
     1  // Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
     2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
     3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5  // Annotate Ref in Prog with C types by parsing gcc debug output.
     6  // Conversion of debug output to Go types.
     8  package main
    10  import (
    11  	"bytes"
    12  	"debug/dwarf"
    13  	"debug/elf"
    14  	"debug/macho"
    15  	"debug/pe"
    16  	"encoding/binary"
    17  	"errors"
    18  	"flag"
    19  	"fmt"
    20  	"go/ast"
    21  	"go/parser"
    22  	"go/token"
    23  	"math"
    24  	"os"
    25  	"strconv"
    26  	"strings"
    27  	"unicode"
    28  	"unicode/utf8"
    29  )
    31  var debugDefine = flag.Bool("debug-define", false, "print relevant #defines")
    32  var debugGcc = flag.Bool("debug-gcc", false, "print gcc invocations")
    34  var nameToC = map[string]string{
    35  	"schar":         "signed char",
    36  	"uchar":         "unsigned char",
    37  	"ushort":        "unsigned short",
    38  	"uint":          "unsigned int",
    39  	"ulong":         "unsigned long",
    40  	"longlong":      "long long",
    41  	"ulonglong":     "unsigned long long",
    42  	"complexfloat":  "float _Complex",
    43  	"complexdouble": "double _Complex",
    44  }
    46  // cname returns the C name to use for C.s.
    47  // The expansions are listed in nameToC and also
    48  // struct_foo becomes "struct foo", and similarly for
    49  // union and enum.
    50  func cname(s string) string {
    51  	if t, ok := nameToC[s]; ok {
    52  		return t
    53  	}
    55  	if strings.HasPrefix(s, "struct_") {
    56  		return "struct " + s[len("struct_"):]
    57  	}
    58  	if strings.HasPrefix(s, "union_") {
    59  		return "union " + s[len("union_"):]
    60  	}
    61  	if strings.HasPrefix(s, "enum_") {
    62  		return "enum " + s[len("enum_"):]
    63  	}
    64  	if strings.HasPrefix(s, "sizeof_") {
    65  		return "sizeof(" + cname(s[len("sizeof_"):]) + ")"
    66  	}
    67  	return s
    68  }
    70  // DiscardCgoDirectives processes the import C preamble, and discards
    71  // all #cgo CFLAGS and LDFLAGS directives, so they don't make their
    72  // way into _cgo_export.h.
    73  func (f *File) DiscardCgoDirectives() {
    74  	linesIn := strings.Split(f.Preamble, "\n")
    75  	linesOut := make([]string, 0, len(linesIn))
    76  	for _, line := range linesIn {
    77  		l := strings.TrimSpace(line)
    78  		if len(l) < 5 || l[:4] != "#cgo" || !unicode.IsSpace(rune(l[4])) {
    79  			linesOut = append(linesOut, line)
    80  		} else {
    81  			linesOut = append(linesOut, "")
    82  		}
    83  	}
    84  	f.Preamble = strings.Join(linesOut, "\n")
    85  }
    87  // addToFlag appends args to flag. All flags are later written out onto the
    88  // _cgo_flags file for the build system to use.
    89  func (p *Package) addToFlag(flag string, args []string) {
    90  	p.CgoFlags[flag] = append(p.CgoFlags[flag], args...)
    91  	if flag == "CFLAGS" {
    92  		// We'll also need these when preprocessing for dwarf information.
    93  		p.GccOptions = append(p.GccOptions, args...)
    94  	}
    95  }
    97  // splitQuoted splits the string s around each instance of one or more consecutive
    98  // white space characters while taking into account quotes and escaping, and
    99  // returns an array of substrings of s or an empty list if s contains only white space.
   100  // Single quotes and double quotes are recognized to prevent splitting within the
   101  // quoted region, and are removed from the resulting substrings. If a quote in s
   102  // isn't closed err will be set and r will have the unclosed argument as the
   103  // last element. The backslash is used for escaping.
   104  //
   105  // For example, the following string:
   106  //
   107  //     `a b:"c d" 'e''f'  "g\""`
   108  //
   109  // Would be parsed as:
   110  //
   111  //     []string{"a", "b:c d", "ef", `g"`}
   112  //
   113  func splitQuoted(s string) (r []string, err error) {
   114  	var args []string
   115  	arg := make([]rune, len(s))
   116  	escaped := false
   117  	quoted := false
   118  	quote := '\x00'
   119  	i := 0
   120  	for _, r := range s {
   121  		switch {
   122  		case escaped:
   123  			escaped = false
   124  		case r == '\\':
   125  			escaped = true
   126  			continue
   127  		case quote != 0:
   128  			if r == quote {
   129  				quote = 0
   130  				continue
   131  			}
   132  		case r == '"' || r == '\'':
   133  			quoted = true
   134  			quote = r
   135  			continue
   136  		case unicode.IsSpace(r):
   137  			if quoted || i > 0 {
   138  				quoted = false
   139  				args = append(args, string(arg[:i]))
   140  				i = 0
   141  			}
   142  			continue
   143  		}
   144  		arg[i] = r
   145  		i++
   146  	}
   147  	if quoted || i > 0 {
   148  		args = append(args, string(arg[:i]))
   149  	}
   150  	if quote != 0 {
   151  		err = errors.New("unclosed quote")
   152  	} else if escaped {
   153  		err = errors.New("unfinished escaping")
   154  	}
   155  	return args, err
   156  }
   158  // Translate rewrites f.AST, the original Go input, to remove
   159  // references to the imported package C, replacing them with
   160  // references to the equivalent Go types, functions, and variables.
   161  func (p *Package) Translate(f *File) {
   162  	for _, cref := range f.Ref {
   163  		// Convert C.ulong to C.unsigned long, etc.
   164  		cref.Name.C = cname(cref.Name.Go)
   165  	}
   166  	p.loadDefines(f)
   167  	needType := p.guessKinds(f)
   168  	if len(needType) > 0 {
   169  		p.loadDWARF(f, needType)
   170  	}
   171  	if p.rewriteCalls(f) {
   172  		// Add `import _cgo_unsafe "unsafe"` after the package statement.
   173  		f.Edit.Insert(f.offset(f.AST.Name.End()), "; import _cgo_unsafe \"unsafe\"")
   174  	}
   175  	p.rewriteRef(f)
   176  }
   178  // loadDefines coerces gcc into spitting out the #defines in use
   179  // in the file f and saves relevant renamings in f.Name[name].Define.
   180  func (p *Package) loadDefines(f *File) {
   181  	var b bytes.Buffer
   182  	b.WriteString(builtinProlog)
   183  	b.WriteString(f.Preamble)
   184  	stdout := p.gccDefines(b.Bytes())
   186  	for _, line := range strings.Split(stdout, "\n") {
   187  		if len(line) < 9 || line[0:7] != "#define" {
   188  			continue
   189  		}
   191  		line = strings.TrimSpace(line[8:])
   193  		var key, val string
   194  		spaceIndex := strings.Index(line, " ")
   195  		tabIndex := strings.Index(line, "\t")
   197  		if spaceIndex == -1 && tabIndex == -1 {
   198  			continue
   199  		} else if tabIndex == -1 || (spaceIndex != -1 && spaceIndex < tabIndex) {
   200  			key = line[0:spaceIndex]
   201  			val = strings.TrimSpace(line[spaceIndex:])
   202  		} else {
   203  			key = line[0:tabIndex]
   204  			val = strings.TrimSpace(line[tabIndex:])
   205  		}
   207  		if key == "__clang__" {
   208  			p.GccIsClang = true
   209  		}
   211  		if n := f.Name[key]; n != nil {
   212  			if *debugDefine {
   213  				fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "#define %s %s\n", key, val)
   214  			}
   215  			n.Define = val
   216  		}
   217  	}
   218  }
   220  // guessKinds tricks gcc into revealing the kind of each
   221  // name xxx for the references in the Go input.
   222  // The kind is either a constant, type, or variable.
   223  func (p *Package) guessKinds(f *File) []*Name {
   224  	// Determine kinds for names we already know about,
   225  	// like #defines or 'struct foo', before bothering with gcc.
   226  	var names, needType []*Name
   227  	for _, key := range nameKeys(f.Name) {
   228  		n := f.Name[key]
   229  		// If we've already found this name as a #define
   230  		// and we can translate it as a constant value, do so.
   231  		if n.Define != "" {
   232  			if i, err := strconv.ParseInt(n.Define, 0, 64); err == nil {
   233  				n.Kind = "iconst"
   234  				// Turn decimal into hex, just for consistency
   235  				// with enum-derived constants. Otherwise
   236  				// in the cgo -godefs output half the constants
   237  				// are in hex and half are in whatever the #define used.
   238  				n.Const = fmt.Sprintf("%#x", i)
   239  			} else if n.Define[0] == '\'' {
   240  				if _, err := parser.ParseExpr(n.Define); err == nil {
   241  					n.Kind = "iconst"
   242  					n.Const = n.Define
   243  				}
   244  			} else if n.Define[0] == '"' {
   245  				if _, err := parser.ParseExpr(n.Define); err == nil {
   246  					n.Kind = "sconst"
   247  					n.Const = n.Define
   248  				}
   249  			}
   251  			if n.IsConst() {
   252  				continue
   253  			}
   254  		}
   256  		// If this is a struct, union, or enum type name, no need to guess the kind.
   257  		if strings.HasPrefix(n.C, "struct ") || strings.HasPrefix(n.C, "union ") || strings.HasPrefix(n.C, "enum ") {
   258  			n.Kind = "type"
   259  			needType = append(needType, n)
   260  			continue
   261  		}
   263  		// Otherwise, we'll need to find out from gcc.
   264  		names = append(names, n)
   265  	}
   267  	// Bypass gcc if there's nothing left to find out.
   268  	if len(names) == 0 {
   269  		return needType
   270  	}
   272  	// Coerce gcc into telling us whether each name is a type, a value, or undeclared.
   273  	// For names, find out whether they are integer constants.
   274  	// We used to look at specific warning or error messages here, but that tied the
   275  	// behavior too closely to specific versions of the compilers.
   276  	// Instead, arrange that we can infer what we need from only the presence or absence
   277  	// of an error on a specific line.
   278  	//
   279  	// For each name, we generate these lines, where xxx is the index in toSniff plus one.
   280  	//
   281  	//	#line xxx "not-declared"
   282  	//	void __cgo_f_xxx_1(void) { __typeof__(name) *__cgo_undefined__1; }
   283  	//	#line xxx "not-type"
   284  	//	void __cgo_f_xxx_2(void) { name *__cgo_undefined__2; }
   285  	//	#line xxx "not-int-const"
   286  	//	void __cgo_f_xxx_3(void) { enum { __cgo_undefined__3 = (name)*1 }; }
   287  	//	#line xxx "not-num-const"
   288  	//	void __cgo_f_xxx_4(void) { static const double __cgo_undefined__4 = (name); }
   289  	//	#line xxx "not-str-lit"
   290  	//	void __cgo_f_xxx_5(void) { static const char __cgo_undefined__5[] = (name); }
   291  	//
   292  	// If we see an error at not-declared:xxx, the corresponding name is not declared.
   293  	// If we see an error at not-type:xxx, the corresponding name is a type.
   294  	// If we see an error at not-int-const:xxx, the corresponding name is not an integer constant.
   295  	// If we see an error at not-num-const:xxx, the corresponding name is not a number constant.
   296  	// If we see an error at not-str-lit:xxx, the corresponding name is not a string literal.
   297  	//
   298  	// The specific input forms are chosen so that they are valid C syntax regardless of
   299  	// whether name denotes a type or an expression.
   301  	var b bytes.Buffer
   302  	b.WriteString(builtinProlog)
   303  	b.WriteString(f.Preamble)
   305  	for i, n := range names {
   306  		fmt.Fprintf(&b, "#line %d \"not-declared\"\n"+
   307  			"void __cgo_f_%d_1(void) { __typeof__(%s) *__cgo_undefined__1; }\n"+
   308  			"#line %d \"not-type\"\n"+
   309  			"void __cgo_f_%d_2(void) { %s *__cgo_undefined__2; }\n"+
   310  			"#line %d \"not-int-const\"\n"+
   311  			"void __cgo_f_%d_3(void) { enum { __cgo_undefined__3 = (%s)*1 }; }\n"+
   312  			"#line %d \"not-num-const\"\n"+
   313  			"void __cgo_f_%d_4(void) { static const double __cgo_undefined__4 = (%s); }\n"+
   314  			"#line %d \"not-str-lit\"\n"+
   315  			"void __cgo_f_%d_5(void) { static const char __cgo_undefined__5[] = (%s); }\n",
   316  			i+1, i+1, n.C,
   317  			i+1, i+1, n.C,
   318  			i+1, i+1, n.C,
   319  			i+1, i+1, n.C,
   320  			i+1, i+1, n.C,
   321  		)
   322  	}
   323  	fmt.Fprintf(&b, "#line 1 \"completed\"\n"+
   324  		"int __cgo__1 = __cgo__2;\n")
   326  	stderr := p.gccErrors(b.Bytes())
   327  	if stderr == "" {
   328  		fatalf("%s produced no output\non input:\n%s", p.gccBaseCmd()[0], b.Bytes())
   329  	}
   331  	completed := false
   332  	sniff := make([]int, len(names))
   333  	const (
   334  		notType = 1 << iota
   335  		notIntConst
   336  		notNumConst
   337  		notStrLiteral
   338  		notDeclared
   339  	)
   340  	sawUnmatchedErrors := false
   341  	for _, line := range strings.Split(stderr, "\n") {
   342  		// Ignore warnings and random comments, with one
   343  		// exception: newer GCC versions will sometimes emit
   344  		// an error on a macro #define with a note referring
   345  		// to where the expansion occurs. We care about where
   346  		// the expansion occurs, so in that case treat the note
   347  		// as an error.
   348  		isError := strings.Contains(line, ": error:")
   349  		isErrorNote := strings.Contains(line, ": note:") && sawUnmatchedErrors
   350  		if !isError && !isErrorNote {
   351  			continue
   352  		}
   354  		c1 := strings.Index(line, ":")
   355  		if c1 < 0 {
   356  			continue
   357  		}
   358  		c2 := strings.Index(line[c1+1:], ":")
   359  		if c2 < 0 {
   360  			continue
   361  		}
   362  		c2 += c1 + 1
   364  		filename := line[:c1]
   365  		i, _ := strconv.Atoi(line[c1+1 : c2])
   366  		i--
   367  		if i < 0 || i >= len(names) {
   368  			if isError {
   369  				sawUnmatchedErrors = true
   370  			}
   371  			continue
   372  		}
   374  		switch filename {
   375  		case "completed":
   376  			// Strictly speaking, there is no guarantee that seeing the error at completed:1
   377  			// (at the end of the file) means we've seen all the errors from earlier in the file,
   378  			// but usually it does. Certainly if we don't see the completed:1 error, we did
   379  			// not get all the errors we expected.
   380  			completed = true
   382  		case "not-declared":
   383  			sniff[i] |= notDeclared
   384  		case "not-type":
   385  			sniff[i] |= notType
   386  		case "not-int-const":
   387  			sniff[i] |= notIntConst
   388  		case "not-num-const":
   389  			sniff[i] |= notNumConst
   390  		case "not-str-lit":
   391  			sniff[i] |= notStrLiteral
   392  		default:
   393  			if isError {
   394  				sawUnmatchedErrors = true
   395  			}
   396  			continue
   397  		}
   399  		sawUnmatchedErrors = false
   400  	}
   402  	if !completed {
   403  		fatalf("%s did not produce error at completed:1\non input:\n%s\nfull error output:\n%s", p.gccBaseCmd()[0], b.Bytes(), stderr)
   404  	}
   406  	for i, n := range names {
   407  		switch sniff[i] {
   408  		default:
   409  			error_(f.NamePos[n], "could not determine kind of name for C.%s", fixGo(n.Go))
   410  		case notStrLiteral | notType:
   411  			n.Kind = "iconst"
   412  		case notIntConst | notStrLiteral | notType:
   413  			n.Kind = "fconst"
   414  		case notIntConst | notNumConst | notType:
   415  			n.Kind = "sconst"
   416  		case notIntConst | notNumConst | notStrLiteral:
   417  			n.Kind = "type"
   418  		case notIntConst | notNumConst | notStrLiteral | notType:
   419  			n.Kind = "not-type"
   420  		}
   421  	}
   422  	if nerrors > 0 {
   423  		// Check if compiling the preamble by itself causes any errors,
   424  		// because the messages we've printed out so far aren't helpful
   425  		// to users debugging preamble mistakes. See issue 8442.
   426  		preambleErrors := p.gccErrors([]byte(f.Preamble))
   427  		if len(preambleErrors) > 0 {
   428  			error_(token.NoPos, "\n%s errors for preamble:\n%s", p.gccBaseCmd()[0], preambleErrors)
   429  		}
   431  		fatalf("unresolved names")
   432  	}
   434  	needType = append(needType, names...)
   435  	return needType
   436  }
   438  // loadDWARF parses the DWARF debug information generated
   439  // by gcc to learn the details of the constants, variables, and types
   440  // being referred to as
   441  func (p *Package) loadDWARF(f *File, names []*Name) {
   442  	// Extract the types from the DWARF section of an object
   443  	// from a well-formed C program. Gcc only generates DWARF info
   444  	// for symbols in the object file, so it is not enough to print the
   445  	// preamble and hope the symbols we care about will be there.
   446  	// Instead, emit
   447  	//	__typeof__(names[i]) *__cgo__i;
   448  	// for each entry in names and then dereference the type we
   449  	// learn for __cgo__i.
   450  	var b bytes.Buffer
   451  	b.WriteString(builtinProlog)
   452  	b.WriteString(f.Preamble)
   453  	b.WriteString("#line 1 \"cgo-dwarf-inference\"\n")
   454  	for i, n := range names {
   455  		fmt.Fprintf(&b, "__typeof__(%s) *__cgo__%d;\n", n.C, i)
   456  		if n.Kind == "iconst" {
   457  			fmt.Fprintf(&b, "enum { __cgo_enum__%d = %s };\n", i, n.C)
   458  		}
   459  	}
   461  	// We create a data block initialized with the values,
   462  	// so we can read them out of the object file.
   463  	fmt.Fprintf(&b, "long long __cgodebug_ints[] = {\n")
   464  	for _, n := range names {
   465  		if n.Kind == "iconst" {
   466  			fmt.Fprintf(&b, "\t%s,\n", n.C)
   467  		} else {
   468  			fmt.Fprintf(&b, "\t0,\n")
   469  		}
   470  	}
   471  	// for the last entry, we cannot use 0, otherwise
   472  	// in case all __cgodebug_data is zero initialized,
   473  	// LLVM-based gcc will place the it in the __DATA.__common
   474  	// zero-filled section (our debug/macho doesn't support
   475  	// this)
   476  	fmt.Fprintf(&b, "\t1\n")
   477  	fmt.Fprintf(&b, "};\n")
   479  	// do the same work for floats.
   480  	fmt.Fprintf(&b, "double __cgodebug_floats[] = {\n")
   481  	for _, n := range names {
   482  		if n.Kind == "fconst" {
   483  			fmt.Fprintf(&b, "\t%s,\n", n.C)
   484  		} else {
   485  			fmt.Fprintf(&b, "\t0,\n")
   486  		}
   487  	}
   488  	fmt.Fprintf(&b, "\t1\n")
   489  	fmt.Fprintf(&b, "};\n")
   491  	// do the same work for strings.
   492  	for i, n := range names {
   493  		if n.Kind == "sconst" {
   494  			fmt.Fprintf(&b, "const char __cgodebug_str__%d[] = %s;\n", i, n.C)
   495  			fmt.Fprintf(&b, "const unsigned long long __cgodebug_strlen__%d = sizeof(%s)-1;\n", i, n.C)
   496  		}
   497  	}
   499  	d, ints, floats, strs := p.gccDebug(b.Bytes(), len(names))
   501  	// Scan DWARF info for top-level TagVariable entries with AttrName __cgo__i.
   502  	types := make([]dwarf.Type, len(names))
   503  	r := d.Reader()
   504  	for {
   505  		e, err := r.Next()
   506  		if err != nil {
   507  			fatalf("reading DWARF entry: %s", err)
   508  		}
   509  		if e == nil {
   510  			break
   511  		}
   512  		switch e.Tag {
   513  		case dwarf.TagVariable:
   514  			name, _ := e.Val(dwarf.AttrName).(string)
   515  			typOff, _ := e.Val(dwarf.AttrType).(dwarf.Offset)
   516  			if name == "" || typOff == 0 {
   517  				if e.Val(dwarf.AttrSpecification) != nil {
   518  					// Since we are reading all the DWARF,
   519  					// assume we will see the variable elsewhere.
   520  					break
   521  				}
   522  				fatalf("malformed DWARF TagVariable entry")
   523  			}
   524  			if !strings.HasPrefix(name, "__cgo__") {
   525  				break
   526  			}
   527  			typ, err := d.Type(typOff)
   528  			if err != nil {
   529  				fatalf("loading DWARF type: %s", err)
   530  			}
   531  			t, ok := typ.(*dwarf.PtrType)
   532  			if !ok || t == nil {
   533  				fatalf("internal error: %s has non-pointer type", name)
   534  			}
   535  			i, err := strconv.Atoi(name[7:])
   536  			if err != nil {
   537  				fatalf("malformed __cgo__ name: %s", name)
   538  			}
   539  			types[i] = t.Type
   540  		}
   541  		if e.Tag != dwarf.TagCompileUnit {
   542  			r.SkipChildren()
   543  		}
   544  	}
   546  	// Record types and typedef information.
   547  	var conv typeConv
   548  	conv.Init(p.PtrSize, p.IntSize)
   549  	for i, n := range names {
   550  		if types[i] == nil {
   551  			continue
   552  		}
   553  		pos := f.NamePos[n]
   554  		f, fok := types[i].(*dwarf.FuncType)
   555  		if n.Kind != "type" && fok {
   556  			n.Kind = "func"
   557  			n.FuncType = conv.FuncType(f, pos)
   558  		} else {
   559  			n.Type = conv.Type(types[i], pos)
   560  			switch n.Kind {
   561  			case "iconst":
   562  				if i < len(ints) {
   563  					if _, ok := types[i].(*dwarf.UintType); ok {
   564  						n.Const = fmt.Sprintf("%#x", uint64(ints[i]))
   565  					} else {
   566  						n.Const = fmt.Sprintf("%#x", ints[i])
   567  					}
   568  				}
   569  			case "fconst":
   570  				if i < len(floats) {
   571  					n.Const = fmt.Sprintf("%f", floats[i])
   572  				}
   573  			case "sconst":
   574  				if i < len(strs) {
   575  					n.Const = fmt.Sprintf("%q", strs[i])
   576  				}
   577  			}
   578  		}
   579  		conv.FinishType(pos)
   580  	}
   581  }
   583  // mangleName does name mangling to translate names
   584  // from the original Go source files to the names
   585  // used in the final Go files generated by cgo.
   586  func (p *Package) mangleName(n *Name) {
   587  	// When using gccgo variables have to be
   588  	// exported so that they become global symbols
   589  	// that the C code can refer to.
   590  	prefix := "_C"
   591  	if *gccgo && n.IsVar() {
   592  		prefix = "C"
   593  	}
   594  	n.Mangle = prefix + n.Kind + "_" + n.Go
   595  }
   597  // rewriteCalls rewrites all calls that pass pointers to check that
   598  // they follow the rules for passing pointers between Go and C.
   599  // This returns whether the package needs to import unsafe as _cgo_unsafe.
   600  func (p *Package) rewriteCalls(f *File) bool {
   601  	needsUnsafe := false
   602  	for _, call := range f.Calls {
   603  		// This is a call to; set goname to "xxx".
   604  		goname := call.Call.Fun.(*ast.SelectorExpr).Sel.Name
   605  		if goname == "malloc" {
   606  			continue
   607  		}
   608  		name := f.Name[goname]
   609  		if name.Kind != "func" {
   610  			// Probably a type conversion.
   611  			continue
   612  		}
   613  		if p.rewriteCall(f, call, name) {
   614  			needsUnsafe = true
   615  		}
   616  	}
   617  	return needsUnsafe
   618  }
   620  // rewriteCall rewrites one call to add pointer checks.
   621  // If any pointer checks are required, we rewrite the call into a
   622  // function literal that calls _cgoCheckPointer for each pointer
   623  // argument and then calls the original function.
   624  // This returns whether the package needs to import unsafe as _cgo_unsafe.
   625  func (p *Package) rewriteCall(f *File, call *Call, name *Name) bool {
   626  	// Avoid a crash if the number of arguments is
   627  	// less than the number of parameters.
   628  	// This will be caught when the generated file is compiled.
   629  	if len(call.Call.Args) < len(name.FuncType.Params) {
   630  		return false
   631  	}
   633  	any := false
   634  	for i, param := range name.FuncType.Params {
   635  		if p.needsPointerCheck(f, param.Go, call.Call.Args[i]) {
   636  			any = true
   637  			break
   638  		}
   639  	}
   640  	if !any {
   641  		return false
   642  	}
   644  	// We need to rewrite this call.
   645  	//
   646  	// We are going to rewrite C.f(p) to
   647  	//    func (_cgo0 ptype) {
   648  	//            _cgoCheckPointer(_cgo0)
   649  	//            C.f(_cgo0)
   650  	//    }(p)
   651  	// Using a function literal like this lets us do correct
   652  	// argument type checking, and works correctly if the call is
   653  	// deferred.
   654  	needsUnsafe := false
   655  	params := make([]*ast.Field, len(name.FuncType.Params))
   656  	nargs := make([]ast.Expr, len(name.FuncType.Params))
   657  	var stmts []ast.Stmt
   658  	for i, param := range name.FuncType.Params {
   659  		// params is going to become the parameters of the
   660  		// function literal.
   661  		// nargs is going to become the list of arguments made
   662  		// by the call within the function literal.
   663  		// nparam is the parameter of the function literal that
   664  		// corresponds to param.
   666  		origArg := call.Call.Args[i]
   667  		nparam := ast.NewIdent(fmt.Sprintf("_cgo%d", i))
   668  		nargs[i] = nparam
   670  		// The Go version of the C type might use unsafe.Pointer,
   671  		// but the file might not import unsafe.
   672  		// Rewrite the Go type if necessary to use _cgo_unsafe.
   673  		ptype := p.rewriteUnsafe(param.Go)
   674  		if ptype != param.Go {
   675  			needsUnsafe = true
   676  		}
   678  		params[i] = &ast.Field{
   679  			Names: []*ast.Ident{nparam},
   680  			Type:  ptype,
   681  		}
   683  		if !p.needsPointerCheck(f, param.Go, origArg) {
   684  			continue
   685  		}
   687  		// Run the cgo pointer checks on nparam.
   689  		// Change the function literal to call the real function
   690  		// with the parameter passed through _cgoCheckPointer.
   691  		c := &ast.CallExpr{
   692  			Fun: ast.NewIdent("_cgoCheckPointer"),
   693  			Args: []ast.Expr{
   694  				nparam,
   695  			},
   696  		}
   698  		// Add optional additional arguments for an address
   699  		// expression.
   700  		c.Args = p.checkAddrArgs(f, c.Args, origArg)
   702  		stmt := &ast.ExprStmt{
   703  			X: c,
   704  		}
   705  		stmts = append(stmts, stmt)
   706  	}
   708  	const cgoMarker = "__cgo__###__marker__"
   709  	fcall := &ast.CallExpr{
   710  		Fun:  ast.NewIdent(cgoMarker),
   711  		Args: nargs,
   712  	}
   713  	ftype := &ast.FuncType{
   714  		Params: &ast.FieldList{
   715  			List: params,
   716  		},
   717  	}
   718  	if name.FuncType.Result != nil {
   719  		rtype := p.rewriteUnsafe(name.FuncType.Result.Go)
   720  		if rtype != name.FuncType.Result.Go {
   721  			needsUnsafe = true
   722  		}
   723  		ftype.Results = &ast.FieldList{
   724  			List: []*ast.Field{
   725  				&ast.Field{
   726  					Type: rtype,
   727  				},
   728  			},
   729  		}
   730  	}
   732  	// If this call expects two results, we have to
   733  	// adjust the results of the function we generated.
   734  	for _, ref := range f.Ref {
   735  		if ref.Expr == &call.Call.Fun && ref.Context == ctxCall2 {
   736  			if ftype.Results == nil {
   737  				// An explicit void argument
   738  				// looks odd but it seems to
   739  				// be how cgo has worked historically.
   740  				ftype.Results = &ast.FieldList{
   741  					List: []*ast.Field{
   742  						&ast.Field{
   743  							Type: ast.NewIdent("_Ctype_void"),
   744  						},
   745  					},
   746  				}
   747  			}
   748  			ftype.Results.List = append(ftype.Results.List,
   749  				&ast.Field{
   750  					Type: ast.NewIdent("error"),
   751  				})
   752  		}
   753  	}
   755  	var fbody ast.Stmt
   756  	if ftype.Results == nil {
   757  		fbody = &ast.ExprStmt{
   758  			X: fcall,
   759  		}
   760  	} else {
   761  		fbody = &ast.ReturnStmt{
   762  			Results: []ast.Expr{fcall},
   763  		}
   764  	}
   765  	lit := &ast.FuncLit{
   766  		Type: ftype,
   767  		Body: &ast.BlockStmt{
   768  			List: append(stmts, fbody),
   769  		},
   770  	}
   771  	text := strings.Replace(gofmt(lit), "\n", ";", -1)
   772  	repl := strings.Split(text, cgoMarker)
   773  	f.Edit.Insert(f.offset(call.Call.Fun.Pos()), repl[0])
   774  	f.Edit.Insert(f.offset(call.Call.Fun.End()), repl[1])
   776  	return needsUnsafe
   777  }
   779  // needsPointerCheck returns whether the type t needs a pointer check.
   780  // This is true if t is a pointer and if the value to which it points
   781  // might contain a pointer.
   782  func (p *Package) needsPointerCheck(f *File, t ast.Expr, arg ast.Expr) bool {
   783  	// An untyped nil does not need a pointer check, and when
   784  	// _cgoCheckPointer returns the untyped nil the type assertion we
   785  	// are going to insert will fail.  Easier to just skip nil arguments.
   786  	// TODO: Note that this fails if nil is shadowed.
   787  	if id, ok := arg.(*ast.Ident); ok && id.Name == "nil" {
   788  		return false
   789  	}
   791  	return p.hasPointer(f, t, true)
   792  }
   794  // hasPointer is used by needsPointerCheck. If top is true it returns
   795  // whether t is or contains a pointer that might point to a pointer.
   796  // If top is false it returns whether t is or contains a pointer.
   797  // f may be nil.
   798  func (p *Package) hasPointer(f *File, t ast.Expr, top bool) bool {
   799  	switch t := t.(type) {
   800  	case *ast.ArrayType:
   801  		if t.Len == nil {
   802  			if !top {
   803  				return true
   804  			}
   805  			return p.hasPointer(f, t.Elt, false)
   806  		}
   807  		return p.hasPointer(f, t.Elt, top)
   808  	case *ast.StructType:
   809  		for _, field := range t.Fields.List {
   810  			if p.hasPointer(f, field.Type, top) {
   811  				return true
   812  			}
   813  		}
   814  		return false
   815  	case *ast.StarExpr: // Pointer type.
   816  		if !top {
   817  			return true
   818  		}
   819  		// Check whether this is a pointer to a C union (or class)
   820  		// type that contains a pointer.
   821  		if unionWithPointer[t.X] {
   822  			return true
   823  		}
   824  		return p.hasPointer(f, t.X, false)
   825  	case *ast.FuncType, *ast.InterfaceType, *ast.MapType, *ast.ChanType:
   826  		return true
   827  	case *ast.Ident:
   828  		// TODO: Handle types defined within function.
   829  		for _, d := range p.Decl {
   830  			gd, ok := d.(*ast.GenDecl)
   831  			if !ok || gd.Tok != token.TYPE {
   832  				continue
   833  			}
   834  			for _, spec := range gd.Specs {
   835  				ts, ok := spec.(*ast.TypeSpec)
   836  				if !ok {
   837  					continue
   838  				}
   839  				if ts.Name.Name == t.Name {
   840  					return p.hasPointer(f, ts.Type, top)
   841  				}
   842  			}
   843  		}
   844  		if def := typedef[t.Name]; def != nil {
   845  			return p.hasPointer(f, def.Go, top)
   846  		}
   847  		if t.Name == "string" {
   848  			return !top
   849  		}
   850  		if t.Name == "error" {
   851  			return true
   852  		}
   853  		if goTypes[t.Name] != nil {
   854  			return false
   855  		}
   856  		// We can't figure out the type. Conservative
   857  		// approach is to assume it has a pointer.
   858  		return true
   859  	case *ast.SelectorExpr:
   860  		if l, ok := t.X.(*ast.Ident); !ok || l.Name != "C" {
   861  			// Type defined in a different package.
   862  			// Conservative approach is to assume it has a
   863  			// pointer.
   864  			return true
   865  		}
   866  		if f == nil {
   867  			// Conservative approach: assume pointer.
   868  			return true
   869  		}
   870  		name := f.Name[t.Sel.Name]
   871  		if name != nil && name.Kind == "type" && name.Type != nil && name.Type.Go != nil {
   872  			return p.hasPointer(f, name.Type.Go, top)
   873  		}
   874  		// We can't figure out the type. Conservative
   875  		// approach is to assume it has a pointer.
   876  		return true
   877  	default:
   878  		error_(t.Pos(), "could not understand type %s", gofmt(t))
   879  		return true
   880  	}
   881  }
   883  // checkAddrArgs tries to add arguments to the call of
   884  // _cgoCheckPointer when the argument is an address expression. We
   885  // pass true to mean that the argument is an address operation of
   886  // something other than a slice index, which means that it's only
   887  // necessary to check the specific element pointed to, not the entire
   888  // object. This is for &s.f, where f is a field in a struct. We can
   889  // pass a slice or array, meaning that we should check the entire
   890  // slice or array but need not check any other part of the object.
   891  // This is for &s.a[i], where we need to check all of a. However, we
   892  // only pass the slice or array if we can refer to it without side
   893  // effects.
   894  func (p *Package) checkAddrArgs(f *File, args []ast.Expr, x ast.Expr) []ast.Expr {
   895  	// Strip type conversions.
   896  	for {
   897  		c, ok := x.(*ast.CallExpr)
   898  		if !ok || len(c.Args) != 1 || !p.isType(c.Fun) {
   899  			break
   900  		}
   901  		x = c.Args[0]
   902  	}
   903  	u, ok := x.(*ast.UnaryExpr)
   904  	if !ok || u.Op != token.AND {
   905  		return args
   906  	}
   907  	index, ok := u.X.(*ast.IndexExpr)
   908  	if !ok {
   909  		// This is the address of something that is not an
   910  		// index expression. We only need to examine the
   911  		// single value to which it points.
   912  		// TODO: what if true is shadowed?
   913  		return append(args, ast.NewIdent("true"))
   914  	}
   915  	if !p.hasSideEffects(f, index.X) {
   916  		// Examine the entire slice.
   917  		return append(args, index.X)
   918  	}
   919  	// Treat the pointer as unknown.
   920  	return args
   921  }
   923  // hasSideEffects returns whether the expression x has any side
   924  // effects.  x is an expression, not a statement, so the only side
   925  // effect is a function call.
   926  func (p *Package) hasSideEffects(f *File, x ast.Expr) bool {
   927  	found := false
   928  	f.walk(x, ctxExpr,
   929  		func(f *File, x interface{}, context astContext) {
   930  			switch x.(type) {
   931  			case *ast.CallExpr:
   932  				found = true
   933  			}
   934  		})
   935  	return found
   936  }
   938  // isType returns whether the expression is definitely a type.
   939  // This is conservative--it returns false for an unknown identifier.
   940  func (p *Package) isType(t ast.Expr) bool {
   941  	switch t := t.(type) {
   942  	case *ast.SelectorExpr:
   943  		id, ok := t.X.(*ast.Ident)
   944  		if !ok {
   945  			return false
   946  		}
   947  		if id.Name == "unsafe" && t.Sel.Name == "Pointer" {
   948  			return true
   949  		}
   950  		if id.Name == "C" && typedef["_Ctype_"+t.Sel.Name] != nil {
   951  			return true
   952  		}
   953  		return false
   954  	case *ast.Ident:
   955  		// TODO: This ignores shadowing.
   956  		switch t.Name {
   957  		case "unsafe.Pointer", "bool", "byte",
   958  			"complex64", "complex128",
   959  			"error",
   960  			"float32", "float64",
   961  			"int", "int8", "int16", "int32", "int64",
   962  			"rune", "string",
   963  			"uint", "uint8", "uint16", "uint32", "uint64", "uintptr":
   965  			return true
   966  		}
   967  	case *ast.StarExpr:
   968  		return p.isType(t.X)
   969  	case *ast.ArrayType, *ast.StructType, *ast.FuncType, *ast.InterfaceType,
   970  		*ast.MapType, *ast.ChanType:
   972  		return true
   973  	}
   974  	return false
   975  }
   977  // rewriteUnsafe returns a version of t with references to unsafe.Pointer
   978  // rewritten to use _cgo_unsafe.Pointer instead.
   979  func (p *Package) rewriteUnsafe(t ast.Expr) ast.Expr {
   980  	switch t := t.(type) {
   981  	case *ast.Ident:
   982  		// We don't see a SelectorExpr for unsafe.Pointer;
   983  		// this is created by code in this file.
   984  		if t.Name == "unsafe.Pointer" {
   985  			return ast.NewIdent("_cgo_unsafe.Pointer")
   986  		}
   987  	case *ast.ArrayType:
   988  		t1 := p.rewriteUnsafe(t.Elt)
   989  		if t1 != t.Elt {
   990  			r := *t
   991  			r.Elt = t1
   992  			return &r
   993  		}
   994  	case *ast.StructType:
   995  		changed := false
   996  		fields := *t.Fields
   997  		fields.List = nil
   998  		for _, f := range t.Fields.List {
   999  			ft := p.rewriteUnsafe(f.Type)
  1000  			if ft == f.Type {
  1001  				fields.List = append(fields.List, f)
  1002  			} else {
  1003  				fn := *f
  1004  				fn.Type = ft
  1005  				fields.List = append(fields.List, &fn)
  1006  				changed = true
  1007  			}
  1008  		}
  1009  		if changed {
  1010  			r := *t
  1011  			r.Fields = &fields
  1012  			return &r
  1013  		}
  1014  	case *ast.StarExpr: // Pointer type.
  1015  		x1 := p.rewriteUnsafe(t.X)
  1016  		if x1 != t.X {
  1017  			r := *t
  1018  			r.X = x1
  1019  			return &r
  1020  		}
  1021  	}
  1022  	return t
  1023  }
  1025  // rewriteRef rewrites all the references in f.AST to refer to the
  1026  // Go equivalents, now that we have figured out the meaning of all
  1027  // the xxx. In *godefs mode, rewriteRef replaces the names
  1028  // with full definitions instead of mangled names.
  1029  func (p *Package) rewriteRef(f *File) {
  1030  	// Keep a list of all the functions, to remove the ones
  1031  	// only used as expressions and avoid generating bridge
  1032  	// code for them.
  1033  	functions := make(map[string]bool)
  1035  	// Assign mangled names.
  1036  	for _, n := range f.Name {
  1037  		if n.Kind == "not-type" {
  1038  			if n.Define == "" {
  1039  				n.Kind = "var"
  1040  			} else {
  1041  				n.Kind = "macro"
  1042  				n.FuncType = &FuncType{
  1043  					Result: n.Type,
  1044  					Go: &ast.FuncType{
  1045  						Results: &ast.FieldList{List: []*ast.Field{{Type: n.Type.Go}}},
  1046  					},
  1047  				}
  1048  			}
  1049  		}
  1050  		if n.Mangle == "" {
  1051  			p.mangleName(n)
  1052  		}
  1053  		if n.Kind == "func" {
  1054  			functions[n.Go] = false
  1055  		}
  1056  	}
  1058  	// Now that we have all the name types filled in,
  1059  	// scan through the Refs to identify the ones that
  1060  	// are trying to do a ,err call. Also check that
  1061  	// functions are only used in calls.
  1062  	for _, r := range f.Ref {
  1063  		if r.Name.IsConst() && r.Name.Const == "" {
  1064  			error_(r.Pos(), "unable to find value of constant C.%s", fixGo(r.Name.Go))
  1065  		}
  1066  		var expr ast.Expr = ast.NewIdent(r.Name.Mangle) // default
  1067  		switch r.Context {
  1068  		case ctxCall, ctxCall2:
  1069  			if r.Name.Kind != "func" {
  1070  				if r.Name.Kind == "type" {
  1071  					r.Context = ctxType
  1072  					if r.Name.Type == nil {
  1073  						error_(r.Pos(), "invalid conversion to C.%s: undefined C type '%s'", fixGo(r.Name.Go), r.Name.C)
  1074  						break
  1075  					}
  1076  					expr = r.Name.Type.Go
  1077  					break
  1078  				}
  1079  				error_(r.Pos(), "call of non-function C.%s", fixGo(r.Name.Go))
  1080  				break
  1081  			}
  1082  			functions[r.Name.Go] = true
  1083  			if r.Context == ctxCall2 {
  1084  				if r.Name.Go == "_CMalloc" {
  1085  					error_(r.Pos(), "no two-result form for C.malloc")
  1086  					break
  1087  				}
  1088  				// Invent new Name for the two-result function.
  1089  				n := f.Name["2"+r.Name.Go]
  1090  				if n == nil {
  1091  					n = new(Name)
  1092  					*n = *r.Name
  1093  					n.AddError = true
  1094  					n.Mangle = "_C2func_" + n.Go
  1095  					f.Name["2"+r.Name.Go] = n
  1096  				}
  1097  				expr = ast.NewIdent(n.Mangle)
  1098  				r.Name = n
  1099  				break
  1100  			}
  1101  		case ctxExpr:
  1102  			switch r.Name.Kind {
  1103  			case "func":
  1104  				if builtinDefs[r.Name.C] != "" {
  1105  					error_(r.Pos(), "use of builtin '%s' not in function call", fixGo(r.Name.C))
  1106  				}
  1108  				// Function is being used in an expression, to e.g. pass around a C function pointer.
  1109  				// Create a new Name for this Ref which causes the variable to be declared in Go land.
  1110  				fpName := "fp_" + r.Name.Go
  1111  				name := f.Name[fpName]
  1112  				if name == nil {
  1113  					name = &Name{
  1114  						Go:   fpName,
  1115  						C:    r.Name.C,
  1116  						Kind: "fpvar",
  1117  						Type: &Type{Size: p.PtrSize, Align: p.PtrSize, C: c("void*"), Go: ast.NewIdent("unsafe.Pointer")},
  1118  					}
  1119  					p.mangleName(name)
  1120  					f.Name[fpName] = name
  1121  				}
  1122  				r.Name = name
  1123  				// Rewrite into call to _Cgo_ptr to prevent assignments. The _Cgo_ptr
  1124  				// function is defined in out.go and simply returns its argument. See
  1125  				// issue 7757.
  1126  				expr = &ast.CallExpr{
  1127  					Fun:  &ast.Ident{NamePos: (*r.Expr).Pos(), Name: "_Cgo_ptr"},
  1128  					Args: []ast.Expr{ast.NewIdent(name.Mangle)},
  1129  				}
  1130  			case "type":
  1131  				// Okay - might be new(T)
  1132  				if r.Name.Type == nil {
  1133  					error_(r.Pos(), "expression C.%s: undefined C type '%s'", fixGo(r.Name.Go), r.Name.C)
  1134  					break
  1135  				}
  1136  				expr = r.Name.Type.Go
  1137  			case "var":
  1138  				expr = &ast.StarExpr{Star: (*r.Expr).Pos(), X: expr}
  1139  			case "macro":
  1140  				expr = &ast.CallExpr{Fun: expr}
  1141  			}
  1142  		case ctxSelector:
  1143  			if r.Name.Kind == "var" {
  1144  				expr = &ast.StarExpr{Star: (*r.Expr).Pos(), X: expr}
  1145  			} else {
  1146  				error_(r.Pos(), "only C variables allowed in selector expression %s", fixGo(r.Name.Go))
  1147  			}
  1148  		case ctxType:
  1149  			if r.Name.Kind != "type" {
  1150  				error_(r.Pos(), "expression C.%s used as type", fixGo(r.Name.Go))
  1151  			} else if r.Name.Type == nil {
  1152  				// Use of C.enum_x, C.struct_x or C.union_x without C definition.
  1153  				// GCC won't raise an error when using pointers to such unknown types.
  1154  				error_(r.Pos(), "type C.%s: undefined C type '%s'", fixGo(r.Name.Go), r.Name.C)
  1155  			} else {
  1156  				expr = r.Name.Type.Go
  1157  			}
  1158  		default:
  1159  			if r.Name.Kind == "func" {
  1160  				error_(r.Pos(), "must call C.%s", fixGo(r.Name.Go))
  1161  			}
  1162  		}
  1164  		if *godefs {
  1165  			// Substitute definition for mangled type name.
  1166  			if id, ok := expr.(*ast.Ident); ok {
  1167  				if t := typedef[id.Name]; t != nil {
  1168  					expr = t.Go
  1169  				}
  1170  				if id.Name == r.Name.Mangle && r.Name.Const != "" {
  1171  					expr = ast.NewIdent(r.Name.Const)
  1172  				}
  1173  			}
  1174  		}
  1176  		// Copy position information from old expr into new expr,
  1177  		// in case expression being replaced is first on line.
  1178  		// See
  1179  		pos := (*r.Expr).Pos()
  1180  		switch x := expr.(type) {
  1181  		case *ast.Ident:
  1182  			expr = &ast.Ident{NamePos: pos, Name: x.Name}
  1183  		}
  1185  		// Change AST, because some later processing depends on it,
  1186  		// and also because -godefs mode still prints the AST.
  1187  		old := *r.Expr
  1188  		*r.Expr = expr
  1190  		// Record source-level edit for cgo output.
  1191  		repl := gofmt(expr)
  1192  		if r.Name.Kind != "type" {
  1193  			repl = "(" + repl + ")"
  1194  		}
  1195  		f.Edit.Replace(f.offset(old.Pos()), f.offset(old.End()), repl)
  1196  	}
  1198  	// Remove functions only used as expressions, so their respective
  1199  	// bridge functions are not generated.
  1200  	for name, used := range functions {
  1201  		if !used {
  1202  			delete(f.Name, name)
  1203  		}
  1204  	}
  1205  }
  1207  // gccBaseCmd returns the start of the compiler command line.
  1208  // It uses $CC if set, or else $GCC, or else the compiler recorded
  1209  // during the initial build as defaultCC.
  1210  // defaultCC is defined in zdefaultcc.go, written by cmd/dist.
  1211  func (p *Package) gccBaseCmd() []string {
  1212  	// Use $CC if set, since that's what the build uses.
  1213  	if ret := strings.Fields(os.Getenv("CC")); len(ret) > 0 {
  1214  		return ret
  1215  	}
  1216  	// Try $GCC if set, since that's what we used to use.
  1217  	if ret := strings.Fields(os.Getenv("GCC")); len(ret) > 0 {
  1218  		return ret
  1219  	}
  1220  	return strings.Fields(defaultCC(goos, goarch))
  1221  }
  1223  // gccMachine returns the gcc -m flag to use, either "-m32", "-m64" or "-marm".
  1224  func (p *Package) gccMachine() []string {
  1225  	switch goarch {
  1226  	case "amd64":
  1227  		return []string{"-m64"}
  1228  	case "386":
  1229  		return []string{"-m32"}
  1230  	case "arm":
  1231  		return []string{"-marm"} // not thumb
  1232  	case "s390":
  1233  		return []string{"-m31"}
  1234  	case "s390x":
  1235  		return []string{"-m64"}
  1236  	case "mips64", "mips64le":
  1237  		return []string{"-mabi=64"}
  1238  	case "mips", "mipsle":
  1239  		return []string{"-mabi=32"}
  1240  	}
  1241  	return nil
  1242  }
  1244  func gccTmp() string {
  1245  	return *objDir + "_cgo_.o"
  1246  }
  1248  // gccCmd returns the gcc command line to use for compiling
  1249  // the input.
  1250  func (p *Package) gccCmd() []string {
  1251  	c := append(p.gccBaseCmd(),
  1252  		"-w",          // no warnings
  1253  		"-Wno-error",  // warnings are not errors
  1254  		"-o"+gccTmp(), // write object to tmp
  1255  		"-gdwarf-2",   // generate DWARF v2 debugging symbols
  1256  		"-c",          // do not link
  1257  		"-xc",         // input language is C
  1258  	)
  1259  	if p.GccIsClang {
  1260  		c = append(c,
  1261  			"-ferror-limit=0",
  1262  			// Apple clang version 1.7 (tags/Apple/clang-77) (based on LLVM 2.9svn)
  1263  			// doesn't have -Wno-unneeded-internal-declaration, so we need yet another
  1264  			// flag to disable the warning. Yes, really good diagnostics, clang.
  1265  			"-Wno-unknown-warning-option",
  1266  			"-Wno-unneeded-internal-declaration",
  1267  			"-Wno-unused-function",
  1268  			"-Qunused-arguments",
  1269  			// Clang embeds prototypes for some builtin functions,
  1270  			// like malloc and calloc, but all size_t parameters are
  1271  			// incorrectly typed unsigned long. We work around that
  1272  			// by disabling the builtin functions (this is safe as
  1273  			// it won't affect the actual compilation of the C code).
  1274  			// See:
  1275  			"-fno-builtin",
  1276  		)
  1277  	}
  1279  	c = append(c, p.GccOptions...)
  1280  	c = append(c, p.gccMachine()...)
  1281  	c = append(c, "-") //read input from standard input
  1282  	return c
  1283  }
  1285  // gccDebug runs gcc -gdwarf-2 over the C program stdin and
  1286  // returns the corresponding DWARF data and, if present, debug data block.
  1287  func (p *Package) gccDebug(stdin []byte, nnames int) (d *dwarf.Data, ints []int64, floats []float64, strs []string) {
  1288  	runGcc(stdin, p.gccCmd())
  1290  	isDebugInts := func(s string) bool {
  1291  		// Some systems use leading _ to denote non-assembly symbols.
  1292  		return s == "__cgodebug_ints" || s == "___cgodebug_ints"
  1293  	}
  1294  	isDebugFloats := func(s string) bool {
  1295  		// Some systems use leading _ to denote non-assembly symbols.
  1296  		return s == "__cgodebug_floats" || s == "___cgodebug_floats"
  1297  	}
  1298  	indexOfDebugStr := func(s string) int {
  1299  		// Some systems use leading _ to denote non-assembly symbols.
  1300  		if strings.HasPrefix(s, "___") {
  1301  			s = s[1:]
  1302  		}
  1303  		if strings.HasPrefix(s, "__cgodebug_str__") {
  1304  			if n, err := strconv.Atoi(s[len("__cgodebug_str__"):]); err == nil {
  1305  				return n
  1306  			}
  1307  		}
  1308  		return -1
  1309  	}
  1310  	indexOfDebugStrlen := func(s string) int {
  1311  		// Some systems use leading _ to denote non-assembly symbols.
  1312  		if strings.HasPrefix(s, "___") {
  1313  			s = s[1:]
  1314  		}
  1315  		if strings.HasPrefix(s, "__cgodebug_strlen__") {
  1316  			if n, err := strconv.Atoi(s[len("__cgodebug_strlen__"):]); err == nil {
  1317  				return n
  1318  			}
  1319  		}
  1320  		return -1
  1321  	}
  1323  	strs = make([]string, nnames)
  1325  	strdata := make(map[int]string, nnames)
  1326  	strlens := make(map[int]int, nnames)
  1328  	buildStrings := func() {
  1329  		for n, strlen := range strlens {
  1330  			data := strdata[n]
  1331  			if len(data) <= strlen {
  1332  				fatalf("invalid string literal")
  1333  			}
  1334  			strs[n] = string(data[:strlen])
  1335  		}
  1336  	}
  1338  	if f, err := macho.Open(gccTmp()); err == nil {
  1339  		defer f.Close()
  1340  		d, err := f.DWARF()
  1341  		if err != nil {
  1342  			fatalf("cannot load DWARF output from %s: %v", gccTmp(), err)
  1343  		}
  1344  		bo := f.ByteOrder
  1345  		if f.Symtab != nil {
  1346  			for i := range f.Symtab.Syms {
  1347  				s := &f.Symtab.Syms[i]
  1348  				switch {
  1349  				case isDebugInts(s.Name):
  1350  					// Found it. Now find data section.
  1351  					if i := int(s.Sect) - 1; 0 <= i && i < len(f.Sections) {
  1352  						sect := f.Sections[i]
  1353  						if sect.Addr <= s.Value && s.Value < sect.Addr+sect.Size {
  1354  							if sdat, err := sect.Data(); err == nil {
  1355  								data := sdat[s.Value-sect.Addr:]
  1356  								ints = make([]int64, len(data)/8)
  1357  								for i := range ints {
  1358  									ints[i] = int64(bo.Uint64(data[i*8:]))
  1359  								}
  1360  							}
  1361  						}
  1362  					}
  1363  				case isDebugFloats(s.Name):
  1364  					// Found it. Now find data section.
  1365  					if i := int(s.Sect) - 1; 0 <= i && i < len(f.Sections) {
  1366  						sect := f.Sections[i]
  1367  						if sect.Addr <= s.Value && s.Value < sect.Addr+sect.Size {
  1368  							if sdat, err := sect.Data(); err == nil {
  1369  								data := sdat[s.Value-sect.Addr:]
  1370  								floats = make([]float64, len(data)/8)
  1371  								for i := range floats {
  1372  									floats[i] = math.Float64frombits(bo.Uint64(data[i*8:]))
  1373  								}
  1374  							}
  1375  						}
  1376  					}
  1377  				default:
  1378  					if n := indexOfDebugStr(s.Name); n != -1 {
  1379  						// Found it. Now find data section.
  1380  						if i := int(s.Sect) - 1; 0 <= i && i < len(f.Sections) {
  1381  							sect := f.Sections[i]
  1382  							if sect.Addr <= s.Value && s.Value < sect.Addr+sect.Size {
  1383  								if sdat, err := sect.Data(); err == nil {
  1384  									data := sdat[s.Value-sect.Addr:]
  1385  									strdata[n] = string(data)
  1386  								}
  1387  							}
  1388  						}
  1389  						break
  1390  					}
  1391  					if n := indexOfDebugStrlen(s.Name); n != -1 {
  1392  						// Found it. Now find data section.
  1393  						if i := int(s.Sect) - 1; 0 <= i && i < len(f.Sections) {
  1394  							sect := f.Sections[i]
  1395  							if sect.Addr <= s.Value && s.Value < sect.Addr+sect.Size {
  1396  								if sdat, err := sect.Data(); err == nil {
  1397  									data := sdat[s.Value-sect.Addr:]
  1398  									strlen := bo.Uint64(data[:8])
  1399  									if strlen > (1<<(uint(p.IntSize*8)-1) - 1) { // greater than MaxInt?
  1400  										fatalf("string literal too big")
  1401  									}
  1402  									strlens[n] = int(strlen)
  1403  								}
  1404  							}
  1405  						}
  1406  						break
  1407  					}
  1408  				}
  1409  			}
  1411  			buildStrings()
  1412  		}
  1413  		return d, ints, floats, strs
  1414  	}
  1416  	if f, err := elf.Open(gccTmp()); err == nil {
  1417  		defer f.Close()
  1418  		d, err := f.DWARF()
  1419  		if err != nil {
  1420  			fatalf("cannot load DWARF output from %s: %v", gccTmp(), err)
  1421  		}
  1422  		bo := f.ByteOrder
  1423  		symtab, err := f.Symbols()
  1424  		if err == nil {
  1425  			for i := range symtab {
  1426  				s := &symtab[i]
  1427  				switch {
  1428  				case isDebugInts(s.Name):
  1429  					// Found it. Now find data section.
  1430  					if i := int(s.Section); 0 <= i && i < len(f.Sections) {
  1431  						sect := f.Sections[i]
  1432  						if sect.Addr <= s.Value && s.Value < sect.Addr+sect.Size {
  1433  							if sdat, err := sect.Data(); err == nil {
  1434  								data := sdat[s.Value-sect.Addr:]
  1435  								ints = make([]int64, len(data)/8)
  1436  								for i := range ints {
  1437  									ints[i] = int64(bo.Uint64(data[i*8:]))
  1438  								}
  1439  							}
  1440  						}
  1441  					}
  1442  				case isDebugFloats(s.Name):
  1443  					// Found it. Now find data section.
  1444  					if i := int(s.Section); 0 <= i && i < len(f.Sections) {
  1445  						sect := f.Sections[i]
  1446  						if sect.Addr <= s.Value && s.Value < sect.Addr+sect.Size {
  1447  							if sdat, err := sect.Data(); err == nil {
  1448  								data := sdat[s.Value-sect.Addr:]
  1449  								floats = make([]float64, len(data)/8)
  1450  								for i := range floats {
  1451  									floats[i] = math.Float64frombits(bo.Uint64(data[i*8:]))
  1452  								}
  1453  							}
  1454  						}
  1455  					}
  1456  				default:
  1457  					if n := indexOfDebugStr(s.Name); n != -1 {
  1458  						// Found it. Now find data section.
  1459  						if i := int(s.Section); 0 <= i && i < len(f.Sections) {
  1460  							sect := f.Sections[i]
  1461  							if sect.Addr <= s.Value && s.Value < sect.Addr+sect.Size {
  1462  								if sdat, err := sect.Data(); err == nil {
  1463  									data := sdat[s.Value-sect.Addr:]
  1464  									strdata[n] = string(data)
  1465  								}
  1466  							}
  1467  						}
  1468  						break
  1469  					}
  1470  					if n := indexOfDebugStrlen(s.Name); n != -1 {
  1471  						// Found it. Now find data section.
  1472  						if i := int(s.Section); 0 <= i && i < len(f.Sections) {
  1473  							sect := f.Sections[i]
  1474  							if sect.Addr <= s.Value && s.Value < sect.Addr+sect.Size {
  1475  								if sdat, err := sect.Data(); err == nil {
  1476  									data := sdat[s.Value-sect.Addr:]
  1477  									strlen := bo.Uint64(data[:8])
  1478  									if strlen > (1<<(uint(p.IntSize*8)-1) - 1) { // greater than MaxInt?
  1479  										fatalf("string literal too big")
  1480  									}
  1481  									strlens[n] = int(strlen)
  1482  								}
  1483  							}
  1484  						}
  1485  						break
  1486  					}
  1487  				}
  1488  			}
  1490  			buildStrings()
  1491  		}
  1492  		return d, ints, floats, strs
  1493  	}
  1495  	if f, err := pe.Open(gccTmp()); err == nil {
  1496  		defer f.Close()
  1497  		d, err := f.DWARF()
  1498  		if err != nil {
  1499  			fatalf("cannot load DWARF output from %s: %v", gccTmp(), err)
  1500  		}
  1501  		bo := binary.LittleEndian
  1502  		for _, s := range f.Symbols {
  1503  			switch {
  1504  			case isDebugInts(s.Name):
  1505  				if i := int(s.SectionNumber) - 1; 0 <= i && i < len(f.Sections) {
  1506  					sect := f.Sections[i]
  1507  					if s.Value < sect.Size {
  1508  						if sdat, err := sect.Data(); err == nil {
  1509  							data := sdat[s.Value:]
  1510  							ints = make([]int64, len(data)/8)
  1511  							for i := range ints {
  1512  								ints[i] = int64(bo.Uint64(data[i*8:]))
  1513  							}
  1514  						}
  1515  					}
  1516  				}
  1517  			case isDebugFloats(s.Name):
  1518  				if i := int(s.SectionNumber) - 1; 0 <= i && i < len(f.Sections) {
  1519  					sect := f.Sections[i]
  1520  					if s.Value < sect.Size {
  1521  						if sdat, err := sect.Data(); err == nil {
  1522  							data := sdat[s.Value:]
  1523  							floats = make([]float64, len(data)/8)
  1524  							for i := range floats {
  1525  								floats[i] = math.Float64frombits(bo.Uint64(data[i*8:]))
  1526  							}
  1527  						}
  1528  					}
  1529  				}
  1530  			default:
  1531  				if n := indexOfDebugStr(s.Name); n != -1 {
  1532  					if i := int(s.SectionNumber) - 1; 0 <= i && i < len(f.Sections) {
  1533  						sect := f.Sections[i]
  1534  						if s.Value < sect.Size {
  1535  							if sdat, err := sect.Data(); err == nil {
  1536  								data := sdat[s.Value:]
  1537  								strdata[n] = string(data)
  1538  							}
  1539  						}
  1540  					}
  1541  					break
  1542  				}
  1543  				if n := indexOfDebugStrlen(s.Name); n != -1 {
  1544  					if i := int(s.SectionNumber) - 1; 0 <= i && i < len(f.Sections) {
  1545  						sect := f.Sections[i]
  1546  						if s.Value < sect.Size {
  1547  							if sdat, err := sect.Data(); err == nil {
  1548  								data := sdat[s.Value:]
  1549  								strlen := bo.Uint64(data[:8])
  1550  								if strlen > (1<<(uint(p.IntSize*8)-1) - 1) { // greater than MaxInt?
  1551  									fatalf("string literal too big")
  1552  								}
  1553  								strlens[n] = int(strlen)
  1554  							}
  1555  						}
  1556  					}
  1557  					break
  1558  				}
  1559  			}
  1560  		}
  1562  		buildStrings()
  1564  		return d, ints, floats, strs
  1565  	}
  1567  	fatalf("cannot parse gcc output %s as ELF, Mach-O, PE object", gccTmp())
  1568  	panic("not reached")
  1569  }
  1571  // gccDefines runs gcc -E -dM -xc - over the C program stdin
  1572  // and returns the corresponding standard output, which is the
  1573  // #defines that gcc encountered while processing the input
  1574  // and its included files.
  1575  func (p *Package) gccDefines(stdin []byte) string {
  1576  	base := append(p.gccBaseCmd(), "-E", "-dM", "-xc")
  1577  	base = append(base, p.gccMachine()...)
  1578  	stdout, _ := runGcc(stdin, append(append(base, p.GccOptions...), "-"))
  1579  	return stdout
  1580  }
  1582  // gccErrors runs gcc over the C program stdin and returns
  1583  // the errors that gcc prints. That is, this function expects
  1584  // gcc to fail.
  1585  func (p *Package) gccErrors(stdin []byte) string {
  1586  	// TODO(rsc): require failure
  1587  	args := p.gccCmd()
  1589  	// Optimization options can confuse the error messages; remove them.
  1590  	nargs := make([]string, 0, len(args))
  1591  	for _, arg := range args {
  1592  		if !strings.HasPrefix(arg, "-O") {
  1593  			nargs = append(nargs, arg)
  1594  		}
  1595  	}
  1597  	if *debugGcc {
  1598  		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "$ %s <<EOF\n", strings.Join(nargs, " "))
  1599  		os.Stderr.Write(stdin)
  1600  		fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, "EOF\n")
  1601  	}
  1602  	stdout, stderr, _ := run(stdin, nargs)
  1603  	if *debugGcc {
  1604  		os.Stderr.Write(stdout)
  1605  		os.Stderr.Write(stderr)
  1606  	}
  1607  	return string(stderr)
  1608  }
  1610  // runGcc runs the gcc command line args with stdin on standard input.
  1611  // If the command exits with a non-zero exit status, runGcc prints
  1612  // details about what was run and exits.
  1613  // Otherwise runGcc returns the data written to standard output and standard error.
  1614  // Note that for some of the uses we expect useful data back
  1615  // on standard error, but for those uses gcc must still exit 0.
  1616  func runGcc(stdin []byte, args []string) (string, string) {
  1617  	if *debugGcc {
  1618  		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "$ %s <<EOF\n", strings.Join(args, " "))
  1619  		os.Stderr.Write(stdin)
  1620  		fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, "EOF\n")
  1621  	}
  1622  	stdout, stderr, ok := run(stdin, args)
  1623  	if *debugGcc {
  1624  		os.Stderr.Write(stdout)
  1625  		os.Stderr.Write(stderr)
  1626  	}
  1627  	if !ok {
  1628  		os.Stderr.Write(stderr)
  1629  		os.Exit(2)
  1630  	}
  1631  	return string(stdout), string(stderr)
  1632  }
  1634  // A typeConv is a translator from dwarf types to Go types
  1635  // with equivalent memory layout.
  1636  type typeConv struct {
  1637  	// Cache of already-translated or in-progress types.
  1638  	m map[dwarf.Type]*Type
  1640  	// Map from types to incomplete pointers to those types.
  1641  	ptrs map[dwarf.Type][]*Type
  1642  	// Keys of ptrs in insertion order (deterministic worklist)
  1643  	ptrKeys []dwarf.Type
  1645  	// Predeclared types.
  1646  	bool                                   ast.Expr
  1647  	byte                                   ast.Expr // denotes padding
  1648  	int8, int16, int32, int64              ast.Expr
  1649  	uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64, uintptr ast.Expr
  1650  	float32, float64                       ast.Expr
  1651  	complex64, complex128                  ast.Expr
  1652  	void                                   ast.Expr
  1653  	string                                 ast.Expr
  1654  	goVoid                                 ast.Expr // _Ctype_void, denotes C's void
  1655  	goVoidPtr                              ast.Expr // unsafe.Pointer or *byte
  1657  	ptrSize int64
  1658  	intSize int64
  1659  }
  1661  var tagGen int
  1662  var typedef = make(map[string]*Type)
  1663  var goIdent = make(map[string]*ast.Ident)
  1665  // unionWithPointer is true for a Go type that represents a C union (or class)
  1666  // that may contain a pointer. This is used for cgo pointer checking.
  1667  var unionWithPointer = make(map[ast.Expr]bool)
  1669  func (c *typeConv) Init(ptrSize, intSize int64) {
  1670  	c.ptrSize = ptrSize
  1671  	c.intSize = intSize
  1672  	c.m = make(map[dwarf.Type]*Type)
  1673  	c.ptrs = make(map[dwarf.Type][]*Type)
  1674  	c.bool = c.Ident("bool")
  1675  	c.byte = c.Ident("byte")
  1676  	c.int8 = c.Ident("int8")
  1677  	c.int16 = c.Ident("int16")
  1678  	c.int32 = c.Ident("int32")
  1679  	c.int64 = c.Ident("int64")
  1680  	c.uint8 = c.Ident("uint8")
  1681  	c.uint16 = c.Ident("uint16")
  1682  	c.uint32 = c.Ident("uint32")
  1683  	c.uint64 = c.Ident("uint64")
  1684  	c.uintptr = c.Ident("uintptr")
  1685  	c.float32 = c.Ident("float32")
  1686  	c.float64 = c.Ident("float64")
  1687  	c.complex64 = c.Ident("complex64")
  1688  	c.complex128 = c.Ident("complex128")
  1689  	c.void = c.Ident("void")
  1690  	c.string = c.Ident("string")
  1691  	c.goVoid = c.Ident("_Ctype_void")
  1693  	// Normally cgo translates void* to unsafe.Pointer,
  1694  	// but for historical reasons -godefs uses *byte instead.
  1695  	if *godefs {
  1696  		c.goVoidPtr = &ast.StarExpr{X: c.byte}
  1697  	} else {
  1698  		c.goVoidPtr = c.Ident("unsafe.Pointer")
  1699  	}
  1700  }
  1702  // base strips away qualifiers and typedefs to get the underlying type
  1703  func base(dt dwarf.Type) dwarf.Type {
  1704  	for {
  1705  		if d, ok := dt.(*dwarf.QualType); ok {
  1706  			dt = d.Type
  1707  			continue
  1708  		}
  1709  		if d, ok := dt.(*dwarf.TypedefType); ok {
  1710  			dt = d.Type
  1711  			continue
  1712  		}
  1713  		break
  1714  	}
  1715  	return dt
  1716  }
  1718  // unqual strips away qualifiers from a DWARF type.
  1719  // In general we don't care about top-level qualifiers.
  1720  func unqual(dt dwarf.Type) dwarf.Type {
  1721  	for {
  1722  		if d, ok := dt.(*dwarf.QualType); ok {
  1723  			dt = d.Type
  1724  		} else {
  1725  			break
  1726  		}
  1727  	}
  1728  	return dt
  1729  }
  1731  // Map from dwarf text names to aliases we use in package "C".
  1732  var dwarfToName = map[string]string{
  1733  	"long int":               "long",
  1734  	"long unsigned int":      "ulong",
  1735  	"unsigned int":           "uint",
  1736  	"short unsigned int":     "ushort",
  1737  	"unsigned short":         "ushort", // Used by Clang; issue 13129.
  1738  	"short int":              "short",
  1739  	"long long int":          "longlong",
  1740  	"long long unsigned int": "ulonglong",
  1741  	"signed char":            "schar",
  1742  	"unsigned char":          "uchar",
  1743  }
  1745  const signedDelta = 64
  1747  // String returns the current type representation. Format arguments
  1748  // are assembled within this method so that any changes in mutable
  1749  // values are taken into account.
  1750  func (tr *TypeRepr) String() string {
  1751  	if len(tr.Repr) == 0 {
  1752  		return ""
  1753  	}
  1754  	if len(tr.FormatArgs) == 0 {
  1755  		return tr.Repr
  1756  	}
  1757  	return fmt.Sprintf(tr.Repr, tr.FormatArgs...)
  1758  }
  1760  // Empty reports whether the result of String would be "".
  1761  func (tr *TypeRepr) Empty() bool {
  1762  	return len(tr.Repr) == 0
  1763  }
  1765  // Set modifies the type representation.
  1766  // If fargs are provided, repr is used as a format for fmt.Sprintf.
  1767  // Otherwise, repr is used unprocessed as the type representation.
  1768  func (tr *TypeRepr) Set(repr string, fargs ...interface{}) {
  1769  	tr.Repr = repr
  1770  	tr.FormatArgs = fargs
  1771  }
  1773  // FinishType completes any outstanding type mapping work.
  1774  // In particular, it resolves incomplete pointer types.
  1775  func (c *typeConv) FinishType(pos token.Pos) {
  1776  	// Completing one pointer type might produce more to complete.
  1777  	// Keep looping until they're all done.
  1778  	for len(c.ptrKeys) > 0 {
  1779  		dtype := c.ptrKeys[0]
  1780  		c.ptrKeys = c.ptrKeys[1:]
  1782  		// Note Type might invalidate c.ptrs[dtype].
  1783  		t := c.Type(dtype, pos)
  1784  		for _, ptr := range c.ptrs[dtype] {
  1785  			ptr.Go.(*ast.StarExpr).X = t.Go
  1786  			ptr.C.Set("%s*", t.C)
  1787  		}
  1788  		c.ptrs[dtype] = nil // retain the map key
  1789  	}
  1790  }
  1792  // Type returns a *Type with the same memory layout as
  1793  // dtype when used as the type of a variable or a struct field.
  1794  func (c *typeConv) Type(dtype dwarf.Type, pos token.Pos) *Type {
  1795  	if t, ok := c.m[dtype]; ok {
  1796  		if t.Go == nil {
  1797  			fatalf("%s: type conversion loop at %s", lineno(pos), dtype)
  1798  		}
  1799  		return t
  1800  	}
  1802  	t := new(Type)
  1803  	t.Size = dtype.Size() // note: wrong for array of pointers, corrected below
  1804  	t.Align = -1
  1805  	t.C = &TypeRepr{Repr: dtype.Common().Name}
  1806  	c.m[dtype] = t
  1808  	switch dt := dtype.(type) {
  1809  	default:
  1810  		fatalf("%s: unexpected type: %s", lineno(pos), dtype)
  1812  	case *dwarf.AddrType:
  1813  		if t.Size != c.ptrSize {
  1814  			fatalf("%s: unexpected: %d-byte address type - %s", lineno(pos), t.Size, dtype)
  1815  		}
  1816  		t.Go = c.uintptr
  1817  		t.Align = t.Size
  1819  	case *dwarf.ArrayType:
  1820  		if dt.StrideBitSize > 0 {
  1821  			// Cannot represent bit-sized elements in Go.
  1822  			t.Go = c.Opaque(t.Size)
  1823  			break
  1824  		}
  1825  		count := dt.Count
  1826  		if count == -1 {
  1827  			// Indicates flexible array member, which Go doesn't support.
  1828  			// Translate to zero-length array instead.
  1829  			count = 0
  1830  		}
  1831  		sub := c.Type(dt.Type, pos)
  1832  		t.Align = sub.Align
  1833  		t.Go = &ast.ArrayType{
  1834  			Len: c.intExpr(count),
  1835  			Elt: sub.Go,
  1836  		}
  1837  		// Recalculate t.Size now that we know sub.Size.
  1838  		t.Size = count * sub.Size
  1839  		t.C.Set("__typeof__(%s[%d])", sub.C, dt.Count)
  1841  	case *dwarf.BoolType:
  1842  		t.Go = c.bool
  1843  		t.Align = 1
  1845  	case *dwarf.CharType:
  1846  		if t.Size != 1 {
  1847  			fatalf("%s: unexpected: %d-byte char type - %s", lineno(pos), t.Size, dtype)
  1848  		}
  1849  		t.Go = c.int8
  1850  		t.Align = 1
  1852  	case *dwarf.EnumType:
  1853  		if t.Align = t.Size; t.Align >= c.ptrSize {
  1854  			t.Align = c.ptrSize
  1855  		}
  1856  		t.C.Set("enum " + dt.EnumName)
  1857  		signed := 0
  1858  		t.EnumValues = make(map[string]int64)
  1859  		for _, ev := range dt.Val {
  1860  			t.EnumValues[ev.Name] = ev.Val
  1861  			if ev.Val < 0 {
  1862  				signed = signedDelta
  1863  			}
  1864  		}
  1865  		switch t.Size + int64(signed) {
  1866  		default:
  1867  			fatalf("%s: unexpected: %d-byte enum type - %s", lineno(pos), t.Size, dtype)
  1868  		case 1:
  1869  			t.Go = c.uint8
  1870  		case 2:
  1871  			t.Go = c.uint16
  1872  		case 4:
  1873  			t.Go = c.uint32
  1874  		case 8:
  1875  			t.Go = c.uint64
  1876  		case 1 + signedDelta:
  1877  			t.Go = c.int8
  1878  		case 2 + signedDelta:
  1879  			t.Go = c.int16
  1880  		case 4 + signedDelta:
  1881  			t.Go = c.int32
  1882  		case 8 + signedDelta:
  1883  			t.Go = c.int64
  1884  		}
  1886  	case *dwarf.FloatType:
  1887  		switch t.Size {
  1888  		default:
  1889  			fatalf("%s: unexpected: %d-byte float type - %s", lineno(pos), t.Size, dtype)
  1890  		case 4:
  1891  			t.Go = c.float32
  1892  		case 8:
  1893  			t.Go = c.float64
  1894  		}
  1895  		if t.Align = t.Size; t.Align >= c.ptrSize {
  1896  			t.Align = c.ptrSize
  1897  		}
  1899  	case *dwarf.ComplexType:
  1900  		switch t.Size {
  1901  		default:
  1902  			fatalf("%s: unexpected: %d-byte complex type - %s", lineno(pos), t.Size, dtype)
  1903  		case 8:
  1904  			t.Go = c.complex64
  1905  		case 16:
  1906  			t.Go = c.complex128
  1907  		}
  1908  		if t.Align = t.Size / 2; t.Align >= c.ptrSize {
  1909  			t.Align = c.ptrSize
  1910  		}
  1912  	case *dwarf.FuncType:
  1913  		// No attempt at translation: would enable calls
  1914  		// directly between worlds, but we need to moderate those.
  1915  		t.Go = c.uintptr
  1916  		t.Align = c.ptrSize
  1918  	case *dwarf.IntType:
  1919  		if dt.BitSize > 0 {
  1920  			fatalf("%s: unexpected: %d-bit int type - %s", lineno(pos), dt.BitSize, dtype)
  1921  		}
  1922  		switch t.Size {
  1923  		default:
  1924  			fatalf("%s: unexpected: %d-byte int type - %s", lineno(pos), t.Size, dtype)
  1925  		case 1:
  1926  			t.Go = c.int8
  1927  		case 2:
  1928  			t.Go = c.int16
  1929  		case 4:
  1930  			t.Go = c.int32
  1931  		case 8:
  1932  			t.Go = c.int64
  1933  		case 16:
  1934  			t.Go = &ast.ArrayType{
  1935  				Len: c.intExpr(t.Size),
  1936  				Elt: c.uint8,
  1937  			}
  1938  		}
  1939  		if t.Align = t.Size; t.Align >= c.ptrSize {
  1940  			t.Align = c.ptrSize
  1941  		}
  1943  	case *dwarf.PtrType:
  1944  		// Clang doesn't emit DW_AT_byte_size for pointer types.
  1945  		if t.Size != c.ptrSize && t.Size != -1 {
  1946  			fatalf("%s: unexpected: %d-byte pointer type - %s", lineno(pos), t.Size, dtype)
  1947  		}
  1948  		t.Size = c.ptrSize
  1949  		t.Align = c.ptrSize
  1951  		if _, ok := base(dt.Type).(*dwarf.VoidType); ok {
  1952  			t.Go = c.goVoidPtr
  1953  			t.C.Set("void*")
  1954  			dq := dt.Type
  1955  			for {
  1956  				if d, ok := dq.(*dwarf.QualType); ok {
  1957  					t.C.Set(d.Qual + " " + t.C.String())
  1958  					dq = d.Type
  1959  				} else {
  1960  					break
  1961  				}
  1962  			}
  1963  			break
  1964  		}
  1966  		// Placeholder initialization; completed in FinishType.
  1967  		t.Go = &ast.StarExpr{}
  1968  		t.C.Set("<incomplete>*")
  1969  		if _, ok := c.ptrs[dt.Type]; !ok {
  1970  			c.ptrKeys = append(c.ptrKeys, dt.Type)
  1971  		}
  1972  		c.ptrs[dt.Type] = append(c.ptrs[dt.Type], t)
  1974  	case *dwarf.QualType:
  1975  		t1 := c.Type(dt.Type, pos)
  1976  		t.Size = t1.Size
  1977  		t.Align = t1.Align
  1978  		t.Go = t1.Go
  1979  		if unionWithPointer[t1.Go] {
  1980  			unionWithPointer[t.Go] = true
  1981  		}
  1982  		t.EnumValues = nil
  1983  		t.Typedef = ""
  1984  		t.C.Set("%s "+dt.Qual, t1.C)
  1985  		return t
  1987  	case *dwarf.StructType:
  1988  		// Convert to Go struct, being careful about alignment.
  1989  		// Have to give it a name to simulate C "struct foo" references.
  1990  		tag := dt.StructName
  1991  		if dt.ByteSize < 0 && tag == "" { // opaque unnamed struct - should not be possible
  1992  			break
  1993  		}
  1994  		if tag == "" {
  1995  			tag = "__" + strconv.Itoa(tagGen)
  1996  			tagGen++
  1997  		} else if t.C.Empty() {
  1998  			t.C.Set(dt.Kind + " " + tag)
  1999  		}
  2000  		name := c.Ident("_Ctype_" + dt.Kind + "_" + tag)
  2001  		t.Go = name // publish before recursive calls
  2002  		goIdent[name.Name] = name
  2003  		if dt.ByteSize < 0 {
  2004  			// Size calculation in c.Struct/c.Opaque will die with size=-1 (unknown),
  2005  			// so execute the basic things that the struct case would do
  2006  			// other than try to determine a Go representation.
  2007  			tt := *t
  2008  			tt.C = &TypeRepr{"%s %s", []interface{}{dt.Kind, tag}}
  2009  			tt.Go = c.Ident("struct{}")
  2010  			typedef[name.Name] = &tt
  2011  			break
  2012  		}
  2013  		switch dt.Kind {
  2014  		case "class", "union":
  2015  			t.Go = c.Opaque(t.Size)
  2016  			if c.dwarfHasPointer(dt, pos) {
  2017  				unionWithPointer[t.Go] = true
  2018  			}
  2019  			if t.C.Empty() {
  2020  				t.C.Set("__typeof__(unsigned char[%d])", t.Size)
  2021  			}
  2022  			t.Align = 1 // TODO: should probably base this on field alignment.
  2023  			typedef[name.Name] = t
  2024  		case "struct":
  2025  			g, csyntax, align := c.Struct(dt, pos)
  2026  			if t.C.Empty() {
  2027  				t.C.Set(csyntax)
  2028  			}
  2029  			t.Align = align
  2030  			tt := *t
  2031  			if tag != "" {
  2032  				tt.C = &TypeRepr{"struct %s", []interface{}{tag}}
  2033  			}
  2034  			tt.Go = g
  2035  			typedef[name.Name] = &tt
  2036  		}
  2038  	case *dwarf.TypedefType:
  2039  		// Record typedef for printing.
  2040  		if dt.Name == "_GoString_" {
  2041  			// Special C name for Go string type.
  2042  			// Knows string layout used by compilers: pointer plus length,
  2043  			// which rounds up to 2 pointers after alignment.
  2044  			t.Go = c.string
  2045  			t.Size = c.ptrSize * 2
  2046  			t.Align = c.ptrSize
  2047  			break
  2048  		}
  2049  		if dt.Name == "_GoBytes_" {
  2050  			// Special C name for Go []byte type.
  2051  			// Knows slice layout used by compilers: pointer, length, cap.
  2052  			t.Go = c.Ident("[]byte")
  2053  			t.Size = c.ptrSize + 4 + 4
  2054  			t.Align = c.ptrSize
  2055  			break
  2056  		}
  2057  		name := c.Ident("_Ctype_" + dt.Name)
  2058  		goIdent[name.Name] = name
  2059  		sub := c.Type(dt.Type, pos)
  2060  		if badPointerTypedef(dt) {
  2061  			// Treat this typedef as a uintptr.
  2062  			s := *sub
  2063  			s.Go = c.uintptr
  2064  			sub = &s
  2065  		}
  2066  		t.Go = name
  2067  		if unionWithPointer[sub.Go] {
  2068  			unionWithPointer[t.Go] = true
  2069  		}
  2070  		t.Size = sub.Size
  2071  		t.Align = sub.Align
  2072  		oldType := typedef[name.Name]
  2073  		if oldType == nil {
  2074  			tt := *t
  2075  			tt.Go = sub.Go
  2076  			typedef[name.Name] = &tt
  2077  		}
  2079  		// If sub.Go.Name is "_Ctype_struct_foo" or "_Ctype_union_foo" or "_Ctype_class_foo",
  2080  		// use that as the Go form for this typedef too, so that the typedef will be interchangeable
  2081  		// with the base type.
  2082  		// In -godefs mode, do this for all typedefs.
  2083  		if isStructUnionClass(sub.Go) || *godefs {
  2084  			t.Go = sub.Go
  2086  			if isStructUnionClass(sub.Go) {
  2087  				// Use the typedef name for C code.
  2088  				typedef[sub.Go.(*ast.Ident).Name].C = t.C
  2089  			}
  2091  			// If we've seen this typedef before, and it
  2092  			// was an anonymous struct/union/class before
  2093  			// too, use the old definition.
  2094  			// TODO: it would be safer to only do this if
  2095  			// we verify that the types are the same.
  2096  			if oldType != nil && isStructUnionClass(oldType.Go) {
  2097  				t.Go = oldType.Go
  2098  			}
  2099  		}
  2101  	case *dwarf.UcharType:
  2102  		if t.Size != 1 {
  2103  			fatalf("%s: unexpected: %d-byte uchar type - %s", lineno(pos), t.Size, dtype)
  2104  		}
  2105  		t.Go = c.uint8
  2106  		t.Align = 1
  2108  	case *dwarf.UintType:
  2109  		if dt.BitSize > 0 {
  2110  			fatalf("%s: unexpected: %d-bit uint type - %s", lineno(pos), dt.BitSize, dtype)
  2111  		}
  2112  		switch t.Size {
  2113  		default:
  2114  			fatalf("%s: unexpected: %d-byte uint type - %s", lineno(pos), t.Size, dtype)
  2115  		case 1:
  2116  			t.Go = c.uint8
  2117  		case 2:
  2118  			t.Go = c.uint16
  2119  		case 4:
  2120  			t.Go = c.uint32
  2121  		case 8:
  2122  			t.Go = c.uint64
  2123  		case 16:
  2124  			t.Go = &ast.ArrayType{
  2125  				Len: c.intExpr(t.Size),
  2126  				Elt: c.uint8,
  2127  			}
  2128  		}
  2129  		if t.Align = t.Size; t.Align >= c.ptrSize {
  2130  			t.Align = c.ptrSize
  2131  		}
  2133  	case *dwarf.VoidType:
  2134  		t.Go = c.goVoid
  2135  		t.C.Set("void")
  2136  		t.Align = 1
  2137  	}
  2139  	switch dtype.(type) {
  2140  	case *dwarf.AddrType, *dwarf.BoolType, *dwarf.CharType, *dwarf.ComplexType, *dwarf.IntType, *dwarf.FloatType, *dwarf.UcharType, *dwarf.UintType:
  2141  		s := dtype.Common().Name
  2142  		if s != "" {
  2143  			if ss, ok := dwarfToName[s]; ok {
  2144  				s = ss
  2145  			}
  2146  			s = strings.Replace(s, " ", "", -1)
  2147  			name := c.Ident("_Ctype_" + s)
  2148  			tt := *t
  2149  			typedef[name.Name] = &tt
  2150  			if !*godefs {
  2151  				t.Go = name
  2152  			}
  2153  		}
  2154  	}
  2156  	if t.Size < 0 {
  2157  		// Unsized types are [0]byte, unless they're typedefs of other types
  2158  		// or structs with tags.
  2159  		// if so, use the name we've already defined.
  2160  		t.Size = 0
  2161  		switch dt := dtype.(type) {
  2162  		case *dwarf.TypedefType:
  2163  			// ok
  2164  		case *dwarf.StructType:
  2165  			if dt.StructName != "" {
  2166  				break
  2167  			}
  2168  			t.Go = c.Opaque(0)
  2169  		default:
  2170  			t.Go = c.Opaque(0)
  2171  		}
  2172  		if t.C.Empty() {
  2173  			t.C.Set("void")
  2174  		}
  2175  	}
  2177  	if t.C.Empty() {
  2178  		fatalf("%s: internal error: did not create C name for %s", lineno(pos), dtype)
  2179  	}
  2181  	return t
  2182  }
  2184  // isStructUnionClass reports whether the type described by the Go syntax x
  2185  // is a struct, union, or class with a tag.
  2186  func isStructUnionClass(x ast.Expr) bool {
  2187  	id, ok := x.(*ast.Ident)
  2188  	if !ok {
  2189  		return false
  2190  	}
  2191  	name := id.Name
  2192  	return strings.HasPrefix(name, "_Ctype_struct_") ||
  2193  		strings.HasPrefix(name, "_Ctype_union_") ||
  2194  		strings.HasPrefix(name, "_Ctype_class_")
  2195  }
  2197  // FuncArg returns a Go type with the same memory layout as
  2198  // dtype when used as the type of a C function argument.
  2199  func (c *typeConv) FuncArg(dtype dwarf.Type, pos token.Pos) *Type {
  2200  	t := c.Type(unqual(dtype), pos)
  2201  	switch dt := dtype.(type) {
  2202  	case *dwarf.ArrayType:
  2203  		// Arrays are passed implicitly as pointers in C.
  2204  		// In Go, we must be explicit.
  2205  		tr := &TypeRepr{}
  2206  		tr.Set("%s*", t.C)
  2207  		return &Type{
  2208  			Size:  c.ptrSize,
  2209  			Align: c.ptrSize,
  2210  			Go:    &ast.StarExpr{X: t.Go},
  2211  			C:     tr,
  2212  		}
  2213  	case *dwarf.TypedefType:
  2214  		// C has much more relaxed rules than Go for
  2215  		// implicit type conversions. When the parameter
  2216  		// is type T defined as *X, simulate a little of the
  2217  		// laxness of C by making the argument *X instead of T.
  2218  		if ptr, ok := base(dt.Type).(*dwarf.PtrType); ok {
  2219  			// Unless the typedef happens to point to void* since
  2220  			// Go has special rules around using unsafe.Pointer.
  2221  			if _, void := base(ptr.Type).(*dwarf.VoidType); void {
  2222  				break
  2223  			}
  2224  			// ...or the typedef is one in which we expect bad pointers.
  2225  			// It will be a uintptr instead of *X.
  2226  			if badPointerTypedef(dt) {
  2227  				break
  2228  			}
  2230  			// If we already know the typedef for t just use that.
  2231  			// See issue 19832.
  2232  			if def := typedef[t.Go.(*ast.Ident).Name]; def != nil {
  2233  				break
  2234  			}
  2236  			t = c.Type(ptr, pos)
  2237  			if t == nil {
  2238  				return nil
  2239  			}
  2241  			// For a struct/union/class, remember the C spelling,
  2242  			// in case it has __attribute__((unavailable)).
  2243  			// See issue 2888.
  2244  			if isStructUnionClass(t.Go) {
  2245  				t.Typedef = dt.Name
  2246  			}
  2247  		}
  2248  	}
  2249  	return t
  2250  }
  2252  // FuncType returns the Go type analogous to dtype.
  2253  // There is no guarantee about matching memory layout.
  2254  func (c *typeConv) FuncType(dtype *dwarf.FuncType, pos token.Pos) *FuncType {
  2255  	p := make([]*Type, len(dtype.ParamType))
  2256  	gp := make([]*ast.Field, len(dtype.ParamType))
  2257  	for i, f := range dtype.ParamType {
  2258  		// gcc's DWARF generator outputs a single DotDotDotType parameter for
  2259  		// function pointers that specify no parameters (e.g. void
  2260  		// (*__cgo_0)()).  Treat this special case as void. This case is
  2261  		// invalid according to ISO C anyway (i.e. void (*__cgo_1)(...) is not
  2262  		// legal).
  2263  		if _, ok := f.(*dwarf.DotDotDotType); ok && i == 0 {
  2264  			p, gp = nil, nil
  2265  			break
  2266  		}
  2267  		p[i] = c.FuncArg(f, pos)
  2268  		gp[i] = &ast.Field{Type: p[i].Go}
  2269  	}
  2270  	var r *Type
  2271  	var gr []*ast.Field
  2272  	if _, ok := base(dtype.ReturnType).(*dwarf.VoidType); ok {
  2273  		gr = []*ast.Field{{Type: c.goVoid}}
  2274  	} else if dtype.ReturnType != nil {
  2275  		r = c.Type(unqual(dtype.ReturnType), pos)
  2276  		gr = []*ast.Field{{Type: r.Go}}
  2277  	}
  2278  	return &FuncType{
  2279  		Params: p,
  2280  		Result: r,
  2281  		Go: &ast.FuncType{
  2282  			Params:  &ast.FieldList{List: gp},
  2283  			Results: &ast.FieldList{List: gr},
  2284  		},
  2285  	}
  2286  }
  2288  // Identifier
  2289  func (c *typeConv) Ident(s string) *ast.Ident {
  2290  	return ast.NewIdent(s)
  2291  }
  2293  // Opaque type of n bytes.
  2294  func (c *typeConv) Opaque(n int64) ast.Expr {
  2295  	return &ast.ArrayType{
  2296  		Len: c.intExpr(n),
  2297  		Elt: c.byte,
  2298  	}
  2299  }
  2301  // Expr for integer n.
  2302  func (c *typeConv) intExpr(n int64) ast.Expr {
  2303  	return &ast.BasicLit{
  2304  		Kind:  token.INT,
  2305  		Value: strconv.FormatInt(n, 10),
  2306  	}
  2307  }
  2309  // Add padding of given size to fld.
  2310  func (c *typeConv) pad(fld []*ast.Field, sizes []int64, size int64) ([]*ast.Field, []int64) {
  2311  	n := len(fld)
  2312  	fld = fld[0 : n+1]
  2313  	fld[n] = &ast.Field{Names: []*ast.Ident{c.Ident("_")}, Type: c.Opaque(size)}
  2314  	sizes = sizes[0 : n+1]
  2315  	sizes[n] = size
  2316  	return fld, sizes
  2317  }
  2319  // Struct conversion: return Go and (gc) C syntax for type.
  2320  func (c *typeConv) Struct(dt *dwarf.StructType, pos token.Pos) (expr *ast.StructType, csyntax string, align int64) {
  2321  	// Minimum alignment for a struct is 1 byte.
  2322  	align = 1
  2324  	var buf bytes.Buffer
  2325  	buf.WriteString("struct {")
  2326  	fld := make([]*ast.Field, 0, 2*len(dt.Field)+1) // enough for padding around every field
  2327  	sizes := make([]int64, 0, 2*len(dt.Field)+1)
  2328  	off := int64(0)
  2330  	// Rename struct fields that happen to be named Go keywords into
  2331  	// _{keyword}.  Create a map from C ident -> Go ident. The Go ident will
  2332  	// be mangled. Any existing identifier that already has the same name on
  2333  	// the C-side will cause the Go-mangled version to be prefixed with _.
  2334  	// (e.g. in a struct with fields '_type' and 'type', the latter would be
  2335  	// rendered as '__type' in Go).
  2336  	ident := make(map[string]string)
  2337  	used := make(map[string]bool)
  2338  	for _, f := range dt.Field {
  2339  		ident[f.Name] = f.Name
  2340  		used[f.Name] = true
  2341  	}
  2343  	if !*godefs {
  2344  		for cid, goid := range ident {
  2345  			if token.Lookup(goid).IsKeyword() {
  2346  				// Avoid keyword
  2347  				goid = "_" + goid
  2349  				// Also avoid existing fields
  2350  				for _, exist := used[goid]; exist; _, exist = used[goid] {
  2351  					goid = "_" + goid
  2352  				}
  2354  				used[goid] = true
  2355  				ident[cid] = goid
  2356  			}
  2357  		}
  2358  	}
  2360  	anon := 0
  2361  	for _, f := range dt.Field {
  2362  		if f.ByteOffset > off {
  2363  			fld, sizes = c.pad(fld, sizes, f.ByteOffset-off)
  2364  			off = f.ByteOffset
  2365  		}
  2367  		name := f.Name
  2368  		ft := f.Type
  2370  		// In godefs mode, if this field is a C11
  2371  		// anonymous union then treat the first field in the
  2372  		// union as the field in the struct. This handles
  2373  		// cases like the glibc <sys/resource.h> file; see
  2374  		// issue 6677.
  2375  		if *godefs {
  2376  			if st, ok := f.Type.(*dwarf.StructType); ok && name == "" && st.Kind == "union" && len(st.Field) > 0 && !used[st.Field[0].Name] {
  2377  				name = st.Field[0].Name
  2378  				ident[name] = name
  2379  				ft = st.Field[0].Type
  2380  			}
  2381  		}
  2383  		// TODO: Handle fields that are anonymous structs by
  2384  		// promoting the fields of the inner struct.
  2386  		t := c.Type(ft, pos)
  2387  		tgo := t.Go
  2388  		size := t.Size
  2389  		talign := t.Align
  2390  		if f.BitSize > 0 {
  2391  			switch f.BitSize {
  2392  			case 8, 16, 32, 64:
  2393  			default:
  2394  				continue
  2395  			}
  2396  			size = f.BitSize / 8
  2397  			name := tgo.(*ast.Ident).String()
  2398  			if strings.HasPrefix(name, "int") {
  2399  				name = "int"
  2400  			} else {
  2401  				name = "uint"
  2402  			}
  2403  			tgo = ast.NewIdent(name + fmt.Sprint(f.BitSize))
  2404  			talign = size
  2405  		}
  2407  		if talign > 0 && f.ByteOffset%talign != 0 {
  2408  			// Drop misaligned fields, the same way we drop integer bit fields.
  2409  			// The goal is to make available what can be made available.
  2410  			// Otherwise one bad and unneeded field in an otherwise okay struct
  2411  			// makes the whole program not compile. Much of the time these
  2412  			// structs are in system headers that cannot be corrected.
  2413  			continue
  2414  		}
  2415  		n := len(fld)
  2416  		fld = fld[0 : n+1]
  2417  		if name == "" {
  2418  			name = fmt.Sprintf("anon%d", anon)
  2419  			anon++
  2420  			ident[name] = name
  2421  		}
  2422  		fld[n] = &ast.Field{Names: []*ast.Ident{c.Ident(ident[name])}, Type: tgo}
  2423  		sizes = sizes[0 : n+1]
  2424  		sizes[n] = size
  2425  		off += size
  2426  		buf.WriteString(t.C.String())
  2427  		buf.WriteString(" ")
  2428  		buf.WriteString(name)
  2429  		buf.WriteString("; ")
  2430  		if talign > align {
  2431  			align = talign
  2432  		}
  2433  	}
  2434  	if off < dt.ByteSize {
  2435  		fld, sizes = c.pad(fld, sizes, dt.ByteSize-off)
  2436  		off = dt.ByteSize
  2437  	}
  2439  	// If the last field in a non-zero-sized struct is zero-sized
  2440  	// the compiler is going to pad it by one (see issue 9401).
  2441  	// We can't permit that, because then the size of the Go
  2442  	// struct will not be the same as the size of the C struct.
  2443  	// Our only option in such a case is to remove the field,
  2444  	// which means that it cannot be referenced from Go.
  2445  	for off > 0 && sizes[len(sizes)-1] == 0 {
  2446  		n := len(sizes)
  2447  		fld = fld[0 : n-1]
  2448  		sizes = sizes[0 : n-1]
  2449  	}
  2451  	if off != dt.ByteSize {
  2452  		fatalf("%s: struct size calculation error off=%d bytesize=%d", lineno(pos), off, dt.ByteSize)
  2453  	}
  2454  	buf.WriteString("}")
  2455  	csyntax = buf.String()
  2457  	if *godefs {
  2458  		godefsFields(fld)
  2459  	}
  2460  	expr = &ast.StructType{Fields: &ast.FieldList{List: fld}}
  2461  	return
  2462  }
  2464  // dwarfHasPointer returns whether the DWARF type dt contains a pointer.
  2465  func (c *typeConv) dwarfHasPointer(dt dwarf.Type, pos token.Pos) bool {
  2466  	switch dt := dt.(type) {
  2467  	default:
  2468  		fatalf("%s: unexpected type: %s", lineno(pos), dt)
  2469  		return false
  2471  	case *dwarf.AddrType, *dwarf.BoolType, *dwarf.CharType, *dwarf.EnumType,
  2472  		*dwarf.FloatType, *dwarf.ComplexType, *dwarf.FuncType,
  2473  		*dwarf.IntType, *dwarf.UcharType, *dwarf.UintType, *dwarf.VoidType:
  2475  		return false
  2477  	case *dwarf.ArrayType:
  2478  		return c.dwarfHasPointer(dt.Type, pos)
  2480  	case *dwarf.PtrType:
  2481  		return true
  2483  	case *dwarf.QualType:
  2484  		return c.dwarfHasPointer(dt.Type, pos)
  2486  	case *dwarf.StructType:
  2487  		for _, f := range dt.Field {
  2488  			if c.dwarfHasPointer(f.Type, pos) {
  2489  				return true
  2490  			}
  2491  		}
  2492  		return false
  2494  	case *dwarf.TypedefType:
  2495  		if dt.Name == "_GoString_" || dt.Name == "_GoBytes_" {
  2496  			return true
  2497  		}
  2498  		return c.dwarfHasPointer(dt.Type, pos)
  2499  	}
  2500  }
  2502  func upper(s string) string {
  2503  	if s == "" {
  2504  		return ""
  2505  	}
  2506  	r, size := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s)
  2507  	if r == '_' {
  2508  		return "X" + s
  2509  	}
  2510  	return string(unicode.ToUpper(r)) + s[size:]
  2511  }
  2513  // godefsFields rewrites field names for use in Go or C definitions.
  2514  // It strips leading common prefixes (like tv_ in tv_sec, tv_usec)
  2515  // converts names to upper case, and rewrites _ into Pad_godefs_n,
  2516  // so that all fields are exported.
  2517  func godefsFields(fld []*ast.Field) {
  2518  	prefix := fieldPrefix(fld)
  2519  	npad := 0
  2520  	for _, f := range fld {
  2521  		for _, n := range f.Names {
  2522  			if n.Name != prefix {
  2523  				n.Name = strings.TrimPrefix(n.Name, prefix)
  2524  			}
  2525  			if n.Name == "_" {
  2526  				// Use exported name instead.
  2527  				n.Name = "Pad_cgo_" + strconv.Itoa(npad)
  2528  				npad++
  2529  			}
  2530  			n.Name = upper(n.Name)
  2531  		}
  2532  	}
  2533  }
  2535  // fieldPrefix returns the prefix that should be removed from all the
  2536  // field names when generating the C or Go code. For generated
  2537  // C, we leave the names as is (tv_sec, tv_usec), since that's what
  2538  // people are used to seeing in C.  For generated Go code, such as
  2539  // package syscall's data structures, we drop a common prefix
  2540  // (so sec, usec, which will get turned into Sec, Usec for exporting).
  2541  func fieldPrefix(fld []*ast.Field) string {
  2542  	prefix := ""
  2543  	for _, f := range fld {
  2544  		for _, n := range f.Names {
  2545  			// Ignore field names that don't have the prefix we're
  2546  			// looking for. It is common in C headers to have fields
  2547  			// named, say, _pad in an otherwise prefixed header.
  2548  			// If the struct has 3 fields tv_sec, tv_usec, _pad1, then we
  2549  			// still want to remove the tv_ prefix.
  2550  			// The check for "orig_" here handles orig_eax in the
  2551  			// x86 ptrace register sets, which otherwise have all fields
  2552  			// with reg_ prefixes.
  2553  			if strings.HasPrefix(n.Name, "orig_") || strings.HasPrefix(n.Name, "_") {
  2554  				continue
  2555  			}
  2556  			i := strings.Index(n.Name, "_")
  2557  			if i < 0 {
  2558  				continue
  2559  			}
  2560  			if prefix == "" {
  2561  				prefix = n.Name[:i+1]
  2562  			} else if prefix != n.Name[:i+1] {
  2563  				return ""
  2564  			}
  2565  		}
  2566  	}
  2567  	return prefix
  2568  }
  2570  // badPointerTypedef reports whether t is a C typedef that should not be considered a pointer in Go.
  2571  // A typedef is bad if C code sometimes stores non-pointers in this type.
  2572  // TODO: Currently our best solution is to find these manually and list them as
  2573  // they come up. A better solution is desired.
  2574  func badPointerTypedef(dt *dwarf.TypedefType) bool {
  2575  	if badCFType(dt) {
  2576  		return true
  2577  	}
  2578  	if badJNI(dt) {
  2579  		return true
  2580  	}
  2581  	return false
  2582  }
  2584  func badCFType(dt *dwarf.TypedefType) bool {
  2585  	// The real bad types are CFNumberRef and CFDateRef.
  2586  	// Sometimes non-pointers are stored in these types.
  2587  	// CFTypeRef is a supertype of those, so it can have bad pointers in it as well.
  2588  	// We return true for the other CF*Ref types just so casting between them is easier.
  2589  	// See comment below for details about the bad pointers.
  2590  	return goos == "darwin" && strings.HasPrefix(dt.Name, "CF") && strings.HasSuffix(dt.Name, "Ref")
  2591  }
  2593  // Comment from Darwin's CFInternal.h
  2594  /*
  2595  // Tagged pointer support
  2596  // Low-bit set means tagged object, next 3 bits (currently)
  2597  // define the tagged object class, next 4 bits are for type
  2598  // information for the specific tagged object class.  Thus,
  2599  // the low byte is for type info, and the rest of a pointer
  2600  // (32 or 64-bit) is for payload, whatever the tagged class.
  2601  //
  2602  // Note that the specific integers used to identify the
  2603  // specific tagged classes can and will change from release
  2604  // to release (that's why this stuff is in CF*Internal*.h),
  2605  // as can the definition of type info vs payload above.
  2606  //
  2607  #if __LP64__
  2608  #define CF_IS_TAGGED_OBJ(PTR)	((uintptr_t)(PTR) & 0x1)
  2609  #define CF_TAGGED_OBJ_TYPE(PTR)	((uintptr_t)(PTR) & 0xF)
  2610  #else
  2611  #define CF_IS_TAGGED_OBJ(PTR)	0
  2612  #define CF_TAGGED_OBJ_TYPE(PTR)	0
  2613  #endif
  2615  enum {
  2616      kCFTaggedObjectID_Invalid = 0,
  2617      kCFTaggedObjectID_Atom = (0 << 1) + 1,
  2618      kCFTaggedObjectID_Undefined3 = (1 << 1) + 1,
  2619      kCFTaggedObjectID_Undefined2 = (2 << 1) + 1,
  2620      kCFTaggedObjectID_Integer = (3 << 1) + 1,
  2621      kCFTaggedObjectID_DateTS = (4 << 1) + 1,
  2622      kCFTaggedObjectID_ManagedObjectID = (5 << 1) + 1, // Core Data
  2623      kCFTaggedObjectID_Date = (6 << 1) + 1,
  2624      kCFTaggedObjectID_Undefined7 = (7 << 1) + 1,
  2625  };
  2626  */
  2628  func badJNI(dt *dwarf.TypedefType) bool {
  2629  	// In Dalvik and ART, the jobject type in the JNI interface of the JVM has the
  2630  	// property that it is sometimes (always?) a small integer instead of a real pointer.
  2631  	// Note: although only the android JVMs are bad in this respect, we declare the JNI types
  2632  	// bad regardless of platform, so the same Go code compiles on both android and non-android.
  2633  	if parent, ok := jniTypes[dt.Name]; ok {
  2634  		// Try to make sure we're talking about a JNI type, not just some random user's
  2635  		// type that happens to use the same name.
  2636  		// C doesn't have the notion of a package, so it's hard to be certain.
  2638  		// Walk up to jobject, checking each typedef on the way.
  2639  		w := dt
  2640  		for parent != "" {
  2641  			t, ok := w.Type.(*dwarf.TypedefType)
  2642  			if !ok || t.Name != parent {
  2643  				return false
  2644  			}
  2645  			w = t
  2646  			parent, ok = jniTypes[w.Name]
  2647  			if !ok {
  2648  				return false
  2649  			}
  2650  		}
  2652  		// Check that the typedef is:
  2653  		//     struct _jobject;
  2654  		//     typedef struct _jobject *jobject;
  2655  		if ptr, ok := w.Type.(*dwarf.PtrType); ok {
  2656  			if str, ok := ptr.Type.(*dwarf.StructType); ok {
  2657  				if str.StructName == "_jobject" && str.Kind == "struct" && len(str.Field) == 0 && str.Incomplete {
  2658  					return true
  2659  				}
  2660  			}
  2661  		}
  2662  	}
  2663  	return false
  2664  }
  2666  // jniTypes maps from JNI types that we want to be uintptrs, to the underlying type to which
  2667  // they are mapped.  The base "jobject" maps to the empty string.
  2668  var jniTypes = map[string]string{
  2669  	"jobject":       "",
  2670  	"jclass":        "jobject",
  2671  	"jthrowable":    "jobject",
  2672  	"jstring":       "jobject",
  2673  	"jarray":        "jobject",
  2674  	"jbooleanArray": "jarray",
  2675  	"jbyteArray":    "jarray",
  2676  	"jcharArray":    "jarray",
  2677  	"jshortArray":   "jarray",
  2678  	"jintArray":     "jarray",
  2679  	"jlongArray":    "jarray",
  2680  	"jfloatArray":   "jarray",
  2681  	"jdoubleArray":  "jarray",
  2682  	"jobjectArray":  "jarray",
  2683  	"jweak":         "jobject",
  2684  }