
     1  package chat
     3  import (
     4  	"context"
     5  	"errors"
     6  	"fmt"
     7  	"net"
     8  	"sync"
     9  	"time"
    11  	""
    12  	""
    13  	""
    14  	""
    15  	""
    16  	""
    17  	""
    18  	""
    19  	""
    20  	""
    21  	""
    22  )
    24  const deliverMaxAttempts = 180           // fifteen minutes in default mode
    25  const deliverDisconnectLimitMinutes = 10 // need to be offline for at least 10 minutes before auto failing a send
    27  type DelivererInfoError interface {
    28  	IsImmediateFail() (chat1.OutboxErrorType, bool)
    29  }
    31  type senderError struct {
    32  	msg       string
    33  	permanent bool
    34  }
    36  func newSenderError(msg string, permanent bool) *senderError {
    37  	return &senderError{
    38  		msg:       msg,
    39  		permanent: permanent,
    40  	}
    41  }
    43  func (e *senderError) Error() string {
    44  	return fmt.Sprintf("senderError: %v, permanent: %v", e.msg, e.permanent)
    45  }
    47  func (e *senderError) IsImmediateFail() (chat1.OutboxErrorType, bool) {
    48  	return chat1.OutboxErrorType_MISC, e.permanent
    49  }
    51  // delivererExpireError is used when a message fails because it has languished
    52  // in the outbox for too long.
    53  type delivererExpireError struct{}
    55  func (e delivererExpireError) Error() string {
    56  	return "message failed to send"
    57  }
    59  func (e delivererExpireError) IsImmediateFail() (chat1.OutboxErrorType, bool) {
    60  	return chat1.OutboxErrorType_EXPIRED, true
    61  }
    63  type Deliverer struct {
    64  	globals.Contextified
    65  	sync.Mutex
    66  	utils.DebugLabeler
    68  	sender           types.Sender
    69  	serverConn       types.ServerConnection
    70  	outbox           *storage.Outbox
    71  	identNotifier    types.IdentifyNotifier
    72  	shutdownCh       chan struct{}
    73  	msgSentCh        chan struct{}
    74  	reconnectCh      chan struct{}
    75  	kbfsDeliverQueue chan chat1.OutboxRecord
    76  	delivering       bool
    77  	connected        bool
    78  	disconnTime      time.Time
    79  	clock            clockwork.Clock
    80  	eg               errgroup.Group
    82  	notifyFailureChsMu sync.Mutex
    83  	notifyFailureChs   map[string]chan []chat1.OutboxRecord
    85  	// Testing
    86  	testingNameInfoSource types.NameInfoSource
    87  }
    89  var _ types.MessageDeliverer = (*Deliverer)(nil)
    91  func NewDeliverer(g *globals.Context, sender types.Sender, serverConn types.ServerConnection) *Deliverer {
    92  	d := &Deliverer{
    93  		Contextified:     globals.NewContextified(g),
    94  		DebugLabeler:     utils.NewDebugLabeler(g.ExternalG(), "Deliverer", false),
    95  		msgSentCh:        make(chan struct{}, 100),
    96  		reconnectCh:      make(chan struct{}, 100),
    97  		kbfsDeliverQueue: make(chan chat1.OutboxRecord, 100),
    98  		sender:           sender,
    99  		identNotifier:    NewCachingIdentifyNotifier(g),
   100  		clock:            clockwork.NewRealClock(),
   101  		notifyFailureChs: make(map[string]chan []chat1.OutboxRecord),
   102  		serverConn:       serverConn,
   103  	}
   105  	d.identNotifier.ResetOnGUIConnect()
   106  	return d
   107  }
   109  func (s *Deliverer) setTestingNameInfoSource(ni types.NameInfoSource) {
   110  	s.testingNameInfoSource = ni
   111  }
   113  func (s *Deliverer) presentUIItem(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, conv *chat1.ConversationLocal) (res *chat1.InboxUIItem) {
   114  	if conv != nil {
   115  		pc := utils.PresentConversationLocal(ctx, s.G(), uid, *conv, utils.PresentParticipantsModeSkip)
   116  		res = &pc
   117  	}
   118  	return res
   119  }
   121  func (s *Deliverer) Start(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID) {
   122  	s.Lock()
   123  	defer s.Unlock()
   125  	<-s.doStop(ctx)
   126  	s.outbox = storage.NewOutbox(s.G(), uid,
   127  		storage.PendingPreviewer(func(ctx context.Context, obr *chat1.OutboxRecord) error {
   128  			return attachments.AddPendingPreview(ctx, s.G(), obr)
   129  		}),
   130  		storage.NewMessageNotifier(func(ctx context.Context, obr chat1.OutboxRecord) {
   131  			uid := obr.Msg.ClientHeader.Sender
   132  			convID := obr.ConvID
   134  			// fill in reply
   135  			msg, err := NewReplyFiller(s.G()).FillSingle(ctx, uid, convID,
   136  				chat1.NewMessageUnboxedWithOutbox(obr))
   137  			if err != nil {
   138  				s.Debug(ctx, "outboxNotify: failed to get replyto: %s", err)
   139  			} else {
   140  				obr.ReplyTo = &msg
   141  			}
   142  			emojiText := obr.Msg.MessageBody.TextForDecoration()
   143  			if len(emojiText) > 0 {
   144  				if obr.Msg.Emojis, err = s.G().EmojiSource.Harvest(ctx, emojiText,
   145  					uid, convID, types.EmojiHarvestModeFast); err != nil {
   146  					s.Debug(ctx, "outboxNotify: failed to get emojis: %s", err)
   147  				}
   148  			}
   150  			act := chat1.NewChatActivityWithIncomingMessage(chat1.IncomingMessage{
   151  				Message: utils.PresentMessageUnboxed(ctx, s.G(), chat1.NewMessageUnboxedWithOutbox(obr),
   152  					uid, convID),
   153  				ConvID: convID,
   154  			})
   155  			s.G().ActivityNotifier.Activity(ctx, uid, obr.Msg.ClientHeader.Conv.TopicType, &act,
   156  				chat1.ChatActivitySource_LOCAL)
   157  		}))
   158  	s.outbox.SetClock(s.clock)
   160  	s.delivering = true
   161  	s.shutdownCh = make(chan struct{})
   162 error { return s.deliverLoop(s.shutdownCh) })
   163 error { return s.kbfsDeliverLoop(s.shutdownCh) })
   164  }
   166  func (s *Deliverer) Stop(ctx context.Context) chan struct{} {
   167  	s.Lock()
   168  	defer s.Unlock()
   169  	return s.doStop(ctx)
   170  }
   172  func (s *Deliverer) doStop(ctx context.Context) chan struct{} {
   173  	cb := make(chan struct{})
   174  	if s.delivering {
   175  		s.Debug(ctx, "stopping")
   176  		close(s.shutdownCh)
   177  		s.delivering = false
   178  		go func() {
   179  			if err :=; err != nil {
   180  				s.Debug(ctx, "unable to stop loops: %v", err)
   181  			}
   182  			close(cb)
   183  		}()
   184  		return cb
   185  	}
   186  	close(cb)
   187  	return cb
   188  }
   190  func (s *Deliverer) ForceDeliverLoop(ctx context.Context) {
   191  	s.Debug(ctx, "force deliver loop invoked")
   192  	s.msgSentCh <- struct{}{}
   193  }
   195  func (s *Deliverer) SetSender(sender types.Sender) {
   196  	s.sender = sender
   197  }
   199  func (s *Deliverer) SetClock(clock clockwork.Clock) {
   200  	s.clock = clock
   201  }
   203  func (s *Deliverer) Connected(ctx context.Context) {
   204  	s.connected = true
   206  	// Wake up deliver loop on reconnect
   207  	s.Debug(ctx, "reconnected: forcing deliver loop run")
   208  	s.reconnectCh <- struct{}{}
   209  }
   211  func (s *Deliverer) Disconnected(ctx context.Context) {
   212  	s.Debug(ctx, "disconnected: all errors from now on will be permanent")
   213  	s.connected = false
   214  	s.disconnTime = s.clock.Now()
   215  }
   217  func (s *Deliverer) disconnectedTime() time.Duration {
   218  	if s.connected {
   219  		return 0
   220  	}
   221  	return s.clock.Now().Sub(s.disconnTime)
   222  }
   224  func (s *Deliverer) IsOffline(ctx context.Context) bool {
   225  	return !s.connected
   226  }
   228  func (s *Deliverer) IsDelivering() bool {
   229  	s.Lock()
   230  	defer s.Unlock()
   231  	return s.delivering
   232  }
   234  func (s *Deliverer) Queue(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID, msg chat1.MessagePlaintext,
   235  	outboxID *chat1.OutboxID, sendOpts *chat1.SenderSendOptions, prepareOpts *chat1.SenderPrepareOptions,
   236  	identifyBehavior keybase1.TLFIdentifyBehavior) (obr chat1.OutboxRecord, err error) {
   237  	defer s.Trace(ctx, &err, "Queue")()
   239  	// KBFSFILEEDIT msgs skip the traditional outbox
   240  	if msg.ClientHeader.Conv.TopicType == chat1.TopicType_KBFSFILEEDIT {
   241  		obr := chat1.OutboxRecord{
   242  			ConvID: convID,
   243  			Msg:    msg,
   244  		}
   245  		select {
   246  		case s.kbfsDeliverQueue <- obr:
   247  		default:
   248  			s.Debug(ctx, "unable to deliver, kbfs queue full: %v", convID)
   249  		}
   250  		return obr, nil
   251  	}
   253  	// Push onto outbox and immediately return
   254  	obr, err = s.outbox.PushMessage(ctx, convID, msg, outboxID, sendOpts, prepareOpts, identifyBehavior)
   255  	if err != nil {
   256  		return obr, err
   257  	}
   258  	s.Debug(ctx, "Queue: queued new message: convID: %s outboxID: %s uid: %s ident: %v", convID,
   259  		obr.OutboxID, s.outbox.GetUID(), identifyBehavior)
   261  	// Alert the deliver loop it should wake up
   262  	s.msgSentCh <- struct{}{}
   263  	// Only update mtime badgable messages
   264  	if obr.Msg.IsBadgableType() {
   265  		go func(ctx context.Context) {
   266  			update := []chat1.LocalMtimeUpdate{{ConvID: convID, Mtime: obr.Ctime}}
   267  			if err := s.G().InboxSource.UpdateLocalMtime(ctx, s.outbox.GetUID(), update); err != nil {
   268  				s.Debug(ctx, "Queue: unable to update local mtime %v", obr.Ctime.Time())
   269  			}
   270  			time.Sleep(250 * time.Millisecond)
   271  			s.G().InboxSource.NotifyUpdate(ctx, s.outbox.GetUID(), convID)
   272  		}(globals.BackgroundChatCtx(ctx, s.G()))
   273  	}
   274  	return obr, nil
   275  }
   277  func (s *Deliverer) ActiveDeliveries(ctx context.Context) (res []chat1.OutboxRecord, err error) {
   278  	defer s.Trace(ctx, &err, "ActiveDeliveries")()
   279  	if !s.IsDelivering() {
   280  		s.Debug(ctx, "ActiveDeliveries: not delivering, returning empty")
   281  		return nil, nil
   282  	}
   283  	obrs, err := s.outbox.PullAllConversations(ctx, false, false)
   284  	if err != nil {
   285  		s.Debug(ctx, "ActiveDeliveries: failed to pull convs: %s", err)
   286  		return res, err
   287  	}
   289  	for _, obr := range obrs {
   290  		styp, err := obr.State.State()
   291  		if err != nil {
   292  			s.Debug(ctx, "ActiveDeliveries: bogus state: outboxID: %s err: %s", obr.OutboxID, err)
   293  			continue
   294  		}
   295  		if styp == chat1.OutboxStateType_SENDING {
   296  			res = append(res, obr)
   297  		}
   298  	}
   299  	return res, nil
   300  }
   302  func (s *Deliverer) NextFailure() (chan []chat1.OutboxRecord, func()) {
   303  	s.notifyFailureChsMu.Lock()
   304  	defer s.notifyFailureChsMu.Unlock()
   305  	ch := make(chan []chat1.OutboxRecord, 1)
   306  	id := libkb.RandStringB64(3)
   307  	s.notifyFailureChs[id] = ch
   308  	return ch, func() {
   309  		s.notifyFailureChsMu.Lock()
   310  		defer s.notifyFailureChsMu.Unlock()
   311  		delete(s.notifyFailureChs, id)
   312  	}
   313  }
   315  func (s *Deliverer) alertFailureChannels(obrs []chat1.OutboxRecord) {
   316  	s.notifyFailureChsMu.Lock()
   317  	defer s.notifyFailureChsMu.Unlock()
   318  	for _, ch := range s.notifyFailureChs {
   319  		ch <- obrs
   320  	}
   321  	s.notifyFailureChs = make(map[string]chan []chat1.OutboxRecord)
   322  }
   324  func (s *Deliverer) doNotRetryFailure(ctx context.Context, obr chat1.OutboxRecord, err error) (resType chat1.OutboxErrorType, resErr error, resFail bool) {
   325  	defer func() {
   326  		if resErr != nil && resFail {
   327  			s.Debug(ctx, "doNotRetryFailure: sending back to not retry: err: %s: typ: %T", resErr, resErr)
   328  		}
   329  	}()
   330  	// Check attempts
   331  	if obr.State.Sending() >= deliverMaxAttempts {
   332  		return chat1.OutboxErrorType_TOOMANYATTEMPTS, errors.New("max send attempts reached"), true
   333  	}
   334  	if !s.connected {
   335  		// Check to see how long we have been disconnected to see if this
   336  		// should be retried
   337  		if disconnTime := s.disconnectedTime(); disconnTime.Minutes() > deliverDisconnectLimitMinutes {
   338  			s.Debug(ctx, "doNotRetryFailure: not retrying offline failure, disconnected for: %v",
   339  				disconnTime)
   340  			return chat1.OutboxErrorType_OFFLINE, err, true
   341  		}
   342  	}
   343  	// Check for any errors that should cause us to give up right away
   344  	switch berr := err.(type) {
   345  	case types.UnboxingError:
   346  		return chat1.OutboxErrorType_MISC, err, berr.IsPermanent()
   347  	case DelivererInfoError:
   348  		if typ, ok := berr.IsImmediateFail(); ok {
   349  			return typ, err, true
   350  		}
   351  		return 0, err, false
   352  	case net.Error:
   353  		s.Debug(ctx, "doNotRetryFailure: generic net error, reconnecting to the server: %s(%T)", berr, berr)
   354  		if _, rerr := s.serverConn.Reconnect(ctx); rerr != nil {
   355  			s.Debug(ctx, "doNotRetryFailure: failed to reconnect: %s", rerr)
   356  		}
   357  		return chat1.OutboxErrorType_OFFLINE, err, !berr.Temporary() //nolint
   358  	}
   359  	switch err {
   360  	case ErrChatServerTimeout, ErrDuplicateConnection, ErrKeyServerTimeout:
   361  		return 0, err, false
   362  	}
   363  	return 0, err, true
   364  }
   366  func (s *Deliverer) failMessage(ctx context.Context, obr chat1.OutboxRecord,
   367  	oserr chat1.OutboxStateError) (err error) {
   368  	var marked []chat1.OutboxRecord
   369  	uid := s.outbox.GetUID()
   370  	convID := obr.ConvID
   371  	switch oserr.Typ {
   372  	case chat1.OutboxErrorType_TOOMANYATTEMPTS:
   373  		s.Debug(ctx, "failMessage: too many attempts failure, marking conv as failed")
   374  		if marked, err = s.outbox.MarkConvAsError(ctx, convID, oserr); err != nil {
   375  			s.Debug(ctx, "failMessage: unable to mark conv as error on outbox: uid: %s convID: %v, err: %v",
   376  				s.outbox.GetUID(), obr.ConvID, err)
   377  			return err
   378  		}
   379  	case chat1.OutboxErrorType_DUPLICATE, chat1.OutboxErrorType_ALREADY_DELETED:
   380  		// Here we don't send a notification to the frontend, we just want
   381  		// these to go away
   382  		if _, err = s.outbox.RemoveMessage(ctx, obr.OutboxID); err != nil {
   383  			s.Debug(ctx, "deliverLoop: failed to remove duplicate delete msg: %v", err)
   384  			return err
   385  		}
   386  	default:
   387  		var m chat1.OutboxRecord
   388  		if m, err = s.outbox.MarkAsError(ctx, obr, oserr); err != nil {
   389  			s.Debug(ctx, "failMessage: unable to mark as error: %v", err)
   390  			return err
   391  		}
   392  		marked = []chat1.OutboxRecord{m}
   393  	}
   395  	if len(marked) > 0 {
   396  		convLocal, err := s.G().InboxSource.IncrementLocalConvVersion(ctx, uid, convID)
   397  		if err != nil {
   398  			s.Debug(ctx, "failMessage: failed to get IncrementLocalConvVersion")
   399  		}
   400  		act := chat1.NewChatActivityWithFailedMessage(chat1.FailedMessageInfo{
   401  			OutboxRecords: marked,
   402  			Conv:          s.presentUIItem(ctx, uid, convLocal),
   403  		})
   404  		s.G().ActivityNotifier.Activity(context.Background(), uid, chat1.TopicType_NONE, &act,
   405  			chat1.ChatActivitySource_LOCAL)
   406  		s.alertFailureChannels(marked)
   407  		if err := s.G().Badger.Send(context.Background()); err != nil {
   408  			s.Debug(ctx, "failMessage: unable to update badger: %v", err)
   409  			return err
   410  		}
   411  	}
   412  	return nil
   413  }
   415  type delivererBackgroundTaskError struct {
   416  	Typ string
   417  }
   419  var _ (DelivererInfoError) = (*delivererBackgroundTaskError)(nil)
   421  func (e delivererBackgroundTaskError) Error() string {
   422  	return fmt.Sprintf("%s in progress", e.Typ)
   423  }
   425  func (e delivererBackgroundTaskError) IsImmediateFail() (chat1.OutboxErrorType, bool) {
   426  	return chat1.OutboxErrorType_MISC, false
   427  }
   429  var errDelivererUploadInProgress = delivererBackgroundTaskError{Typ: "attachment upload"}
   430  var errDelivererUnfurlInProgress = delivererBackgroundTaskError{Typ: "unfurl"}
   431  var errDelivererFlipConvCreationInProgress = delivererBackgroundTaskError{Typ: "flip"}
   433  func (s *Deliverer) processAttachment(ctx context.Context, obr chat1.OutboxRecord) (chat1.OutboxRecord, error) {
   434  	if !obr.IsAttachment() {
   435  		return obr, nil
   436  	}
   437  	status, res, err := s.G().AttachmentUploader.Status(ctx, obr.OutboxID)
   438  	if err != nil {
   439  		return obr, NewAttachmentUploadError(err.Error(), false)
   440  	}
   441  	switch status {
   442  	case types.AttachmentUploaderTaskStatusSuccess:
   443  		// Modify the attachment message
   444  		att := chat1.MessageAttachment{
   445  			Object:   res.Object,
   446  			Metadata: res.Metadata,
   447  			Uploaded: true,
   448  			Preview:  res.Preview,
   449  		}
   450  		if res.Preview != nil {
   451  			att.Previews = []chat1.Asset{*res.Preview}
   452  		}
   453  		obr.Msg.MessageBody = chat1.NewMessageBodyWithAttachment(att)
   454  		if _, err := s.outbox.UpdateMessage(ctx, obr); err != nil {
   455  			return obr, err
   456  		}
   457  	case types.AttachmentUploaderTaskStatusFailed:
   458  		errStr := "<unknown>"
   459  		if res.Error != nil {
   460  			errStr = *res.Error
   461  		}
   462  		// register this as a failure, but still attempt a retry
   463  		if _, err := s.G().AttachmentUploader.Retry(ctx, obr.OutboxID); err != nil {
   464  			s.Debug(ctx, "processAttachment: failed to retry upload on in progress task: %s", err)
   465  			return obr, NewAttachmentUploadError(err.Error(), true)
   466  		}
   467  		return obr, NewAttachmentUploadError(errStr, false)
   468  	case types.AttachmentUploaderTaskStatusUploading:
   469  		// Make sure we are actually trying to upload this guy
   470  		if _, err := s.G().AttachmentUploader.Retry(ctx, obr.OutboxID); err != nil {
   471  			s.Debug(ctx, "processAttachment: failed to retry upload on in progress task: %s", err)
   472  			return obr, NewAttachmentUploadError(err.Error(), true)
   473  		}
   474  		return obr, errDelivererUploadInProgress
   475  	}
   476  	return obr, nil
   477  }
   479  type unfurlError struct {
   480  	status types.UnfurlerTaskStatus
   481  }
   483  func newUnfurlError(status types.UnfurlerTaskStatus) unfurlError {
   484  	return unfurlError{
   485  		status: status,
   486  	}
   487  }
   489  func (e unfurlError) Error() string {
   490  	if e.status == types.UnfurlerTaskStatusPermFailed {
   491  		return "unfurler permanent error"
   492  	}
   493  	return "unfurler error"
   494  }
   496  func (e unfurlError) IsImmediateFail() (chat1.OutboxErrorType, bool) {
   497  	return chat1.OutboxErrorType_MISC, e.status == types.UnfurlerTaskStatusPermFailed
   498  }
   500  var _ (DelivererInfoError) = (*unfurlError)(nil)
   502  func (s *Deliverer) processUnfurl(ctx context.Context, obr chat1.OutboxRecord) (chat1.OutboxRecord, error) {
   503  	if !obr.IsUnfurl() {
   504  		return obr, nil
   505  	}
   506  	status, res, err := s.G().Unfurler.Status(ctx, obr.OutboxID)
   507  	if err != nil {
   508  		return obr, err
   509  	}
   510  	switch status {
   511  	case types.UnfurlerTaskStatusSuccess:
   512  		if res == nil {
   513  			return obr, errors.New("unfurl success with no result")
   514  		}
   515  		unfurl := chat1.MessageUnfurl{
   516  			MessageID: obr.Msg.ClientHeader.Supersedes,
   517  			Unfurl:    *res,
   518  		}
   519  		obr.Msg.MessageBody = chat1.NewMessageBodyWithUnfurl(unfurl)
   520  		if _, err := s.outbox.UpdateMessage(ctx, obr); err != nil {
   521  			return obr, err
   522  		}
   523  	case types.UnfurlerTaskStatusUnfurling:
   524  		s.G().Unfurler.Retry(ctx, obr.OutboxID)
   525  		return obr, errDelivererUnfurlInProgress
   526  	case types.UnfurlerTaskStatusFailed:
   527  		s.G().Unfurler.Retry(ctx, obr.OutboxID)
   528  		return obr, newUnfurlError(status)
   529  	case types.UnfurlerTaskStatusPermFailed:
   530  		return obr, newUnfurlError(status)
   531  	}
   532  	return obr, nil
   533  }
   535  type flipPermError struct{}
   537  func (e flipPermError) Error() string {
   538  	return "unable to start flip"
   539  }
   541  func (e flipPermError) IsImmediateFail() (chat1.OutboxErrorType, bool) {
   542  	return chat1.OutboxErrorType_MISC, true
   543  }
   545  func (s *Deliverer) processFlip(ctx context.Context, obr chat1.OutboxRecord) (chat1.OutboxRecord, error) {
   546  	if !obr.IsChatFlip() {
   547  		return obr, nil
   548  	}
   549  	body := obr.Msg.MessageBody.Flip()
   550  	flipConvID, status := s.G().CoinFlipManager.IsFlipConversationCreated(ctx, obr.OutboxID)
   551  	switch status {
   552  	case types.FlipSendStatusInProgress:
   553  		return obr, errDelivererFlipConvCreationInProgress
   554  	case types.FlipSendStatusError:
   555  		return obr, flipPermError{}
   556  	case types.FlipSendStatusSent:
   557  		s.Debug(ctx, "processFlip: sending with convID: %s", flipConvID)
   558  		obr.Msg.MessageBody = chat1.NewMessageBodyWithFlip(chat1.MessageFlip{
   559  			Text:       body.Text,
   560  			GameID:     body.GameID,
   561  			FlipConvID: flipConvID,
   562  		})
   563  		if _, err := s.outbox.UpdateMessage(ctx, obr); err != nil {
   564  			return obr, err
   565  		}
   566  		return obr, nil
   567  	}
   568  	return obr, nil
   569  }
   571  func (s *Deliverer) processBackgroundTaskMessage(ctx context.Context, obr chat1.OutboxRecord) (chat1.OutboxRecord, error) {
   572  	switch obr.MessageType() {
   573  	case chat1.MessageType_ATTACHMENT:
   574  		return s.processAttachment(ctx, obr)
   575  	case chat1.MessageType_UNFURL:
   576  		return s.processUnfurl(ctx, obr)
   577  	case chat1.MessageType_FLIP:
   578  		return s.processFlip(ctx, obr)
   579  	default:
   580  		return obr, nil
   581  	}
   582  }
   584  // cancelPendingDuplicateReactions removes duplicate reactions in the outbox.
   585  // If we cancel an odd number of items we cancel ourselves since the current
   586  // reaction state is correct.
   587  func (s *Deliverer) cancelPendingDuplicateReactions(ctx context.Context, obr chat1.OutboxRecord) (bool, error) {
   588  	if obr.Msg.ClientHeader.MessageType != chat1.MessageType_REACTION {
   589  		// nothing to do here
   590  		return false, nil
   591  	}
   592  	// While holding the outbox lock, let's remove any duplicate reaction
   593  	// messages and  make sure we are in the outbox, otherwise someone else
   594  	// canceled us.
   595  	inOutbox := false
   596  	numCanceled, err := s.outbox.CancelMessagesWithPredicate(ctx, func(o chat1.OutboxRecord) bool {
   597  		if !o.ConvID.Eq(obr.ConvID) {
   598  			return false
   599  		}
   600  		if o.Msg.ClientHeader.MessageType != chat1.MessageType_REACTION {
   601  			return false
   602  		}
   604  		idEq := o.OutboxID.Eq(&obr.OutboxID)
   605  		bodyEq := o.Msg.MessageBody.Reaction().Eq(obr.Msg.MessageBody.Reaction())
   606  		// Don't delete ourselves from the outbox, but we want to make sure we
   607  		// are in here.
   608  		inOutbox = inOutbox || idEq
   609  		shouldCancel := bodyEq && !idEq
   610  		if shouldCancel {
   611  			s.Debug(ctx, "canceling outbox message convID: %v obid: %v", o.ConvID, o.OutboxID)
   612  		}
   613  		return shouldCancel
   614  	})
   616  	if err != nil {
   617  		return false, err
   618  	} else if !inOutbox {
   619  		// we were canceled previously, the jig is up
   620  		return true, nil
   621  	} else if numCanceled%2 == 1 {
   622  		// Since we're just toggling the reaction on/off, we should abort here
   623  		// and remove ourselves from the outbox since our message wouldn't
   624  		// change the reaction state.
   625  		_, err = s.outbox.RemoveMessage(ctx, obr.OutboxID)
   626  		return true, err
   627  	}
   628  	return false, nil
   629  }
   631  func (s *Deliverer) shouldRecordError(ctx context.Context, err error) bool {
   632  	// This just happens when threads are racing to reconnect to
   633  	// Gregor, don't count it as an error to send.
   634  	return err != ErrDuplicateConnection
   635  }
   637  func (s *Deliverer) shouldBreakLoop(ctx context.Context, obr chat1.OutboxRecord) bool {
   638  	if obr.Msg.ClientHeader.MessageType == chat1.MessageType_UNFURL {
   639  		s.Debug(ctx, "shouldBreakLoop: not breaking deliverer loop for unfurl failure: outboxID: %s",
   640  			obr.OutboxID)
   641  		return false
   642  	}
   643  	return true
   644  }
   646  func (s *Deliverer) kbfsDeliverLoop(shutdownCh chan struct{}) error {
   647  	bgctx := globals.ChatCtx(context.Background(), s.G(), keybase1.TLFIdentifyBehavior_CHAT_CLI, nil, nil)
   648  	bgctx = libkb.WithLogTag(bgctx, "KDELV")
   649  	s.Debug(bgctx, "deliverLoop: starting non blocking sender kbfs deliver loop: uid: %s",
   650  		s.outbox.GetUID())
   651  	for {
   652  		select {
   653  		case <-shutdownCh:
   654  			s.Debug(bgctx, "deliverLoop: shutting down outbox deliver loop: uid: %s", s.outbox.GetUID())
   655  			return nil
   656  		case obr := <-s.kbfsDeliverQueue:
   657  			s.Debug(bgctx, "deliverLoop: flushing record obr for %v", obr.ConvID)
   658  			if _, _, err := s.sender.Send(bgctx, obr.ConvID, obr.Msg, 0, nil, nil, nil); err != nil {
   659  				s.Debug(bgctx, "Unable to deliver msg: %v", err)
   660  			}
   661  		}
   662  	}
   663  }
   665  func (s *Deliverer) deliverLoop(shutdownCh chan struct{}) error {
   666  	bgctx := libkb.WithLogTag(context.Background(), "DELV")
   667  	s.Debug(bgctx, "deliverLoop: starting non blocking sender deliver loop: uid: %s duration: %v",
   668  		s.outbox.GetUID(), s.G().Env.GetChatDelivererInterval())
   669  	for {
   670  		// Wait for the signal to take action
   671  		select {
   672  		case <-shutdownCh:
   673  			s.Debug(bgctx, "deliverLoop: shutting down outbox deliver loop: uid: %s", s.outbox.GetUID())
   674  			return nil
   675  		case <-s.reconnectCh:
   676  			s.Debug(bgctx, "deliverLoop: flushing outbox on reconnect: uid: %s", s.outbox.GetUID())
   677  		case <-s.msgSentCh:
   678  			s.Debug(bgctx, "deliverLoop: flushing outbox on new message: uid: %s", s.outbox.GetUID())
   679  		case <-s.G().Clock().After(s.G().Env.GetChatDelivererInterval()):
   680  		}
   682  		// Fetch outbox
   683  		obrs, err := s.outbox.PullAllConversations(bgctx, false, false)
   684  		if err != nil {
   685  			if _, ok := err.(storage.MissError); !ok {
   686  				s.Debug(bgctx, "deliverLoop: unable to pull outbox: uid: %s err: %v", s.outbox.GetUID(),
   687  					err)
   688  			}
   689  			continue
   690  		}
   692  		convMap := make(map[chat1.ConvIDStr][]chat1.OutboxRecord)
   693  		for _, o := range obrs {
   694  			obr := o
   695  			convMap[obr.ConvID.ConvIDStr()] = append(convMap[obr.ConvID.ConvIDStr()], obr)
   696  		}
   698  		var eg errgroup.Group
   699  		for _, o := range convMap {
   700  			obrs := o
   701  			eg.Go(func() error { s.deliverForConv(bgctx, obrs); return nil })
   702  		}
   703  		if err := eg.Wait(); err != nil {
   704  			s.Debug(bgctx, "deliverLoop: error in waitgroup %v", err)
   705  		}
   706  	}
   707  }
   709  func (s *Deliverer) deliverForConv(ctx context.Context, obrs []chat1.OutboxRecord) {
   710  	if len(obrs) > 0 {
   711  		s.Debug(ctx, "deliverLoop: flushing %d items from the outbox: uid: %s, convID %v",
   712  			len(obrs), s.outbox.GetUID(), obrs[0].ConvID)
   713  	}
   715  	// Send messages
   716  	var err error
   717  	var breaks []keybase1.TLFIdentifyFailure
   718  	for _, obr := range obrs {
   719  		bctx := globals.ChatCtx(context.Background(), s.G(), obr.IdentifyBehavior, &breaks,
   720  			s.identNotifier)
   722  		if s.testingNameInfoSource != nil {
   723  			bctx = globals.CtxAddOverrideNameInfoSource(bctx, s.testingNameInfoSource)
   724  		}
   725  		if !s.connected {
   726  			err = newSenderError("disconnected from chat server", false)
   727  		} else if s.clock.Now().Sub(obr.Ctime.Time()) > time.Hour {
   728  			// If we are re-trying a message after an hour, let's just give up. These times can
   729  			// get very long if the app is suspended on mobile.
   730  			s.Debug(bctx, "deliverLoop: expiring pending message because it is too old: obid: %s dur: %v",
   731  				obr.OutboxID, s.clock.Now().Sub(obr.Ctime.Time()))
   732  			err = delivererExpireError{}
   733  		} else {
   734  			// Check for special messages and process based on completion status
   735  			obr, err = s.processBackgroundTaskMessage(bctx, obr)
   736  			if err == nil {
   737  				canceled, err := s.cancelPendingDuplicateReactions(bctx, obr)
   738  				if err == nil && canceled {
   739  					s.Debug(bctx, "deliverLoop: aborting send, duplicate send convID: %s, obid: %s",
   740  						obr.ConvID, obr.OutboxID)
   741  					continue
   742  				}
   743  			} else if _, ok := err.(delivererBackgroundTaskError); ok {
   744  				// check for bkg task error and loop around if we hit one
   745  				s.Debug(bctx, "deliverLoop: bkg task in progress, skipping: convID: %s obid: %s task: %v",
   746  					obr.ConvID, obr.OutboxID, err)
   747  				continue
   748  			}
   749  			if err == nil {
   750  				_, _, err = s.sender.Send(bctx, obr.ConvID, obr.Msg, 0, nil, obr.SendOpts,
   751  					obr.PrepareOpts)
   752  			}
   753  		}
   754  		if err != nil {
   755  			s.Debug(bctx,
   756  				"deliverLoop: failed to send msg: uid: %s convID: %s obid: %s err: %v attempts: %d",
   757  				s.outbox.GetUID(), obr.ConvID, obr.OutboxID, err, obr.State.Sending())
   759  			// Process failure. If we determine that the message is unrecoverable, then bail out.
   760  			if errTyp, newErr, ok := s.doNotRetryFailure(bctx, obr, err); ok {
   761  				// Record failure if we hit this case, and put the rest of this loop in a
   762  				// mode where all other entries also fail.
   763  				s.Debug(bctx, "deliverLoop: failure condition reached, marking as error and notifying: obid: %s errTyp: %v attempts: %d", obr.OutboxID, errTyp, obr.State.Sending())
   765  				if err := s.failMessage(bctx, obr, chat1.OutboxStateError{
   766  					Message: newErr.Error(),
   767  					Typ:     errTyp,
   768  				}); err != nil {
   769  					s.Debug(bctx, "deliverLoop: unable to fail message: err: %v", err)
   770  				}
   771  			} else if s.shouldRecordError(bctx, err) {
   772  				if err = s.outbox.RecordFailedAttempt(bctx, obr); err != nil {
   773  					s.Debug(ctx, "deliverLoop: unable to record failed attempt on outbox: uid %s err: %v",
   774  						s.outbox.GetUID(), err)
   775  				}
   776  			}
   777  			// Check if we should break out of the deliverer loop on this failure
   778  			if s.shouldBreakLoop(bctx, obr) {
   779  				break
   780  			}
   781  		} else {
   782  			// BlockingSender actually does this too, so this will likely fail, but to maintain
   783  			// the types.Sender abstraction we will do it here too and likely fail.
   784  			if _, err = s.outbox.RemoveMessage(bctx, obr.OutboxID); err != nil {
   785  				s.Debug(ctx, "deliverLoop: failed to remove successful message send: %v", err)
   786  			}
   787  		}
   788  	}
   789  }