
     1  # CLI tools
     3  | Tool name | Description |
     4  |-|-|
     5  | [`check-markdown`](check-markdown) | Perform checks on markdown files. |
     6  | [`checkmetrics`](checkmetrics) | Check a metrics CI results file. |
     7  | [`checkmetrics/history`](checkmetrics/history) | Generate metrics statistics from Jenkins data. |
     8  | [`checkversions`](checkversions) | Check if third party tool versions have changed upstream. |
     9  | [`container-manager`](container-manager) | CI tool to manipulate Docker and its configuration. |
    10  | [`github-labels`](github-labels) | Tooling to manipulate GitHub repository labels. |
    11  | [`history`](history) | Tool to help extract Git log history. |
    12  | [`kata-spell-check`](check-spelling) | Tool to spell check a file. |
    13  | [`kata-manager`](kata-manager) | Tool to install/remove packaged versions of Kata. |