blockHashesRequestTime = false
   882  			}
   884  			select {
   885  			case <-self.quit:
   886  				break LOOP
   888  			case <-quitC:
   889  				// peer quit or demoted, put section in idle mode
   890  				quitC = nil
   891  				go func() {
   892  					sec.controlC <- nil
   893  				}()
   895  			case <-self.purgeC:
   896  				suicideTimer = time.After(0)
   898  			case <-suicideTimer:
   899  				close(sec.suicideC)
   900  				poolLogger.Debugf("[%s] timeout. (%v total attempts): missing %v/%v/%v", sectionName(sec), blocksRequests, missing, lastMissing, depth)
   902  			case <-sec.suicideC:
   903  				poolLogger.Debugf("[%s] suicide", sectionName(sec))
   905  				// first delink from child and parent under chainlock
   906  				self.chainLock.Lock()
   907, sec)
   908, nil)
   909  				self.chainLock.Unlock()
   910  				// delete node entries from pool index under pool lock
   911  				self.lock.Lock()
   912  				for _, node := range sec.nodes {
   913  					delete(self.pool, string(node.hash))
   914  				}
   915  				self.lock.Unlock()
   917  				break LOOP
   919  			case <-blocksRequestTimer:
   920  				poolLogger.DebugDetailf("[%s] block request time", sectionName(sec))
   921  				blocksRequestTime = true
   923  			case <-blockHashesRequestTimer:
   924  				poolLogger.DebugDetailf("[%s] hash request time", sectionName(sec))
   925  				blockHashesRequestTime = true
   927  			case newPeer = <-sec.controlC:
   929  				// active -> idle
   930  				if peer != nil && newPeer == nil {
   931  					self.procWg.Done()
   932  					if init {
   933  						poolLogger.Debugf("[%s] idle mode (%v total attempts): missing %v/%v/%v", sectionName(sec), blocksRequests, missing, lastMissing, depth)
   934  					}
   935  					blocksRequestTime = false
   936  					blocksRequestTimer = nil
   937  					blockHashesRequestTime = false
   938  					blockHashesRequestTimer = nil
   939  					if processC != nil {
   940  						offC = processC
   941  						processC = nil
   942  					}
   943  				}
   945  				// idle -> active
   946  				if peer == nil && newPeer != nil {
   947  					self.procWg.Add(1)
   949  					poolLogger.Debugf("[%s] active mode", sectionName(sec))
   950  					if !blocksRequestsComplete {
   951  						blocksRequestTime = true
   952  					}
   953  					if !blockHashesRequestsComplete && parentHash != nil {
   954  						blockHashesRequestTime = true
   955  					}
   956  					if !init {
   957  						processC = make(chan *poolNode, blockHashesBatchSize)
   958  						missingC = make(chan *poolNode, blockHashesBatchSize)
   959  						i = 0
   960  						missing = 0
   961  						self.wg.Add(1)
   962  						self.procWg.Add(1)
   963  						depth = len(sec.nodes)
   964  						lastMissing = depth
   965  						// if not run at least once fully, launch iterator
   966  						go func() {
   967  							var node *poolNode
   968  						IT:
   969  							for _, node = range sec.nodes {
   970  								select {
   971  								case processC <- node:
   972  								case <-self.quit:
   973  									break IT
   974  								}
   975  							}
   976  							close(processC)
   977  							self.wg.Done()
   978  							self.procWg.Done()
   979  						}()
   980  					} else {
   981  						poolLogger.Debugf("[%s] restore earlier state", sectionName(sec))
   982  						processC = offC
   983  					}
   984  				}
   985  				// reset quitC to current best peer
   986  				if newPeer != nil {
   987  					quitC = newPeer.quitC
   988  				}
   989  				peer = newPeer
   991  			case waiter := <-sec.forkC:
   992  				// this case just blocks the process until section is split at the fork
   993  				<-waiter
   994  				init = false
   995  				done = false
   996  				ready = false
   998  			case node, ok := <-processC:
   999  				if !ok && !init {
  1000  					// channel closed, first iteration finished
  1001  					init = true
  1002  					done = true
  1003  					processC = make(chan *poolNode, missing)
  1004  					poolLogger.DebugDetailf("[%s] section initalised: missing %v/%v/%v", sectionName(sec), missing, lastMissing, depth)
  1005  					continue LOOP
  1006  				}
  1007  				if ready {
  1008  					i = 0
  1009  					missing = 0
  1010  					ready = false
  1011  				}
  1012  				i++
  1013  				// if node has no block
  1014  				node.lock.RLock()
  1015  				block := node.block
  1016  				node.lock.RUnlock()
  1017  				if block == nil {
  1018  					missing++
  1019  					hashes = append(hashes, node.hash)
  1020  					if len(hashes) == blockBatchSize {
  1021  						poolLogger.Debugf("[%s] request %v missing blocks", sectionName(sec), len(hashes))
  1022  						self.requestBlocks(blocksRequests, hashes)
  1023  						hashes = nil
  1024  					}
  1025  					missingC <- node
  1026  				} else {
  1027  					if i == lastMissing {
  1028  						if blockChainC == nil {
  1029  							insertChain = true
  1030  						} else {
  1031  							if parentHash == nil {
  1032  								parentHash = block.ParentHash()
  1033  								poolLogger.Debugf("[%s] found root block [%s]", sectionName(sec), name(parentHash))
  1034  								blockHashesRequestTime = true
  1035  							}
  1036  						}
  1037  					}
  1038  				}
  1039  				if i == lastMissing && init {
  1040  					done = true
  1041  				}
  1043  			case <-blockChainC:
  1044  				// closed blockChain channel indicates that the blockpool is reached
  1045  				// connected to the blockchain, insert the longest chain of blocks
  1046  				poolLogger.Debugf("[%s] reached blockchain", sectionName(sec))
  1047  				blockChainC = nil
  1048  				// switch off hash requests in case they were on
  1049  				blockHashesRequestTime = false
  1050  				blockHashesRequestTimer = nil
  1051  				blockHashesRequestsComplete = true
  1052  				// section root has block
  1053  				if len(sec.nodes) > 0 && sec.nodes[len(sec.nodes)-1].block != nil {
  1054  					insertChain = true
  1055  				}
  1056  				continue LOOP
  1058  			} // select
  1059  		} // for
  1061  		close(sec.offC)
  1063  		self.wg.Done()
  1064  		if peer != nil {
  1065  			self.procWg.Done()
  1066  		}
  1067  	}()
  1068  	return
  1069  }
  1071  func (self *BlockPool) peerError(peerId string, code int, format string, params ...interface{}) {
  1072  	self.peersLock.RLock()
  1073  	defer self.peersLock.RUnlock()
  1074  	peer, ok := self.peers[peerId]
  1075  	if ok {
  1076  		peer.peerError(code, format, params...)
  1077  	}
  1078  }
  1080  func (self *BlockPool) requestBlocks(attempts int, hashes [][]byte) {
  1081  	self.wg.Add(1)
  1082  	self.procWg.Add(1)
  1083  	go func() {
  1084  		// distribute block request among known peers
  1085  		self.peersLock.Lock()
  1086  		defer self.peersLock.Unlock()
  1087  		peerCount := len(self.peers)
  1088  		// on first attempt use the best peer
  1089  		if attempts == 0 {
  1090  			poolLogger.Debugf("request %v missing blocks from best peer %s", len(hashes),
  1091  			self.peer.requestBlocks(hashes)
  1092  			return
  1093  		}
  1094  		repetitions := int(math.Min(float64(peerCount), float64(blocksRequestRepetition)))
  1095  		i := 0
  1096  		indexes := rand.Perm(peerCount)[0:repetitions]
  1097  		sort.Ints(indexes)
  1098  		poolLogger.Debugf("request %v missing blocks from %v/%v peers: chosen %v", len(hashes), repetitions, peerCount, indexes)
  1099  		for _, peer := range self.peers {
  1100  			if i == indexes[0] {
  1101  				poolLogger.Debugf("request %v missing blocks [%x/%x] from peer %s", len(hashes), hashes[0][:4], hashes[len(hashes)-1][:4],
  1102  				peer.requestBlocks(hashes)
  1103  				indexes = indexes[1:]
  1104  				if len(indexes) == 0 {
  1105  					break
  1106  				}
  1107  			}
  1108  			i++
  1109  		}
  1110  		self.wg.Done()
  1111  		self.procWg.Done()
  1112  	}()
  1113  }
  1115  func (self *BlockPool) getPeer(peerId string) (*peerInfo, bool) {
  1116  	self.peersLock.RLock()
  1117  	defer self.peersLock.RUnlock()
  1118  	if self.peer != nil && == peerId {
  1119  		return self.peer, true
  1120  	}
  1121  	info, ok := self.peers[peerId]
  1122  	if !ok {
  1123  		return nil, false
  1124  	}
  1125  	return info, false
  1126  }
  1128  func (self *peerInfo) addSection(hash []byte, section *section) (found *section) {
  1129  	self.lock.Lock()
  1130  	defer self.lock.Unlock()
  1131  	key := string(hash)
  1132  	found = self.sections[key]
  1133  	poolLogger.DebugDetailf("[%s] section process stored for %s", sectionName(section),
  1134  	self.sections[key] = section
  1135  	return
  1136  }
  1138  func (self *BlockPool) switchPeer(oldPeer, newPeer *peerInfo) {
  1139  	if newPeer != nil {
  1140  		newPeer.quitC = make(chan bool)
  1141  		poolLogger.DebugDetailf("[%s] activate section processes",
  1142  		var addSections []*section
  1143  		for hash, section := range newPeer.sections {
  1144  			// split sections get reorganised here
  1145  			if string( != hash {
  1146  				addSections = append(addSections, section)
  1147  				if entry := self.get([]byte(hash)); entry != nil {
  1148  					addSections = append(addSections, entry.section)
  1149  				}
  1150  			}
  1151  		}
  1152  		for _, section := range addSections {
  1153  			newPeer.sections[string(] = section
  1154  		}
  1155  		for hash, section := range newPeer.sections {
  1156  			// this will block if section process is waiting for peer lock
  1157  			select {
  1158  			case <-section.offC:
  1159  				poolLogger.DebugDetailf("[%s][%x] section process complete - remove",, hash[:4])
  1160  				delete(newPeer.sections, hash)
  1161  			case section.controlC <- newPeer:
  1162  				poolLogger.DebugDetailf("[%s][%x] activates section [%s]",, hash[:4], sectionName(section))
  1163  			}
  1164  		}
  1165  		newPeer.lock.Lock()
  1166  		headSection := newPeer.headSection
  1167  		currentBlockHash := newPeer.currentBlockHash
  1168  		newPeer.lock.Unlock()
  1169  		if headSection == nil {
  1170  			poolLogger.DebugDetailf("[%s] head section for [%s] not created, requesting info",, name(currentBlockHash))
  1171  			self.requestHeadSection(newPeer)
  1172  		} else {
  1173  			if entry := self.get(currentBlockHash); entry != nil {
  1174  				headSection = entry.section
  1175  			}
  1176  			poolLogger.DebugDetailf("[%s] activate chain at head section [%s] for current head [%s]",, sectionName(headSection), name(currentBlockHash))
  1177  			self.activateChain(headSection, newPeer)
  1178  		}
  1179  	}
  1180  	if oldPeer != nil {
  1181  		poolLogger.DebugDetailf("[%s] quit section processes",
  1182  		close(oldPeer.quitC)
  1183  	}
  1184  }
  1186  func (self *BlockPool) getParent(sec *section) *section {
  1187  	self.chainLock.RLock()
  1188  	defer self.chainLock.RUnlock()
  1189  	return sec.parent
  1190  }
  1192  func (self *BlockPool) getChild(sec *section) *section {
  1193  	self.chainLock.RLock()
  1194  	defer self.chainLock.RUnlock()
  1195  	return sec.child
  1196  }
  1198  func newSection() (sec *section) {
  1199  	sec = &section{
  1200  		controlC:    make(chan *peerInfo),
  1201  		suicideC:    make(chan bool),
  1202  		blockChainC: make(chan bool),
  1203  		offC:        make(chan bool),
  1204  		forkC:       make(chan chan bool),
  1205  	}
  1206  	return
  1207  }
  1209  // link should only be called under chainLock
  1210  func (self *BlockPool) link(parent *section, child *section) {
  1211  	if parent != nil {
  1212  		exChild := parent.child
  1213  		parent.child = child
  1214  		if exChild != nil && exChild != child {
  1215  			poolLogger.Debugf("[%s] chain fork [%s] -> [%s]", sectionName(parent), sectionName(exChild), sectionName(child))
  1216  			exChild.parent = nil
  1217  		}
  1218  	}
  1219  	if child != nil {
  1220  		exParent := child.parent
  1221  		if exParent != nil && exParent != parent {
  1222  			poolLogger.Debugf("[%s] chain reverse fork [%s] -> [%s]", sectionName(child), sectionName(exParent), sectionName(parent))
  1223  			exParent.child = nil
  1224  		}
  1225  		child.parent = parent
  1226  	}
  1227  }
  1229  func (self *BlockPool) get(hash []byte) (node *poolEntry) {
  1230  	self.lock.RLock()
  1231  	defer self.lock.RUnlock()
  1232  	return self.pool[string(hash)]
  1233  }
  1235  func (self *BlockPool) set(hash []byte, node *poolEntry) {
  1236  	self.lock.Lock()
  1237  	defer self.lock.Unlock()
  1238  	self.pool[string(hash)] = node
  1239  }