
     1  package command
     3  import (
     4  	"context"
     5  	"fmt"
     6  	"io/ioutil"
     7  	"log"
     8  	"os"
     9  	"path/filepath"
    10  	"strings"
    12  	ctyjson ""
    14  	""
    15  	""
    16  	""
    17  	""
    18  	""
    19  	""
    20  	""
    21  	""
    22  	""
    23  	""
    24  	""
    25  	""
    26  	""
    27  	""
    28  	""
    29  )
    31  // TestCommand is the implementation of "terraform test".
    32  type TestCommand struct {
    33  	Meta
    34  }
    36  func (c *TestCommand) Run(rawArgs []string) int {
    37  	// Parse and apply global view arguments
    38  	common, rawArgs := arguments.ParseView(rawArgs)
    39  	c.View.Configure(common)
    41  	args, diags := arguments.ParseTest(rawArgs)
    42  	view := views.NewTest(c.View, args.Output)
    43  	if diags.HasErrors() {
    44  		view.Diagnostics(diags)
    45  		return 1
    46  	}
    48  	diags = diags.Append(tfdiags.Sourceless(
    49  		tfdiags.Warning,
    50  		`The "terraform test" command is experimental`,
    51  		"We'd like to invite adventurous module authors to write integration tests for their modules using this command, but all of the behaviors of this command are currently experimental and may change based on feedback.\n\nFor more information on the testing experiment, including ongoing research goals and avenues for feedback, see:\n",
    52  	))
    54  	ctx, cancel := c.InterruptibleContext()
    55  	defer cancel()
    57  	results, moreDiags :=, args)
    58  	diags = diags.Append(moreDiags)
    60  	initFailed := diags.HasErrors()
    61  	view.Diagnostics(diags)
    62  	diags = view.Results(results)
    63  	resultsFailed := diags.HasErrors()
    64  	view.Diagnostics(diags) // possible additional errors from saving the results
    66  	var testsFailed bool
    67  	for _, suite := range results {
    68  		for _, component := range suite.Components {
    69  			for _, assertion := range component.Assertions {
    70  				if !assertion.Outcome.SuiteCanPass() {
    71  					testsFailed = true
    72  				}
    73  			}
    74  		}
    75  	}
    77  	// Lots of things can possibly have failed
    78  	if initFailed || resultsFailed || testsFailed {
    79  		return 1
    80  	}
    81  	return 0
    82  }
    84  func (c *TestCommand) run(ctx context.Context, args arguments.Test) (results map[string]*moduletest.Suite, diags tfdiags.Diagnostics) {
    85  	suiteNames, err := c.collectSuiteNames()
    86  	if err != nil {
    87  		diags = diags.Append(tfdiags.Sourceless(
    88  			tfdiags.Error,
    89  			"Error while searching for test configurations",
    90  			fmt.Sprintf("While attempting to scan the 'tests' subdirectory for potential test configurations, Terraform encountered an error: %s.", err),
    91  		))
    92  		return nil, diags
    93  	}
    95  	ret := make(map[string]*moduletest.Suite, len(suiteNames))
    96  	for _, suiteName := range suiteNames {
    97  		if ctx.Err() != nil {
    98  			// If the context has already failed in some way then we'll
    99  			// halt early and report whatever's already happened.
   100  			break
   101  		}
   102  		suite, moreDiags := c.runSuite(ctx, suiteName)
   103  		diags = diags.Append(moreDiags)
   104  		ret[suiteName] = suite
   105  	}
   107  	return ret, diags
   108  }
   110  func (c *TestCommand) runSuite(ctx context.Context, suiteName string) (*moduletest.Suite, tfdiags.Diagnostics) {
   111  	var diags tfdiags.Diagnostics
   112  	ret := moduletest.Suite{
   113  		Name:       suiteName,
   114  		Components: map[string]*moduletest.Component{},
   115  	}
   117  	// In order to make this initial round of "terraform test" pretty self
   118  	// contained while it's experimental, it's largely just mimicking what
   119  	// would happen when running the main Terraform workflow commands, which
   120  	// comes at the expense of a few irritants that we'll hopefully resolve
   121  	// in future iterations as the design solidifies:
   122  	// - We need to install remote modules separately for each of the
   123  	//   test suites, because we don't have any sense of a shared cache
   124  	//   of modules that multiple configurations can refer to at once.
   125  	// - We _do_ have a sense of a cache of remote providers, but it's fixed
   126  	//   at being specifically a two-level cache (global vs. directory-specific)
   127  	//   and so we can't easily capture a third level of "all of the test suites
   128  	//   for this module" that sits between the two. Consequently, we need to
   129  	//   dynamically choose between creating a directory-specific "global"
   130  	//   cache or using the user's existing global cache, to avoid any
   131  	//   situation were we'd be re-downloading the same providers for every
   132  	//   one of the test suites.
   133  	// - We need to do something a bit horrid in order to have our test
   134  	//   provider instance persist between the plan and apply steps, because
   135  	//   normally that is the exact opposite of what we want.
   136  	// The above notes are here mainly as an aid to someone who might be
   137  	// planning a subsequent phase of this R&D effort, to help distinguish
   138  	// between things we're doing here because they are valuable vs. things
   139  	// we're doing just to make it work without doing any disruptive
   140  	// refactoring.
   142  	suiteDirs, moreDiags := c.prepareSuiteDir(ctx, suiteName)
   143  	diags = diags.Append(moreDiags)
   144  	if diags.HasErrors() {
   145  		// Generate a special failure representing the test initialization
   146  		// having failed, since we therefore won'tbe able to run the actual
   147  		// tests defined inside.
   148  		ret.Components["(init)"] = &moduletest.Component{
   149  			Assertions: map[string]*moduletest.Assertion{
   150  				"(init)": {
   151  					Outcome:     moduletest.Error,
   152  					Description: "terraform init",
   153  					Message:     "failed to install test suite dependencies",
   154  					Diagnostics: diags,
   155  				},
   156  			},
   157  		}
   158  		return &ret, nil
   159  	}
   161  	// When we run the suite itself, we collect up diagnostics associated
   162  	// with individual components, so ret.Components may or may not contain
   163  	// failed/errored components after runTestSuite returns.
   164  	var finalState *states.State
   165  	ret.Components, finalState = c.runTestSuite(ctx, suiteDirs)
   167  	// Regardless of the success or failure of the test suite, if there are
   168  	// any objects left in the state then we'll generate a top-level error
   169  	// about each one to minimize the chance of the user failing to notice
   170  	// that there are leftover objects that might continue to cost money
   171  	// unless manually deleted.
   172  	for _, ms := range finalState.Modules {
   173  		for _, rs := range ms.Resources {
   174  			for instanceKey, is := range rs.Instances {
   175  				var objs []*states.ResourceInstanceObjectSrc
   176  				if is.Current != nil {
   177  					objs = append(objs, is.Current)
   178  				}
   179  				for _, obj := range is.Deposed {
   180  					objs = append(objs, obj)
   181  				}
   182  				for _, obj := range objs {
   183  					// Unfortunately we don't have provider schemas out here
   184  					// and so we're limited in what we can achieve with these
   185  					// ResourceInstanceObjectSrc values, but we can try some
   186  					// heuristicy things to try to give some useful information
   187  					// in common cases.
   188  					var k, v string
   189  					if ty, err := ctyjson.ImpliedType(obj.AttrsJSON); err == nil {
   190  						if approxV, err := ctyjson.Unmarshal(obj.AttrsJSON, ty); err == nil {
   191  							k, v = format.ObjectValueIDOrName(approxV)
   192  						}
   193  					}
   195  					var detail string
   196  					if k != "" {
   197  						// We can be more specific if we were able to infer
   198  						// an identifying attribute for this object.
   199  						detail = fmt.Sprintf(
   200  							"Due to errors during destroy, test suite %q has left behind an object for %s, with the following identity:\n    %s = %q\n\nYou will need to delete this object manually in the remote system, or else it may have an ongoing cost.",
   201  							suiteName,
   202  							rs.Addr.Instance(instanceKey),
   203  							k, v,
   204  						)
   205  					} else {
   206  						// If our heuristics for finding a suitable identifier
   207  						// failed then unfortunately we must be more vague.
   208  						// (We can't just print the entire object, because it
   209  						// might be overly large and it might contain sensitive
   210  						// values.)
   211  						detail = fmt.Sprintf(
   212  							"Due to errors during destroy, test suite %q has left behind an object for %s. You will need to delete this object manually in the remote system, or else it may have an ongoing cost.",
   213  							suiteName,
   214  							rs.Addr.Instance(instanceKey),
   215  						)
   216  					}
   217  					diags = diags.Append(tfdiags.Sourceless(
   218  						tfdiags.Error,
   219  						"Failed to clean up after tests",
   220  						detail,
   221  					))
   222  				}
   223  			}
   224  		}
   225  	}
   227  	return &ret, diags
   228  }
   230  func (c *TestCommand) prepareSuiteDir(ctx context.Context, suiteName string) (testCommandSuiteDirs, tfdiags.Diagnostics) {
   231  	var diags tfdiags.Diagnostics
   232  	configDir := filepath.Join("tests", suiteName)
   233  	log.Printf("[TRACE] terraform test: Prepare directory for suite %q in %s", suiteName, configDir)
   235  	suiteDirs := testCommandSuiteDirs{
   236  		SuiteName: suiteName,
   237  		ConfigDir: configDir,
   238  	}
   240  	// Before we can run a test suite we need to make sure that we have all of
   241  	// its dependencies available, so the following is essentially an
   242  	// abbreviated form of what happens during "terraform init", with some
   243  	// extra trickery in places.
   245  	// First, module installation. This will include linking in the module
   246  	// under test, but also includes grabbing the dependencies of that module
   247  	// if it has any.
   248  	suiteDirs.ModulesDir = filepath.Join(configDir, ".terraform", "modules")
   249  	os.MkdirAll(suiteDirs.ModulesDir, 0755) // if this fails then we'll ignore it and let InstallModules below fail instead
   250  	reg := c.registryClient()
   251  	moduleInst := initwd.NewModuleInstaller(suiteDirs.ModulesDir, reg)
   252  	_, moreDiags := moduleInst.InstallModules(ctx, configDir, true, nil)
   253  	diags = diags.Append(moreDiags)
   254  	if diags.HasErrors() {
   255  		return suiteDirs, diags
   256  	}
   258  	// The installer puts the files in a suitable place on disk, but we
   259  	// still need to actually load the configuration. We need to do this
   260  	// with a separate config loader because the Meta.configLoader instance
   261  	// is intended for interacting with the current working directory, not
   262  	// with the test suite subdirectories.
   263  	loader, err := configload.NewLoader(&configload.Config{
   264  		ModulesDir: suiteDirs.ModulesDir,
   265  		Services:   c.Services,
   266  	})
   267  	if err != nil {
   268  		diags = diags.Append(tfdiags.Sourceless(
   269  			tfdiags.Error,
   270  			"Failed to create test configuration loader",
   271  			fmt.Sprintf("Failed to prepare loader for test configuration %s: %s.", configDir, err),
   272  		))
   273  		return suiteDirs, diags
   274  	}
   275  	cfg, hclDiags := loader.LoadConfig(configDir)
   276  	diags = diags.Append(hclDiags)
   277  	if diags.HasErrors() {
   278  		return suiteDirs, diags
   279  	}
   280  	suiteDirs.Config = cfg
   282  	// With the full configuration tree available, we can now install
   283  	// the necessary providers. We'll use a separate local cache directory
   284  	// here, because the test configuration might have additional requirements
   285  	// compared to the module itself.
   286  	suiteDirs.ProvidersDir = filepath.Join(configDir, ".terraform", "providers")
   287  	os.MkdirAll(suiteDirs.ProvidersDir, 0755) // if this fails then we'll ignore it and operations below fail instead
   288  	localCacheDir := providercache.NewDir(suiteDirs.ProvidersDir)
   289  	providerInst := c.providerInstaller().Clone(localCacheDir)
   290  	if !providerInst.HasGlobalCacheDir() {
   291  		// If the user already configured a global cache directory then we'll
   292  		// just use it for caching the test providers too, because then we
   293  		// can potentially reuse cache entries they already have. However,
   294  		// if they didn't configure one then we'll still establish one locally
   295  		// in the working directory, which we'll then share across all tests
   296  		// to avoid downloading the same providers repeatedly.
   297  		cachePath := filepath.Join(c.DataDir(), "testing-providers") // note this is _not_ under the suite dir
   298  		err := os.MkdirAll(cachePath, 0755)
   299  		// If we were unable to create the directory for any reason then we'll
   300  		// just proceed without a cache, at the expense of repeated downloads.
   301  		// (With that said, later installing might end up failing for the
   302  		// same reason anyway...)
   303  		if err == nil || os.IsExist(err) {
   304  			cacheDir := providercache.NewDir(cachePath)
   305  			providerInst.SetGlobalCacheDir(cacheDir)
   306  		}
   307  	}
   308  	reqs, hclDiags := cfg.ProviderRequirements()
   309  	diags = diags.Append(hclDiags)
   310  	if diags.HasErrors() {
   311  		return suiteDirs, diags
   312  	}
   314  	// For test suites we only retain the "locks" in memory for the duration
   315  	// for one run, just to make sure that we use the same providers when we
   316  	// eventually run the test suite.
   317  	locks := depsfile.NewLocks()
   318  	evts := &providercache.InstallerEvents{
   319  		QueryPackagesFailure: func(provider addrs.Provider, err error) {
   320  			if err != nil && addrs.IsDefaultProvider(provider) && provider.Type == "test" {
   321  				// This is some additional context for the failure error
   322  				// we'll generate afterwards. Not the most ideal UX but
   323  				// good enough for this prototype implementation, to help
   324  				// hint about the special builtin provider we use here.
   325  				diags = diags.Append(tfdiags.Sourceless(
   326  					tfdiags.Warning,
   327  					"Probably-unintended reference to \"hashicorp/test\" provider",
   328  					"For the purposes of this experimental implementation of module test suites, you must use the built-in test provider, which requires an explicit required_providers declaration.",
   329  				))
   330  			}
   331  		},
   332  	}
   333  	ctx = evts.OnContext(ctx)
   334  	locks, err = providerInst.EnsureProviderVersions(ctx, locks, reqs, providercache.InstallUpgrades)
   335  	if err != nil {
   336  		diags = diags.Append(tfdiags.Sourceless(
   337  			tfdiags.Error,
   338  			"Failed to install required providers",
   339  			fmt.Sprintf("Couldn't install necessary providers for test configuration %s: %s.", configDir, err),
   340  		))
   341  		return suiteDirs, diags
   342  	}
   343  	suiteDirs.ProviderLocks = locks
   344  	suiteDirs.ProviderCache = localCacheDir
   346  	return suiteDirs, diags
   347  }
   349  func (c *TestCommand) runTestSuite(ctx context.Context, suiteDirs testCommandSuiteDirs) (map[string]*moduletest.Component, *states.State) {
   350  	log.Printf("[TRACE] terraform test: Run test suite %q", suiteDirs.SuiteName)
   352  	ret := make(map[string]*moduletest.Component)
   354  	// To collect test results we'll use an instance of the special "test"
   355  	// provider, which records the intention to make a test assertion during
   356  	// planning and then hopefully updates that to an actual assertion result
   357  	// during apply, unless an apply error causes the graph walk to exit early.
   358  	// For this to work correctly, we must ensure we're using the same provider
   359  	// instance for both plan and apply.
   360  	testProvider := moduletest.NewProvider()
   362  	// synthError is a helper to return early with a synthetic failing
   363  	// component, for problems that prevent us from even discovering what an
   364  	// appropriate component and assertion name might be.
   365  	state := states.NewState()
   366  	synthError := func(name string, desc string, msg string, diags tfdiags.Diagnostics) (map[string]*moduletest.Component, *states.State) {
   367  		key := "(" + name + ")" // parens ensure this can't conflict with an actual component/assertion key
   368  		ret[key] = &moduletest.Component{
   369  			Assertions: map[string]*moduletest.Assertion{
   370  				key: {
   371  					Outcome:     moduletest.Error,
   372  					Description: desc,
   373  					Message:     msg,
   374  					Diagnostics: diags,
   375  				},
   376  			},
   377  		}
   378  		return ret, state
   379  	}
   381  	// NOTE: This function intentionally deviates from the usual pattern of
   382  	// gradually appending more diagnostics to the same diags, because
   383  	// here we're associating each set of diagnostics with the specific
   384  	// operation it belongs to.
   386  	providerFactories, diags := c.testSuiteProviders(suiteDirs, testProvider)
   387  	if diags.HasErrors() {
   388  		// It should be unusual to get in here, because testSuiteProviders
   389  		// should rely only on things guaranteed by prepareSuiteDir, but
   390  		// since we're doing external I/O here there is always the risk that
   391  		// the filesystem changes or fails between setting up and using the
   392  		// providers.
   393  		return synthError(
   394  			"init",
   395  			"terraform init",
   396  			"failed to resolve the required providers",
   397  			diags,
   398  		)
   399  	}
   401  	plan, diags := c.testSuitePlan(ctx, suiteDirs, providerFactories)
   402  	if diags.HasErrors() {
   403  		// It should be unusual to get in here, because testSuitePlan
   404  		// should rely only on things guaranteed by prepareSuiteDir, but
   405  		// since we're doing external I/O here there is always the risk that
   406  		// the filesystem changes or fails between setting up and using the
   407  		// providers.
   408  		return synthError(
   409  			"plan",
   410  			"terraform plan",
   411  			"failed to create a plan",
   412  			diags,
   413  		)
   414  	}
   416  	// Now we'll apply the plan. Once we try to apply, we might've created
   417  	// real remote objects, and so we must try to run destroy even if the
   418  	// apply returns errors, and we must return whatever state we end up
   419  	// with so the caller can generate additional loud errors if anything
   420  	// is left in it.
   422  	state, diags = c.testSuiteApply(ctx, plan, suiteDirs, providerFactories)
   423  	if diags.HasErrors() {
   424  		// We don't return here, unlike the others above, because we want to
   425  		// continue to the destroy below even if there are apply errors.
   426  		synthError(
   427  			"apply",
   428  			"terraform apply",
   429  			"failed to apply the created plan",
   430  			diags,
   431  		)
   432  	}
   434  	// By the time we get here, the test provider will have gathered up all
   435  	// of the planned assertions and the final results for any assertions that
   436  	// were not blocked by an error. This also resets the provider so that
   437  	// the destroy operation below won't get tripped up on stale results.
   438  	ret = testProvider.Reset()
   440  	state, diags = c.testSuiteDestroy(ctx, state, suiteDirs, providerFactories)
   441  	if diags.HasErrors() {
   442  		synthError(
   443  			"destroy",
   444  			"terraform destroy",
   445  			"failed to destroy objects created during test (NOTE: leftover remote objects may still exist)",
   446  			diags,
   447  		)
   448  	}
   450  	return ret, state
   451  }
   453  func (c *TestCommand) testSuiteProviders(suiteDirs testCommandSuiteDirs, testProvider *moduletest.Provider) (map[addrs.Provider]providers.Factory, tfdiags.Diagnostics) {
   454  	var diags tfdiags.Diagnostics
   455  	ret := make(map[addrs.Provider]providers.Factory)
   457  	// We can safely use the internal providers returned by Meta here because
   458  	// the built-in provider versions can never vary based on the configuration
   459  	// and thus we don't need to worry about potential version differences
   460  	// between main module and test suite modules.
   461  	for name, factory := range c.internalProviders() {
   462  		ret[addrs.NewBuiltInProvider(name)] = factory
   463  	}
   465  	// For the remaining non-builtin providers, we'll just take whatever we
   466  	// recorded earlier in the in-memory-only "lock file". All of these should
   467  	// typically still be available because we would've only just installed
   468  	// them, but this could fail if e.g. the filesystem has been somehow
   469  	// damaged in the meantime.
   470  	for provider, lock := range suiteDirs.ProviderLocks.AllProviders() {
   471  		version := lock.Version()
   472  		cached := suiteDirs.ProviderCache.ProviderVersion(provider, version)
   473  		if cached == nil {
   474  			diags = diags.Append(tfdiags.Sourceless(
   475  				tfdiags.Error,
   476  				"Required provider not found",
   477  				fmt.Sprintf("Although installation previously succeeded for %s v%s, it no longer seems to be present in the cache directory.", provider.ForDisplay(), version.String()),
   478  			))
   479  			continue // potentially collect up multiple errors
   480  		}
   482  		// NOTE: We don't consider the checksums for test suite dependencies,
   483  		// because we're creating a fresh "lock file" each time we run anyway
   484  		// and so they wouldn't actually guarantee anything useful.
   486  		ret[provider] = providerFactory(cached)
   487  	}
   489  	// We'll replace the test provider instance with the one our caller
   490  	// provided, so it'll be able to interrogate the test results directly.
   491  	ret[addrs.NewBuiltInProvider("test")] = func() (providers.Interface, error) {
   492  		return testProvider, nil
   493  	}
   495  	return ret, diags
   496  }
   498  type testSuiteRunContext struct {
   499  	Core *terraform.Context
   501  	PlanMode   plans.Mode
   502  	Config     *configs.Config
   503  	InputState *states.State
   504  	Changes    *plans.Changes
   505  }
   507  func (c *TestCommand) testSuiteContext(suiteDirs testCommandSuiteDirs, providerFactories map[addrs.Provider]providers.Factory, state *states.State, plan *plans.Plan, destroy bool) (*testSuiteRunContext, tfdiags.Diagnostics) {
   508  	var changes *plans.Changes
   509  	if plan != nil {
   510  		changes = plan.Changes
   511  	}
   513  	planMode := plans.NormalMode
   514  	if destroy {
   515  		planMode = plans.DestroyMode
   516  	}
   518  	tfCtx, diags := terraform.NewContext(&terraform.ContextOpts{
   519  		Providers: providerFactories,
   521  		// We just use the provisioners from the main Meta here, because
   522  		// unlike providers provisioner plugins are not automatically
   523  		// installable anyway, and so we'll need to hunt for them in the same
   524  		// legacy way that normal Terraform operations do.
   525  		Provisioners: c.provisionerFactories(),
   527  		Meta: &terraform.ContextMeta{
   528  			Env: "test_" + suiteDirs.SuiteName,
   529  		},
   530  	})
   531  	if diags.HasErrors() {
   532  		return nil, diags
   533  	}
   534  	return &testSuiteRunContext{
   535  		Core: tfCtx,
   537  		PlanMode:   planMode,
   538  		Config:     suiteDirs.Config,
   539  		InputState: state,
   540  		Changes:    changes,
   541  	}, diags
   542  }
   544  func (c *TestCommand) testSuitePlan(ctx context.Context, suiteDirs testCommandSuiteDirs, providerFactories map[addrs.Provider]providers.Factory) (*plans.Plan, tfdiags.Diagnostics) {
   545  	log.Printf("[TRACE] terraform test: create plan for suite %q", suiteDirs.SuiteName)
   546  	runCtx, diags := c.testSuiteContext(suiteDirs, providerFactories, nil, nil, false)
   547  	if diags.HasErrors() {
   548  		return nil, diags
   549  	}
   551  	// We'll also validate as part of planning, to ensure that the test
   552  	// configuration would pass "terraform validate". This is actually
   553  	// largely redundant with the runCtx.Core.Plan call below, but was
   554  	// included here originally because Plan did _originally_ assume that
   555  	// an earlier Validate had already passed, but now does its own
   556  	// validation work as (mostly) a superset of validate.
   557  	moreDiags := runCtx.Core.Validate(runCtx.Config)
   558  	diags = diags.Append(moreDiags)
   559  	if diags.HasErrors() {
   560  		return nil, diags
   561  	}
   563  	plan, moreDiags := runCtx.Core.Plan(
   564  		runCtx.Config, runCtx.InputState, &terraform.PlanOpts{Mode: runCtx.PlanMode},
   565  	)
   566  	diags = diags.Append(moreDiags)
   567  	return plan, diags
   568  }
   570  func (c *TestCommand) testSuiteApply(ctx context.Context, plan *plans.Plan, suiteDirs testCommandSuiteDirs, providerFactories map[addrs.Provider]providers.Factory) (*states.State, tfdiags.Diagnostics) {
   571  	log.Printf("[TRACE] terraform test: apply plan for suite %q", suiteDirs.SuiteName)
   572  	runCtx, diags := c.testSuiteContext(suiteDirs, providerFactories, nil, plan, false)
   573  	if diags.HasErrors() {
   574  		// To make things easier on the caller, we'll return a valid empty
   575  		// state even in this case.
   576  		return states.NewState(), diags
   577  	}
   579  	state, moreDiags := runCtx.Core.Apply(plan, runCtx.Config)
   580  	diags = diags.Append(moreDiags)
   581  	return state, diags
   582  }
   584  func (c *TestCommand) testSuiteDestroy(ctx context.Context, state *states.State, suiteDirs testCommandSuiteDirs, providerFactories map[addrs.Provider]providers.Factory) (*states.State, tfdiags.Diagnostics) {
   585  	log.Printf("[TRACE] terraform test: plan to destroy any existing objects for suite %q", suiteDirs.SuiteName)
   586  	runCtx, diags := c.testSuiteContext(suiteDirs, providerFactories, state, nil, true)
   587  	if diags.HasErrors() {
   588  		return state, diags
   589  	}
   591  	plan, moreDiags := runCtx.Core.Plan(
   592  		runCtx.Config, runCtx.InputState, &terraform.PlanOpts{Mode: runCtx.PlanMode},
   593  	)
   594  	diags = diags.Append(moreDiags)
   595  	if diags.HasErrors() {
   596  		return state, diags
   597  	}
   599  	log.Printf("[TRACE] terraform test: apply the plan to destroy any existing objects for suite %q", suiteDirs.SuiteName)
   600  	runCtx, moreDiags = c.testSuiteContext(suiteDirs, providerFactories, state, plan, true)
   601  	diags = diags.Append(moreDiags)
   602  	if diags.HasErrors() {
   603  		return state, diags
   604  	}
   606  	state, moreDiags = runCtx.Core.Apply(plan, runCtx.Config)
   607  	diags = diags.Append(moreDiags)
   608  	return state, diags
   609  }
   611  func (c *TestCommand) collectSuiteNames() ([]string, error) {
   612  	items, err := ioutil.ReadDir("tests")
   613  	if err != nil {
   614  		if os.IsNotExist(err) {
   615  			return nil, nil
   616  		}
   617  		return nil, err
   618  	}
   620  	ret := make([]string, 0, len(items))
   621  	for _, item := range items {
   622  		if !item.IsDir() {
   623  			continue
   624  		}
   625  		name := item.Name()
   626  		suitePath := filepath.Join("tests", name)
   627  		tfFiles, err := filepath.Glob(filepath.Join(suitePath, "*.tf"))
   628  		if err != nil {
   629  			// We'll just ignore it and treat it like a dir with no .tf files
   630  			tfFiles = nil
   631  		}
   632  		tfJSONFiles, err := filepath.Glob(filepath.Join(suitePath, "*.tf.json"))
   633  		if err != nil {
   634  			// We'll just ignore it and treat it like a dir with no .tf.json files
   635  			tfJSONFiles = nil
   636  		}
   637  		if (len(tfFiles) + len(tfJSONFiles)) == 0 {
   638  			// Not a test suite, then.
   639  			continue
   640  		}
   641  		ret = append(ret, name)
   642  	}
   644  	return ret, nil
   645  }
   647  func (c *TestCommand) Help() string {
   648  	helpText := `
   649  Usage: terraform test [options]
   651    This is an experimental command to help with automated integration
   652    testing of shared modules. The usage and behavior of this command is
   653    likely to change in breaking ways in subsequent releases, as we
   654    are currently using this command primarily for research purposes.
   656    In its current experimental form, "test" will look under the current
   657    working directory for a subdirectory called "tests", and then within
   658    that directory search for one or more subdirectories that contain
   659    ".tf" or ".tf.json" files. For any that it finds, it will perform
   660    Terraform operations similar to the following sequence of commands
   661    in each of those directories:
   662        terraform validate
   663        terraform apply
   664        terraform destroy
   666    The test configurations should not declare any input variables and
   667    should at least contain a call to the module being tested, which
   668    will always be available at the path ../.. due to the expected
   669    filesystem layout.
   671    The tests are considered to be successful if all of the above steps
   672    succeed.
   674    Test configurations may optionally include uses of the special
   675    built-in test provider, which allows
   676    writing explicit test assertions which must also all pass in order
   677    for the test run to be considered successful.
   679    This initial implementation is intended as a minimally-viable
   680    product to use for further research and experimentation, and in
   681    particular it currently lacks the following capabilities that we
   682    expect to consider in later iterations, based on feedback:
   683      - Testing of subsequent updates to existing infrastructure,
   684        where currently it only supports initial creation and
   685        then destruction.
   686      - Testing top-level modules that are intended to be used for
   687        "real" environments, which typically have hard-coded values
   688        that don't permit creating a separate "copy" for testing.
   689      - Some sort of support for unit test runs that don't interact
   690        with remote systems at all, e.g. for use in checking pull
   691        requests from untrusted contributors.
   693    In the meantime, we'd like to hear feedback from module authors
   694    who have tried writing some experimental tests for their modules
   695    about what sorts of tests you were able to write, what sorts of
   696    tests you weren't able to write, and any tests that you were
   697    able to write but that were difficult to model in some way.
   699  Options:
   701    -compact-warnings  Use a more compact representation for warnings, if
   702                       this command produces only warnings and no errors.
   704    -junit-xml=FILE    In addition to the usual output, also write test
   705                       results to the given file path in JUnit XML format.
   706                       This format is commonly supported by CI systems, and
   707                       they typically expect to be given a filename to search
   708                       for in the test workspace after the test run finishes.
   710    -no-color          Don't include virtual terminal formatting sequences in
   711                       the output.
   712  `
   713  	return strings.TrimSpace(helpText)
   714  }
   716  func (c *TestCommand) Synopsis() string {
   717  	return "Experimental support for module integration testing"
   718  }
   720  type testCommandSuiteDirs struct {
   721  	SuiteName string
   723  	ConfigDir    string
   724  	ModulesDir   string
   725  	ProvidersDir string
   727  	Config        *configs.Config
   728  	ProviderCache *providercache.Dir
   729  	ProviderLocks *depsfile.Locks
   730  }