
     1  // Copyright 2016 Keybase Inc. All rights reserved.
     2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD
     3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5  package libkbfs
     7  import (
     8  	"fmt"
     9  	pathlib "path"
    10  	"time"
    12  	""
    13  	""
    14  	""
    15  	""
    16  	""
    17  	""
    18  	""
    19  	""
    20  	""
    21  	""
    22  	""
    23  	""
    24  	""
    25  )
    27  type overallBlockState int
    29  const (
    30  	// cleanState: no outstanding local writes.
    31  	cleanState overallBlockState = iota
    32  	// dirtyState: there are outstanding local writes that haven't yet been
    33  	// synced.
    34  	dirtyState
    35  )
    37  const (
    38  	// numBlockSizeWorkersMax is the max number of workers to use when
    39  	// fetching a set of block sizes.
    40  	numBlockSizeWorkersMax = 50
    41  	// How many pointers to downgrade in a single block size call.
    42  	numBlockSizesPerChunk = 20
    43  	// truncateExtendCutoffPoint is the amount of data in extending
    44  	// truncate that will trigger the extending with a hole algorithm.
    45  	truncateExtendCutoffPoint = 128 * 1024
    46  )
    48  type mdToCleanIfUnused struct {
    49  	md  ReadOnlyRootMetadata
    50  	bps blockPutStateCopiable
    51  }
    53  type syncInfo struct {
    54  	oldInfo         data.BlockInfo
    55  	op              *syncOp
    56  	unrefs          []data.BlockInfo
    57  	bps             blockPutStateCopiable
    58  	refBytes        uint64
    59  	unrefBytes      uint64
    60  	toCleanIfUnused []mdToCleanIfUnused
    61  }
    63  func (si *syncInfo) DeepCopy(
    64  	ctx context.Context, codec kbfscodec.Codec) (newSi *syncInfo, err error) {
    65  	newSi = &syncInfo{
    66  		oldInfo:    si.oldInfo,
    67  		refBytes:   si.refBytes,
    68  		unrefBytes: si.unrefBytes,
    69  	}
    70  	newSi.unrefs = make([]data.BlockInfo, len(si.unrefs))
    71  	copy(newSi.unrefs, si.unrefs)
    72  	if si.bps != nil {
    73  		newSi.bps, err = si.bps.deepCopy(ctx)
    74  		if err != nil {
    75  			return nil, err
    76  		}
    77  	}
    78  	if si.op != nil {
    79  		err := kbfscodec.Update(codec, &newSi.op, si.op)
    80  		if err != nil {
    81  			return nil, err
    82  		}
    83  	}
    84  	newSi.toCleanIfUnused = make([]mdToCleanIfUnused, len(si.toCleanIfUnused))
    85  	for i, toClean := range si.toCleanIfUnused {
    86  		// It might be overkill to deep-copy these MDs and bpses,
    87  		// which are probably immutable, but for now let's do the safe
    88  		// thing.
    89  		copyMd, err :=
    90  		if err != nil {
    91  			return nil, err
    92  		}
    93  		newSi.toCleanIfUnused[i].md = copyMd.ReadOnly()
    94  		newSi.toCleanIfUnused[i].bps, err = toClean.bps.deepCopy(ctx)
    95  		if err != nil {
    96  			return nil, err
    97  		}
    98  	}
    99  	return newSi, nil
   100  }
   102  func (si *syncInfo) removeReplacedBlock(ctx context.Context,
   103  	log logger.Logger, ptr data.BlockPointer) {
   104  	for i, ref := range si.op.RefBlocks {
   105  		if ref == ptr {
   106  			log.CDebugf(ctx, "Replacing old ref %v", ptr)
   107  			si.op.RefBlocks = append(si.op.RefBlocks[:i],
   108  				si.op.RefBlocks[i+1:]...)
   109  			for j, unref := range si.unrefs {
   110  				if unref.BlockPointer == ptr {
   111  					si.unrefs = append(si.unrefs[:j], si.unrefs[j+1:]...)
   112  				}
   113  			}
   114  			break
   115  		}
   116  	}
   117  }
   119  func (si *syncInfo) mergeUnrefCache(md *RootMetadata) {
   120  	for _, info := range si.unrefs {
   121  		// it's ok if we push the same ptr.ID/RefNonce multiple times,
   122  		// because the subsequent ones should have a QuotaSize of 0.
   123  		md.AddUnrefBlock(info)
   124  	}
   125  }
   127  type deferredState struct {
   128  	// Writes and truncates for blocks that were being sync'd, and
   129  	// need to be replayed after the sync finishes on top of the new
   130  	// versions of the blocks.
   131  	writes []func(
   132  		context.Context, *kbfssync.LockState, KeyMetadataWithRootDirEntry,
   133  		data.Path) error
   134  	// Blocks that need to be deleted from the dirty cache before any
   135  	// deferred writes are replayed.
   136  	dirtyDeletes []data.BlockPointer
   137  	waitBytes    int64
   138  }
   140  // folderBlockOps contains all the fields that must be synchronized by
   141  // blockLock. It will eventually also contain all the methods that
   142  // must be synchronized by blockLock, so that folderBranchOps will
   143  // have no knowledge of blockLock.
   144  //
   145  // -- And now, a primer on tracking dirty bytes --
   146  //
   147  // The DirtyBlockCache tracks the number of bytes that are dirtied
   148  // system-wide, as the number of bytes that haven't yet been synced
   149  // ("unsynced"), and a number of bytes that haven't yet been resolved
   150  // yet because the overall file Sync hasn't finished yet ("total").
   151  // This data helps us decide when we need to block incoming Writes, in
   152  // order to keep memory usage from exploding.
   153  //
   154  // It's the responsibility of folderBlockOps (and its helper struct
   155  // dirtyFile) to update these totals in DirtyBlockCache for the
   156  // individual files within this TLF.  This is complicated by a few things:
   157  //   - New writes to a file are "deferred" while a Sync is happening, and
   158  //     are replayed after the Sync finishes.
   159  //   - Syncs can be canceled or error out halfway through syncing the blocks,
   160  //     leaving the file in a dirty state until the next Sync.
   161  //   - Syncs can fail with a /recoverable/ error, in which case they get
   162  //     retried automatically by folderBranchOps.  In that case, the retried
   163  //     Sync also sucks in any outstanding deferred writes.
   164  //
   165  // With all that in mind, here is the rough breakdown of how this
   166  // bytes-tracking is implemented:
   167  //   - On a Write/Truncate to a block, folderBranchOps counts all the
   168  //     newly-dirtied bytes in a file as "unsynced".  That is, if the block was
   169  //     already in the dirty cache (and not already being synced), only
   170  //     extensions to the block count as "unsynced" bytes.
   171  //   - When a Sync starts, dirtyFile remembers the total of bytes being synced,
   172  //     and the size of each block being synced.
   173  //   - When each block put finishes successfully, dirtyFile subtracts the size
   174  //     of that block from "unsynced".
   175  //   - When a Sync finishes successfully, the total sum of bytes in that sync
   176  //     are subtracted from the "total" dirty bytes outstanding.
   177  //   - If a Sync fails, but some blocks were put successfully, those blocks
   178  //     are "re-dirtied", which means they count as unsynced bytes again.
   179  //     dirtyFile handles this.
   180  //   - When a Write/Truncate is deferred due to an ongoing Sync, its bytes
   181  //     still count towards the "unsynced" total.  In fact, this essentially
   182  //     creates a new copy of those blocks, and the whole size of that block
   183  //     (not just the newly-dirtied bytes) count for the total.  However,
   184  //     when the write gets replayed, folderBlockOps first subtracts those bytes
   185  //     from the system-wide numbers, since they are about to be replayed.
   186  //   - When a Sync is retried after a recoverable failure, dirtyFile adds
   187  //     the newly-dirtied deferred bytes to the system-wide numbers, since they
   188  //     are now being assimilated into this Sync.
   189  //   - dirtyFile also exposes a concept of "orphaned" blocks.  These are child
   190  //     blocks being synced that are now referenced via a new, permanent block
   191  //     ID from the parent indirect block.  This matters for when hard failures
   192  //     occur during a Sync -- the blocks will no longer be accessible under
   193  //     their previous old pointers, and so dirtyFile needs to know their old
   194  //     bytes can be cleaned up now.
   195  type folderBlockOps struct {
   196  	config       Config
   197  	log          logger.Logger
   198  	vlog         *libkb.VDebugLog
   199  	folderBranch data.FolderBranch
   200  	observers    *observerList
   202  	// forceSyncChan can be sent on to trigger an immediate
   203  	// Sync().  It is a blocking channel.
   204  	forceSyncChan chan<- struct{}
   206  	// protects access to blocks in this folder and all fields
   207  	// below.
   208  	blockLock blockLock
   210  	// Which files are currently dirty and have dirty blocks that are either
   211  	// currently syncing, or waiting to be sync'd.
   212  	dirtyFiles map[data.BlockPointer]*data.DirtyFile
   214  	// For writes and truncates, track the unsynced to-be-unref'd
   215  	// block infos, per-path.
   216  	unrefCache map[data.BlockRef]*syncInfo
   218  	// dirtyDirs track which directories are currently dirty in this
   219  	// TLF.
   220  	dirtyDirs          map[data.BlockPointer][]data.BlockInfo
   221  	dirtyDirsSyncing   bool
   222  	deferredDirUpdates []func(lState *kbfssync.LockState) error
   224  	// dirtyRootDirEntry is a DirEntry representing the root of the
   225  	// TLF (to be copied into the RootMetadata on a sync).
   226  	dirtyRootDirEntry *data.DirEntry
   228  	chargedTo keybase1.UserOrTeamID
   230  	// Track deferred operations on a per-file basis.
   231  	deferred map[data.BlockRef]deferredState
   233  	// set to true if this write or truncate should be deferred
   234  	doDeferWrite bool
   236  	// While this channel is non-nil and non-closed, writes get blocked.
   237  	holdNewWritesCh <-chan struct{}
   239  	// nodeCache itself is goroutine-safe, but write/truncate must
   240  	// call PathFromNode() only under blockLock (see nodeCache
   241  	// comments in folder_branch_ops.go).
   242  	nodeCache NodeCache
   243  }
   245  // Only exported methods of folderBlockOps should be used outside of this
   246  // file.
   247  //
   248  // Although, temporarily, folderBranchOps is allowed to reach in and
   249  // manipulate folderBlockOps fields and methods directly.
   251  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) id() tlf.ID {
   252  	return fbo.folderBranch.Tlf
   253  }
   255  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) branch() data.BranchName {
   256  	return fbo.folderBranch.Branch
   257  }
   259  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) isSyncedTlf() bool {
   260  	return fbo.branch() == data.MasterBranch && fbo.config.IsSyncedTlf(
   261  }
   263  // GetState returns the overall block state of this TLF.
   264  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) GetState(
   265  	lState *kbfssync.LockState) overallBlockState {
   266  	fbo.blockLock.RLock(lState)
   267  	defer fbo.blockLock.RUnlock(lState)
   268  	if len(fbo.dirtyFiles) == 0 && len(fbo.dirtyDirs) == 0 &&
   269  		fbo.dirtyRootDirEntry == nil {
   270  		return cleanState
   271  	}
   272  	return dirtyState
   273  }
   275  // getCleanEncodedBlockSizesLocked retrieves the encoded sizes and
   276  // block statuses of the clean blocks pointed to each of the block
   277  // pointers in `ptrs`, which must be valid, either from the cache or
   278  // from the server.  If `rtype` is `blockReadParallel`, it's assumed
   279  // that some coordinating goroutine is holding the correct locks, and
   280  // in that case `lState` must be `nil`.
   281  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) getCleanEncodedBlockSizesLocked(ctx context.Context,
   282  	lState *kbfssync.LockState, kmd libkey.KeyMetadata,
   283  	ptrs []data.BlockPointer, branch data.BranchName,
   284  	rtype data.BlockReqType, assumeCacheIsLive bool) (
   285  	sizes []uint32, statuses []keybase1.BlockStatus, err error) {
   286  	if rtype != data.BlockReadParallel {
   287  		if rtype == data.BlockWrite {
   288  			panic("Cannot get the size of a block for writing")
   289  		}
   290  		fbo.blockLock.AssertAnyLocked(lState)
   291  	} else if lState != nil {
   292  		panic("Non-nil lState passed to getCleanEncodedBlockSizeLocked " +
   293  			"with blockReadParallel")
   294  	}
   296  	sizes = make([]uint32, len(ptrs))
   297  	statuses = make([]keybase1.BlockStatus, len(ptrs))
   298  	var toFetchIndices []int
   299  	var ptrsToFetch []data.BlockPointer
   300  	for i, ptr := range ptrs {
   301  		if !ptr.IsValid() {
   302  			return nil, nil, InvalidBlockRefError{ptr.Ref()}
   303  		}
   305  		if assumeCacheIsLive {
   306  			// If we're assuming all blocks in the cache are live, we just
   307  			// need to get the block size, which we can do from either one
   308  			// of the caches.
   309  			if block, err := fbo.config.BlockCache().Get(ptr); err == nil {
   310  				sizes[i] = block.GetEncodedSize()
   311  				statuses[i] = keybase1.BlockStatus_LIVE
   312  				continue
   313  			}
   314  			if diskBCache := fbo.config.DiskBlockCache(); diskBCache != nil {
   315  				cacheType := DiskBlockAnyCache
   316  				if fbo.isSyncedTlf() {
   317  					cacheType = DiskBlockSyncCache
   318  				}
   319  				if buf, _, _, err := diskBCache.Get(
   320  					ctx,, ptr.ID, cacheType); err == nil {
   321  					sizes[i] = uint32(len(buf))
   322  					statuses[i] = keybase1.BlockStatus_LIVE
   323  					continue
   324  				}
   325  			}
   326  		}
   328  		if err := checkDataVersion(fbo.config, data.Path{}, ptr); err != nil {
   329  			return nil, nil, err
   330  		}
   332  		// Fetch this block from the server.
   333  		ptrsToFetch = append(ptrsToFetch, ptr)
   334  		toFetchIndices = append(toFetchIndices, i)
   335  	}
   337  	defer func() {
   338  		fbo.vlog.CLogf(
   339  			ctx, libkb.VLog1, "GetEncodedSizes ptrs=%v sizes=%d statuses=%s: "+
   340  				"%+v", ptrs, sizes, statuses, err)
   341  		if err != nil {
   342  			return
   343  		}
   345  		// In certain testing situations, a block might be represented
   346  		// with a 0 size in our journal or be missing from our local
   347  		// data stores, and we need to reconstruct the size using the
   348  		// cache in order to make the accounting work out for the test.
   349  		for i, ptr := range ptrs {
   350  			if sizes[i] == 0 {
   351  				if block, cerr := fbo.config.BlockCache().Get(
   352  					ptr); cerr == nil {
   353  					fbo.vlog.CLogf(
   354  						ctx, libkb.VLog1,
   355  						"Fixing encoded size of %v with cached copy", ptr)
   356  					sizes[i] = block.GetEncodedSize()
   357  				}
   358  			}
   359  		}
   360  	}()
   362  	// Unlock the blockLock while we wait for the network, only if
   363  	// it's locked for reading by a single goroutine.  If it's locked
   364  	// for writing, that indicates we are performing an atomic write
   365  	// operation, and we need to ensure that nothing else comes in and
   366  	// modifies the blocks, so don't unlock.
   367  	//
   368  	// If there may be multiple goroutines fetching blocks under the
   369  	// same lState, we can't safely unlock since some of the other
   370  	// goroutines may be operating on the data assuming they have the
   371  	// lock.
   372  	bops := fbo.config.BlockOps()
   373  	var fetchedSizes []uint32
   374  	var fetchedStatuses []keybase1.BlockStatus
   375  	if rtype != data.BlockReadParallel && rtype != data.BlockLookup {
   376  		fbo.blockLock.DoRUnlockedIfPossible(lState, func(*kbfssync.LockState) {
   377  			fetchedSizes, fetchedStatuses, err = bops.GetEncodedSizes(
   378  				ctx, kmd, ptrsToFetch)
   379  		})
   380  	} else {
   381  		fetchedSizes, fetchedStatuses, err = bops.GetEncodedSizes(
   382  			ctx, kmd, ptrsToFetch)
   383  	}
   384  	if err != nil {
   385  		return nil, nil, err
   386  	}
   388  	for i, j := range toFetchIndices {
   389  		sizes[j] = fetchedSizes[i]
   390  		statuses[j] = fetchedStatuses[i]
   391  	}
   393  	return sizes, statuses, nil
   394  }
   396  // getBlockHelperLocked retrieves the block pointed to by ptr, which
   397  // must be valid, either from the cache or from the server. If
   398  // notifyPath is valid and the block isn't cached, trigger a read
   399  // notification.  If `rtype` is `blockReadParallel`, it's assumed that
   400  // some coordinating goroutine is holding the correct locks, and
   401  // in that case `lState` must be `nil`.
   402  //
   403  // This must be called only by get{File,Dir}BlockHelperLocked().
   404  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) getBlockHelperLocked(ctx context.Context,
   405  	lState *kbfssync.LockState, kmd libkey.KeyMetadata, ptr data.BlockPointer,
   406  	branch data.BranchName, newBlock makeNewBlock, lifetime data.BlockCacheLifetime,
   407  	notifyPath data.Path, rtype data.BlockReqType) (data.Block, error) {
   408  	if rtype != data.BlockReadParallel {
   409  		fbo.blockLock.AssertAnyLocked(lState)
   410  	} else if lState != nil {
   411  		panic("Non-nil lState passed to getBlockHelperLocked " +
   412  			"with blockReadParallel")
   413  	}
   415  	if !ptr.IsValid() {
   416  		return nil, InvalidBlockRefError{ptr.Ref()}
   417  	}
   419  	if block, err := fbo.config.DirtyBlockCache().Get(
   420  		ctx,, ptr, branch); err == nil {
   421  		return block, nil
   422  	}
   424  	if block, lifetime, err := fbo.config.BlockCache().GetWithLifetime(ptr); err == nil {
   425  		if lifetime != data.PermanentEntry {
   426  			// If the block was cached in the past, and is not a permanent
   427  			// block (i.e., currently being written by the user), we need
   428  			// to handle it as if it's an on-demand request so that its
   429  			// downstream prefetches are triggered correctly according to
   430  			// the new on-demand fetch priority.
   431  			action := fbo.config.Mode().DefaultBlockRequestAction()
   432  			if fbo.isSyncedTlf() {
   433  				action = action.AddSync()
   434  			}
   435  			prefetchStatus := fbo.config.PrefetchStatus(ctx,, ptr)
   436  			fbo.config.BlockOps().Prefetcher().ProcessBlockForPrefetch(ctx, ptr,
   437  				block, kmd, defaultOnDemandRequestPriority-1, lifetime,
   438  				prefetchStatus, action)
   439  		}
   440  		return block, nil
   441  	}
   443  	if err := checkDataVersion(fbo.config, notifyPath, ptr); err != nil {
   444  		return nil, err
   445  	}
   447  	if notifyPath.IsValidForNotification() {
   448  		fbo.config.Reporter().Notify(ctx, readNotification(notifyPath, false))
   449  		defer fbo.config.Reporter().Notify(ctx,
   450  			readNotification(notifyPath, true))
   451  	}
   453  	// Unlock the blockLock while we wait for the network, only if
   454  	// it's locked for reading by a single goroutine.  If it's locked
   455  	// for writing, that indicates we are performing an atomic write
   456  	// operation, and we need to ensure that nothing else comes in and
   457  	// modifies the blocks, so don't unlock.
   458  	//
   459  	// If there may be multiple goroutines fetching blocks under the
   460  	// same lState, we can't safely unlock since some of the other
   461  	// goroutines may be operating on the data assuming they have the
   462  	// lock.
   463  	// fetch the block, and add to cache
   464  	block := newBlock()
   465  	bops := fbo.config.BlockOps()
   466  	var err error
   467  	if rtype != data.BlockReadParallel && rtype != data.BlockLookup {
   468  		fbo.blockLock.DoRUnlockedIfPossible(lState, func(*kbfssync.LockState) {
   469  			err = bops.Get(ctx, kmd, ptr, block, lifetime, fbo.branch())
   470  		})
   471  	} else {
   472  		err = bops.Get(ctx, kmd, ptr, block, lifetime, fbo.branch())
   473  	}
   474  	if err != nil {
   475  		return nil, err
   476  	}
   478  	return block, nil
   479  }
   481  // getFileBlockHelperLocked retrieves the block pointed to by ptr,
   482  // which must be valid, either from an internal cache, the block
   483  // cache, or from the server. An error is returned if the retrieved
   484  // block is not a file block.  If `rtype` is `blockReadParallel`, it's
   485  // assumed that some coordinating goroutine is holding the correct
   486  // locks, and in that case `lState` must be `nil`.
   487  //
   488  // This must be called only by GetFileBlockForReading(),
   489  // getFileBlockLocked(), and getFileLocked().
   490  //
   491  // p is used only when reporting errors and sending read
   492  // notifications, and can be empty.
   493  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) getFileBlockHelperLocked(ctx context.Context,
   494  	lState *kbfssync.LockState, kmd libkey.KeyMetadata, ptr data.BlockPointer,
   495  	branch data.BranchName, p data.Path, rtype data.BlockReqType) (
   496  	*data.FileBlock, error) {
   497  	if rtype != data.BlockReadParallel {
   498  		fbo.blockLock.AssertAnyLocked(lState)
   499  	} else if lState != nil {
   500  		panic("Non-nil lState passed to getFileBlockHelperLocked " +
   501  			"with blockReadParallel")
   502  	}
   504  	block, err := fbo.getBlockHelperLocked(
   505  		ctx, lState, kmd, ptr, branch, data.NewFileBlock, data.TransientEntry, p, rtype)
   506  	if err != nil {
   507  		return nil, err
   508  	}
   510  	fblock, ok := block.(*data.FileBlock)
   511  	if !ok {
   512  		return nil, NotFileBlockError{ptr, branch, p}
   513  	}
   515  	return fblock, nil
   516  }
   518  // GetCleanEncodedBlocksSizeSum retrieves the sum of the encoded sizes
   519  // of the blocks pointed to by ptrs, all of which must be valid,
   520  // either from the cache or from the server.
   521  //
   522  // The caller can specify a set of pointers using
   523  // `ignoreRecoverableForRemovalErrors` for which "recoverable" fetch
   524  // errors are tolerated.  In that case, the returned sum will not
   525  // include the size for any pointers in the
   526  // `ignoreRecoverableForRemovalErrors` set that hit such an error.
   527  //
   528  // This should be called for "internal" operations, like conflict
   529  // resolution and state checking, which don't know what kind of block
   530  // the pointers refer to.  Any downloaded blocks will not be cached,
   531  // if they weren't in the cache already.
   532  //
   533  // If `onlyCountIfLive` is true, the sum includes blocks that the
   534  // bserver thinks are currently reachable from the merged branch
   535  // (i.e., un-archived).
   536  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) GetCleanEncodedBlocksSizeSum(ctx context.Context,
   537  	lState *kbfssync.LockState, kmd libkey.KeyMetadata, ptrs []data.BlockPointer,
   538  	ignoreRecoverableForRemovalErrors map[data.BlockPointer]bool,
   539  	branch data.BranchName, onlyCountIfLive bool) (uint64, error) {
   540  	fbo.blockLock.RLock(lState)
   541  	defer fbo.blockLock.RUnlock(lState)
   543  	ptrCh := make(chan []data.BlockPointer, len(ptrs))
   544  	sumCh := make(chan uint32, len(ptrs))
   546  	numChunks := (len(ptrs) + numBlockSizesPerChunk - 1) /
   547  		numBlockSizesPerChunk
   548  	numWorkers := numBlockSizeWorkersMax
   549  	if numChunks < numWorkers {
   550  		numWorkers = numChunks
   551  	}
   553  	currChunk := make([]data.BlockPointer, 0, numBlockSizesPerChunk)
   554  	for _, ptr := range ptrs {
   555  		currChunk = append(currChunk, ptr)
   556  		if len(currChunk) == numBlockSizesPerChunk {
   557  			ptrCh <- currChunk
   558  			currChunk = make([]data.BlockPointer, 0, numBlockSizesPerChunk)
   559  		}
   560  	}
   561  	if len(currChunk) > 0 {
   562  		ptrCh <- currChunk
   563  	}
   565  	// If we don't care if something's live or not, there's no reason
   566  	// not to use the cached block.
   567  	assumeCacheIsLive := !onlyCountIfLive
   568  	eg, groupCtx := errgroup.WithContext(ctx)
   569  	for i := 0; i < numWorkers; i++ {
   570  		eg.Go(func() error {
   571  			for ptrs := range ptrCh {
   572  				sizes, statuses, err := fbo.getCleanEncodedBlockSizesLocked(
   573  					groupCtx, nil, kmd, ptrs, branch,
   574  					data.BlockReadParallel, assumeCacheIsLive)
   575  				for i, ptr := range ptrs {
   576  					// TODO: we might be able to recover the size of the
   577  					// top-most block of a removed file using the merged
   578  					// directory entry, the same way we do in
   579  					// `folderBranchOps.unrefEntry`.
   580  					if isRecoverableBlockErrorForRemoval(err) &&
   581  						ignoreRecoverableForRemovalErrors[ptr] {
   582  						fbo.log.CDebugf(
   583  							groupCtx, "Hit an ignorable, recoverable "+
   584  								"error for block %v: %v", ptr, err)
   585  						continue
   586  					}
   587  					if err != nil {
   588  						return err
   589  					}
   591  					if onlyCountIfLive &&
   592  						statuses[i] != keybase1.BlockStatus_LIVE {
   593  						sumCh <- 0
   594  					} else {
   595  						sumCh <- sizes[i]
   596  					}
   597  				}
   598  			}
   599  			return nil
   600  		})
   601  	}
   602  	close(ptrCh)
   604  	if err := eg.Wait(); err != nil {
   605  		return 0, err
   606  	}
   607  	close(sumCh)
   609  	var sum uint64
   610  	for size := range sumCh {
   611  		sum += uint64(size)
   612  	}
   613  	return sum, nil
   614  }
   616  // getDirBlockHelperLocked retrieves the block pointed to by ptr, which
   617  // must be valid, either from the cache or from the server. An error
   618  // is returned if the retrieved block is not a dir block.
   619  //
   620  // This must be called only by GetDirBlockForReading() and
   621  // getDirLocked().
   622  //
   623  // p is used only when reporting errors, and can be empty.
   624  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) getDirBlockHelperLocked(ctx context.Context,
   625  	lState *kbfssync.LockState, kmd libkey.KeyMetadata, ptr data.BlockPointer,
   626  	branch data.BranchName, p data.Path, rtype data.BlockReqType) (*data.DirBlock, error) {
   627  	if rtype != data.BlockReadParallel {
   628  		fbo.blockLock.AssertAnyLocked(lState)
   629  	}
   631  	// Check data version explicitly here, with the right path, since
   632  	// we pass an empty path below.
   633  	if err := checkDataVersion(fbo.config, p, ptr); err != nil {
   634  		return nil, err
   635  	}
   637  	// Pass in an empty notify path because notifications should only
   638  	// trigger for file reads.
   639  	block, err := fbo.getBlockHelperLocked(
   640  		ctx, lState, kmd, ptr, branch, data.NewDirBlock, data.TransientEntry,
   641  		data.Path{}, rtype)
   642  	if err != nil {
   643  		return nil, err
   644  	}
   646  	dblock, ok := block.(*data.DirBlock)
   647  	if !ok {
   648  		return nil, NotDirBlockError{ptr, branch, p}
   649  	}
   651  	return dblock, nil
   652  }
   654  // GetFileBlockForReading retrieves the block pointed to by ptr, which
   655  // must be valid, either from the cache or from the server. An error
   656  // is returned if the retrieved block is not a file block.
   657  //
   658  // This should be called for "internal" operations, like conflict
   659  // resolution and state checking. "Real" operations should use
   660  // getFileBlockLocked() and getFileLocked() instead.
   661  //
   662  // p is used only when reporting errors, and can be empty.
   663  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) GetFileBlockForReading(ctx context.Context,
   664  	lState *kbfssync.LockState, kmd libkey.KeyMetadata, ptr data.BlockPointer,
   665  	branch data.BranchName, p data.Path) (*data.FileBlock, error) {
   666  	fbo.blockLock.RLock(lState)
   667  	defer fbo.blockLock.RUnlock(lState)
   668  	return fbo.getFileBlockHelperLocked(
   669  		ctx, lState, kmd, ptr, branch, p, data.BlockRead)
   670  }
   672  // GetDirBlockForReading retrieves the block pointed to by ptr, which
   673  // must be valid, either from the cache or from the server. An error
   674  // is returned if the retrieved block is not a dir block.
   675  //
   676  // This should be called for "internal" operations, like conflict
   677  // resolution and state checking. "Real" operations should use
   678  // getDirLocked() instead.
   679  //
   680  // p is used only when reporting errors, and can be empty.
   681  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) GetDirBlockForReading(ctx context.Context,
   682  	lState *kbfssync.LockState, kmd libkey.KeyMetadata, ptr data.BlockPointer,
   683  	branch data.BranchName, p data.Path) (*data.DirBlock, error) {
   684  	fbo.blockLock.RLock(lState)
   685  	defer fbo.blockLock.RUnlock(lState)
   686  	return fbo.getDirBlockHelperLocked(
   687  		ctx, lState, kmd, ptr, branch, p, data.BlockRead)
   688  }
   690  // getFileBlockLocked retrieves the block pointed to by ptr, which
   691  // must be valid, either from the cache or from the server. An error
   692  // is returned if the retrieved block is not a file block.
   693  //
   694  // The given path must be valid, and the given pointer must be its
   695  // tail pointer or an indirect pointer from it. A read notification is
   696  // triggered for the given path only if the block isn't in the cache.
   697  //
   698  // This shouldn't be called for "internal" operations, like conflict
   699  // resolution and state checking -- use GetFileBlockForReading() for
   700  // those instead.
   701  //
   702  // When rtype == blockWrite and the cached version of the block is
   703  // currently clean, or the block is currently being synced, this
   704  // method makes a copy of the file block and returns it.  If this
   705  // method might be called again for the same block within a single
   706  // operation, it is the caller's responsibility to write that block
   707  // back to the cache as dirty.
   708  //
   709  // Note that blockLock must be locked exactly when rtype ==
   710  // blockWrite, and must be r-locked when rtype == blockRead.  (This
   711  // differs from getDirLocked.)  This is because a write operation
   712  // (like write, truncate and sync which lock blockLock) fetching a
   713  // file block will almost always need to modify that block, and so
   714  // will pass in blockWrite.  If rtype == blockReadParallel, it's
   715  // assumed that some coordinating goroutine is holding the correct
   716  // locks, and in that case `lState` must be `nil`.
   717  //
   718  // file is used only when reporting errors and sending read
   719  // notifications, and can be empty except that file.Branch must be set
   720  // correctly.
   721  //
   722  // This method also returns whether the block was already dirty.
   723  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) getFileBlockLocked(ctx context.Context,
   724  	lState *kbfssync.LockState, kmd libkey.KeyMetadata, ptr data.BlockPointer,
   725  	file data.Path, rtype data.BlockReqType) (
   726  	fblock *data.FileBlock, wasDirty bool, err error) {
   727  	switch rtype {
   728  	case data.BlockRead:
   729  		fbo.blockLock.AssertRLocked(lState)
   730  	case data.BlockWrite:
   731  		fbo.blockLock.AssertLocked(lState)
   732  	case data.BlockReadParallel:
   733  		// This goroutine might not be the official lock holder, so
   734  		// don't make any assertions.
   735  		if lState != nil {
   736  			panic("Non-nil lState passed to getFileBlockLocked " +
   737  				"with blockReadParallel")
   738  		}
   739  	case data.BlockLookup:
   740  		panic("blockLookup should only be used for directory blocks")
   741  	default:
   742  		panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unknown block req type: %d", rtype))
   743  	}
   745  	fblock, err = fbo.getFileBlockHelperLocked(
   746  		ctx, lState, kmd, ptr, file.Branch, file, rtype)
   747  	if err != nil {
   748  		return nil, false, err
   749  	}
   751  	wasDirty = fbo.config.DirtyBlockCache().IsDirty(, ptr, file.Branch)
   752  	if rtype == data.BlockWrite {
   753  		// Copy the block if it's for writing, and either the
   754  		// block is not yet dirty or the block is currently
   755  		// being sync'd and needs a copy even though it's
   756  		// already dirty.
   757  		df := fbo.dirtyFiles[file.TailPointer()]
   758  		if !wasDirty || (df != nil && df.BlockNeedsCopy(ptr)) {
   759  			fblock = fblock.DeepCopy()
   760  		}
   761  	}
   762  	return fblock, wasDirty, nil
   763  }
   765  // getFileLocked is getFileBlockLocked called with file.tailPointer().
   766  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) getFileLocked(ctx context.Context,
   767  	lState *kbfssync.LockState, kmd libkey.KeyMetadata, file data.Path,
   768  	rtype data.BlockReqType) (*data.FileBlock, error) {
   769  	// Callers should have already done this check, but it doesn't
   770  	// hurt to do it again.
   771  	if !file.IsValid() {
   772  		return nil, errors.WithStack(InvalidPathError{file})
   773  	}
   774  	fblock, _, err := fbo.getFileBlockLocked(
   775  		ctx, lState, kmd, file.TailPointer(), file, rtype)
   776  	return fblock, err
   777  }
   779  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) getIndirectFileBlockInfosLocked(
   780  	ctx context.Context, lState *kbfssync.LockState, kmd libkey.KeyMetadata,
   781  	file data.Path) ([]data.BlockInfo, error) {
   782  	fbo.blockLock.AssertRLocked(lState)
   783  	var id keybase1.UserOrTeamID // Data reads don't depend on the id.
   784  	fd := fbo.newFileData(lState, file, id, kmd)
   785  	return fd.GetIndirectFileBlockInfos(ctx)
   786  }
   788  // GetIndirectFileBlockInfos returns a list of BlockInfos for all
   789  // indirect blocks of the given file. If the returned error is a
   790  // recoverable one (as determined by
   791  // isRecoverableBlockErrorForRemoval), the returned list may still be
   792  // non-empty, and holds all the BlockInfos for all found indirect
   793  // blocks.
   794  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) GetIndirectFileBlockInfos(ctx context.Context,
   795  	lState *kbfssync.LockState, kmd libkey.KeyMetadata, file data.Path) (
   796  	[]data.BlockInfo, error) {
   797  	fbo.blockLock.RLock(lState)
   798  	defer fbo.blockLock.RUnlock(lState)
   799  	return fbo.getIndirectFileBlockInfosLocked(ctx, lState, kmd, file)
   800  }
   802  // GetIndirectDirBlockInfos returns a list of BlockInfos for all
   803  // indirect blocks of the given directory. If the returned error is a
   804  // recoverable one (as determined by
   805  // isRecoverableBlockErrorForRemoval), the returned list may still be
   806  // non-empty, and holds all the BlockInfos for all found indirect
   807  // blocks.
   808  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) GetIndirectDirBlockInfos(
   809  	ctx context.Context, lState *kbfssync.LockState, kmd libkey.KeyMetadata,
   810  	dir data.Path) ([]data.BlockInfo, error) {
   811  	fbo.blockLock.RLock(lState)
   812  	defer fbo.blockLock.RUnlock(lState)
   813  	var id keybase1.UserOrTeamID // Data reads don't depend on the id.
   814  	fd := fbo.newDirDataLocked(lState, dir, id, kmd)
   815  	return fd.GetIndirectDirBlockInfos(ctx)
   816  }
   818  // GetIndirectFileBlockInfosWithTopBlock returns a list of BlockInfos
   819  // for all indirect blocks of the given file, starting from the given
   820  // top-most block. If the returned error is a recoverable one (as
   821  // determined by isRecoverableBlockErrorForRemoval), the returned list
   822  // may still be non-empty, and holds all the BlockInfos for all found
   823  // indirect blocks. (This will be relevant when we handle multiple
   824  // levels of indirection.)
   825  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) GetIndirectFileBlockInfosWithTopBlock(
   826  	ctx context.Context, lState *kbfssync.LockState, kmd libkey.KeyMetadata, file data.Path,
   827  	topBlock *data.FileBlock) (
   828  	[]data.BlockInfo, error) {
   829  	fbo.blockLock.RLock(lState)
   830  	defer fbo.blockLock.RUnlock(lState)
   831  	var id keybase1.UserOrTeamID // Data reads don't depend on the id.
   832  	fd := fbo.newFileData(lState, file, id, kmd)
   833  	return fd.GetIndirectFileBlockInfosWithTopBlock(ctx, topBlock)
   834  }
   836  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) getChargedToLocked(
   837  	ctx context.Context, lState *kbfssync.LockState, kmd libkey.KeyMetadata) (
   838  	keybase1.UserOrTeamID, error) {
   839  	fbo.blockLock.AssertAnyLocked(lState)
   840  	if !fbo.chargedTo.IsNil() {
   841  		return fbo.chargedTo, nil
   842  	}
   843  	chargedTo, err := chargedToForTLF(
   844  		ctx, fbo.config.KBPKI(), fbo.config.KBPKI(), fbo.config,
   845  		kmd.GetTlfHandle())
   846  	if err != nil {
   847  		return keybase1.UserOrTeamID(""), err
   848  	}
   849  	fbo.chargedTo = chargedTo
   850  	return chargedTo, nil
   851  }
   853  // ClearChargedTo clears out the cached chargedTo UID for this FBO.
   854  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) ClearChargedTo(lState *kbfssync.LockState) {
   855  	fbo.blockLock.Lock(lState)
   856  	defer fbo.blockLock.Unlock(lState)
   857  	fbo.chargedTo = keybase1.UserOrTeamID("")
   858  }
   860  // DeepCopyFile makes a complete copy of the given file, deduping leaf
   861  // blocks and making new random BlockPointers for all indirect blocks.
   862  // It returns the new top pointer of the copy, and all the new child
   863  // pointers in the copy.  It takes a custom DirtyBlockCache, which
   864  // directs where the resulting block copies are stored.
   865  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) deepCopyFileLocked(
   866  	ctx context.Context, lState *kbfssync.LockState, kmd libkey.KeyMetadata, file data.Path,
   867  	dirtyBcache data.DirtyBlockCacheSimple, dataVer data.Ver) (
   868  	newTopPtr data.BlockPointer, allChildPtrs []data.BlockPointer, err error) {
   869  	// Deep copying doesn't alter any data in use, it only makes copy,
   870  	// so only a read lock is needed.
   871  	fbo.blockLock.AssertRLocked(lState)
   872  	chargedTo, err := chargedToForTLF(
   873  		ctx, fbo.config.KBPKI(), fbo.config.KBPKI(), fbo.config,
   874  		kmd.GetTlfHandle())
   875  	if err != nil {
   876  		return data.BlockPointer{}, nil, err
   877  	}
   878  	fd := fbo.newFileDataWithCache(
   879  		lState, file, chargedTo, kmd, dirtyBcache)
   880  	return fd.DeepCopy(ctx, dataVer)
   881  }
   883  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) cacheHashBehavior() data.BlockCacheHashBehavior {
   884  	return cacheHashBehavior(fbo.config, fbo.config,
   885  }
   887  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) UndupChildrenInCopy(ctx context.Context,
   888  	lState *kbfssync.LockState, kmd libkey.KeyMetadata, file data.Path, bps blockPutState,
   889  	dirtyBcache data.DirtyBlockCacheSimple, topBlock *data.FileBlock) (
   890  	[]data.BlockInfo, error) {
   891  	fbo.blockLock.Lock(lState)
   892  	defer fbo.blockLock.Unlock(lState)
   893  	chargedTo, err := fbo.getChargedToLocked(ctx, lState, kmd)
   894  	if err != nil {
   895  		return nil, err
   896  	}
   897  	fd := fbo.newFileDataWithCache(
   898  		lState, file, chargedTo, kmd, dirtyBcache)
   899  	return fd.UndupChildrenInCopy(ctx, fbo.config.BlockCache(),
   900  		fbo.config.BlockOps(), bps, topBlock, fbo.cacheHashBehavior())
   901  }
   903  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) ReadyNonLeafBlocksInCopy(ctx context.Context,
   904  	lState *kbfssync.LockState, kmd libkey.KeyMetadata, file data.Path, bps blockPutState,
   905  	dirtyBcache data.DirtyBlockCacheSimple, topBlock *data.FileBlock) (
   906  	[]data.BlockInfo, error) {
   907  	fbo.blockLock.RLock(lState)
   908  	defer fbo.blockLock.RUnlock(lState)
   909  	chargedTo, err := fbo.getChargedToLocked(ctx, lState, kmd)
   910  	if err != nil {
   911  		return nil, err
   912  	}
   914  	fd := fbo.newFileDataWithCache(
   915  		lState, file, chargedTo, kmd, dirtyBcache)
   916  	return fd.ReadyNonLeafBlocksInCopy(ctx, fbo.config.BlockCache(),
   917  		fbo.config.BlockOps(), bps, topBlock, fbo.cacheHashBehavior())
   918  }
   920  // getDirLocked retrieves the block pointed to by the tail pointer of
   921  // the given path, which must be valid, either from the cache or from
   922  // the server. An error is returned if the retrieved block is not a
   923  // dir block.
   924  //
   925  // This shouldn't be called for "internal" operations, like conflict
   926  // resolution and state checking -- use GetDirBlockForReading() for
   927  // those instead.
   928  //
   929  // When rtype == blockWrite and the cached version of the block is
   930  // currently clean, this method makes a copy of the directory block
   931  // and returns it.  If this method might be called again for the same
   932  // block within a single operation, it is the caller's responsibility
   933  // to write that block back to the cache as dirty.
   934  //
   935  // Note that blockLock must be either r-locked or locked, but
   936  // independently of rtype. (This differs from getFileLocked and
   937  // getFileBlockLocked.) File write operations (which lock blockLock)
   938  // don't need a copy of parent dir blocks, and non-file write
   939  // operations do need to copy dir blocks for modifications.
   940  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) getDirLocked(ctx context.Context,
   941  	lState *kbfssync.LockState, kmd libkey.KeyMetadata, ptr data.BlockPointer, dir data.Path,
   942  	rtype data.BlockReqType) (*data.DirBlock, bool, error) {
   943  	switch rtype {
   944  	case data.BlockRead, data.BlockWrite, data.BlockLookup:
   945  		fbo.blockLock.AssertAnyLocked(lState)
   946  	case data.BlockReadParallel:
   947  		// This goroutine might not be the official lock holder, so
   948  		// don't make any assertions.
   949  		if lState != nil {
   950  			panic("Non-nil lState passed to getFileBlockLocked " +
   951  				"with blockReadParallel")
   952  		}
   953  	default:
   954  		panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unknown block req type: %d", rtype))
   955  	}
   957  	// Callers should have already done this check, but it doesn't
   958  	// hurt to do it again.
   959  	if !dir.IsValid() {
   960  		return nil, false, errors.WithStack(InvalidPathError{dir})
   961  	}
   963  	// Get the block for the last element in the path.
   964  	dblock, err := fbo.getDirBlockHelperLocked(
   965  		ctx, lState, kmd, ptr, dir.Branch, dir, rtype)
   966  	if err != nil {
   967  		return nil, false, err
   968  	}
   970  	wasDirty := fbo.config.DirtyBlockCache().IsDirty(, ptr, dir.Branch)
   971  	if rtype == data.BlockWrite && !wasDirty {
   972  		// Copy the block if it's for writing and the block is
   973  		// not yet dirty.
   974  		dblock = dblock.DeepCopy()
   975  	}
   976  	return dblock, wasDirty, nil
   977  }
   979  // GetDir retrieves the block pointed to by the tail pointer of the
   980  // given path, which must be valid, either from the cache or from the
   981  // server. An error is returned if the retrieved block is not a dir
   982  // block.
   983  //
   984  // This shouldn't be called for "internal" operations, like conflict
   985  // resolution and state checking -- use GetDirBlockForReading() for
   986  // those instead.
   987  //
   988  // When rtype == blockWrite and the cached version of the block is
   989  // currently clean, this method makes a copy of the directory block
   990  // and returns it.  If this method might be called again for the same
   991  // block within a single operation, it is the caller's responsibility
   992  // to write that block back to the cache as dirty.
   993  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) GetDir(
   994  	ctx context.Context, lState *kbfssync.LockState, kmd libkey.KeyMetadata, dir data.Path,
   995  	rtype data.BlockReqType) (*data.DirBlock, error) {
   996  	fbo.blockLock.RLock(lState)
   997  	defer fbo.blockLock.RUnlock(lState)
   998  	dblock, _, err := fbo.getDirLocked(
   999  		ctx, lState, kmd, dir.TailPointer(), dir, rtype)
  1000  	return dblock, err
  1001  }
  1003  type dirCacheUndoFn func(lState *kbfssync.LockState)
  1005  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) wrapWithBlockLock(fn func()) dirCacheUndoFn {
  1006  	return func(lState *kbfssync.LockState) {
  1007  		if fn == nil {
  1008  			return
  1009  		}
  1010  		fbo.blockLock.Lock(lState)
  1011  		defer fbo.blockLock.Unlock(lState)
  1012  		fn()
  1013  	}
  1014  }
  1016  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) newDirDataLocked(lState *kbfssync.LockState,
  1017  	dir data.Path, chargedTo keybase1.UserOrTeamID, kmd libkey.KeyMetadata) *data.DirData {
  1018  	fbo.blockLock.AssertAnyLocked(lState)
  1019  	return data.NewDirData(dir, chargedTo, fbo.config.BlockSplitter(), kmd,
  1020  		func(ctx context.Context, kmd libkey.KeyMetadata, ptr data.BlockPointer,
  1021  			dir data.Path, rtype data.BlockReqType) (*data.DirBlock, bool, error) {
  1022  			lState := lState
  1023  			if rtype == data.BlockReadParallel {
  1024  				lState = nil
  1025  			}
  1026  			return fbo.getDirLocked(
  1027  				ctx, lState, kmd, ptr, dir, rtype)
  1028  		},
  1029  		func(ctx context.Context, ptr data.BlockPointer, block data.Block) error {
  1030  			return fbo.config.DirtyBlockCache().Put(
  1031  				ctx,, ptr, dir.Branch, block)
  1032  		}, fbo.log, fbo.vlog)
  1033  }
  1035  // newDirDataWithDBMLocked creates a new `dirData` that reads from and
  1036  // puts into a local dir block cache.  If it reads a block out from
  1037  // anything but the `dbm`, it makes a copy of it before inserting it
  1038  // into the `dbm`.
  1039  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) newDirDataWithDBMLocked(lState *kbfssync.LockState,
  1040  	dir data.Path, chargedTo keybase1.UserOrTeamID, kmd libkey.KeyMetadata,
  1041  	dbm dirBlockMap) *data.DirData {
  1042  	fbo.blockLock.AssertRLocked(lState)
  1043  	return data.NewDirData(dir, chargedTo, fbo.config.BlockSplitter(), kmd,
  1044  		func(ctx context.Context, kmd libkey.KeyMetadata, ptr data.BlockPointer,
  1045  			dir data.Path, rtype data.BlockReqType) (*data.DirBlock, bool, error) {
  1046  			hasBlock, err := dbm.hasBlock(ctx, ptr)
  1047  			if err != nil {
  1048  				return nil, false, err
  1049  			}
  1050  			if hasBlock {
  1051  				block, err := dbm.getBlock(ctx, ptr)
  1052  				if err != nil {
  1053  					return nil, false, err
  1054  				}
  1055  				return block, true, nil
  1056  			}
  1058  			localLState := lState
  1059  			getRtype := rtype
  1060  			switch rtype {
  1061  			case data.BlockReadParallel:
  1062  				localLState = nil
  1063  			case data.BlockWrite:
  1064  				getRtype = data.BlockRead
  1065  			}
  1067  			block, wasDirty, err := fbo.getDirLocked(
  1068  				ctx, localLState, kmd, ptr, dir, getRtype)
  1069  			if err != nil {
  1070  				return nil, false, err
  1071  			}
  1073  			if rtype == data.BlockWrite {
  1074  				// Make a copy before we stick it in the local block cache.
  1075  				block = block.DeepCopy()
  1076  				err = dbm.putBlock(ctx, ptr, block)
  1077  				if err != nil {
  1078  					return nil, false, err
  1079  				}
  1080  			}
  1081  			return block, wasDirty, nil
  1082  		},
  1083  		func(ctx context.Context, ptr data.BlockPointer, block data.Block) error {
  1084  			return dbm.putBlock(ctx, ptr, block.(*data.DirBlock))
  1085  		}, fbo.log, fbo.vlog)
  1086  }
  1088  // newDirDataWithDBM is like `newDirDataWithDBMLocked`, but it must be
  1089  // called with `blockLock` unlocked, and the returned function must be
  1090  // called when the returned `dirData` is no longer in use.
  1091  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) newDirDataWithDBM(
  1092  	lState *kbfssync.LockState, dir data.Path, chargedTo keybase1.UserOrTeamID,
  1093  	kmd libkey.KeyMetadata, dbm dirBlockMap) (*data.DirData, func()) {
  1094  	// Lock and fetch for reading only, we want any dirty
  1095  	// blocks to go into the dbm.
  1096  	fbo.blockLock.RLock(lState)
  1097  	cleanupFn := func() { fbo.blockLock.RUnlock(lState) }
  1098  	return fbo.newDirDataWithDBMLocked(lState, dir, chargedTo, kmd, dbm),
  1099  		cleanupFn
  1100  }
  1102  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) makeDirDirtyLocked(
  1103  	lState *kbfssync.LockState, ptr data.BlockPointer, unrefs []data.BlockInfo) func() {
  1104  	fbo.blockLock.AssertLocked(lState)
  1105  	oldUnrefs, wasDirty := fbo.dirtyDirs[ptr]
  1106  	oldLen := len(oldUnrefs)
  1107  	fbo.dirtyDirs[ptr] = append(oldUnrefs, unrefs...)
  1108  	return func() {
  1109  		dirtyBcache := fbo.config.DirtyBlockCache()
  1110  		if wasDirty {
  1111  			fbo.dirtyDirs[ptr] = oldUnrefs[:oldLen:oldLen]
  1112  		} else {
  1113  			_ = dirtyBcache.Delete(, ptr, fbo.branch())
  1114  			delete(fbo.dirtyDirs, ptr)
  1115  		}
  1116  		for _, unref := range unrefs {
  1117  			_ = dirtyBcache.Delete(, unref.BlockPointer, fbo.branch())
  1118  		}
  1119  	}
  1120  }
  1122  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) updateParentDirEntryLocked(
  1123  	ctx context.Context, lState *kbfssync.LockState, dir data.Path,
  1124  	kmd KeyMetadataWithRootDirEntry, setMtime, setCtime bool) (func(), error) {
  1125  	fbo.blockLock.AssertLocked(lState)
  1126  	chargedTo, err := fbo.getChargedToLocked(ctx, lState, kmd)
  1127  	if err != nil {
  1128  		return nil, err
  1129  	}
  1130  	now := fbo.nowUnixNano()
  1131  	pp := *dir.ParentPath()
  1132  	if pp.IsValid() {
  1133  		dd := fbo.newDirDataLocked(lState, pp, chargedTo, kmd)
  1134  		de, err := dd.Lookup(ctx, dir.TailName())
  1135  		if err != nil {
  1136  			return nil, err
  1137  		}
  1138  		newDe := de
  1139  		if setMtime {
  1140  			newDe.Mtime = now
  1141  		}
  1142  		if setCtime {
  1143  			newDe.Ctime = now
  1144  		}
  1145  		unrefs, err := dd.UpdateEntry(ctx, dir.TailName(), newDe)
  1146  		if err != nil {
  1147  			return nil, err
  1148  		}
  1149  		undoDirtyFn := fbo.makeDirDirtyLocked(lState, pp.TailPointer(), unrefs)
  1150  		return func() {
  1151  			_, _ = dd.UpdateEntry(ctx, dir.TailName(), de)
  1152  			undoDirtyFn()
  1153  		}, nil
  1154  	}
  1156  	// If the parent isn't a valid path, we need to update the root entry.
  1157  	var de *data.DirEntry
  1158  	if fbo.dirtyRootDirEntry == nil {
  1159  		deCopy := kmd.GetRootDirEntry()
  1160  		fbo.dirtyRootDirEntry = &deCopy
  1161  	} else {
  1162  		deCopy := *fbo.dirtyRootDirEntry
  1163  		de = &deCopy
  1164  	}
  1165  	if setMtime {
  1166  		fbo.dirtyRootDirEntry.Mtime = now
  1167  	}
  1168  	if setCtime {
  1169  		fbo.dirtyRootDirEntry.Ctime = now
  1170  	}
  1171  	return func() {
  1172  		fbo.dirtyRootDirEntry = de
  1173  	}, nil
  1174  }
  1176  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) addDirEntryInCacheLocked(
  1177  	ctx context.Context, lState *kbfssync.LockState,
  1178  	kmd KeyMetadataWithRootDirEntry, dir data.Path, newName data.PathPartString,
  1179  	newDe data.DirEntry) (func(), error) {
  1180  	fbo.blockLock.AssertLocked(lState)
  1182  	chargedTo, err := fbo.getChargedToLocked(ctx, lState, kmd)
  1183  	if err != nil {
  1184  		return nil, err
  1185  	}
  1186  	dd := fbo.newDirDataLocked(lState, dir, chargedTo, kmd)
  1187  	unrefs, err := dd.AddEntry(ctx, newName, newDe)
  1188  	if err != nil {
  1189  		return nil, err
  1190  	}
  1191  	parentUndo, err := fbo.updateParentDirEntryLocked(
  1192  		ctx, lState, dir, kmd, true, true)
  1193  	if err != nil {
  1194  		_, _ = dd.RemoveEntry(ctx, newName)
  1195  		return nil, err
  1196  	}
  1198  	undoDirtyFn := fbo.makeDirDirtyLocked(lState, dir.TailPointer(), unrefs)
  1199  	return func() {
  1200  		_, _ = dd.RemoveEntry(ctx, newName)
  1201  		undoDirtyFn()
  1202  		parentUndo()
  1203  	}, nil
  1204  }
  1206  // AddDirEntryInCache adds a brand new entry to the given directory
  1207  // and updates the directory's own mtime and ctime.  It returns a
  1208  // function that can be called if the change needs to be undone.
  1209  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) AddDirEntryInCache(
  1210  	ctx context.Context, lState *kbfssync.LockState,
  1211  	kmd KeyMetadataWithRootDirEntry, dir data.Path, newName data.PathPartString,
  1212  	newDe data.DirEntry) (dirCacheUndoFn, error) {
  1213  	fbo.blockLock.Lock(lState)
  1214  	defer fbo.blockLock.Unlock(lState)
  1215  	fn, err := fbo.addDirEntryInCacheLocked(
  1216  		ctx, lState, kmd, dir, newName, newDe)
  1217  	if err != nil {
  1218  		return nil, err
  1219  	}
  1220  	return fbo.wrapWithBlockLock(fn), nil
  1221  }
  1223  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) removeDirEntryInCacheLocked(
  1224  	ctx context.Context, lState *kbfssync.LockState,
  1225  	kmd KeyMetadataWithRootDirEntry, dir data.Path, oldName data.PathPartString,
  1226  	oldDe data.DirEntry) (func(), error) {
  1227  	fbo.blockLock.AssertLocked(lState)
  1229  	chargedTo, err := fbo.getChargedToLocked(ctx, lState, kmd)
  1230  	if err != nil {
  1231  		return nil, err
  1232  	}
  1233  	dd := fbo.newDirDataLocked(lState, dir, chargedTo, kmd)
  1234  	unrefs, err := dd.RemoveEntry(ctx, oldName)
  1235  	if err != nil {
  1236  		return nil, err
  1237  	}
  1238  	if oldDe.Type == data.Dir {
  1239  		// The parent dir inherits any dirty unrefs from the removed
  1240  		// directory.
  1241  		if childUnrefs, ok := fbo.dirtyDirs[oldDe.BlockPointer]; ok {
  1242  			unrefs = append(unrefs, childUnrefs...)
  1243  		}
  1244  	}
  1246  	unlinkUndoFn := fbo.nodeCache.Unlink(
  1247  		oldDe.Ref(), dir.ChildPath(
  1248  			oldName, oldDe.BlockPointer, fbo.nodeCache.ObfuscatorMaker()()),
  1249  		oldDe)
  1251  	parentUndo, err := fbo.updateParentDirEntryLocked(
  1252  		ctx, lState, dir, kmd, true, true)
  1253  	if err != nil {
  1254  		if unlinkUndoFn != nil {
  1255  			unlinkUndoFn()
  1256  		}
  1257  		_, _ = dd.AddEntry(ctx, oldName, oldDe)
  1258  		return nil, err
  1259  	}
  1261  	undoDirtyFn := fbo.makeDirDirtyLocked(lState, dir.TailPointer(), unrefs)
  1262  	return func() {
  1263  		_, _ = dd.AddEntry(ctx, oldName, oldDe)
  1264  		if undoDirtyFn != nil {
  1265  			undoDirtyFn()
  1266  		}
  1267  		if parentUndo != nil {
  1268  			parentUndo()
  1269  		}
  1270  		if unlinkUndoFn != nil {
  1271  			unlinkUndoFn()
  1272  		}
  1273  	}, nil
  1274  }
  1276  // RemoveDirEntryInCache removes an entry from the given directory //
  1277  // and updates the directory's own mtime and ctime.  It returns a
  1278  // function that can be called if the change needs to be undone.
  1279  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) RemoveDirEntryInCache(
  1280  	ctx context.Context, lState *kbfssync.LockState,
  1281  	kmd KeyMetadataWithRootDirEntry, dir data.Path, oldName data.PathPartString,
  1282  	oldDe data.DirEntry) (dirCacheUndoFn, error) {
  1283  	fbo.blockLock.Lock(lState)
  1284  	defer fbo.blockLock.Unlock(lState)
  1285  	fn, err := fbo.removeDirEntryInCacheLocked(
  1286  		ctx, lState, kmd, dir, oldName, oldDe)
  1287  	if err != nil {
  1288  		return nil, err
  1289  	}
  1290  	return fbo.wrapWithBlockLock(fn), nil
  1291  }
  1293  // RenameDirEntryInCache updates the entries of both the old and new
  1294  // parent dirs for the given target dir atomically (with respect to
  1295  // blockLock).  It also updates the cache entry for the target, which
  1296  // would have its Ctime changed. The updates will get applied to the
  1297  // dirty blocks on subsequent fetches.
  1298  //
  1299  // The returned bool indicates whether or not the caller should clean
  1300  // up the target cache entry when the effects of the operation are no
  1301  // longer needed.
  1302  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) RenameDirEntryInCache(
  1303  	ctx context.Context, lState *kbfssync.LockState,
  1304  	kmd KeyMetadataWithRootDirEntry, oldParent data.Path,
  1305  	oldName data.PathPartString, newParent data.Path,
  1306  	newName data.PathPartString, newDe data.DirEntry,
  1307  	replacedDe data.DirEntry) (undo dirCacheUndoFn, err error) {
  1308  	fbo.blockLock.Lock(lState)
  1309  	defer fbo.blockLock.Unlock(lState)
  1310  	if newParent.TailPointer() == oldParent.TailPointer() &&
  1311  		oldName == newName {
  1312  		// Noop
  1313  		return nil, nil
  1314  	}
  1316  	var undoReplace func()
  1317  	if replacedDe.IsInitialized() {
  1318  		undoReplace, err = fbo.removeDirEntryInCacheLocked(
  1319  			ctx, lState, kmd, newParent, newName, replacedDe)
  1320  		if err != nil {
  1321  			return nil, err
  1322  		}
  1323  	}
  1324  	defer func() {
  1325  		if err != nil && undoReplace != nil {
  1326  			undoReplace()
  1327  		}
  1328  	}()
  1330  	undoAdd, err := fbo.addDirEntryInCacheLocked(
  1331  		ctx, lState, kmd, newParent, newName, newDe)
  1332  	if err != nil {
  1333  		return nil, err
  1334  	}
  1335  	defer func() {
  1336  		if err != nil && undoAdd != nil {
  1337  			undoAdd()
  1338  		}
  1339  	}()
  1341  	undoRm, err := fbo.removeDirEntryInCacheLocked(
  1342  		ctx, lState, kmd, oldParent, oldName, data.DirEntry{})
  1343  	if err != nil {
  1344  		return nil, err
  1345  	}
  1346  	defer func() {
  1347  		if err != nil && undoRm != nil {
  1348  			undoRm()
  1349  		}
  1350  	}()
  1352  	newParentNode := fbo.nodeCache.Get(newParent.TailRef())
  1353  	undoMove, err := fbo.nodeCache.Move(newDe.Ref(), newParentNode, newName)
  1354  	if err != nil {
  1355  		return nil, err
  1356  	}
  1358  	return fbo.wrapWithBlockLock(func() {
  1359  		if undoMove != nil {
  1360  			undoMove()
  1361  		}
  1362  		if undoRm != nil {
  1363  			undoRm()
  1364  		}
  1365  		if undoAdd != nil {
  1366  			undoAdd()
  1367  		}
  1368  		if undoReplace != nil {
  1369  			undoReplace()
  1370  		}
  1371  	}), nil
  1372  }
  1374  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) setCachedAttrLocked(
  1375  	ctx context.Context, lState *kbfssync.LockState,
  1376  	kmd KeyMetadataWithRootDirEntry, dir data.Path, name data.PathPartString,
  1377  	attr attrChange, realEntry data.DirEntry) (dirCacheUndoFn, error) {
  1378  	fbo.blockLock.AssertLocked(lState)
  1380  	chargedTo, err := fbo.getChargedToLocked(ctx, lState, kmd)
  1381  	if err != nil {
  1382  		return nil, err
  1383  	}
  1385  	if !dir.IsValid() {
  1386  		// Can't set attrs directly on the root entry, primarily
  1387  		// because there's no way to indicate it's dirty.  TODO: allow
  1388  		// mtime-setting on the root dir?
  1389  		return nil, InvalidParentPathError{dir}
  1390  	}
  1391  	var de data.DirEntry
  1392  	var unlinkedNode Node
  1394  	dd := fbo.newDirDataLocked(lState, dir, chargedTo, kmd)
  1395  	de, err = dd.Lookup(ctx, name)
  1396  	if _, noExist := errors.Cause(err).(idutil.NoSuchNameError); noExist {
  1397  		// The node may be unlinked.
  1398  		unlinkedNode = fbo.nodeCache.Get(realEntry.Ref())
  1399  		if unlinkedNode != nil && !fbo.nodeCache.IsUnlinked(unlinkedNode) {
  1400  			unlinkedNode = nil
  1401  		}
  1402  		if unlinkedNode != nil {
  1403  			de = fbo.nodeCache.UnlinkedDirEntry(unlinkedNode)
  1404  		} else {
  1405  			return nil, err
  1406  		}
  1407  	} else if err != nil {
  1408  		return nil, err
  1409  	}
  1411  	oldDe := de
  1412  	switch attr {
  1413  	case exAttr:
  1414  		de.Type = realEntry.Type
  1415  	case mtimeAttr:
  1416  		de.Mtime = realEntry.Mtime
  1417  	}
  1418  	de.Ctime = realEntry.Ctime
  1420  	var undoDirtyFn func()
  1421  	if unlinkedNode != nil {
  1422  		fbo.nodeCache.UpdateUnlinkedDirEntry(unlinkedNode, de)
  1423  	} else {
  1424  		unrefs, err := dd.UpdateEntry(ctx, name, de)
  1425  		if err != nil {
  1426  			return nil, err
  1427  		}
  1428  		undoDirtyFn = fbo.makeDirDirtyLocked(lState, dir.TailPointer(), unrefs)
  1429  	}
  1431  	return fbo.wrapWithBlockLock(func() {
  1432  		if unlinkedNode != nil {
  1433  			fbo.nodeCache.UpdateUnlinkedDirEntry(unlinkedNode, oldDe)
  1434  		} else {
  1435  			_, _ = dd.UpdateEntry(ctx, name, oldDe)
  1436  			undoDirtyFn()
  1437  		}
  1438  	}), nil
  1439  }
  1441  // SetAttrInDirEntryInCache updates an entry from the given directory.
  1442  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) SetAttrInDirEntryInCache(
  1443  	ctx context.Context, lState *kbfssync.LockState,
  1444  	kmd KeyMetadataWithRootDirEntry, p data.Path, newDe data.DirEntry,
  1445  	attr attrChange) (dirCacheUndoFn, error) {
  1446  	fbo.blockLock.Lock(lState)
  1447  	defer fbo.blockLock.Unlock(lState)
  1448  	return fbo.setCachedAttrLocked(
  1449  		ctx, lState, kmd, *p.ParentPath(), p.TailName(), attr, newDe)
  1450  }
  1452  // getDirtyDirLocked composes getDirLocked and
  1453  // updateWithDirtyEntriesLocked. Note that a dirty dir means that it
  1454  // has entries possibly pointing to dirty files, and/or that its
  1455  // children list is dirty.
  1456  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) getDirtyDirLocked(ctx context.Context,
  1457  	lState *kbfssync.LockState, kmd libkey.KeyMetadata, dir data.Path, rtype data.BlockReqType) (
  1458  	*data.DirBlock, error) {
  1459  	fbo.blockLock.AssertAnyLocked(lState)
  1461  	dblock, _, err := fbo.getDirLocked(
  1462  		ctx, lState, kmd, dir.TailPointer(), dir, rtype)
  1463  	if err != nil {
  1464  		return nil, err
  1465  	}
  1466  	return dblock, err
  1467  }
  1469  // GetDirtyDirCopy returns a deep copy of the directory block for a
  1470  // dirty directory, while under lock, updated with all cached dirty
  1471  // entries.
  1472  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) GetDirtyDirCopy(
  1473  	ctx context.Context, lState *kbfssync.LockState, kmd libkey.KeyMetadata, dir data.Path,
  1474  	rtype data.BlockReqType) (*data.DirBlock, error) {
  1475  	fbo.blockLock.RLock(lState)
  1476  	defer fbo.blockLock.RUnlock(lState)
  1477  	dblock, err := fbo.getDirtyDirLocked(ctx, lState, kmd, dir, rtype)
  1478  	if err != nil {
  1479  		return nil, err
  1480  	}
  1481  	// Copy it while under lock.  Otherwise, another operation like
  1482  	// `Write` can modify it while the caller is trying to copy it,
  1483  	// leading to a panic like in KBFS-3407.
  1484  	return dblock.DeepCopy(), nil
  1485  }
  1487  // GetChildren returns a map of EntryInfos for the (possibly dirty)
  1488  // children entries of the given directory.
  1489  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) GetChildren(
  1490  	ctx context.Context, lState *kbfssync.LockState, kmd libkey.KeyMetadata,
  1491  	dir data.Path) (map[data.PathPartString]data.EntryInfo, error) {
  1492  	fbo.blockLock.RLock(lState)
  1493  	defer fbo.blockLock.RUnlock(lState)
  1494  	dd := fbo.newDirDataLocked(lState, dir, keybase1.UserOrTeamID(""), kmd)
  1495  	return dd.GetChildren(ctx)
  1496  }
  1498  // GetEntries returns a map of DirEntries for the (possibly dirty)
  1499  // children entries of the given directory.
  1500  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) GetEntries(
  1501  	ctx context.Context, lState *kbfssync.LockState, kmd libkey.KeyMetadata,
  1502  	dir data.Path) (map[data.PathPartString]data.DirEntry, error) {
  1503  	fbo.blockLock.RLock(lState)
  1504  	defer fbo.blockLock.RUnlock(lState)
  1505  	dd := fbo.newDirDataLocked(lState, dir, keybase1.UserOrTeamID(""), kmd)
  1506  	return dd.GetEntries(ctx)
  1507  }
  1509  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) getEntryLocked(ctx context.Context,
  1510  	lState *kbfssync.LockState, kmd KeyMetadataWithRootDirEntry, file data.Path,
  1511  	includeDeleted bool) (de data.DirEntry, err error) {
  1512  	fbo.blockLock.AssertAnyLocked(lState)
  1514  	// See if this is the root.
  1515  	if !file.HasValidParent() {
  1516  		if fbo.dirtyRootDirEntry != nil {
  1517  			return *fbo.dirtyRootDirEntry, nil
  1518  		}
  1519  		return kmd.GetRootDirEntry(), nil
  1520  	}
  1522  	dd := fbo.newDirDataLocked(
  1523  		lState, *file.ParentPath(), keybase1.UserOrTeamID(""), kmd)
  1524  	de, err = dd.Lookup(ctx, file.TailName())
  1525  	_, noExist := errors.Cause(err).(idutil.NoSuchNameError)
  1526  	if includeDeleted && (noExist || de.BlockPointer != file.TailPointer()) {
  1527  		unlinkedNode := fbo.nodeCache.Get(file.TailPointer().Ref())
  1528  		if unlinkedNode != nil && fbo.nodeCache.IsUnlinked(unlinkedNode) {
  1529  			return fbo.nodeCache.UnlinkedDirEntry(unlinkedNode), nil
  1530  		}
  1531  		return data.DirEntry{}, err
  1532  	} else if err != nil {
  1533  		return data.DirEntry{}, err
  1534  	}
  1535  	return de, nil
  1536  }
  1538  // file must have a valid parent.
  1539  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) updateEntryLocked(ctx context.Context,
  1540  	lState *kbfssync.LockState, kmd KeyMetadataWithRootDirEntry, file data.Path,
  1541  	de data.DirEntry, includeDeleted bool) error {
  1542  	fbo.blockLock.AssertAnyLocked(lState)
  1544  	chargedTo, err := fbo.getChargedToLocked(ctx, lState, kmd)
  1545  	if err != nil {
  1546  		return err
  1547  	}
  1548  	parentPath := *file.ParentPath()
  1549  	dd := fbo.newDirDataLocked(lState, parentPath, chargedTo, kmd)
  1550  	unrefs, err := dd.UpdateEntry(ctx, file.TailName(), de)
  1551  	_, noExist := errors.Cause(err).(idutil.NoSuchNameError)
  1552  	switch {
  1553  	case noExist && includeDeleted:
  1554  		unlinkedNode := fbo.nodeCache.Get(file.TailPointer().Ref())
  1555  		if unlinkedNode != nil && fbo.nodeCache.IsUnlinked(unlinkedNode) {
  1556  			fbo.nodeCache.UpdateUnlinkedDirEntry(unlinkedNode, de)
  1557  			return nil
  1558  		}
  1559  		return err
  1560  	case err != nil:
  1561  		return err
  1562  	default:
  1563  		_ = fbo.makeDirDirtyLocked(lState, parentPath.TailPointer(), unrefs)
  1564  	}
  1566  	// If we're in the middle of syncing the directories, but the
  1567  	// current file is not yet being synced, we need to re-apply this
  1568  	// update after the sync is done, so it doesn't get lost after the
  1569  	// syncing directory block is readied.  This only applies to dir
  1570  	// updates being caused by file changes; other types of dir writes
  1571  	// are protected by `folderBranchOps.syncLock`, which is held
  1572  	// during `SyncAll`.
  1573  	if fbo.dirtyDirsSyncing && !fbo.doDeferWrite {
  1574  		fbo.log.CDebugf(ctx, "Deferring update entry during sync")
  1575  		n := fbo.nodeCache.Get(file.TailRef())
  1576  		fbo.deferredDirUpdates = append(
  1577  			fbo.deferredDirUpdates, func(lState *kbfssync.LockState) error {
  1578  				file := fbo.nodeCache.PathFromNode(n)
  1579  				de.BlockPointer = file.TailPointer()
  1580  				return fbo.updateEntryLocked(
  1581  					ctx, lState, kmd, file, de, includeDeleted)
  1582  			})
  1583  	}
  1585  	return nil
  1586  }
  1588  // GetEntry returns the possibly-dirty DirEntry of the given file in
  1589  // its parent DirBlock. file must have a valid parent.
  1590  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) GetEntry(
  1591  	ctx context.Context, lState *kbfssync.LockState,
  1592  	kmd KeyMetadataWithRootDirEntry, file data.Path) (data.DirEntry, error) {
  1593  	fbo.blockLock.RLock(lState)
  1594  	defer fbo.blockLock.RUnlock(lState)
  1595  	return fbo.getEntryLocked(ctx, lState, kmd, file, false)
  1596  }
  1598  // GetEntryEvenIfDeleted returns the possibly-dirty DirEntry of the
  1599  // given file in its parent DirBlock, even if the file has been
  1600  // deleted. file must have a valid parent.
  1601  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) GetEntryEvenIfDeleted(
  1602  	ctx context.Context, lState *kbfssync.LockState,
  1603  	kmd KeyMetadataWithRootDirEntry, file data.Path) (data.DirEntry, error) {
  1604  	fbo.blockLock.RLock(lState)
  1605  	defer fbo.blockLock.RUnlock(lState)
  1606  	return fbo.getEntryLocked(ctx, lState, kmd, file, true)
  1607  }
  1609  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) getChildNodeLocked(
  1610  	lState *kbfssync.LockState, dir Node, name data.PathPartString,
  1611  	de data.DirEntry) (Node, error) {
  1612  	fbo.blockLock.AssertRLocked(lState)
  1614  	if de.Type == data.Sym {
  1615  		return nil, nil
  1616  	}
  1618  	return fbo.nodeCache.GetOrCreate(de.BlockPointer, name, dir, de.Type)
  1619  }
  1621  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) GetChildNode(
  1622  	lState *kbfssync.LockState, dir Node, name data.PathPartString,
  1623  	de data.DirEntry) (Node, error) {
  1624  	fbo.blockLock.RLock(lState)
  1625  	defer fbo.blockLock.RUnlock(lState)
  1626  	return fbo.getChildNodeLocked(lState, dir, name, de)
  1627  }
  1629  // Lookup returns the possibly-dirty DirEntry of the given file in its
  1630  // parent DirBlock, and a Node for the file if it exists.  It has to
  1631  // do all of this under the block lock to avoid races with
  1632  // UpdatePointers.
  1633  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) Lookup(
  1634  	ctx context.Context, lState *kbfssync.LockState,
  1635  	kmd KeyMetadataWithRootDirEntry, dir Node, name data.PathPartString) (
  1636  	Node, data.DirEntry, error) {
  1637  	fbo.blockLock.RLock(lState)
  1638  	defer fbo.blockLock.RUnlock(lState)
  1640  	// Protect against non-dir nodes being passed in by mistake.
  1641  	// TODO: we should make this a more specific error probably, but
  1642  	// then we need to update some places that check for
  1643  	// `NoSuchNameError` to check for this one as well.
  1644  	if dir.EntryType() != data.Dir {
  1645  		fbo.log.CDebugf(
  1646  			ctx, "Got unexpected node type when looking up %s: %s",
  1647  			name, dir.EntryType())
  1648  		return nil, data.DirEntry{}, idutil.NoSuchNameError{Name: name.String()}
  1649  	}
  1651  	dirPath := fbo.nodeCache.PathFromNode(dir)
  1652  	if !dirPath.IsValid() {
  1653  		return nil, data.DirEntry{}, errors.WithStack(InvalidPathError{dirPath})
  1654  	}
  1656  	childPath := dirPath.ChildPathNoPtr(name, fbo.nodeCache.ObfuscatorMaker()())
  1657  	de, err := fbo.getEntryLocked(ctx, lState, kmd, childPath, false)
  1658  	if err != nil {
  1659  		return nil, data.DirEntry{}, err
  1660  	}
  1662  	node, err := fbo.getChildNodeLocked(lState, dir, name, de)
  1663  	if err != nil {
  1664  		return nil, data.DirEntry{}, err
  1665  	}
  1666  	return node, de, nil
  1667  }
  1669  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) getOrCreateDirtyFileLocked(
  1670  	lState *kbfssync.LockState, file data.Path) *data.DirtyFile {
  1671  	fbo.blockLock.AssertLocked(lState)
  1672  	ptr := file.TailPointer()
  1673  	df := fbo.dirtyFiles[ptr]
  1674  	if df == nil {
  1675  		df = data.NewDirtyFile(file, fbo.config.DirtyBlockCache())
  1676  		fbo.dirtyFiles[ptr] = df
  1677  	}
  1678  	return df
  1679  }
  1681  // cacheBlockIfNotYetDirtyLocked puts a block into the cache, but only
  1682  // does so if the block isn't already marked as dirty in the cache.
  1683  // This is useful when operating on a dirty copy of a block that may
  1684  // already be in the cache.
  1685  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) cacheBlockIfNotYetDirtyLocked(
  1686  	ctx context.Context, lState *kbfssync.LockState, ptr data.BlockPointer,
  1687  	file data.Path, block data.Block) error {
  1688  	fbo.blockLock.AssertLocked(lState)
  1689  	df := fbo.getOrCreateDirtyFileLocked(lState, file)
  1690  	needsCaching, isSyncing := df.SetBlockDirty(ptr)
  1692  	if needsCaching {
  1693  		err := fbo.config.DirtyBlockCache().Put(
  1694  			ctx,, ptr, file.Branch, block)
  1695  		if err != nil {
  1696  			return err
  1697  		}
  1698  	}
  1700  	if isSyncing {
  1701  		fbo.doDeferWrite = true
  1702  	}
  1703  	return nil
  1704  }
  1706  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) getOrCreateSyncInfoLocked(
  1707  	lState *kbfssync.LockState, de data.DirEntry) (*syncInfo, error) {
  1708  	fbo.blockLock.AssertLocked(lState)
  1709  	ref := de.Ref()
  1710  	si, ok := fbo.unrefCache[ref]
  1711  	if !ok {
  1712  		so, err := newSyncOp(de.BlockPointer)
  1713  		if err != nil {
  1714  			return nil, err
  1715  		}
  1716  		si = &syncInfo{
  1717  			oldInfo: de.BlockInfo,
  1718  			op:      so,
  1719  		}
  1720  		fbo.unrefCache[ref] = si
  1721  	}
  1722  	return si, nil
  1723  }
  1725  // GetDirtyFileBlockRefs returns a list of references of all known dirty
  1726  // files.
  1727  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) GetDirtyFileBlockRefs(
  1728  	lState *kbfssync.LockState) []data.BlockRef {
  1729  	fbo.blockLock.RLock(lState)
  1730  	defer fbo.blockLock.RUnlock(lState)
  1731  	var dirtyRefs []data.BlockRef
  1732  	for ref := range fbo.unrefCache {
  1733  		dirtyRefs = append(dirtyRefs, ref)
  1734  	}
  1735  	return dirtyRefs
  1736  }
  1738  // GetDirtyDirBlockRefs returns a list of references of all known
  1739  // dirty directories.  Also returns a channel that, while it is open,
  1740  // all future writes will be blocked until it is closed -- this lets
  1741  // the caller ensure that the directory entries will remain stable
  1742  // (not updated with new file sizes by the writes) until all of the
  1743  // directory blocks have been safely copied.  The caller *must* close
  1744  // this channel once they are done processing the dirty directory
  1745  // blocks.
  1746  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) GetDirtyDirBlockRefs(
  1747  	lState *kbfssync.LockState) ([]data.BlockRef, chan<- struct{}) {
  1748  	fbo.blockLock.Lock(lState)
  1749  	defer fbo.blockLock.Unlock(lState)
  1750  	var dirtyRefs []data.BlockRef
  1751  	for ptr := range fbo.dirtyDirs {
  1752  		dirtyRefs = append(dirtyRefs, ptr.Ref())
  1753  	}
  1754  	if fbo.dirtyDirsSyncing {
  1755  		panic("GetDirtyDirBlockRefs() called twice")
  1756  	}
  1757  	fbo.dirtyDirsSyncing = true
  1758  	ch := make(chan struct{})
  1759  	fbo.holdNewWritesCh = ch
  1760  	return dirtyRefs, ch
  1761  }
  1763  // GetDirtyDirBlockRefsDone is called to indicate the caller is done
  1764  // with the data previously returned from `GetDirtyDirBlockRefs()`.
  1765  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) GetDirtyDirBlockRefsDone(
  1766  	lState *kbfssync.LockState) {
  1767  	fbo.blockLock.Lock(lState)
  1768  	defer fbo.blockLock.Unlock(lState)
  1769  	fbo.dirtyDirsSyncing = false
  1770  	fbo.deferredDirUpdates = nil
  1771  	fbo.holdNewWritesCh = nil
  1772  }
  1774  // getDirtyDirUnrefsLocked returns a list of block infos that need to be
  1775  // unreferenced for the given directory.
  1776  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) getDirtyDirUnrefsLocked(
  1777  	lState *kbfssync.LockState, ptr data.BlockPointer) []data.BlockInfo {
  1778  	fbo.blockLock.AssertRLocked(lState)
  1779  	return fbo.dirtyDirs[ptr]
  1780  }
  1782  // fixChildBlocksAfterRecoverableErrorLocked should be called when a sync
  1783  // failed with a recoverable block error on a multi-block file.  It
  1784  // makes sure that any outstanding dirty versions of the file are
  1785  // fixed up to reflect the fact that some of the indirect pointers now
  1786  // need to change.
  1787  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) fixChildBlocksAfterRecoverableErrorLocked(
  1788  	ctx context.Context, lState *kbfssync.LockState, file data.Path, kmd libkey.KeyMetadata,
  1789  	redirtyOnRecoverableError map[data.BlockPointer]data.BlockPointer) {
  1790  	fbo.blockLock.AssertLocked(lState)
  1792  	defer func() {
  1793  		// Below, this function can end up writing dirty blocks back
  1794  		// to the cache, which will set `doDeferWrite` to `true`.
  1795  		// This leads to future writes being unnecessarily deferred
  1796  		// when a Sync is not happening, and can lead to dirty data
  1797  		// being synced twice and sticking around for longer than
  1798  		// needed.  So just reset `doDeferWrite` once we're
  1799  		// done. We're under `blockLock`, so this is safe.
  1800  		fbo.doDeferWrite = false
  1801  	}()
  1803  	df := fbo.dirtyFiles[file.TailPointer()]
  1804  	if df != nil {
  1805  		// Un-orphan old blocks, since we are reverting back to the
  1806  		// previous state.
  1807  		for _, oldPtr := range redirtyOnRecoverableError {
  1808  			fbo.vlog.CLogf(ctx, libkb.VLog1, "Un-orphaning %v", oldPtr)
  1809  			df.SetBlockOrphaned(oldPtr, false)
  1810  		}
  1811  	}
  1813  	dirtyBcache := fbo.config.DirtyBlockCache()
  1814  	topBlock, err := dirtyBcache.Get(
  1815  		ctx,, file.TailPointer(), fbo.branch())
  1816  	fblock, ok := topBlock.(*data.FileBlock)
  1817  	if err != nil || !ok {
  1818  		fbo.log.CWarningf(ctx, "Couldn't find dirtied "+
  1819  			"top-block for %v: %v", file.TailPointer(), err)
  1820  		return
  1821  	}
  1823  	chargedTo, err := fbo.getChargedToLocked(ctx, lState, kmd)
  1824  	if err != nil {
  1825  		fbo.log.CWarningf(ctx, "Couldn't find uid during recovery: %v", err)
  1826  		return
  1827  	}
  1828  	fd := fbo.newFileData(lState, file, chargedTo, kmd)
  1830  	// If a copy of the top indirect block was made, we need to
  1831  	// redirty all the sync'd blocks under their new IDs, so that
  1832  	// future syncs will know they failed.
  1833  	newPtrs := make(map[data.BlockPointer]bool, len(redirtyOnRecoverableError))
  1834  	for newPtr := range redirtyOnRecoverableError {
  1835  		newPtrs[newPtr] = true
  1836  	}
  1837  	found, err := fd.FindIPtrsAndClearSize(ctx, fblock, newPtrs)
  1838  	if err != nil {
  1839  		fbo.log.CWarningf(
  1840  			ctx, "Couldn't find and clear iptrs during recovery: %v", err)
  1841  		return
  1842  	}
  1843  	for newPtr, oldPtr := range redirtyOnRecoverableError {
  1844  		if !found[newPtr] {
  1845  			continue
  1846  		}
  1848  		fbo.vlog.CLogf(
  1849  			ctx, libkb.VLog1, "Re-dirtying %v (and deleting dirty block %v)",
  1850  			newPtr, oldPtr)
  1851  		// These blocks would have been permanent, so they're
  1852  		// definitely still in the cache.
  1853  		b, err := fbo.config.BlockCache().Get(newPtr)
  1854  		if err != nil {
  1855  			fbo.log.CWarningf(ctx, "Couldn't re-dirty %v: %v", newPtr, err)
  1856  			continue
  1857  		}
  1858  		if err = fbo.cacheBlockIfNotYetDirtyLocked(
  1859  			ctx, lState, newPtr, file, b); err != nil {
  1860  			fbo.log.CWarningf(ctx, "Couldn't re-dirty %v: %v", newPtr, err)
  1861  		}
  1862  		fbo.vlog.CLogf(
  1863  			ctx, libkb.VLog1, "Deleting dirty ptr %v after recoverable error",
  1864  			oldPtr)
  1865  		err = dirtyBcache.Delete(, oldPtr, fbo.branch())
  1866  		if err != nil {
  1867  			fbo.vlog.CLogf(
  1868  				ctx, libkb.VLog1, "Couldn't del-dirty %v: %v", oldPtr, err)
  1869  		}
  1870  	}
  1871  }
  1873  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) nowUnixNano() int64 {
  1874  	return fbo.config.Clock().Now().UnixNano()
  1875  }
  1877  // PrepRename prepares the given rename operation. It returns the old
  1878  // and new parent block (which may be the same, and which shouldn't be
  1879  // modified), and what is to be the new DirEntry.
  1880  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) PrepRename(
  1881  	ctx context.Context, lState *kbfssync.LockState,
  1882  	kmd KeyMetadataWithRootDirEntry, oldParent data.Path,
  1883  	oldName data.PathPartString, newParent data.Path,
  1884  	newName data.PathPartString) (
  1885  	newDe, replacedDe data.DirEntry, ro *renameOp, err error) {
  1886  	fbo.blockLock.RLock(lState)
  1887  	defer fbo.blockLock.RUnlock(lState)
  1889  	// Look up in the old path. Won't be modified, so only fetch for reading.
  1890  	newDe, err = fbo.getEntryLocked(
  1891  		ctx, lState, kmd, oldParent.ChildPathNoPtr(oldName, nil), false)
  1892  	if err != nil {
  1893  		return data.DirEntry{}, data.DirEntry{}, nil, err
  1894  	}
  1896  	oldParentPtr := oldParent.TailPointer()
  1897  	newParentPtr := newParent.TailPointer()
  1898  	ro, err = newRenameOp(
  1899  		oldName.Plaintext(), oldParentPtr, newName.Plaintext(), newParentPtr,
  1900  		newDe.BlockPointer, newDe.Type)
  1901  	if err != nil {
  1902  		return data.DirEntry{}, data.DirEntry{}, nil, err
  1903  	}
  1904  	ro.AddUpdate(oldParentPtr, oldParentPtr)
  1905  	ro.setFinalPath(newParent)
  1906  	ro.oldFinalPath = oldParent
  1907  	if oldParentPtr.ID != newParentPtr.ID {
  1908  		ro.AddUpdate(newParentPtr, newParentPtr)
  1909  	}
  1911  	replacedDe, err = fbo.getEntryLocked(
  1912  		ctx, lState, kmd, newParent.ChildPathNoPtr(newName, nil), false)
  1913  	if _, notExists := errors.Cause(err).(idutil.NoSuchNameError); notExists {
  1914  		return newDe, data.DirEntry{}, ro, nil
  1915  	} else if err != nil {
  1916  		return data.DirEntry{}, data.DirEntry{}, nil, err
  1917  	}
  1919  	return newDe, replacedDe, ro, nil
  1920  }
  1922  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) newFileData(lState *kbfssync.LockState,
  1923  	file data.Path, chargedTo keybase1.UserOrTeamID, kmd libkey.KeyMetadata) *data.FileData {
  1924  	fbo.blockLock.AssertAnyLocked(lState)
  1925  	return data.NewFileData(file, chargedTo, fbo.config.BlockSplitter(), kmd,
  1926  		func(ctx context.Context, kmd libkey.KeyMetadata, ptr data.BlockPointer,
  1927  			file data.Path, rtype data.BlockReqType) (*data.FileBlock, bool, error) {
  1928  			lState := lState
  1929  			if rtype == data.BlockReadParallel {
  1930  				lState = nil
  1931  			}
  1932  			return fbo.getFileBlockLocked(
  1933  				ctx, lState, kmd, ptr, file, rtype)
  1934  		},
  1935  		func(ctx context.Context, ptr data.BlockPointer, block data.Block) error {
  1936  			return fbo.cacheBlockIfNotYetDirtyLocked(
  1937  				ctx, lState, ptr, file, block)
  1938  		}, fbo.log, fbo.vlog)
  1939  }
  1941  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) newFileDataWithCache(lState *kbfssync.LockState,
  1942  	file data.Path, chargedTo keybase1.UserOrTeamID, kmd libkey.KeyMetadata,
  1943  	dirtyBcache data.DirtyBlockCacheSimple) *data.FileData {
  1944  	fbo.blockLock.AssertAnyLocked(lState)
  1945  	return data.NewFileData(file, chargedTo, fbo.config.BlockSplitter(), kmd,
  1946  		func(ctx context.Context, kmd libkey.KeyMetadata, ptr data.BlockPointer,
  1947  			file data.Path, rtype data.BlockReqType) (*data.FileBlock, bool, error) {
  1948  			block, err := dirtyBcache.Get(ctx, file.Tlf, ptr, file.Branch)
  1949  			if fblock, ok := block.(*data.FileBlock); ok && err == nil {
  1950  				return fblock, true, nil
  1951  			}
  1952  			lState := lState
  1953  			if rtype == data.BlockReadParallel {
  1954  				lState = nil
  1955  			}
  1956  			return fbo.getFileBlockLocked(
  1957  				ctx, lState, kmd, ptr, file, rtype)
  1958  		},
  1959  		func(ctx context.Context, ptr data.BlockPointer, block data.Block) error {
  1960  			return dirtyBcache.Put(ctx, file.Tlf, ptr, file.Branch, block)
  1961  		}, fbo.log, fbo.vlog)
  1962  }
  1964  // Read reads from the given file into the given buffer at the given
  1965  // offset. It returns the number of bytes read and nil, or 0 and the
  1966  // error if there was one.
  1967  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) Read(
  1968  	ctx context.Context, lState *kbfssync.LockState, kmd libkey.KeyMetadata, file Node,
  1969  	dest []byte, off int64) (int64, error) {
  1970  	fbo.blockLock.RLock(lState)
  1971  	defer fbo.blockLock.RUnlock(lState)
  1973  	filePath := fbo.nodeCache.PathFromNode(file)
  1975  	fbo.vlog.CLogf(ctx, libkb.VLog1, "Reading from %v", filePath.TailPointer())
  1977  	var id keybase1.UserOrTeamID // Data reads don't depend on the id.
  1978  	fd := fbo.newFileData(lState, filePath, id, kmd)
  1979  	return fd.Read(ctx, dest, data.Int64Offset(off))
  1980  }
  1982  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) maybeWaitOnDeferredWrites(
  1983  	ctx context.Context, lState *kbfssync.LockState, file Node,
  1984  	c data.DirtyPermChan) error {
  1985  	var errListener chan error
  1986  	registerErr := func() error {
  1987  		fbo.blockLock.Lock(lState)
  1988  		defer fbo.blockLock.Unlock(lState)
  1989  		filePath, err := fbo.pathFromNodeForBlockWriteLocked(lState, file)
  1990  		if err != nil {
  1991  			return err
  1992  		}
  1993  		df := fbo.getOrCreateDirtyFileLocked(lState, filePath)
  1994  		errListener = make(chan error, 1)
  1995  		df.AddErrListener(errListener)
  1996  		return nil
  1997  	}
  1998  	err := registerErr()
  1999  	if err != nil {
  2000  		return err
  2001  	}
  2003  	logTimer := time.After(100 * time.Millisecond)
  2004  	doLogUnblocked := false
  2005  	for {
  2006  		var err error
  2007  	outerSelect:
  2008  		select {
  2009  		case <-c:
  2010  			if doLogUnblocked {
  2011  				fbo.vlog.CLogf(ctx, libkb.VLog1, "Write unblocked")
  2012  			}
  2013  			// Make sure there aren't any queued errors.
  2014  			select {
  2015  			case err = <-errListener:
  2016  				// Break the select to check the cause of the error below.
  2017  				break outerSelect
  2018  			default:
  2019  			}
  2020  			return nil
  2021  		case <-logTimer:
  2022  			// Print a log message once if it's taking too long.
  2023  			fbo.log.CDebugf(ctx,
  2024  				"Blocking a write because of a full dirty buffer")
  2025  			doLogUnblocked = true
  2026  		case <-ctx.Done():
  2027  			return ctx.Err()
  2028  		case err = <-errListener:
  2029  			// Fall through to check the cause of the error below.
  2030  		}
  2031  		// Context errors are safe to ignore, since they are likely to
  2032  		// be specific to a previous sync (e.g., a user hit ctrl-c
  2033  		// during an fsync, or a sync timed out, or a test was
  2034  		// provoking an error specifically [KBFS-2164]).
  2035  		cause := errors.Cause(err)
  2036  		if cause == context.Canceled || cause == context.DeadlineExceeded {
  2037  			fbo.vlog.CLogf(ctx, libkb.VLog1, "Ignoring sync err: %+v", err)
  2038  			err := registerErr()
  2039  			if err != nil {
  2040  				return err
  2041  			}
  2042  			continue
  2043  		} else if err != nil {
  2044  			// Treat other errors as fatal to this write -- e.g., the
  2045  			// user's quota is full, the local journal is broken,
  2046  			// etc. XXX: should we ignore errors that are specific
  2047  			// only to some other file being sync'd (e.g.,
  2048  			// "recoverable" block errors from which we couldn't
  2049  			// recover)?
  2050  			return err
  2051  		}
  2052  	}
  2053  }
  2055  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) pathFromNodeForBlockWriteLocked(
  2056  	lState *kbfssync.LockState, n Node) (data.Path, error) {
  2057  	fbo.blockLock.AssertLocked(lState)
  2058  	p := fbo.nodeCache.PathFromNode(n)
  2059  	if !p.IsValid() {
  2060  		return data.Path{}, errors.WithStack(InvalidPathError{p})
  2061  	}
  2062  	return p, nil
  2063  }
  2065  // writeGetFileLocked checks write permissions explicitly for
  2066  // writeDataLocked, truncateLocked etc and returns
  2067  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) writeGetFileLocked(
  2068  	ctx context.Context, lState *kbfssync.LockState, kmd libkey.KeyMetadata,
  2069  	file data.Path) (*data.FileBlock, error) {
  2070  	fbo.blockLock.AssertLocked(lState)
  2072  	session, err := fbo.config.KBPKI().GetCurrentSession(ctx)
  2073  	if err != nil {
  2074  		return nil, err
  2075  	}
  2076  	isWriter, err := kmd.IsWriter(
  2077  		ctx, fbo.config.KBPKI(), fbo.config, session.UID, session.VerifyingKey)
  2078  	if err != nil {
  2079  		return nil, err
  2080  	}
  2081  	if !isWriter {
  2082  		return nil, tlfhandle.NewWriteAccessError(kmd.GetTlfHandle(),
  2083  			session.Name, file.String())
  2084  	}
  2085  	fblock, err := fbo.getFileLocked(ctx, lState, kmd, file, data.BlockWrite)
  2086  	if err != nil {
  2087  		return nil, err
  2088  	}
  2089  	return fblock, nil
  2090  }
  2092  // Returns the set of blocks dirtied during this write that might need
  2093  // to be cleaned up if the write is deferred.
  2094  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) writeDataLocked(
  2095  	ctx context.Context, lState *kbfssync.LockState,
  2096  	kmd KeyMetadataWithRootDirEntry, file data.Path, buf []byte, off int64) (
  2097  	latestWrite WriteRange, dirtyPtrs []data.BlockPointer,
  2098  	newlyDirtiedChildBytes int64, err error) {
  2099  	_, wasAlreadyUnref := fbo.unrefCache[file.TailPointer().Ref()]
  2100  	defer func() {
  2101  		// if the write didn't succeed, and the file wasn't already
  2102  		// being cached, clear out any cached state.
  2103  		if err != nil && !wasAlreadyUnref {
  2104  			_ = fbo.clearCacheInfoLocked(lState, file)
  2105  		}
  2106  	}()
  2108  	if jManager, err := GetJournalManager(fbo.config); err == nil {
  2109  		jManager.dirtyOpStart(
  2110  		defer jManager.dirtyOpEnd(
  2111  	}
  2113  	fbo.blockLock.AssertLocked(lState)
  2114  	fbo.vlog.CLogf(ctx, libkb.VLog1, "writeDataLocked on file pointer %v",
  2115  		file.TailPointer())
  2116  	defer func() {
  2117  		fbo.vlog.CLogf(ctx, libkb.VLog1, "writeDataLocked done: %v", err)
  2118  	}()
  2120  	fblock, err := fbo.writeGetFileLocked(ctx, lState, kmd, file)
  2121  	if err != nil {
  2122  		return WriteRange{}, nil, 0, err
  2123  	}
  2125  	chargedTo, err := fbo.getChargedToLocked(ctx, lState, kmd)
  2126  	if err != nil {
  2127  		return WriteRange{}, nil, 0, err
  2128  	}
  2130  	fd := fbo.newFileData(lState, file, chargedTo, kmd)
  2132  	dirtyBcache := fbo.config.DirtyBlockCache()
  2133  	df := fbo.getOrCreateDirtyFileLocked(lState, file)
  2134  	defer func() {
  2135  		// Always update unsynced bytes and potentially force a sync,
  2136  		// even on an error, since the previously-dirty bytes stay in
  2137  		// the cache.
  2138  		df.UpdateNotYetSyncingBytes(newlyDirtiedChildBytes)
  2139  		if dirtyBcache.ShouldForceSync( {
  2140  			select {
  2141  			// If we can't send on the channel, that means a sync is
  2142  			// already in progress.
  2143  			case fbo.forceSyncChan <- struct{}{}:
  2144  				fbo.vlog.CLogf(
  2145  					ctx, libkb.VLog1, "Forcing a sync due to full buffer")
  2146  			default:
  2147  			}
  2148  		}
  2149  	}()
  2151  	de, err := fbo.getEntryLocked(ctx, lState, kmd, file, true)
  2152  	if err != nil {
  2153  		return WriteRange{}, nil, 0, err
  2154  	}
  2155  	if de.BlockPointer != file.TailPointer() {
  2156  		fbo.log.CDebugf(ctx, "DirEntry and file tail pointer don't match: "+
  2157  			"%v vs %v, parent=%s", de.BlockPointer, file.TailPointer(),
  2158  			file.ParentPath().TailPointer())
  2159  	}
  2161  	si, err := fbo.getOrCreateSyncInfoLocked(lState, de)
  2162  	if err != nil {
  2163  		return WriteRange{}, nil, 0, err
  2164  	}
  2166  	newDe, dirtyPtrs, unrefs, newlyDirtiedChildBytes, bytesExtended, err :=
  2167  		fd.Write(ctx, buf, data.Int64Offset(off), fblock, de, df)
  2168  	// Record the unrefs before checking the error so we remember the
  2169  	// state of newly dirtied blocks.
  2170  	si.unrefs = append(si.unrefs, unrefs...)
  2171  	if err != nil {
  2172  		return WriteRange{}, nil, newlyDirtiedChildBytes, err
  2173  	}
  2175  	// Update the file's directory entry.
  2176  	now := fbo.nowUnixNano()
  2177  	newDe.Mtime = now
  2178  	newDe.Ctime = now
  2179  	err = fbo.updateEntryLocked(ctx, lState, kmd, file, newDe, true)
  2180  	if err != nil {
  2181  		return WriteRange{}, nil, newlyDirtiedChildBytes, err
  2182  	}
  2184  	if fbo.doDeferWrite {
  2185  		df.AddDeferredNewBytes(bytesExtended)
  2186  	}
  2188  	latestWrite = si.op.addWrite(uint64(off), uint64(len(buf)))
  2190  	return latestWrite, dirtyPtrs, newlyDirtiedChildBytes, nil
  2191  }
  2193  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) holdWritesLocked(
  2194  	ctx context.Context, lState *kbfssync.LockState) error {
  2195  	fbo.blockLock.AssertLocked(lState)
  2197  	// Loop until either the hold channel is nil, or it has been
  2198  	// closed.  However, we can't hold the lock while we're waiting
  2199  	// for it to close, as that will cause deadlocks.  So we need to
  2200  	// verify that it's the _same_ channel that was closed after we
  2201  	// re-take the lock; otherwise, we need to wait again on the new
  2202  	// channel.
  2203  	for fbo.holdNewWritesCh != nil {
  2204  		ch := fbo.holdNewWritesCh
  2205  		fbo.blockLock.Unlock(lState)
  2206  		fbo.vlog.CLogf(ctx, libkb.VLog1, "Blocking write on hold channel")
  2207  		select {
  2208  		case <-ch:
  2209  			fbo.blockLock.Lock(lState)
  2210  			// If the channel hasn't changed since we checked it
  2211  			// outside of the lock, we are good to proceed.
  2212  			if ch == fbo.holdNewWritesCh {
  2213  				fbo.vlog.CLogf(
  2214  					ctx, libkb.VLog1, "Unblocking write on hold channel")
  2215  				return nil
  2216  			}
  2217  		case <-ctx.Done():
  2218  			fbo.blockLock.Lock(lState)
  2219  			return ctx.Err()
  2220  		}
  2221  	}
  2222  	return nil
  2223  }
  2225  // Write writes the given data to the given file. May block if there
  2226  // is too much unflushed data; in that case, it will be unblocked by a
  2227  // future sync.
  2228  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) Write(
  2229  	ctx context.Context, lState *kbfssync.LockState,
  2230  	kmd KeyMetadataWithRootDirEntry, file Node, buf []byte, off int64) error {
  2231  	// If there is too much unflushed data, we should wait until some
  2232  	// of it gets flush so our memory usage doesn't grow without
  2233  	// bound.
  2234  	c, err := fbo.config.DirtyBlockCache().RequestPermissionToDirty(ctx,
  2235, int64(len(buf)))
  2236  	if err != nil {
  2237  		return err
  2238  	}
  2239  	defer fbo.config.DirtyBlockCache().UpdateUnsyncedBytes(,
  2240  		-int64(len(buf)), false)
  2241  	err = fbo.maybeWaitOnDeferredWrites(ctx, lState, file, c)
  2242  	if err != nil {
  2243  		return err
  2244  	}
  2246  	fbo.blockLock.Lock(lState)
  2247  	defer fbo.blockLock.Unlock(lState)
  2249  	err = fbo.holdWritesLocked(ctx, lState)
  2250  	if err != nil {
  2251  		return err
  2252  	}
  2254  	filePath, err := fbo.pathFromNodeForBlockWriteLocked(lState, file)
  2255  	if err != nil {
  2256  		return err
  2257  	}
  2259  	defer func() {
  2260  		fbo.doDeferWrite = false
  2261  	}()
  2263  	latestWrite, dirtyPtrs, newlyDirtiedChildBytes, err := fbo.writeDataLocked(
  2264  		ctx, lState, kmd, filePath, buf, off)
  2265  	if err != nil {
  2266  		return err
  2267  	}
  2269  	fbo.observers.localChange(ctx, file, latestWrite)
  2271  	if fbo.doDeferWrite {
  2272  		// There's an ongoing sync, and this write altered dirty
  2273  		// blocks that are in the process of syncing.  So, we have to
  2274  		// redo this write once the sync is complete, using the new
  2275  		// file path.
  2276  		//
  2277  		// There is probably a less terrible of doing this that
  2278  		// doesn't involve so much copying and rewriting, but this is
  2279  		// the most obviously correct way.
  2280  		bufCopy := make([]byte, len(buf))
  2281  		copy(bufCopy, buf)
  2282  		fbo.vlog.CLogf(
  2283  			ctx, libkb.VLog1, "Deferring a write to file %v off=%d len=%d",
  2284  			filePath.TailPointer(), off, len(buf))
  2285  		ds := fbo.deferred[filePath.TailRef()]
  2286  		ds.dirtyDeletes = append(ds.dirtyDeletes, dirtyPtrs...)
  2287  		ds.writes = append(ds.writes,
  2288  			func(ctx context.Context, lState *kbfssync.LockState,
  2289  				kmd KeyMetadataWithRootDirEntry, f data.Path) error {
  2290  				// We are about to re-dirty these bytes, so mark that
  2291  				// they will no longer be synced via the old file.
  2292  				df := fbo.getOrCreateDirtyFileLocked(lState, filePath)
  2293  				df.UpdateNotYetSyncingBytes(-newlyDirtiedChildBytes)
  2295  				// Write the data again.  We know this won't be
  2296  				// deferred, so no need to check the new ptrs.
  2297  				_, _, _, err = fbo.writeDataLocked(
  2298  					ctx, lState, kmd, f, bufCopy, off)
  2299  				return err
  2300  			})
  2301  		ds.waitBytes += newlyDirtiedChildBytes
  2302  		fbo.deferred[filePath.TailRef()] = ds
  2303  	}
  2305  	return nil
  2306  }
  2308  // truncateExtendLocked is called by truncateLocked to extend a file and
  2309  // creates a hole.
  2310  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) truncateExtendLocked(
  2311  	ctx context.Context, lState *kbfssync.LockState,
  2312  	kmd KeyMetadataWithRootDirEntry, file data.Path, size uint64,
  2313  	parentBlocks []data.ParentBlockAndChildIndex) (
  2314  	WriteRange, []data.BlockPointer, error) {
  2315  	fblock, err := fbo.writeGetFileLocked(ctx, lState, kmd, file)
  2316  	if err != nil {
  2317  		return WriteRange{}, nil, err
  2318  	}
  2320  	chargedTo, err := fbo.getChargedToLocked(ctx, lState, kmd)
  2321  	if err != nil {
  2322  		return WriteRange{}, nil, err
  2323  	}
  2325  	fd := fbo.newFileData(lState, file, chargedTo, kmd)
  2327  	de, err := fbo.getEntryLocked(ctx, lState, kmd, file, true)
  2328  	if err != nil {
  2329  		return WriteRange{}, nil, err
  2330  	}
  2331  	df := fbo.getOrCreateDirtyFileLocked(lState, file)
  2332  	newDe, dirtyPtrs, err := fd.TruncateExtend(
  2333  		ctx, size, fblock, parentBlocks, de, df)
  2334  	if err != nil {
  2335  		return WriteRange{}, nil, err
  2336  	}
  2338  	now := fbo.nowUnixNano()
  2339  	newDe.Mtime = now
  2340  	newDe.Ctime = now
  2341  	err = fbo.updateEntryLocked(ctx, lState, kmd, file, newDe, true)
  2342  	if err != nil {
  2343  		return WriteRange{}, nil, err
  2344  	}
  2346  	si, err := fbo.getOrCreateSyncInfoLocked(lState, de)
  2347  	if err != nil {
  2348  		return WriteRange{}, nil, err
  2349  	}
  2350  	latestWrite := si.op.addTruncate(size)
  2352  	if fbo.config.DirtyBlockCache().ShouldForceSync( {
  2353  		select {
  2354  		// If we can't send on the channel, that means a sync is
  2355  		// already in progress
  2356  		case fbo.forceSyncChan <- struct{}{}:
  2357  			fbo.vlog.CLogf(
  2358  				ctx, libkb.VLog1, "Forcing a sync due to full buffer")
  2359  		default:
  2360  		}
  2361  	}
  2363  	fbo.vlog.CLogf(ctx, libkb.VLog1, "truncateExtendLocked: done")
  2364  	return latestWrite, dirtyPtrs, nil
  2365  }
  2367  // Returns the set of newly-ID'd blocks created during this truncate
  2368  // that might need to be cleaned up if the truncate is deferred.
  2369  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) truncateLocked(
  2370  	ctx context.Context, lState *kbfssync.LockState,
  2371  	kmd KeyMetadataWithRootDirEntry, file data.Path, size uint64) (
  2372  	wr *WriteRange, ptrs []data.BlockPointer, dirtyBytes int64, err error) {
  2373  	_, wasAlreadyUnref := fbo.unrefCache[file.TailPointer().Ref()]
  2374  	defer func() {
  2375  		// if the truncate didn't succeed, and the file wasn't already
  2376  		// being cached, clear out any cached state.
  2377  		if err != nil && !wasAlreadyUnref {
  2378  			_ = fbo.clearCacheInfoLocked(lState, file)
  2379  		}
  2380  	}()
  2382  	if jManager, err := GetJournalManager(fbo.config); err == nil {
  2383  		jManager.dirtyOpStart(
  2384  		defer jManager.dirtyOpEnd(
  2385  	}
  2387  	fblock, err := fbo.writeGetFileLocked(ctx, lState, kmd, file)
  2388  	if err != nil {
  2389  		return &WriteRange{}, nil, 0, err
  2390  	}
  2392  	chargedTo, err := fbo.getChargedToLocked(ctx, lState, kmd)
  2393  	if err != nil {
  2394  		return &WriteRange{}, nil, 0, err
  2395  	}
  2397  	fd := fbo.newFileData(lState, file, chargedTo, kmd)
  2399  	// find the block where the file should now end
  2400  	iSize := int64(size) // TODO: deal with overflow
  2401  	_, parentBlocks, block, nextBlockOff, startOff, _, err :=
  2402  		fd.GetFileBlockAtOffset(
  2403  			ctx, fblock, data.Int64Offset(iSize), data.BlockWrite)
  2404  	if err != nil {
  2405  		return &WriteRange{}, nil, 0, err
  2406  	}
  2408  	currLen := int64(startOff) + int64(len(block.Contents))
  2409  	switch {
  2410  	case currLen+truncateExtendCutoffPoint < iSize:
  2411  		latestWrite, dirtyPtrs, err := fbo.truncateExtendLocked(
  2412  			ctx, lState, kmd, file, uint64(iSize), parentBlocks)
  2413  		if err != nil {
  2414  			return &latestWrite, dirtyPtrs, 0, err
  2415  		}
  2416  		return &latestWrite, dirtyPtrs, 0, err
  2417  	case currLen < iSize:
  2418  		moreNeeded := iSize - currLen
  2419  		latestWrite, dirtyPtrs, newlyDirtiedChildBytes, err :=
  2420  			fbo.writeDataLocked(
  2421  				ctx, lState, kmd, file, make([]byte, moreNeeded), currLen)
  2422  		if err != nil {
  2423  			return &latestWrite, dirtyPtrs, newlyDirtiedChildBytes, err
  2424  		}
  2425  		return &latestWrite, dirtyPtrs, newlyDirtiedChildBytes, err
  2426  	case currLen == iSize && nextBlockOff < 0:
  2427  		// same size!
  2428  		if !wasAlreadyUnref {
  2429  			_ = fbo.clearCacheInfoLocked(lState, file)
  2430  		}
  2431  		return nil, nil, 0, nil
  2432  	}
  2434  	// update the local entry size
  2435  	de, err := fbo.getEntryLocked(ctx, lState, kmd, file, true)
  2436  	if err != nil {
  2437  		return nil, nil, 0, err
  2438  	}
  2440  	si, err := fbo.getOrCreateSyncInfoLocked(lState, de)
  2441  	if err != nil {
  2442  		return nil, nil, 0, err
  2443  	}
  2445  	newDe, dirtyPtrs, unrefs, newlyDirtiedChildBytes, err := fd.TruncateShrink(
  2446  		ctx, size, fblock, de)
  2447  	// Record the unrefs before checking the error so we remember the
  2448  	// state of newly dirtied blocks.
  2449  	si.unrefs = append(si.unrefs, unrefs...)
  2450  	if err != nil {
  2451  		return nil, nil, newlyDirtiedChildBytes, err
  2452  	}
  2454  	// Update dirtied bytes and unrefs regardless of error.
  2455  	df := fbo.getOrCreateDirtyFileLocked(lState, file)
  2456  	df.UpdateNotYetSyncingBytes(newlyDirtiedChildBytes)
  2458  	latestWrite := si.op.addTruncate(size)
  2459  	now := fbo.nowUnixNano()
  2460  	newDe.Mtime = now
  2461  	newDe.Ctime = now
  2462  	err = fbo.updateEntryLocked(ctx, lState, kmd, file, newDe, true)
  2463  	if err != nil {
  2464  		return nil, nil, newlyDirtiedChildBytes, err
  2465  	}
  2467  	return &latestWrite, dirtyPtrs, newlyDirtiedChildBytes, nil
  2468  }
  2470  // Truncate truncates or extends the given file to the given size.
  2471  // May block if there is too much unflushed data; in that case, it
  2472  // will be unblocked by a future sync.
  2473  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) Truncate(
  2474  	ctx context.Context, lState *kbfssync.LockState,
  2475  	kmd KeyMetadataWithRootDirEntry, file Node, size uint64) error {
  2476  	// If there is too much unflushed data, we should wait until some
  2477  	// of it gets flush so our memory usage doesn't grow without
  2478  	// bound.
  2479  	//
  2480  	// Assume the whole remaining file will be dirty after this
  2481  	// truncate.  TODO: try to figure out how many bytes actually will
  2482  	// be dirtied ahead of time?
  2483  	c, err := fbo.config.DirtyBlockCache().RequestPermissionToDirty(ctx,
  2484, int64(size))
  2485  	if err != nil {
  2486  		return err
  2487  	}
  2488  	defer fbo.config.DirtyBlockCache().UpdateUnsyncedBytes(,
  2489  		-int64(size), false)
  2490  	err = fbo.maybeWaitOnDeferredWrites(ctx, lState, file, c)
  2491  	if err != nil {
  2492  		return err
  2493  	}
  2495  	fbo.blockLock.Lock(lState)
  2496  	defer fbo.blockLock.Unlock(lState)
  2498  	err = fbo.holdWritesLocked(ctx, lState)
  2499  	if err != nil {
  2500  		return err
  2501  	}
  2503  	filePath, err := fbo.pathFromNodeForBlockWriteLocked(lState, file)
  2504  	if err != nil {
  2505  		return err
  2506  	}
  2508  	defer func() {
  2509  		fbo.doDeferWrite = false
  2510  	}()
  2512  	latestWrite, dirtyPtrs, newlyDirtiedChildBytes, err := fbo.truncateLocked(
  2513  		ctx, lState, kmd, filePath, size)
  2514  	if err != nil {
  2515  		return err
  2516  	}
  2518  	if latestWrite != nil {
  2519  		fbo.observers.localChange(ctx, file, *latestWrite)
  2520  	}
  2522  	if fbo.doDeferWrite {
  2523  		// There's an ongoing sync, and this truncate altered
  2524  		// dirty blocks that are in the process of syncing.  So,
  2525  		// we have to redo this truncate once the sync is complete,
  2526  		// using the new file path.
  2527  		fbo.vlog.CLogf(
  2528  			ctx, libkb.VLog1, "Deferring a truncate to file %v",
  2529  			filePath.TailPointer())
  2530  		ds := fbo.deferred[filePath.TailRef()]
  2531  		ds.dirtyDeletes = append(ds.dirtyDeletes, dirtyPtrs...)
  2532  		ds.writes = append(ds.writes,
  2533  			func(ctx context.Context, lState *kbfssync.LockState,
  2534  				kmd KeyMetadataWithRootDirEntry, f data.Path) error {
  2535  				// We are about to re-dirty these bytes, so mark that
  2536  				// they will no longer be synced via the old file.
  2537  				df := fbo.getOrCreateDirtyFileLocked(lState, filePath)
  2538  				df.UpdateNotYetSyncingBytes(-newlyDirtiedChildBytes)
  2540  				// Truncate the file again.  We know this won't be
  2541  				// deferred, so no need to check the new ptrs.
  2542  				_, _, _, err := fbo.truncateLocked(
  2543  					ctx, lState, kmd, f, size)
  2544  				return err
  2545  			})
  2546  		ds.waitBytes += newlyDirtiedChildBytes
  2547  		fbo.deferred[filePath.TailRef()] = ds
  2548  	}
  2550  	return nil
  2551  }
  2553  // IsDirty returns whether the given file is dirty; if false is
  2554  // returned, then the file doesn't need to be synced.
  2555  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) IsDirty(lState *kbfssync.LockState, file data.Path) bool {
  2556  	fbo.blockLock.RLock(lState)
  2557  	defer fbo.blockLock.RUnlock(lState)
  2558  	// A dirty file should probably match all three of these, but
  2559  	// check them individually just in case.
  2560  	if fbo.config.DirtyBlockCache().IsDirty(
  2561, file.TailPointer(), file.Branch) {
  2562  		return true
  2563  	}
  2565  	if _, ok := fbo.dirtyFiles[file.TailPointer()]; ok {
  2566  		return ok
  2567  	}
  2569  	_, ok := fbo.unrefCache[file.TailRef()]
  2570  	return ok
  2571  }
  2573  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) clearCacheInfoLocked(lState *kbfssync.LockState,
  2574  	file data.Path) error {
  2575  	fbo.blockLock.AssertLocked(lState)
  2576  	ref := file.TailRef()
  2577  	delete(fbo.unrefCache, ref)
  2578  	df := fbo.dirtyFiles[file.TailPointer()]
  2579  	if df != nil {
  2580  		err := df.FinishSync()
  2581  		if err != nil {
  2582  			return err
  2583  		}
  2584  		delete(fbo.dirtyFiles, file.TailPointer())
  2585  	}
  2586  	return nil
  2587  }
  2589  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) clearAllDirtyDirsLocked(
  2590  	ctx context.Context, lState *kbfssync.LockState, kmd libkey.KeyMetadata) {
  2591  	fbo.blockLock.AssertLocked(lState)
  2592  	dirtyBCache := fbo.config.DirtyBlockCache()
  2593  	for ptr := range fbo.dirtyDirs {
  2594  		dir := data.Path{
  2595  			FolderBranch: fbo.folderBranch,
  2596  			Path: []data.PathNode{
  2597  				{BlockPointer: ptr,
  2598  					Name: data.NewPathPartString(ptr.String(), nil),
  2599  				},
  2600  			},
  2601  		}
  2602  		dd := fbo.newDirDataLocked(lState, dir, keybase1.UserOrTeamID(""), kmd)
  2603  		childPtrs, err := dd.GetDirtyChildPtrs(ctx, dirtyBCache)
  2604  		if err != nil {
  2605  			fbo.log.CDebugf(ctx, "Failed to get child ptrs for %v: %+v",
  2606  				ptr, err)
  2607  		}
  2608  		for childPtr := range childPtrs {
  2609  			err := dirtyBCache.Delete(, childPtr, fbo.branch())
  2610  			if err != nil {
  2611  				fbo.log.CDebugf(
  2612  					ctx, "Failed to delete %v from dirty "+"cache: %+v",
  2613  					childPtr, err)
  2614  			}
  2615  		}
  2617  		err = dirtyBCache.Delete(, ptr, fbo.branch())
  2618  		if err != nil {
  2619  			fbo.log.CDebugf(ctx, "Failed to delete %v from dirty cache: %+v",
  2620  				ptr, err)
  2621  		}
  2622  	}
  2623  	fbo.dirtyDirs = make(map[data.BlockPointer][]data.BlockInfo)
  2624  	fbo.dirtyRootDirEntry = nil
  2625  	fbo.dirtyDirsSyncing = false
  2626  	deferredDirUpdates := fbo.deferredDirUpdates
  2627  	fbo.deferredDirUpdates = nil
  2628  	// Re-apply any deferred directory updates related to files that
  2629  	// weren't synced as part of this batch.
  2630  	for _, f := range deferredDirUpdates {
  2631  		err := f(lState)
  2632  		if err != nil {
  2633  			fbo.log.CWarningf(ctx, "Deferred entry update failed: %+v", err)
  2634  		}
  2635  	}
  2636  }
  2638  // ClearCacheInfo removes any cached info for the the given file.
  2639  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) ClearCacheInfo(
  2640  	lState *kbfssync.LockState, file data.Path) error {
  2641  	fbo.blockLock.Lock(lState)
  2642  	defer fbo.blockLock.Unlock(lState)
  2643  	return fbo.clearCacheInfoLocked(lState, file)
  2644  }
  2646  // revertSyncInfoAfterRecoverableError updates the saved sync info to
  2647  // include all the blocks from before the error, except for those that
  2648  // have encountered recoverable block errors themselves.
  2649  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) revertSyncInfoAfterRecoverableError(
  2650  	ctx context.Context, blocksToRemove []data.BlockPointer, result fileSyncState) {
  2651  	si :=
  2652  	savedSi := result.savedSi
  2654  	// Save the blocks we need to clean up on the next attempt.
  2655  	toClean := si.toCleanIfUnused
  2657  	newIndirect := make(map[data.BlockPointer]bool)
  2658  	for _, ptr := range result.newIndirectFileBlockPtrs {
  2659  		newIndirect[ptr] = true
  2660  	}
  2662  	// Propagate all unrefs forward, except those that belong to new
  2663  	// blocks that were created during the sync.
  2664  	unrefs := make([]data.BlockInfo, 0, len(si.unrefs))
  2665  	for _, unref := range si.unrefs {
  2666  		if newIndirect[unref.BlockPointer] {
  2667  			fbo.vlog.CLogf(ctx, libkb.VLog1, "Dropping unref %v", unref)
  2668  			continue
  2669  		}
  2670  		unrefs = append(unrefs, unref)
  2671  	}
  2673  	// This sync will be retried and needs new blocks, so
  2674  	// reset everything in the sync info.
  2675  	*si = *savedSi
  2676  	si.toCleanIfUnused = toClean
  2677  	si.unrefs = unrefs
  2678  	if si.bps == nil {
  2679  		return
  2680  	}
  2682  	// Mark any bad pointers so they get skipped next time.
  2683  	blocksToRemoveSet := make(map[data.BlockPointer]bool)
  2684  	for _, ptr := range blocksToRemove {
  2685  		blocksToRemoveSet[ptr] = true
  2686  	}
  2688  	newBps, err := savedSi.bps.deepCopyWithBlacklist(ctx, blocksToRemoveSet)
  2689  	if err != nil {
  2690  		return
  2691  	}
  2692  	si.bps = newBps
  2693  }
  2695  // fileSyncState holds state for a sync operation for a single
  2696  // file.
  2697  type fileSyncState struct {
  2698  	// If fblock is non-nil, the (dirty, indirect, cached) block
  2699  	// it points to will be set to savedFblock on a recoverable
  2700  	// error.
  2701  	fblock, savedFblock *data.FileBlock
  2703  	// redirtyOnRecoverableError, which is non-nil only when fblock is
  2704  	// non-nil, contains pointers that need to be re-dirtied if the
  2705  	// top block gets copied during the sync, and a recoverable error
  2706  	// happens.  Maps to the old block pointer for the block, which
  2707  	// would need a DirtyBlockCache.Delete.
  2708  	redirtyOnRecoverableError map[data.BlockPointer]data.BlockPointer
  2710  	// If si is non-nil, its updated state will be reset on
  2711  	// error. Also, if the error is recoverable, it will be
  2712  	// reverted to savedSi.
  2713  	//
  2714  	// TODO: Working with si in this way is racy, since si is a
  2715  	// member of unrefCache.
  2716  	si, savedSi *syncInfo
  2718  	// oldFileBlockPtrs is a list of transient entries in the
  2719  	// block cache for the file, which should be removed when the
  2720  	// sync finishes.
  2721  	oldFileBlockPtrs []data.BlockPointer
  2723  	// newIndirectFileBlockPtrs is a list of permanent entries
  2724  	// added to the block cache for the file, which should be
  2725  	// removed after the blocks have been sent to the server.
  2726  	// They are not removed on an error, because in that case the
  2727  	// file is still dirty locally and may get another chance to
  2728  	// be sync'd.
  2729  	//
  2730  	// TODO: This can be a list of IDs instead.
  2731  	newIndirectFileBlockPtrs []data.BlockPointer
  2732  }
  2734  // startSyncWrite contains the portion of StartSync() that's done
  2735  // while write-locking blockLock.  If there is no dirty de cache
  2736  // entry, dirtyDe will be nil.
  2737  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) startSyncWrite(ctx context.Context,
  2738  	lState *kbfssync.LockState, md *RootMetadata, file data.Path) (
  2739  	fblock *data.FileBlock, bps blockPutStateCopiable, syncState fileSyncState,
  2740  	dirtyDe *data.DirEntry, err error) {
  2741  	fbo.blockLock.Lock(lState)
  2742  	defer fbo.blockLock.Unlock(lState)
  2744  	// update the parent directories, and write all the new blocks out
  2745  	// to disk
  2746  	fblock, err = fbo.getFileLocked(ctx, lState, md.ReadOnly(), file, data.BlockWrite)
  2747  	if err != nil {
  2748  		return nil, nil, syncState, nil, err
  2749  	}
  2751  	fileRef := file.TailRef()
  2752  	si, ok := fbo.unrefCache[fileRef]
  2753  	if !ok {
  2754  		return nil, nil, syncState, nil,
  2755  			fmt.Errorf("No syncOp found for file ref %v", fileRef)
  2756  	}
  2758  	// Collapse the write range to reduce the size of the sync op.
  2759  	si.op.Writes = si.op.collapseWriteRange(nil)
  2760  	// If this function returns a success, we need to make sure the op
  2761  	// in `md` is not the same variable as the op in `unrefCache`,
  2762  	// because the latter could get updated still by local writes
  2763  	// before `md` is flushed to the server.  We don't copy it here
  2764  	// because code below still needs to modify it (and by extension,
  2765  	// the one stored in ``).
  2766  	si.op.setFinalPath(file)
  2767  	md.AddOp(si.op)
  2769  	// Fill in syncState.
  2770  	if fblock.IsInd {
  2771  		fblockCopy := fblock.DeepCopy()
  2772  		syncState.fblock = fblock
  2773  		syncState.savedFblock = fblockCopy
  2774  		syncState.redirtyOnRecoverableError = make(map[data.BlockPointer]data.BlockPointer)
  2775  	}
  2776 = si
  2777  	syncState.savedSi, err = si.DeepCopy(ctx, fbo.config.Codec())
  2778  	if err != nil {
  2779  		return nil, nil, syncState, nil, err
  2780  	}
  2782  	if si.bps == nil {
  2783  		si.bps = newBlockPutStateMemory(1)
  2784  	} else {
  2785  		// reinstate byte accounting from the previous Sync
  2786  		md.SetRefBytes(si.refBytes)
  2787  		md.AddDiskUsage(si.refBytes)
  2788  		md.SetUnrefBytes(si.unrefBytes)
  2789  		md.SetMDRefBytes(0) // this will be calculated anew
  2790  		md.SetDiskUsage(md.DiskUsage() - si.unrefBytes)
  2791  		syncState.newIndirectFileBlockPtrs = append(
  2792  			syncState.newIndirectFileBlockPtrs, si.op.Refs()...)
  2793  	}
  2794  	defer func() {
  2795  		si.refBytes = md.RefBytes()
  2796  		si.unrefBytes = md.UnrefBytes()
  2797  	}()
  2799  	chargedTo, err := fbo.getChargedToLocked(ctx, lState, md)
  2800  	if err != nil {
  2801  		return nil, nil, syncState, nil, err
  2802  	}
  2804  	dirtyBcache := fbo.config.DirtyBlockCache()
  2805  	df := fbo.getOrCreateDirtyFileLocked(lState, file)
  2806  	fd := fbo.newFileData(lState, file, chargedTo, md.ReadOnly())
  2808  	// Note: below we add possibly updated file blocks as "unref" and
  2809  	// "ref" blocks.  This is fine, since conflict resolution or
  2810  	// notifications will never happen within a file.
  2812  	// If needed, split the children blocks up along new boundaries
  2813  	// (e.g., if using a fingerprint-based block splitter).
  2814  	unrefs, err := fd.Split(ctx,, dirtyBcache, fblock, df)
  2815  	// Preserve any unrefs before checking the error.
  2816  	for _, unref := range unrefs {
  2817  		md.AddUnrefBlock(unref)
  2818  	}
  2819  	if err != nil {
  2820  		return nil, nil, syncState, nil, err
  2821  	}
  2823  	// Ready all children blocks, if any.
  2824  	oldPtrs, err := fd.Ready(ctx,, fbo.config.BlockCache(),
  2825  		fbo.config.DirtyBlockCache(), fbo.config.BlockOps(), si.bps, fblock, df,
  2826  		fbo.cacheHashBehavior())
  2827  	if err != nil {
  2828  		return nil, nil, syncState, nil, err
  2829  	}
  2831  	for newInfo, oldPtr := range oldPtrs {
  2832  		syncState.newIndirectFileBlockPtrs = append(
  2833  			syncState.newIndirectFileBlockPtrs, newInfo.BlockPointer)
  2834  		df.SetBlockOrphaned(oldPtr, true)
  2836  		// Defer the DirtyBlockCache.Delete until after the new path
  2837  		// is ready, in case anyone tries to read the dirty file in
  2838  		// the meantime.
  2839  		syncState.oldFileBlockPtrs = append(syncState.oldFileBlockPtrs, oldPtr)
  2841  		md.AddRefBlock(newInfo)
  2843  		// If this block is replacing a block from a previous, failed
  2844  		// Sync, we need to take that block out of the refs list, and
  2845  		// avoid unrefing it as well.
  2846  		si.removeReplacedBlock(ctx, fbo.log, oldPtr)
  2848  		err = df.SetBlockSyncing(ctx, oldPtr)
  2849  		if err != nil {
  2850  			return nil, nil, syncState, nil, err
  2851  		}
  2852  		syncState.redirtyOnRecoverableError[newInfo.BlockPointer] = oldPtr
  2853  	}
  2855  	err = df.SetBlockSyncing(ctx, file.TailPointer())
  2856  	if err != nil {
  2857  		return nil, nil, syncState, nil, err
  2858  	}
  2859  	syncState.oldFileBlockPtrs = append(
  2860  		syncState.oldFileBlockPtrs, file.TailPointer())
  2862  	// Capture the current de before we release the block lock, so
  2863  	// other deferred writes don't slip in.
  2864  	dd := fbo.newDirDataLocked(lState, *file.ParentPath(), chargedTo, md)
  2865  	de, err := dd.Lookup(ctx, file.TailName())
  2866  	if err != nil {
  2867  		return nil, nil, syncState, nil, err
  2868  	}
  2869  	dirtyDe = &de
  2871  	// Leave a copy of the syncOp in `unrefCache`, since it may be
  2872  	// modified by future local writes while the syncOp in `md` should
  2873  	// only be modified by the rest of this sync process.
  2874  	var syncOpCopy *syncOp
  2875  	err = kbfscodec.Update(fbo.config.Codec(), &syncOpCopy, si.op)
  2876  	if err != nil {
  2877  		return nil, nil, syncState, nil, err
  2878  	}
  2879  	fbo.unrefCache[fileRef].op = syncOpCopy
  2881  	// If there are any deferred bytes, it must be because this is
  2882  	// a retried sync and some blocks snuck in between sync. Those
  2883  	// blocks will get transferred now, but they are also on the
  2884  	// deferred list and will be retried on the next sync as well.
  2885  	df.AssimilateDeferredNewBytes()
  2887  	// TODO: Returning si.bps in this way is racy, since si is a
  2888  	// member of unrefCache.
  2889  	return fblock, si.bps, syncState, dirtyDe, nil
  2890  }
  2892  func prepDirtyEntryForSync(md *RootMetadata, si *syncInfo, dirtyDe *data.DirEntry) {
  2893  	// Add in the cached unref'd blocks.
  2894  	si.mergeUnrefCache(md)
  2895  	// Update the file's directory entry to the cached copy.
  2896  	if dirtyDe != nil {
  2897  		dirtyDe.EncodedSize = si.oldInfo.EncodedSize
  2898  	}
  2899  }
  2901  // mergeDirtyEntryWithDBM sets the entry for a file into a directory,
  2902  // storing all the affected blocks into `dbm` rather than the dirty
  2903  // block cache.  It must only be called with an entry that's already
  2904  // been written to the dirty block cache, such that no new blocks are
  2905  // dirtied.
  2906  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) mergeDirtyEntryWithDBM(
  2907  	ctx context.Context, lState *kbfssync.LockState, file data.Path, md libkey.KeyMetadata,
  2908  	dbm dirBlockMap, dirtyDe data.DirEntry) error {
  2909  	// Lock and fetch for reading only, any dirty blocks will go into
  2910  	// the dbm.
  2911  	fbo.blockLock.RLock(lState)
  2912  	defer fbo.blockLock.RUnlock(lState)
  2914  	chargedTo, err := fbo.getChargedToLocked(ctx, lState, md)
  2915  	if err != nil {
  2916  		return err
  2917  	}
  2919  	dd := fbo.newDirDataWithDBMLocked(
  2920  		lState, *file.ParentPath(), chargedTo, md, dbm)
  2921  	unrefs, err := dd.SetEntry(ctx, file.TailName(), dirtyDe)
  2922  	if err != nil {
  2923  		return err
  2924  	}
  2925  	if len(unrefs) != 0 {
  2926  		return errors.Errorf(
  2927  			"Merging dirty entry produced %d new unrefs", len(unrefs))
  2928  	}
  2929  	return nil
  2930  }
  2932  // StartSync starts a sync for the given file. It returns the new
  2933  // FileBlock which has the readied top-level block which includes all
  2934  // writes since the last sync. Must be used with CleanupSyncState()
  2935  // and UpdatePointers/FinishSyncLocked() like so:
  2936  //
  2937  //		fblock, bps, dirtyDe, syncState, err :=
  2938  //			...fbo.StartSync(ctx, lState, md, uid, file)
  2939  //		defer func() {
  2940  //			...fbo.CleanupSyncState(
  2941  //				ctx, lState, md, file, ..., syncState, err)
  2942  //		}()
  2943  //		if err != nil {
  2944  //			...
  2945  //		}
  2946  //	     ...
  2947  //
  2948  //
  2949  //		... = fbo.UpdatePointers(..., func() error {
  2950  //	     ...fbo.FinishSyncLocked(ctx, lState, file, ..., syncState)
  2951  //	 })
  2952  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) StartSync(ctx context.Context,
  2953  	lState *kbfssync.LockState, md *RootMetadata, file data.Path) (
  2954  	fblock *data.FileBlock, bps blockPutStateCopiable, dirtyDe *data.DirEntry,
  2955  	syncState fileSyncState, err error) {
  2956  	if jManager, err := GetJournalManager(fbo.config); err == nil {
  2957  		jManager.dirtyOpStart(
  2958  	}
  2960  	fblock, bps, syncState, dirtyDe, err = fbo.startSyncWrite(
  2961  		ctx, lState, md, file)
  2962  	if err != nil {
  2963  		return nil, nil, nil, syncState, err
  2964  	}
  2966  	prepDirtyEntryForSync(md,, dirtyDe)
  2967  	return fblock, bps, dirtyDe, syncState, err
  2968  }
  2970  // Does any clean-up for a sync of the given file, given an error
  2971  // (which may be nil) that happens during or after StartSync() and
  2972  // before FinishSync(). blocksToRemove may be nil.
  2973  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) CleanupSyncState(
  2974  	ctx context.Context, lState *kbfssync.LockState, md ReadOnlyRootMetadata,
  2975  	file data.Path, blocksToRemove []data.BlockPointer,
  2976  	result fileSyncState, err error) {
  2977  	if jManager, err := GetJournalManager(fbo.config); err == nil {
  2978  		defer jManager.dirtyOpEnd(
  2979  	}
  2981  	if err == nil {
  2982  		return
  2983  	}
  2985  	fbo.blockLock.Lock(lState)
  2986  	defer fbo.blockLock.Unlock(lState)
  2988  	// Notify error listeners before we reset the dirty blocks and
  2989  	// permissions to be granted.
  2990  	fbo.notifyErrListenersLocked(lState, file.TailPointer(), err)
  2992  	// If there was an error, we need to back out any changes that
  2993  	// might have been filled into the sync op, because it could
  2994  	// get reused again in a later Sync call.
  2995  	if != nil {
  2998  		// Save this MD for later, so we can clean up its
  2999  		// newly-referenced block pointers if necessary.
  3000  		bpsCopy, err :=
  3001  		if err != nil {
  3002  			return
  3003  		}
  3004 = append(,
  3005  			mdToCleanIfUnused{md, bpsCopy})
  3006  	}
  3007  	if isRecoverableBlockError(err) {
  3008  		if != nil {
  3009  			fbo.revertSyncInfoAfterRecoverableError(ctx, blocksToRemove, result)
  3010  		}
  3011  		if result.fblock != nil {
  3012  			result.fblock.Set(result.savedFblock)
  3013  			fbo.fixChildBlocksAfterRecoverableErrorLocked(
  3014  				ctx, lState, file, md,
  3015  				result.redirtyOnRecoverableError)
  3016  		}
  3017  	} else {
  3018  		// Since the sync has errored out unrecoverably, the deferred
  3019  		// bytes are already accounted for.
  3020  		ds := fbo.deferred[file.TailRef()]
  3021  		if df := fbo.dirtyFiles[file.TailPointer()]; df != nil {
  3022  			df.UpdateNotYetSyncingBytes(-ds.waitBytes)
  3024  			// Some blocks that were dirty are now clean under their
  3025  			// readied block ID, and now live in the bps rather than
  3026  			// the dirty bcache, so we can delete them from the dirty
  3027  			// bcache.
  3028  			dirtyBcache := fbo.config.DirtyBlockCache()
  3029  			for _, ptr := range result.oldFileBlockPtrs {
  3030  				if df.IsBlockOrphaned(ptr) {
  3031  					fbo.vlog.CLogf(
  3032  						ctx, libkb.VLog1, "Deleting dirty orphan: %v", ptr)
  3033  					if err := dirtyBcache.Delete(, ptr,
  3034  						fbo.branch()); err != nil {
  3035  						fbo.vlog.CLogf(
  3036  							ctx, libkb.VLog1, "Couldn't delete %v", ptr)
  3037  					}
  3038  				}
  3039  			}
  3040  		}
  3042  		// On an unrecoverable error, the deferred writes aren't
  3043  		// needed anymore since they're already part of the
  3044  		// (still-)dirty blocks.
  3045  		delete(fbo.deferred, file.TailRef())
  3046  	}
  3048  	// The sync is over, due to an error, so reset the map so that we
  3049  	// don't defer any subsequent writes.
  3050  	// Old syncing blocks are now just dirty
  3051  	if df := fbo.dirtyFiles[file.TailPointer()]; df != nil {
  3052  		df.ResetSyncingBlocksToDirty()
  3053  	}
  3054  }
  3056  // cleanUpUnusedBlocks cleans up the blocks from any previous failed
  3057  // sync attempts.
  3058  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) cleanUpUnusedBlocks(ctx context.Context,
  3059  	md ReadOnlyRootMetadata, syncState fileSyncState, fbm *folderBlockManager) error {
  3060  	numToClean := len(
  3061  	if numToClean == 0 {
  3062  		return nil
  3063  	}
  3065  	// What blocks are referenced in the successful MD?
  3066  	refs := make(map[data.BlockPointer]bool)
  3067  	for _, op := range {
  3068  		for _, ptr := range op.Refs() {
  3069  			if ptr == data.ZeroPtr {
  3070  				panic("Unexpected zero ref ptr in a sync MD revision")
  3071  			}
  3072  			refs[ptr] = true
  3073  		}
  3074  		for _, update := range op.allUpdates() {
  3075  			if update.Ref == data.ZeroPtr {
  3076  				panic("Unexpected zero update ref ptr in a sync MD revision")
  3077  			}
  3079  			refs[update.Ref] = true
  3080  		}
  3081  	}
  3083  	// For each MD to clean, clean up the old failed blocks
  3084  	// immediately if the merge status matches the successful put, if
  3085  	// they didn't get referenced in the successful put.  If the merge
  3086  	// status is different (e.g., we ended up on a conflict branch),
  3087  	// clean it up only if the original revision failed.  If the same
  3088  	// block appears more than once, the one with a different merged
  3089  	// status takes precedence (which will always come earlier in the
  3090  	// list of MDs).
  3091  	blocksSeen := make(map[data.BlockPointer]bool)
  3092  	for _, oldMD := range {
  3093  		bdType := blockDeleteAlways
  3094  		if != md.MergedStatus() {
  3095  			bdType = blockDeleteOnMDFail
  3096  		}
  3098  		failedBps := newBlockPutStateMemory(oldMD.bps.numBlocks())
  3099  		for _, ptr := range oldMD.bps.Ptrs() {
  3100  			if ptr == data.ZeroPtr {
  3101  				panic("Unexpected zero block ptr in an old sync MD revision")
  3102  			}
  3103  			if blocksSeen[ptr] {
  3104  				continue
  3105  			}
  3106  			blocksSeen[ptr] = true
  3107  			if refs[ptr] && bdType == blockDeleteAlways {
  3108  				continue
  3109  			}
  3110  			failedBps.blockStates[ptr] = blockState{}
  3111  			fbo.vlog.CLogf(
  3112  				ctx, libkb.VLog1, "Cleaning up block %v from a previous "+
  3113  					"failed revision %d (oldMD is %s, bdType=%d)", ptr,
  3114,, bdType)
  3115  		}
  3117  		if len(failedBps.blockStates) > 0 {
  3118  			fbm.cleanUpBlockState(, failedBps, bdType)
  3119  		}
  3120  	}
  3121  	return nil
  3122  }
  3124  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) doDeferredWritesLocked(ctx context.Context,
  3125  	lState *kbfssync.LockState, kmd KeyMetadataWithRootDirEntry,
  3126  	oldPath, newPath data.Path) (stillDirty bool, err error) {
  3127  	fbo.blockLock.AssertLocked(lState)
  3129  	// Redo any writes or truncates that happened to our file while
  3130  	// the sync was happening.
  3131  	ds := fbo.deferred[oldPath.TailRef()]
  3132  	stillDirty = len(ds.writes) != 0
  3133  	delete(fbo.deferred, oldPath.TailRef())
  3135  	// Clear any dirty blocks that resulted from a write/truncate
  3136  	// happening during the sync, since we're redoing them below.
  3137  	dirtyBcache := fbo.config.DirtyBlockCache()
  3138  	for _, ptr := range ds.dirtyDeletes {
  3139  		fbo.vlog.CLogf(
  3140  			ctx, libkb.VLog1, "Deleting deferred dirty ptr %v", ptr)
  3141  		if err := dirtyBcache.Delete(, ptr, fbo.branch()); err != nil {
  3142  			return true, err
  3143  		}
  3144  	}
  3146  	for _, f := range ds.writes {
  3147  		err = f(ctx, lState, kmd, newPath)
  3148  		if err != nil {
  3149  			// It's a little weird to return an error from a deferred
  3150  			// write here. Hopefully that will never happen.
  3151  			return true, err
  3152  		}
  3153  	}
  3154  	return stillDirty, nil
  3155  }
  3157  // FinishSyncLocked finishes the sync process for a file, given the
  3158  // state from StartSync. Specifically, it re-applies any writes that
  3159  // happened since the call to StartSync.
  3160  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) FinishSyncLocked(
  3161  	ctx context.Context, lState *kbfssync.LockState,
  3162  	oldPath, newPath data.Path, md ReadOnlyRootMetadata,
  3163  	syncState fileSyncState, fbm *folderBlockManager) (
  3164  	stillDirty bool, err error) {
  3165  	fbo.blockLock.AssertLocked(lState)
  3167  	dirtyBcache := fbo.config.DirtyBlockCache()
  3168  	for _, ptr := range syncState.oldFileBlockPtrs {
  3169  		fbo.vlog.CLogf(ctx, libkb.VLog1, "Deleting dirty ptr %v", ptr)
  3170  		if err := dirtyBcache.Delete(, ptr, fbo.branch()); err != nil {
  3171  			return true, err
  3172  		}
  3173  	}
  3175  	bcache := fbo.config.BlockCache()
  3176  	for _, ptr := range syncState.newIndirectFileBlockPtrs {
  3177  		err := bcache.DeletePermanent(ptr.ID)
  3178  		if err != nil {
  3179  			fbo.log.CWarningf(ctx, "Error when deleting %v from cache: %v",
  3180  				ptr.ID, err)
  3181  		}
  3182  	}
  3184  	stillDirty, err = fbo.doDeferredWritesLocked(
  3185  		ctx, lState, md, oldPath, newPath)
  3186  	if err != nil {
  3187  		return true, err
  3188  	}
  3190  	// Clear cached info for the old path.  We are guaranteed that any
  3191  	// concurrent write to this file was deferred, even if it was to a
  3192  	// block that wasn't currently being sync'd, since the top-most
  3193  	// block is always in dirtyFiles and is always dirtied during a
  3194  	// write/truncate.
  3195  	//
  3196  	// Also, we can get rid of all the sync state that might have
  3197  	// happened during the sync, since we will replay the writes
  3198  	// below anyway.
  3199  	if err := fbo.clearCacheInfoLocked(lState, oldPath); err != nil {
  3200  		return true, err
  3201  	}
  3203  	if err := fbo.cleanUpUnusedBlocks(ctx, md, syncState, fbm); err != nil {
  3204  		return true, err
  3205  	}
  3207  	return stillDirty, nil
  3208  }
  3210  // notifyErrListeners notifies any write operations that are blocked
  3211  // on a file so that they can learn about unrecoverable sync errors.
  3212  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) notifyErrListenersLocked(
  3213  	lState *kbfssync.LockState, ptr data.BlockPointer, err error) {
  3214  	fbo.blockLock.AssertLocked(lState)
  3215  	if isRecoverableBlockError(err) {
  3216  		// Don't bother any listeners with this error, since the sync
  3217  		// will be retried.  Unless the sync has reached its retry
  3218  		// limit, but in that case the listeners will just proceed as
  3219  		// normal once the dirty block cache bytes are freed, and
  3220  		// that's ok since this error isn't fatal.
  3221  		return
  3222  	}
  3223  	df := fbo.dirtyFiles[ptr]
  3224  	if df != nil {
  3225  		df.NotifyErrListeners(err)
  3226  	}
  3227  }
  3229  type searchWithOutOfDateCacheError struct {
  3230  }
  3232  func (e searchWithOutOfDateCacheError) Error() string {
  3233  	return fmt.Sprintf("Search is using an out-of-date node cache; " +
  3234  		"try again with a clean cache.")
  3235  }
  3237  // searchForNodesInDirLocked recursively tries to find a path, and
  3238  // ultimately a node, to ptr, given the set of pointers that were
  3239  // updated in a particular operation.  The keys in nodeMap make up the
  3240  // set of BlockPointers that are being searched for, and nodeMap is
  3241  // updated in place to include the corresponding discovered nodes.
  3242  //
  3243  // Returns the number of nodes found by this invocation.  If the error
  3244  // it returns is searchWithOutOfDateCache, the search should be
  3245  // retried by the caller with a clean cache.
  3246  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) searchForNodesInDirLocked(ctx context.Context,
  3247  	lState *kbfssync.LockState, cache NodeCache, newPtrs map[data.BlockPointer]bool,
  3248  	kmd libkey.KeyMetadata, rootNode Node, currDir data.Path, nodeMap map[data.BlockPointer]Node,
  3249  	numNodesFoundSoFar int) (int, error) {
  3250  	fbo.blockLock.AssertAnyLocked(lState)
  3252  	chargedTo, err := fbo.getChargedToLocked(ctx, lState, kmd)
  3253  	if err != nil {
  3254  		return 0, err
  3255  	}
  3256  	dd := fbo.newDirDataLocked(lState, currDir, chargedTo, kmd)
  3257  	entries, err := dd.GetEntries(ctx)
  3258  	if err != nil {
  3259  		return 0, err
  3260  	}
  3262  	// getDirLocked may have unlocked blockLock, which means the cache
  3263  	// could have changed out from under us.  Verify that didn't
  3264  	// happen, so we can avoid messing it up with nodes from an old MD
  3265  	// version.  If it did happen, return a special error that lets
  3266  	// the caller know they should retry with a fresh cache.
  3267  	if currDir.Path[0].BlockPointer !=
  3268  		cache.PathFromNode(rootNode).TailPointer() {
  3269  		return 0, searchWithOutOfDateCacheError{}
  3270  	}
  3272  	if numNodesFoundSoFar >= len(nodeMap) {
  3273  		return 0, nil
  3274  	}
  3276  	numNodesFound := 0
  3277  	for name, de := range entries {
  3278  		childPath := currDir.ChildPath(name, de.BlockPointer, nil)
  3279  		if _, ok := nodeMap[de.BlockPointer]; ok {
  3280  			// make a node for every pathnode
  3281  			n := rootNode
  3282  			for i, pn := range childPath.Path[1:] {
  3283  				if !pn.BlockPointer.IsValid() {
  3284  					// Temporary debugging output for KBFS-1764 -- the
  3285  					// GetOrCreate call below will panic.
  3286  					fbo.log.CDebugf(ctx, "Invalid block pointer, path=%s, "+
  3287  						"path.path=%v (index %d), name=%s, de=%#v, "+
  3288  						"nodeMap=%v, newPtrs=%v, kmd=%#v",
  3289  						childPath, childPath.Path, i, name, de, nodeMap,
  3290  						newPtrs, kmd)
  3291  				}
  3292  				et := data.Dir
  3293  				if i == len(childPath.Path)-2 {
  3294  					et = de.Type
  3295  				}
  3296  				n, err = cache.GetOrCreate(pn.BlockPointer, pn.Name, n, et)
  3297  				if err != nil {
  3298  					return 0, err
  3299  				}
  3300  			}
  3301  			childPath.ChildObfuscator = n.Obfuscator()
  3302  			nodeMap[de.BlockPointer] = n
  3303  			numNodesFound++
  3304  			if numNodesFoundSoFar+numNodesFound >= len(nodeMap) {
  3305  				return numNodesFound, nil
  3306  			}
  3307  		}
  3309  		// otherwise, recurse if this represents an updated block
  3310  		if _, ok := newPtrs[de.BlockPointer]; de.Type == data.Dir && ok {
  3311  			if childPath.Obfuscator() == nil {
  3312  				childPath.ChildObfuscator = fbo.nodeCache.ObfuscatorMaker()()
  3313  			}
  3314  			n, err := fbo.searchForNodesInDirLocked(ctx, lState, cache,
  3315  				newPtrs, kmd, rootNode, childPath, nodeMap,
  3316  				numNodesFoundSoFar+numNodesFound)
  3317  			if err != nil {
  3318  				return 0, err
  3319  			}
  3320  			numNodesFound += n
  3321  			if numNodesFoundSoFar+numNodesFound >= len(nodeMap) {
  3322  				return numNodesFound, nil
  3323  			}
  3324  		}
  3325  	}
  3327  	return numNodesFound, nil
  3328  }
  3330  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) trySearchWithCacheLocked(ctx context.Context,
  3331  	lState *kbfssync.LockState, cache NodeCache, ptrs []data.BlockPointer,
  3332  	newPtrs map[data.BlockPointer]bool, kmd libkey.KeyMetadata, rootPtr data.BlockPointer) (
  3333  	map[data.BlockPointer]Node, error) {
  3334  	fbo.blockLock.AssertAnyLocked(lState)
  3336  	nodeMap := make(map[data.BlockPointer]Node)
  3337  	for _, ptr := range ptrs {
  3338  		nodeMap[ptr] = nil
  3339  	}
  3341  	if len(ptrs) == 0 {
  3342  		return nodeMap, nil
  3343  	}
  3345  	var node Node
  3346  	// The node cache used by the main part of KBFS is
  3347  	// fbo.nodeCache. This basically maps from BlockPointers to
  3348  	// Nodes. Nodes are used by the callers of the library, but
  3349  	// internally we need to know the series of BlockPointers and
  3350  	// file/dir names that make up the path of the corresponding
  3351  	// file/dir. fbo.nodeCache is long-lived and never invalidated.
  3352  	//
  3353  	// As folderBranchOps gets informed of new local or remote MD
  3354  	// updates, which change the BlockPointers of some subset of the
  3355  	// nodes in this TLF, it calls nodeCache.UpdatePointer for each
  3356  	// change. Then, when a caller passes some old Node they have
  3357  	// lying around into an FBO call, we can translate it to its
  3358  	// current path using fbo.nodeCache. Note that on every TLF
  3359  	// modification, we are guaranteed that the BlockPointer of the
  3360  	// root directory will change (because of the merkle-ish tree of
  3361  	// content hashes we use to assign BlockPointers).
  3362  	//
  3363  	// fbo.nodeCache needs to maintain the absolute latest mappings
  3364  	// for the TLF, or else FBO calls won't see up-to-date data. The
  3365  	// tension in search comes from the fact that we are trying to
  3366  	// discover the BlockPointers of certain files at a specific point
  3367  	// in the MD history, which is not necessarily the same as the
  3368  	// most-recently-seen MD update. Specifically, some callers
  3369  	// process a specific range of MDs, but folderBranchOps may have
  3370  	// heard about a newer one before, or during, when the caller
  3371  	// started processing. That means fbo.nodeCache may have been
  3372  	// updated to reflect the newest BlockPointers, and is no longer
  3373  	// correct as a cache for our search for the data at the old point
  3374  	// in time.
  3375  	if cache == fbo.nodeCache {
  3376  		// Root node should already exist if we have an up-to-date md.
  3377  		node = cache.Get(rootPtr.Ref())
  3378  		if node == nil {
  3379  			return nil, searchWithOutOfDateCacheError{}
  3380  		}
  3381  	} else {
  3382  		// Root node may or may not exist.
  3383  		var err error
  3384  		node, err = cache.GetOrCreate(rootPtr,
  3385  			data.NewPathPartString(
  3386  				string(kmd.GetTlfHandle().GetCanonicalName()), nil),
  3387  			nil, data.Dir)
  3388  		if err != nil {
  3389  			return nil, err
  3390  		}
  3391  	}
  3392  	if node == nil {
  3393  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Cannot find root node corresponding to %v",
  3394  			rootPtr)
  3395  	}
  3397  	// are they looking for the root directory?
  3398  	numNodesFound := 0
  3399  	if _, ok := nodeMap[rootPtr]; ok {
  3400  		nodeMap[rootPtr] = node
  3401  		numNodesFound++
  3402  		if numNodesFound >= len(nodeMap) {
  3403  			return nodeMap, nil
  3404  		}
  3405  	}
  3407  	rootPath := cache.PathFromNode(node)
  3408  	if len(rootPath.Path) != 1 {
  3409  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Invalid root path for %v: %s",
  3410  			rootPtr, rootPath)
  3411  	}
  3413  	_, err := fbo.searchForNodesInDirLocked(ctx, lState, cache, newPtrs,
  3414  		kmd, node, rootPath, nodeMap, numNodesFound)
  3415  	if err != nil {
  3416  		return nil, err
  3417  	}
  3419  	if rootPtr != cache.PathFromNode(node).TailPointer() {
  3420  		return nil, searchWithOutOfDateCacheError{}
  3421  	}
  3423  	return nodeMap, nil
  3424  }
  3426  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) searchForNodesLocked(ctx context.Context,
  3427  	lState *kbfssync.LockState, cache NodeCache, ptrs []data.BlockPointer,
  3428  	newPtrs map[data.BlockPointer]bool, kmd libkey.KeyMetadata,
  3429  	rootPtr data.BlockPointer) (map[data.BlockPointer]Node, NodeCache, error) {
  3430  	fbo.blockLock.AssertAnyLocked(lState)
  3432  	// First try the passed-in cache.  If it doesn't work because the
  3433  	// cache is out of date, try again with a clean cache.
  3434  	nodeMap, err := fbo.trySearchWithCacheLocked(ctx, lState, cache, ptrs,
  3435  		newPtrs, kmd, rootPtr)
  3436  	if _, ok := err.(searchWithOutOfDateCacheError); ok {
  3437  		// The md is out-of-date, so use a throwaway cache so we
  3438  		// don't pollute the real node cache with stale nodes.
  3439  		fbo.vlog.CLogf(
  3440  			ctx, libkb.VLog1, "Root node %v doesn't exist in the node "+
  3441  				"cache; using a throwaway node cache instead",
  3442  			rootPtr)
  3443  		cache = newNodeCacheStandard(fbo.folderBranch)
  3444  		cache.SetObfuscatorMaker(fbo.nodeCache.ObfuscatorMaker())
  3445  		nodeMap, err = fbo.trySearchWithCacheLocked(ctx, lState, cache, ptrs,
  3446  			newPtrs, kmd, rootPtr)
  3447  	}
  3449  	if err != nil {
  3450  		return nil, nil, err
  3451  	}
  3453  	// Return the whole map even if some nodes weren't found.
  3454  	return nodeMap, cache, nil
  3455  }
  3457  // SearchForNodes tries to resolve all the given pointers to a Node
  3458  // object, using only the updated pointers specified in newPtrs.
  3459  // Returns an error if any subset of the pointer paths do not exist;
  3460  // it is the caller's responsibility to decide to error on particular
  3461  // unresolved nodes.  It also returns the cache that ultimately
  3462  // contains the nodes -- this might differ from the passed-in cache if
  3463  // another goroutine updated that cache and it no longer contains the
  3464  // root pointer specified in md.
  3465  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) SearchForNodes(ctx context.Context,
  3466  	cache NodeCache, ptrs []data.BlockPointer, newPtrs map[data.BlockPointer]bool,
  3467  	kmd libkey.KeyMetadata, rootPtr data.BlockPointer) (
  3468  	map[data.BlockPointer]Node, NodeCache, error) {
  3469  	lState := makeFBOLockState()
  3470  	fbo.blockLock.RLock(lState)
  3471  	defer fbo.blockLock.RUnlock(lState)
  3472  	return fbo.searchForNodesLocked(
  3473  		ctx, lState, cache, ptrs, newPtrs, kmd, rootPtr)
  3474  }
  3476  // SearchForPaths is like SearchForNodes, except it returns a
  3477  // consistent view of all the paths of the searched-for pointers.
  3478  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) SearchForPaths(ctx context.Context,
  3479  	cache NodeCache, ptrs []data.BlockPointer, newPtrs map[data.BlockPointer]bool,
  3480  	kmd libkey.KeyMetadata, rootPtr data.BlockPointer) (map[data.BlockPointer]data.Path, error) {
  3481  	lState := makeFBOLockState()
  3482  	// Hold the lock while processing the paths so they can't be changed.
  3483  	fbo.blockLock.RLock(lState)
  3484  	defer fbo.blockLock.RUnlock(lState)
  3485  	nodeMap, cache, err :=
  3486  		fbo.searchForNodesLocked(
  3487  			ctx, lState, cache, ptrs, newPtrs, kmd, rootPtr)
  3488  	if err != nil {
  3489  		return nil, err
  3490  	}
  3492  	paths := make(map[data.BlockPointer]data.Path)
  3493  	for ptr, n := range nodeMap {
  3494  		if n == nil {
  3495  			paths[ptr] = data.Path{}
  3496  			continue
  3497  		}
  3499  		p := cache.PathFromNode(n)
  3500  		if p.TailPointer() != ptr {
  3501  			return nil, NodeNotFoundError{ptr}
  3502  		}
  3503  		paths[ptr] = p
  3504  	}
  3506  	return paths, nil
  3507  }
  3509  // UpdateCachedEntryAttributesOnRemovedFile updates any cached entry
  3510  // for the given path of an unlinked file, according to the given op,
  3511  // and it makes a new dirty cache entry if one doesn't exist yet.  We
  3512  // assume Sync will be called eventually on the corresponding open
  3513  // file handle, which will clear out the entry.
  3514  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) UpdateCachedEntryAttributesOnRemovedFile(
  3515  	ctx context.Context, lState *kbfssync.LockState,
  3516  	kmd KeyMetadataWithRootDirEntry, op *setAttrOp, p data.Path, de data.DirEntry) error {
  3517  	fbo.blockLock.Lock(lState)
  3518  	defer fbo.blockLock.Unlock(lState)
  3519  	_, err := fbo.setCachedAttrLocked(
  3520  		ctx, lState, kmd, *p.ParentPath(), p.TailName(), op.Attr, de)
  3521  	return err
  3522  }
  3524  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) getDeferredWriteCountForTest(
  3525  	lState *kbfssync.LockState) int {
  3526  	fbo.blockLock.RLock(lState)
  3527  	defer fbo.blockLock.RUnlock(lState)
  3528  	writes := 0
  3529  	for _, ds := range fbo.deferred {
  3530  		writes += len(ds.writes)
  3531  	}
  3532  	return writes
  3533  }
  3535  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) updatePointer(kmd libkey.KeyMetadata, oldPtr data.BlockPointer, newPtr data.BlockPointer, shouldPrefetch bool) NodeID {
  3536  	updatedNode := fbo.nodeCache.UpdatePointer(oldPtr.Ref(), newPtr)
  3537  	if updatedNode == nil || oldPtr.ID == newPtr.ID {
  3538  		return nil
  3539  	}
  3541  	// Only prefetch if the updated pointer is a new block ID.
  3542  	// TODO: Remove this comment when we're done debugging because it'll be everywhere.
  3543  	ctx := context.TODO()
  3544  	fbo.vlog.CLogf(
  3545  		ctx, libkb.VLog1, "Updated reference for pointer %s to %s.",
  3546  		oldPtr.ID, newPtr.ID)
  3547  	if shouldPrefetch {
  3548  		// Prefetch the new ref, but only if the old ref already exists in
  3549  		// the block cache. Ideally we'd always prefetch it, but we need
  3550  		// the type of the block so that we can call `NewEmpty`.
  3551  		block, lifetime, err := fbo.config.BlockCache().GetWithLifetime(oldPtr)
  3552  		if err != nil {
  3553  			return updatedNode
  3554  		}
  3556  		// No need to cache because it's already cached.
  3557  		action := fbo.config.Mode().DefaultBlockRequestAction()
  3558  		if fbo.branch() != data.MasterBranch {
  3559  			action = action.AddNonMasterBranch()
  3560  		}
  3561  		_ = fbo.config.BlockOps().BlockRetriever().Request(
  3562  			ctx, updatePointerPrefetchPriority, kmd, newPtr, block.NewEmpty(),
  3563  			lifetime, action)
  3564  	}
  3565  	// Cancel any prefetches for the old pointer from the prefetcher.
  3566  	fbo.config.BlockOps().Prefetcher().CancelPrefetch(oldPtr)
  3567  	return updatedNode
  3568  }
  3570  // UpdatePointers updates all the pointers in the node cache
  3571  // atomically.  If `afterUpdateFn` is non-nil, it's called under the
  3572  // same block lock under which the pointers were updated.
  3573  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) UpdatePointers(
  3574  	kmd libkey.KeyMetadata, lState *kbfssync.LockState, op op, shouldPrefetch bool,
  3575  	afterUpdateFn func() error) (affectedNodeIDs []NodeID, err error) {
  3576  	fbo.blockLock.Lock(lState)
  3577  	defer fbo.blockLock.Unlock(lState)
  3578  	for _, update := range op.allUpdates() {
  3579  		updatedNode := fbo.updatePointer(
  3580  			kmd, update.Unref, update.Ref, shouldPrefetch)
  3581  		if updatedNode != nil {
  3582  			affectedNodeIDs = append(affectedNodeIDs, updatedNode)
  3583  		}
  3584  	}
  3586  	// Cancel any prefetches for all unreferenced block pointers.
  3587  	for _, unref := range op.Unrefs() {
  3588  		fbo.config.BlockOps().Prefetcher().CancelPrefetch(unref)
  3589  	}
  3591  	if afterUpdateFn == nil {
  3592  		return affectedNodeIDs, nil
  3593  	}
  3595  	return affectedNodeIDs, afterUpdateFn()
  3596  }
  3598  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) unlinkDuringFastForwardLocked(ctx context.Context,
  3599  	lState *kbfssync.LockState, kmd KeyMetadataWithRootDirEntry, ref data.BlockRef) (undoFn func()) {
  3600  	fbo.blockLock.AssertLocked(lState)
  3601  	oldNode := fbo.nodeCache.Get(ref)
  3602  	if oldNode == nil {
  3603  		return nil
  3604  	}
  3605  	oldPath := fbo.nodeCache.PathFromNode(oldNode)
  3606  	fbo.vlog.CLogf(
  3607  		ctx, libkb.VLog1, "Unlinking missing node %s/%v during "+
  3608  			"fast-forward", oldPath, ref)
  3609  	de, err := fbo.getEntryLocked(ctx, lState, kmd, oldPath, true)
  3610  	if err != nil {
  3611  		fbo.log.CDebugf(ctx, "Couldn't find old dir entry for %s/%v: %+v",
  3612  			oldPath, ref, err)
  3613  	}
  3614  	return fbo.nodeCache.Unlink(ref, oldPath, de)
  3615  }
  3617  type nodeChildrenMap map[string]map[data.PathNode]bool
  3619  func (ncm nodeChildrenMap) addDirChange(
  3620  	node Node, p data.Path, changes []NodeChange, affectedNodeIDs []NodeID) (
  3621  	[]NodeChange, []NodeID) {
  3622  	change := NodeChange{Node: node}
  3623  	for subchild := range ncm[p.String()] {
  3624  		change.DirUpdated = append(change.DirUpdated, subchild.Name)
  3625  	}
  3626  	changes = append(changes, change)
  3627  	affectedNodeIDs = append(affectedNodeIDs, node.GetID())
  3628  	return changes, affectedNodeIDs
  3629  }
  3631  func (nodeChildrenMap) addFileChange(
  3632  	node Node, changes []NodeChange, affectedNodeIDs []NodeID) (
  3633  	[]NodeChange, []NodeID) {
  3634  	// Invalidate the entire file contents.
  3635  	changes = append(changes, NodeChange{
  3636  		Node:        node,
  3637  		FileUpdated: []WriteRange{{Len: 0, Off: 0}},
  3638  	})
  3639  	affectedNodeIDs = append(affectedNodeIDs, node.GetID())
  3640  	return changes, affectedNodeIDs
  3641  }
  3643  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) fastForwardDirAndChildrenLocked(ctx context.Context,
  3644  	lState *kbfssync.LockState, currDir data.Path, children nodeChildrenMap,
  3645  	kmd KeyMetadataWithRootDirEntry,
  3646  	updates map[data.BlockPointer]data.BlockPointer) (
  3647  	changes []NodeChange, affectedNodeIDs []NodeID, undoFns []func(),
  3648  	err error) {
  3649  	fbo.blockLock.AssertLocked(lState)
  3651  	chargedTo, err := fbo.getChargedToLocked(ctx, lState, kmd)
  3652  	if err != nil {
  3653  		return nil, nil, undoFns, err
  3654  	}
  3655  	dd := fbo.newDirDataLocked(lState, currDir, chargedTo, kmd)
  3656  	entries, err := dd.GetEntries(ctx)
  3657  	if err != nil {
  3658  		return nil, nil, undoFns, err
  3659  	}
  3661  	prefix := currDir.String()
  3663  	// TODO: parallelize me?
  3664  	for child := range children[prefix] {
  3665  		entry, ok := entries[child.Name]
  3666  		if !ok {
  3667  			undoFn := fbo.unlinkDuringFastForwardLocked(
  3668  				ctx, lState, kmd, child.BlockPointer.Ref())
  3669  			if undoFn != nil {
  3670  				undoFns = append(undoFns, undoFn)
  3671  			}
  3672  			continue
  3673  		}
  3675  		fbo.vlog.CLogf(
  3676  			ctx, libkb.VLog1, "Fast-forwarding %v -> %v",
  3677  			child.BlockPointer, entry.BlockPointer)
  3678  		fbo.updatePointer(kmd, child.BlockPointer,
  3679  			entry.BlockPointer, true)
  3680  		updates[child.BlockPointer] = entry.BlockPointer
  3681  		node := fbo.nodeCache.Get(entry.BlockPointer.Ref())
  3682  		if node == nil {
  3683  			fbo.vlog.CLogf(
  3684  				ctx, libkb.VLog1, "Skipping missing node for %s",
  3685  				entry.BlockPointer)
  3686  			continue
  3687  		}
  3688  		if entry.Type == data.Dir {
  3689  			newPath := fbo.nodeCache.PathFromNode(node)
  3690  			changes, affectedNodeIDs = children.addDirChange(
  3691  				node, newPath, changes, affectedNodeIDs)
  3693  			childChanges, childAffectedNodeIDs, childUndoFns, err :=
  3694  				fbo.fastForwardDirAndChildrenLocked(
  3695  					ctx, lState, newPath, children, kmd, updates)
  3696  			undoFns = append(undoFns, childUndoFns...)
  3697  			if err != nil {
  3698  				return nil, nil, undoFns, err
  3699  			}
  3700  			changes = append(changes, childChanges...)
  3701  			affectedNodeIDs = append(affectedNodeIDs, childAffectedNodeIDs...)
  3702  		} else {
  3703  			// File -- invalidate the entire file contents.
  3704  			changes, affectedNodeIDs = children.addFileChange(
  3705  				node, changes, affectedNodeIDs)
  3706  		}
  3707  	}
  3708  	delete(children, prefix)
  3709  	return changes, affectedNodeIDs, undoFns, nil
  3710  }
  3712  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) makeChildrenTreeFromNodesLocked(
  3713  	lState *kbfssync.LockState, nodes []Node) (
  3714  	rootPath data.Path, children nodeChildrenMap) {
  3715  	fbo.blockLock.AssertLocked(lState)
  3717  	// Build a "tree" representation for each interesting path prefix.
  3718  	children = make(nodeChildrenMap)
  3719  	for _, n := range nodes {
  3720  		p := fbo.nodeCache.PathFromNode(n)
  3721  		if len(p.Path) == 1 {
  3722  			rootPath = p
  3723  		}
  3724  		prevPath := ""
  3725  		for _, pn := range p.Path {
  3726  			if prevPath != "" {
  3727  				childPNs := children[prevPath]
  3728  				if childPNs == nil {
  3729  					childPNs = make(map[data.PathNode]bool)
  3730  					children[prevPath] = childPNs
  3731  				}
  3732  				childPNs[pn] = true
  3733  			}
  3734  			prevPath = pathlib.Join(prevPath, pn.Name.Plaintext())
  3735  		}
  3736  	}
  3737  	return rootPath, children
  3738  }
  3740  // FastForwardAllNodes attempts to update the block pointers
  3741  // associated with nodes in the cache by searching for their paths in
  3742  // the current version of the TLF.  If it can't find a corresponding
  3743  // node, it assumes it's been deleted and unlinks it.  Returns the set
  3744  // of node changes that resulted.  If there are no nodes, it returns a
  3745  // nil error because there's nothing to be done.
  3746  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) FastForwardAllNodes(ctx context.Context,
  3747  	lState *kbfssync.LockState, md ReadOnlyRootMetadata) (
  3748  	changes []NodeChange, affectedNodeIDs []NodeID, err error) {
  3749  	if fbo.nodeCache == nil {
  3750  		// Nothing needs to be done!
  3751  		return nil, nil, nil
  3752  	}
  3754  	// Take a hard lock through this whole process.  TODO: is there
  3755  	// any way to relax this?  It could lead to file system operation
  3756  	// timeouts, even on reads, if we hold it too long.
  3757  	fbo.blockLock.Lock(lState)
  3758  	defer fbo.blockLock.Unlock(lState)
  3760  	nodes := fbo.nodeCache.AllNodes()
  3761  	if len(nodes) == 0 {
  3762  		// Nothing needs to be done!
  3763  		return nil, nil, nil
  3764  	}
  3765  	fbo.vlog.CLogf(ctx, libkb.VLog1, "Fast-forwarding %d nodes", len(nodes))
  3766  	defer func() {
  3767  		fbo.vlog.CLogf(ctx, libkb.VLog1, "Fast-forward complete: %v", err)
  3768  	}()
  3770  	rootPath, children := fbo.makeChildrenTreeFromNodesLocked(lState, nodes)
  3771  	if !rootPath.IsValid() {
  3772  		return nil, nil, errors.New("Couldn't find the root path")
  3773  	}
  3775  	fbo.vlog.CLogf(
  3776  		ctx, libkb.VLog1, "Fast-forwarding root %v -> %v",
  3777  		rootPath.Path[0].BlockPointer,
  3778  	fbo.updatePointer(md, rootPath.Path[0].BlockPointer,
  3779, false)
  3781  	// Keep track of all the pointer updates done, and unwind them if
  3782  	// there's any error.
  3783  	updates := make(map[data.BlockPointer]data.BlockPointer)
  3784  	updates[rootPath.Path[0].BlockPointer] =
  3785  	var undoFns []func()
  3786  	defer func() {
  3787  		if err == nil {
  3788  			return
  3789  		}
  3790  		for oldID, newID := range updates {
  3791  			fbo.updatePointer(md, newID, oldID, false)
  3792  		}
  3793  		for _, f := range undoFns {
  3794  			f()
  3795  		}
  3796  	}()
  3798  	rootPath.Path[0].BlockPointer =
  3799  	rootNode := fbo.nodeCache.Get(
  3800  	if rootNode != nil {
  3801  		change := NodeChange{Node: rootNode}
  3802  		for child := range children[rootPath.String()] {
  3803  			change.DirUpdated = append(change.DirUpdated, child.Name)
  3804  		}
  3805  		changes = append(changes, change)
  3806  		affectedNodeIDs = append(affectedNodeIDs, rootNode.GetID())
  3807  	}
  3809  	childChanges, childAffectedNodeIDs, undoFns, err :=
  3810  		fbo.fastForwardDirAndChildrenLocked(
  3811  			ctx, lState, rootPath, children, md, updates)
  3812  	if err != nil {
  3813  		return nil, nil, err
  3814  	}
  3815  	changes = append(changes, childChanges...)
  3816  	affectedNodeIDs = append(affectedNodeIDs, childAffectedNodeIDs...)
  3818  	// Unlink any children that remain.
  3819  	for _, childPNs := range children {
  3820  		for child := range childPNs {
  3821  			fbo.unlinkDuringFastForwardLocked(
  3822  				ctx, lState, md, child.BlockPointer.Ref())
  3823  		}
  3824  	}
  3825  	return changes, affectedNodeIDs, nil
  3826  }
  3828  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) getInvalidationChangesForNodes(
  3829  	ctx context.Context, lState *kbfssync.LockState, nodes []Node) (
  3830  	changes []NodeChange, affectedNodeIDs []NodeID, err error) {
  3831  	fbo.blockLock.AssertLocked(lState)
  3832  	if len(nodes) == 0 {
  3833  		// Nothing needs to be done!
  3834  		return nil, nil, nil
  3835  	}
  3837  	_, children := fbo.makeChildrenTreeFromNodesLocked(lState, nodes)
  3838  	for _, node := range nodes {
  3839  		p := fbo.nodeCache.PathFromNode(node)
  3840  		prefix := p.String()
  3841  		childNodes := children[prefix]
  3842  		if len(childNodes) > 0 {
  3843  			// This must be a directory.  Invalidate all children.
  3844  			changes, affectedNodeIDs = children.addDirChange(
  3845  				node, p, changes, affectedNodeIDs)
  3846  			fbo.vlog.CLogf(
  3847  				ctx, libkb.VLog1, "Invalidating dir node %p/%s", node, prefix)
  3848  		} else {
  3849  			// This might be a file.  In any case, it doesn't have any
  3850  			// children that need invalidation, so just send the file
  3851  			// change.
  3852  			changes, affectedNodeIDs = children.addFileChange(
  3853  				node, changes, affectedNodeIDs)
  3854  			fbo.vlog.CLogf(
  3855  				ctx, libkb.VLog1, "Invalidating possible file node %p/%s",
  3856  				node, prefix)
  3857  		}
  3858  	}
  3859  	return changes, affectedNodeIDs, nil
  3860  }
  3862  // GetInvalidationChangesForNode returns the list of invalidation
  3863  // notifications for all the nodes rooted at the given node.
  3864  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) GetInvalidationChangesForNode(
  3865  	ctx context.Context, lState *kbfssync.LockState, node Node) (
  3866  	changes []NodeChange, affectedNodeIDs []NodeID, err error) {
  3867  	if fbo.nodeCache == nil {
  3868  		// Nothing needs to be done!
  3869  		return nil, nil, nil
  3870  	}
  3872  	fbo.blockLock.Lock(lState)
  3873  	defer fbo.blockLock.Unlock(lState)
  3874  	fbo.vlog.CLogf(
  3875  		ctx, libkb.VLog1, "About to get all children for node %p", node)
  3876  	childNodes := fbo.nodeCache.AllNodeChildren(node)
  3877  	fbo.vlog.CLogf(
  3878  		ctx, libkb.VLog1, "Found %d children for node %p", len(childNodes),
  3879  		node)
  3880  	return fbo.getInvalidationChangesForNodes(
  3881  		ctx, lState, append(childNodes, node))
  3882  }
  3884  // GetInvalidationChangesForAll returns the list of invalidation
  3885  // notifications for the entire TLF.
  3886  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) GetInvalidationChangesForAll(
  3887  	ctx context.Context, lState *kbfssync.LockState) (
  3888  	changes []NodeChange, affectedNodeIDs []NodeID, err error) {
  3889  	if fbo.nodeCache == nil {
  3890  		// Nothing needs to be done!
  3891  		return nil, nil, nil
  3892  	}
  3894  	fbo.blockLock.Lock(lState)
  3895  	defer fbo.blockLock.Unlock(lState)
  3896  	childNodes := fbo.nodeCache.AllNodes()
  3897  	fbo.vlog.CLogf(ctx, libkb.VLog1, "Found %d nodes", len(childNodes))
  3898  	return fbo.getInvalidationChangesForNodes(ctx, lState, childNodes)
  3899  }
  3901  // MarkNode marks all the blocks in the node's block tree with the
  3902  // given tag.
  3903  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) MarkNode(
  3904  	ctx context.Context, lState *kbfssync.LockState, node Node, kmd libkey.KeyMetadata,
  3905  	tag string, cacheType DiskBlockCacheType) error {
  3906  	dbc := fbo.config.DiskBlockCache()
  3907  	if dbc == nil {
  3908  		return nil
  3909  	}
  3911  	fbo.blockLock.RLock(lState)
  3912  	defer fbo.blockLock.RUnlock(lState)
  3914  	chargedTo, err := fbo.getChargedToLocked(ctx, lState, kmd)
  3915  	if err != nil {
  3916  		return err
  3917  	}
  3918  	p := fbo.nodeCache.PathFromNode(node)
  3919  	err = dbc.Mark(ctx, p.TailPointer().ID, tag, cacheType)
  3920  	if err != nil {
  3921  		return err
  3922  	}
  3923  	var infos []data.BlockInfo
  3924  	if node.EntryType() == data.Dir {
  3925  		dd := fbo.newDirDataLocked(lState, p, chargedTo, kmd)
  3926  		infos, err = dd.GetIndirectDirBlockInfos(ctx)
  3927  	} else {
  3928  		fd := fbo.newFileData(lState, p, chargedTo, kmd)
  3929  		infos, err = fd.GetIndirectFileBlockInfos(ctx)
  3930  	}
  3931  	if err != nil {
  3932  		return err
  3933  	}
  3935  	for _, info := range infos {
  3936  		err = dbc.Mark(ctx, info.BlockPointer.ID, tag, cacheType)
  3937  		switch errors.Cause(err).(type) {
  3938  		case nil:
  3939  		case data.NoSuchBlockError:
  3940  		default:
  3941  			return err
  3942  		}
  3943  	}
  3944  	return nil
  3945  }
  3947  type chainsPathPopulator interface {
  3948  	populateChainPaths(context.Context, logger.Logger, *crChains, bool) error
  3949  	obfuscatorMaker() func() data.Obfuscator
  3950  }
  3952  // populateChainPaths updates all the paths in all the ops tracked by
  3953  // `chains`, using the main nodeCache.
  3954  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) populateChainPaths(ctx context.Context,
  3955  	log logger.Logger, chains *crChains, includeCreates bool) error {
  3956  	_, err := chains.getPaths(
  3957  		ctx, fbo, log, fbo.nodeCache, includeCreates,
  3958  		fbo.config.Mode().IsTestMode())
  3959  	return err
  3960  }
  3962  func (fbo *folderBlockOps) obfuscatorMaker() func() data.Obfuscator {
  3963  	return fbo.nodeCache.ObfuscatorMaker()
  3964  }
  3966  var _ chainsPathPopulator = (*folderBlockOps)(nil)