
     1  // Copyright 2016 Keybase Inc. All rights reserved.
     2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD
     3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5  package data
     7  import (
     8  	"bytes"
     9  	"fmt"
    10  	"math"
    11  	"reflect"
    12  	"testing"
    14  	""
    15  	""
    16  	libkeytest ""
    17  	""
    18  	""
    19  	""
    20  	""
    21  	""
    22  	""
    23  )
    25  func setupFileDataTest(t *testing.T, maxBlockSize int64,
    26  	maxPtrsPerBlock int) (*FileData, BlockCache, DirtyBlockCache, *DirtyFile) {
    27  	// Make a fake file.
    28  	ptr := BlockPointer{
    29  		ID:         kbfsblock.FakeID(42),
    30  		DirectType: DirectBlock,
    31  	}
    32  	id := tlf.FakeID(1, tlf.Private)
    33  	file := Path{
    34  		FolderBranch{Tlf: id},
    35  		[]PathNode{{ptr, NewPathPartString("file", nil)}},
    36  		nil,
    37  	}
    38  	chargedTo := keybase1.MakeTestUID(1).AsUserOrTeam()
    39  	bsplit := &BlockSplitterSimple{maxBlockSize, maxPtrsPerBlock, 10, 0}
    40  	kmd := libkeytest.NewEmptyKeyMetadata(id, 1)
    42  	cleanCache := NewBlockCacheStandard(1<<10, 1<<20)
    43  	dirtyBcache := SimpleDirtyBlockCacheStandard()
    44  	getter := func(ctx context.Context, _ libkey.KeyMetadata, ptr BlockPointer,
    45  		_ Path, _ BlockReqType) (*FileBlock, bool, error) {
    46  		isDirty := true
    47  		block, err := dirtyBcache.Get(ctx, id, ptr, MasterBranch)
    48  		if err != nil {
    49  			// Check the clean cache.
    50  			block, err = cleanCache.Get(ptr)
    51  			if err != nil {
    52  				return nil, false, err
    53  			}
    54  			isDirty = false
    55  		}
    56  		fblock, ok := block.(*FileBlock)
    57  		if !ok {
    58  			return nil, false,
    59  				fmt.Errorf("Block for %s is not a file block", ptr)
    60  		}
    61  		return fblock, isDirty, nil
    62  	}
    63  	cacher := func(ctx context.Context, ptr BlockPointer, block Block) error {
    64  		return dirtyBcache.Put(ctx, id, ptr, MasterBranch, block)
    65  	}
    67  	log := logger.NewTestLogger(t)
    68  	fd := NewFileData(
    69  		file, chargedTo, bsplit, kmd, getter, cacher, log,
    70  		libkb.NewVDebugLog(log))
    71  	df := NewDirtyFile(file, dirtyBcache)
    72  	return fd, cleanCache, dirtyBcache, df
    73  }
    75  type testFileDataLevel struct {
    76  	dirty    bool
    77  	children []testFileDataLevel
    78  	off      Int64Offset
    79  	size     int
    80  }
    82  type testFileDataHole struct {
    83  	start Int64Offset
    84  	end   Int64Offset
    85  }
    87  func testFileDataLevelFromData(t *testing.T, maxBlockSize Int64Offset,
    88  	maxPtrsPerBlock int, existingLevels int, fullDataLen Int64Offset,
    89  	holes []testFileDataHole, startWrite, endWrite,
    90  	holeShiftAfter Int64Offset, truncateExtend bool) testFileDataLevel {
    91  	// First fill in the leaf level.
    92  	var prevChildren []testFileDataLevel
    93  	var off Int64Offset
    94  	size := 0
    95  	nextHole := 0
    96  	for off < fullDataLen {
    97  		var nextOff Int64Offset
    98  		size = int(maxBlockSize)
    99  		makeFinalHole := false
   100  		switch {
   101  		case nextHole < len(holes) && off+maxBlockSize >= holes[nextHole].start:
   102  			size = int(holes[nextHole].start - off)
   103  			nextOff = holes[nextHole].end
   104  			nextHole++
   105  			makeFinalHole = nextHole >= len(holes) &&
   106  				nextOff >= fullDataLen
   107  		case off+maxBlockSize > fullDataLen:
   108  			size = int(fullDataLen - off)
   109  			nextOff = fullDataLen
   110  		default:
   111  			nextOff = off + maxBlockSize
   112  		}
   113  		dirty := off < endWrite && startWrite < off+Int64Offset(size)
   114  		// If this is a shrink, dirty the block containing startWrite.
   115  		if endWrite < 0 {
   116  			dirty = nextOff >= startWrite
   117  		}
   118  		newChild := testFileDataLevel{dirty, nil, off, size}
   119  		t.Logf("Expected leaf offset %d [dirty=%t]", off, dirty)
   120  		prevChildren = append(prevChildren, newChild)
   122  		if makeFinalHole {
   123  			// The final hole can only ever be dirty if there was a
   124  			// truncate to a new length.
   125  			newChild := testFileDataLevel{truncateExtend, nil, nextOff, 0}
   126  			t.Logf("Expected leaf offset %d (final)", nextOff)
   127  			prevChildren = append(prevChildren, newChild)
   128  		}
   130  		off = nextOff
   131  	}
   132  	if fullDataLen == 0 {
   133  		// Special case for a file that's been left empty.
   134  		newChild := testFileDataLevel{true, nil, 0, 0}
   135  		prevChildren = append(prevChildren, newChild)
   136  	}
   138  	// Now fill in any parents.  If this is a shrink, force the new
   139  	// data to have the same number of levels (we never remove levels
   140  	// of indirection at the moment).
   141  	newLevels := 1
   142  	for len(prevChildren) != 1 || (endWrite < 0 && newLevels < existingLevels) {
   143  		prevChildIndex := 0
   144  		var level []testFileDataLevel
   146  		numAtLevel := int(math.Ceil(float64(len(prevChildren)) /
   147  			float64(maxPtrsPerBlock)))
   148  		for i := 0; i < numAtLevel; i++ {
   149  			// Split the previous children up (if any) into
   150  			// maxPtrsPerBlock chunks.
   151  			var children []testFileDataLevel
   152  			var off Int64Offset
   153  			newIndex := prevChildIndex + maxPtrsPerBlock
   154  			if newIndex > len(prevChildren) {
   155  				newIndex = len(prevChildren)
   156  			}
   157  			off = prevChildren[prevChildIndex].off
   158  			children = prevChildren[prevChildIndex:newIndex]
   159  			prevChildIndex = newIndex
   160  			dirty := false
   161  			for _, child := range children {
   162  				// A parent is dirty if it has a dirty child.
   163  				if child.dirty {
   164  					dirty = true
   165  					break
   166  				}
   167  			}
   168  			// Also if a new block was made in a hole, any indirect
   169  			// parent that comes after the end of the write will be
   170  			// dirty, due to hole shifting.
   171  			if holeShiftAfter > 0 && off >= holeShiftAfter {
   172  				dirty = true
   173  				// If this is the bottom-most parent block after a
   174  				// hole shift, its rightmost child will also be marked
   175  				// dirty.
   176  				if newLevels == 1 {
   177  					children[len(children)-1].dirty = true
   178  				}
   179  			}
   180  			newChild := testFileDataLevel{dirty, children, off, 0}
   181  			level = append(level, newChild)
   182  		}
   183  		prevChildren = level
   184  		newLevels++
   185  	}
   187  	// Even in a shrink, the top block is always dirty.
   188  	currNode := &(prevChildren[0])
   189  	if endWrite < 0 {
   190  		currNode.dirty = true
   191  	}
   193  	// If we added new levels, we can expect the old topmost block to
   194  	// be dirty, since we have to upload it with a new block ID.
   195  	for i := 0; i <= newLevels-existingLevels; i++ {
   196  		t.Logf("Dirtying level %d %d %d", i, newLevels, existingLevels)
   197  		currNode.dirty = true
   198  		if len(currNode.children) == 0 {
   199  			break
   200  		}
   201  		currNode = &(currNode.children[0])
   202  	}
   204  	return prevChildren[0]
   205  }
   207  func (tfdl testFileDataLevel) check(t *testing.T, fd *FileData,
   208  	ptr BlockPointer, off Int64Offset, dirtyBcache DirtyBlockCache) (
   209  	dirtyPtrs map[BlockPointer]bool) {
   210  	dirtyPtrs = make(map[BlockPointer]bool)
   211  	levelString := fmt.Sprintf("ptr=%s, off=%d", ptr, off)
   212  	t.Logf("Checking %s", levelString)
   214  	require.Equal(t,, off, levelString)
   215  	if tfdl.dirty {
   216  		dirtyPtrs[ptr] = true
   217  		require.True(
   218  			t, dirtyBcache.IsDirty(fd.tree.file.Tlf, ptr, MasterBranch),
   219  			levelString)
   220  	}
   222  	fblock, isDirty, err := fd.getter(nil, nil, ptr, Path{}, BlockRead)
   223  	require.NoError(t, err, levelString)
   224  	require.Equal(t, tfdl.dirty, isDirty, levelString)
   225  	require.NotNil(t, fblock, levelString)
   227  	// We expect this to be a leaf block.
   228  	if len(tfdl.children) == 0 {
   229  		require.False(t, fblock.IsInd, levelString)
   230  		require.Len(t, fblock.IPtrs, 0, levelString)
   231  		require.Len(t, fblock.Contents, tfdl.size, levelString)
   232  		return dirtyPtrs
   233  	}
   235  	// Otherwise it's indirect, so check all the children.
   236  	require.True(t, fblock.IsInd, levelString)
   237  	require.Len(t, fblock.IPtrs, len(tfdl.children), levelString)
   238  	require.Len(t, fblock.Contents, 0, levelString)
   239  	for i, iptr := range fblock.IPtrs {
   240  		childDirtyPtrs := tfdl.children[i].check(
   241  			t, fd, iptr.BlockPointer, iptr.Off, dirtyBcache)
   242  		for ptr := range childDirtyPtrs {
   243  			dirtyPtrs[ptr] = true
   244  		}
   245  	}
   246  	return dirtyPtrs
   247  }
   249  func testFileDataCheckWrite(t *testing.T, fd *FileData,
   250  	dirtyBcache DirtyBlockCache, df *DirtyFile, data []byte, off Int64Offset,
   251  	topBlock *FileBlock, oldDe DirEntry, expectedSize uint64,
   252  	expectedUnrefs []BlockInfo, expectedDirtiedBytes int64,
   253  	expectedBytesExtended int64, expectedTopLevel testFileDataLevel) {
   254  	// Do the write.
   255  	ctx := context.Background()
   256  	newDe, dirtyPtrs, unrefs, newlyDirtiedChildBytes, bytesExtended, err :=
   257  		fd.Write(ctx, data, off, topBlock, oldDe, df)
   258  	require.NoError(t, err)
   260  	// Check the basics.
   261  	require.Equal(t, expectedSize, newDe.Size)
   262  	require.Equal(t, expectedDirtiedBytes, newlyDirtiedChildBytes)
   263  	require.Equal(t, expectedBytesExtended, bytesExtended)
   265  	// Go through each expected level and make sure we have the right
   266  	// set of dirty pointers and children.
   267  	expectedDirtyPtrs := expectedTopLevel.check(
   268  		t, fd, fd.rootBlockPointer(), 0, dirtyBcache)
   269  	dirtyPtrsMap := make(map[BlockPointer]bool)
   270  	for _, ptr := range dirtyPtrs {
   271  		dirtyPtrsMap[ptr] = true
   272  	}
   273  	require.True(t, reflect.DeepEqual(expectedDirtyPtrs, dirtyPtrsMap),
   274  		fmt.Sprintf("expected %v; got %v", expectedDirtyPtrs, dirtyPtrsMap))
   276  	// TODO: set the EncodedSize of the existing blocks to something
   277  	// non-zero so that we get some unrefs.
   278  	require.Len(t, unrefs, 0)
   279  }
   281  func testFileDataWriteExtendEmptyFile(t *testing.T, maxBlockSize Int64Offset,
   282  	maxPtrsPerBlock int, fullDataLen Int64Offset) {
   283  	fd, cleanBcache, dirtyBcache, df := setupFileDataTest(
   284  		t, int64(maxBlockSize), maxPtrsPerBlock)
   285  	topBlock := NewFileBlock().(*FileBlock)
   286  	err := cleanBcache.Put(
   287  		fd.rootBlockPointer(), fd.tree.file.Tlf, topBlock, TransientEntry,
   288  		SkipCacheHash)
   289  	require.NoError(t, err)
   290  	de := DirEntry{}
   291  	data := make([]byte, fullDataLen)
   292  	for i := 0; i < int(fullDataLen); i++ {
   293  		data[i] = byte(i)
   294  	}
   295  	expectedTopLevel := testFileDataLevelFromData(
   296  		t, maxBlockSize, maxPtrsPerBlock, 0, fullDataLen, nil, 0,
   297  		fullDataLen, 0, false)
   299  	testFileDataCheckWrite(
   300  		t, fd, dirtyBcache, df, data, 0, topBlock, de, uint64(fullDataLen),
   301  		nil, int64(fullDataLen), int64(fullDataLen), expectedTopLevel)
   303  	// Make sure we can read back the complete data.
   304  	gotData := make([]byte, fullDataLen)
   305  	nRead, err := fd.Read(context.Background(), gotData, 0)
   306  	require.NoError(t, err)
   307  	require.Equal(t, Int64Offset(nRead), fullDataLen)
   308  	require.True(t, bytes.Equal(data, gotData))
   309  }
   311  func testFileDataWriteNewLevel(t *testing.T, levels float64) {
   312  	capacity := math.Pow(2, levels)
   313  	halfCapacity := capacity/2 + 1
   314  	if levels == 1 {
   315  		halfCapacity = capacity - 1
   316  	}
   317  	// Fills half the leaf level.
   318  	testFileDataWriteExtendEmptyFile(t, 2, 2, Int64Offset(halfCapacity))
   319  	// Fills whole leaf level.
   320  	testFileDataWriteExtendEmptyFile(t, 2, 2, Int64Offset(capacity))
   322  }
   324  func TestFileDataWriteNewLevel(t *testing.T) {
   325  	for _, level := range []float64{1, 2, 3, 10} {
   326  		// capture range variable.
   327  		level := level
   328  		t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%dLevels", int(level)), func(t *testing.T) {
   329  			testFileDataWriteNewLevel(t, level)
   330  		})
   331  	}
   332  }
   334  func testFileDataLevelExistingBlocks(t *testing.T, fd *FileData,
   335  	maxBlockSize Int64Offset, maxPtrsPerBlock int, existingData []byte,
   336  	holes []testFileDataHole, cleanBcache BlockCache) (*FileBlock, int) {
   337  	// First fill in the leaf blocks.
   338  	var off Int64Offset
   339  	existingDataLen := Int64Offset(len(existingData))
   340  	var prevChildren []*FileBlock
   341  	var leafOffs []Int64Offset
   342  	nextHole := 0
   343  	for off < existingDataLen {
   344  		endOff := off + maxBlockSize
   345  		var nextOff Int64Offset
   346  		makeFinalHole := false
   347  		switch {
   348  		case nextHole < len(holes) && endOff > holes[nextHole].start:
   349  			endOff = holes[nextHole].start
   350  			nextOff = holes[nextHole].end
   351  			nextHole++
   352  			makeFinalHole = nextHole >= len(holes) &&
   353  				nextOff >= existingDataLen
   354  		case endOff > existingDataLen:
   355  			endOff = existingDataLen
   356  			nextOff = existingDataLen
   357  		default:
   358  			nextOff = endOff
   359  		}
   361  		fblock := NewFileBlock().(*FileBlock)
   362  		fblock.Contents = existingData[off:endOff]
   363  		prevChildren = append(prevChildren, fblock)
   364  		t.Logf("Initial leaf offset %d, size %d", off, len(fblock.Contents))
   365  		leafOffs = append(leafOffs, off)
   367  		if makeFinalHole {
   368  			fblock := NewFileBlock().(*FileBlock)
   369  			prevChildren = append(prevChildren, fblock)
   370  			t.Logf("Initial leaf offset %d (final)", nextOff)
   371  			leafOffs = append(leafOffs, nextOff)
   372  		}
   374  		off = nextOff
   375  	}
   377  	// Now fill in any parents.
   378  	numLevels := 1
   379  	for len(prevChildren) != 1 {
   380  		prevChildIndex := 0
   381  		var level []*FileBlock
   382  		numAtLevel := int(math.Ceil(float64(len(prevChildren)) /
   383  			float64(maxPtrsPerBlock)))
   384  		for i := 0; i < numAtLevel; i++ {
   385  			// Split the previous children up (if any) into maxPtrsPerBlock
   386  			// chunks.
   387  			var children []*FileBlock
   388  			newIndex := prevChildIndex + maxPtrsPerBlock
   389  			if newIndex > len(prevChildren) {
   390  				newIndex = len(prevChildren)
   391  			}
   392  			children = prevChildren[prevChildIndex:newIndex]
   393  			fblock := NewFileBlock().(*FileBlock)
   394  			fblock.IsInd = true
   395  			dt := DirectBlock
   396  			if numLevels > 1 {
   397  				dt = IndirectBlock
   398  			}
   399  			for j, child := range children {
   400  				id, err := kbfsblock.MakeTemporaryID()
   401  				require.NoError(t, err)
   402  				ptr := BlockPointer{
   403  					ID:         id,
   404  					DirectType: dt,
   405  				}
   406  				var off Int64Offset
   407  				if child.IsInd {
   408  					off = child.IPtrs[0].Off
   409  				} else {
   410  					off = leafOffs[prevChildIndex+j]
   411  				}
   413  				fblock.IPtrs = append(fblock.IPtrs, IndirectFilePtr{
   414  					BlockInfo: BlockInfo{ptr, 0},
   415  					Off:       off,
   416  				})
   417  				err = cleanBcache.Put(
   418  					ptr, fd.tree.file.Tlf, child, TransientEntry, SkipCacheHash)
   419  				require.NoError(t, err)
   420  			}
   421  			prevChildIndex = newIndex
   422  			level = append(level, fblock)
   423  		}
   424  		prevChildren = level
   425  		numLevels++
   426  	}
   428  	if numLevels > 1 {
   429  		fd.tree.file.Path[len(fd.tree.file.Path)-1].DirectType = IndirectBlock
   430  	}
   432  	err := cleanBcache.Put(
   433  		fd.rootBlockPointer(), fd.tree.file.Tlf, prevChildren[0],
   434  		TransientEntry, SkipCacheHash)
   435  	require.NoError(t, err)
   436  	return prevChildren[0], numLevels
   437  }
   439  func testFileDataWriteExtendExistingFile(t *testing.T, maxBlockSize Int64Offset,
   440  	maxPtrsPerBlock int, existingLen, fullDataLen Int64Offset) {
   441  	fd, cleanBcache, dirtyBcache, df := setupFileDataTest(
   442  		t, int64(maxBlockSize), maxPtrsPerBlock)
   443  	data := make([]byte, fullDataLen)
   444  	for i := 0; i < int(fullDataLen); i++ {
   445  		data[i] = byte(i)
   446  	}
   447  	topBlock, levels := testFileDataLevelExistingBlocks(
   448  		t, fd, maxBlockSize, maxPtrsPerBlock, data[:existingLen], nil,
   449  		cleanBcache)
   450  	de := DirEntry{
   451  		EntryInfo: EntryInfo{
   452  			Size: uint64(existingLen),
   453  		},
   454  	}
   455  	expectedTopLevel := testFileDataLevelFromData(
   456  		t, maxBlockSize, maxPtrsPerBlock, levels, fullDataLen, nil, existingLen,
   457  		fullDataLen, 0, false)
   459  	extendedBytes := fullDataLen - existingLen
   460  	// Round up to find out the number of dirty bytes.
   461  	remainder := extendedBytes % maxBlockSize
   462  	dirtiedBytes := extendedBytes
   463  	if remainder > 0 {
   464  		dirtiedBytes += (maxBlockSize - remainder)
   465  	}
   466  	// Add a block's worth of dirty bytes if we're extending past the
   467  	// first full level, because the original block still gets dirtied
   468  	// because it needs to be inserted under a new ID.
   469  	if existingLen == maxBlockSize {
   470  		dirtiedBytes += maxBlockSize
   471  	}
   472  	testFileDataCheckWrite(
   473  		t, fd, dirtyBcache, df, data[existingLen:], existingLen,
   474  		topBlock, de, uint64(fullDataLen),
   475  		nil, int64(dirtiedBytes), int64(extendedBytes), expectedTopLevel)
   477  	// Make sure we can read back the complete data.
   478  	gotData := make([]byte, fullDataLen)
   479  	nRead, err := fd.Read(context.Background(), gotData, 0)
   480  	require.NoError(t, err)
   481  	require.Equal(t, nRead, int64(fullDataLen))
   482  	require.True(t, bytes.Equal(data, gotData))
   483  }
   485  func testFileDataExtendExistingLevels(t *testing.T, levels float64) {
   486  	capacity := math.Pow(2, levels)
   487  	halfCapacity := capacity / 2
   488  	// Starts with one lower level and adds a level.
   489  	testFileDataWriteExtendExistingFile(
   490  		t, 2, 2, Int64Offset(halfCapacity), Int64Offset(capacity))
   491  }
   493  func TestFileDataExtendExistingLevels(t *testing.T) {
   494  	for _, level := range []float64{1, 2, 3, 10} {
   495  		// capture range variable.
   496  		level := level
   497  		t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%dLevels", int(level)), func(t *testing.T) {
   498  			testFileDataExtendExistingLevels(t, level)
   499  		})
   500  	}
   501  }
   503  func testFileDataOverwriteExistingFile(t *testing.T, maxBlockSize Int64Offset,
   504  	maxPtrsPerBlock int, fullDataLen Int64Offset, holes []testFileDataHole,
   505  	startWrite, endWrite Int64Offset, finalHoles []testFileDataHole) {
   506  	fd, cleanBcache, dirtyBcache, df := setupFileDataTest(
   507  		t, int64(maxBlockSize), maxPtrsPerBlock)
   508  	data := make([]byte, fullDataLen)
   509  	for i := 0; i < int(fullDataLen); i++ {
   510  		data[i] = byte(i)
   511  	}
   512  	holeShiftAfter := Int64Offset(0)
   513  	effectiveStartWrite := startWrite
   514  	for _, hole := range holes {
   515  		for i := hole.start; i < hole.end; i++ {
   516  			data[i] = byte(0)
   517  			if holeShiftAfter == 0 && startWrite <= i && i < endWrite {
   518  				holeShiftAfter = i
   519  				// If we're writing in a hole, we might extend the
   520  				// block on its left edge to its block boundary,
   521  				// which means that's effectively the start of the
   522  				// write.
   523  				effectiveStartWrite = hole.start
   524  			}
   525  		}
   526  	}
   527  	topBlock, levels := testFileDataLevelExistingBlocks(
   528  		t, fd, maxBlockSize, maxPtrsPerBlock, data, holes, cleanBcache)
   529  	de := DirEntry{
   530  		EntryInfo: EntryInfo{
   531  			Size: uint64(fullDataLen),
   532  		},
   533  	}
   535  	t.Logf("holeShiftAfter=%d", holeShiftAfter)
   536  	expectedTopLevel := testFileDataLevelFromData(
   537  		t, maxBlockSize, maxPtrsPerBlock, levels, fullDataLen, finalHoles,
   538  		effectiveStartWrite, endWrite, holeShiftAfter, false)
   540  	// Round up to find out the number of dirty bytes.
   541  	writtenBytes := endWrite - startWrite
   542  	remainder := writtenBytes % maxBlockSize
   543  	dirtiedBytes := writtenBytes
   544  	if remainder > 0 {
   545  		dirtiedBytes += (maxBlockSize - remainder)
   546  	}
   547  	// Capture extending an existing block to its block boundary when
   548  	// writing in a hole.
   549  	if effectiveStartWrite != startWrite &&
   550  		effectiveStartWrite%maxBlockSize > 0 {
   551  		dirtiedBytes += maxBlockSize
   552  	}
   554  	// The extended bytes are the size of the new blocks that were
   555  	// added.  This isn't exactly right, but for now just pick the
   556  	// start of the last hole and round it up to the next block.
   557  	extendedBytes := Int64Offset(0)
   558  	existingBytes := holes[len(holes)-1].start
   559  	remainder = existingBytes % maxBlockSize
   560  	if remainder > 0 {
   561  		existingBytes += (maxBlockSize - remainder)
   562  	}
   563  	if endWrite > existingBytes {
   564  		extendedBytes = endWrite - existingBytes
   565  		// Also ignore any bytes that are still in the hole.
   566  		if existingBytes < holeShiftAfter {
   567  			extendedBytes -= holeShiftAfter - existingBytes
   568  		}
   569  	}
   571  	newData := make([]byte, writtenBytes)
   572  	for i := startWrite; i < endWrite; i++ {
   573  		// The new data shifts each byte over by 1.
   574  		newData[i-startWrite] = byte(i + 1)
   575  	}
   576  	testFileDataCheckWrite(
   577  		t, fd, dirtyBcache, df, newData, startWrite,
   578  		topBlock, de, uint64(fullDataLen),
   579  		nil, int64(dirtiedBytes), int64(extendedBytes), expectedTopLevel)
   581  	copy(data[startWrite:endWrite], newData)
   583  	// Make sure we can read back the complete data.
   584  	gotData := make([]byte, fullDataLen)
   585  	nRead, err := fd.Read(context.Background(), gotData, 0)
   586  	require.NoError(t, err)
   587  	require.Equal(t, nRead, int64(fullDataLen))
   588  	require.True(t, bytes.Equal(data, gotData))
   589  }
   591  func TestFileDataWriteHole(t *testing.T) {
   592  	type test struct {
   593  		name  string
   594  		start Int64Offset
   595  		end   Int64Offset
   596  		final []testFileDataHole
   597  	}
   599  	tests := []test{
   600  		{"Start", 5, 8, []testFileDataHole{{8, 10}}},
   601  		// The first final hole starts at 6, instead of 5, because a write
   602  		// extends the existing block.
   603  		{"End", 8, 10, []testFileDataHole{{6, 8}, {10, 10}}},
   604  		// The first final hole starts at 6, instead of 5, because a write
   605  		// extends the existing block.
   606  		{"Middle", 7, 9, []testFileDataHole{{6, 7}, {9, 10}}},
   607  	}
   609  	for _, test := range tests {
   610  		// capture range variable.
   611  		test := test
   612  		t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
   613  			testFileDataOverwriteExistingFile(t, 2, 2, 10,
   614  				[]testFileDataHole{{5, 10}}, test.start, test.end,
   615  		})
   616  	}
   617  }
   619  func testFileDataCheckTruncateExtend(t *testing.T, fd *FileData,
   620  	dirtyBcache DirtyBlockCache, df *DirtyFile, size uint64,
   621  	topBlock *FileBlock, oldDe DirEntry, expectedTopLevel testFileDataLevel) {
   622  	// Do the extending truncate.
   623  	ctx := context.Background()
   625  	_, parentBlocks, _, _, _, _, err :=
   626  		fd.GetFileBlockAtOffset(ctx, topBlock, Int64Offset(size), BlockWrite)
   627  	require.NoError(t, err)
   629  	newDe, dirtyPtrs, err := fd.TruncateExtend(
   630  		ctx, size, topBlock, parentBlocks, oldDe, df)
   631  	require.NoError(t, err)
   633  	// Check the basics.
   634  	require.Equal(t, size, newDe.Size)
   636  	// Go through each expected level and make sure we have the right
   637  	// set of dirty pointers and children.
   638  	expectedDirtyPtrs := expectedTopLevel.check(
   639  		t, fd, fd.rootBlockPointer(), 0, dirtyBcache)
   640  	dirtyPtrsMap := make(map[BlockPointer]bool)
   641  	for _, ptr := range dirtyPtrs {
   642  		dirtyPtrsMap[ptr] = true
   643  	}
   644  	require.True(t, reflect.DeepEqual(expectedDirtyPtrs, dirtyPtrsMap),
   645  		fmt.Sprintf("expected %v; got %v", expectedDirtyPtrs, dirtyPtrsMap))
   646  }
   648  func testFileDataTruncateExtendFile(t *testing.T, maxBlockSize Int64Offset,
   649  	maxPtrsPerBlock int, currDataLen Int64Offset, newSize uint64,
   650  	holes []testFileDataHole) {
   651  	fd, cleanBcache, dirtyBcache, df := setupFileDataTest(
   652  		t, int64(maxBlockSize), maxPtrsPerBlock)
   653  	data := make([]byte, currDataLen)
   654  	for i := 0; i < int(currDataLen); i++ {
   655  		data[i] = byte(i)
   656  	}
   657  	for _, hole := range holes {
   658  		for i := hole.start; i < hole.end; i++ {
   659  			data[i] = byte(0)
   660  		}
   661  	}
   662  	topBlock, levels := testFileDataLevelExistingBlocks(
   663  		t, fd, maxBlockSize, maxPtrsPerBlock, data, holes, cleanBcache)
   664  	de := DirEntry{
   665  		EntryInfo: EntryInfo{
   666  			Size: uint64(currDataLen),
   667  		},
   668  	}
   670  	expectedTopLevel := testFileDataLevelFromData(
   671  		t, maxBlockSize, maxPtrsPerBlock, levels, currDataLen,
   672  		append(holes, testFileDataHole{currDataLen, Int64Offset(newSize)}),
   673  		currDataLen, Int64Offset(newSize), 0, true)
   675  	testFileDataCheckTruncateExtend(
   676  		t, fd, dirtyBcache, df, newSize, topBlock, de, expectedTopLevel)
   678  	newZeroes := make([]byte, Int64Offset(newSize)-currDataLen)
   679  	data = append(data, newZeroes...)
   681  	// Make sure we can read back the complete data.
   682  	gotData := make([]byte, newSize)
   683  	nRead, err := fd.Read(context.Background(), gotData, 0)
   684  	require.NoError(t, err)
   685  	require.Equal(t, nRead, int64(newSize))
   686  	require.True(t, bytes.Equal(data, gotData))
   687  }
   689  func TestFileDataTruncateExtendLevel(t *testing.T) {
   690  	type test struct {
   691  		name    string
   692  		currLen Int64Offset
   693  		newSize uint64
   694  	}
   696  	tests := []test{
   697  		{"Same", 5, 8},
   698  		{"New", 3, 8},
   699  	}
   701  	for _, test := range tests {
   702  		// capture range variable.
   703  		test := test
   704  		t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
   705  			testFileDataTruncateExtendFile(
   706  				t, 2, 2, test.currLen, test.newSize, nil)
   707  		})
   708  	}
   709  }
   711  func testFileDataCheckTruncateShrink(t *testing.T, fd *FileData,
   712  	dirtyBcache DirtyBlockCache, size uint64,
   713  	topBlock *FileBlock, oldDe DirEntry, expectedUnrefs []BlockInfo,
   714  	expectedDirtiedBytes int64, expectedTopLevel testFileDataLevel) {
   715  	// Do the extending truncate.
   716  	ctx := context.Background()
   718  	newDe, dirtyPtrs, unrefs, newlyDirtiedChildBytes, err := fd.TruncateShrink(
   719  		ctx, size, topBlock, oldDe)
   720  	require.NoError(t, err)
   722  	// Check the basics.
   723  	require.Equal(t, size, newDe.Size)
   724  	require.Equal(t, expectedDirtiedBytes, newlyDirtiedChildBytes)
   726  	// Go through each expected level and make sure we have the right
   727  	// set of dirty pointers and children.
   728  	expectedDirtyPtrs := expectedTopLevel.check(
   729  		t, fd, fd.rootBlockPointer(), 0, dirtyBcache)
   730  	dirtyPtrsMap := make(map[BlockPointer]bool)
   731  	for _, ptr := range dirtyPtrs {
   732  		dirtyPtrsMap[ptr] = true
   733  	}
   734  	require.True(t, reflect.DeepEqual(expectedDirtyPtrs, dirtyPtrsMap),
   735  		fmt.Sprintf("expected %v; got %v", expectedDirtyPtrs, dirtyPtrsMap))
   737  	// TODO: set the EncodedSize of the existing blocks to something
   738  	// non-zero so that we get some unrefs.
   739  	require.Len(t, unrefs, 0)
   740  }
   742  func testFileDataShrinkExistingFile(t *testing.T, maxBlockSize Int64Offset,
   743  	maxPtrsPerBlock int, existingLen int64, newSize uint64) {
   744  	fd, cleanBcache, dirtyBcache, _ := setupFileDataTest(
   745  		t, int64(maxBlockSize), maxPtrsPerBlock)
   746  	data := make([]byte, existingLen)
   747  	for i := 0; i < int(existingLen); i++ {
   748  		data[i] = byte(i)
   749  	}
   750  	topBlock, levels := testFileDataLevelExistingBlocks(
   751  		t, fd, maxBlockSize, maxPtrsPerBlock, data, nil, cleanBcache)
   752  	de := DirEntry{
   753  		EntryInfo: EntryInfo{
   754  			Size: uint64(existingLen),
   755  		},
   756  	}
   757  	expectedTopLevel := testFileDataLevelFromData(
   758  		t, maxBlockSize, maxPtrsPerBlock, levels, Int64Offset(newSize), nil,
   759  		Int64Offset(newSize),
   760  		Int64Offset(int64(newSize)-existingLen), /*negative*/
   761  		0, false)
   763  	// Round up to find out the number of dirty bytes.
   764  	dirtiedBytes := int64(newSize) % int64(maxBlockSize)
   765  	testFileDataCheckTruncateShrink(
   766  		t, fd, dirtyBcache, newSize, topBlock, de, nil, dirtiedBytes,
   767  		expectedTopLevel)
   769  	// Make sure we can read back the complete data.
   770  	gotData := make([]byte, newSize)
   771  	nRead, err := fd.Read(context.Background(), gotData, 0)
   772  	require.NoError(t, err)
   773  	require.Equal(t, nRead, int64(newSize))
   774  	require.True(t, bytes.Equal(data[:newSize], gotData))
   775  }
   777  func TestFileDataTruncateShrink(t *testing.T) {
   778  	type test struct {
   779  		name    string
   780  		currLen int64
   781  		newSize uint64
   782  	}
   784  	tests := []test{
   785  		{"WithinBlock", 6, 5},
   786  		{"WithinLevel", 8, 5},
   787  		{"ToZero", 8, 0},
   788  	}
   790  	for _, test := range tests {
   791  		// capture range variable.
   792  		test := test
   793  		t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
   794  			testFileDataShrinkExistingFile(t, 2, 2, test.currLen, test.newSize)
   795  		})
   796  	}
   797  }
   799  func testFileDataWriteExtendExistingFileWithGap(t *testing.T,
   800  	maxBlockSize Int64Offset, maxPtrsPerBlock int, existingLen,
   801  	fullDataLen, startWrite Int64Offset, finalHoles []testFileDataHole) {
   802  	fd, cleanBcache, dirtyBcache, df := setupFileDataTest(
   803  		t, int64(maxBlockSize), maxPtrsPerBlock)
   804  	data := make([]byte, fullDataLen)
   805  	for i := Int64Offset(0); i < fullDataLen; i++ {
   806  		if i < existingLen || i >= startWrite {
   807  			data[i] = byte(i)
   808  		}
   809  	}
   810  	topBlock, levels := testFileDataLevelExistingBlocks(
   811  		t, fd, maxBlockSize, maxPtrsPerBlock, data[:existingLen], nil,
   812  		cleanBcache)
   813  	de := DirEntry{
   814  		EntryInfo: EntryInfo{
   815  			Size: uint64(existingLen),
   816  		},
   817  	}
   818  	// The write starts at `existingLen`, instead of `startWrite`,
   819  	// because we need to account for any bytes dirtied when extending
   820  	// the block to the left of the gap.
   821  	expectedTopLevel := testFileDataLevelFromData(
   822  		t, maxBlockSize, maxPtrsPerBlock, levels, fullDataLen,
   823  		finalHoles, existingLen, fullDataLen, 0, false)
   825  	extendedBytes := fullDataLen - existingLen
   826  	// Round up to find out the number of dirty bytes.
   827  	dirtiedBytes := fullDataLen - startWrite
   828  	remainder := dirtiedBytes % maxBlockSize
   829  	if remainder > 0 {
   830  		dirtiedBytes += (maxBlockSize - remainder)
   831  	}
   832  	// Dirty the current last block as well, if needed.
   833  	if existingLen%maxBlockSize > 0 {
   834  		dirtiedBytes += maxBlockSize
   835  	}
   836  	// Add a block's worth of dirty bytes if we're extending past the
   837  	// first full level, because the original block still gets dirtied
   838  	// because it needs to be inserted under a new ID.
   839  	if existingLen == maxBlockSize {
   840  		dirtiedBytes += maxBlockSize
   841  	}
   842  	testFileDataCheckWrite(
   843  		t, fd, dirtyBcache, df, data[startWrite:], startWrite,
   844  		topBlock, de, uint64(fullDataLen),
   845  		nil, int64(dirtiedBytes), int64(extendedBytes), expectedTopLevel)
   847  	// Make sure we can read back the complete data.
   848  	gotData := make([]byte, fullDataLen)
   849  	nRead, err := fd.Read(context.Background(), gotData, 0)
   850  	require.NoError(t, err)
   851  	require.Equal(t, nRead, int64(fullDataLen))
   852  	require.True(t, bytes.Equal(data, gotData))
   853  }
   855  // Test that we can write past the end of the last block of a file,
   856  // leaving a gap.  Regression tests for KBFS-1915.
   857  func TestFileDataWriteExtendExistingFileWithGap(t *testing.T) {
   858  	type test struct {
   859  		name       string
   860  		currLen    Int64Offset
   861  		newSize    Int64Offset
   862  		startWrite Int64Offset
   863  		finalHoles []testFileDataHole
   864  	}
   866  	tests := []test{
   867  		{"SwitchToIndirect", 1, 16, 10, []testFileDataHole{{2, 10}}},
   868  		{"FullExistingBlock", 6, 16, 10, []testFileDataHole{{6, 10}}},
   869  		{"FillExistingBlock", 5, 16, 10, []testFileDataHole{{6, 10}}},
   870  	}
   872  	for _, test := range tests {
   873  		// capture range variable.
   874  		test := test
   875  		t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
   876  			testFileDataWriteExtendExistingFileWithGap(
   877  				t, 2, 2, test.currLen, test.newSize, test.startWrite,
   878  				test.finalHoles)
   879  		})
   880  	}
   881  }