
     1  // Auto-generated to Go types and interfaces using avdl-compiler v1.4.10 (
     2  //   Input file: avdl/keybase1/simple_fs.avdl
     4  package keybase1
     6  import (
     7  	"errors"
     8  	"fmt"
     9  	""
    10  	context ""
    11  	"time"
    12  )
    14  type OpID [16]byte
    16  func (o OpID) DeepCopy() OpID {
    17  	var ret OpID
    18  	copy(ret[:], o[:])
    19  	return ret
    20  }
    22  type KBFSRevision int64
    24  func (o KBFSRevision) DeepCopy() KBFSRevision {
    25  	return o
    26  }
    28  type KBFSArchivedType int
    30  const (
    31  	KBFSArchivedType_REVISION        KBFSArchivedType = 0
    32  	KBFSArchivedType_TIME            KBFSArchivedType = 1
    33  	KBFSArchivedType_TIME_STRING     KBFSArchivedType = 2
    34  	KBFSArchivedType_REL_TIME_STRING KBFSArchivedType = 3
    35  )
    37  func (o KBFSArchivedType) DeepCopy() KBFSArchivedType { return o }
    39  var KBFSArchivedTypeMap = map[string]KBFSArchivedType{
    40  	"REVISION":        0,
    41  	"TIME":            1,
    42  	"TIME_STRING":     2,
    43  	"REL_TIME_STRING": 3,
    44  }
    46  var KBFSArchivedTypeRevMap = map[KBFSArchivedType]string{
    47  	0: "REVISION",
    48  	1: "TIME",
    49  	2: "TIME_STRING",
    50  	3: "REL_TIME_STRING",
    51  }
    53  func (e KBFSArchivedType) String() string {
    54  	if v, ok := KBFSArchivedTypeRevMap[e]; ok {
    55  		return v
    56  	}
    57  	return fmt.Sprintf("%v", int(e))
    58  }
    60  type KBFSArchivedParam struct {
    61  	KBFSArchivedType__ KBFSArchivedType `codec:"KBFSArchivedType" json:"KBFSArchivedType"`
    62  	Revision__         *KBFSRevision    `codec:"revision,omitempty" json:"revision,omitempty"`
    63  	Time__             *Time            `codec:"time,omitempty" json:"time,omitempty"`
    64  	TimeString__       *string          `codec:"timeString,omitempty" json:"timeString,omitempty"`
    65  	RelTimeString__    *string          `codec:"relTimeString,omitempty" json:"relTimeString,omitempty"`
    66  }
    68  func (o *KBFSArchivedParam) KBFSArchivedType() (ret KBFSArchivedType, err error) {
    69  	switch o.KBFSArchivedType__ {
    70  	case KBFSArchivedType_REVISION:
    71  		if o.Revision__ == nil {
    72  			err = errors.New("unexpected nil value for Revision__")
    73  			return ret, err
    74  		}
    75  	case KBFSArchivedType_TIME:
    76  		if o.Time__ == nil {
    77  			err = errors.New("unexpected nil value for Time__")
    78  			return ret, err
    79  		}
    80  	case KBFSArchivedType_TIME_STRING:
    81  		if o.TimeString__ == nil {
    82  			err = errors.New("unexpected nil value for TimeString__")
    83  			return ret, err
    84  		}
    85  	case KBFSArchivedType_REL_TIME_STRING:
    86  		if o.RelTimeString__ == nil {
    87  			err = errors.New("unexpected nil value for RelTimeString__")
    88  			return ret, err
    89  		}
    90  	}
    91  	return o.KBFSArchivedType__, nil
    92  }
    94  func (o KBFSArchivedParam) Revision() (res KBFSRevision) {
    95  	if o.KBFSArchivedType__ != KBFSArchivedType_REVISION {
    96  		panic("wrong case accessed")
    97  	}
    98  	if o.Revision__ == nil {
    99  		return
   100  	}
   101  	return *o.Revision__
   102  }
   104  func (o KBFSArchivedParam) Time() (res Time) {
   105  	if o.KBFSArchivedType__ != KBFSArchivedType_TIME {
   106  		panic("wrong case accessed")
   107  	}
   108  	if o.Time__ == nil {
   109  		return
   110  	}
   111  	return *o.Time__
   112  }
   114  func (o KBFSArchivedParam) TimeString() (res string) {
   115  	if o.KBFSArchivedType__ != KBFSArchivedType_TIME_STRING {
   116  		panic("wrong case accessed")
   117  	}
   118  	if o.TimeString__ == nil {
   119  		return
   120  	}
   121  	return *o.TimeString__
   122  }
   124  func (o KBFSArchivedParam) RelTimeString() (res string) {
   125  	if o.KBFSArchivedType__ != KBFSArchivedType_REL_TIME_STRING {
   126  		panic("wrong case accessed")
   127  	}
   128  	if o.RelTimeString__ == nil {
   129  		return
   130  	}
   131  	return *o.RelTimeString__
   132  }
   134  func NewKBFSArchivedParamWithRevision(v KBFSRevision) KBFSArchivedParam {
   135  	return KBFSArchivedParam{
   136  		KBFSArchivedType__: KBFSArchivedType_REVISION,
   137  		Revision__:         &v,
   138  	}
   139  }
   141  func NewKBFSArchivedParamWithTime(v Time) KBFSArchivedParam {
   142  	return KBFSArchivedParam{
   143  		KBFSArchivedType__: KBFSArchivedType_TIME,
   144  		Time__:             &v,
   145  	}
   146  }
   148  func NewKBFSArchivedParamWithTimeString(v string) KBFSArchivedParam {
   149  	return KBFSArchivedParam{
   150  		KBFSArchivedType__: KBFSArchivedType_TIME_STRING,
   151  		TimeString__:       &v,
   152  	}
   153  }
   155  func NewKBFSArchivedParamWithRelTimeString(v string) KBFSArchivedParam {
   156  	return KBFSArchivedParam{
   157  		KBFSArchivedType__: KBFSArchivedType_REL_TIME_STRING,
   158  		RelTimeString__:    &v,
   159  	}
   160  }
   162  func (o KBFSArchivedParam) DeepCopy() KBFSArchivedParam {
   163  	return KBFSArchivedParam{
   164  		KBFSArchivedType__: o.KBFSArchivedType__.DeepCopy(),
   165  		Revision__: (func(x *KBFSRevision) *KBFSRevision {
   166  			if x == nil {
   167  				return nil
   168  			}
   169  			tmp := (*x).DeepCopy()
   170  			return &tmp
   171  		})(o.Revision__),
   172  		Time__: (func(x *Time) *Time {
   173  			if x == nil {
   174  				return nil
   175  			}
   176  			tmp := (*x).DeepCopy()
   177  			return &tmp
   178  		})(o.Time__),
   179  		TimeString__: (func(x *string) *string {
   180  			if x == nil {
   181  				return nil
   182  			}
   183  			tmp := (*x)
   184  			return &tmp
   185  		})(o.TimeString__),
   186  		RelTimeString__: (func(x *string) *string {
   187  			if x == nil {
   188  				return nil
   189  			}
   190  			tmp := (*x)
   191  			return &tmp
   192  		})(o.RelTimeString__),
   193  	}
   194  }
   196  type KBFSArchivedPath struct {
   197  	Path             string               `codec:"path" json:"path"`
   198  	ArchivedParam    KBFSArchivedParam    `codec:"archivedParam" json:"archivedParam"`
   199  	IdentifyBehavior *TLFIdentifyBehavior `codec:"identifyBehavior,omitempty" json:"identifyBehavior,omitempty"`
   200  }
   202  func (o KBFSArchivedPath) DeepCopy() KBFSArchivedPath {
   203  	return KBFSArchivedPath{
   204  		Path:          o.Path,
   205  		ArchivedParam: o.ArchivedParam.DeepCopy(),
   206  		IdentifyBehavior: (func(x *TLFIdentifyBehavior) *TLFIdentifyBehavior {
   207  			if x == nil {
   208  				return nil
   209  			}
   210  			tmp := (*x).DeepCopy()
   211  			return &tmp
   212  		})(o.IdentifyBehavior),
   213  	}
   214  }
   216  type KBFSPath struct {
   217  	Path             string               `codec:"path" json:"path"`
   218  	IdentifyBehavior *TLFIdentifyBehavior `codec:"identifyBehavior,omitempty" json:"identifyBehavior,omitempty"`
   219  }
   221  func (o KBFSPath) DeepCopy() KBFSPath {
   222  	return KBFSPath{
   223  		Path: o.Path,
   224  		IdentifyBehavior: (func(x *TLFIdentifyBehavior) *TLFIdentifyBehavior {
   225  			if x == nil {
   226  				return nil
   227  			}
   228  			tmp := (*x).DeepCopy()
   229  			return &tmp
   230  		})(o.IdentifyBehavior),
   231  	}
   232  }
   234  type PathType int
   236  const (
   237  	PathType_LOCAL         PathType = 0
   238  	PathType_KBFS          PathType = 1
   239  	PathType_KBFS_ARCHIVED PathType = 2
   240  )
   242  func (o PathType) DeepCopy() PathType { return o }
   244  var PathTypeMap = map[string]PathType{
   245  	"LOCAL":         0,
   246  	"KBFS":          1,
   247  	"KBFS_ARCHIVED": 2,
   248  }
   250  var PathTypeRevMap = map[PathType]string{
   251  	0: "LOCAL",
   252  	1: "KBFS",
   253  	2: "KBFS_ARCHIVED",
   254  }
   256  func (e PathType) String() string {
   257  	if v, ok := PathTypeRevMap[e]; ok {
   258  		return v
   259  	}
   260  	return fmt.Sprintf("%v", int(e))
   261  }
   263  type Path struct {
   264  	PathType__     PathType          `codec:"PathType" json:"PathType"`
   265  	Local__        *string           `codec:"local,omitempty" json:"local,omitempty"`
   266  	Kbfs__         *KBFSPath         `codec:"kbfs,omitempty" json:"kbfs,omitempty"`
   267  	KbfsArchived__ *KBFSArchivedPath `codec:"kbfsArchived,omitempty" json:"kbfsArchived,omitempty"`
   268  }
   270  func (o *Path) PathType() (ret PathType, err error) {
   271  	switch o.PathType__ {
   272  	case PathType_LOCAL:
   273  		if o.Local__ == nil {
   274  			err = errors.New("unexpected nil value for Local__")
   275  			return ret, err
   276  		}
   277  	case PathType_KBFS:
   278  		if o.Kbfs__ == nil {
   279  			err = errors.New("unexpected nil value for Kbfs__")
   280  			return ret, err
   281  		}
   282  	case PathType_KBFS_ARCHIVED:
   283  		if o.KbfsArchived__ == nil {
   284  			err = errors.New("unexpected nil value for KbfsArchived__")
   285  			return ret, err
   286  		}
   287  	}
   288  	return o.PathType__, nil
   289  }
   291  func (o Path) Local() (res string) {
   292  	if o.PathType__ != PathType_LOCAL {
   293  		panic("wrong case accessed")
   294  	}
   295  	if o.Local__ == nil {
   296  		return
   297  	}
   298  	return *o.Local__
   299  }
   301  func (o Path) Kbfs() (res KBFSPath) {
   302  	if o.PathType__ != PathType_KBFS {
   303  		panic("wrong case accessed")
   304  	}
   305  	if o.Kbfs__ == nil {
   306  		return
   307  	}
   308  	return *o.Kbfs__
   309  }
   311  func (o Path) KbfsArchived() (res KBFSArchivedPath) {
   312  	if o.PathType__ != PathType_KBFS_ARCHIVED {
   313  		panic("wrong case accessed")
   314  	}
   315  	if o.KbfsArchived__ == nil {
   316  		return
   317  	}
   318  	return *o.KbfsArchived__
   319  }
   321  func NewPathWithLocal(v string) Path {
   322  	return Path{
   323  		PathType__: PathType_LOCAL,
   324  		Local__:    &v,
   325  	}
   326  }
   328  func NewPathWithKbfs(v KBFSPath) Path {
   329  	return Path{
   330  		PathType__: PathType_KBFS,
   331  		Kbfs__:     &v,
   332  	}
   333  }
   335  func NewPathWithKbfsArchived(v KBFSArchivedPath) Path {
   336  	return Path{
   337  		PathType__:     PathType_KBFS_ARCHIVED,
   338  		KbfsArchived__: &v,
   339  	}
   340  }
   342  func (o Path) DeepCopy() Path {
   343  	return Path{
   344  		PathType__: o.PathType__.DeepCopy(),
   345  		Local__: (func(x *string) *string {
   346  			if x == nil {
   347  				return nil
   348  			}
   349  			tmp := (*x)
   350  			return &tmp
   351  		})(o.Local__),
   352  		Kbfs__: (func(x *KBFSPath) *KBFSPath {
   353  			if x == nil {
   354  				return nil
   355  			}
   356  			tmp := (*x).DeepCopy()
   357  			return &tmp
   358  		})(o.Kbfs__),
   359  		KbfsArchived__: (func(x *KBFSArchivedPath) *KBFSArchivedPath {
   360  			if x == nil {
   361  				return nil
   362  			}
   363  			tmp := (*x).DeepCopy()
   364  			return &tmp
   365  		})(o.KbfsArchived__),
   366  	}
   367  }
   369  type DirentType int
   371  const (
   372  	DirentType_FILE DirentType = 0
   373  	DirentType_DIR  DirentType = 1
   374  	DirentType_SYM  DirentType = 2
   375  	DirentType_EXEC DirentType = 3
   376  )
   378  func (o DirentType) DeepCopy() DirentType { return o }
   380  var DirentTypeMap = map[string]DirentType{
   381  	"FILE": 0,
   382  	"DIR":  1,
   383  	"SYM":  2,
   384  	"EXEC": 3,
   385  }
   387  var DirentTypeRevMap = map[DirentType]string{
   388  	0: "FILE",
   389  	1: "DIR",
   390  	2: "SYM",
   391  	3: "EXEC",
   392  }
   394  func (e DirentType) String() string {
   395  	if v, ok := DirentTypeRevMap[e]; ok {
   396  		return v
   397  	}
   398  	return fmt.Sprintf("%v", int(e))
   399  }
   401  type PrefetchStatus int
   403  const (
   404  	PrefetchStatus_NOT_STARTED PrefetchStatus = 0
   405  	PrefetchStatus_IN_PROGRESS PrefetchStatus = 1
   406  	PrefetchStatus_COMPLETE    PrefetchStatus = 2
   407  )
   409  func (o PrefetchStatus) DeepCopy() PrefetchStatus { return o }
   411  var PrefetchStatusMap = map[string]PrefetchStatus{
   412  	"NOT_STARTED": 0,
   413  	"IN_PROGRESS": 1,
   414  	"COMPLETE":    2,
   415  }
   417  var PrefetchStatusRevMap = map[PrefetchStatus]string{
   418  	0: "NOT_STARTED",
   419  	1: "IN_PROGRESS",
   420  	2: "COMPLETE",
   421  }
   423  func (e PrefetchStatus) String() string {
   424  	if v, ok := PrefetchStatusRevMap[e]; ok {
   425  		return v
   426  	}
   427  	return fmt.Sprintf("%v", int(e))
   428  }
   430  type PrefetchProgress struct {
   431  	Start        Time  `codec:"start" json:"start"`
   432  	EndEstimate  Time  `codec:"endEstimate" json:"endEstimate"`
   433  	BytesTotal   int64 `codec:"bytesTotal" json:"bytesTotal"`
   434  	BytesFetched int64 `codec:"bytesFetched" json:"bytesFetched"`
   435  }
   437  func (o PrefetchProgress) DeepCopy() PrefetchProgress {
   438  	return PrefetchProgress{
   439  		Start:        o.Start.DeepCopy(),
   440  		EndEstimate:  o.EndEstimate.DeepCopy(),
   441  		BytesTotal:   o.BytesTotal,
   442  		BytesFetched: o.BytesFetched,
   443  	}
   444  }
   446  type Dirent struct {
   447  	Time                 Time             `codec:"time" json:"time"`
   448  	Size                 int              `codec:"size" json:"size"`
   449  	Name                 string           `codec:"name" json:"name"`
   450  	DirentType           DirentType       `codec:"direntType" json:"direntType"`
   451  	LastWriterUnverified User             `codec:"lastWriterUnverified" json:"lastWriterUnverified"`
   452  	Writable             bool             `codec:"writable" json:"writable"`
   453  	PrefetchStatus       PrefetchStatus   `codec:"prefetchStatus" json:"prefetchStatus"`
   454  	PrefetchProgress     PrefetchProgress `codec:"prefetchProgress" json:"prefetchProgress"`
   455  	SymlinkTarget        string           `codec:"symlinkTarget" json:"symlinkTarget"`
   456  }
   458  func (o Dirent) DeepCopy() Dirent {
   459  	return Dirent{
   460  		Time:                 o.Time.DeepCopy(),
   461  		Size:                 o.Size,
   462  		Name:                 o.Name,
   463  		DirentType:           o.DirentType.DeepCopy(),
   464  		LastWriterUnverified: o.LastWriterUnverified.DeepCopy(),
   465  		Writable:             o.Writable,
   466  		PrefetchStatus:       o.PrefetchStatus.DeepCopy(),
   467  		PrefetchProgress:     o.PrefetchProgress.DeepCopy(),
   468  		SymlinkTarget:        o.SymlinkTarget,
   469  	}
   470  }
   472  type DirentWithRevision struct {
   473  	Entry    Dirent       `codec:"entry" json:"entry"`
   474  	Revision KBFSRevision `codec:"revision" json:"revision"`
   475  }
   477  func (o DirentWithRevision) DeepCopy() DirentWithRevision {
   478  	return DirentWithRevision{
   479  		Entry:    o.Entry.DeepCopy(),
   480  		Revision: o.Revision.DeepCopy(),
   481  	}
   482  }
   484  type RevisionSpanType int
   486  const (
   487  	RevisionSpanType_DEFAULT   RevisionSpanType = 0
   488  	RevisionSpanType_LAST_FIVE RevisionSpanType = 1
   489  )
   491  func (o RevisionSpanType) DeepCopy() RevisionSpanType { return o }
   493  var RevisionSpanTypeMap = map[string]RevisionSpanType{
   494  	"DEFAULT":   0,
   495  	"LAST_FIVE": 1,
   496  }
   498  var RevisionSpanTypeRevMap = map[RevisionSpanType]string{
   499  	0: "DEFAULT",
   500  	1: "LAST_FIVE",
   501  }
   503  func (e RevisionSpanType) String() string {
   504  	if v, ok := RevisionSpanTypeRevMap[e]; ok {
   505  		return v
   506  	}
   507  	return fmt.Sprintf("%v", int(e))
   508  }
   510  type ErrorNum int
   512  func (o ErrorNum) DeepCopy() ErrorNum {
   513  	return o
   514  }
   516  type OpenFlags int
   518  const (
   519  	OpenFlags_READ      OpenFlags = 0
   520  	OpenFlags_REPLACE   OpenFlags = 1
   521  	OpenFlags_EXISTING  OpenFlags = 2
   522  	OpenFlags_WRITE     OpenFlags = 4
   523  	OpenFlags_APPEND    OpenFlags = 8
   524  	OpenFlags_DIRECTORY OpenFlags = 16
   525  )
   527  func (o OpenFlags) DeepCopy() OpenFlags { return o }
   529  var OpenFlagsMap = map[string]OpenFlags{
   530  	"READ":      0,
   531  	"REPLACE":   1,
   532  	"EXISTING":  2,
   533  	"WRITE":     4,
   534  	"APPEND":    8,
   535  	"DIRECTORY": 16,
   536  }
   538  var OpenFlagsRevMap = map[OpenFlags]string{
   539  	0:  "READ",
   540  	1:  "REPLACE",
   541  	2:  "EXISTING",
   542  	4:  "WRITE",
   543  	8:  "APPEND",
   544  	16: "DIRECTORY",
   545  }
   547  func (e OpenFlags) String() string {
   548  	if v, ok := OpenFlagsRevMap[e]; ok {
   549  		return v
   550  	}
   551  	return fmt.Sprintf("%v", int(e))
   552  }
   554  type Progress int
   556  func (o Progress) DeepCopy() Progress {
   557  	return o
   558  }
   560  type SimpleFSListResult struct {
   561  	Entries  []Dirent `codec:"entries" json:"entries"`
   562  	Progress Progress `codec:"progress" json:"progress"`
   563  }
   565  func (o SimpleFSListResult) DeepCopy() SimpleFSListResult {
   566  	return SimpleFSListResult{
   567  		Entries: (func(x []Dirent) []Dirent {
   568  			if x == nil {
   569  				return nil
   570  			}
   571  			ret := make([]Dirent, len(x))
   572  			for i, v := range x {
   573  				vCopy := v.DeepCopy()
   574  				ret[i] = vCopy
   575  			}
   576  			return ret
   577  		})(o.Entries),
   578  		Progress: o.Progress.DeepCopy(),
   579  	}
   580  }
   582  type FileContent struct {
   583  	Data     []byte   `codec:"data" json:"data"`
   584  	Progress Progress `codec:"progress" json:"progress"`
   585  }
   587  func (o FileContent) DeepCopy() FileContent {
   588  	return FileContent{
   589  		Data: (func(x []byte) []byte {
   590  			if x == nil {
   591  				return nil
   592  			}
   593  			return append([]byte{}, x...)
   594  		})(o.Data),
   595  		Progress: o.Progress.DeepCopy(),
   596  	}
   597  }
   599  type AsyncOps int
   601  const (
   602  	AsyncOps_LIST                    AsyncOps = 0
   603  	AsyncOps_LIST_RECURSIVE          AsyncOps = 1
   604  	AsyncOps_READ                    AsyncOps = 2
   605  	AsyncOps_WRITE                   AsyncOps = 3
   606  	AsyncOps_COPY                    AsyncOps = 4
   607  	AsyncOps_MOVE                    AsyncOps = 5
   608  	AsyncOps_REMOVE                  AsyncOps = 6
   609  	AsyncOps_LIST_RECURSIVE_TO_DEPTH AsyncOps = 7
   610  	AsyncOps_GET_REVISIONS           AsyncOps = 8
   611  )
   613  func (o AsyncOps) DeepCopy() AsyncOps { return o }
   615  var AsyncOpsMap = map[string]AsyncOps{
   616  	"LIST":                    0,
   617  	"LIST_RECURSIVE":          1,
   618  	"READ":                    2,
   619  	"WRITE":                   3,
   620  	"COPY":                    4,
   621  	"MOVE":                    5,
   622  	"REMOVE":                  6,
   624  	"GET_REVISIONS":           8,
   625  }
   627  var AsyncOpsRevMap = map[AsyncOps]string{
   628  	0: "LIST",
   629  	1: "LIST_RECURSIVE",
   630  	2: "READ",
   631  	3: "WRITE",
   632  	4: "COPY",
   633  	5: "MOVE",
   634  	6: "REMOVE",
   636  	8: "GET_REVISIONS",
   637  }
   639  func (e AsyncOps) String() string {
   640  	if v, ok := AsyncOpsRevMap[e]; ok {
   641  		return v
   642  	}
   643  	return fmt.Sprintf("%v", int(e))
   644  }
   646  type ListFilter int
   648  const (
   649  	ListFilter_NO_FILTER            ListFilter = 0
   650  	ListFilter_FILTER_ALL_HIDDEN    ListFilter = 1
   651  	ListFilter_FILTER_SYSTEM_HIDDEN ListFilter = 2
   652  )
   654  func (o ListFilter) DeepCopy() ListFilter { return o }
   656  var ListFilterMap = map[string]ListFilter{
   657  	"NO_FILTER":            0,
   658  	"FILTER_ALL_HIDDEN":    1,
   660  }
   662  var ListFilterRevMap = map[ListFilter]string{
   663  	0: "NO_FILTER",
   664  	1: "FILTER_ALL_HIDDEN",
   666  }
   668  func (e ListFilter) String() string {
   669  	if v, ok := ListFilterRevMap[e]; ok {
   670  		return v
   671  	}
   672  	return fmt.Sprintf("%v", int(e))
   673  }
   675  type ListArgs struct {
   676  	OpID   OpID       `codec:"opID" json:"opID"`
   677  	Path   Path       `codec:"path" json:"path"`
   678  	Filter ListFilter `codec:"filter" json:"filter"`
   679  }
   681  func (o ListArgs) DeepCopy() ListArgs {
   682  	return ListArgs{
   683  		OpID:   o.OpID.DeepCopy(),
   684  		Path:   o.Path.DeepCopy(),
   685  		Filter: o.Filter.DeepCopy(),
   686  	}
   687  }
   689  type ListToDepthArgs struct {
   690  	OpID   OpID       `codec:"opID" json:"opID"`
   691  	Path   Path       `codec:"path" json:"path"`
   692  	Filter ListFilter `codec:"filter" json:"filter"`
   693  	Depth  int        `codec:"depth" json:"depth"`
   694  }
   696  func (o ListToDepthArgs) DeepCopy() ListToDepthArgs {
   697  	return ListToDepthArgs{
   698  		OpID:   o.OpID.DeepCopy(),
   699  		Path:   o.Path.DeepCopy(),
   700  		Filter: o.Filter.DeepCopy(),
   701  		Depth:  o.Depth,
   702  	}
   703  }
   705  type RemoveArgs struct {
   706  	OpID      OpID `codec:"opID" json:"opID"`
   707  	Path      Path `codec:"path" json:"path"`
   708  	Recursive bool `codec:"recursive" json:"recursive"`
   709  }
   711  func (o RemoveArgs) DeepCopy() RemoveArgs {
   712  	return RemoveArgs{
   713  		OpID:      o.OpID.DeepCopy(),
   714  		Path:      o.Path.DeepCopy(),
   715  		Recursive: o.Recursive,
   716  	}
   717  }
   719  type ReadArgs struct {
   720  	OpID   OpID  `codec:"opID" json:"opID"`
   721  	Path   Path  `codec:"path" json:"path"`
   722  	Offset int64 `codec:"offset" json:"offset"`
   723  	Size   int   `codec:"size" json:"size"`
   724  }
   726  func (o ReadArgs) DeepCopy() ReadArgs {
   727  	return ReadArgs{
   728  		OpID:   o.OpID.DeepCopy(),
   729  		Path:   o.Path.DeepCopy(),
   730  		Offset: o.Offset,
   731  		Size:   o.Size,
   732  	}
   733  }
   735  type WriteArgs struct {
   736  	OpID   OpID  `codec:"opID" json:"opID"`
   737  	Path   Path  `codec:"path" json:"path"`
   738  	Offset int64 `codec:"offset" json:"offset"`
   739  }
   741  func (o WriteArgs) DeepCopy() WriteArgs {
   742  	return WriteArgs{
   743  		OpID:   o.OpID.DeepCopy(),
   744  		Path:   o.Path.DeepCopy(),
   745  		Offset: o.Offset,
   746  	}
   747  }
   749  type CopyArgs struct {
   750  	OpID                   OpID `codec:"opID" json:"opID"`
   751  	Src                    Path `codec:"src" json:"src"`
   752  	Dest                   Path `codec:"dest" json:"dest"`
   753  	OverwriteExistingFiles bool `codec:"overwriteExistingFiles" json:"overwriteExistingFiles"`
   754  }
   756  func (o CopyArgs) DeepCopy() CopyArgs {
   757  	return CopyArgs{
   758  		OpID:                   o.OpID.DeepCopy(),
   759  		Src:                    o.Src.DeepCopy(),
   760  		Dest:                   o.Dest.DeepCopy(),
   761  		OverwriteExistingFiles: o.OverwriteExistingFiles,
   762  	}
   763  }
   765  type MoveArgs struct {
   766  	OpID                   OpID `codec:"opID" json:"opID"`
   767  	Src                    Path `codec:"src" json:"src"`
   768  	Dest                   Path `codec:"dest" json:"dest"`
   769  	OverwriteExistingFiles bool `codec:"overwriteExistingFiles" json:"overwriteExistingFiles"`
   770  }
   772  func (o MoveArgs) DeepCopy() MoveArgs {
   773  	return MoveArgs{
   774  		OpID:                   o.OpID.DeepCopy(),
   775  		Src:                    o.Src.DeepCopy(),
   776  		Dest:                   o.Dest.DeepCopy(),
   777  		OverwriteExistingFiles: o.OverwriteExistingFiles,
   778  	}
   779  }
   781  type GetRevisionsArgs struct {
   782  	OpID     OpID             `codec:"opID" json:"opID"`
   783  	Path     Path             `codec:"path" json:"path"`
   784  	SpanType RevisionSpanType `codec:"spanType" json:"spanType"`
   785  }
   787  func (o GetRevisionsArgs) DeepCopy() GetRevisionsArgs {
   788  	return GetRevisionsArgs{
   789  		OpID:     o.OpID.DeepCopy(),
   790  		Path:     o.Path.DeepCopy(),
   791  		SpanType: o.SpanType.DeepCopy(),
   792  	}
   793  }
   795  type OpDescription struct {
   796  	AsyncOp__              AsyncOps          `codec:"asyncOp" json:"asyncOp"`
   797  	List__                 *ListArgs         `codec:"list,omitempty" json:"list,omitempty"`
   798  	ListRecursive__        *ListArgs         `codec:"listRecursive,omitempty" json:"listRecursive,omitempty"`
   799  	ListRecursiveToDepth__ *ListToDepthArgs  `codec:"listRecursiveToDepth,omitempty" json:"listRecursiveToDepth,omitempty"`
   800  	Read__                 *ReadArgs         `codec:"read,omitempty" json:"read,omitempty"`
   801  	Write__                *WriteArgs        `codec:"write,omitempty" json:"write,omitempty"`
   802  	Copy__                 *CopyArgs         `codec:"copy,omitempty" json:"copy,omitempty"`
   803  	Move__                 *MoveArgs         `codec:"move,omitempty" json:"move,omitempty"`
   804  	Remove__               *RemoveArgs       `codec:"remove,omitempty" json:"remove,omitempty"`
   805  	GetRevisions__         *GetRevisionsArgs `codec:"getRevisions,omitempty" json:"getRevisions,omitempty"`
   806  }
   808  func (o *OpDescription) AsyncOp() (ret AsyncOps, err error) {
   809  	switch o.AsyncOp__ {
   810  	case AsyncOps_LIST:
   811  		if o.List__ == nil {
   812  			err = errors.New("unexpected nil value for List__")
   813  			return ret, err
   814  		}
   815  	case AsyncOps_LIST_RECURSIVE:
   816  		if o.ListRecursive__ == nil {
   817  			err = errors.New("unexpected nil value for ListRecursive__")
   818  			return ret, err
   819  		}
   820  	case AsyncOps_LIST_RECURSIVE_TO_DEPTH:
   821  		if o.ListRecursiveToDepth__ == nil {
   822  			err = errors.New("unexpected nil value for ListRecursiveToDepth__")
   823  			return ret, err
   824  		}
   825  	case AsyncOps_READ:
   826  		if o.Read__ == nil {
   827  			err = errors.New("unexpected nil value for Read__")
   828  			return ret, err
   829  		}
   830  	case AsyncOps_WRITE:
   831  		if o.Write__ == nil {
   832  			err = errors.New("unexpected nil value for Write__")
   833  			return ret, err
   834  		}
   835  	case AsyncOps_COPY:
   836  		if o.Copy__ == nil {
   837  			err = errors.New("unexpected nil value for Copy__")
   838  			return ret, err
   839  		}
   840  	case AsyncOps_MOVE:
   841  		if o.Move__ == nil {
   842  			err = errors.New("unexpected nil value for Move__")
   843  			return ret, err
   844  		}
   845  	case AsyncOps_REMOVE:
   846  		if o.Remove__ == nil {
   847  			err = errors.New("unexpected nil value for Remove__")
   848  			return ret, err
   849  		}
   850  	case AsyncOps_GET_REVISIONS:
   851  		if o.GetRevisions__ == nil {
   852  			err = errors.New("unexpected nil value for GetRevisions__")
   853  			return ret, err
   854  		}
   855  	}
   856  	return o.AsyncOp__, nil
   857  }
   859  func (o OpDescription) List() (res ListArgs) {
   860  	if o.AsyncOp__ != AsyncOps_LIST {
   861  		panic("wrong case accessed")
   862  	}
   863  	if o.List__ == nil {
   864  		return
   865  	}
   866  	return *o.List__
   867  }
   869  func (o OpDescription) ListRecursive() (res ListArgs) {
   870  	if o.AsyncOp__ != AsyncOps_LIST_RECURSIVE {
   871  		panic("wrong case accessed")
   872  	}
   873  	if o.ListRecursive__ == nil {
   874  		return
   875  	}
   876  	return *o.ListRecursive__
   877  }
   879  func (o OpDescription) ListRecursiveToDepth() (res ListToDepthArgs) {
   880  	if o.AsyncOp__ != AsyncOps_LIST_RECURSIVE_TO_DEPTH {
   881  		panic("wrong case accessed")
   882  	}
   883  	if o.ListRecursiveToDepth__ == nil {
   884  		return
   885  	}
   886  	return *o.ListRecursiveToDepth__
   887  }
   889  func (o OpDescription) Read() (res ReadArgs) {
   890  	if o.AsyncOp__ != AsyncOps_READ {
   891  		panic("wrong case accessed")
   892  	}
   893  	if o.Read__ == nil {
   894  		return
   895  	}
   896  	return *o.Read__
   897  }
   899  func (o OpDescription) Write() (res WriteArgs) {
   900  	if o.AsyncOp__ != AsyncOps_WRITE {
   901  		panic("wrong case accessed")
   902  	}
   903  	if o.Write__ == nil {
   904  		return
   905  	}
   906  	return *o.Write__
   907  }
   909  func (o OpDescription) Copy() (res CopyArgs) {
   910  	if o.AsyncOp__ != AsyncOps_COPY {
   911  		panic("wrong case accessed")
   912  	}
   913  	if o.Copy__ == nil {
   914  		return
   915  	}
   916  	return *o.Copy__
   917  }
   919  func (o OpDescription) Move() (res MoveArgs) {
   920  	if o.AsyncOp__ != AsyncOps_MOVE {
   921  		panic("wrong case accessed")
   922  	}
   923  	if o.Move__ == nil {
   924  		return
   925  	}
   926  	return *o.Move__
   927  }
   929  func (o OpDescription) Remove() (res RemoveArgs) {
   930  	if o.AsyncOp__ != AsyncOps_REMOVE {
   931  		panic("wrong case accessed")
   932  	}
   933  	if o.Remove__ == nil {
   934  		return
   935  	}
   936  	return *o.Remove__
   937  }
   939  func (o OpDescription) GetRevisions() (res GetRevisionsArgs) {
   940  	if o.AsyncOp__ != AsyncOps_GET_REVISIONS {
   941  		panic("wrong case accessed")
   942  	}
   943  	if o.GetRevisions__ == nil {
   944  		return
   945  	}
   946  	return *o.GetRevisions__
   947  }
   949  func NewOpDescriptionWithList(v ListArgs) OpDescription {
   950  	return OpDescription{
   951  		AsyncOp__: AsyncOps_LIST,
   952  		List__:    &v,
   953  	}
   954  }
   956  func NewOpDescriptionWithListRecursive(v ListArgs) OpDescription {
   957  	return OpDescription{
   958  		AsyncOp__:       AsyncOps_LIST_RECURSIVE,
   959  		ListRecursive__: &v,
   960  	}
   961  }
   963  func NewOpDescriptionWithListRecursiveToDepth(v ListToDepthArgs) OpDescription {
   964  	return OpDescription{
   965  		AsyncOp__:              AsyncOps_LIST_RECURSIVE_TO_DEPTH,
   966  		ListRecursiveToDepth__: &v,
   967  	}
   968  }
   970  func NewOpDescriptionWithRead(v ReadArgs) OpDescription {
   971  	return OpDescription{
   972  		AsyncOp__: AsyncOps_READ,
   973  		Read__:    &v,
   974  	}
   975  }
   977  func NewOpDescriptionWithWrite(v WriteArgs) OpDescription {
   978  	return OpDescription{
   979  		AsyncOp__: AsyncOps_WRITE,
   980  		Write__:   &v,
   981  	}
   982  }
   984  func NewOpDescriptionWithCopy(v CopyArgs) OpDescription {
   985  	return OpDescription{
   986  		AsyncOp__: AsyncOps_COPY,
   987  		Copy__:    &v,
   988  	}
   989  }
   991  func NewOpDescriptionWithMove(v MoveArgs) OpDescription {
   992  	return OpDescription{
   993  		AsyncOp__: AsyncOps_MOVE,
   994  		Move__:    &v,
   995  	}
   996  }
   998  func NewOpDescriptionWithRemove(v RemoveArgs) OpDescription {
   999  	return OpDescription{
  1000  		AsyncOp__: AsyncOps_REMOVE,
  1001  		Remove__:  &v,
  1002  	}
  1003  }
  1005  func NewOpDescriptionWithGetRevisions(v GetRevisionsArgs) OpDescription {
  1006  	return OpDescription{
  1007  		AsyncOp__:      AsyncOps_GET_REVISIONS,
  1008  		GetRevisions__: &v,
  1009  	}
  1010  }
  1012  func (o OpDescription) DeepCopy() OpDescription {
  1013  	return OpDescription{
  1014  		AsyncOp__: o.AsyncOp__.DeepCopy(),
  1015  		List__: (func(x *ListArgs) *ListArgs {
  1016  			if x == nil {
  1017  				return nil
  1018  			}
  1019  			tmp := (*x).DeepCopy()
  1020  			return &tmp
  1021  		})(o.List__),
  1022  		ListRecursive__: (func(x *ListArgs) *ListArgs {
  1023  			if x == nil {
  1024  				return nil
  1025  			}
  1026  			tmp := (*x).DeepCopy()
  1027  			return &tmp
  1028  		})(o.ListRecursive__),
  1029  		ListRecursiveToDepth__: (func(x *ListToDepthArgs) *ListToDepthArgs {
  1030  			if x == nil {
  1031  				return nil
  1032  			}
  1033  			tmp := (*x).DeepCopy()
  1034  			return &tmp
  1035  		})(o.ListRecursiveToDepth__),
  1036  		Read__: (func(x *ReadArgs) *ReadArgs {
  1037  			if x == nil {
  1038  				return nil
  1039  			}
  1040  			tmp := (*x).DeepCopy()
  1041  			return &tmp
  1042  		})(o.Read__),
  1043  		Write__: (func(x *WriteArgs) *WriteArgs {
  1044  			if x == nil {
  1045  				return nil
  1046  			}
  1047  			tmp := (*x).DeepCopy()
  1048  			return &tmp
  1049  		})(o.Write__),
  1050  		Copy__: (func(x *CopyArgs) *CopyArgs {
  1051  			if x == nil {
  1052  				return nil
  1053  			}
  1054  			tmp := (*x).DeepCopy()
  1055  			return &tmp
  1056  		})(o.Copy__),
  1057  		Move__: (func(x *MoveArgs) *MoveArgs {
  1058  			if x == nil {
  1059  				return nil
  1060  			}
  1061  			tmp := (*x).DeepCopy()
  1062  			return &tmp
  1063  		})(o.Move__),
  1064  		Remove__: (func(x *RemoveArgs) *RemoveArgs {
  1065  			if x == nil {
  1066  				return nil
  1067  			}
  1068  			tmp := (*x).DeepCopy()
  1069  			return &tmp
  1070  		})(o.Remove__),
  1071  		GetRevisions__: (func(x *GetRevisionsArgs) *GetRevisionsArgs {
  1072  			if x == nil {
  1073  				return nil
  1074  			}
  1075  			tmp := (*x).DeepCopy()
  1076  			return &tmp
  1077  		})(o.GetRevisions__),
  1078  	}
  1079  }
  1081  type GetRevisionsResult struct {
  1082  	Revisions []DirentWithRevision `codec:"revisions" json:"revisions"`
  1083  	Progress  Progress             `codec:"progress" json:"progress"`
  1084  }
  1086  func (o GetRevisionsResult) DeepCopy() GetRevisionsResult {
  1087  	return GetRevisionsResult{
  1088  		Revisions: (func(x []DirentWithRevision) []DirentWithRevision {
  1089  			if x == nil {
  1090  				return nil
  1091  			}
  1092  			ret := make([]DirentWithRevision, len(x))
  1093  			for i, v := range x {
  1094  				vCopy := v.DeepCopy()
  1095  				ret[i] = vCopy
  1096  			}
  1097  			return ret
  1098  		})(o.Revisions),
  1099  		Progress: o.Progress.DeepCopy(),
  1100  	}
  1101  }
  1103  type OpProgress struct {
  1104  	Start        Time     `codec:"start" json:"start"`
  1105  	EndEstimate  Time     `codec:"endEstimate" json:"endEstimate"`
  1106  	OpType       AsyncOps `codec:"opType" json:"opType"`
  1107  	BytesTotal   int64    `codec:"bytesTotal" json:"bytesTotal"`
  1108  	BytesRead    int64    `codec:"bytesRead" json:"bytesRead"`
  1109  	BytesWritten int64    `codec:"bytesWritten" json:"bytesWritten"`
  1110  	FilesTotal   int64    `codec:"filesTotal" json:"filesTotal"`
  1111  	FilesRead    int64    `codec:"filesRead" json:"filesRead"`
  1112  	FilesWritten int64    `codec:"filesWritten" json:"filesWritten"`
  1113  }
  1115  func (o OpProgress) DeepCopy() OpProgress {
  1116  	return OpProgress{
  1117  		Start:        o.Start.DeepCopy(),
  1118  		EndEstimate:  o.EndEstimate.DeepCopy(),
  1119  		OpType:       o.OpType.DeepCopy(),
  1120  		BytesTotal:   o.BytesTotal,
  1121  		BytesRead:    o.BytesRead,
  1122  		BytesWritten: o.BytesWritten,
  1123  		FilesTotal:   o.FilesTotal,
  1124  		FilesRead:    o.FilesRead,
  1125  		FilesWritten: o.FilesWritten,
  1126  	}
  1127  }
  1129  type SimpleFSQuotaUsage struct {
  1130  	UsageBytes      int64 `codec:"usageBytes" json:"usageBytes"`
  1131  	ArchiveBytes    int64 `codec:"archiveBytes" json:"archiveBytes"`
  1132  	LimitBytes      int64 `codec:"limitBytes" json:"limitBytes"`
  1133  	GitUsageBytes   int64 `codec:"gitUsageBytes" json:"gitUsageBytes"`
  1134  	GitArchiveBytes int64 `codec:"gitArchiveBytes" json:"gitArchiveBytes"`
  1135  	GitLimitBytes   int64 `codec:"gitLimitBytes" json:"gitLimitBytes"`
  1136  }
  1138  func (o SimpleFSQuotaUsage) DeepCopy() SimpleFSQuotaUsage {
  1139  	return SimpleFSQuotaUsage{
  1140  		UsageBytes:      o.UsageBytes,
  1141  		ArchiveBytes:    o.ArchiveBytes,
  1142  		LimitBytes:      o.LimitBytes,
  1143  		GitUsageBytes:   o.GitUsageBytes,
  1144  		GitArchiveBytes: o.GitArchiveBytes,
  1145  		GitLimitBytes:   o.GitLimitBytes,
  1146  	}
  1147  }
  1149  type FolderSyncMode int
  1151  const (
  1152  	FolderSyncMode_DISABLED FolderSyncMode = 0
  1153  	FolderSyncMode_ENABLED  FolderSyncMode = 1
  1154  	FolderSyncMode_PARTIAL  FolderSyncMode = 2
  1155  )
  1157  func (o FolderSyncMode) DeepCopy() FolderSyncMode { return o }
  1159  var FolderSyncModeMap = map[string]FolderSyncMode{
  1160  	"DISABLED": 0,
  1161  	"ENABLED":  1,
  1162  	"PARTIAL":  2,
  1163  }
  1165  var FolderSyncModeRevMap = map[FolderSyncMode]string{
  1166  	0: "DISABLED",
  1167  	1: "ENABLED",
  1168  	2: "PARTIAL",
  1169  }
  1171  func (e FolderSyncMode) String() string {
  1172  	if v, ok := FolderSyncModeRevMap[e]; ok {
  1173  		return v
  1174  	}
  1175  	return fmt.Sprintf("%v", int(e))
  1176  }
  1178  type FolderSyncConfig struct {
  1179  	Mode  FolderSyncMode `codec:"mode" json:"mode"`
  1180  	Paths []string       `codec:"paths" json:"paths"`
  1181  }
  1183  func (o FolderSyncConfig) DeepCopy() FolderSyncConfig {
  1184  	return FolderSyncConfig{
  1185  		Mode: o.Mode.DeepCopy(),
  1186  		Paths: (func(x []string) []string {
  1187  			if x == nil {
  1188  				return nil
  1189  			}
  1190  			ret := make([]string, len(x))
  1191  			for i, v := range x {
  1192  				vCopy := v
  1193  				ret[i] = vCopy
  1194  			}
  1195  			return ret
  1196  		})(o.Paths),
  1197  	}
  1198  }
  1200  type FolderSyncConfigAndStatus struct {
  1201  	Config FolderSyncConfig `codec:"config" json:"config"`
  1202  	Status FolderSyncStatus `codec:"status" json:"status"`
  1203  }
  1205  func (o FolderSyncConfigAndStatus) DeepCopy() FolderSyncConfigAndStatus {
  1206  	return FolderSyncConfigAndStatus{
  1207  		Config: o.Config.DeepCopy(),
  1208  		Status: o.Status.DeepCopy(),
  1209  	}
  1210  }
  1212  type FolderSyncConfigAndStatusWithFolder struct {
  1213  	Folder Folder           `codec:"folder" json:"folder"`
  1214  	Config FolderSyncConfig `codec:"config" json:"config"`
  1215  	Status FolderSyncStatus `codec:"status" json:"status"`
  1216  }
  1218  func (o FolderSyncConfigAndStatusWithFolder) DeepCopy() FolderSyncConfigAndStatusWithFolder {
  1219  	return FolderSyncConfigAndStatusWithFolder{
  1220  		Folder: o.Folder.DeepCopy(),
  1221  		Config: o.Config.DeepCopy(),
  1222  		Status: o.Status.DeepCopy(),
  1223  	}
  1224  }
  1226  type SyncConfigAndStatusRes struct {
  1227  	Folders       []FolderSyncConfigAndStatusWithFolder `codec:"folders" json:"folders"`
  1228  	OverallStatus FolderSyncStatus                      `codec:"overallStatus" json:"overallStatus"`
  1229  }
  1231  func (o SyncConfigAndStatusRes) DeepCopy() SyncConfigAndStatusRes {
  1232  	return SyncConfigAndStatusRes{
  1233  		Folders: (func(x []FolderSyncConfigAndStatusWithFolder) []FolderSyncConfigAndStatusWithFolder {
  1234  			if x == nil {
  1235  				return nil
  1236  			}
  1237  			ret := make([]FolderSyncConfigAndStatusWithFolder, len(x))
  1238  			for i, v := range x {
  1239  				vCopy := v.DeepCopy()
  1240  				ret[i] = vCopy
  1241  			}
  1242  			return ret
  1243  		})(o.Folders),
  1244  		OverallStatus: o.OverallStatus.DeepCopy(),
  1245  	}
  1246  }
  1248  type FolderWithFavFlags struct {
  1249  	Folder     Folder `codec:"folder" json:"folder"`
  1250  	IsFavorite bool   `codec:"isFavorite" json:"isFavorite"`
  1251  	IsIgnored  bool   `codec:"isIgnored" json:"isIgnored"`
  1252  	IsNew      bool   `codec:"isNew" json:"isNew"`
  1253  }
  1255  func (o FolderWithFavFlags) DeepCopy() FolderWithFavFlags {
  1256  	return FolderWithFavFlags{
  1257  		Folder:     o.Folder.DeepCopy(),
  1258  		IsFavorite: o.IsFavorite,
  1259  		IsIgnored:  o.IsIgnored,
  1260  		IsNew:      o.IsNew,
  1261  	}
  1262  }
  1264  type KbfsOnlineStatus int
  1266  const (
  1267  	KbfsOnlineStatus_OFFLINE KbfsOnlineStatus = 0
  1268  	KbfsOnlineStatus_TRYING  KbfsOnlineStatus = 1
  1269  	KbfsOnlineStatus_ONLINE  KbfsOnlineStatus = 2
  1270  )
  1272  func (o KbfsOnlineStatus) DeepCopy() KbfsOnlineStatus { return o }
  1274  var KbfsOnlineStatusMap = map[string]KbfsOnlineStatus{
  1275  	"OFFLINE": 0,
  1276  	"TRYING":  1,
  1277  	"ONLINE":  2,
  1278  }
  1280  var KbfsOnlineStatusRevMap = map[KbfsOnlineStatus]string{
  1281  	0: "OFFLINE",
  1282  	1: "TRYING",
  1283  	2: "ONLINE",
  1284  }
  1286  func (e KbfsOnlineStatus) String() string {
  1287  	if v, ok := KbfsOnlineStatusRevMap[e]; ok {
  1288  		return v
  1289  	}
  1290  	return fmt.Sprintf("%v", int(e))
  1291  }
  1293  type FSSettings struct {
  1294  	SpaceAvailableNotificationThreshold int64 `codec:"spaceAvailableNotificationThreshold" json:"spaceAvailableNotificationThreshold"`
  1295  	SfmiBannerDismissed                 bool  `codec:"sfmiBannerDismissed" json:"sfmiBannerDismissed"`
  1296  	SyncOnCellular                      bool  `codec:"syncOnCellular" json:"syncOnCellular"`
  1297  }
  1299  func (o FSSettings) DeepCopy() FSSettings {
  1300  	return FSSettings{
  1301  		SpaceAvailableNotificationThreshold: o.SpaceAvailableNotificationThreshold,
  1302  		SfmiBannerDismissed:                 o.SfmiBannerDismissed,
  1303  		SyncOnCellular:                      o.SyncOnCellular,
  1304  	}
  1305  }
  1307  type SimpleFSStats struct {
  1308  	ProcessStats      ProcessRuntimeStats `codec:"processStats" json:"processStats"`
  1309  	BlockCacheDbStats []string            `codec:"blockCacheDbStats" json:"blockCacheDbStats"`
  1310  	SyncCacheDbStats  []string            `codec:"syncCacheDbStats" json:"syncCacheDbStats"`
  1311  	RuntimeDbStats    []DbStats           `codec:"runtimeDbStats" json:"runtimeDbStats"`
  1312  }
  1314  func (o SimpleFSStats) DeepCopy() SimpleFSStats {
  1315  	return SimpleFSStats{
  1316  		ProcessStats: o.ProcessStats.DeepCopy(),
  1317  		BlockCacheDbStats: (func(x []string) []string {
  1318  			if x == nil {
  1319  				return nil
  1320  			}
  1321  			ret := make([]string, len(x))
  1322  			for i, v := range x {
  1323  				vCopy := v
  1324  				ret[i] = vCopy
  1325  			}
  1326  			return ret
  1327  		})(o.BlockCacheDbStats),
  1328  		SyncCacheDbStats: (func(x []string) []string {
  1329  			if x == nil {
  1330  				return nil
  1331  			}
  1332  			ret := make([]string, len(x))
  1333  			for i, v := range x {
  1334  				vCopy := v
  1335  				ret[i] = vCopy
  1336  			}
  1337  			return ret
  1338  		})(o.SyncCacheDbStats),
  1339  		RuntimeDbStats: (func(x []DbStats) []DbStats {
  1340  			if x == nil {
  1341  				return nil
  1342  			}
  1343  			ret := make([]DbStats, len(x))
  1344  			for i, v := range x {
  1345  				vCopy := v.DeepCopy()
  1346  				ret[i] = vCopy
  1347  			}
  1348  			return ret
  1349  		})(o.RuntimeDbStats),
  1350  	}
  1351  }
  1353  type SubscriptionTopic int
  1355  const (
  1356  	SubscriptionTopic_FAVORITES           SubscriptionTopic = 0
  1357  	SubscriptionTopic_JOURNAL_STATUS      SubscriptionTopic = 1
  1358  	SubscriptionTopic_ONLINE_STATUS       SubscriptionTopic = 2
  1359  	SubscriptionTopic_DOWNLOAD_STATUS     SubscriptionTopic = 3
  1360  	SubscriptionTopic_FILES_TAB_BADGE     SubscriptionTopic = 4
  1361  	SubscriptionTopic_OVERALL_SYNC_STATUS SubscriptionTopic = 5
  1362  	SubscriptionTopic_SETTINGS            SubscriptionTopic = 6
  1363  	SubscriptionTopic_UPLOAD_STATUS       SubscriptionTopic = 7
  1364  )
  1366  func (o SubscriptionTopic) DeepCopy() SubscriptionTopic { return o }
  1368  var SubscriptionTopicMap = map[string]SubscriptionTopic{
  1369  	"FAVORITES":           0,
  1370  	"JOURNAL_STATUS":      1,
  1371  	"ONLINE_STATUS":       2,
  1372  	"DOWNLOAD_STATUS":     3,
  1373  	"FILES_TAB_BADGE":     4,
  1374  	"OVERALL_SYNC_STATUS": 5,
  1375  	"SETTINGS":            6,
  1376  	"UPLOAD_STATUS":       7,
  1377  }
  1379  var SubscriptionTopicRevMap = map[SubscriptionTopic]string{
  1380  	0: "FAVORITES",
  1381  	1: "JOURNAL_STATUS",
  1382  	2: "ONLINE_STATUS",
  1383  	3: "DOWNLOAD_STATUS",
  1384  	4: "FILES_TAB_BADGE",
  1385  	5: "OVERALL_SYNC_STATUS",
  1386  	6: "SETTINGS",
  1387  	7: "UPLOAD_STATUS",
  1388  }
  1390  func (e SubscriptionTopic) String() string {
  1391  	if v, ok := SubscriptionTopicRevMap[e]; ok {
  1392  		return v
  1393  	}
  1394  	return fmt.Sprintf("%v", int(e))
  1395  }
  1397  type PathSubscriptionTopic int
  1399  const (
  1400  	PathSubscriptionTopic_CHILDREN PathSubscriptionTopic = 0
  1401  	PathSubscriptionTopic_STAT     PathSubscriptionTopic = 1
  1402  )
  1404  func (o PathSubscriptionTopic) DeepCopy() PathSubscriptionTopic { return o }
  1406  var PathSubscriptionTopicMap = map[string]PathSubscriptionTopic{
  1407  	"CHILDREN": 0,
  1408  	"STAT":     1,
  1409  }
  1411  var PathSubscriptionTopicRevMap = map[PathSubscriptionTopic]string{
  1412  	0: "CHILDREN",
  1413  	1: "STAT",
  1414  }
  1416  func (e PathSubscriptionTopic) String() string {
  1417  	if v, ok := PathSubscriptionTopicRevMap[e]; ok {
  1418  		return v
  1419  	}
  1420  	return fmt.Sprintf("%v", int(e))
  1421  }
  1423  type DownloadInfo struct {
  1424  	DownloadID        string   `codec:"downloadID" json:"downloadID"`
  1425  	Path              KBFSPath `codec:"path" json:"path"`
  1426  	Filename          string   `codec:"filename" json:"filename"`
  1427  	StartTime         Time     `codec:"startTime" json:"startTime"`
  1428  	IsRegularDownload bool     `codec:"isRegularDownload" json:"isRegularDownload"`
  1429  }
  1431  func (o DownloadInfo) DeepCopy() DownloadInfo {
  1432  	return DownloadInfo{
  1433  		DownloadID:        o.DownloadID,
  1434  		Path:              o.Path.DeepCopy(),
  1435  		Filename:          o.Filename,
  1436  		StartTime:         o.StartTime.DeepCopy(),
  1437  		IsRegularDownload: o.IsRegularDownload,
  1438  	}
  1439  }
  1441  type DownloadState struct {
  1442  	DownloadID  string  `codec:"downloadID" json:"downloadID"`
  1443  	Progress    float64 `codec:"progress" json:"progress"`
  1444  	EndEstimate Time    `codec:"endEstimate" json:"endEstimate"`
  1445  	LocalPath   string  `codec:"localPath" json:"localPath"`
  1446  	Error       string  `codec:"error" json:"error"`
  1447  	Done        bool    `codec:"done" json:"done"`
  1448  	Canceled    bool    `codec:"canceled" json:"canceled"`
  1449  }
  1451  func (o DownloadState) DeepCopy() DownloadState {
  1452  	return DownloadState{
  1453  		DownloadID:  o.DownloadID,
  1454  		Progress:    o.Progress,
  1455  		EndEstimate: o.EndEstimate.DeepCopy(),
  1456  		LocalPath:   o.LocalPath,
  1457  		Error:       o.Error,
  1458  		Done:        o.Done,
  1459  		Canceled:    o.Canceled,
  1460  	}
  1461  }
  1463  type DownloadStatus struct {
  1464  	RegularDownloadIDs []string        `codec:"regularDownloadIDs" json:"regularDownloadIDs"`
  1465  	States             []DownloadState `codec:"states" json:"states"`
  1466  }
  1468  func (o DownloadStatus) DeepCopy() DownloadStatus {
  1469  	return DownloadStatus{
  1470  		RegularDownloadIDs: (func(x []string) []string {
  1471  			if x == nil {
  1472  				return nil
  1473  			}
  1474  			ret := make([]string, len(x))
  1475  			for i, v := range x {
  1476  				vCopy := v
  1477  				ret[i] = vCopy
  1478  			}
  1479  			return ret
  1480  		})(o.RegularDownloadIDs),
  1481  		States: (func(x []DownloadState) []DownloadState {
  1482  			if x == nil {
  1483  				return nil
  1484  			}
  1485  			ret := make([]DownloadState, len(x))
  1486  			for i, v := range x {
  1487  				vCopy := v.DeepCopy()
  1488  				ret[i] = vCopy
  1489  			}
  1490  			return ret
  1491  		})(o.States),
  1492  	}
  1493  }
  1495  type UploadState struct {
  1496  	UploadID   string   `codec:"uploadID" json:"uploadID"`
  1497  	TargetPath KBFSPath `codec:"targetPath" json:"targetPath"`
  1498  	Error      *string  `codec:"error,omitempty" json:"error,omitempty"`
  1499  	Canceled   bool     `codec:"canceled" json:"canceled"`
  1500  }
  1502  func (o UploadState) DeepCopy() UploadState {
  1503  	return UploadState{
  1504  		UploadID:   o.UploadID,
  1505  		TargetPath: o.TargetPath.DeepCopy(),
  1506  		Error: (func(x *string) *string {
  1507  			if x == nil {
  1508  				return nil
  1509  			}
  1510  			tmp := (*x)
  1511  			return &tmp
  1512  		})(o.Error),
  1513  		Canceled: o.Canceled,
  1514  	}
  1515  }
  1517  type FilesTabBadge int
  1519  const (
  1520  	FilesTabBadge_NONE            FilesTabBadge = 0
  1521  	FilesTabBadge_UPLOADING_STUCK FilesTabBadge = 1
  1522  	FilesTabBadge_AWAITING_UPLOAD FilesTabBadge = 2
  1523  	FilesTabBadge_UPLOADING       FilesTabBadge = 3
  1524  )
  1526  func (o FilesTabBadge) DeepCopy() FilesTabBadge { return o }
  1528  var FilesTabBadgeMap = map[string]FilesTabBadge{
  1529  	"NONE":            0,
  1530  	"UPLOADING_STUCK": 1,
  1531  	"AWAITING_UPLOAD": 2,
  1532  	"UPLOADING":       3,
  1533  }
  1535  var FilesTabBadgeRevMap = map[FilesTabBadge]string{
  1536  	0: "NONE",
  1537  	1: "UPLOADING_STUCK",
  1538  	2: "AWAITING_UPLOAD",
  1539  	3: "UPLOADING",
  1540  }
  1542  func (e FilesTabBadge) String() string {
  1543  	if v, ok := FilesTabBadgeRevMap[e]; ok {
  1544  		return v
  1545  	}
  1546  	return fmt.Sprintf("%v", int(e))
  1547  }
  1549  type GUIViewType int
  1551  const (
  1552  	GUIViewType_DEFAULT GUIViewType = 0
  1553  	GUIViewType_TEXT    GUIViewType = 1
  1554  	GUIViewType_IMAGE   GUIViewType = 2
  1555  	GUIViewType_AUDIO   GUIViewType = 3
  1556  	GUIViewType_VIDEO   GUIViewType = 4
  1557  	GUIViewType_PDF     GUIViewType = 5
  1558  )
  1560  func (o GUIViewType) DeepCopy() GUIViewType { return o }
  1562  var GUIViewTypeMap = map[string]GUIViewType{
  1563  	"DEFAULT": 0,
  1564  	"TEXT":    1,
  1565  	"IMAGE":   2,
  1566  	"AUDIO":   3,
  1567  	"VIDEO":   4,
  1568  	"PDF":     5,
  1569  }
  1571  var GUIViewTypeRevMap = map[GUIViewType]string{
  1572  	0: "DEFAULT",
  1573  	1: "TEXT",
  1574  	2: "IMAGE",
  1575  	3: "AUDIO",
  1576  	4: "VIDEO",
  1577  	5: "PDF",
  1578  }
  1580  func (e GUIViewType) String() string {
  1581  	if v, ok := GUIViewTypeRevMap[e]; ok {
  1582  		return v
  1583  	}
  1584  	return fmt.Sprintf("%v", int(e))
  1585  }
  1587  type GUIFileContext struct {
  1588  	ViewType    GUIViewType `codec:"viewType" json:"viewType"`
  1589  	ContentType string      `codec:"contentType" json:"contentType"`
  1590  	Url         string      `codec:"url" json:"url"`
  1591  }
  1593  func (o GUIFileContext) DeepCopy() GUIFileContext {
  1594  	return GUIFileContext{
  1595  		ViewType:    o.ViewType.DeepCopy(),
  1596  		ContentType: o.ContentType,
  1597  		Url:         o.Url,
  1598  	}
  1599  }
  1601  type SimpleFSSearchHit struct {
  1602  	Path string `codec:"path" json:"path"`
  1603  }
  1605  func (o SimpleFSSearchHit) DeepCopy() SimpleFSSearchHit {
  1606  	return SimpleFSSearchHit{
  1607  		Path: o.Path,
  1608  	}
  1609  }
  1611  type SimpleFSSearchResults struct {
  1612  	Hits       []SimpleFSSearchHit `codec:"hits" json:"hits"`
  1613  	NextResult int                 `codec:"nextResult" json:"nextResult"`
  1614  }
  1616  func (o SimpleFSSearchResults) DeepCopy() SimpleFSSearchResults {
  1617  	return SimpleFSSearchResults{
  1618  		Hits: (func(x []SimpleFSSearchHit) []SimpleFSSearchHit {
  1619  			if x == nil {
  1620  				return nil
  1621  			}
  1622  			ret := make([]SimpleFSSearchHit, len(x))
  1623  			for i, v := range x {
  1624  				vCopy := v.DeepCopy()
  1625  				ret[i] = vCopy
  1626  			}
  1627  			return ret
  1628  		})(o.Hits),
  1629  		NextResult: o.NextResult,
  1630  	}
  1631  }
  1633  type IndexProgressRecord struct {
  1634  	EndEstimate Time  `codec:"endEstimate" json:"endEstimate"`
  1635  	BytesTotal  int64 `codec:"bytesTotal" json:"bytesTotal"`
  1636  	BytesSoFar  int64 `codec:"bytesSoFar" json:"bytesSoFar"`
  1637  }
  1639  func (o IndexProgressRecord) DeepCopy() IndexProgressRecord {
  1640  	return IndexProgressRecord{
  1641  		EndEstimate: o.EndEstimate.DeepCopy(),
  1642  		BytesTotal:  o.BytesTotal,
  1643  		BytesSoFar:  o.BytesSoFar,
  1644  	}
  1645  }
  1647  type SimpleFSIndexProgress struct {
  1648  	OverallProgress IndexProgressRecord `codec:"overallProgress" json:"overallProgress"`
  1649  	CurrFolder      Folder              `codec:"currFolder" json:"currFolder"`
  1650  	CurrProgress    IndexProgressRecord `codec:"currProgress" json:"currProgress"`
  1651  	FoldersLeft     []Folder            `codec:"foldersLeft" json:"foldersLeft"`
  1652  }
  1654  func (o SimpleFSIndexProgress) DeepCopy() SimpleFSIndexProgress {
  1655  	return SimpleFSIndexProgress{
  1656  		OverallProgress: o.OverallProgress.DeepCopy(),
  1657  		CurrFolder:      o.CurrFolder.DeepCopy(),
  1658  		CurrProgress:    o.CurrProgress.DeepCopy(),
  1659  		FoldersLeft: (func(x []Folder) []Folder {
  1660  			if x == nil {
  1661  				return nil
  1662  			}
  1663  			ret := make([]Folder, len(x))
  1664  			for i, v := range x {
  1665  				vCopy := v.DeepCopy()
  1666  				ret[i] = vCopy
  1667  			}
  1668  			return ret
  1669  		})(o.FoldersLeft),
  1670  	}
  1671  }
  1673  type SimpleFSArchiveJobDesc struct {
  1674  	JobID                string           `codec:"jobID" json:"jobID"`
  1675  	KbfsPathWithRevision KBFSArchivedPath `codec:"kbfsPathWithRevision" json:"kbfsPathWithRevision"`
  1676  	OverwriteZip         bool             `codec:"overwriteZip" json:"overwriteZip"`
  1677  	StartTime            Time             `codec:"startTime" json:"startTime"`
  1678  	StagingPath          string           `codec:"stagingPath" json:"stagingPath"`
  1679  	TargetName           string           `codec:"targetName" json:"targetName"`
  1680  	ZipFilePath          string           `codec:"zipFilePath" json:"zipFilePath"`
  1681  }
  1683  func (o SimpleFSArchiveJobDesc) DeepCopy() SimpleFSArchiveJobDesc {
  1684  	return SimpleFSArchiveJobDesc{
  1685  		JobID:                o.JobID,
  1686  		KbfsPathWithRevision: o.KbfsPathWithRevision.DeepCopy(),
  1687  		OverwriteZip:         o.OverwriteZip,
  1688  		StartTime:            o.StartTime.DeepCopy(),
  1689  		StagingPath:          o.StagingPath,
  1690  		TargetName:           o.TargetName,
  1691  		ZipFilePath:          o.ZipFilePath,
  1692  	}
  1693  }
  1695  type SimpleFSFileArchiveState int
  1697  const (
  1698  	SimpleFSFileArchiveState_ToDo       SimpleFSFileArchiveState = 0
  1699  	SimpleFSFileArchiveState_InProgress SimpleFSFileArchiveState = 1
  1700  	SimpleFSFileArchiveState_Complete   SimpleFSFileArchiveState = 2
  1701  	SimpleFSFileArchiveState_Skipped    SimpleFSFileArchiveState = 3
  1702  )
  1704  func (o SimpleFSFileArchiveState) DeepCopy() SimpleFSFileArchiveState { return o }
  1706  var SimpleFSFileArchiveStateMap = map[string]SimpleFSFileArchiveState{
  1707  	"ToDo":       0,
  1708  	"InProgress": 1,
  1709  	"Complete":   2,
  1710  	"Skipped":    3,
  1711  }
  1713  var SimpleFSFileArchiveStateRevMap = map[SimpleFSFileArchiveState]string{
  1714  	0: "ToDo",
  1715  	1: "InProgress",
  1716  	2: "Complete",
  1717  	3: "Skipped",
  1718  }
  1720  func (e SimpleFSFileArchiveState) String() string {
  1721  	if v, ok := SimpleFSFileArchiveStateRevMap[e]; ok {
  1722  		return v
  1723  	}
  1724  	return fmt.Sprintf("%v", int(e))
  1725  }
  1727  type SimpleFSArchiveFile struct {
  1728  	State        SimpleFSFileArchiveState `codec:"state" json:"state"`
  1729  	DirentType   DirentType               `codec:"direntType" json:"direntType"`
  1730  	Sha256SumHex string                   `codec:"sha256SumHex" json:"sha256SumHex"`
  1731  }
  1733  func (o SimpleFSArchiveFile) DeepCopy() SimpleFSArchiveFile {
  1734  	return SimpleFSArchiveFile{
  1735  		State:        o.State.DeepCopy(),
  1736  		DirentType:   o.DirentType.DeepCopy(),
  1737  		Sha256SumHex: o.Sha256SumHex,
  1738  	}
  1739  }
  1741  type SimpleFSArchiveJobState struct {
  1742  	Desc        SimpleFSArchiveJobDesc         `codec:"desc" json:"desc"`
  1743  	Manifest    map[string]SimpleFSArchiveFile `codec:"manifest" json:"manifest"`
  1744  	Phase       SimpleFSArchiveJobPhase        `codec:"phase" json:"phase"`
  1745  	BytesTotal  int64                          `codec:"bytesTotal" json:"bytesTotal"`
  1746  	BytesCopied int64                          `codec:"bytesCopied" json:"bytesCopied"`
  1747  	BytesZipped int64                          `codec:"bytesZipped" json:"bytesZipped"`
  1748  }
  1750  func (o SimpleFSArchiveJobState) DeepCopy() SimpleFSArchiveJobState {
  1751  	return SimpleFSArchiveJobState{
  1752  		Desc: o.Desc.DeepCopy(),
  1753  		Manifest: (func(x map[string]SimpleFSArchiveFile) map[string]SimpleFSArchiveFile {
  1754  			if x == nil {
  1755  				return nil
  1756  			}
  1757  			ret := make(map[string]SimpleFSArchiveFile, len(x))
  1758  			for k, v := range x {
  1759  				kCopy := k
  1760  				vCopy := v.DeepCopy()
  1761  				ret[kCopy] = vCopy
  1762  			}
  1763  			return ret
  1764  		})(o.Manifest),
  1765  		Phase:       o.Phase.DeepCopy(),
  1766  		BytesTotal:  o.BytesTotal,
  1767  		BytesCopied: o.BytesCopied,
  1768  		BytesZipped: o.BytesZipped,
  1769  	}
  1770  }
  1772  type SimpleFSArchiveJobPhase int
  1774  const (
  1775  	SimpleFSArchiveJobPhase_Queued   SimpleFSArchiveJobPhase = 0
  1776  	SimpleFSArchiveJobPhase_Indexing SimpleFSArchiveJobPhase = 1
  1777  	SimpleFSArchiveJobPhase_Indexed  SimpleFSArchiveJobPhase = 2
  1778  	SimpleFSArchiveJobPhase_Copying  SimpleFSArchiveJobPhase = 3
  1779  	SimpleFSArchiveJobPhase_Copied   SimpleFSArchiveJobPhase = 4
  1780  	SimpleFSArchiveJobPhase_Zipping  SimpleFSArchiveJobPhase = 5
  1781  	SimpleFSArchiveJobPhase_Done     SimpleFSArchiveJobPhase = 6
  1782  )
  1784  func (o SimpleFSArchiveJobPhase) DeepCopy() SimpleFSArchiveJobPhase { return o }
  1786  var SimpleFSArchiveJobPhaseMap = map[string]SimpleFSArchiveJobPhase{
  1787  	"Queued":   0,
  1788  	"Indexing": 1,
  1789  	"Indexed":  2,
  1790  	"Copying":  3,
  1791  	"Copied":   4,
  1792  	"Zipping":  5,
  1793  	"Done":     6,
  1794  }
  1796  var SimpleFSArchiveJobPhaseRevMap = map[SimpleFSArchiveJobPhase]string{
  1797  	0: "Queued",
  1798  	1: "Indexing",
  1799  	2: "Indexed",
  1800  	3: "Copying",
  1801  	4: "Copied",
  1802  	5: "Zipping",
  1803  	6: "Done",
  1804  }
  1806  func (e SimpleFSArchiveJobPhase) String() string {
  1807  	if v, ok := SimpleFSArchiveJobPhaseRevMap[e]; ok {
  1808  		return v
  1809  	}
  1810  	return fmt.Sprintf("%v", int(e))
  1811  }
  1813  type SimpleFSArchiveState struct {
  1814  	Jobs        map[string]SimpleFSArchiveJobState `codec:"jobs" json:"jobs"`
  1815  	LastUpdated Time                               `codec:"lastUpdated" json:"lastUpdated"`
  1816  }
  1818  func (o SimpleFSArchiveState) DeepCopy() SimpleFSArchiveState {
  1819  	return SimpleFSArchiveState{
  1820  		Jobs: (func(x map[string]SimpleFSArchiveJobState) map[string]SimpleFSArchiveJobState {
  1821  			if x == nil {
  1822  				return nil
  1823  			}
  1824  			ret := make(map[string]SimpleFSArchiveJobState, len(x))
  1825  			for k, v := range x {
  1826  				kCopy := k
  1827  				vCopy := v.DeepCopy()
  1828  				ret[kCopy] = vCopy
  1829  			}
  1830  			return ret
  1831  		})(o.Jobs),
  1832  		LastUpdated: o.LastUpdated.DeepCopy(),
  1833  	}
  1834  }
  1836  type SimpleFSArchiveJobErrorState struct {
  1837  	Error     string `codec:"error" json:"error"`
  1838  	NextRetry Time   `codec:"nextRetry" json:"nextRetry"`
  1839  }
  1841  func (o SimpleFSArchiveJobErrorState) DeepCopy() SimpleFSArchiveJobErrorState {
  1842  	return SimpleFSArchiveJobErrorState{
  1843  		Error:     o.Error,
  1844  		NextRetry: o.NextRetry.DeepCopy(),
  1845  	}
  1846  }
  1848  type SimpleFSArchiveJobStatus struct {
  1849  	Desc               SimpleFSArchiveJobDesc        `codec:"desc" json:"desc"`
  1850  	Phase              SimpleFSArchiveJobPhase       `codec:"phase" json:"phase"`
  1851  	CurrentTLFRevision KBFSRevision                  `codec:"currentTLFRevision" json:"currentTLFRevision"`
  1852  	TodoCount          int                           `codec:"todoCount" json:"todoCount"`
  1853  	InProgressCount    int                           `codec:"inProgressCount" json:"inProgressCount"`
  1854  	CompleteCount      int                           `codec:"completeCount" json:"completeCount"`
  1855  	SkippedCount       int                           `codec:"skippedCount" json:"skippedCount"`
  1856  	TotalCount         int                           `codec:"totalCount" json:"totalCount"`
  1857  	BytesTotal         int64                         `codec:"bytesTotal" json:"bytesTotal"`
  1858  	BytesCopied        int64                         `codec:"bytesCopied" json:"bytesCopied"`
  1859  	BytesZipped        int64                         `codec:"bytesZipped" json:"bytesZipped"`
  1860  	Error              *SimpleFSArchiveJobErrorState `codec:"error,omitempty" json:"error,omitempty"`
  1861  }
  1863  func (o SimpleFSArchiveJobStatus) DeepCopy() SimpleFSArchiveJobStatus {
  1864  	return SimpleFSArchiveJobStatus{
  1865  		Desc:               o.Desc.DeepCopy(),
  1866  		Phase:              o.Phase.DeepCopy(),
  1867  		CurrentTLFRevision: o.CurrentTLFRevision.DeepCopy(),
  1868  		TodoCount:          o.TodoCount,
  1869  		InProgressCount:    o.InProgressCount,
  1870  		CompleteCount:      o.CompleteCount,
  1871  		SkippedCount:       o.SkippedCount,
  1872  		TotalCount:         o.TotalCount,
  1873  		BytesTotal:         o.BytesTotal,
  1874  		BytesCopied:        o.BytesCopied,
  1875  		BytesZipped:        o.BytesZipped,
  1876  		Error: (func(x *SimpleFSArchiveJobErrorState) *SimpleFSArchiveJobErrorState {
  1877  			if x == nil {
  1878  				return nil
  1879  			}
  1880  			tmp := (*x).DeepCopy()
  1881  			return &tmp
  1882  		})(o.Error),
  1883  	}
  1884  }
  1886  type SimpleFSArchiveStatus struct {
  1887  	Jobs        map[string]SimpleFSArchiveJobStatus `codec:"jobs" json:"jobs"`
  1888  	LastUpdated Time                                `codec:"lastUpdated" json:"lastUpdated"`
  1889  }
  1891  func (o SimpleFSArchiveStatus) DeepCopy() SimpleFSArchiveStatus {
  1892  	return SimpleFSArchiveStatus{
  1893  		Jobs: (func(x map[string]SimpleFSArchiveJobStatus) map[string]SimpleFSArchiveJobStatus {
  1894  			if x == nil {
  1895  				return nil
  1896  			}
  1897  			ret := make(map[string]SimpleFSArchiveJobStatus, len(x))
  1898  			for k, v := range x {
  1899  				kCopy := k
  1900  				vCopy := v.DeepCopy()
  1901  				ret[kCopy] = vCopy
  1902  			}
  1903  			return ret
  1904  		})(o.Jobs),
  1905  		LastUpdated: o.LastUpdated.DeepCopy(),
  1906  	}
  1907  }
  1909  type SimpleFSListArg struct {
  1910  	OpID                OpID       `codec:"opID" json:"opID"`
  1911  	Path                Path       `codec:"path" json:"path"`
  1912  	Filter              ListFilter `codec:"filter" json:"filter"`
  1913  	RefreshSubscription bool       `codec:"refreshSubscription" json:"refreshSubscription"`
  1914  }
  1916  type SimpleFSListRecursiveArg struct {
  1917  	OpID                OpID       `codec:"opID" json:"opID"`
  1918  	Path                Path       `codec:"path" json:"path"`
  1919  	Filter              ListFilter `codec:"filter" json:"filter"`
  1920  	RefreshSubscription bool       `codec:"refreshSubscription" json:"refreshSubscription"`
  1921  }
  1923  type SimpleFSListRecursiveToDepthArg struct {
  1924  	OpID                OpID       `codec:"opID" json:"opID"`
  1925  	Path                Path       `codec:"path" json:"path"`
  1926  	Filter              ListFilter `codec:"filter" json:"filter"`
  1927  	RefreshSubscription bool       `codec:"refreshSubscription" json:"refreshSubscription"`
  1928  	Depth               int        `codec:"depth" json:"depth"`
  1929  }
  1931  type SimpleFSReadListArg struct {
  1932  	OpID OpID `codec:"opID" json:"opID"`
  1933  }
  1935  type SimpleFSCopyArg struct {
  1936  	OpID                   OpID `codec:"opID" json:"opID"`
  1937  	Src                    Path `codec:"src" json:"src"`
  1938  	Dest                   Path `codec:"dest" json:"dest"`
  1939  	OverwriteExistingFiles bool `codec:"overwriteExistingFiles" json:"overwriteExistingFiles"`
  1940  }
  1942  type SimpleFSSymlinkArg struct {
  1943  	Target string `codec:"target" json:"target"`
  1944  	Link   Path   `codec:"link" json:"link"`
  1945  }
  1947  type SimpleFSCopyRecursiveArg struct {
  1948  	OpID                   OpID `codec:"opID" json:"opID"`
  1949  	Src                    Path `codec:"src" json:"src"`
  1950  	Dest                   Path `codec:"dest" json:"dest"`
  1951  	OverwriteExistingFiles bool `codec:"overwriteExistingFiles" json:"overwriteExistingFiles"`
  1952  }
  1954  type SimpleFSMoveArg struct {
  1955  	OpID                   OpID `codec:"opID" json:"opID"`
  1956  	Src                    Path `codec:"src" json:"src"`
  1957  	Dest                   Path `codec:"dest" json:"dest"`
  1958  	OverwriteExistingFiles bool `codec:"overwriteExistingFiles" json:"overwriteExistingFiles"`
  1959  }
  1961  type SimpleFSRenameArg struct {
  1962  	Src  Path `codec:"src" json:"src"`
  1963  	Dest Path `codec:"dest" json:"dest"`
  1964  }
  1966  type SimpleFSOpenArg struct {
  1967  	OpID  OpID      `codec:"opID" json:"opID"`
  1968  	Dest  Path      `codec:"dest" json:"dest"`
  1969  	Flags OpenFlags `codec:"flags" json:"flags"`
  1970  }
  1972  type SimpleFSSetStatArg struct {
  1973  	Dest Path       `codec:"dest" json:"dest"`
  1974  	Flag DirentType `codec:"flag" json:"flag"`
  1975  }
  1977  type SimpleFSReadArg struct {
  1978  	OpID   OpID  `codec:"opID" json:"opID"`
  1979  	Offset int64 `codec:"offset" json:"offset"`
  1980  	Size   int   `codec:"size" json:"size"`
  1981  }
  1983  type SimpleFSWriteArg struct {
  1984  	OpID    OpID   `codec:"opID" json:"opID"`
  1985  	Offset  int64  `codec:"offset" json:"offset"`
  1986  	Content []byte `codec:"content" json:"content"`
  1987  }
  1989  type SimpleFSRemoveArg struct {
  1990  	OpID      OpID `codec:"opID" json:"opID"`
  1991  	Path      Path `codec:"path" json:"path"`
  1992  	Recursive bool `codec:"recursive" json:"recursive"`
  1993  }
  1995  type SimpleFSStatArg struct {
  1996  	Path                Path `codec:"path" json:"path"`
  1997  	RefreshSubscription bool `codec:"refreshSubscription" json:"refreshSubscription"`
  1998  }
  2000  type SimpleFSGetRevisionsArg struct {
  2001  	OpID     OpID             `codec:"opID" json:"opID"`
  2002  	Path     Path             `codec:"path" json:"path"`
  2003  	SpanType RevisionSpanType `codec:"spanType" json:"spanType"`
  2004  }
  2006  type SimpleFSReadRevisionsArg struct {
  2007  	OpID OpID `codec:"opID" json:"opID"`
  2008  }
  2010  type SimpleFSMakeOpidArg struct {
  2011  }
  2013  type SimpleFSCloseArg struct {
  2014  	OpID OpID `codec:"opID" json:"opID"`
  2015  }
  2017  type SimpleFSCancelArg struct {
  2018  	OpID OpID `codec:"opID" json:"opID"`
  2019  }
  2021  type SimpleFSCheckArg struct {
  2022  	OpID OpID `codec:"opID" json:"opID"`
  2023  }
  2025  type SimpleFSGetOpsArg struct {
  2026  }
  2028  type SimpleFSWaitArg struct {
  2029  	OpID OpID `codec:"opID" json:"opID"`
  2030  }
  2032  type SimpleFSDumpDebuggingInfoArg struct {
  2033  }
  2035  type SimpleFSClearConflictStateArg struct {
  2036  	Path Path `codec:"path" json:"path"`
  2037  }
  2039  type SimpleFSFinishResolvingConflictArg struct {
  2040  	Path Path `codec:"path" json:"path"`
  2041  }
  2043  type SimpleFSForceStuckConflictArg struct {
  2044  	Path Path `codec:"path" json:"path"`
  2045  }
  2047  type SimpleFSSyncStatusArg struct {
  2048  	Filter ListFilter `codec:"filter" json:"filter"`
  2049  }
  2051  type SimpleFSUserEditHistoryArg struct {
  2052  }
  2054  type SimpleFSFolderEditHistoryArg struct {
  2055  	Path Path `codec:"path" json:"path"`
  2056  }
  2058  type SimpleFSListFavoritesArg struct {
  2059  }
  2061  type SimpleFSGetUserQuotaUsageArg struct {
  2062  }
  2064  type SimpleFSGetTeamQuotaUsageArg struct {
  2065  	TeamName TeamName `codec:"teamName" json:"teamName"`
  2066  }
  2068  type SimpleFSResetArg struct {
  2069  	Path  Path   `codec:"path" json:"path"`
  2070  	TlfID string `codec:"tlfID" json:"tlfID"`
  2071  }
  2073  type SimpleFSFolderSyncConfigAndStatusArg struct {
  2074  	Path Path `codec:"path" json:"path"`
  2075  }
  2077  type SimpleFSSetFolderSyncConfigArg struct {
  2078  	Path   Path             `codec:"path" json:"path"`
  2079  	Config FolderSyncConfig `codec:"config" json:"config"`
  2080  }
  2082  type SimpleFSSyncConfigAndStatusArg struct {
  2083  	IdentifyBehavior *TLFIdentifyBehavior `codec:"identifyBehavior,omitempty" json:"identifyBehavior,omitempty"`
  2084  }
  2086  type SimpleFSGetFolderArg struct {
  2087  	Path KBFSPath `codec:"path" json:"path"`
  2088  }
  2090  type SimpleFSGetOnlineStatusArg struct {
  2091  	ClientID string `codec:"clientID" json:"clientID"`
  2092  }
  2094  type SimpleFSCheckReachabilityArg struct {
  2095  }
  2097  type SimpleFSSetDebugLevelArg struct {
  2098  	Level string `codec:"level" json:"level"`
  2099  }
  2101  type SimpleFSSettingsArg struct {
  2102  }
  2104  type SimpleFSSetNotificationThresholdArg struct {
  2105  	Threshold int64 `codec:"threshold" json:"threshold"`
  2106  }
  2108  type SimpleFSSetSfmiBannerDismissedArg struct {
  2109  	Dismissed bool `codec:"dismissed" json:"dismissed"`
  2110  }
  2112  type SimpleFSSetSyncOnCellularArg struct {
  2113  	SyncOnCellular bool `codec:"syncOnCellular" json:"syncOnCellular"`
  2114  }
  2116  type SimpleFSObfuscatePathArg struct {
  2117  	Path Path `codec:"path" json:"path"`
  2118  }
  2120  type SimpleFSDeobfuscatePathArg struct {
  2121  	Path Path `codec:"path" json:"path"`
  2122  }
  2124  type SimpleFSGetStatsArg struct {
  2125  }
  2127  type SimpleFSSubscribePathArg struct {
  2128  	IdentifyBehavior          *TLFIdentifyBehavior  `codec:"identifyBehavior,omitempty" json:"identifyBehavior,omitempty"`
  2129  	ClientID                  string                `codec:"clientID" json:"clientID"`
  2130  	SubscriptionID            string                `codec:"subscriptionID" json:"subscriptionID"`
  2131  	KbfsPath                  string                `codec:"kbfsPath" json:"kbfsPath"`
  2132  	Topic                     PathSubscriptionTopic `codec:"topic" json:"topic"`
  2133  	DeduplicateIntervalSecond int                   `codec:"deduplicateIntervalSecond" json:"deduplicateIntervalSecond"`
  2134  }
  2136  type SimpleFSSubscribeNonPathArg struct {
  2137  	IdentifyBehavior          *TLFIdentifyBehavior `codec:"identifyBehavior,omitempty" json:"identifyBehavior,omitempty"`
  2138  	ClientID                  string               `codec:"clientID" json:"clientID"`
  2139  	SubscriptionID            string               `codec:"subscriptionID" json:"subscriptionID"`
  2140  	Topic                     SubscriptionTopic    `codec:"topic" json:"topic"`
  2141  	DeduplicateIntervalSecond int                  `codec:"deduplicateIntervalSecond" json:"deduplicateIntervalSecond"`
  2142  }
  2144  type SimpleFSUnsubscribeArg struct {
  2145  	IdentifyBehavior *TLFIdentifyBehavior `codec:"identifyBehavior,omitempty" json:"identifyBehavior,omitempty"`
  2146  	ClientID         string               `codec:"clientID" json:"clientID"`
  2147  	SubscriptionID   string               `codec:"subscriptionID" json:"subscriptionID"`
  2148  }
  2150  type SimpleFSStartDownloadArg struct {
  2151  	Path              KBFSPath `codec:"path" json:"path"`
  2152  	IsRegularDownload bool     `codec:"isRegularDownload" json:"isRegularDownload"`
  2153  }
  2155  type SimpleFSGetDownloadInfoArg struct {
  2156  	DownloadID string `codec:"downloadID" json:"downloadID"`
  2157  }
  2159  type SimpleFSGetDownloadStatusArg struct {
  2160  }
  2162  type SimpleFSCancelDownloadArg struct {
  2163  	DownloadID string `codec:"downloadID" json:"downloadID"`
  2164  }
  2166  type SimpleFSDismissDownloadArg struct {
  2167  	DownloadID string `codec:"downloadID" json:"downloadID"`
  2168  }
  2170  type SimpleFSConfigureDownloadArg struct {
  2171  	CacheDirOverride    string `codec:"cacheDirOverride" json:"cacheDirOverride"`
  2172  	DownloadDirOverride string `codec:"downloadDirOverride" json:"downloadDirOverride"`
  2173  }
  2175  type SimpleFSMakeTempDirForUploadArg struct {
  2176  }
  2178  type SimpleFSStartUploadArg struct {
  2179  	SourceLocalPath  string   `codec:"sourceLocalPath" json:"sourceLocalPath"`
  2180  	TargetParentPath KBFSPath `codec:"targetParentPath" json:"targetParentPath"`
  2181  }
  2183  type SimpleFSGetUploadStatusArg struct {
  2184  }
  2186  type SimpleFSCancelUploadArg struct {
  2187  	UploadID string `codec:"uploadID" json:"uploadID"`
  2188  }
  2190  type SimpleFSDismissUploadArg struct {
  2191  	UploadID string `codec:"uploadID" json:"uploadID"`
  2192  }
  2194  type SimpleFSGetFilesTabBadgeArg struct {
  2195  }
  2197  type SimpleFSGetGUIFileContextArg struct {
  2198  	Path KBFSPath `codec:"path" json:"path"`
  2199  }
  2201  type SimpleFSUserInArg struct {
  2202  	ClientID string `codec:"clientID" json:"clientID"`
  2203  }
  2205  type SimpleFSUserOutArg struct {
  2206  	ClientID string `codec:"clientID" json:"clientID"`
  2207  }
  2209  type SimpleFSSearchArg struct {
  2210  	Query        string `codec:"query" json:"query"`
  2211  	NumResults   int    `codec:"numResults" json:"numResults"`
  2212  	StartingFrom int    `codec:"startingFrom" json:"startingFrom"`
  2213  }
  2215  type SimpleFSResetIndexArg struct {
  2216  }
  2218  type SimpleFSGetIndexProgressArg struct {
  2219  }
  2221  type SimpleFSCancelJournalUploadsArg struct {
  2222  	Path KBFSPath `codec:"path" json:"path"`
  2223  }
  2225  type SimpleFSArchiveStartArg struct {
  2226  	KbfsPath     KBFSPath `codec:"kbfsPath" json:"kbfsPath"`
  2227  	OutputPath   string   `codec:"outputPath" json:"outputPath"`
  2228  	OverwriteZip bool     `codec:"overwriteZip" json:"overwriteZip"`
  2229  }
  2231  type SimpleFSArchiveCancelOrDismissJobArg struct {
  2232  	JobID string `codec:"jobID" json:"jobID"`
  2233  }
  2235  type SimpleFSGetArchiveStatusArg struct {
  2236  }
  2238  type SimpleFSInterface interface {
  2239  	// Begin list of items in directory at path.
  2240  	// Retrieve results with readList().
  2241  	// Can be a single file to get flags/status.
  2242  	// If `refreshSubscription` is true and the path is a KBFS path, simpleFS
  2243  	// will begin sending `FSPathUpdated` notifications for the for the
  2244  	// corresponding TLF, until another call refreshes the subscription on a
  2245  	// different TLF.
  2246  	SimpleFSList(context.Context, SimpleFSListArg) error
  2247  	// Begin recursive list of items in directory at path.
  2248  	// If `refreshSubscription` is true and the path is a KBFS path, simpleFS
  2249  	// will begin sending `FSPathUpdated` notifications for the for the
  2250  	// corresponding TLF, until another call refreshes the subscription on a
  2251  	// different TLF.
  2252  	SimpleFSListRecursive(context.Context, SimpleFSListRecursiveArg) error
  2253  	// Begin recursive list of items in directory at path up to a given depth
  2254  	SimpleFSListRecursiveToDepth(context.Context, SimpleFSListRecursiveToDepthArg) error
  2255  	// Get list of Paths in progress. Can indicate status of pending
  2256  	// to get more entries.
  2257  	SimpleFSReadList(context.Context, OpID) (SimpleFSListResult, error)
  2258  	// Begin copy of file or directory.
  2259  	SimpleFSCopy(context.Context, SimpleFSCopyArg) error
  2260  	// Make a symlink of file or directory
  2261  	SimpleFSSymlink(context.Context, SimpleFSSymlinkArg) error
  2262  	// Begin recursive copy of directory
  2263  	//
  2264  	// overwriteExistingFiles controls whether an existing file from `src` will
  2265  	// overwrite a file with the same name in `dest`; if `false`, an error will be
  2266  	// returned in that case.  For directories that share a name, the copy will
  2267  	// continue recursively into the directory without causing an error.
  2268  	SimpleFSCopyRecursive(context.Context, SimpleFSCopyRecursiveArg) error
  2269  	// Begin move of file or directory, from/to KBFS only
  2270  	SimpleFSMove(context.Context, SimpleFSMoveArg) error
  2271  	// Rename file or directory, KBFS side only
  2272  	SimpleFSRename(context.Context, SimpleFSRenameArg) error
  2273  	// Create/open a file and leave it open
  2274  	// or create a directory
  2275  	// Files must be closed afterwards.
  2276  	SimpleFSOpen(context.Context, SimpleFSOpenArg) error
  2277  	// Set/clear file bits - only executable for now
  2278  	SimpleFSSetStat(context.Context, SimpleFSSetStatArg) error
  2279  	// Read (possibly partial) contents of open file,
  2280  	// up to the amount specified by size.
  2281  	// Repeat until zero bytes are returned or error.
  2282  	// If size is zero, read an arbitrary amount.
  2283  	SimpleFSRead(context.Context, SimpleFSReadArg) (FileContent, error)
  2284  	// Append content to opened file.
  2285  	// May be repeated until OpID is closed.
  2286  	SimpleFSWrite(context.Context, SimpleFSWriteArg) error
  2287  	// Remove file or directory from filesystem
  2288  	SimpleFSRemove(context.Context, SimpleFSRemoveArg) error
  2289  	// Get info about file
  2290  	SimpleFSStat(context.Context, SimpleFSStatArg) (Dirent, error)
  2291  	// Get revision info for a directory entry
  2292  	SimpleFSGetRevisions(context.Context, SimpleFSGetRevisionsArg) error
  2293  	// Get list of revisions in progress. Can indicate status of pending
  2294  	// to get more revisions.
  2295  	SimpleFSReadRevisions(context.Context, OpID) (GetRevisionsResult, error)
  2296  	// Convenience helper for generating new random value
  2297  	SimpleFSMakeOpid(context.Context) (OpID, error)
  2298  	// Close OpID, cancels any pending operation.
  2299  	// Must be called after list/copy/remove
  2300  	SimpleFSClose(context.Context, OpID) error
  2301  	// Cancels a running operation, like copy.
  2302  	SimpleFSCancel(context.Context, OpID) error
  2303  	// Check progress of pending operation
  2304  	SimpleFSCheck(context.Context, OpID) (OpProgress, error)
  2305  	// Get all the outstanding operations
  2306  	SimpleFSGetOps(context.Context) ([]OpDescription, error)
  2307  	// Blocking wait for the pending operation to finish
  2308  	SimpleFSWait(context.Context, OpID) error
  2309  	// Instructs KBFS to dump debugging info into its logs.
  2310  	SimpleFSDumpDebuggingInfo(context.Context) error
  2311  	SimpleFSClearConflictState(context.Context, Path) error
  2312  	SimpleFSFinishResolvingConflict(context.Context, Path) error
  2313  	// Force a TLF into a stuck conflict state (for testing).
  2314  	SimpleFSForceStuckConflict(context.Context, Path) error
  2315  	// Get sync status.
  2316  	SimpleFSSyncStatus(context.Context, ListFilter) (FSSyncStatus, error)
  2317  	// simpleFSUserEditHistory returns edit histories of TLFs that the logged-in
  2318  	// user can access.  Each returned history is corresponds to a unique
  2319  	// writer-TLF pair.  They are in descending order by the modification time
  2320  	// (as recorded by the server) of the most recent edit in each history.
  2321  	SimpleFSUserEditHistory(context.Context) ([]FSFolderEditHistory, error)
  2322  	// simpleFSFolderEditHistory returns the edit history for the TLF
  2323  	// described by `path`, for the most recent writers of that TLF.
  2324  	// The writers are in descending order by the modification time (as
  2325  	// recorded by the server) of their most recent edit.
  2326  	SimpleFSFolderEditHistory(context.Context, Path) (FSFolderEditHistory, error)
  2327  	// simpleFSListFavorites gets the current favorites, ignored folders, and new
  2328  	// folders from the KBFS cache.
  2329  	SimpleFSListFavorites(context.Context) (FavoritesResult, error)
  2330  	// simpleFSGetUserQuotaUsage returns the quota usage for the logged-in
  2331  	// user.  Any usage includes local journal usage as well.
  2332  	SimpleFSGetUserQuotaUsage(context.Context) (SimpleFSQuotaUsage, error)
  2333  	// simpleFSGetTeamQuotaUsage returns the quota usage for the given team, if
  2334  	// the logged-in user has access to that team.  Any usage includes
  2335  	// local journal usage as well.
  2336  	SimpleFSGetTeamQuotaUsage(context.Context, TeamName) (SimpleFSQuotaUsage, error)
  2337  	// simpleFSReset completely resets the KBFS folder referenced in `path`.
  2338  	// It should only be called after explicit user confirmation.
  2339  	SimpleFSReset(context.Context, SimpleFSResetArg) error
  2340  	SimpleFSFolderSyncConfigAndStatus(context.Context, Path) (FolderSyncConfigAndStatus, error)
  2341  	SimpleFSSetFolderSyncConfig(context.Context, SimpleFSSetFolderSyncConfigArg) error
  2342  	SimpleFSSyncConfigAndStatus(context.Context, *TLFIdentifyBehavior) (SyncConfigAndStatusRes, error)
  2343  	SimpleFSGetFolder(context.Context, KBFSPath) (FolderWithFavFlags, error)
  2344  	SimpleFSGetOnlineStatus(context.Context, string) (KbfsOnlineStatus, error)
  2345  	SimpleFSCheckReachability(context.Context) error
  2346  	SimpleFSSetDebugLevel(context.Context, string) error
  2347  	SimpleFSSettings(context.Context) (FSSettings, error)
  2348  	SimpleFSSetNotificationThreshold(context.Context, int64) error
  2349  	SimpleFSSetSfmiBannerDismissed(context.Context, bool) error
  2350  	SimpleFSSetSyncOnCellular(context.Context, bool) error
  2351  	SimpleFSObfuscatePath(context.Context, Path) (string, error)
  2352  	SimpleFSDeobfuscatePath(context.Context, Path) ([]string, error)
  2353  	SimpleFSGetStats(context.Context) (SimpleFSStats, error)
  2354  	SimpleFSSubscribePath(context.Context, SimpleFSSubscribePathArg) error
  2355  	SimpleFSSubscribeNonPath(context.Context, SimpleFSSubscribeNonPathArg) error
  2356  	SimpleFSUnsubscribe(context.Context, SimpleFSUnsubscribeArg) error
  2357  	SimpleFSStartDownload(context.Context, SimpleFSStartDownloadArg) (string, error)
  2358  	SimpleFSGetDownloadInfo(context.Context, string) (DownloadInfo, error)
  2359  	SimpleFSGetDownloadStatus(context.Context) (DownloadStatus, error)
  2360  	SimpleFSCancelDownload(context.Context, string) error
  2361  	SimpleFSDismissDownload(context.Context, string) error
  2362  	SimpleFSConfigureDownload(context.Context, SimpleFSConfigureDownloadArg) error
  2363  	SimpleFSMakeTempDirForUpload(context.Context) (string, error)
  2364  	SimpleFSStartUpload(context.Context, SimpleFSStartUploadArg) (string, error)
  2365  	SimpleFSGetUploadStatus(context.Context) ([]UploadState, error)
  2366  	SimpleFSCancelUpload(context.Context, string) error
  2367  	SimpleFSDismissUpload(context.Context, string) error
  2368  	SimpleFSGetFilesTabBadge(context.Context) (FilesTabBadge, error)
  2369  	SimpleFSGetGUIFileContext(context.Context, KBFSPath) (GUIFileContext, error)
  2370  	SimpleFSUserIn(context.Context, string) error
  2371  	SimpleFSUserOut(context.Context, string) error
  2372  	SimpleFSSearch(context.Context, SimpleFSSearchArg) (SimpleFSSearchResults, error)
  2373  	SimpleFSResetIndex(context.Context) error
  2374  	SimpleFSGetIndexProgress(context.Context) (SimpleFSIndexProgress, error)
  2375  	SimpleFSCancelJournalUploads(context.Context, KBFSPath) error
  2376  	SimpleFSArchiveStart(context.Context, SimpleFSArchiveStartArg) (SimpleFSArchiveJobDesc, error)
  2377  	SimpleFSArchiveCancelOrDismissJob(context.Context, string) error
  2378  	SimpleFSGetArchiveStatus(context.Context) (SimpleFSArchiveStatus, error)
  2379  }
  2381  func SimpleFSProtocol(i SimpleFSInterface) rpc.Protocol {
  2382  	return rpc.Protocol{
  2383  		Name: "keybase.1.SimpleFS",
  2384  		Methods: map[string]rpc.ServeHandlerDescription{
  2385  			"simpleFSList": {
  2386  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
  2387  					var ret [1]SimpleFSListArg
  2388  					return &ret
  2389  				},
  2390  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
  2391  					typedArgs, ok := args.(*[1]SimpleFSListArg)
  2392  					if !ok {
  2393  						err = rpc.NewTypeError((*[1]SimpleFSListArg)(nil), args)
  2394  						return
  2395  					}
  2396  					err = i.SimpleFSList(ctx, typedArgs[0])
  2397  					return
  2398  				},
  2399  			},
  2400  			"simpleFSListRecursive": {
  2401  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
  2402  					var ret [1]SimpleFSListRecursiveArg
  2403  					return &ret
  2404  				},
  2405  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
  2406  					typedArgs, ok := args.(*[1]SimpleFSListRecursiveArg)
  2407  					if !ok {
  2408  						err = rpc.NewTypeError((*[1]SimpleFSListRecursiveArg)(nil), args)
  2409  						return
  2410  					}
  2411  					err = i.SimpleFSListRecursive(ctx, typedArgs[0])
  2412  					return
  2413  				},
  2414  			},
  2415  			"simpleFSListRecursiveToDepth": {
  2416  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
  2417  					var ret [1]SimpleFSListRecursiveToDepthArg
  2418  					return &ret
  2419  				},
  2420  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
  2421  					typedArgs, ok := args.(*[1]SimpleFSListRecursiveToDepthArg)
  2422  					if !ok {
  2423  						err = rpc.NewTypeError((*[1]SimpleFSListRecursiveToDepthArg)(nil), args)
  2424  						return
  2425  					}
  2426  					err = i.SimpleFSListRecursiveToDepth(ctx, typedArgs[0])
  2427  					return
  2428  				},
  2429  			},
  2430  			"simpleFSReadList": {
  2431  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
  2432  					var ret [1]SimpleFSReadListArg
  2433  					return &ret
  2434  				},
  2435  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
  2436  					typedArgs, ok := args.(*[1]SimpleFSReadListArg)
  2437  					if !ok {
  2438  						err = rpc.NewTypeError((*[1]SimpleFSReadListArg)(nil), args)
  2439  						return
  2440  					}
  2441  					ret, err = i.SimpleFSReadList(ctx, typedArgs[0].OpID)
  2442  					return
  2443  				},
  2444  			},
  2445  			"simpleFSCopy": {
  2446  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
  2447  					var ret [1]SimpleFSCopyArg
  2448  					return &ret
  2449  				},
  2450  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
  2451  					typedArgs, ok := args.(*[1]SimpleFSCopyArg)
  2452  					if !ok {
  2453  						err = rpc.NewTypeError((*[1]SimpleFSCopyArg)(nil), args)
  2454  						return
  2455  					}
  2456  					err = i.SimpleFSCopy(ctx, typedArgs[0])
  2457  					return
  2458  				},
  2459  			},
  2460  			"simpleFSSymlink": {
  2461  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
  2462  					var ret [1]SimpleFSSymlinkArg
  2463  					return &ret
  2464  				},
  2465  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
  2466  					typedArgs, ok := args.(*[1]SimpleFSSymlinkArg)
  2467  					if !ok {
  2468  						err = rpc.NewTypeError((*[1]SimpleFSSymlinkArg)(nil), args)
  2469  						return
  2470  					}
  2471  					err = i.SimpleFSSymlink(ctx, typedArgs[0])
  2472  					return
  2473  				},
  2474  			},
  2475  			"simpleFSCopyRecursive": {
  2476  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
  2477  					var ret [1]SimpleFSCopyRecursiveArg
  2478  					return &ret
  2479  				},
  2480  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
  2481  					typedArgs, ok := args.(*[1]SimpleFSCopyRecursiveArg)
  2482  					if !ok {
  2483  						err = rpc.NewTypeError((*[1]SimpleFSCopyRecursiveArg)(nil), args)
  2484  						return
  2485  					}
  2486  					err = i.SimpleFSCopyRecursive(ctx, typedArgs[0])
  2487  					return
  2488  				},
  2489  			},
  2490  			"simpleFSMove": {
  2491  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
  2492  					var ret [1]SimpleFSMoveArg
  2493  					return &ret
  2494  				},
  2495  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
  2496  					typedArgs, ok := args.(*[1]SimpleFSMoveArg)
  2497  					if !ok {
  2498  						err = rpc.NewTypeError((*[1]SimpleFSMoveArg)(nil), args)
  2499  						return
  2500  					}
  2501  					err = i.SimpleFSMove(ctx, typedArgs[0])
  2502  					return
  2503  				},
  2504  			},
  2505  			"simpleFSRename": {
  2506  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
  2507  					var ret [1]SimpleFSRenameArg
  2508  					return &ret
  2509  				},
  2510  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
  2511  					typedArgs, ok := args.(*[1]SimpleFSRenameArg)
  2512  					if !ok {
  2513  						err = rpc.NewTypeError((*[1]SimpleFSRenameArg)(nil), args)
  2514  						return
  2515  					}
  2516  					err = i.SimpleFSRename(ctx, typedArgs[0])
  2517  					return
  2518  				},
  2519  			},
  2520  			"simpleFSOpen": {
  2521  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
  2522  					var ret [1]SimpleFSOpenArg
  2523  					return &ret
  2524  				},
  2525  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
  2526  					typedArgs, ok := args.(*[1]SimpleFSOpenArg)
  2527  					if !ok {
  2528  						err = rpc.NewTypeError((*[1]SimpleFSOpenArg)(nil), args)
  2529  						return
  2530  					}
  2531  					err = i.SimpleFSOpen(ctx, typedArgs[0])
  2532  					return
  2533  				},
  2534  			},
  2535  			"simpleFSSetStat": {
  2536  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
  2537  					var ret [1]SimpleFSSetStatArg
  2538  					return &ret
  2539  				},
  2540  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
  2541  					typedArgs, ok := args.(*[1]SimpleFSSetStatArg)
  2542  					if !ok {
  2543  						err = rpc.NewTypeError((*[1]SimpleFSSetStatArg)(nil), args)
  2544  						return
  2545  					}
  2546  					err = i.SimpleFSSetStat(ctx, typedArgs[0])
  2547  					return
  2548  				},
  2549  			},
  2550  			"simpleFSRead": {
  2551  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
  2552  					var ret [1]SimpleFSReadArg
  2553  					return &ret
  2554  				},
  2555  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
  2556  					typedArgs, ok := args.(*[1]SimpleFSReadArg)
  2557  					if !ok {
  2558  						err = rpc.NewTypeError((*[1]SimpleFSReadArg)(nil), args)
  2559  						return
  2560  					}
  2561  					ret, err = i.SimpleFSRead(ctx, typedArgs[0])
  2562  					return
  2563  				},
  2564  			},
  2565  			"simpleFSWrite": {
  2566  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
  2567  					var ret [1]SimpleFSWriteArg
  2568  					return &ret
  2569  				},
  2570  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
  2571  					typedArgs, ok := args.(*[1]SimpleFSWriteArg)
  2572  					if !ok {
  2573  						err = rpc.NewTypeError((*[1]SimpleFSWriteArg)(nil), args)
  2574  						return
  2575  					}
  2576  					err = i.SimpleFSWrite(ctx, typedArgs[0])
  2577  					return
  2578  				},
  2579  			},
  2580  			"simpleFSRemove": {
  2581  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
  2582  					var ret [1]SimpleFSRemoveArg
  2583  					return &ret
  2584  				},
  2585  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
  2586  					typedArgs, ok := args.(*[1]SimpleFSRemoveArg)
  2587  					if !ok {
  2588  						err = rpc.NewTypeError((*[1]SimpleFSRemoveArg)(nil), args)
  2589  						return
  2590  					}
  2591  					err = i.SimpleFSRemove(ctx, typedArgs[0])
  2592  					return
  2593  				},
  2594  			},
  2595  			"simpleFSStat": {
  2596  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
  2597  					var ret [1]SimpleFSStatArg
  2598  					return &ret
  2599  				},
  2600  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
  2601  					typedArgs, ok := args.(*[1]SimpleFSStatArg)
  2602  					if !ok {
  2603  						err = rpc.NewTypeError((*[1]SimpleFSStatArg)(nil), args)
  2604  						return
  2605  					}
  2606  					ret, err = i.SimpleFSStat(ctx, typedArgs[0])
  2607  					return
  2608  				},
  2609  			},
  2610  			"simpleFSGetRevisions": {
  2611  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
  2612  					var ret [1]SimpleFSGetRevisionsArg
  2613  					return &ret
  2614  				},
  2615  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
  2616  					typedArgs, ok := args.(*[1]SimpleFSGetRevisionsArg)
  2617  					if !ok {
  2618  						err = rpc.NewTypeError((*[1]SimpleFSGetRevisionsArg)(nil), args)
  2619  						return
  2620  					}
  2621  					err = i.SimpleFSGetRevisions(ctx, typedArgs[0])
  2622  					return
  2623  				},
  2624  			},
  2625  			"simpleFSReadRevisions": {
  2626  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
  2627  					var ret [1]SimpleFSReadRevisionsArg
  2628  					return &ret
  2629  				},
  2630  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
  2631  					typedArgs, ok := args.(*[1]SimpleFSReadRevisionsArg)
  2632  					if !ok {
  2633  						err = rpc.NewTypeError((*[1]SimpleFSReadRevisionsArg)(nil), args)
  2634  						return
  2635  					}
  2636  					ret, err = i.SimpleFSReadRevisions(ctx, typedArgs[0].OpID)
  2637  					return
  2638  				},
  2639  			},
  2640  			"simpleFSMakeOpid": {
  2641  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
  2642  					var ret [1]SimpleFSMakeOpidArg
  2643  					return &ret
  2644  				},
  2645  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
  2646  					ret, err = i.SimpleFSMakeOpid(ctx)
  2647  					return
  2648  				},
  2649  			},
  2650  			"simpleFSClose": {
  2651  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
  2652  					var ret [1]SimpleFSCloseArg
  2653  					return &ret
  2654  				},
  2655  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
  2656  					typedArgs, ok := args.(*[1]SimpleFSCloseArg)
  2657  					if !ok {
  2658  						err = rpc.NewTypeError((*[1]SimpleFSCloseArg)(nil), args)
  2659  						return
  2660  					}
  2661  					err = i.SimpleFSClose(ctx, typedArgs[0].OpID)
  2662  					return
  2663  				},
  2664  			},
  2665  			"simpleFSCancel": {
  2666  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
  2667  					var ret [1]SimpleFSCancelArg
  2668  					return &ret
  2669  				},
  2670  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
  2671  					typedArgs, ok := args.(*[1]SimpleFSCancelArg)
  2672  					if !ok {
  2673  						err = rpc.NewTypeError((*[1]SimpleFSCancelArg)(nil), args)
  2674  						return
  2675  					}
  2676  					err = i.SimpleFSCancel(ctx, typedArgs[0].OpID)
  2677  					return
  2678  				},
  2679  			},
  2680  			"simpleFSCheck": {
  2681  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
  2682  					var ret [1]SimpleFSCheckArg
  2683  					return &ret
  2684  				},
  2685  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
  2686  					typedArgs, ok := args.(*[1]SimpleFSCheckArg)
  2687  					if !ok {
  2688  						err = rpc.NewTypeError((*[1]SimpleFSCheckArg)(nil), args)
  2689  						return
  2690  					}
  2691  					ret, err = i.SimpleFSCheck(ctx, typedArgs[0].OpID)
  2692  					return
  2693  				},
  2694  			},
  2695  			"simpleFSGetOps": {
  2696  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
  2697  					var ret [1]SimpleFSGetOpsArg
  2698  					return &ret
  2699  				},
  2700  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
  2701  					ret, err = i.SimpleFSGetOps(ctx)
  2702  					return
  2703  				},
  2704  			},
  2705  			"simpleFSWait": {
  2706  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
  2707  					var ret [1]SimpleFSWaitArg
  2708  					return &ret
  2709  				},
  2710  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
  2711  					typedArgs, ok := args.(*[1]SimpleFSWaitArg)
  2712  					if !ok {
  2713  						err = rpc.NewTypeError((*[1]SimpleFSWaitArg)(nil), args)
  2714  						return
  2715  					}
  2716  					err = i.SimpleFSWait(ctx, typedArgs[0].OpID)
  2717  					return
  2718  				},
  2719  			},
  2720  			"simpleFSDumpDebuggingInfo": {
  2721  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
  2722  					var ret [1]SimpleFSDumpDebuggingInfoArg
  2723  					return &ret
  2724  				},
  2725  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
  2726  					err = i.SimpleFSDumpDebuggingInfo(ctx)
  2727  					return
  2728  				},
  2729  			},
  2730  			"simpleFSClearConflictState": {
  2731  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
  2732  					var ret [1]SimpleFSClearConflictStateArg
  2733  					return &ret
  2734  				},
  2735  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
  2736  					typedArgs, ok := args.(*[1]SimpleFSClearConflictStateArg)
  2737  					if !ok {
  2738  						err = rpc.NewTypeError((*[1]SimpleFSClearConflictStateArg)(nil), args)
  2739  						return
  2740  					}
  2741  					err = i.SimpleFSClearConflictState(ctx, typedArgs[0].Path)
  2742  					return
  2743  				},
  2744  			},
  2745  			"simpleFSFinishResolvingConflict": {
  2746  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
  2747  					var ret [1]SimpleFSFinishResolvingConflictArg
  2748  					return &ret
  2749  				},
  2750  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
  2751  					typedArgs, ok := args.(*[1]SimpleFSFinishResolvingConflictArg)
  2752  					if !ok {
  2753  						err = rpc.NewTypeError((*[1]SimpleFSFinishResolvingConflictArg)(nil), args)
  2754  						return
  2755  					}
  2756  					err = i.SimpleFSFinishResolvingConflict(ctx, typedArgs[0].Path)
  2757  					return
  2758  				},
  2759  			},
  2760  			"simpleFSForceStuckConflict": {
  2761  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
  2762  					var ret [1]SimpleFSForceStuckConflictArg
  2763  					return &ret
  2764  				},
  2765  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
  2766  					typedArgs, ok := args.(*[1]SimpleFSForceStuckConflictArg)
  2767  					if !ok {
  2768  						err = rpc.NewTypeError((*[1]SimpleFSForceStuckConflictArg)(nil), args)
  2769  						return
  2770  					}
  2771  					err = i.SimpleFSForceStuckConflict(ctx, typedArgs[0].Path)
  2772  					return
  2773  				},
  2774  			},
  2775  			"simpleFSSyncStatus": {
  2776  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
  2777  					var ret [1]SimpleFSSyncStatusArg
  2778  					return &ret
  2779  				},
  2780  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
  2781  					typedArgs, ok := args.(*[1]SimpleFSSyncStatusArg)
  2782  					if !ok {
  2783  						err = rpc.NewTypeError((*[1]SimpleFSSyncStatusArg)(nil), args)
  2784  						return
  2785  					}
  2786  					ret, err = i.SimpleFSSyncStatus(ctx, typedArgs[0].Filter)
  2787  					return
  2788  				},
  2789  			},
  2790  			"simpleFSUserEditHistory": {
  2791  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
  2792  					var ret [1]SimpleFSUserEditHistoryArg
  2793  					return &ret
  2794  				},
  2795  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
  2796  					ret, err = i.SimpleFSUserEditHistory(ctx)
  2797  					return
  2798  				},
  2799  			},
  2800  			"simpleFSFolderEditHistory": {
  2801  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
  2802  					var ret [1]SimpleFSFolderEditHistoryArg
  2803  					return &ret
  2804  				},
  2805  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
  2806  					typedArgs, ok := args.(*[1]SimpleFSFolderEditHistoryArg)
  2807  					if !ok {
  2808  						err = rpc.NewTypeError((*[1]SimpleFSFolderEditHistoryArg)(nil), args)
  2809  						return
  2810  					}
  2811  					ret, err = i.SimpleFSFolderEditHistory(ctx, typedArgs[0].Path)
  2812  					return
  2813  				},
  2814  			},
  2815  			"simpleFSListFavorites": {
  2816  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
  2817  					var ret [1]SimpleFSListFavoritesArg
  2818  					return &ret
  2819  				},
  2820  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
  2821  					ret, err = i.SimpleFSListFavorites(ctx)
  2822  					return
  2823  				},
  2824  			},
  2825  			"simpleFSGetUserQuotaUsage": {
  2826  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
  2827  					var ret [1]SimpleFSGetUserQuotaUsageArg
  2828  					return &ret
  2829  				},
  2830  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
  2831  					ret, err = i.SimpleFSGetUserQuotaUsage(ctx)
  2832  					return
  2833  				},
  2834  			},
  2835  			"simpleFSGetTeamQuotaUsage": {
  2836  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
  2837  					var ret [1]SimpleFSGetTeamQuotaUsageArg
  2838  					return &ret
  2839  				},
  2840  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
  2841  					typedArgs, ok := args.(*[1]SimpleFSGetTeamQuotaUsageArg)
  2842  					if !ok {
  2843  						err = rpc.NewTypeError((*[1]SimpleFSGetTeamQuotaUsageArg)(nil), args)
  2844  						return
  2845  					}
  2846  					ret, err = i.SimpleFSGetTeamQuotaUsage(ctx, typedArgs[0].TeamName)
  2847  					return
  2848  				},
  2849  			},
  2850  			"simpleFSReset": {
  2851  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
  2852  					var ret [1]SimpleFSResetArg
  2853  					return &ret
  2854  				},
  2855  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
  2856  					typedArgs, ok := args.(*[1]SimpleFSResetArg)
  2857  					if !ok {
  2858  						err = rpc.NewTypeError((*[1]SimpleFSResetArg)(nil), args)
  2859  						return
  2860  					}
  2861  					err = i.SimpleFSReset(ctx, typedArgs[0])
  2862  					return
  2863  				},
  2864  			},
  2865  			"simpleFSFolderSyncConfigAndStatus": {
  2866  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
  2867  					var ret [1]SimpleFSFolderSyncConfigAndStatusArg
  2868  					return &ret
  2869  				},
  2870  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
  2871  					typedArgs, ok := args.(*[1]SimpleFSFolderSyncConfigAndStatusArg)
  2872  					if !ok {
  2873  						err = rpc.NewTypeError((*[1]SimpleFSFolderSyncConfigAndStatusArg)(nil), args)
  2874  						return
  2875  					}
  2876  					ret, err = i.SimpleFSFolderSyncConfigAndStatus(ctx, typedArgs[0].Path)
  2877  					return
  2878  				},
  2879  			},
  2880  			"simpleFSSetFolderSyncConfig": {
  2881  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
  2882  					var ret [1]SimpleFSSetFolderSyncConfigArg
  2883  					return &ret
  2884  				},
  2885  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
  2886  					typedArgs, ok := args.(*[1]SimpleFSSetFolderSyncConfigArg)
  2887  					if !ok {
  2888  						err = rpc.NewTypeError((*[1]SimpleFSSetFolderSyncConfigArg)(nil), args)
  2889  						return
  2890  					}
  2891  					err = i.SimpleFSSetFolderSyncConfig(ctx, typedArgs[0])
  2892  					return
  2893  				},
  2894  			},
  2895  			"simpleFSSyncConfigAndStatus": {
  2896  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
  2897  					var ret [1]SimpleFSSyncConfigAndStatusArg
  2898  					return &ret
  2899  				},
  2900  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
  2901  					typedArgs, ok := args.(*[1]SimpleFSSyncConfigAndStatusArg)
  2902  					if !ok {
  2903  						err = rpc.NewTypeError((*[1]SimpleFSSyncConfigAndStatusArg)(nil), args)
  2904  						return
  2905  					}
  2906  					ret, err = i.SimpleFSSyncConfigAndStatus(ctx, typedArgs[0].IdentifyBehavior)
  2907  					return
  2908  				},
  2909  			},
  2910  			"simpleFSGetFolder": {
  2911  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
  2912  					var ret [1]SimpleFSGetFolderArg
  2913  					return &ret
  2914  				},
  2915  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
  2916  					typedArgs, ok := args.(*[1]SimpleFSGetFolderArg)
  2917  					if !ok {
  2918  						err = rpc.NewTypeError((*[1]SimpleFSGetFolderArg)(nil), args)
  2919  						return
  2920  					}
  2921  					ret, err = i.SimpleFSGetFolder(ctx, typedArgs[0].Path)
  2922  					return
  2923  				},
  2924  			},
  2925  			"simpleFSGetOnlineStatus": {
  2926  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
  2927  					var ret [1]SimpleFSGetOnlineStatusArg
  2928  					return &ret
  2929  				},
  2930  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
  2931  					typedArgs, ok := args.(*[1]SimpleFSGetOnlineStatusArg)
  2932  					if !ok {
  2933  						err = rpc.NewTypeError((*[1]SimpleFSGetOnlineStatusArg)(nil), args)
  2934  						return
  2935  					}
  2936  					ret, err = i.SimpleFSGetOnlineStatus(ctx, typedArgs[0].ClientID)
  2937  					return
  2938  				},
  2939  			},
  2940  			"simpleFSCheckReachability": {
  2941  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
  2942  					var ret [1]SimpleFSCheckReachabilityArg
  2943  					return &ret
  2944  				},
  2945  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
  2946  					err = i.SimpleFSCheckReachability(ctx)
  2947  					return
  2948  				},
  2949  			},
  2950  			"simpleFSSetDebugLevel": {
  2951  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
  2952  					var ret [1]SimpleFSSetDebugLevelArg
  2953  					return &ret
  2954  				},
  2955  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
  2956  					typedArgs, ok := args.(*[1]SimpleFSSetDebugLevelArg)
  2957  					if !ok {
  2958  						err = rpc.NewTypeError((*[1]SimpleFSSetDebugLevelArg)(nil), args)
  2959  						return
  2960  					}
  2961  					err = i.SimpleFSSetDebugLevel(ctx, typedArgs[0].Level)
  2962  					return
  2963  				},
  2964  			},
  2965  			"simpleFSSettings": {
  2966  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
  2967  					var ret [1]SimpleFSSettingsArg
  2968  					return &ret
  2969  				},
  2970  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
  2971  					ret, err = i.SimpleFSSettings(ctx)
  2972  					return
  2973  				},
  2974  			},
  2975  			"simpleFSSetNotificationThreshold": {
  2976  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
  2977  					var ret [1]SimpleFSSetNotificationThresholdArg
  2978  					return &ret
  2979  				},
  2980  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
  2981  					typedArgs, ok := args.(*[1]SimpleFSSetNotificationThresholdArg)
  2982  					if !ok {
  2983  						err = rpc.NewTypeError((*[1]SimpleFSSetNotificationThresholdArg)(nil), args)
  2984  						return
  2985  					}
  2986  					err = i.SimpleFSSetNotificationThreshold(ctx, typedArgs[0].Threshold)
  2987  					return
  2988  				},
  2989  			},
  2990  			"simpleFSSetSfmiBannerDismissed": {
  2991  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
  2992  					var ret [1]SimpleFSSetSfmiBannerDismissedArg
  2993  					return &ret
  2994  				},
  2995  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
  2996  					typedArgs, ok := args.(*[1]SimpleFSSetSfmiBannerDismissedArg)
  2997  					if !ok {
  2998  						err = rpc.NewTypeError((*[1]SimpleFSSetSfmiBannerDismissedArg)(nil), args)
  2999  						return
  3000  					}
  3001  					err = i.SimpleFSSetSfmiBannerDismissed(ctx, typedArgs[0].Dismissed)
  3002  					return
  3003  				},
  3004  			},
  3005  			"simpleFSSetSyncOnCellular": {
  3006  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
  3007  					var ret [1]SimpleFSSetSyncOnCellularArg
  3008  					return &ret
  3009  				},
  3010  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
  3011  					typedArgs, ok := args.(*[1]SimpleFSSetSyncOnCellularArg)
  3012  					if !ok {
  3013  						err = rpc.NewTypeError((*[1]SimpleFSSetSyncOnCellularArg)(nil), args)
  3014  						return
  3015  					}
  3016  					err = i.SimpleFSSetSyncOnCellular(ctx, typedArgs[0].SyncOnCellular)
  3017  					return
  3018  				},
  3019  			},
  3020  			"simpleFSObfuscatePath": {
  3021  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
  3022  					var ret [1]SimpleFSObfuscatePathArg
  3023  					return &ret
  3024  				},
  3025  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
  3026  					typedArgs, ok := args.(*[1]SimpleFSObfuscatePathArg)
  3027  					if !ok {
  3028  						err = rpc.NewTypeError((*[1]SimpleFSObfuscatePathArg)(nil), args)
  3029  						return
  3030  					}
  3031  					ret, err = i.SimpleFSObfuscatePath(ctx, typedArgs[0].Path)
  3032  					return
  3033  				},
  3034  			},
  3035  			"simpleFSDeobfuscatePath": {
  3036  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
  3037  					var ret [1]SimpleFSDeobfuscatePathArg
  3038  					return &ret
  3039  				},
  3040  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
  3041  					typedArgs, ok := args.(*[1]SimpleFSDeobfuscatePathArg)
  3042  					if !ok {
  3043  						err = rpc.NewTypeError((*[1]SimpleFSDeobfuscatePathArg)(nil), args)
  3044  						return
  3045  					}
  3046  					ret, err = i.SimpleFSDeobfuscatePath(ctx, typedArgs[0].Path)
  3047  					return
  3048  				},
  3049  			},
  3050  			"simpleFSGetStats": {
  3051  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
  3052  					var ret [1]SimpleFSGetStatsArg
  3053  					return &ret
  3054  				},
  3055  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
  3056  					ret, err = i.SimpleFSGetStats(ctx)
  3057  					return
  3058  				},
  3059  			},
  3060  			"simpleFSSubscribePath": {
  3061  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
  3062  					var ret [1]SimpleFSSubscribePathArg
  3063  					return &ret
  3064  				},
  3065  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
  3066  					typedArgs, ok := args.(*[1]SimpleFSSubscribePathArg)
  3067  					if !ok {
  3068  						err = rpc.NewTypeError((*[1]SimpleFSSubscribePathArg)(nil), args)
  3069  						return
  3070  					}
  3071  					err = i.SimpleFSSubscribePath(ctx, typedArgs[0])
  3072  					return
  3073  				},
  3074  			},
  3075  			"simpleFSSubscribeNonPath": {
  3076  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
  3077  					var ret [1]SimpleFSSubscribeNonPathArg
  3078  					return &ret
  3079  				},
  3080  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
  3081  					typedArgs, ok := args.(*[1]SimpleFSSubscribeNonPathArg)
  3082  					if !ok {
  3083  						err = rpc.NewTypeError((*[1]SimpleFSSubscribeNonPathArg)(nil), args)
  3084  						return
  3085  					}
  3086  					err = i.SimpleFSSubscribeNonPath(ctx, typedArgs[0])
  3087  					return
  3088  				},
  3089  			},
  3090  			"simpleFSUnsubscribe": {
  3091  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
  3092  					var ret [1]SimpleFSUnsubscribeArg
  3093  					return &ret
  3094  				},
  3095  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
  3096  					typedArgs, ok := args.(*[1]SimpleFSUnsubscribeArg)
  3097  					if !ok {
  3098  						err = rpc.NewTypeError((*[1]SimpleFSUnsubscribeArg)(nil), args)
  3099  						return
  3100  					}
  3101  					err = i.SimpleFSUnsubscribe(ctx, typedArgs[0])
  3102  					return
  3103  				},
  3104  			},
  3105  			"simpleFSStartDownload": {
  3106  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
  3107  					var ret [1]SimpleFSStartDownloadArg
  3108  					return &ret
  3109  				},
  3110  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
  3111  					typedArgs, ok := args.(*[1]SimpleFSStartDownloadArg)
  3112  					if !ok {
  3113  						err = rpc.NewTypeError((*[1]SimpleFSStartDownloadArg)(nil), args)
  3114  						return
  3115  					}
  3116  					ret, err = i.SimpleFSStartDownload(ctx, typedArgs[0])
  3117  					return
  3118  				},
  3119  			},
  3120  			"simpleFSGetDownloadInfo": {
  3121  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
  3122  					var ret [1]SimpleFSGetDownloadInfoArg
  3123  					return &ret
  3124  				},
  3125  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
  3126  					typedArgs, ok := args.(*[1]SimpleFSGetDownloadInfoArg)
  3127  					if !ok {
  3128  						err = rpc.NewTypeError((*[1]SimpleFSGetDownloadInfoArg)(nil), args)
  3129  						return
  3130  					}
  3131  					ret, err = i.SimpleFSGetDownloadInfo(ctx, typedArgs[0].DownloadID)
  3132  					return
  3133  				},
  3134  			},
  3135  			"simpleFSGetDownloadStatus": {
  3136  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
  3137  					var ret [1]SimpleFSGetDownloadStatusArg
  3138  					return &ret
  3139  				},
  3140  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
  3141  					ret, err = i.SimpleFSGetDownloadStatus(ctx)
  3142  					return
  3143  				},
  3144  			},
  3145  			"simpleFSCancelDownload": {
  3146  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
  3147  					var ret [1]SimpleFSCancelDownloadArg
  3148  					return &ret
  3149  				},
  3150  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
  3151  					typedArgs, ok := args.(*[1]SimpleFSCancelDownloadArg)
  3152  					if !ok {
  3153  						err = rpc.NewTypeError((*[1]SimpleFSCancelDownloadArg)(nil), args)
  3154  						return
  3155  					}
  3156  					err = i.SimpleFSCancelDownload(ctx, typedArgs[0].DownloadID)
  3157  					return
  3158  				},
  3159  			},
  3160  			"simpleFSDismissDownload": {
  3161  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
  3162  					var ret [1]SimpleFSDismissDownloadArg
  3163  					return &ret
  3164  				},
  3165  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
  3166  					typedArgs, ok := args.(*[1]SimpleFSDismissDownloadArg)
  3167  					if !ok {
  3168  						err = rpc.NewTypeError((*[1]SimpleFSDismissDownloadArg)(nil), args)
  3169  						return
  3170  					}
  3171  					err = i.SimpleFSDismissDownload(ctx, typedArgs[0].DownloadID)
  3172  					return
  3173  				},
  3174  			},
  3175  			"simpleFSConfigureDownload": {
  3176  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
  3177  					var ret [1]SimpleFSConfigureDownloadArg
  3178  					return &ret
  3179  				},
  3180  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
  3181  					typedArgs, ok := args.(*[1]SimpleFSConfigureDownloadArg)
  3182  					if !ok {
  3183  						err = rpc.NewTypeError((*[1]SimpleFSConfigureDownloadArg)(nil), args)
  3184  						return
  3185  					}
  3186  					err = i.SimpleFSConfigureDownload(ctx, typedArgs[0])
  3187  					return
  3188  				},
  3189  			},
  3190  			"simpleFSMakeTempDirForUpload": {
  3191  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
  3192  					var ret [1]SimpleFSMakeTempDirForUploadArg
  3193  					return &ret
  3194  				},
  3195  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
  3196  					ret, err = i.SimpleFSMakeTempDirForUpload(ctx)
  3197  					return
  3198  				},
  3199  			},
  3200  			"simpleFSStartUpload": {
  3201  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
  3202  					var ret [1]SimpleFSStartUploadArg
  3203  					return &ret
  3204  				},
  3205  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
  3206  					typedArgs, ok := args.(*[1]SimpleFSStartUploadArg)
  3207  					if !ok {
  3208  						err = rpc.NewTypeError((*[1]SimpleFSStartUploadArg)(nil), args)
  3209  						return
  3210  					}
  3211  					ret, err = i.SimpleFSStartUpload(ctx, typedArgs[0])
  3212  					return
  3213  				},
  3214  			},
  3215  			"simpleFSGetUploadStatus": {
  3216  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
  3217  					var ret [1]SimpleFSGetUploadStatusArg
  3218  					return &ret
  3219  				},
  3220  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
  3221  					ret, err = i.SimpleFSGetUploadStatus(ctx)
  3222  					return
  3223  				},
  3224  			},
  3225  			"simpleFSCancelUpload": {
  3226  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
  3227  					var ret [1]SimpleFSCancelUploadArg
  3228  					return &ret
  3229  				},
  3230  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
  3231  					typedArgs, ok := args.(*[1]SimpleFSCancelUploadArg)
  3232  					if !ok {
  3233  						err = rpc.NewTypeError((*[1]SimpleFSCancelUploadArg)(nil), args)
  3234  						return
  3235  					}
  3236  					err = i.SimpleFSCancelUpload(ctx, typedArgs[0].UploadID)
  3237  					return
  3238  				},
  3239  			},
  3240  			"simpleFSDismissUpload": {
  3241  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
  3242  					var ret [1]SimpleFSDismissUploadArg
  3243  					return &ret
  3244  				},
  3245  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
  3246  					typedArgs, ok := args.(*[1]SimpleFSDismissUploadArg)
  3247  					if !ok {
  3248  						err = rpc.NewTypeError((*[1]SimpleFSDismissUploadArg)(nil), args)
  3249  						return
  3250  					}
  3251  					err = i.SimpleFSDismissUpload(ctx, typedArgs[0].UploadID)
  3252  					return
  3253  				},
  3254  			},
  3255  			"simpleFSGetFilesTabBadge": {
  3256  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
  3257  					var ret [1]SimpleFSGetFilesTabBadgeArg
  3258  					return &ret
  3259  				},
  3260  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
  3261  					ret, err = i.SimpleFSGetFilesTabBadge(ctx)
  3262  					return
  3263  				},
  3264  			},
  3265  			"simpleFSGetGUIFileContext": {
  3266  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
  3267  					var ret [1]SimpleFSGetGUIFileContextArg
  3268  					return &ret
  3269  				},
  3270  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
  3271  					typedArgs, ok := args.(*[1]SimpleFSGetGUIFileContextArg)
  3272  					if !ok {
  3273  						err = rpc.NewTypeError((*[1]SimpleFSGetGUIFileContextArg)(nil), args)
  3274  						return
  3275  					}
  3276  					ret, err = i.SimpleFSGetGUIFileContext(ctx, typedArgs[0].Path)
  3277  					return
  3278  				},
  3279  			},
  3280  			"simpleFSUserIn": {
  3281  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
  3282  					var ret [1]SimpleFSUserInArg
  3283  					return &ret
  3284  				},
  3285  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
  3286  					typedArgs, ok := args.(*[1]SimpleFSUserInArg)
  3287  					if !ok {
  3288  						err = rpc.NewTypeError((*[1]SimpleFSUserInArg)(nil), args)
  3289  						return
  3290  					}
  3291  					err = i.SimpleFSUserIn(ctx, typedArgs[0].ClientID)
  3292  					return
  3293  				},
  3294  			},
  3295  			"simpleFSUserOut": {
  3296  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
  3297  					var ret [1]SimpleFSUserOutArg
  3298  					return &ret
  3299  				},
  3300  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
  3301  					typedArgs, ok := args.(*[1]SimpleFSUserOutArg)
  3302  					if !ok {
  3303  						err = rpc.NewTypeError((*[1]SimpleFSUserOutArg)(nil), args)
  3304  						return
  3305  					}
  3306  					err = i.SimpleFSUserOut(ctx, typedArgs[0].ClientID)
  3307  					return
  3308  				},
  3309  			},
  3310  			"simpleFSSearch": {
  3311  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
  3312  					var ret [1]SimpleFSSearchArg
  3313  					return &ret
  3314  				},
  3315  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
  3316  					typedArgs, ok := args.(*[1]SimpleFSSearchArg)
  3317  					if !ok {
  3318  						err = rpc.NewTypeError((*[1]SimpleFSSearchArg)(nil), args)
  3319  						return
  3320  					}
  3321  					ret, err = i.SimpleFSSearch(ctx, typedArgs[0])
  3322  					return
  3323  				},
  3324  			},
  3325  			"simpleFSResetIndex": {
  3326  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
  3327  					var ret [1]SimpleFSResetIndexArg
  3328  					return &ret
  3329  				},
  3330  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
  3331  					err = i.SimpleFSResetIndex(ctx)
  3332  					return
  3333  				},
  3334  			},
  3335  			"simpleFSGetIndexProgress": {
  3336  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
  3337  					var ret [1]SimpleFSGetIndexProgressArg
  3338  					return &ret
  3339  				},
  3340  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
  3341  					ret, err = i.SimpleFSGetIndexProgress(ctx)
  3342  					return
  3343  				},
  3344  			},
  3345  			"simpleFSCancelJournalUploads": {
  3346  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
  3347  					var ret [1]SimpleFSCancelJournalUploadsArg
  3348  					return &ret
  3349  				},
  3350  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
  3351  					typedArgs, ok := args.(*[1]SimpleFSCancelJournalUploadsArg)
  3352  					if !ok {
  3353  						err = rpc.NewTypeError((*[1]SimpleFSCancelJournalUploadsArg)(nil), args)
  3354  						return
  3355  					}
  3356  					err = i.SimpleFSCancelJournalUploads(ctx, typedArgs[0].Path)
  3357  					return
  3358  				},
  3359  			},
  3360  			"simpleFSArchiveStart": {
  3361  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
  3362  					var ret [1]SimpleFSArchiveStartArg
  3363  					return &ret
  3364  				},
  3365  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
  3366  					typedArgs, ok := args.(*[1]SimpleFSArchiveStartArg)
  3367  					if !ok {
  3368  						err = rpc.NewTypeError((*[1]SimpleFSArchiveStartArg)(nil), args)
  3369  						return
  3370  					}
  3371  					ret, err = i.SimpleFSArchiveStart(ctx, typedArgs[0])
  3372  					return
  3373  				},
  3374  			},
  3375  			"simpleFSArchiveCancelOrDismissJob": {
  3376  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
  3377  					var ret [1]SimpleFSArchiveCancelOrDismissJobArg
  3378  					return &ret
  3379  				},
  3380  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
  3381  					typedArgs, ok := args.(*[1]SimpleFSArchiveCancelOrDismissJobArg)
  3382  					if !ok {
  3383  						err = rpc.NewTypeError((*[1]SimpleFSArchiveCancelOrDismissJobArg)(nil), args)
  3384  						return
  3385  					}
  3386  					err = i.SimpleFSArchiveCancelOrDismissJob(ctx, typedArgs[0].JobID)
  3387  					return
  3388  				},
  3389  			},
  3390  			"simpleFSGetArchiveStatus": {
  3391  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
  3392  					var ret [1]SimpleFSGetArchiveStatusArg
  3393  					return &ret
  3394  				},
  3395  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
  3396  					ret, err = i.SimpleFSGetArchiveStatus(ctx)
  3397  					return
  3398  				},
  3399  			},
  3400  		},
  3401  	}
  3402  }
  3404  type SimpleFSClient struct {
  3405  	Cli rpc.GenericClient
  3406  }
  3408  // Begin list of items in directory at path.
  3409  // Retrieve results with readList().
  3410  // Can be a single file to get flags/status.
  3411  // If `refreshSubscription` is true and the path is a KBFS path, simpleFS
  3412  // will begin sending `FSPathUpdated` notifications for the for the
  3413  // corresponding TLF, until another call refreshes the subscription on a
  3414  // different TLF.
  3415  func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSList(ctx context.Context, __arg SimpleFSListArg) (err error) {
  3416  	err = c.Cli.Call(ctx, "keybase.1.SimpleFS.simpleFSList", []interface{}{__arg}, nil, 0*time.Millisecond)
  3417  	return
  3418  }
  3420  // Begin recursive list of items in directory at path.
  3421  // If `refreshSubscription` is true and the path is a KBFS path, simpleFS
  3422  // will begin sending `FSPathUpdated` notifications for the for the
  3423  // corresponding TLF, until another call refreshes the subscription on a
  3424  // different TLF.
  3425  func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSListRecursive(ctx context.Context, __arg SimpleFSListRecursiveArg) (err error) {
  3426  	err = c.Cli.Call(ctx, "keybase.1.SimpleFS.simpleFSListRecursive", []interface{}{__arg}, nil, 0*time.Millisecond)
  3427  	return
  3428  }
  3430  // Begin recursive list of items in directory at path up to a given depth
  3431  func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSListRecursiveToDepth(ctx context.Context, __arg SimpleFSListRecursiveToDepthArg) (err error) {
  3432  	err = c.Cli.Call(ctx, "keybase.1.SimpleFS.simpleFSListRecursiveToDepth", []interface{}{__arg}, nil, 0*time.Millisecond)
  3433  	return
  3434  }
  3436  // Get list of Paths in progress. Can indicate status of pending
  3437  // to get more entries.
  3438  func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSReadList(ctx context.Context, opID OpID) (res SimpleFSListResult, err error) {
  3439  	__arg := SimpleFSReadListArg{OpID: opID}
  3440  	err = c.Cli.Call(ctx, "keybase.1.SimpleFS.simpleFSReadList", []interface{}{__arg}, &res, 0*time.Millisecond)
  3441  	return
  3442  }
  3444  // Begin copy of file or directory.
  3445  func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSCopy(ctx context.Context, __arg SimpleFSCopyArg) (err error) {
  3446  	err = c.Cli.Call(ctx, "keybase.1.SimpleFS.simpleFSCopy", []interface{}{__arg}, nil, 0*time.Millisecond)
  3447  	return
  3448  }
  3450  // Make a symlink of file or directory
  3451  func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSSymlink(ctx context.Context, __arg SimpleFSSymlinkArg) (err error) {
  3452  	err = c.Cli.Call(ctx, "keybase.1.SimpleFS.simpleFSSymlink", []interface{}{__arg}, nil, 0*time.Millisecond)
  3453  	return
  3454  }
  3456  // Begin recursive copy of directory
  3457  //
  3458  // overwriteExistingFiles controls whether an existing file from `src` will
  3459  // overwrite a file with the same name in `dest`; if `false`, an error will be
  3460  // returned in that case.  For directories that share a name, the copy will
  3461  // continue recursively into the directory without causing an error.
  3462  func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSCopyRecursive(ctx context.Context, __arg SimpleFSCopyRecursiveArg) (err error) {
  3463  	err = c.Cli.Call(ctx, "keybase.1.SimpleFS.simpleFSCopyRecursive", []interface{}{__arg}, nil, 0*time.Millisecond)
  3464  	return
  3465  }
  3467  // Begin move of file or directory, from/to KBFS only
  3468  func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSMove(ctx context.Context, __arg SimpleFSMoveArg) (err error) {
  3469  	err = c.Cli.Call(ctx, "keybase.1.SimpleFS.simpleFSMove", []interface{}{__arg}, nil, 0*time.Millisecond)
  3470  	return
  3471  }
  3473  // Rename file or directory, KBFS side only
  3474  func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSRename(ctx context.Context, __arg SimpleFSRenameArg) (err error) {
  3475  	err = c.Cli.Call(ctx, "keybase.1.SimpleFS.simpleFSRename", []interface{}{__arg}, nil, 0*time.Millisecond)
  3476  	return
  3477  }
  3479  // Create/open a file and leave it open
  3480  // or create a directory
  3481  // Files must be closed afterwards.
  3482  func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSOpen(ctx context.Context, __arg SimpleFSOpenArg) (err error) {
  3483  	err = c.Cli.Call(ctx, "keybase.1.SimpleFS.simpleFSOpen", []interface{}{__arg}, nil, 0*time.Millisecond)
  3484  	return
  3485  }
  3487  // Set/clear file bits - only executable for now
  3488  func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSSetStat(ctx context.Context, __arg SimpleFSSetStatArg) (err error) {
  3489  	err = c.Cli.Call(ctx, "keybase.1.SimpleFS.simpleFSSetStat", []interface{}{__arg}, nil, 0*time.Millisecond)
  3490  	return
  3491  }
  3493  // Read (possibly partial) contents of open file,
  3494  // up to the amount specified by size.
  3495  // Repeat until zero bytes are returned or error.
  3496  // If size is zero, read an arbitrary amount.
  3497  func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSRead(ctx context.Context, __arg SimpleFSReadArg) (res FileContent, err error) {
  3498  	err = c.Cli.Call(ctx, "keybase.1.SimpleFS.simpleFSRead", []interface{}{__arg}, &res, 0*time.Millisecond)
  3499  	return
  3500  }
  3502  // Append content to opened file.
  3503  // May be repeated until OpID is closed.
  3504  func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSWrite(ctx context.Context, __arg SimpleFSWriteArg) (err error) {
  3505  	err = c.Cli.Call(ctx, "keybase.1.SimpleFS.simpleFSWrite", []interface{}{__arg}, nil, 0*time.Millisecond)
  3506  	return
  3507  }
  3509  // Remove file or directory from filesystem
  3510  func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSRemove(ctx context.Context, __arg SimpleFSRemoveArg) (err error) {
  3511  	err = c.Cli.Call(ctx, "keybase.1.SimpleFS.simpleFSRemove", []interface{}{__arg}, nil, 0*time.Millisecond)
  3512  	return
  3513  }
  3515  // Get info about file
  3516  func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSStat(ctx context.Context, __arg SimpleFSStatArg) (res Dirent, err error) {
  3517  	err = c.Cli.Call(ctx, "keybase.1.SimpleFS.simpleFSStat", []interface{}{__arg}, &res, 0*time.Millisecond)
  3518  	return
  3519  }
  3521  // Get revision info for a directory entry
  3522  func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSGetRevisions(ctx context.Context, __arg SimpleFSGetRevisionsArg) (err error) {
  3523  	err = c.Cli.Call(ctx, "keybase.1.SimpleFS.simpleFSGetRevisions", []interface{}{__arg}, nil, 0*time.Millisecond)
  3524  	return
  3525  }
  3527  // Get list of revisions in progress. Can indicate status of pending
  3528  // to get more revisions.
  3529  func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSReadRevisions(ctx context.Context, opID OpID) (res GetRevisionsResult, err error) {
  3530  	__arg := SimpleFSReadRevisionsArg{OpID: opID}
  3531  	err = c.Cli.Call(ctx, "keybase.1.SimpleFS.simpleFSReadRevisions", []interface{}{__arg}, &res, 0*time.Millisecond)
  3532  	return
  3533  }
  3535  // Convenience helper for generating new random value
  3536  func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSMakeOpid(ctx context.Context) (res OpID, err error) {
  3537  	err = c.Cli.Call(ctx, "keybase.1.SimpleFS.simpleFSMakeOpid", []interface{}{SimpleFSMakeOpidArg{}}, &res, 0*time.Millisecond)
  3538  	return
  3539  }
  3541  // Close OpID, cancels any pending operation.
  3542  // Must be called after list/copy/remove
  3543  func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSClose(ctx context.Context, opID OpID) (err error) {
  3544  	__arg := SimpleFSCloseArg{OpID: opID}
  3545  	err = c.Cli.Call(ctx, "keybase.1.SimpleFS.simpleFSClose", []interface{}{__arg}, nil, 0*time.Millisecond)
  3546  	return
  3547  }
  3549  // Cancels a running operation, like copy.
  3550  func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSCancel(ctx context.Context, opID OpID) (err error) {
  3551  	__arg := SimpleFSCancelArg{OpID: opID}
  3552  	err = c.Cli.Call(ctx, "keybase.1.SimpleFS.simpleFSCancel", []interface{}{__arg}, nil, 0*time.Millisecond)
  3553  	return
  3554  }
  3556  // Check progress of pending operation
  3557  func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSCheck(ctx context.Context, opID OpID) (res OpProgress, err error) {
  3558  	__arg := SimpleFSCheckArg{OpID: opID}
  3559  	err = c.Cli.Call(ctx, "keybase.1.SimpleFS.simpleFSCheck", []interface{}{__arg}, &res, 0*time.Millisecond)
  3560  	return
  3561  }
  3563  // Get all the outstanding operations
  3564  func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSGetOps(ctx context.Context) (res []OpDescription, err error) {
  3565  	err = c.Cli.Call(ctx, "keybase.1.SimpleFS.simpleFSGetOps", []interface{}{SimpleFSGetOpsArg{}}, &res, 0*time.Millisecond)
  3566  	return
  3567  }
  3569  // Blocking wait for the pending operation to finish
  3570  func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSWait(ctx context.Context, opID OpID) (err error) {
  3571  	__arg := SimpleFSWaitArg{OpID: opID}
  3572  	err = c.Cli.Call(ctx, "keybase.1.SimpleFS.simpleFSWait", []interface{}{__arg}, nil, 0*time.Millisecond)
  3573  	return
  3574  }
  3576  // Instructs KBFS to dump debugging info into its logs.
  3577  func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSDumpDebuggingInfo(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
  3578  	err = c.Cli.Call(ctx, "keybase.1.SimpleFS.simpleFSDumpDebuggingInfo", []interface{}{SimpleFSDumpDebuggingInfoArg{}}, nil, 0*time.Millisecond)
  3579  	return
  3580  }
  3582  func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSClearConflictState(ctx context.Context, path Path) (err error) {
  3583  	__arg := SimpleFSClearConflictStateArg{Path: path}
  3584  	err = c.Cli.Call(ctx, "keybase.1.SimpleFS.simpleFSClearConflictState", []interface{}{__arg}, nil, 0*time.Millisecond)
  3585  	return
  3586  }
  3588  func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSFinishResolvingConflict(ctx context.Context, path Path) (err error) {
  3589  	__arg := SimpleFSFinishResolvingConflictArg{Path: path}
  3590  	err = c.Cli.Call(ctx, "keybase.1.SimpleFS.simpleFSFinishResolvingConflict", []interface{}{__arg}, nil, 0*time.Millisecond)
  3591  	return
  3592  }
  3594  // Force a TLF into a stuck conflict state (for testing).
  3595  func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSForceStuckConflict(ctx context.Context, path Path) (err error) {
  3596  	__arg := SimpleFSForceStuckConflictArg{Path: path}
  3597  	err = c.Cli.Call(ctx, "keybase.1.SimpleFS.simpleFSForceStuckConflict", []interface{}{__arg}, nil, 0*time.Millisecond)
  3598  	return
  3599  }
  3601  // Get sync status.
  3602  func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSSyncStatus(ctx context.Context, filter ListFilter) (res FSSyncStatus, err error) {
  3603  	__arg := SimpleFSSyncStatusArg{Filter: filter}
  3604  	err = c.Cli.Call(ctx, "keybase.1.SimpleFS.simpleFSSyncStatus", []interface{}{__arg}, &res, 0*time.Millisecond)
  3605  	return
  3606  }
  3608  // simpleFSUserEditHistory returns edit histories of TLFs that the logged-in
  3609  // user can access.  Each returned history is corresponds to a unique
  3610  // writer-TLF pair.  They are in descending order by the modification time
  3611  // (as recorded by the server) of the most recent edit in each history.
  3612  func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSUserEditHistory(ctx context.Context) (res []FSFolderEditHistory, err error) {
  3613  	err = c.Cli.Call(ctx, "keybase.1.SimpleFS.simpleFSUserEditHistory", []interface{}{SimpleFSUserEditHistoryArg{}}, &res, 0*time.Millisecond)
  3614  	return
  3615  }
  3617  // simpleFSFolderEditHistory returns the edit history for the TLF
  3618  // described by `path`, for the most recent writers of that TLF.
  3619  // The writers are in descending order by the modification time (as
  3620  // recorded by the server) of their most recent edit.
  3621  func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSFolderEditHistory(ctx context.Context, path Path) (res FSFolderEditHistory, err error) {
  3622  	__arg := SimpleFSFolderEditHistoryArg{Path: path}
  3623  	err = c.Cli.Call(ctx, "keybase.1.SimpleFS.simpleFSFolderEditHistory", []interface{}{__arg}, &res, 0*time.Millisecond)
  3624  	return
  3625  }
  3627  // simpleFSListFavorites gets the current favorites, ignored folders, and new
  3628  // folders from the KBFS cache.
  3629  func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSListFavorites(ctx context.Context) (res FavoritesResult, err error) {
  3630  	err = c.Cli.Call(ctx, "keybase.1.SimpleFS.simpleFSListFavorites", []interface{}{SimpleFSListFavoritesArg{}}, &res, 0*time.Millisecond)
  3631  	return
  3632  }
  3634  // simpleFSGetUserQuotaUsage returns the quota usage for the logged-in
  3635  // user.  Any usage includes local journal usage as well.
  3636  func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSGetUserQuotaUsage(ctx context.Context) (res SimpleFSQuotaUsage, err error) {
  3637  	err = c.Cli.Call(ctx, "keybase.1.SimpleFS.simpleFSGetUserQuotaUsage", []interface{}{SimpleFSGetUserQuotaUsageArg{}}, &res, 0*time.Millisecond)
  3638  	return
  3639  }
  3641  // simpleFSGetTeamQuotaUsage returns the quota usage for the given team, if
  3642  // the logged-in user has access to that team.  Any usage includes
  3643  // local journal usage as well.
  3644  func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSGetTeamQuotaUsage(ctx context.Context, teamName TeamName) (res SimpleFSQuotaUsage, err error) {
  3645  	__arg := SimpleFSGetTeamQuotaUsageArg{TeamName: teamName}
  3646  	err = c.Cli.Call(ctx, "keybase.1.SimpleFS.simpleFSGetTeamQuotaUsage", []interface{}{__arg}, &res, 0*time.Millisecond)
  3647  	return
  3648  }
  3650  // simpleFSReset completely resets the KBFS folder referenced in `path`.
  3651  // It should only be called after explicit user confirmation.
  3652  func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSReset(ctx context.Context, __arg SimpleFSResetArg) (err error) {
  3653  	err = c.Cli.Call(ctx, "keybase.1.SimpleFS.simpleFSReset", []interface{}{__arg}, nil, 0*time.Millisecond)
  3654  	return
  3655  }
  3657  func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSFolderSyncConfigAndStatus(ctx context.Context, path Path) (res FolderSyncConfigAndStatus, err error) {
  3658  	__arg := SimpleFSFolderSyncConfigAndStatusArg{Path: path}
  3659  	err = c.Cli.Call(ctx, "keybase.1.SimpleFS.simpleFSFolderSyncConfigAndStatus", []interface{}{__arg}, &res, 0*time.Millisecond)
  3660  	return
  3661  }
  3663  func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSSetFolderSyncConfig(ctx context.Context, __arg SimpleFSSetFolderSyncConfigArg) (err error) {
  3664  	err = c.Cli.Call(ctx, "keybase.1.SimpleFS.simpleFSSetFolderSyncConfig", []interface{}{__arg}, nil, 0*time.Millisecond)
  3665  	return
  3666  }
  3668  func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSSyncConfigAndStatus(ctx context.Context, identifyBehavior *TLFIdentifyBehavior) (res SyncConfigAndStatusRes, err error) {
  3669  	__arg := SimpleFSSyncConfigAndStatusArg{IdentifyBehavior: identifyBehavior}
  3670  	err = c.Cli.Call(ctx, "keybase.1.SimpleFS.simpleFSSyncConfigAndStatus", []interface{}{__arg}, &res, 0*time.Millisecond)
  3671  	return
  3672  }
  3674  func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSGetFolder(ctx context.Context, path KBFSPath) (res FolderWithFavFlags, err error) {
  3675  	__arg := SimpleFSGetFolderArg{Path: path}
  3676  	err = c.Cli.Call(ctx, "keybase.1.SimpleFS.simpleFSGetFolder", []interface{}{__arg}, &res, 0*time.Millisecond)
  3677  	return
  3678  }
  3680  func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSGetOnlineStatus(ctx context.Context, clientID string) (res KbfsOnlineStatus, err error) {
  3681  	__arg := SimpleFSGetOnlineStatusArg{ClientID: clientID}
  3682  	err = c.Cli.Call(ctx, "keybase.1.SimpleFS.simpleFSGetOnlineStatus", []interface{}{__arg}, &res, 0*time.Millisecond)
  3683  	return
  3684  }
  3686  func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSCheckReachability(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
  3687  	err = c.Cli.Call(ctx, "keybase.1.SimpleFS.simpleFSCheckReachability", []interface{}{SimpleFSCheckReachabilityArg{}}, nil, 0*time.Millisecond)
  3688  	return
  3689  }
  3691  func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSSetDebugLevel(ctx context.Context, level string) (err error) {
  3692  	__arg := SimpleFSSetDebugLevelArg{Level: level}
  3693  	err = c.Cli.Call(ctx, "keybase.1.SimpleFS.simpleFSSetDebugLevel", []interface{}{__arg}, nil, 0*time.Millisecond)
  3694  	return
  3695  }
  3697  func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSSettings(ctx context.Context) (res FSSettings, err error) {
  3698  	err = c.Cli.Call(ctx, "keybase.1.SimpleFS.simpleFSSettings", []interface{}{SimpleFSSettingsArg{}}, &res, 0*time.Millisecond)
  3699  	return
  3700  }
  3702  func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSSetNotificationThreshold(ctx context.Context, threshold int64) (err error) {
  3703  	__arg := SimpleFSSetNotificationThresholdArg{Threshold: threshold}
  3704  	err = c.Cli.Call(ctx, "keybase.1.SimpleFS.simpleFSSetNotificationThreshold", []interface{}{__arg}, nil, 0*time.Millisecond)
  3705  	return
  3706  }
  3708  func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSSetSfmiBannerDismissed(ctx context.Context, dismissed bool) (err error) {
  3709  	__arg := SimpleFSSetSfmiBannerDismissedArg{Dismissed: dismissed}
  3710  	err = c.Cli.Call(ctx, "keybase.1.SimpleFS.simpleFSSetSfmiBannerDismissed", []interface{}{__arg}, nil, 0*time.Millisecond)
  3711  	return
  3712  }
  3714  func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSSetSyncOnCellular(ctx context.Context, syncOnCellular bool) (err error) {
  3715  	__arg := SimpleFSSetSyncOnCellularArg{SyncOnCellular: syncOnCellular}
  3716  	err = c.Cli.Call(ctx, "keybase.1.SimpleFS.simpleFSSetSyncOnCellular", []interface{}{__arg}, nil, 0*time.Millisecond)
  3717  	return
  3718  }
  3720  func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSObfuscatePath(ctx context.Context, path Path) (res string, err error) {
  3721  	__arg := SimpleFSObfuscatePathArg{Path: path}
  3722  	err = c.Cli.Call(ctx, "keybase.1.SimpleFS.simpleFSObfuscatePath", []interface{}{__arg}, &res, 0*time.Millisecond)
  3723  	return
  3724  }
  3726  func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSDeobfuscatePath(ctx context.Context, path Path) (res []string, err error) {
  3727  	__arg := SimpleFSDeobfuscatePathArg{Path: path}
  3728  	err = c.Cli.Call(ctx, "keybase.1.SimpleFS.simpleFSDeobfuscatePath", []interface{}{__arg}, &res, 0*time.Millisecond)
  3729  	return
  3730  }
  3732  func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSGetStats(ctx context.Context) (res SimpleFSStats, err error) {
  3733  	err = c.Cli.Call(ctx, "keybase.1.SimpleFS.simpleFSGetStats", []interface{}{SimpleFSGetStatsArg{}}, &res, 0*time.Millisecond)
  3734  	return
  3735  }
  3737  func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSSubscribePath(ctx context.Context, __arg SimpleFSSubscribePathArg) (err error) {
  3738  	err = c.Cli.Call(ctx, "keybase.1.SimpleFS.simpleFSSubscribePath", []interface{}{__arg}, nil, 0*time.Millisecond)
  3739  	return
  3740  }
  3742  func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSSubscribeNonPath(ctx context.Context, __arg SimpleFSSubscribeNonPathArg) (err error) {
  3743  	err = c.Cli.Call(ctx, "keybase.1.SimpleFS.simpleFSSubscribeNonPath", []interface{}{__arg}, nil, 0*time.Millisecond)
  3744  	return
  3745  }
  3747  func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSUnsubscribe(ctx context.Context, __arg SimpleFSUnsubscribeArg) (err error) {
  3748  	err = c.Cli.Call(ctx, "keybase.1.SimpleFS.simpleFSUnsubscribe", []interface{}{__arg}, nil, 0*time.Millisecond)
  3749  	return
  3750  }
  3752  func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSStartDownload(ctx context.Context, __arg SimpleFSStartDownloadArg) (res string, err error) {
  3753  	err = c.Cli.Call(ctx, "keybase.1.SimpleFS.simpleFSStartDownload", []interface{}{__arg}, &res, 0*time.Millisecond)
  3754  	return
  3755  }
  3757  func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSGetDownloadInfo(ctx context.Context, downloadID string) (res DownloadInfo, err error) {
  3758  	__arg := SimpleFSGetDownloadInfoArg{DownloadID: downloadID}
  3759  	err = c.Cli.Call(ctx, "keybase.1.SimpleFS.simpleFSGetDownloadInfo", []interface{}{__arg}, &res, 0*time.Millisecond)
  3760  	return
  3761  }
  3763  func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSGetDownloadStatus(ctx context.Context) (res DownloadStatus, err error) {
  3764  	err = c.Cli.Call(ctx, "keybase.1.SimpleFS.simpleFSGetDownloadStatus", []interface{}{SimpleFSGetDownloadStatusArg{}}, &res, 0*time.Millisecond)
  3765  	return
  3766  }
  3768  func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSCancelDownload(ctx context.Context, downloadID string) (err error) {
  3769  	__arg := SimpleFSCancelDownloadArg{DownloadID: downloadID}
  3770  	err = c.Cli.Call(ctx, "keybase.1.SimpleFS.simpleFSCancelDownload", []interface{}{__arg}, nil, 0*time.Millisecond)
  3771  	return
  3772  }
  3774  func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSDismissDownload(ctx context.Context, downloadID string) (err error) {
  3775  	__arg := SimpleFSDismissDownloadArg{DownloadID: downloadID}
  3776  	err = c.Cli.Call(ctx, "keybase.1.SimpleFS.simpleFSDismissDownload", []interface{}{__arg}, nil, 0*time.Millisecond)
  3777  	return
  3778  }
  3780  func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSConfigureDownload(ctx context.Context, __arg SimpleFSConfigureDownloadArg) (err error) {
  3781  	err = c.Cli.Call(ctx, "keybase.1.SimpleFS.simpleFSConfigureDownload", []interface{}{__arg}, nil, 0*time.Millisecond)
  3782  	return
  3783  }
  3785  func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSMakeTempDirForUpload(ctx context.Context) (res string, err error) {
  3786  	err = c.Cli.Call(ctx, "keybase.1.SimpleFS.simpleFSMakeTempDirForUpload", []interface{}{SimpleFSMakeTempDirForUploadArg{}}, &res, 0*time.Millisecond)
  3787  	return
  3788  }
  3790  func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSStartUpload(ctx context.Context, __arg SimpleFSStartUploadArg) (res string, err error) {
  3791  	err = c.Cli.Call(ctx, "keybase.1.SimpleFS.simpleFSStartUpload", []interface{}{__arg}, &res, 0*time.Millisecond)
  3792  	return
  3793  }
  3795  func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSGetUploadStatus(ctx context.Context) (res []UploadState, err error) {
  3796  	err = c.Cli.Call(ctx, "keybase.1.SimpleFS.simpleFSGetUploadStatus", []interface{}{SimpleFSGetUploadStatusArg{}}, &res, 0*time.Millisecond)
  3797  	return
  3798  }
  3800  func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSCancelUpload(ctx context.Context, uploadID string) (err error) {
  3801  	__arg := SimpleFSCancelUploadArg{UploadID: uploadID}
  3802  	err = c.Cli.Call(ctx, "keybase.1.SimpleFS.simpleFSCancelUpload", []interface{}{__arg}, nil, 0*time.Millisecond)
  3803  	return
  3804  }
  3806  func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSDismissUpload(ctx context.Context, uploadID string) (err error) {
  3807  	__arg := SimpleFSDismissUploadArg{UploadID: uploadID}
  3808  	err = c.Cli.Call(ctx, "keybase.1.SimpleFS.simpleFSDismissUpload", []interface{}{__arg}, nil, 0*time.Millisecond)
  3809  	return
  3810  }
  3812  func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSGetFilesTabBadge(ctx context.Context) (res FilesTabBadge, err error) {
  3813  	err = c.Cli.Call(ctx, "keybase.1.SimpleFS.simpleFSGetFilesTabBadge", []interface{}{SimpleFSGetFilesTabBadgeArg{}}, &res, 0*time.Millisecond)
  3814  	return
  3815  }
  3817  func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSGetGUIFileContext(ctx context.Context, path KBFSPath) (res GUIFileContext, err error) {
  3818  	__arg := SimpleFSGetGUIFileContextArg{Path: path}
  3819  	err = c.Cli.Call(ctx, "keybase.1.SimpleFS.simpleFSGetGUIFileContext", []interface{}{__arg}, &res, 0*time.Millisecond)
  3820  	return
  3821  }
  3823  func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSUserIn(ctx context.Context, clientID string) (err error) {
  3824  	__arg := SimpleFSUserInArg{ClientID: clientID}
  3825  	err = c.Cli.Call(ctx, "keybase.1.SimpleFS.simpleFSUserIn", []interface{}{__arg}, nil, 0*time.Millisecond)
  3826  	return
  3827  }
  3829  func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSUserOut(ctx context.Context, clientID string) (err error) {
  3830  	__arg := SimpleFSUserOutArg{ClientID: clientID}
  3831  	err = c.Cli.Call(ctx, "keybase.1.SimpleFS.simpleFSUserOut", []interface{}{__arg}, nil, 0*time.Millisecond)
  3832  	return
  3833  }
  3835  func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSSearch(ctx context.Context, __arg SimpleFSSearchArg) (res SimpleFSSearchResults, err error) {
  3836  	err = c.Cli.Call(ctx, "keybase.1.SimpleFS.simpleFSSearch", []interface{}{__arg}, &res, 0*time.Millisecond)
  3837  	return
  3838  }
  3840  func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSResetIndex(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
  3841  	err = c.Cli.Call(ctx, "keybase.1.SimpleFS.simpleFSResetIndex", []interface{}{SimpleFSResetIndexArg{}}, nil, 0*time.Millisecond)
  3842  	return
  3843  }
  3845  func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSGetIndexProgress(ctx context.Context) (res SimpleFSIndexProgress, err error) {
  3846  	err = c.Cli.Call(ctx, "keybase.1.SimpleFS.simpleFSGetIndexProgress", []interface{}{SimpleFSGetIndexProgressArg{}}, &res, 0*time.Millisecond)
  3847  	return
  3848  }
  3850  func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSCancelJournalUploads(ctx context.Context, path KBFSPath) (err error) {
  3851  	__arg := SimpleFSCancelJournalUploadsArg{Path: path}
  3852  	err = c.Cli.Call(ctx, "keybase.1.SimpleFS.simpleFSCancelJournalUploads", []interface{}{__arg}, nil, 0*time.Millisecond)
  3853  	return
  3854  }
  3856  func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSArchiveStart(ctx context.Context, __arg SimpleFSArchiveStartArg) (res SimpleFSArchiveJobDesc, err error) {
  3857  	err = c.Cli.Call(ctx, "keybase.1.SimpleFS.simpleFSArchiveStart", []interface{}{__arg}, &res, 0*time.Millisecond)
  3858  	return
  3859  }
  3861  func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSArchiveCancelOrDismissJob(ctx context.Context, jobID string) (err error) {
  3862  	__arg := SimpleFSArchiveCancelOrDismissJobArg{JobID: jobID}
  3863  	err = c.Cli.Call(ctx, "keybase.1.SimpleFS.simpleFSArchiveCancelOrDismissJob", []interface{}{__arg}, nil, 0*time.Millisecond)
  3864  	return
  3865  }
  3867  func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSGetArchiveStatus(ctx context.Context) (res SimpleFSArchiveStatus, err error) {
  3868  	err = c.Cli.Call(ctx, "keybase.1.SimpleFS.simpleFSGetArchiveStatus", []interface{}{SimpleFSGetArchiveStatusArg{}}, &res, 0*time.Millisecond)
  3869  	return
  3870  }