
     1  /*
     2    Copyright (C) 2003-2018 GraphicsMagick Group
     3    Copyright (C) 2002 ImageMagick Studio
     5    This program is covered by multiple licenses, which are described in
     6    Copyright.txt. You should have received a copy of Copyright.txt with this
     7    package; otherwise see
     9    ImageMagick Drawing API.
    11    Usage synopsis:
    13    DrawContext context;
    14    context = DrawAllocateContext((DrawInfo*)NULL, image);
    15      [ any number of drawing commands ]
    16      DrawSetStrokeColorString(context,"black");
    17      DrawSetFillColorString(context,"#ff00ff");
    18      DrawSetStrokeWidth(context,4);
    19      DrawRectangle(context,72,72,144,144);
    20    DrawRender(context);
    21    DrawDestroyContext(context);
    23  */
    24  #ifndef _MAGICK_DRAW_H
    25  #define _MAGICK_DRAW_H
    27  #if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
    28  extern "C" {
    29  #endif
    31  #include "magick/render.h"
    34  typedef struct _DrawContext *DrawContext;
    36  extern MagickExport ClipPathUnits
    37    DrawGetClipUnits(DrawContext context) MAGICK_FUNC_PURE;
    39  extern MagickExport DrawInfo
    40    *DrawPeekGraphicContext(const DrawContext context);
    42  extern MagickExport DecorationType
    43    DrawGetTextDecoration(DrawContext context) MAGICK_FUNC_PURE;
    45  extern MagickExport DrawContext
    46    DrawAllocateContext(const DrawInfo *draw_info, Image *image);
    48  extern MagickExport FillRule
    49    DrawGetClipRule(DrawContext context) MAGICK_FUNC_PURE,
    50    DrawGetFillRule(DrawContext context) MAGICK_FUNC_PURE;
    52  extern MagickExport GravityType
    53    DrawGetGravity(DrawContext context) MAGICK_FUNC_PURE;
    55  extern MagickExport LineCap
    56    DrawGetStrokeLineCap(DrawContext context) MAGICK_FUNC_PURE;
    58  extern MagickExport LineJoin
    59    DrawGetStrokeLineJoin(DrawContext context) MAGICK_FUNC_PURE;
    61  extern MagickExport PixelPacket
    62    DrawGetFillColor(DrawContext context) MAGICK_FUNC_PURE,
    63    DrawGetStrokeColor(DrawContext context) MAGICK_FUNC_PURE,
    64    DrawGetTextUnderColor(DrawContext context) MAGICK_FUNC_PURE;
    66  extern MagickExport StretchType
    67    DrawGetFontStretch(DrawContext context) MAGICK_FUNC_PURE;
    69  extern MagickExport StyleType
    70    DrawGetFontStyle(DrawContext context) MAGICK_FUNC_PURE;
    72  extern MagickExport char
    73    *DrawGetClipPath(DrawContext context),
    74    *DrawGetFont(DrawContext context),
    75    *DrawGetFontFamily(DrawContext context),
    76    *DrawGetTextEncoding(DrawContext context);
    78  extern MagickExport int
    79    DrawRender(const DrawContext context);
    81  extern MagickExport unsigned int
    82    DrawGetStrokeAntialias(DrawContext context) MAGICK_FUNC_PURE,
    83    DrawGetTextAntialias(DrawContext context) MAGICK_FUNC_PURE;
    85  extern MagickExport unsigned long
    86    DrawGetFontWeight(DrawContext context) MAGICK_FUNC_PURE,
    87    DrawGetStrokeMiterLimit(DrawContext context) MAGICK_FUNC_PURE;
    89  extern MagickExport double
    90    DrawGetFillOpacity(DrawContext context) MAGICK_FUNC_PURE,
    91    DrawGetFontSize(DrawContext context) MAGICK_FUNC_PURE,
    92    *DrawGetStrokeDashArray(DrawContext context, unsigned long *num_elems),
    93    DrawGetStrokeDashOffset(DrawContext context) MAGICK_FUNC_PURE,
    94    DrawGetStrokeOpacity(DrawContext context) MAGICK_FUNC_PURE,
    95    DrawGetStrokeWidth(DrawContext context) MAGICK_FUNC_PURE;
    97  extern MagickExport void
    98    DrawAffine(DrawContext context, const AffineMatrix *affine),
    99    DrawAnnotation(DrawContext context,
   100      const double x, const double y,
   101      const unsigned char *text),
   102    DrawArc(DrawContext context,
   103            const double sx, const double sy,
   104            const double ex, const double ey,
   105            const double sd, const double ed),
   106    DrawBezier(DrawContext context,
   107               const unsigned long num_coords, const PointInfo * coordinates),
   108    DrawCircle(DrawContext context,
   109               const double ox, const double oy,
   110               const double px, const double py),
   111    DrawColor(DrawContext context,
   112              const double x, const double y,
   113              const PaintMethod paintMethod),
   114    DrawComment(DrawContext context,const char* comment),
   115    DrawDestroyContext(DrawContext context),
   116    DrawEllipse(DrawContext context,
   117                const double ox, const double oy,
   118                const double rx, const double ry,
   119                const double start, const double end),
   120    DrawComposite(DrawContext context,
   121                  const CompositeOperator composite_operator,
   122                  const double x, const double y,
   123                  const double width, const double height,
   124                  const Image * image ),
   125    DrawLine(DrawContext context,
   126             const double sx, const double sy,
   127             const double ex, const double ey),
   128    DrawMatte(DrawContext context,
   129              const double x, const double y,
   130              const PaintMethod paint_method),
   131    DrawPathClose(DrawContext context),
   132    DrawPathCurveToAbsolute(DrawContext context,
   133                            const double x1, const double y1,
   134                            const double x2, const double y2,
   135                            const double x, const double y),
   136    DrawPathCurveToRelative(DrawContext context,
   137                            const double x1, const double y1,
   138                            const double x2, const double y2,
   139                            const double x, const double y),
   140    DrawPathCurveToQuadraticBezierAbsolute(DrawContext context,
   141                                           const double x1, const double y1,
   142                                           const double x, const double y),
   143    DrawPathCurveToQuadraticBezierRelative(DrawContext context,
   144                                           const double x1, const double y1,
   145                                           const double x, const double y),
   146    DrawPathCurveToQuadraticBezierSmoothAbsolute(DrawContext context,
   147                                                 const double x, const double y),
   148    DrawPathCurveToQuadraticBezierSmoothRelative(DrawContext context,
   149                                                 const double x, const double y),
   150    DrawPathCurveToSmoothAbsolute(DrawContext context,
   151                                  const double x2, const double y2,
   152                                  const double x, const double y),
   153    DrawPathCurveToSmoothRelative(DrawContext context,
   154                                  const double x2, const double y2,
   155                                  const double x, const double y),
   156    DrawPathEllipticArcAbsolute(DrawContext context,
   157                                const double rx, const double ry,
   158                                const double x_axis_rotation,
   159                                unsigned int large_arc_flag,
   160                                unsigned int sweep_flag,
   161                                const double x, const double y),
   162    DrawPathEllipticArcRelative(DrawContext context,
   163                                const double rx, const double ry,
   164                                const double x_axis_rotation,
   165                                unsigned int large_arc_flag,
   166                                unsigned int sweep_flag,
   167                                const double x, const double y),
   168    DrawPathFinish(DrawContext context),
   169    DrawPathLineToAbsolute(DrawContext context,
   170                           const double x, const double y),
   171    DrawPathLineToRelative(DrawContext context,
   172                           const double x, const double y),
   173    DrawPathLineToHorizontalAbsolute(DrawContext context, const double x),
   174    DrawPathLineToHorizontalRelative(DrawContext context, const double x),
   175    DrawPathLineToVerticalAbsolute(DrawContext context, const double y),
   176    DrawPathLineToVerticalRelative(DrawContext context, const double y),
   177    DrawPathMoveToAbsolute(DrawContext context,
   178                           const double x, const double y),
   179    DrawPathMoveToRelative(DrawContext context,
   180                           const double x, const double y),
   181    DrawPathStart(DrawContext context),
   182    DrawPoint(DrawContext context, const double x, const double y),
   183    DrawPolygon(DrawContext context,
   184                const unsigned long num_coords, const PointInfo * coordinates),
   185    DrawPolyline(DrawContext context,
   186                 const unsigned long num_coords, const PointInfo * coordinates),
   187    DrawPopClipPath(DrawContext context),
   188    DrawPopDefs(DrawContext context),
   189    DrawPopGraphicContext(DrawContext context),
   190    DrawPopPattern(DrawContext context),
   191    DrawPushClipPath(DrawContext context, const char *clip_path_id),
   192    DrawPushDefs(DrawContext context),
   193    DrawPushGraphicContext(DrawContext context),
   194    DrawPushPattern(DrawContext context,
   195                    const char *pattern_id,
   196                    const double x, const double y,
   197                    const double width, const double height),
   198    DrawRectangle(DrawContext context,
   199                  const double x1, const double y1,
   200                  const double x2, const double y2),
   201    DrawRoundRectangle(DrawContext context,
   202                       double x1, double y1,
   203                       double x2, double y2,
   204                       double rx, double ry),
   205    DrawScale(DrawContext context, const double x, const double y),
   206    DrawSetClipPath(DrawContext context, const char *clip_path),
   207    DrawSetClipRule(DrawContext context, const FillRule fill_rule),
   208    DrawSetClipUnits(DrawContext context, const ClipPathUnits clip_units),
   209    DrawSetFillColor(DrawContext context, const PixelPacket *fill_color),
   210    DrawSetFillColorString(DrawContext context, const char *fill_color),
   211    DrawSetFillOpacity(DrawContext context, const double fill_opacity),
   212    DrawSetFillRule(DrawContext context, const FillRule fill_rule),
   213    DrawSetFillPatternURL(DrawContext context, const char *fill_url),
   214    DrawSetFont(DrawContext context, const char *font_name),
   215    DrawSetFontFamily(DrawContext context, const char *font_family),
   216    DrawSetFontSize(DrawContext context, const double font_pointsize),
   217    DrawSetFontStretch(DrawContext context, const StretchType font_stretch),
   218    DrawSetFontStyle(DrawContext context, const StyleType font_style),
   219    DrawSetFontWeight(DrawContext context, const unsigned long font_weight),
   220    DrawSetGravity(DrawContext context, const GravityType gravity),
   221    DrawRotate(DrawContext context, const double degrees),
   222    DrawSkewX(DrawContext context, const double degrees),
   223    DrawSkewY(DrawContext context, const double degrees),
   224    /*
   225     DrawSetStopColor(DrawContext context, const PixelPacket * color,
   226                      const double offset),
   227    */
   228    DrawSetStrokeAntialias(DrawContext context, const unsigned int true_false),
   229    DrawSetStrokeColor(DrawContext context, const PixelPacket *stroke_color),
   230    DrawSetStrokeColorString(DrawContext context, const char *stroke_color),
   231    DrawSetStrokeDashArray(DrawContext context, const unsigned long num_elems,
   232                           const double *dasharray),
   233    DrawSetStrokeDashOffset(DrawContext context,const double dashoffset),
   234    DrawSetStrokeLineCap(DrawContext context, const LineCap linecap),
   235    DrawSetStrokeLineJoin(DrawContext context, const LineJoin linejoin),
   236    DrawSetStrokeMiterLimit(DrawContext context,const unsigned long miterlimit),
   237    DrawSetStrokeOpacity(DrawContext context, const double opacity),
   238    DrawSetStrokePatternURL(DrawContext context, const char* stroke_url),
   239    DrawSetStrokeWidth(DrawContext context, const double width),
   240    DrawSetTextAntialias(DrawContext context, const unsigned int true_false),
   241    DrawSetTextDecoration(DrawContext context, const DecorationType decoration),
   242    DrawSetTextEncoding(DrawContext context, const char *encoding),
   243    DrawSetTextUnderColor(DrawContext context, const PixelPacket *color),
   244    DrawSetTextUnderColorString(DrawContext context, const char *under_color),
   245    DrawSetViewbox(DrawContext context,
   246                   unsigned long x1, unsigned long y1,
   247                   unsigned long x2, unsigned long y2),
   248    DrawTranslate(DrawContext context, const double x, const double y);
   250  #if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
   251  }
   252  #endif
   254  #endif
   256  /*
   257   * Local Variables:
   258   * mode: c
   259   * c-basic-offset: 2
   260   * fill-column: 78
   261   * End:
   262   */