(about) 1 # tools/pybind11Tools.cmake -- Build system for the pybind11 modules 2 # 3 # Copyright (c) 2020 Wenzel Jakob <> 4 # 5 # All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a 6 # BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. 7 8 # include_guard(global) (pre-CMake 3.10) 9 if(TARGET pybind11::python_headers) 10 return() 11 endif() 12 13 # Built-in in CMake 3.5+ 14 include(CMakeParseArguments) 15 16 if(pybind11_FIND_QUIETLY) 17 set(_pybind11_quiet QUIET) 18 else() 19 set(_pybind11_quiet "") 20 endif() 21 22 # If this is the first run, PYTHON_VERSION can stand in for PYBIND11_PYTHON_VERSION 23 if(NOT DEFINED PYBIND11_PYTHON_VERSION AND DEFINED PYTHON_VERSION) 24 message(WARNING "Set PYBIND11_PYTHON_VERSION to search for a specific version, not " 25 "PYTHON_VERSION (which is an output). Assuming that is what you " 26 "meant to do and continuing anyway.") 27 set(PYBIND11_PYTHON_VERSION 28 "${PYTHON_VERSION}" 29 CACHE STRING "Python version to use for compiling modules") 30 unset(PYTHON_VERSION) 31 unset(PYTHON_VERSION CACHE) 32 elseif(DEFINED PYBIND11_PYTHON_VERSION) 33 # If this is set as a normal variable, promote it 34 set(PYBIND11_PYTHON_VERSION 35 "${PYBIND11_PYTHON_VERSION}" 36 CACHE STRING "Python version to use for compiling modules") 37 else() 38 # Make an empty cache variable. 39 set(PYBIND11_PYTHON_VERSION 40 "" 41 CACHE STRING "Python version to use for compiling modules") 42 endif() 43 44 # A user can set versions manually too 45 set(Python_ADDITIONAL_VERSIONS 46 "3.11;3.10;3.9;3.8;3.7;3.6" 47 CACHE INTERNAL "") 48 49 list(APPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}") 50 find_package(PythonLibsNew ${PYBIND11_PYTHON_VERSION} MODULE REQUIRED ${_pybind11_quiet}) 51 list(REMOVE_AT CMAKE_MODULE_PATH -1) 52 53 # Makes a normal variable a cached variable 54 macro(_PYBIND11_PROMOTE_TO_CACHE NAME) 55 set(_tmp_ptc "${${NAME}}") 56 # CMake 3.21 complains if a cached variable is shadowed by a normal one 57 unset(${NAME}) 58 set(${NAME} 59 "${_tmp_ptc}" 60 CACHE INTERNAL "") 61 endmacro() 62 63 # Cache variables so pybind11_add_module can be used in parent projects 64 _pybind11_promote_to_cache(PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIRS) 65 _pybind11_promote_to_cache(PYTHON_LIBRARIES) 66 _pybind11_promote_to_cache(PYTHON_MODULE_PREFIX) 67 _pybind11_promote_to_cache(PYTHON_MODULE_EXTENSION) 68 _pybind11_promote_to_cache(PYTHON_VERSION_MAJOR) 69 _pybind11_promote_to_cache(PYTHON_VERSION_MINOR) 70 _pybind11_promote_to_cache(PYTHON_VERSION) 71 _pybind11_promote_to_cache(PYTHON_IS_DEBUG) 72 73 if(PYBIND11_MASTER_PROJECT) 74 if(PYTHON_MODULE_EXTENSION MATCHES "pypy") 75 if(NOT DEFINED PYPY_VERSION) 76 execute_process( 77 COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} -c 78 [=[import sys; sys.stdout.write(".".join(map(str, sys.pypy_version_info[:3])))]=] 79 OUTPUT_VARIABLE pypy_version) 80 set(PYPY_VERSION 81 ${pypy_version} 82 CACHE INTERNAL "") 83 endif() 84 message(STATUS "PYPY ${PYPY_VERSION} (Py ${PYTHON_VERSION})") 85 else() 86 message(STATUS "PYTHON ${PYTHON_VERSION}") 87 endif() 88 endif() 89 90 # Only add Python for build - must be added during the import for config since 91 # it has to be re-discovered. 92 # 93 # This needs to be an target to it is included after the local pybind11 94 # directory, just in case there are multiple versions of pybind11, we want the 95 # one we expect. 96 add_library(pybind11::python_headers INTERFACE IMPORTED) 97 set_property(TARGET pybind11::python_headers PROPERTY INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES 98 "$<BUILD_INTERFACE:${PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIRS}>") 99 set_property( 100 TARGET pybind11::pybind11 101 APPEND 102 PROPERTY INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES pybind11::python_headers) 103 104 set(pybind11_INCLUDE_DIRS 105 "${pybind11_INCLUDE_DIR}" "${PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIRS}" 106 CACHE INTERNAL "Directories where pybind11 and possibly Python headers are located") 107 108 # Python debug libraries expose slightly different objects before 3.8 109 # 110 # 111 if(PYTHON_IS_DEBUG) 112 set_property( 113 TARGET pybind11::pybind11 114 APPEND 115 PROPERTY INTERFACE_COMPILE_DEFINITIONS Py_DEBUG) 116 endif() 117 118 # The <3.11 code here does not support release/debug builds at the same time, like on vcpkg 119 if(CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_LESS 3.11) 120 set_property( 121 TARGET pybind11::module 122 APPEND 123 PROPERTY 124 INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES 125 pybind11::python_link_helper 126 "$<$<OR:$<PLATFORM_ID:Windows>,$<PLATFORM_ID:Cygwin>>:$<BUILD_INTERFACE:${PYTHON_LIBRARIES}>>" 127 ) 128 129 set_property( 130 TARGET pybind11::embed 131 APPEND 132 PROPERTY INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES pybind11::pybind11 $<BUILD_INTERFACE:${PYTHON_LIBRARIES}>) 133 else() 134 # The IMPORTED INTERFACE library here is to ensure that "debug" and "release" get processed outside 135 # of a generator expression -, as they are 136 # target_link_library keywords rather than real libraries. 137 add_library(pybind11::_ClassicPythonLibraries IMPORTED INTERFACE) 138 target_link_libraries(pybind11::_ClassicPythonLibraries INTERFACE ${PYTHON_LIBRARIES}) 139 target_link_libraries( 140 pybind11::module 141 INTERFACE 142 pybind11::python_link_helper 143 "$<$<OR:$<PLATFORM_ID:Windows>,$<PLATFORM_ID:Cygwin>>:pybind11::_ClassicPythonLibraries>") 144 145 target_link_libraries(pybind11::embed INTERFACE pybind11::pybind11 146 pybind11::_ClassicPythonLibraries) 147 endif() 148 149 function(pybind11_extension name) 150 # The prefix and extension are provided by FindPythonLibsNew.cmake 151 set_target_properties(${name} PROPERTIES PREFIX "${PYTHON_MODULE_PREFIX}" 152 SUFFIX "${PYTHON_MODULE_EXTENSION}") 153 endfunction() 154 155 # Build a Python extension module: 156 # pybind11_add_module(<name> [MODULE | SHARED] [EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL] 157 # [NO_EXTRAS] [THIN_LTO] [OPT_SIZE] source1 [source2 ...]) 158 # 159 function(pybind11_add_module target_name) 160 set(options "MODULE;SHARED;EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL;NO_EXTRAS;SYSTEM;THIN_LTO;OPT_SIZE") 161 cmake_parse_arguments(ARG "${options}" "" "" ${ARGN}) 162 163 if(ARG_MODULE AND ARG_SHARED) 164 message(FATAL_ERROR "Can't be both MODULE and SHARED") 165 elseif(ARG_SHARED) 166 set(lib_type SHARED) 167 else() 168 set(lib_type MODULE) 169 endif() 170 171 if(ARG_EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL) 172 set(exclude_from_all EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL) 173 else() 174 set(exclude_from_all "") 175 endif() 176 177 add_library(${target_name} ${lib_type} ${exclude_from_all} ${ARG_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS}) 178 179 target_link_libraries(${target_name} PRIVATE pybind11::module) 180 181 if(ARG_SYSTEM) 182 message( 183 STATUS 184 "Warning: this does not have an effect - use NO_SYSTEM_FROM_IMPORTED if using imported targets" 185 ) 186 endif() 187 188 pybind11_extension(${target_name}) 189 190 # -fvisibility=hidden is required to allow multiple modules compiled against 191 # different pybind versions to work properly, and for some features (e.g. 192 # py::module_local). We force it on everything inside the `pybind11` 193 # namespace; also turning it on for a pybind module compilation here avoids 194 # potential warnings or issues from having mixed hidden/non-hidden types. 195 if(NOT DEFINED CMAKE_CXX_VISIBILITY_PRESET) 196 set_target_properties(${target_name} PROPERTIES CXX_VISIBILITY_PRESET "hidden") 197 endif() 198 199 if(NOT DEFINED CMAKE_CUDA_VISIBILITY_PRESET) 200 set_target_properties(${target_name} PROPERTIES CUDA_VISIBILITY_PRESET "hidden") 201 endif() 202 203 if(ARG_NO_EXTRAS) 204 return() 205 endif() 206 207 if(NOT DEFINED CMAKE_INTERPROCEDURAL_OPTIMIZATION) 208 if(ARG_THIN_LTO) 209 target_link_libraries(${target_name} PRIVATE pybind11::thin_lto) 210 else() 211 target_link_libraries(${target_name} PRIVATE pybind11::lto) 212 endif() 213 endif() 214 215 # Use case-insensitive comparison to match the result of $<CONFIG:cfgs> 216 string(TOUPPER "${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}" uppercase_CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) 217 if(NOT MSVC AND NOT "${uppercase_CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}" MATCHES DEBUG|RELWITHDEBINFO) 218 pybind11_strip(${target_name}) 219 endif() 220 221 if(MSVC) 222 target_link_libraries(${target_name} PRIVATE pybind11::windows_extras) 223 endif() 224 225 if(ARG_OPT_SIZE) 226 target_link_libraries(${target_name} PRIVATE pybind11::opt_size) 227 endif() 228 endfunction() 229 230 # Provide general way to call common Python commands in "common" file. 231 set(_Python 232 PYTHON 233 CACHE INTERNAL "" FORCE)