(about) 1 [build-system] 2 requires = ["setuptools>=42", "cmake>=3.18", "ninja"] 3 build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta" 4 5 [tool.check-manifest] 6 ignore = [ 7 "tests/**", 8 "docs/**", 9 "tools/**", 10 "include/**", 11 ".*", 12 "pybind11/include/**", 13 "pybind11/share/**", 14 "CMakeLists.txt", 15 "", 16 ] 17 18 [tool.isort] 19 # Needs the compiled .so modules and from tests 20 known_first_party = "env,pybind11_cross_module_tests,pybind11_tests," 21 # For black compatibility 22 profile = "black" 23 24 [tool.mypy] 25 files = ["pybind11"] 26 python_version = "3.6" 27 strict = true 28 show_error_codes = true 29 enable_error_code = ["ignore-without-code", "redundant-expr", "truthy-bool"] 30 warn_unreachable = true 31 32 [[tool.mypy.overrides]] 33 module = ["ghapi.*", "setuptools.*"] 34 ignore_missing_imports = true 35 36 37 [tool.pytest.ini_options] 38 minversion = "6.0" 39 addopts = ["-ra", "--showlocals", "--strict-markers", "--strict-config"] 40 xfail_strict = true 41 filterwarnings = ["error"] 42 log_cli_level = "info" 43 testpaths = [ 44 "tests", 45 ] 46 timeout=300 47 48 49 [tool.pylint] 50 = "3.6" 51 reports.output-format = "colorized" 52 messages_control.disable = [ 53 "design", 54 "fixme", 55 "imports", 56 "line-too-long", 57 "imports", 58 "invalid-name", 59 "protected-access", 60 "missing-module-docstring", 61 ]