(about) 1 # Valgrind suppression file for NumPy & SciPy errors and leaks in pybind11 tests 2 # 3 # On updating a dependency, to get a list of "default" leaks in e.g. NumPy, run 4 # `PYTHONMALLOC=malloc valgrind --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=definite,indirect python3.9-dbg -c "import numpy"` 5 # To use these suppression files, add e.g. `--suppressions=valgrind-numpy-scipy.supp` 6 7 { 8 Leaks when importing NumPy 9 Memcheck:Leak 10 fun:malloc 11 fun:_PyMem_RawMalloc 12 fun:PyObject_Malloc 13 fun:_PyObject_GC_Alloc 14 fun:_PyObject_GC_Malloc 15 fun:_PyObject_GC_NewVar 16 fun:tuple_alloc 17 fun:PyTuple_Pack 18 ... 19 fun:__pyx_pymod_exec_* 20 } 21 22 { 23 Leaks when importing NumPy (bis) 24 Memcheck:Leak 25 fun:malloc 26 fun:_PyMem_RawMalloc 27 fun:PyObject_Malloc 28 fun:_PyObject_New 29 fun:PyCode_NewWithPosOnlyArgs 30 fun:PyCode_New 31 ... 32 fun:__pyx_pymod_exec_* 33 } 34 35 { 36 Leaks when importing NumPy (ter) 37 Memcheck:Leak 38 fun:malloc 39 fun:_PyMem_RawMalloc 40 fun:PyObject_Malloc 41 fun:_PyObject_GC_Alloc 42 fun:_PyObject_GC_Malloc 43 fun:_PyObject_GC_NewVar 44 fun:tuple_alloc 45 fun:_PyTuple_FromArray 46 fun:_PyObject_MakeTpCall 47 fun:_PyObject_VectorcallTstate 48 fun:PyObject_Vectorcall 49 fun:call_function 50 fun:_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault 51 fun:_PyEval_EvalFrame 52 fun:function_code_fastcall 53 fun:_PyFunction_Vectorcall 54 } 55 56 { 57 Leaks when importing NumPy (quater) 58 Memcheck:Leak 59 fun:malloc 60 fun:_PyMem_RawMalloc 61 fun:PyObject_Malloc 62 fun:_PyObject_GC_Alloc 63 fun:_PyObject_GC_Malloc 64 fun:_PyObject_GC_NewVar 65 fun:tuple_alloc 66 fun:_PyTuple_FromArray 67 fun:_PyObject_MakeTpCall 68 fun:_PyObject_VectorcallTstate 69 fun:_PyObject_CallFunctionVa 70 fun:PyObject_CallFunction 71 fun:PyImport_Import 72 } 73 74 { 75 Leaks when importing NumPy (quinquies) 76 Memcheck:Leak 77 fun:malloc 78 fun:_PyMem_RawMalloc 79 fun:PyObject_Malloc 80 fun:_PyObject_GC_Alloc 81 fun:_PyObject_GC_Malloc 82 fun:_PyObject_GC_NewVar 83 fun:tuple_alloc 84 fun:PyTuple_New 85 fun:r_object 86 fun:r_object 87 fun:r_object 88 fun:r_object 89 } 90 91 { 92 Leaks when importing NumPy (sexies) 93 Memcheck:Leak 94 fun:malloc 95 fun:_PyMem_RawMalloc 96 fun:PyObject_Malloc 97 fun:_PyObject_GC_Alloc 98 fun:_PyObject_GC_Malloc 99 fun:_PyObject_GC_NewVar 100 fun:tuple_alloc 101 fun:PyTuple_New 102 fun:dictiter_iternextitem 103 fun:list_extend 104 fun:_PyList_Extend 105 fun:PySequence_List 106 } 107 108 { 109 Leak when importing scipy.fft 110 Memcheck:Leak 111 fun:_Znwm 112 fun:PyInit_pypocketfft 113 fun:_PyImport_LoadDynamicModuleWithSpec 114 fun:_imp_create_dynamic_impl* 115 fun:_imp_create_dynamic 116 fun:cfunction_vectorcall_FASTCALL 117 fun:PyVectorcall_Call 118 fun:_PyObject_Call 119 fun:PyObject_Call 120 fun:do_call_core 121 fun:_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault 122 fun:_PyEval_EvalFrame 123 fun:_PyEval_EvalCode 124 } 125 126 { 127 NumPy leaks when spawning a subprocess 128 Memcheck:Leak 129 fun:malloc 130 ... 131 fun:_buffer_get_info 132 fun:array_getbuffer 133 fun:PyObject_GetBuffer 134 fun:__Pyx__GetBufferAndValidate* 135 fun:__pyx_f_5numpy_6random_13bit_generator_12SeedSequence_mix_entropy 136 fun:__pyx_pw_5numpy_6random_13bit_generator_12SeedSequence_1__init__ 137 fun:type_call 138 fun:__Pyx__PyObject_CallOneArg 139 fun:__pyx_pw_5numpy_6random_13bit_generator_12BitGenerator_1__init__ 140 }