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     2  Golang Project Boot
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    27  ## Introduction
    29  Although the Golang programming ecosystem is becoming more and more mature,
    30  these tools and frameworks exist independently to solve specific problems.
    31  Whenever a new Golang project is started, it requires a series of initialization;
    32  What’s worse is that whenever your switch the development environment, same process have to be repeated!
    33  This project is built to solve this problem by providing a tool named *gbc**, which is similar to [Maven](
    34  or [Gradle]( in the **Java** ecosystem together with a framework(glue) similar to [SpringBoot]( Please refer [documents](#commands) for details
    36  <span id="nav-3"></span>
    38  ## Features
    40  1. Everything is a plugin, you can use any tool you like as a plugin to customize your build process!
    41  2. Model driver SQL database DAO(data access object).
    42  3. IoC Container support via [samber/do](
    43  4. Code generation for most popular frameworks scaffolding.
    44  5. Environment sensitive profile. **application.yml** for no-test environment and **application-test.yml** for test environment
    45  6. Friendly help messages
    46  7. More ....
    48  ## What's a gob based project looks like?
    49  Just like[SpringBoot](, the most important part of a gob project is the **configurations** which define your project.
    50  There are **two** main configurations
    51  1. **gob.yaml** : it acts as the same as **settings.gradle.kts**( [Gradle]( or **pom.xml**([Maven](, you can define any thrid party tool as a plugin in this file.
    52  2. **application.yaml**: it acts as the same **application.yaml** of [SpringBoot](
    55  ## Quick Start
    56  1. Install `gbc` with below command
    57  ```shell
    58      go install
    59  ```
    60  2. Initialize project with below command(in the project home directory)
    61  ```shell
    62    gbc init
    63  ```
    65  | Make some changes and commit code                                                                | execute `gbc deps`                                                                                   |
    66  |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
    67  | <img src="" height="245" width="400"> | <img src="" height="245" width="300"> |
    71  ## How gbc works
    72  `gbc` takes everything defined in the `gob.yaml` as plugin.
    73  ```mermaid
    74  flowchart TD
    75          gbc --> gob.yaml 
    76          gob.yaml --> plugin1
    77          gob.yaml --> plugin2
    78          gob.yaml --> plugin3
    79  ```
    80  You just need to tell `gbc` 3W(where,when and what)
    81  1. **Where** : where to download the tool
    82  2. **When** : when to execute to command
    83  2. **What** : what to do with the tool
    86  ## Commands 
    88  Build Commands
    89  - [gbc init](#gbc-init)
    90  - [gbc build](#gbc-build)
    91  - [gbc clean](#gbc-clean)
    92  - [gbc test](#gbc-test)
    93  - [gbc lint](#gbc-lint)
    94  - [gbc deps](#gbc-deps)
    96  Plugin Commands
    97  - [gbc plugin install](#gbc-plugin-install)
    98  - [gbc plugin list](#gbc-plugin-list)
   100  Setup Commands
   101  - [gbc setup version](#gbc-setup-version)
   103  ### gbc init
   104  ```shell
   105  gbc init
   106  ```
   107  Initialize gbc for the project, it will do following initializations 
   108  1. generate file `gob.yaml`
   109  2. generate file `.golangci.yaml`, which is the configuration for [golangci-lint](
   110  3. setup `git hooks`(if project in the source control.)  
   111     1. commit-msg 
   112     2. pre-commit 
   113     3. pre-push
   115  > This command can be executed at any time. 
   117  Content of `gob.yaml`
   119  ```yaml
   120  exec:
   121      commit-msg-hook: ^#[0-9]+:\s*.{10,}$
   122      pre-commit-hook:
   123          - lint
   124          - test
   125      pre-push-hook:
   126          - test
   127  plugins:
   128      golangci-lint:
   129          alias: lint #When : when issue `gbc lint`
   130          args: run ./... #What: execute `golangci-lint run ./...`
   131          url: #Where: where to download the plugin
   132      gotestsum:
   133          alias: test
   134          args: --format testname -- -coverprofile=target/cover.out ./...
   135          url:
   136  ```
   137  in most cases you don't need to edit the configuration manually. you can achieve this by [plugin commands](#gbc-plugin-install) 
   139  ### gbc build
   140  ```shell
   141  gbc build
   142  ```
   143  This command would build all the candidate binaries(main methods in main packages) to the `target` folder.
   144  1. Final binary name is same as go source file name which contains `main method`
   145  2. Would fail if there are same name go main source file
   147  ### gbc clean
   148  ```shell
   149  gbc clean
   150  ```
   151  This command would clean `target` folder
   153  ### gbc test
   154  ```shell
   155  gbc test
   156  ```
   157  This command would run all tests for the project and generate coverage report at `target/cover.html`
   159  ### gbc lint
   160  ```shell
   161  gbc lint
   162  ```
   163  Run `golangci-lint` against project based on the configuration, a report named `target/lint.log` will be generated if there are any violations
   164  ### gbc deps
   165  ```shell
   166  gbc deps
   167  ```
   168  List project dependencies tree and indicate there are updates for a specific dependency
   169  ### gbc plugin install
   170  ```shell
   171  gbc plugin install lint run ./...
   172  ```
   173  It is an advanced version of `go install`, which supports multi-version.(eg:`golangci-lint-v1.55.2`, `golangci-lint-v1.55.1`)
   174  1. Install the versioned tool(just the same as `go install`)
   175  2. Set up the tool as plugin in `gob.yaml`
   176  3. You can update adjust the parameters of the plugin by editing  `gob.yaml`
   178  ### gob plugin list
   180  ```shell
   181  gob plugin list
   182  ```
   183  List all the installed plugins
   185  ### gob setup version
   186  ```shell
   187  gob setup version
   188  ```
   189  This command will generate file `version.go` in `infra` folder, and project version information
   190  will be injected into `buildVersion` when build the project with command `gob build`
   191  ```go
   192  // buildVersion don't change this
   193  var buildVersion string
   194  ```
   196  ## FAQ
   198  - [When install a plugin, how to find out the url?](#)
   200     `gob plugin install` work the same way as `go install`, it take the same url as `go install`.
   203  - [How to upgrade a plugin ?](#)
   205     Just simply edit `gob.yaml` file and update the version you want. 
   206      ```yaml
   207     plugins:
   208        golangci-lint:
   209        alias: lint
   210        args: run ./...
   211        url:
   212     ```
   213  `