
     1  #!/bin/bash
     2  #
     3  # Script to check include/test code for common pybind11 code style errors.
     4  #
     5  # This script currently checks for
     6  #
     7  # 1. missing space between keyword and parenthesis, e.g.: for(, if(, while(
     8  # 2. Missing space between right parenthesis and brace, e.g. 'for (...){'
     9  # 3. opening brace on its own line. It should always be on the same line as the
    10  #    if/while/for/do statement.
    11  #
    12  # Invoke as: tools/ <filenames>
    13  #
    15  check_style_errors=0
    16  IFS=$'\n'
    19  found="$(grep '\<\(if\|for\|while\|catch\)(\|){' "$@" -rn --color=always)"
    20  if [ -n "$found" ]; then
    21      echo -e '\033[31;01mError: found the following coding style problems:\033[0m'
    22      check_style_errors=1
    23      echo "${found//^/    /}"
    24  fi
    26  found="$(awk '
    27  function prefix(filename, lineno) {
    28      return "    \033[35m" filename "\033[36m:\033[32m" lineno "\033[36m:\033[0m"
    29  }
    30  function mark(pattern, string) { sub(pattern, "\033[01;31m&\033[0m", string); return string }
    31  last && /^\s*{/ {
    32      print prefix(FILENAME, FNR-1) mark("\\)\\s*$", last)
    33      print prefix(FILENAME, FNR)   mark("^\\s*{", $0)
    34      last=""
    35  }
    36  { last = /(if|for|while|catch|switch)\s*\(.*\)\s*$/ ? $0 : "" }
    37  ' "$(find include -type f)" "$@")"
    38  if [ -n "$found" ]; then
    39      check_style_errors=1
    40      echo -e '\033[31;01mError: braces should occur on the same line as the if/while/.. statement. Found issues in the following files:\033[0m'
    41      echo "$found"
    42  fi
    44  exit $check_style_errors