
     1  # Copyright (c) 2021 Red Hat, Inc.
     2  #
     3  # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
     4  #
     5  # This is a Vagrant configuration file.
     6  #
     8  # -*- mode: ruby -*-
     9  # vi: set ft=ruby :
    11  # Read the Kata Containers CI job from the CI_JOB environment variable.
    12  job = ENV['CI_JOB'] || ""
    13  guest_user = 'vagrant'
    14  guest_home_dir = '/home/vagrant'
    15  # The file on the guest where environment variables are going to be set
    16  # to export.
    17  guest_env_file = guest_home_dir + '/ci_job_env'
    18  host_arch = `uname -m`.strip
    20  # All Vagrant configuration is done below. The "2" in Vagrant.configure
    21  # configures the configuration version (we support older styles for
    22  # backwards compatibility). Please don't change it unless you know what
    23  # you're doing.
    24  Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
    26    config.trigger.before [:up, :ssh] do |trigger|
    27      if ENV['GOPATH'] == nil
    28        trigger.warn = "You must export the GOPATH environment variable"
    29        trigger.abort = true
    30      end
    31    end
    33    # By default vagrant sync the current directory. Let's disabled it because the directory
    34    # will be synced later to the proper destination.
    35    config.vm.synced_folder ".", "/vagrant", disabled:true
    36    config.vm.synced_folder ".", "#{guest_home_dir}/go/src/", type:"rsync"
    37    config.vm.synced_folder "#{ENV['GOPATH']}/src/",
    38      "#{guest_home_dir}/go/src/", type:"rsync"
    40    config.vm.provider "libvirt" do |lv|
    41      lv.driver = "kvm"
    42      lv.cpus = "4"
    43      lv.memory = "8192"
    44      # Domains on Libvirt will be created with the following prefix.
    45      lv.default_prefix = "kata_containers_test-"
    46      if host_arch == "x86_64"
    47        lv.machine_type = "q35"
    48      end
    49      # The VM needs one additional virtio-net device and iommu enabled
    50      # for the vfio tests.
    51      if host_arch == "x86_64"
    52        lv.qemuargs :value => "-machine"
    53        lv.qemuargs :value => "kernel-irqchip=split"
    54        lv.qemuargs :value => "-device"
    55        lv.qemuargs :value => "intel-iommu,intremap=on,caching-mode=on,device-iotlb=on"
    56        # Currently the vfio test picks the last virtio-net device from lspci's
    57        # output. Here we add the device in a PCIe root port with higher slot
    58        # number on the hope it will be the last in the list.
    59        lv.qemuargs :value => "-device"
    60        lv.qemuargs :value => "pcie-root-port,port=0x16,chassis=7,id=pcie.7,multifunction=on,bus=pcie.0,addr=0xF"
    61        lv.qemuargs :value => "-netdev"
    62        lv.qemuargs :value => "user,id=vfio1"
    63        lv.qemuargs :value => "-device"
    64        lv.qemuargs :value => "virtio-net-pci,netdev=vfio1,bus=pcie.7,disable-legacy=on,disable-modern=off,iommu_platform=on,ats=on"
    65      end
    66    end
    68    # Shared provision script.
    69    config.vm.provision "shell", env: {"CI_JOB" => job}, inline: <<-SHELL
    71      export GOPATH="#{guest_home_dir}/go"
    72      # The repositories were copied to the vagrant user's home by the root
    73      # user. So let's fix the files ownership.
    74      chown -R #{guest_user}:#{guest_user} "${GOPATH}"
    75      kata_tests_repo_dir="${GOPATH}/src/"
    77      env_file="#{guest_env_file}"
    78      sudo -E PATH=$PATH -H -u #{guest_user} \
    79      cat <<-EOF > ${env_file}
    80  export GOPATH="$GOPATH"
    81  export PATH="/usr/local/go/bin:\$GOPATH/bin:\$PATH"
    82  export CI="true"
    83  export CI_JOB="$CI_JOB"
    84  pushd $kata_tests_repo_dir &>/dev/null
    85  source .ci/
    86  popd &>/dev/null
    87  EOF
    89      source ${env_file}
    91      # Customize the .bashrc so that it will have the variables exported
    92      # after log-in.
    93      sudo -E PATH=$PATH -u #{guest_user} \
    94      echo "cd $kata_tests_repo_dir" >> #{guest_home_dir}/.bashrc
    95      sudo -E PATH=$PATH -u #{guest_user} \
    96      echo "source $env_file" >> #{guest_home_dir}/.bashrc
    97    SHELL
    99    config.vm.define "fedora", autostart: false do |fedora|
   100 = "generic/fedora32"
   101      # Fedora is required to reboot so that the change to cgroups v1
   102      # and kernel arguments take effect.
   103      fedora.vm.provision "shell", reboot: true, inline: <<-SHELL
   104        # Set the kernel parameter to use cgroups v1.
   105        sudo grubby --update-kernel=ALL --args="systemd.unified_cgroup_hierarchy=0"
   106        # Set iommu's kernel parameters for vfio tests.
   107        source "#{guest_env_file}"
   108        if [ "${CI_JOB}" == "VFIO" ]; then
   109          grubby --update-kernel=ALL --args="intel_iommu=on iommu=pt"
   110        fi
   111      SHELL
   113      fedora.vm.provision "shell", inline: <<-SHELL
   114        source "#{guest_env_file}"
   115        cd "${GOPATH}/src/"
   116        sudo -E PATH=$PATH -H -u #{guest_user} bash -c '.ci/'
   117      SHELL
   118    end
   120    config.vm.define "fedora35", autostart: false do |fedora|
   121 = "generic/fedora35"
   122      # Fedora is required to reboot so that the change to cgroups v1
   123      # and kernel arguments take effect.
   124      fedora.vm.provision "shell", reboot: true, inline: <<-SHELL
   125        # Set the kernel parameter to use cgroups v1.
   126        sudo grubby --update-kernel=ALL --args="systemd.unified_cgroup_hierarchy=0"
   127        # Set iommu's kernel parameters for vfio tests.
   128        source "#{guest_env_file}"
   129        if [ "${CI_JOB}" == "VFIO" ]; then
   130          grubby --update-kernel=ALL --args="intel_iommu=on iommu=pt"
   131        fi
   132      SHELL
   134      fedora.vm.provision "shell", inline: <<-SHELL
   135        source "#{guest_env_file}"
   136        cd "${GOPATH}/src/"
   137        sudo -E PATH=$PATH -H -u #{guest_user} bash -c '.ci/'
   138      SHELL
   139    end
   141    config.vm.define "ubuntu", autostart: false do |ubuntu|
   142 = "generic/ubuntu2004"
   143      if job == "VFIO"
   144        ubuntu.vm.provision "shell", reboot: true, inline: <<-SHELL
   145          # Set iommu's kernel parameters for vfio tests. That requires a reboot.
   146          sed -i 's/\\(GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT\\)="\\(.*\\)"/\\1="\\2 intel_iommu=on iommu=pt"/' /etc/default/grub
   147          update-grub
   148        SHELL
   149      end
   151      ubuntu.vm.provision "shell", inline: <<-SHELL
   152        source "#{guest_env_file}"
   153        cd "${GOPATH}/src/"
   154        sudo -E PATH=$PATH -H -u #{guest_user} bash -c '.ci/'
   155      SHELL
   156    end
   157  end