
     1  // Copyright 2016 Keybase Inc. All rights reserved.
     2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD
     3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5  package libkbfs
     7  import (
     8  	"encoding/json"
     9  	"fmt"
    10  	"os"
    11  	sysPath "path"
    12  	"runtime/debug"
    13  	"sort"
    14  	"strings"
    15  	"sync"
    16  	"time"
    18  	""
    19  	""
    20  	""
    21  	""
    22  	""
    23  	""
    24  	""
    25  	""
    26  	""
    27  	""
    28  	""
    29  	""
    30  	""
    31  	""
    32  )
    34  // CtxCRTagKey is the type used for unique context tags related to
    35  // conflict resolution
    36  type CtxCRTagKey int
    38  type failModeForTesting int
    40  const (
    41  	// CtxCRIDKey is the type of the tag for unique operation IDs
    42  	// related to conflict resolution
    43  	CtxCRIDKey CtxCRTagKey = iota
    45  	// If the number of outstanding unmerged revisions that need to be
    46  	// resolved together is greater than this number, then block
    47  	// unmerged writes to make sure we don't get *too* unmerged.
    48  	// TODO: throttle unmerged writes before resorting to complete
    49  	// blockage.
    50  	crMaxRevsThresholdDefault = 500
    52  	// How long we're allowed to block writes for if we exceed the max
    53  	// revisions threshold.
    54  	crMaxWriteLockTime = 10 * time.Second
    56  	// Where in config.StorageRoot() we store information about failed conflict
    57  	// resolutions.
    58  	conflictResolverRecordsDir           = "kbfs_conflicts"
    59  	conflictResolverRecordsVersionString = "v1"
    60  	conflictResolverRecordsDB            = "kbfsConflicts.leveldb"
    62  	// If we have failed at CR 10 times, probably it's never going to work and
    63  	// we should give up.
    64  	maxConflictResolutionAttempts = 10
    66  	alwaysFailCR failModeForTesting = iota
    67  	doNotAlwaysFailCR
    68  )
    70  // ErrTooManyCRAttempts is an error that indicates that CR has failed
    71  // too many times, and it being stopped.
    72  var ErrTooManyCRAttempts = errors.New(
    73  	"too many attempts at conflict resolution on this TLF")
    75  // ErrCRFailForTesting indicates that CR is disabled for a test.
    76  var ErrCRFailForTesting = errors.New(
    77  	"conflict resolution failed because test requested it")
    79  // CtxCROpID is the display name for the unique operation
    80  // conflict resolution ID tag.
    81  const CtxCROpID = "CRID"
    83  type conflictInput struct {
    84  	unmerged kbfsmd.Revision
    85  	merged   kbfsmd.Revision
    86  }
    88  var errNoCRDB = errors.New("could not record CR attempt because no DB is open")
    90  // ConflictResolver is responsible for resolving conflicts in the
    91  // background.
    92  type ConflictResolver struct {
    93  	config           Config
    94  	fbo              *folderBranchOps
    95  	prepper          folderUpdatePrepper
    96  	log              traceLogger
    97  	deferLog         traceLogger
    98  	maxRevsThreshold int
   100  	inputChanLock sync.RWMutex
   101  	inputChan     chan conflictInput
   103  	// resolveGroup tracks the outstanding resolves.
   104  	resolveGroup kbfssync.RepeatedWaitGroup
   106  	inputLock     sync.Mutex
   107  	currInput     conflictInput
   108  	currCancel    context.CancelFunc
   109  	lockNextTime  bool
   110  	canceledCount int
   112  	failModeLock       sync.RWMutex
   113  	failModeForTesting failModeForTesting
   114  }
   116  // NewConflictResolver constructs a new ConflictResolver (and launches
   117  // any necessary background goroutines).
   118  func NewConflictResolver(
   119  	config Config, fbo *folderBranchOps) *ConflictResolver {
   120  	// make a logger with an appropriate module name
   121  	branchSuffix := ""
   122  	if fbo.branch() != data.MasterBranch {
   123  		branchSuffix = " " + string(fbo.branch())
   124  	}
   125  	tlfStringFull :=
   126  	log := config.MakeLogger(
   127  		fmt.Sprintf("CR %s%s", tlfStringFull[:8], branchSuffix))
   129  	cr := &ConflictResolver{
   130  		config: config,
   131  		fbo:    fbo,
   132  		prepper: folderUpdatePrepper{
   133  			config:       config,
   134  			folderBranch: fbo.folderBranch,
   135  			blocks:       &fbo.blocks,
   136  			log:          log,
   137  			vlog:         config.MakeVLogger(log),
   138  		},
   139  		log:              traceLogger{log},
   140  		deferLog:         traceLogger{log.CloneWithAddedDepth(1)},
   141  		maxRevsThreshold: crMaxRevsThresholdDefault,
   142  		currInput: conflictInput{
   143  			unmerged: kbfsmd.RevisionUninitialized,
   144  			merged:   kbfsmd.RevisionUninitialized,
   145  		},
   146  	}
   148  	if fbo.bType == standard && config.Mode().ConflictResolutionEnabled() {
   149  		cr.startProcessing(libcontext.BackgroundContextWithCancellationDelayer())
   150  	}
   151  	return cr
   152  }
   154  func (cr *ConflictResolver) startProcessing(baseCtx context.Context) {
   155  	cr.inputChanLock.Lock()
   156  	defer cr.inputChanLock.Unlock()
   158  	if cr.inputChan != nil {
   159  		return
   160  	}
   161  	cr.inputChan = make(chan conflictInput)
   162  	go cr.processInput(baseCtx, cr.inputChan)
   163  }
   165  func (cr *ConflictResolver) stopProcessing() {
   166  	cr.inputChanLock.Lock()
   167  	defer cr.inputChanLock.Unlock()
   169  	if cr.inputChan == nil {
   170  		return
   171  	}
   172  	close(cr.inputChan)
   173  	cr.inputChan = nil
   174  }
   176  // cancelExistingLocked must be called while holding cr.inputLock.
   177  func (cr *ConflictResolver) cancelExistingLocked(ci conflictInput) bool {
   178  	// The input is only interesting if one of the revisions is
   179  	// greater than what we've looked at to date.
   180  	if ci.unmerged <= cr.currInput.unmerged &&
   181  		ci.merged <= cr.currInput.merged {
   182  		return false
   183  	}
   184  	if cr.currCancel != nil {
   185  		cr.currCancel()
   186  	}
   187  	return true
   188  }
   190  // ForceCancel cancels any currently-running CR, regardless of what
   191  // its inputs were.
   192  func (cr *ConflictResolver) ForceCancel() {
   193  	cr.inputLock.Lock()
   194  	defer cr.inputLock.Unlock()
   195  	if cr.currCancel != nil {
   196  		cr.currCancel()
   197  	}
   198  }
   200  // processInput processes conflict resolution jobs from the given
   201  // channel until it is closed. This function uses a parameter for the
   202  // channel instead of accessing cr.inputChan directly so that it
   203  // doesn't have to hold inputChanLock.
   204  func (cr *ConflictResolver) processInput(baseCtx context.Context,
   205  	inputChan <-chan conflictInput) {
   207  	// Start off with a closed prevCRDone, so that the first CR call
   208  	// doesn't have to wait.
   209  	prevCRDone := make(chan struct{})
   210  	close(prevCRDone)
   211  	defer func() {
   212  		cr.inputLock.Lock()
   213  		defer cr.inputLock.Unlock()
   214  		if cr.currCancel != nil {
   215  			cr.currCancel()
   216  		}
   217  		_ = libcontext.CleanupCancellationDelayer(baseCtx)
   218  	}()
   219  	for ci := range inputChan {
   220  		ctx := CtxWithRandomIDReplayable(baseCtx, CtxCRIDKey, CtxCROpID, cr.log)
   222  		valid := func() bool {
   223  			cr.inputLock.Lock()
   224  			defer cr.inputLock.Unlock()
   225  			valid := cr.cancelExistingLocked(ci)
   226  			if !valid {
   227  				return false
   228  			}
   229  			cr.log.CDebugf(ctx, "New conflict input %v following old "+
   230  				"input %v", ci, cr.currInput)
   231  			cr.currInput = ci
   232  			ctx, cr.currCancel = context.WithCancel(ctx)
   233  			return true
   234  		}()
   235  		if !valid {
   236  			cr.log.CDebugf(ctx, "Ignoring uninteresting input: %v", ci)
   237  			cr.resolveGroup.Done()
   238  			continue
   239  		}
   241  		waitChan := prevCRDone
   242  		prevCRDone = make(chan struct{}) // closed when doResolve finishes
   243  		go func(ci conflictInput, done chan<- struct{}) {
   244  			defer cr.resolveGroup.Done()
   245  			defer close(done)
   246  			// Wait for the previous CR without blocking any
   247  			// Resolve callers, as that could result in deadlock
   248  			// (KBFS-1001).
   249  			select {
   250  			case <-waitChan:
   251  			case <-ctx.Done():
   252  				cr.log.CDebugf(ctx, "Resolution canceled before starting")
   253  				// The next attempt will still need to wait on the old
   254  				// one, in case it hasn't finished yet.  So wait for
   255  				// it here, before we close our own `done` channel.
   256  				<-waitChan
   257  				return
   258  			}
   259  			cr.doResolve(ctx, ci)
   260  		}(ci, prevCRDone)
   261  	}
   262  }
   264  // Resolve takes the latest known unmerged and merged revision
   265  // numbers, and kicks off the resolution process.
   266  func (cr *ConflictResolver) Resolve(ctx context.Context,
   267  	unmerged kbfsmd.Revision, merged kbfsmd.Revision) {
   268  	cr.inputChanLock.RLock()
   269  	defer cr.inputChanLock.RUnlock()
   271  	// CR can end up trying to cancel itself via the SyncAll call, so
   272  	// prevent that from happening.
   273  	if crOpID := ctx.Value(CtxCRIDKey); crOpID != nil {
   274  		cr.log.CDebugf(ctx, "Ignoring self-resolve during CR")
   275  		return
   276  	}
   278  	if cr.inputChan == nil {
   279  		return
   280  	}
   282  	// Call Add before cancelling existing CR in order to prevent the
   283  	// resolveGroup from becoming briefly empty and allowing things waiting
   284  	// on it to believe that CR has finished.
   285  	cr.resolveGroup.Add(1)
   287  	ci := conflictInput{unmerged, merged}
   288  	func() {
   289  		cr.inputLock.Lock()
   290  		defer cr.inputLock.Unlock()
   291  		// Cancel any running CR before we return, so the caller can be
   292  		// confident any ongoing CR superseded by this new input will be
   293  		// canceled before it releases any locks it holds.
   294  		//
   295  		// TODO: return early if this returns false, and log something
   296  		// using a newly-pass-in context.
   297  		_ = cr.cancelExistingLocked(ci)
   298  	}()
   300  	cr.inputChan <- ci
   301  }
   303  // Wait blocks until the current set of submitted resolutions are
   304  // complete (though not necessarily successful), or until the given
   305  // context is canceled.
   306  func (cr *ConflictResolver) Wait(ctx context.Context) error {
   307  	return cr.resolveGroup.Wait(ctx)
   308  }
   310  // Shutdown cancels any ongoing resolutions and stops any background
   311  // goroutines.
   312  func (cr *ConflictResolver) Shutdown() {
   313  	cr.stopProcessing()
   314  }
   316  // Pause cancels any ongoing resolutions and prevents any new ones from
   317  // starting.
   318  func (cr *ConflictResolver) Pause() {
   319  	cr.stopProcessing()
   320  }
   322  // Restart re-enables conflict resolution, with a base context for CR
   323  // operations.  baseCtx must have a cancellation delayer.
   324  func (cr *ConflictResolver) Restart(baseCtx context.Context) {
   325  	cr.startProcessing(baseCtx)
   326  }
   328  // BeginNewBranch resets any internal state to be ready to accept
   329  // resolutions from a new branch.
   330  func (cr *ConflictResolver) BeginNewBranch() {
   331  	cr.inputLock.Lock()
   332  	defer cr.inputLock.Unlock()
   333  	// Reset the curr input so we don't ignore a future CR
   334  	// request that uses the same revision number (i.e.,
   335  	// because the previous CR failed to flush due to a
   336  	// conflict).
   337  	cr.currInput = conflictInput{}
   338  }
   340  func (cr *ConflictResolver) checkDone(ctx context.Context) error {
   341  	select {
   342  	case <-ctx.Done():
   343  		return ctx.Err()
   344  	default:
   345  		return nil
   346  	}
   347  }
   349  func (cr *ConflictResolver) getMDs(
   350  	ctx context.Context, lState *kbfssync.LockState,
   351  	writerLocked bool) (unmerged []ImmutableRootMetadata,
   352  	merged []ImmutableRootMetadata, err error) {
   353  	// First get all outstanding unmerged MDs for this device.
   354  	var branchPoint kbfsmd.Revision
   355  	if writerLocked {
   356  		branchPoint, unmerged, err =
   357  			cr.fbo.getUnmergedMDUpdatesLocked(ctx, lState)
   358  	} else {
   359  		branchPoint, unmerged, err =
   360  			cr.fbo.getUnmergedMDUpdates(ctx, lState)
   361  	}
   362  	if err != nil {
   363  		return nil, nil, err
   364  	}
   366  	for i, md := range unmerged {
   367  		newMd, err := reembedBlockChangesIntoCopyIfNeeded(
   368  			ctx, cr.config.Codec(), cr.config.BlockCache(),
   369  			cr.config.BlockOps(), cr.config.Mode(), md, cr.log)
   370  		if err != nil {
   371  			return nil, nil, err
   372  		}
   373  		unmerged[i] = newMd
   374  	}
   376  	if len(unmerged) > 0 && unmerged[0].BID() == kbfsmd.PendingLocalSquashBranchID {
   377  		cr.log.CDebugf(ctx, "Squashing local branch")
   378  		return unmerged, nil, nil
   379  	}
   381  	// Now get all the merged MDs, starting from after the branch
   382  	// point.  We fetch the branch point (if possible) to make sure
   383  	// it's the right predecessor of the unmerged branch.  TODO: stop
   384  	// fetching the branch point and remove the successor check below
   385  	// once we fix KBFS-1664.
   386  	fetchFrom := branchPoint + 1
   387  	if branchPoint >= kbfsmd.RevisionInitial {
   388  		fetchFrom = branchPoint
   389  	}
   390  	merged, err = getMergedMDUpdates(
   391  		ctx, cr.fbo.config,, fetchFrom, nil)
   392  	if err != nil {
   393  		return nil, nil, err
   394  	}
   396  	if len(unmerged) > 0 {
   397  		err := merged[0].CheckValidSuccessor(
   398  			merged[0].mdID, unmerged[0].ReadOnly())
   399  		if err != nil {
   400  			cr.log.CDebugf(ctx, "Branch point (rev=%d, mdID=%s) is not a "+
   401  				"valid successor for unmerged rev %d (mdID=%s, bid=%s)",
   402  				merged[0].Revision(), merged[0].mdID, unmerged[0].Revision(),
   403  				unmerged[0].mdID, unmerged[0].BID())
   404  			return nil, nil, err
   405  		}
   406  	}
   408  	// Remove branch point.
   409  	if len(merged) > 0 && fetchFrom == branchPoint {
   410  		merged = merged[1:]
   411  	}
   413  	return unmerged, merged, nil
   414  }
   416  // updateCurrInput assumes that both unmerged and merged are
   417  // non-empty.
   418  func (cr *ConflictResolver) updateCurrInput(ctx context.Context,
   419  	unmerged, merged []ImmutableRootMetadata) (err error) {
   420  	cr.inputLock.Lock()
   421  	defer cr.inputLock.Unlock()
   422  	// check done while holding the lock, so we know for sure if
   423  	// we've already been canceled and replaced by a new input.
   424  	err = cr.checkDone(ctx)
   425  	if err != nil {
   426  		return err
   427  	}
   429  	prevInput := cr.currInput
   430  	defer func() {
   431  		// reset the currInput if we get an error below
   432  		if err != nil {
   433  			cr.currInput = prevInput
   434  		}
   435  	}()
   437  	rev := unmerged[len(unmerged)-1].bareMd.RevisionNumber()
   438  	if rev < cr.currInput.unmerged {
   439  		return fmt.Errorf("Unmerged revision %d is lower than the "+
   440  			"expected unmerged revision %d", rev, cr.currInput.unmerged)
   441  	}
   442  	cr.currInput.unmerged = rev
   444  	if len(merged) > 0 {
   445  		rev = merged[len(merged)-1].bareMd.RevisionNumber()
   446  		if rev < cr.currInput.merged {
   447  			return fmt.Errorf("Merged revision %d is lower than the "+
   448  				"expected merged revision %d", rev, cr.currInput.merged)
   449  		}
   450  	} else {
   451  		rev = kbfsmd.RevisionUninitialized
   452  	}
   453  	cr.currInput.merged = rev
   455  	// Take the lock right away next time if either there are lots of
   456  	// unmerged revisions, or this is a local squash and we won't
   457  	// block for very long.
   458  	//
   459  	// TODO: if there are a lot of merged revisions, and they keep
   460  	// coming, we might consider doing a "partial" resolution, writing
   461  	// the result back to the unmerged branch (basically "rebasing"
   462  	// it).  See KBFS-1896.
   463  	if (len(unmerged) > cr.maxRevsThreshold) ||
   464  		(len(unmerged) > 0 && unmerged[0].BID() == kbfsmd.PendingLocalSquashBranchID) {
   465  		cr.lockNextTime = true
   466  	}
   467  	return nil
   468  }
   470  func (cr *ConflictResolver) makeChains(ctx context.Context,
   471  	unmerged, merged []ImmutableRootMetadata) (
   472  	unmergedChains, mergedChains *crChains, err error) {
   473  	unmergedChains, err = newCRChainsForIRMDs(
   474  		ctx, cr.config.Codec(), cr.config, unmerged, &cr.fbo.blocks, true)
   475  	if err != nil {
   476  		return nil, nil, err
   477  	}
   479  	// Make sure we don't try to unref any blocks that have already
   480  	// been GC'd in the merged branch.
   481  	for _, md := range merged {
   482  		for _, op := range {
   483  			_, isGCOp := op.(*GCOp)
   484  			if !isGCOp {
   485  				continue
   486  			}
   487  			for _, ptr := range op.Unrefs() {
   488  				unmergedChains.doNotUnrefPointers[ptr] = true
   489  			}
   490  		}
   491  	}
   493  	// If there are no new merged changes, don't make any merged
   494  	// chains.
   495  	if len(merged) == 0 {
   496  		return unmergedChains, newCRChainsEmpty(nil), nil
   497  	}
   499  	mergedChains, err = newCRChainsForIRMDs(
   500  		ctx, cr.config.Codec(), cr.config, merged, &cr.fbo.blocks, true)
   501  	if err != nil {
   502  		return nil, nil, err
   503  	}
   505  	// Make the chain summaries.  Identify using the unmerged chains,
   506  	// since those are most likely to be able to identify a node in
   507  	// the cache.
   508  	unmergedSummary := unmergedChains.summary(unmergedChains, cr.fbo.nodeCache)
   509  	mergedSummary := mergedChains.summary(unmergedChains, cr.fbo.nodeCache)
   511  	// Ignore CR summaries for pending local squashes.
   512  	if len(unmerged) == 0 || unmerged[0].BID() != kbfsmd.PendingLocalSquashBranchID {
   513  		cr.fbo.status.setCRSummary(unmergedSummary, mergedSummary)
   514  	}
   515  	return unmergedChains, mergedChains, nil
   516  }
   518  // A helper class that implements sort.Interface to sort paths by
   519  // descending path length.
   520  type crSortedPaths []data.Path
   522  // Len implements sort.Interface for crSortedPaths
   523  func (sp crSortedPaths) Len() int {
   524  	return len(sp)
   525  }
   527  // Less implements sort.Interface for crSortedPaths
   528  func (sp crSortedPaths) Less(i, j int) bool {
   529  	return len(sp[i].Path) > len(sp[j].Path)
   530  }
   532  // Swap implements sort.Interface for crSortedPaths
   533  func (sp crSortedPaths) Swap(i, j int) {
   534  	sp[j], sp[i] = sp[i], sp[j]
   535  }
   537  func createdFileWithConflictingWrite(unmergedChains, mergedChains *crChains,
   538  	unmergedOriginal, mergedOriginal data.BlockPointer) bool {
   539  	mergedChain := mergedChains.byOriginal[mergedOriginal]
   540  	unmergedChain := unmergedChains.byOriginal[unmergedOriginal]
   541  	if mergedChain == nil || unmergedChain == nil {
   542  		return false
   543  	}
   545  	unmergedWriteRange := unmergedChain.getCollapsedWriteRange()
   546  	mergedWriteRange := mergedChain.getCollapsedWriteRange()
   547  	// Are they exactly equivalent?
   548  	if writeRangesEquivalent(unmergedWriteRange, mergedWriteRange) {
   549  		unmergedChain.removeSyncOps()
   550  		return false
   551  	}
   553  	// If the unmerged one is just a truncate, we can safely ignore
   554  	// the unmerged chain.
   555  	if len(unmergedWriteRange) == 1 && unmergedWriteRange[0].isTruncate() &&
   556  		unmergedWriteRange[0].Off == 0 {
   557  		unmergedChain.removeSyncOps()
   558  		return false
   559  	}
   561  	// If the merged one is just a truncate, we can safely ignore
   562  	// the merged chain.
   563  	if len(mergedWriteRange) == 1 && mergedWriteRange[0].isTruncate() &&
   564  		mergedWriteRange[0].Off == 0 {
   565  		mergedChain.removeSyncOps()
   566  		return false
   567  	}
   569  	return true
   570  }
   572  // createdFileWithNonzeroSizes checks two possibly-conflicting
   573  // createOps and returns true if the corresponding file has non-zero
   574  // directory entry sizes in both the unmerged and merged branch.  We
   575  // need to check this sometimes, because a call to
   576  // `createdFileWithConflictingWrite` might not have access to syncOps
   577  // that have been resolved away in a previous iteration.  See
   578  // KBFS-2825 for details.
   579  func (cr *ConflictResolver) createdFileWithNonzeroSizes(
   580  	ctx context.Context, unmergedChains, mergedChains *crChains,
   581  	unmergedChain *crChain, mergedChain *crChain,
   582  	unmergedCop, mergedCop *createOp) (bool, error) {
   583  	lState := makeFBOLockState()
   584  	// The pointers on the ops' final paths aren't necessarily filled
   585  	// in, so construct our own partial paths using the chain
   586  	// pointers, which are enough to satisfy `GetEntry`.
   587  	mergedPath := data.Path{
   588  		FolderBranch: mergedCop.getFinalPath().FolderBranch,
   589  		Path: []data.PathNode{
   590  			{BlockPointer: mergedChain.mostRecent,
   591  				Name: data.NewPathPartString("", nil)},
   592  			{BlockPointer: data.ZeroPtr, Name: mergedCop.obfuscatedNewName()},
   593  		},
   594  	}
   595  	kmd := mergedChains.mostRecentChainMDInfo
   596  	mergedEntry, err := cr.fbo.blocks.GetEntry(ctx, lState, kmd, mergedPath)
   597  	if _, noExists := errors.Cause(err).(idutil.NoSuchNameError); noExists {
   598  		return false, nil
   599  	} else if err != nil {
   600  		return false, err
   601  	}
   603  	kmd = unmergedChains.mostRecentChainMDInfo
   604  	unmergedPath := data.Path{
   605  		FolderBranch: mergedCop.getFinalPath().FolderBranch,
   606  		Path: []data.PathNode{
   607  			{BlockPointer: unmergedChain.mostRecent,
   608  				Name: data.NewPathPartString("", nil)},
   609  			{BlockPointer: data.ZeroPtr, Name: mergedCop.obfuscatedNewName()},
   610  		},
   611  	}
   612  	unmergedEntry, err := cr.fbo.blocks.GetEntry(ctx, lState, kmd, unmergedPath)
   613  	if _, noExists := errors.Cause(err).(idutil.NoSuchNameError); noExists {
   614  		return false, nil
   615  	} else if err != nil {
   616  		return false, err
   617  	}
   619  	if mergedEntry.Size > 0 && unmergedEntry.Size > 0 {
   620  		cr.log.CDebugf(ctx,
   621  			"Not merging files named %s with non-zero sizes "+
   622  				"(merged=%d unmerged=%d)",
   623  			unmergedCop.NewName, mergedEntry.Size, unmergedEntry.Size)
   624  		return true, nil
   625  	}
   626  	return false, nil
   627  }
   629  // checkPathForMerge checks whether the given unmerged chain and path
   630  // contains any newly-created subdirectories that were created
   631  // simultaneously in the merged branch as well.  If so, it recursively
   632  // checks that directory as well.  It returns a slice of any new
   633  // unmerged paths that need to be checked for conflicts later in
   634  // conflict resolution, for all subdirectories of the given path.
   635  func (cr *ConflictResolver) checkPathForMerge(ctx context.Context,
   636  	unmergedChain *crChain, unmergedPath data.Path,
   637  	unmergedChains, mergedChains *crChains) ([]data.Path, error) {
   638  	mergedChain, ok := mergedChains.byOriginal[unmergedChain.original]
   639  	if !ok {
   640  		// No corresponding merged chain means we don't have to merge
   641  		// any directories.
   642  		return nil, nil
   643  	}
   645  	// Find instances of the same directory being created in both
   646  	// branches.  Only merge completely new directories -- anything
   647  	// involving a rename will result in a conflict for now.
   648  	//
   649  	// TODO: have a better merge strategy for renamed directories!
   650  	mergedCreates := make(map[string]*createOp)
   651  	for _, op := range mergedChain.ops {
   652  		cop, ok := op.(*createOp)
   653  		if !ok || len(cop.Refs()) == 0 || cop.renamed {
   654  			continue
   655  		}
   656  		mergedCreates[cop.NewName] = cop
   657  	}
   659  	if len(mergedCreates) == 0 {
   660  		return nil, nil
   661  	}
   663  	var newUnmergedPaths []data.Path
   664  	toDrop := make(map[int]bool)
   665  	for i, op := range unmergedChain.ops {
   666  		cop, ok := op.(*createOp)
   667  		if !ok || len(cop.Refs()) == 0 || cop.renamed {
   668  			continue
   669  		}
   671  		// Is there a corresponding merged create with the same type?
   672  		mergedCop, ok := mergedCreates[cop.NewName]
   673  		if !ok || mergedCop.Type != cop.Type {
   674  			continue
   675  		}
   676  		unmergedOriginal := cop.Refs()[0]
   677  		mergedOriginal := mergedCop.Refs()[0]
   678  		if cop.Type != data.Dir {
   679  			// Only merge files if they don't both have writes.
   680  			// Double-check the directory blocks to see if the files
   681  			// have non-zero sizes, because an earlier resolution
   682  			// might have collapsed all the sync ops away.
   683  			if createdFileWithConflictingWrite(unmergedChains, mergedChains,
   684  				unmergedOriginal, mergedOriginal) {
   685  				continue
   686  			}
   687  			conflicts, err := cr.createdFileWithNonzeroSizes(
   688  				ctx, unmergedChains, mergedChains, unmergedChain, mergedChain,
   689  				cop, mergedCop)
   690  			if err != nil {
   691  				return nil, err
   692  			}
   693  			if conflicts {
   694  				continue
   695  			}
   696  		}
   698  		toDrop[i] = true
   700  		cr.log.CDebugf(ctx, "Merging name %s (%s) in %v (unmerged original %v "+
   701  			"changed to %v)", cop.NewName, cop.Type, unmergedChain.mostRecent,
   702  			unmergedOriginal, mergedOriginal)
   703  		// Change the original to match the merged original, so we can
   704  		// check for conflicts later.  Note that the most recent will
   705  		// stay the same, so we can still match the unmerged path
   706  		// correctly.
   707  		err := unmergedChains.changeOriginal(unmergedOriginal, mergedOriginal)
   708  		if _, notFound := errors.Cause(err).(NoChainFoundError); notFound {
   709  			unmergedChains.toUnrefPointers[unmergedOriginal] = true
   710  			continue
   711  		}
   712  		if err != nil {
   713  			return nil, err
   714  		} else if unmergedOriginal == mergedOriginal {
   715  			cr.log.CDebugf(ctx,
   716  				"Treating self-conflicting directory like a normal conflict")
   717  		}
   719  		unmergedChain, ok := unmergedChains.byOriginal[mergedOriginal]
   720  		if !ok {
   721  			return nil, fmt.Errorf("Change original (%v -> %v) didn't work",
   722  				unmergedOriginal, mergedOriginal)
   723  		}
   724  		newPath := unmergedPath.ChildPath(
   725  			cop.obfuscatedNewName(), unmergedChain.mostRecent,
   726  			unmergedChain.obfuscator)
   727  		if cop.Type == data.Dir {
   728  			// recurse for this chain
   729  			newPaths, err := cr.checkPathForMerge(ctx, unmergedChain, newPath,
   730  				unmergedChains, mergedChains)
   731  			if err != nil {
   732  				return nil, err
   733  			}
   734  			// Add any further subdirectories that need merging under this
   735  			// subdirectory.
   736  			newUnmergedPaths = append(newUnmergedPaths, newPaths...)
   737  		} else {
   738  			// Set the path for all child ops
   739  			unrefedOrig := false
   740  			for _, op := range unmergedChain.ops {
   741  				op.setFinalPath(newPath)
   742  				_, isSyncOp := op.(*syncOp)
   743  				// If a later write overwrites the original, take it
   744  				// out of the unmerged created list so it can be
   745  				// properly unreferenced.
   746  				if !unrefedOrig && isSyncOp {
   747  					unrefedOrig = true
   748  					delete(unmergedChains.createdOriginals, mergedOriginal)
   749  				}
   750  			}
   751  		}
   752  		// Then add this create's path.
   753  		newUnmergedPaths = append(newUnmergedPaths, newPath)
   754  	}
   756  	// Remove the unneeded create ops
   757  	if len(toDrop) > 0 {
   758  		newOps := make([]op, 0, len(unmergedChain.ops)-len(toDrop))
   759  		for i, op := range unmergedChain.ops {
   760  			if toDrop[i] {
   761  				cr.log.CDebugf(ctx,
   762  					"Dropping double create unmerged operation: %s", op)
   763  			} else {
   764  				newOps = append(newOps, op)
   765  			}
   766  		}
   767  		unmergedChain.ops = newOps
   768  	}
   770  	return newUnmergedPaths, nil
   771  }
   773  // findCreatedDirsToMerge finds directories that were created in both
   774  // the unmerged and merged branches, and resets the original unmerged
   775  // pointer to match the original merged pointer. It returns a slice of
   776  // new unmerged paths that need to be combined with the unmergedPaths
   777  // slice.
   778  func (cr *ConflictResolver) findCreatedDirsToMerge(ctx context.Context,
   779  	unmergedPaths []data.Path, unmergedChains, mergedChains *crChains) (
   780  	[]data.Path, error) {
   781  	var newUnmergedPaths []data.Path
   782  	for _, unmergedPath := range unmergedPaths {
   783  		unmergedChain, ok :=
   784  			unmergedChains.byMostRecent[unmergedPath.TailPointer()]
   785  		if !ok {
   786  			return nil, fmt.Errorf("findCreatedDirsToMerge: No unmerged chain "+
   787  				"for most recent %v", unmergedPath.TailPointer())
   788  		}
   790  		newPaths, err := cr.checkPathForMerge(ctx, unmergedChain, unmergedPath,
   791  			unmergedChains, mergedChains)
   792  		if err != nil {
   793  			return nil, err
   794  		}
   795  		newUnmergedPaths = append(newUnmergedPaths, newPaths...)
   796  	}
   797  	return newUnmergedPaths, nil
   798  }
   800  type createMapKey struct {
   801  	ptr  data.BlockPointer
   802  	name string
   803  }
   805  // addChildBlocksIfIndirectFile adds refblocks for all child blocks of
   806  // the given file.  It will return an error if called with a pointer
   807  // that doesn't represent a file.
   808  func (cr *ConflictResolver) addChildBlocksIfIndirectFile(
   809  	ctx context.Context, lState *kbfssync.LockState, unmergedChains *crChains,
   810  	currPath data.Path, op op) error {
   811  	// For files with indirect pointers, add all child blocks
   812  	// as refblocks for the re-created file.
   813  	infos, err := cr.fbo.blocks.GetIndirectFileBlockInfos(
   814  		ctx, lState, unmergedChains.mostRecentChainMDInfo, currPath)
   815  	if err != nil {
   816  		return err
   817  	}
   818  	if len(infos) > 0 {
   819  		cr.log.CDebugf(ctx, "Adding child pointers for recreated "+
   820  			"file %s", currPath)
   821  		for _, info := range infos {
   822  			op.AddRefBlock(info.BlockPointer)
   823  		}
   824  	}
   825  	return nil
   826  }
   828  // resolvedMergedPathTail takes an unmerged path, and returns as much
   829  // of the tail-end of the corresponding merged path that it can, using
   830  // only information within the chains.  It may not be able to return a
   831  // complete chain if, for example, a directory was changed in the
   832  // unmerged branch but not in the merged branch, and so the merged
   833  // chain would not have enough information to construct the merged
   834  // branch completely. This function returns the partial path, as well
   835  // as the most recent pointer to the first changed node in the merged
   836  // chains (which can be subsequently used to find the beginning of the
   837  // merged path).
   838  //
   839  // The given unmerged path should be for a node that wasn't created
   840  // during the unmerged branch.
   841  //
   842  // It is also possible for directories used in the unmerged path to
   843  // have been completely removed from the merged path.  In this case,
   844  // they need to be recreated.  So this function also returns a slice
   845  // of create ops that will need to be replayed in the merged branch
   846  // for the conflicts to be resolved; all of these ops have their
   847  // writer info set to the given one.
   848  func (cr *ConflictResolver) resolveMergedPathTail(ctx context.Context,
   849  	lState *kbfssync.LockState, unmergedPath data.Path,
   850  	unmergedChains, mergedChains *crChains,
   851  	currUnmergedWriterInfo writerInfo) (
   852  	data.Path, data.BlockPointer, []*createOp, error) {
   853  	unmergedOriginal, err :=
   854  		unmergedChains.originalFromMostRecent(unmergedPath.TailPointer())
   855  	if err != nil {
   856  		cr.log.CDebugf(ctx, "Couldn't find original pointer for %v",
   857  			unmergedPath.TailPointer())
   858  		return data.Path{}, data.BlockPointer{}, nil, err
   859  	}
   861  	var recreateOps []*createOp // fill in backwards, and reverse at the end
   862  	currOriginal := unmergedOriginal
   863  	currPath := unmergedPath
   864  	mergedPath := data.Path{
   865  		FolderBranch:    unmergedPath.FolderBranch,
   866  		Path:            nil, // fill in backwards, and reverse at the end
   867  		ChildObfuscator: cr.fbo.makeObfuscator(),
   868  	}
   870  	// First find the earliest merged parent.
   871  	for mergedChains.isDeleted(currOriginal) {
   872  		cr.log.CDebugf(ctx, "%v was deleted in the merged branch (%s)",
   873  			currOriginal, currPath)
   874  		if !currPath.HasValidParent() {
   875  			return data.Path{}, data.BlockPointer{}, nil,
   876  				fmt.Errorf("Couldn't find valid merged parent path for %v",
   877  					unmergedOriginal)
   878  		}
   880  		// If this node has been deleted, we need to search
   881  		// backwards in the path to find the latest node that
   882  		// hasn't been deleted and re-recreate nodes upward from
   883  		// there.
   884  		name := currPath.TailName()
   885  		mergedPath.Path = append(mergedPath.Path, data.PathNode{
   886  			BlockPointer: currOriginal,
   887  			Name:         name,
   888  		})
   889  		parentPath := *currPath.ParentPath()
   890  		parentOriginal, err :=
   891  			unmergedChains.originalFromMostRecent(parentPath.TailPointer())
   892  		if err != nil {
   893  			cr.log.CDebugf(ctx, "Couldn't find original pointer for %v",
   894  				parentPath.TailPointer())
   895  			return data.Path{}, data.BlockPointer{}, nil, err
   896  		}
   898  		// Drop the merged rmOp since we're recreating it, and we
   899  		// don't want to replay that notification locally.
   900  		if mergedChain, ok := mergedChains.byOriginal[parentOriginal]; ok {
   901  			mergedMostRecent, err :=
   902  				mergedChains.mostRecentFromOriginalOrSame(currOriginal)
   903  			if err != nil {
   904  				return data.Path{}, data.BlockPointer{}, nil, err
   905  			}
   906  		outer:
   907  			for i, op := range mergedChain.ops {
   908  				ro, ok := op.(*rmOp)
   909  				if !ok {
   910  					continue
   911  				}
   912  				// Use the unref'd pointer, and not the name, to identify
   913  				// the operation, since renames might have happened on the
   914  				// merged branch.
   915  				for _, unref := range ro.Unrefs() {
   916  					if unref != mergedMostRecent {
   917  						continue
   918  					}
   920  					mergedChain.ops =
   921  						append(mergedChain.ops[:i], mergedChain.ops[i+1:]...)
   922  					break outer
   923  				}
   924  			}
   925  		} else {
   926  			// If there's no chain, then likely a previous resolution
   927  			// removed an entire directory tree, and so the individual
   928  			// rm operations aren't listed.  In that case, there's no
   929  			// rm op to remove.
   930  			cr.log.CDebugf(ctx, "No corresponding merged chain for parent "+
   931  				"%v; skipping rm removal", parentOriginal)
   932  		}
   934  		de, err := cr.fbo.blocks.GetEntry(
   935  			ctx, lState, unmergedChains.mostRecentChainMDInfo, currPath)
   936  		if err != nil {
   937  			return data.Path{}, data.BlockPointer{}, nil, err
   938  		}
   939  		co, err := newCreateOp(name.Plaintext(), parentOriginal, de.Type)
   940  		if err != nil {
   941  			return data.Path{}, data.BlockPointer{}, nil, err
   942  		}
   943  		co.AddSelfUpdate(parentOriginal)
   944  		co.setFinalPath(parentPath)
   945  		co.AddRefBlock(currOriginal)
   946  		co.setWriterInfo(currUnmergedWriterInfo)
   948  		if co.Type != data.Dir {
   949  			err = cr.addChildBlocksIfIndirectFile(ctx, lState,
   950  				unmergedChains, currPath, co)
   951  			if err != nil {
   952  				return data.Path{}, data.BlockPointer{}, nil, err
   953  			}
   955  			// Delete any sync/setattr ops on the removed, merged file.
   956  			if mergedChain, ok := mergedChains.byOriginal[currOriginal]; ok {
   957  				mergedChains.removeChain(mergedChain.mostRecent)
   958  			}
   959  		}
   961  		// If this happens to have been renamed on the unmerged
   962  		// branch, drop the rm half of the rename operation; just
   963  		// leave it as a create.
   964  		if ri, ok := unmergedChains.renamedOriginals[currOriginal]; ok {
   965  			oldParent, ok := unmergedChains.byOriginal[ri.originalOldParent]
   966  			if !ok {
   967  				cr.log.CDebugf(ctx, "Couldn't find chain for original "+
   968  					"old parent: %v", ri.originalOldParent)
   969  				return data.Path{}, data.BlockPointer{}, nil,
   970  					errors.WithStack(NoChainFoundError{ri.originalOldParent})
   971  			}
   972  			for _, op := range oldParent.ops {
   973  				ro, ok := op.(*rmOp)
   974  				if !ok {
   975  					continue
   976  				}
   977  				if ro.OldName == ri.oldName {
   978  					ro.dropThis = true
   979  					break
   980  				}
   981  			}
   983  			// Replace the create op with the new recreate op,
   984  			// which contains the proper refblock.
   985  			newParent, ok := unmergedChains.byOriginal[ri.originalNewParent]
   986  			if !ok {
   987  				cr.log.CDebugf(ctx, "Couldn't find chain for original new "+
   988  					"parent: %v", ri.originalNewParent)
   989  				return data.Path{}, data.BlockPointer{}, nil,
   990  					errors.WithStack(NoChainFoundError{ri.originalNewParent})
   991  			}
   992  			for i, op := range newParent.ops {
   993  				oldCo, ok := op.(*createOp)
   994  				if !ok {
   995  					continue
   996  				}
   997  				if oldCo.NewName == ri.newName {
   998  					newParent.ops[i] = co
   999  					break
  1000  				}
  1001  			}
  1002  		} else {
  1003  			recreateOps = append(recreateOps, co)
  1004  		}
  1006  		currOriginal = parentOriginal
  1007  		currPath = parentPath
  1008  	}
  1010  	// Now we have the latest pointer along the path that is
  1011  	// shared between the branches.  Our next step is to find the
  1012  	// current merged path to the most recent version of that
  1013  	// original.  We can do that as follows:
  1014  	// * If the pointer has been changed in the merged branch, we
  1015  	//   can search for it later using fbo.blocks.SearchForNodes
  1016  	// * If it hasn't been changed, check if it has been renamed to
  1017  	//   somewhere else.  If so, use fbo.blocks.SearchForNodes on
  1018  	//   that parent later.
  1019  	// * Otherwise, iterate up the path towards the root.
  1020  	var mostRecent data.BlockPointer
  1021  	for i := len(currPath.Path) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
  1022  		currOriginal, err := unmergedChains.originalFromMostRecent(
  1023  			currPath.Path[i].BlockPointer)
  1024  		if err != nil {
  1025  			cr.log.CDebugf(ctx, "Couldn't find original pointer for %v",
  1026  				currPath.Path[i])
  1027  			return data.Path{}, data.BlockPointer{}, nil, err
  1028  		}
  1030  		// Has it changed in the merged branch?
  1031  		mostRecent, err = mergedChains.mostRecentFromOriginal(currOriginal)
  1032  		if err == nil {
  1033  			break
  1034  		}
  1036  		mergedPath.Path = append(mergedPath.Path, data.PathNode{
  1037  			BlockPointer: currOriginal,
  1038  			Name:         currPath.Path[i].Name,
  1039  		})
  1041  		// Has it been renamed?
  1042  		if originalParent, newName, ok :=
  1043  			mergedChains.renamedParentAndName(currOriginal); ok {
  1044  			cr.log.CDebugf(ctx, "%v has been renamed in the merged branch",
  1045  				currOriginal)
  1046  			mostRecentParent, err :=
  1047  				mergedChains.mostRecentFromOriginal(originalParent)
  1048  			if err != nil {
  1049  				cr.log.CDebugf(ctx, "Couldn't find original pointer for %v",
  1050  					originalParent)
  1051  				return data.Path{}, data.BlockPointer{}, nil, err
  1052  			}
  1053  			mostRecent = mostRecentParent
  1054  			// update the name for this renamed node
  1055  			mergedPath.Path[len(mergedPath.Path)-1].Name =
  1056  				data.NewPathPartString(newName, mergedPath.Obfuscator())
  1057  			break
  1058  		}
  1059  	}
  1061  	// reverse the merged path
  1062  	for i, j := 0, len(mergedPath.Path)-1; i < j; i, j = i+1, j-1 {
  1063  		mergedPath.Path[i], mergedPath.Path[j] =
  1064  			mergedPath.Path[j], mergedPath.Path[i]
  1065  	}
  1067  	// reverse recreateOps
  1068  	for i, j := 0, len(recreateOps)-1; i < j; i, j = i+1, j-1 {
  1069  		recreateOps[i], recreateOps[j] = recreateOps[j], recreateOps[i]
  1070  	}
  1072  	return mergedPath, mostRecent, recreateOps, nil
  1073  }
  1075  // resolveMergedPaths maps each tail most recent pointer for all the
  1076  // given unmerged paths to a corresponding path in the merged branch.
  1077  // The merged branch may be missing some nodes that have been deleted;
  1078  // in that case, the merged path will contain placeholder path nodes
  1079  // using the original pointers for those directories.
  1080  //
  1081  // This function also returns a set of createOps that can be used to
  1082  // recreate the missing directories in the merged branch.  If the
  1083  // parent directory needing the create has been deleted, then the
  1084  // unref ptr in the createOp contains the original pointer for the
  1085  // directory rather than the most recent merged pointer.
  1086  //
  1087  // It also potentially returns a new slice of unmerged paths that the
  1088  // caller should combine with the existing slice, corresponding to
  1089  // deleted unmerged chains that still have relevant operations to
  1090  // resolve.
  1091  func (cr *ConflictResolver) resolveMergedPaths(ctx context.Context,
  1092  	lState *kbfssync.LockState, unmergedPaths []data.Path,
  1093  	unmergedChains, mergedChains *crChains,
  1094  	currUnmergedWriterInfo writerInfo) (
  1095  	map[data.BlockPointer]data.Path, []*createOp, []data.Path, error) {
  1096  	// maps each most recent unmerged pointer to the corresponding
  1097  	// most recent merged path.
  1098  	mergedPaths := make(map[data.BlockPointer]data.Path)
  1100  	chainsToSearchFor := make(map[data.BlockPointer][]data.BlockPointer)
  1101  	var ptrs []data.BlockPointer
  1103  	// While we're at it, find any deleted unmerged directory chains
  1104  	// containing operations, where the corresponding merged chain has
  1105  	// changed.  The unmerged rm ops will need to be re-applied in
  1106  	// that case.
  1107  	var newUnmergedPaths []data.Path
  1108  	for original, unmergedChain := range unmergedChains.byOriginal {
  1109  		if !unmergedChains.isDeleted(original) || len(unmergedChain.ops) == 0 ||
  1110  			unmergedChain.isFile() {
  1111  			continue
  1112  		}
  1113  		mergedChain, ok := mergedChains.byOriginal[original]
  1114  		if !ok || len(mergedChain.ops) == 0 ||
  1115  			mergedChains.isDeleted(original) {
  1116  			continue
  1117  		}
  1119  		cr.log.CDebugf(ctx, "A modified unmerged path %v was deleted but "+
  1120  			"also modified in the merged branch %v",
  1121  			unmergedChain.mostRecent, mergedChain.mostRecent)
  1123  		// We know that everything in the directory has been removed,
  1124  		// so only rm ops matter.
  1125  		var newOps []op
  1126  		for _, op := range unmergedChain.ops {
  1127  			if rop, ok := op.(*rmOp); ok {
  1128  				newOps = append(newOps, rop)
  1129  			}
  1130  		}
  1131  		unmergedChain.ops = newOps
  1133  		// Fake the unmerged path, it doesn't matter
  1134  		unmergedPath := data.Path{
  1135  			FolderBranch: cr.fbo.folderBranch,
  1136  			Path: []data.PathNode{
  1137  				{BlockPointer: unmergedChain.mostRecent},
  1138  			},
  1139  			ChildObfuscator: cr.fbo.makeObfuscator(),
  1140  		}
  1141  		chainsToSearchFor[mergedChain.mostRecent] =
  1142  			append(chainsToSearchFor[mergedChain.mostRecent],
  1143  				unmergedChain.mostRecent)
  1144  		ptrs = append(ptrs, mergedChain.mostRecent)
  1145  		newUnmergedPaths = append(newUnmergedPaths, unmergedPath)
  1146  	}
  1148  	// Skip out early if there's nothing to do.
  1149  	if len(unmergedPaths) == 0 && len(ptrs) == 0 {
  1150  		return mergedPaths, nil, nil, nil
  1151  	}
  1153  	// For each unmerged path, find the corresponding most recent
  1154  	// pointer in the merged path.  Track which entries need to be
  1155  	// re-created.
  1156  	var recreateOps []*createOp
  1157  	createsSeen := make(map[createMapKey]bool)
  1158  	// maps a merged most recent pointer to the set of unmerged most
  1159  	// recent pointers that need some of their path filled in.
  1160  	for _, p := range unmergedPaths {
  1161  		mergedPath, mostRecent, ops, err := cr.resolveMergedPathTail(
  1162  			ctx, lState, p, unmergedChains, mergedChains,
  1163  			currUnmergedWriterInfo)
  1164  		if err != nil {
  1165  			return nil, nil, nil, err
  1166  		}
  1168  		// Save any recreateOps we've haven't seen yet.
  1169  		for _, op := range ops {
  1170  			key := createMapKey{op.Dir.Unref, op.NewName}
  1171  			if _, ok := createsSeen[key]; ok {
  1172  				continue
  1173  			}
  1174  			createsSeen[key] = true
  1175  			recreateOps = append(recreateOps, op)
  1176  		}
  1178  		// At the end of this process, we are left with a merged path
  1179  		// that begins just after mostRecent.  We will fill this in
  1180  		// later with the searchFromNodes result.
  1181  		mergedPaths[p.TailPointer()] = mergedPath
  1182  		if !mergedPath.IsValid() {
  1183  			// Temporary debugging for KBFS-2507.
  1184  			cr.log.CDebugf(ctx, "Adding invalid merged path for %v "+
  1185  				"(may be temporary)", p.TailPointer())
  1186  		}
  1188  		if mostRecent.IsInitialized() {
  1189  			// Remember to fill in the corresponding mergedPath once we
  1190  			// get mostRecent's full path.
  1191  			chainsToSearchFor[mostRecent] =
  1192  				append(chainsToSearchFor[mostRecent], p.TailPointer())
  1193  		}
  1194  	}
  1196  	// Now we can search for all the merged paths that need to be
  1197  	// updated due to unmerged operations.  Start with a clean node
  1198  	// cache for the merged branch.
  1199  	newPtrs := make(map[data.BlockPointer]bool)
  1200  	for ptr := range mergedChains.byMostRecent {
  1201  		newPtrs[ptr] = true
  1202  	}
  1203  	for ptr := range chainsToSearchFor {
  1204  		ptrs = append(ptrs, ptr)
  1205  	}
  1207  	if len(ptrs) == 0 {
  1208  		// Nothing to search for
  1209  		return mergedPaths, recreateOps, newUnmergedPaths, nil
  1210  	}
  1212  	mergedNodeCache := newNodeCacheStandard(cr.fbo.folderBranch)
  1213  	mergedNodeCache.SetObfuscatorMaker(cr.fbo.makeObfuscator)
  1214  	nodeMap, _, err := cr.fbo.blocks.SearchForNodes(
  1215  		ctx, mergedNodeCache, ptrs, newPtrs,
  1216  		mergedChains.mostRecentChainMDInfo,
  1217  		mergedChains.mostRecentChainMDInfo.GetRootDirEntry().BlockPointer)
  1218  	if err != nil {
  1219  		return nil, nil, nil, err
  1220  	}
  1222  	for ptr, n := range nodeMap {
  1223  		if n == nil {
  1224  			// All the pointers we're looking for should definitely be
  1225  			// findable in the merged branch somewhere.
  1226  			return nil, nil, nil, NodeNotFoundError{ptr}
  1227  		}
  1229  		p := mergedNodeCache.PathFromNode(n)
  1230  		for _, unmergedMostRecent := range chainsToSearchFor[ptr] {
  1231  			// Prepend the found path to the existing path
  1232  			mergedPath := mergedPaths[unmergedMostRecent]
  1233  			if !mergedPath.IsValid() {
  1234  				// Temporary debugging for KBFS-2507.
  1235  				cr.log.CDebugf(ctx, "Populating merged path for %v with %v",
  1236  					unmergedMostRecent, p.Path)
  1237  			}
  1239  			newPath := make([]data.PathNode, len(p.Path)+len(mergedPath.Path))
  1240  			copy(newPath[:len(p.Path)], p.Path)
  1241  			copy(newPath[len(p.Path):], mergedPath.Path)
  1242  			mergedPath.FolderBranch = cr.fbo.folderBranch
  1243  			mergedPath.Path = newPath
  1244  			mergedPaths[unmergedMostRecent] = mergedPath
  1246  			// update the final paths for those corresponding merged
  1247  			// chains
  1248  			mergedMostRecent := mergedPath.TailPointer()
  1249  			chain, ok := mergedChains.byMostRecent[mergedMostRecent]
  1250  			if !ok {
  1251  				// it's ok for the merged path not to exist because we
  1252  				// might still need to create it.
  1253  				continue
  1254  			}
  1255  			for _, op := range chain.ops {
  1256  				op.setFinalPath(mergedPath)
  1257  			}
  1258  		}
  1259  	}
  1261  	return mergedPaths, recreateOps, newUnmergedPaths, nil
  1262  }
  1264  // buildChainsAndPaths make crChains for both the unmerged and merged
  1265  // branches since the branch point, the corresponding full paths for
  1266  // those changes, any new recreate ops, and returns the MDs used to
  1267  // compute all this. Note that even if err is nil, the merged MD list
  1268  // might be non-nil to allow for better error handling.
  1269  //
  1270  // This always returns the merged MDs, even in an error case, to allow
  1271  // the caller's error-handling code to unstage if necessary.
  1272  func (cr *ConflictResolver) buildChainsAndPaths(
  1273  	ctx context.Context, lState *kbfssync.LockState, writerLocked bool) (
  1274  	unmergedChains, mergedChains *crChains, unmergedPaths []data.Path,
  1275  	mergedPaths map[data.BlockPointer]data.Path, recreateOps []*createOp,
  1276  	unmerged, merged []ImmutableRootMetadata, err error) {
  1277  	// Fetch the merged and unmerged MDs
  1278  	unmerged, merged, err = cr.getMDs(ctx, lState, writerLocked)
  1279  	if err != nil {
  1280  		return nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, err
  1281  	}
  1283  	if len(unmerged) == 0 {
  1284  		cr.log.CDebugf(ctx, "Skipping merge process due to empty MD list")
  1285  		return nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, merged, nil
  1286  	}
  1288  	// Update the current input to reflect the MDs we'll actually be
  1289  	// working with.
  1290  	err = cr.updateCurrInput(ctx, unmerged, merged)
  1291  	if err != nil {
  1292  		return nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, merged, err
  1293  	}
  1295  	// Canceled before we start the heavy lifting?
  1296  	err = cr.checkDone(ctx)
  1297  	if err != nil {
  1298  		return nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, merged, err
  1299  	}
  1301  	// Make the chains
  1302  	unmergedChains, mergedChains, err = cr.makeChains(ctx, unmerged, merged)
  1303  	if err != nil {
  1304  		return nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, merged, err
  1305  	}
  1307  	// TODO: if the root node didn't change in either chain, we can
  1308  	// short circuit the rest of the process with a really easy
  1309  	// merge...
  1311  	// Get the full path for every most recent unmerged pointer with a
  1312  	// chain of unmerged operations, and which was not created or
  1313  	// deleted within in the unmerged branch.
  1314  	unmergedPaths, err = unmergedChains.getPaths(ctx, &cr.fbo.blocks,
  1315  		cr.log, cr.fbo.nodeCache, false, cr.config.Mode().IsTestMode())
  1316  	if err != nil {
  1317  		return nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, merged, err
  1318  	}
  1320  	// Add in any directory paths that were created in both branches.
  1321  	newUnmergedPaths, err := cr.findCreatedDirsToMerge(ctx, unmergedPaths,
  1322  		unmergedChains, mergedChains)
  1323  	if err != nil {
  1324  		return nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, merged, err
  1325  	}
  1326  	unmergedPaths = append(unmergedPaths, newUnmergedPaths...)
  1327  	if len(newUnmergedPaths) > 0 {
  1328  		sort.Sort(crSortedPaths(unmergedPaths))
  1329  	}
  1331  	// Mark the recreate ops as being authored by the current user.
  1332  	kbpki := cr.config.KBPKI()
  1333  	session, err := kbpki.GetCurrentSession(ctx)
  1334  	if err != nil {
  1335  		return nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, merged, err
  1336  	}
  1338  	currUnmergedWriterInfo := newWriterInfo(
  1339  		session.UID, session.VerifyingKey, unmerged[len(unmerged)-1].Revision(),
  1340  		cr.fbo.oa())
  1342  	// Find the corresponding path in the merged branch for each of
  1343  	// these unmerged paths, and the set of any createOps needed to
  1344  	// apply these unmerged operations in the merged branch.
  1345  	mergedPaths, recreateOps, newUnmergedPaths, err = cr.resolveMergedPaths(
  1346  		ctx, lState, unmergedPaths, unmergedChains, mergedChains,
  1347  		currUnmergedWriterInfo)
  1348  	if err != nil {
  1349  		return nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, merged, err
  1350  	}
  1351  	unmergedPaths = append(unmergedPaths, newUnmergedPaths...)
  1352  	if len(newUnmergedPaths) > 0 {
  1353  		sort.Sort(crSortedPaths(unmergedPaths))
  1354  	}
  1356  	return unmergedChains, mergedChains, unmergedPaths, mergedPaths,
  1357  		recreateOps, unmerged, merged, nil
  1358  }
  1360  // addRecreateOpsToUnmergedChains inserts each recreateOp, into its
  1361  // appropriate unmerged chain, creating one if it doesn't exist yet.
  1362  // It also adds entries as necessary to mergedPaths, and returns a
  1363  // slice of new unmergedPaths to be added.
  1364  func (cr *ConflictResolver) addRecreateOpsToUnmergedChains(ctx context.Context,
  1365  	recreateOps []*createOp, unmergedChains, mergedChains *crChains,
  1366  	mergedPaths map[data.BlockPointer]data.Path) ([]data.Path, error) {
  1367  	if len(recreateOps) == 0 {
  1368  		return nil, nil
  1369  	}
  1371  	// First create a lookup table that maps every block pointer in
  1372  	// every merged path to a corresponding key in the mergedPaths map.
  1373  	keys := make(map[data.BlockPointer]data.BlockPointer)
  1374  	for ptr, p := range mergedPaths {
  1375  		for _, node := range p.Path {
  1376  			keys[node.BlockPointer] = ptr
  1377  		}
  1378  	}
  1380  	var newUnmergedPaths []data.Path
  1381  	for _, rop := range recreateOps {
  1382  		// If rop.Dir.Unref is a merged most recent pointer, look up the
  1383  		// original.  Otherwise rop.Dir.Unref is the original.  Use the
  1384  		// original to look up the appropriate unmerged chain and stick
  1385  		// this op at the front.
  1386  		origTargetPtr, err :=
  1387  			mergedChains.originalFromMostRecentOrSame(rop.Dir.Unref)
  1388  		if err != nil {
  1389  			return nil, err
  1390  		}
  1392  		chain, ok := unmergedChains.byOriginal[origTargetPtr]
  1393  		if !ok {
  1394  			return nil, fmt.Errorf("recreateOp for %v has no chain",
  1395  				origTargetPtr)
  1396  		}
  1397  		if len(chain.ops) == 0 {
  1398  			newUnmergedPaths = append(newUnmergedPaths, rop.getFinalPath())
  1399  		}
  1400  		chain.ops = append([]op{rop}, chain.ops...)
  1402  		// Look up the corresponding unmerged most recent pointer, and
  1403  		// check whether there's a merged path for it yet.  If not,
  1404  		// create one by looking it up in the lookup table (created
  1405  		// above) and taking the appropriate subpath.
  1406  		_, ok = mergedPaths[chain.mostRecent]
  1407  		if !ok {
  1408  			mergedMostRecent := chain.original
  1409  			if !mergedChains.isDeleted(chain.original) {
  1410  				if mChain, ok := mergedChains.byOriginal[chain.original]; ok {
  1411  					mergedMostRecent = mChain.mostRecent
  1412  				}
  1413  			}
  1414  			key, ok := keys[mergedMostRecent]
  1415  			if !ok {
  1416  				return nil, fmt.Errorf("Couldn't find a merged path "+
  1417  					"containing the target of a recreate op: %v",
  1418  					mergedMostRecent)
  1419  			}
  1420  			currPath := mergedPaths[key]
  1421  			for currPath.TailPointer() != mergedMostRecent &&
  1422  				currPath.HasValidParent() {
  1423  				currPath = *currPath.ParentPath()
  1424  			}
  1425  			mergedPaths[chain.mostRecent] = currPath
  1426  		}
  1427  	}
  1429  	return newUnmergedPaths, nil
  1430  }
  1432  // convertCreateIntoSymlink finds the create operation for the given
  1433  // node in the chain, and makes it into one that creates a new symlink
  1434  // (for directories) or a file copy.  It also removes the
  1435  // corresponding remove operation from the old parent chain.
  1436  func (cr *ConflictResolver) convertCreateIntoSymlinkOrCopy(ctx context.Context,
  1437  	ptr data.BlockPointer, info renameInfo, chain *crChain,
  1438  	unmergedChains, mergedChains *crChains, symPath string) error {
  1439  	found := false
  1440  outer:
  1441  	for _, op := range chain.ops {
  1442  		if cop, ok := op.(*createOp); ok {
  1443  			if !cop.renamed || cop.NewName != info.newName {
  1444  				continue
  1445  			}
  1447  			oldType := cop.Type
  1448  			if cop.Type == data.Dir {
  1449  				cop.Type = data.Sym
  1450  				cop.crSymPath = symPath
  1451  				cop.RefBlocks = nil
  1452  			} else {
  1453  				cop.forceCopy = true
  1454  			}
  1455  			cop.renamed = false
  1457  			newInfo := renameInfo{
  1458  				originalOldParent: info.originalNewParent,
  1459  				oldName:           info.newName,
  1460  				originalNewParent: info.originalOldParent,
  1461  				newName:           info.oldName,
  1462  			}
  1463  			if newInfo2, ok := mergedChains.renamedOriginals[ptr]; ok {
  1464  				// If this node was already moved in the merged
  1465  				// branch, we need to tweak the merged branch's rename
  1466  				// info so that it looks like it's being renamed from
  1467  				// the new unmerged location.
  1468  				newInfo = newInfo2
  1469  				newInfo.originalOldParent = info.originalNewParent
  1470  				newInfo.oldName = info.newName
  1471  			} else {
  1472  				// invert the op in the merged chains
  1473  				invertCreate, err := newRmOp(info.newName,
  1474  					info.originalNewParent, oldType)
  1475  				if err != nil {
  1476  					return err
  1477  				}
  1478  				err = invertCreate.Dir.setRef(info.originalNewParent)
  1479  				if err != nil {
  1480  					return err
  1481  				}
  1482  				invertRm, err := newCreateOp(info.oldName,
  1483  					info.originalOldParent, cop.Type)
  1484  				if err != nil {
  1485  					return err
  1486  				}
  1487  				err = invertRm.Dir.setRef(info.originalOldParent)
  1488  				if err != nil {
  1489  					return err
  1490  				}
  1491  				invertRm.renamed = true
  1492  				invertRm.AddRefBlock(ptr)
  1494  				mergedNewMostRecent, err := mergedChains.
  1495  					mostRecentFromOriginalOrSame(info.originalNewParent)
  1496  				if err != nil {
  1497  					return err
  1498  				}
  1499  				mergedOldMostRecent, err := mergedChains.
  1500  					mostRecentFromOriginalOrSame(info.originalOldParent)
  1501  				if err != nil {
  1502  					return err
  1503  				}
  1504  				err = prependOpsToChain(
  1505  					mergedOldMostRecent, mergedChains, invertRm)
  1506  				if err != nil {
  1507  					return err
  1508  				}
  1509  				err = prependOpsToChain(
  1510  					mergedNewMostRecent, mergedChains, invertCreate)
  1511  				if err != nil {
  1512  					return err
  1513  				}
  1514  			}
  1515  			cr.log.CDebugf(ctx, "Putting new merged rename info "+
  1516  				"%v -> %v (symPath: %v)", ptr, newInfo,
  1517  				data.NewPathPartString(symPath, chain.obfuscator))
  1518  			mergedChains.renamedOriginals[ptr] = newInfo
  1520  			// Fix up the corresponding rmOp to make sure
  1521  			// that it gets dropped
  1522  			oldParentChain :=
  1523  				unmergedChains.byOriginal[info.originalOldParent]
  1524  			for _, oldOp := range oldParentChain.ops {
  1525  				ro, ok := oldOp.(*rmOp)
  1526  				if !ok {
  1527  					continue
  1528  				}
  1529  				if ro.OldName == info.oldName {
  1530  					// No need to copy since this createOp
  1531  					// must have been created as part of
  1532  					// conflict resolution.
  1533  					ro.dropThis = true
  1534  					break
  1535  				}
  1536  			}
  1538  			found = true
  1539  			break outer
  1540  		}
  1541  	}
  1542  	if !found {
  1543  		return fmt.Errorf("fixRenameConflicts: couldn't find "+
  1544  			"rename op corresponding to %v,%s", ptr, info.newName)
  1545  	}
  1546  	return nil
  1547  }
  1549  // crConflictCheckQuick checks whether the two given chains have any
  1550  // direct conflicts.  TODO: currently this is a little pessimistic
  1551  // because it assumes any set attrs are in conflict, when in reality
  1552  // they can be for different attributes, or the same attribute with
  1553  // the same value.
  1554  func crConflictCheckQuick(unmergedChain, mergedChain *crChain) bool {
  1555  	return unmergedChain != nil && mergedChain != nil &&
  1556  		((unmergedChain.hasSyncOp() && mergedChain.hasSyncOp()) ||
  1557  			(unmergedChain.hasSetAttrOp() && mergedChain.hasSetAttrOp()))
  1558  }
  1560  func (cr *ConflictResolver) getSingleUnmergedPath(
  1561  	ctx context.Context, unmergedChains *crChains, chain *crChain) (
  1562  	data.Path, error) {
  1563  	// Reuse some code by creating a new chains object
  1564  	// consisting of only this node.
  1565  	newChains := newCRChainsEmpty(cr.fbo.makeObfuscator)
  1566  	newChains.byOriginal[chain.original] = chain
  1567  	newChains.byMostRecent[chain.mostRecent] = chain
  1568  	// Fake out the rest of the chains to populate newPtrs.
  1569  	for _, c := range unmergedChains.byOriginal {
  1570  		if c.original == chain.original {
  1571  			continue
  1572  		}
  1573  		newChain := &crChain{
  1574  			original:   c.original,
  1575  			mostRecent: c.mostRecent,
  1576  			obfuscator: newChains.makeObfuscator(),
  1577  		}
  1578  		newChains.byOriginal[c.original] = newChain
  1579  		newChains.byMostRecent[c.mostRecent] = newChain
  1580  	}
  1581  	newChains.mostRecentChainMDInfo = unmergedChains.mostRecentChainMDInfo
  1582  	unmergedPaths, err := newChains.getPaths(ctx, &cr.fbo.blocks,
  1583  		cr.log, cr.fbo.nodeCache, false, cr.config.Mode().IsTestMode())
  1584  	if err != nil {
  1585  		return data.Path{}, err
  1586  	}
  1588  	if len(unmergedPaths) != 1 {
  1589  		return data.Path{}, fmt.Errorf("Couldn't find the unmerged path for %v",
  1590  			chain.original)
  1591  	}
  1592  	return unmergedPaths[0], nil
  1593  }
  1595  // fixRenameConflicts checks every unmerged createOp associated with a
  1596  // rename to see if it will cause a cycle.  If so, it makes it a
  1597  // symlink create operation instead.  It also checks whether a
  1598  // particular node had been renamed in both branches; if so, it will
  1599  // copy files, and use symlinks for directories.
  1600  func (cr *ConflictResolver) fixRenameConflicts(ctx context.Context,
  1601  	unmergedChains, mergedChains *crChains,
  1602  	mergedPaths map[data.BlockPointer]data.Path) ([]data.Path, error) {
  1603  	// For every renamed block pointer in the unmerged chains:
  1604  	//   * Check if any BlockPointer in its merged path contains a relative of
  1605  	//     itself
  1606  	//   * If so, replace the corresponding unmerged create operation with a
  1607  	//     symlink creation to the new merged path instead.
  1608  	// So, if in the merged branch someone did `mv b/ a/` and in the unmerged
  1609  	// branch someone did `mv a/ b/`, the conflict resolution would end up with
  1610  	// `a/b/a` where the second a is a symlink to "../".
  1611  	//
  1612  	// To calculate what the symlink should be, consider the following:
  1613  	//   * The unmerged path for the new parent of ptr P is u_1/u_2/.../u_n
  1614  	//   * u_i is the largest i <= n such that the corresponding block
  1615  	//     can be mapped to a node in merged branch (pointer m_j).
  1616  	//   * The full path to m_j in the merged branch is m_1/m_2/m_3/.../m_j
  1617  	//   * For a rename cycle to occur, some m_x where x <= j must be a
  1618  	//     descendant of P's original pointer.
  1619  	//   * The full merged path to the parent of the second copy of P will
  1620  	//     then be: m_1/m_2/.../m_x/.../m_j/u_i+1/.../u_n.
  1621  	//   * Then, the symlink to put under P's name in u_n is "../"*((n-i)+(j-x))
  1622  	// In the case that u_n is a directory that was newly-created in the
  1623  	// unmerged branch, we also need to construct a complete corresponding
  1624  	// merged path, for use in later stages (like executing actions).  This
  1625  	// merged path is just m_1/.../m_j/u_i+1/.../u_n, using the most recent
  1626  	// unmerged pointers.
  1627  	var newUnmergedPaths []data.Path
  1628  	var removeRenames []data.BlockPointer
  1629  	var doubleRenames []data.BlockPointer // merged most recent ptrs
  1630  	for ptr, info := range unmergedChains.renamedOriginals {
  1631  		if unmergedChains.isDeleted(ptr) {
  1632  			continue
  1633  		}
  1635  		// Also, we need to get the merged paths for anything that was
  1636  		// renamed in both branches, if they are different.
  1637  		if mergedInfo, ok := mergedChains.renamedOriginals[ptr]; ok &&
  1638  			(info.originalNewParent != mergedInfo.originalNewParent ||
  1639  				info.newName != mergedInfo.newName) {
  1640  			mergedMostRecent, err :=
  1641  				mergedChains.mostRecentFromOriginalOrSame(ptr)
  1642  			if err != nil {
  1643  				return nil, err
  1644  			}
  1646  			doubleRenames = append(doubleRenames, mergedMostRecent)
  1647  			continue
  1648  		}
  1650  		// If this node was modified in both branches, we need to fork
  1651  		// the node, so we can get rid of the unmerged remove op and
  1652  		// force a copy on the create op.
  1653  		unmergedChain := unmergedChains.byOriginal[ptr]
  1654  		mergedChain := mergedChains.byOriginal[ptr]
  1655  		if crConflictCheckQuick(unmergedChain, mergedChain) {
  1656  			cr.log.CDebugf(ctx, "File that was renamed on the unmerged "+
  1657  				"branch from %s -> %s has conflicting edits, forking "+
  1658  				"(original ptr %v)",
  1659  				data.NewPathPartString(info.oldName, unmergedChain.obfuscator),
  1660  				data.NewPathPartString(info.newName, unmergedChain.obfuscator),
  1661  				ptr)
  1662  			oldParent := unmergedChains.byOriginal[info.originalOldParent]
  1663  			for _, op := range oldParent.ops {
  1664  				ro, ok := op.(*rmOp)
  1665  				if !ok {
  1666  					continue
  1667  				}
  1668  				if ro.OldName == info.oldName {
  1669  					ro.dropThis = true
  1670  					break
  1671  				}
  1672  			}
  1673  			newParent := unmergedChains.byOriginal[info.originalNewParent]
  1674  			for _, npOp := range newParent.ops {
  1675  				co, ok := npOp.(*createOp)
  1676  				if !ok {
  1677  					continue
  1678  				}
  1679  				if co.NewName == info.newName && co.renamed {
  1680  					co.forceCopy = true
  1681  					co.renamed = false
  1682  					co.AddRefBlock(unmergedChain.mostRecent)
  1683  					co.DelRefBlock(ptr)
  1684  					// Clear out the ops on the file itself, as we
  1685  					// will be doing a fresh create instead.
  1686  					unmergedChain.ops = nil
  1687  					break
  1688  				}
  1689  			}
  1690  			// Reset the chain of the forked file to the most recent
  1691  			// pointer, since we want to avoid any local notifications
  1692  			// linking the old version of the file to the new one.
  1693  			if ptr != unmergedChain.mostRecent {
  1694  				err := unmergedChains.changeOriginal(
  1695  					ptr, unmergedChain.mostRecent)
  1696  				if err != nil {
  1697  					return nil, err
  1698  				}
  1699  				unmergedChains.createdOriginals[unmergedChain.mostRecent] = true
  1700  			}
  1701  			continue
  1702  		}
  1704  		// The merged path is keyed by the most recent unmerged tail
  1705  		// pointer.
  1706  		parent, err :=
  1707  			unmergedChains.mostRecentFromOriginal(info.originalNewParent)
  1708  		if err != nil {
  1709  			return nil, err
  1710  		}
  1712  		mergedPath, ok := mergedPaths[parent]
  1713  		unmergedWalkBack := 0 // (n-i) in the equation above
  1714  		var unmergedPath data.Path
  1715  		if !ok {
  1716  			// If this parent was newly created in the unmerged
  1717  			// branch, we need to look up its earliest parent that
  1718  			// existed in both branches.
  1719  			if !unmergedChains.isCreated(info.originalNewParent) {
  1720  				// There should definitely be a merged path for this
  1721  				// parent, since it doesn't have a create operation.
  1722  				return nil, fmt.Errorf("fixRenameConflicts: couldn't find "+
  1723  					"merged path for %v", parent)
  1724  			}
  1726  			chain := unmergedChains.byOriginal[info.originalNewParent]
  1727  			unmergedPath, err = cr.getSingleUnmergedPath(
  1728  				ctx, unmergedChains, chain)
  1729  			if err != nil {
  1730  				return nil, err
  1731  			}
  1732  			// Look backwards to find the first parent with a merged path.
  1733  			n := len(unmergedPath.Path) - 1
  1734  			for i := n; i >= 0; i-- {
  1735  				mergedPath, ok = mergedPaths[unmergedPath.Path[i].BlockPointer]
  1736  				if ok {
  1737  					unmergedWalkBack = n - i
  1738  					break
  1739  				}
  1740  			}
  1741  			if !ok {
  1742  				return nil, fmt.Errorf("fixRenameConflicts: couldn't find any "+
  1743  					"merged path for any parents of %v", parent)
  1744  			}
  1745  		}
  1747  		for x, pn := range mergedPath.Path {
  1748  			original, err :=
  1749  				mergedChains.originalFromMostRecent(pn.BlockPointer)
  1750  			if err != nil {
  1751  				// This node wasn't changed in the merged branch
  1752  				original = pn.BlockPointer
  1753  			}
  1755  			if original != ptr {
  1756  				continue
  1757  			}
  1759  			// If any node on this path matches the renamed pointer,
  1760  			// we have a cycle.
  1761  			chain, ok := unmergedChains.byMostRecent[parent]
  1762  			if !ok {
  1763  				return nil, fmt.Errorf("fixRenameConflicts: no chain for "+
  1764  					"parent %v", parent)
  1765  			}
  1767  			j := len(mergedPath.Path) - 1
  1768  			// (j-x) in the above equation
  1769  			mergedWalkBack := j - x
  1770  			walkBack := unmergedWalkBack + mergedWalkBack
  1772  			// Mark this as a symlink, and the resolver
  1773  			// will take care of making it a symlink in
  1774  			// the merged branch later. No need to copy
  1775  			// since this createOp must have been created
  1776  			// as part of conflict resolution.
  1777  			symPath := "./" + strings.Repeat("../", walkBack)
  1778  			cr.log.CDebugf(ctx, "Creating symlink %s at merged path %s",
  1779  				data.NewPathPartString(symPath, chain.obfuscator), mergedPath)
  1781  			err = cr.convertCreateIntoSymlinkOrCopy(ctx, ptr, info, chain,
  1782  				unmergedChains, mergedChains, symPath)
  1783  			if err != nil {
  1784  				return nil, err
  1785  			}
  1787  			if unmergedWalkBack > 0 {
  1788  				cr.log.CDebugf(ctx, "Adding new unmerged path %s",
  1789  					unmergedPath)
  1790  				newUnmergedPaths = append(newUnmergedPaths,
  1791  					unmergedPath)
  1792  				// Fake a merged path to make sure these
  1793  				// actions will be taken.
  1794  				mergedLen := len(mergedPath.Path)
  1795  				pLen := mergedLen + unmergedWalkBack
  1796  				p := data.Path{
  1797  					FolderBranch:    mergedPath.FolderBranch,
  1798  					Path:            make([]data.PathNode, pLen),
  1799  					ChildObfuscator: cr.fbo.makeObfuscator(),
  1800  				}
  1801  				unmergedStart := len(unmergedPath.Path) -
  1802  					unmergedWalkBack
  1803  				copy(p.Path[:mergedLen], mergedPath.Path)
  1804  				copy(p.Path[mergedLen:],
  1805  					unmergedPath.Path[unmergedStart:])
  1806  				mergedPaths[unmergedPath.TailPointer()] = p
  1807  				if !p.IsValid() {
  1808  					// Temporary debugging for KBFS-2507.
  1809  					cr.log.CDebugf(ctx, "Added invalid unmerged path for %v",
  1810  						unmergedPath.TailPointer())
  1811  				}
  1812  			}
  1814  			removeRenames = append(removeRenames, ptr)
  1815  		}
  1816  	}
  1818  	// A map from merged most recent pointers of the parent
  1819  	// directories of files that have been forked, to a list of child
  1820  	// pointers within those directories that need their merged paths
  1821  	// fixed up.
  1822  	forkedFromMergedRenames := make(map[data.BlockPointer][]data.PathNode)
  1824  	// Check the merged renames to see if any of them affect a
  1825  	// modified file that the unmerged branch did not rename.  If we
  1826  	// find one, fork the file and leave the unmerged version under
  1827  	// its unmerged name.
  1828  	for ptr, info := range mergedChains.renamedOriginals {
  1829  		if mergedChains.isDeleted(ptr) {
  1830  			continue
  1831  		}
  1833  		// Skip double renames, already dealt with them above.
  1834  		if unmergedInfo, ok := unmergedChains.renamedOriginals[ptr]; ok &&
  1835  			(info.originalNewParent != unmergedInfo.originalNewParent ||
  1836  				info.newName != unmergedInfo.newName) {
  1837  			continue
  1838  		}
  1840  		// If this is a file that was modified in both branches, we
  1841  		// need to fork the file and tell the unmerged copy to keep
  1842  		// its current name.
  1843  		unmergedChain := unmergedChains.byOriginal[ptr]
  1844  		mergedChain := mergedChains.byOriginal[ptr]
  1845  		if crConflictCheckQuick(unmergedChain, mergedChain) {
  1846  			cr.log.CDebugf(ctx, "File that was renamed on the merged "+
  1847  				"branch from %s -> %s has conflicting edits, forking "+
  1848  				"(original ptr %v)",
  1849  				data.NewPathPartString(info.oldName, unmergedChain.obfuscator),
  1850  				data.NewPathPartString(info.newName, unmergedChain.obfuscator),
  1851  				ptr)
  1852  			var unmergedParentPath data.Path
  1853  			for _, op := range unmergedChain.ops {
  1854  				switch realOp := op.(type) {
  1855  				case *syncOp:
  1856  					realOp.keepUnmergedTailName = true
  1857  					unmergedParentPath = *op.getFinalPath().ParentPath()
  1858  				case *setAttrOp:
  1859  					realOp.keepUnmergedTailName = true
  1860  					unmergedParentPath = *op.getFinalPath().ParentPath()
  1861  				}
  1862  			}
  1863  			if unmergedParentPath.IsValid() {
  1864  				// Reset the merged path for this file back to the
  1865  				// merged path corresponding to the unmerged parent.
  1866  				// Put the merged parent path on the list of paths to
  1867  				// search for.
  1868  				unmergedParent := unmergedParentPath.TailPointer()
  1869  				if _, ok := mergedPaths[unmergedParent]; !ok {
  1870  					upOriginal := unmergedChains.originals[unmergedParent]
  1871  					mergedParent, err :=
  1872  						mergedChains.mostRecentFromOriginalOrSame(upOriginal)
  1873  					if err != nil {
  1874  						return nil, err
  1875  					}
  1876  					oldPPS := data.NewPathPartString(
  1877  						info.oldName, unmergedParentPath.Obfuscator())
  1878  					forkedFromMergedRenames[mergedParent] =
  1879  						append(forkedFromMergedRenames[mergedParent],
  1880  							data.PathNode{
  1881  								BlockPointer: unmergedChain.mostRecent,
  1882  								Name:         oldPPS,
  1883  							})
  1884  					newUnmergedPaths =
  1885  						append(newUnmergedPaths, unmergedParentPath)
  1886  				}
  1887  			}
  1888  		}
  1889  	}
  1891  	for _, ptr := range removeRenames {
  1892  		delete(unmergedChains.renamedOriginals, ptr)
  1893  	}
  1895  	numRenamesToCheck := len(doubleRenames) + len(forkedFromMergedRenames)
  1896  	if numRenamesToCheck == 0 {
  1897  		return newUnmergedPaths, nil
  1898  	}
  1900  	// Make chains for the new merged parents of all the double renames.
  1901  	newPtrs := make(map[data.BlockPointer]bool)
  1902  	ptrs := make([]data.BlockPointer, len(doubleRenames), numRenamesToCheck)
  1903  	copy(ptrs, doubleRenames)
  1904  	for ptr := range forkedFromMergedRenames {
  1905  		ptrs = append(ptrs, ptr)
  1906  	}
  1907  	// Fake out the rest of the chains to populate newPtrs
  1908  	for ptr := range mergedChains.byMostRecent {
  1909  		newPtrs[ptr] = true
  1910  	}
  1912  	mergedNodeCache := newNodeCacheStandard(cr.fbo.folderBranch)
  1913  	mergedNodeCache.SetObfuscatorMaker(cr.fbo.makeObfuscator)
  1914  	nodeMap, _, err := cr.fbo.blocks.SearchForNodes(
  1915  		ctx, mergedNodeCache, ptrs, newPtrs,
  1916  		mergedChains.mostRecentChainMDInfo,
  1917  		mergedChains.mostRecentChainMDInfo.GetRootDirEntry().BlockPointer)
  1918  	if err != nil {
  1919  		return nil, err
  1920  	}
  1922  	for _, ptr := range doubleRenames {
  1923  		// Find the merged paths
  1924  		node, ok := nodeMap[ptr]
  1925  		if !ok || node == nil {
  1926  			return nil, fmt.Errorf("Couldn't find merged path for "+
  1927  				"doubly-renamed pointer %v", ptr)
  1928  		}
  1930  		original, err :=
  1931  			mergedChains.originalFromMostRecentOrSame(ptr)
  1932  		if err != nil {
  1933  			return nil, err
  1934  		}
  1935  		unmergedInfo, ok := unmergedChains.renamedOriginals[original]
  1936  		if !ok {
  1937  			return nil, fmt.Errorf("fixRenameConflicts: can't find the "+
  1938  				"unmerged rename info for %v during double-rename resolution",
  1939  				original)
  1940  		}
  1941  		mergedInfo, ok := mergedChains.renamedOriginals[original]
  1942  		if !ok {
  1943  			return nil, fmt.Errorf("fixRenameConflicts: can't find the "+
  1944  				"merged rename info for %v during double-rename resolution",
  1945  				original)
  1946  		}
  1948  		// If any node on this path matches the renamed pointer,
  1949  		// we have a cycle.
  1950  		chain, ok := unmergedChains.byOriginal[unmergedInfo.originalNewParent]
  1951  		if !ok {
  1952  			return nil, fmt.Errorf("fixRenameConflicts: no chain for "+
  1953  				"parent %v", unmergedInfo.originalNewParent)
  1954  		}
  1956  		// For directories, the symlinks traverse down the merged path
  1957  		// to the first common node, and then back up to the new
  1958  		// parent/name.  TODO: what happens when some element along
  1959  		// the merged path also got renamed by the unmerged branch?
  1960  		// The symlink would likely be wrong in that case.
  1961  		mergedPathOldParent, ok := mergedPaths[chain.mostRecent]
  1962  		if !ok {
  1963  			return nil, fmt.Errorf("fixRenameConflicts: couldn't find "+
  1964  				"merged path for old parent %v", chain.mostRecent)
  1965  		}
  1966  		mergedPathNewParent := mergedNodeCache.PathFromNode(node)
  1967  		symPath := "./"
  1968  		newParentStart := 0
  1969  	outer:
  1970  		for i := len(mergedPathOldParent.Path) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
  1971  			mostRecent := mergedPathOldParent.Path[i].BlockPointer
  1972  			for j, pnode := range mergedPathNewParent.Path {
  1973  				original, err :=
  1974  					unmergedChains.originalFromMostRecentOrSame(mostRecent)
  1975  				if err != nil {
  1976  					return nil, err
  1977  				}
  1978  				mergedMostRecent, err :=
  1979  					mergedChains.mostRecentFromOriginalOrSame(original)
  1980  				if err != nil {
  1981  					return nil, err
  1982  				}
  1983  				if pnode.BlockPointer == mergedMostRecent {
  1984  					newParentStart = j
  1985  					break outer
  1986  				}
  1987  			}
  1988  			symPath += "../"
  1989  		}
  1990  		// Move up directories starting from beyond the common parent,
  1991  		// to right before the actual node.
  1992  		for i := newParentStart + 1; i < len(mergedPathNewParent.Path)-1; i++ {
  1993  			symPath += mergedPathNewParent.Path[i].Name.Plaintext() + "/"
  1994  		}
  1995  		symPath += mergedInfo.newName
  1997  		err = cr.convertCreateIntoSymlinkOrCopy(ctx, original, unmergedInfo,
  1998  			chain, unmergedChains, mergedChains, symPath)
  1999  		if err != nil {
  2000  			return nil, err
  2001  		}
  2002  	}
  2004  	for ptr, pathNodes := range forkedFromMergedRenames {
  2005  		// Find the merged paths
  2006  		node, ok := nodeMap[ptr]
  2007  		if !ok || node == nil {
  2008  			return nil, fmt.Errorf("Couldn't find merged path for "+
  2009  				"forked parent pointer %v", ptr)
  2010  		}
  2012  		mergedPathNewParent := mergedNodeCache.PathFromNode(node)
  2013  		for _, pNode := range pathNodes {
  2014  			mergedPath := mergedPathNewParent.ChildPath(
  2015  				pNode.Name, pNode.BlockPointer, cr.fbo.makeObfuscator())
  2016  			mergedPaths[pNode.BlockPointer] = mergedPath
  2017  		}
  2018  	}
  2020  	return newUnmergedPaths, nil
  2021  }
  2023  // addMergedRecreates drops any unmerged operations that remove a node
  2024  // that was modified in the merged branch, and adds a create op to the
  2025  // merged chain so that the node will be re-created locally.
  2026  func (cr *ConflictResolver) addMergedRecreates(ctx context.Context,
  2027  	unmergedChains, mergedChains *crChains,
  2028  	mostRecentMergedWriterInfo writerInfo) error {
  2029  	for _, unmergedChain := range unmergedChains.byMostRecent {
  2030  		// First check for nodes that have been deleted in the unmerged
  2031  		// branch, but modified in the merged branch, and drop those
  2032  		// unmerged operations.
  2033  		for _, untypedOp := range unmergedChain.ops {
  2034  			ro, ok := untypedOp.(*rmOp)
  2035  			if !ok {
  2036  				continue
  2037  			}
  2039  			// Perhaps the rm target has been renamed somewhere else,
  2040  			// before eventually being deleted.  In this case, we have
  2041  			// to look up the original by iterating over
  2042  			// renamedOriginals.
  2043  			if len(ro.Unrefs()) == 0 {
  2044  				for original, info := range unmergedChains.renamedOriginals {
  2045  					if info.originalOldParent == unmergedChain.original &&
  2046  						info.oldName == ro.OldName &&
  2047  						unmergedChains.isDeleted(original) {
  2048  						ro.AddUnrefBlock(original)
  2049  						break
  2050  					}
  2051  				}
  2052  			}
  2054  			for _, ptr := range ro.Unrefs() {
  2055  				unrefOriginal, err :=
  2056  					unmergedChains.originalFromMostRecentOrSame(ptr)
  2057  				if err != nil {
  2058  					return err
  2059  				}
  2061  				if c, ok := mergedChains.byOriginal[unrefOriginal]; ok {
  2062  					ro.dropThis = true
  2063  					// Need to prepend a create here to the merged parent,
  2064  					// in order catch any conflicts.
  2065  					parentOriginal := unmergedChain.original
  2066  					name := ro.OldName
  2067  					if newParent, newName, ok :=
  2068  						mergedChains.renamedParentAndName(unrefOriginal); ok {
  2069  						// It was renamed in the merged branch, so
  2070  						// recreate with the new parent and new name.
  2071  						parentOriginal = newParent
  2072  						name = newName
  2073  					} else if info, ok :=
  2074  						unmergedChains.renamedOriginals[unrefOriginal]; ok {
  2075  						// It was only renamed in the old parent, so
  2076  						// use the old parent and original name.
  2077  						parentOriginal = info.originalOldParent
  2078  						name = info.oldName
  2079  					}
  2080  					chain, ok := mergedChains.byOriginal[parentOriginal]
  2081  					if !ok {
  2082  						return fmt.Errorf("Couldn't find chain for parent %v "+
  2083  							"of merged entry %v we're trying to recreate",
  2084  							parentOriginal, unrefOriginal)
  2085  					}
  2086  					t := data.Dir
  2087  					if c.isFile() {
  2088  						// TODO: how to fix this up for executables
  2089  						// and symlinks?  Only matters for checking
  2090  						// conflicts if something with the same name
  2091  						// is created on the unmerged branch.
  2092  						t = data.File
  2093  					}
  2094  					co, err := newCreateOp(name, chain.original, t)
  2095  					if err != nil {
  2096  						return err
  2097  					}
  2098  					err = co.Dir.setRef(chain.original)
  2099  					if err != nil {
  2100  						return err
  2101  					}
  2102  					co.AddRefBlock(c.mostRecent)
  2103  					co.setWriterInfo(mostRecentMergedWriterInfo)
  2104  					chain.ensurePath(co, chain.mostRecent)
  2105  					chain.ops = append([]op{co}, chain.ops...)
  2106  					cr.log.CDebugf(ctx, "Re-created rm'd merge-modified node "+
  2107  						"%v with operation %s in parent %v", unrefOriginal, co,
  2108  						parentOriginal)
  2109  				}
  2110  			}
  2112  		}
  2113  	}
  2114  	return nil
  2115  }
  2117  // getActionsToMerge returns the set of actions needed to merge each
  2118  // unmerged chain of operations, in a map keyed by the tail pointer of
  2119  // the corresponding merged path.
  2120  func (cr *ConflictResolver) getActionsToMerge(
  2121  	ctx context.Context, unmergedChains, mergedChains *crChains,
  2122  	mergedPaths map[data.BlockPointer]data.Path) (
  2123  	map[data.BlockPointer]crActionList, error) {
  2124  	actionMap := make(map[data.BlockPointer]crActionList)
  2125  	for unmergedMostRecent, unmergedChain := range unmergedChains.byMostRecent {
  2126  		original := unmergedChain.original
  2127  		// If this is a file that has been deleted in the merged
  2128  		// branch, a corresponding recreate op will take care of it,
  2129  		// no need to do anything here.
  2131  		// We don't need the "ok" value from this lookup because it's
  2132  		// fine to pass a nil mergedChain into crChain.getActionsToMerge.
  2133  		mergedChain := mergedChains.byOriginal[original]
  2134  		mergedPath, ok := mergedPaths[unmergedMostRecent]
  2135  		if !ok {
  2136  			// This most likely means that the file was created or
  2137  			// deleted in the unmerged branch and thus has no
  2138  			// corresponding merged path yet.
  2139  			continue
  2140  		}
  2141  		if !mergedPath.IsValid() {
  2142  			cr.log.CWarningf(ctx, "Ignoring invalid merged path for %v "+
  2143  				"(original=%v)", unmergedMostRecent, original)
  2144  			continue
  2145  		}
  2147  		actions, err := unmergedChain.getActionsToMerge(
  2148  			ctx, cr.config.ConflictRenamer(), mergedPath,
  2149  			mergedChain)
  2150  		if err != nil {
  2151  			return nil, err
  2152  		}
  2154  		if len(actions) > 0 {
  2155  			actionMap[mergedPath.TailPointer()] = actions
  2156  		}
  2157  	}
  2159  	return actionMap, nil
  2160  }
  2162  // collapseActions combines file updates with their parent directory
  2163  // updates, because conflict resolution only happens within a
  2164  // directory (i.e., files are merged directly, they are just
  2165  // renamed/copied).  It also collapses each action list to get rid of
  2166  // redundant actions.  It returns a slice of additional unmerged paths
  2167  // that should be included in the overall list of unmergedPaths.
  2168  func collapseActions(unmergedChains *crChains, unmergedPaths []data.Path,
  2169  	mergedPaths map[data.BlockPointer]data.Path,
  2170  	actionMap map[data.BlockPointer]crActionList) (newUnmergedPaths []data.Path) {
  2171  	for unmergedMostRecent, chain := range unmergedChains.byMostRecent {
  2172  		// Find the parent directory path and combine
  2173  		p, ok := mergedPaths[unmergedMostRecent]
  2174  		if !ok {
  2175  			continue
  2176  		}
  2178  		fileActions := actionMap[p.TailPointer()]
  2180  		// If this is a directory with setAttr(mtime)-related actions,
  2181  		// just those action should be collapsed into the parent.
  2182  		if !chain.isFile() {
  2183  			var parentActions crActionList
  2184  			var otherDirActions crActionList
  2185  			for _, action := range fileActions {
  2186  				moved := false
  2187  				switch realAction := action.(type) {
  2188  				case *copyUnmergedAttrAction:
  2189  					if realAction.attr[0] == mtimeAttr && !realAction.moved {
  2190  						realAction.moved = true
  2191  						parentActions = append(parentActions, realAction)
  2192  						moved = true
  2193  					}
  2194  				case *renameUnmergedAction:
  2195  					if realAction.causedByAttr == mtimeAttr &&
  2196  						!realAction.moved {
  2197  						realAction.moved = true
  2198  						parentActions = append(parentActions, realAction)
  2199  						moved = true
  2200  					}
  2201  				}
  2202  				if !moved {
  2203  					otherDirActions = append(otherDirActions, action)
  2204  				}
  2205  			}
  2206  			if len(parentActions) == 0 {
  2207  				// A directory with no mtime actions, so treat it
  2208  				// normally.
  2209  				continue
  2210  			}
  2211  			fileActions = parentActions
  2212  			if len(otherDirActions) > 0 {
  2213  				actionMap[p.TailPointer()] = otherDirActions
  2214  			} else {
  2215  				delete(actionMap, p.TailPointer())
  2216  			}
  2217  		} else {
  2218  			// Mark the copyUnmergedAttrActions as moved, so they
  2219  			// don't get moved again by the parent.
  2220  			for _, action := range fileActions {
  2221  				if realAction, ok := action.(*copyUnmergedAttrAction); ok {
  2222  					realAction.moved = true
  2223  				}
  2224  			}
  2225  		}
  2227  		parentPath := *p.ParentPath()
  2228  		mergedParent := parentPath.TailPointer()
  2229  		parentActions, wasParentActions := actionMap[mergedParent]
  2230  		combinedActions := parentActions
  2231  		combinedActions = append(combinedActions, fileActions...)
  2232  		actionMap[mergedParent] = combinedActions
  2233  		if chain.isFile() {
  2234  			mergedPaths[unmergedMostRecent] = parentPath
  2235  			delete(actionMap, p.TailPointer())
  2236  		}
  2237  		if !wasParentActions {
  2238  			// The parent isn't yet represented in our data
  2239  			// structures, so we have to make sure its actions get
  2240  			// executed.
  2241  			//
  2242  			// Find the unmerged path to get the unmerged parent.
  2243  			for _, unmergedPath := range unmergedPaths {
  2244  				if unmergedPath.TailPointer() != unmergedMostRecent {
  2245  					continue
  2246  				}
  2247  				unmergedParentPath := *unmergedPath.ParentPath()
  2248  				unmergedParent := unmergedParentPath.TailPointer()
  2249  				unmergedParentChain :=
  2250  					unmergedChains.byMostRecent[unmergedParent]
  2251  				// If this is a file, only add a new unmerged path if
  2252  				// the parent has ops; otherwise it will confuse the
  2253  				// resolution code and lead to stray blocks.
  2254  				if !chain.isFile() || len(unmergedParentChain.ops) > 0 {
  2255  					newUnmergedPaths =
  2256  						append(newUnmergedPaths, unmergedParentPath)
  2257  				}
  2258  				// File merged paths were already updated above.
  2259  				if !chain.isFile() {
  2260  					mergedPaths[unmergedParent] = parentPath
  2261  				}
  2262  				break
  2263  			}
  2264  		}
  2265  	}
  2267  	for ptr, actions := range actionMap {
  2268  		actionMap[ptr] = actions.collapse()
  2269  	}
  2270  	return newUnmergedPaths
  2271  }
  2273  func (cr *ConflictResolver) computeActions(ctx context.Context,
  2274  	unmergedChains, mergedChains *crChains, unmergedPaths []data.Path,
  2275  	mergedPaths map[data.BlockPointer]data.Path, recreateOps []*createOp,
  2276  	mostRecentMergedWriterInfo writerInfo) (
  2277  	map[data.BlockPointer]crActionList, []data.Path, error) {
  2278  	// Process all the recreateOps, adding them to the appropriate
  2279  	// unmerged chains.
  2280  	newUnmergedPaths, err := cr.addRecreateOpsToUnmergedChains(
  2281  		ctx, recreateOps, unmergedChains, mergedChains, mergedPaths)
  2282  	if err != nil {
  2283  		return nil, nil, err
  2284  	}
  2286  	// Fix any rename cycles by turning the corresponding unmerged
  2287  	// createOp into a symlink entry type.
  2288  	moreNewUnmergedPaths, err := cr.fixRenameConflicts(ctx, unmergedChains,
  2289  		mergedChains, mergedPaths)
  2290  	if err != nil {
  2291  		return nil, nil, err
  2292  	}
  2293  	newUnmergedPaths = append(newUnmergedPaths, moreNewUnmergedPaths...)
  2295  	// Recreate any modified merged nodes that were rm'd in the
  2296  	// unmerged branch.
  2297  	if err := cr.addMergedRecreates(
  2298  		ctx, unmergedChains, mergedChains,
  2299  		mostRecentMergedWriterInfo); err != nil {
  2300  		return nil, nil, err
  2301  	}
  2303  	actionMap, err := cr.getActionsToMerge(
  2304  		ctx, unmergedChains, mergedChains, mergedPaths)
  2305  	if err != nil {
  2306  		return nil, nil, err
  2307  	}
  2309  	// Finally, merged the file actions back into their parent
  2310  	// directory action list, and collapse everything together.
  2311  	moreNewUnmergedPaths =
  2312  		collapseActions(unmergedChains, unmergedPaths, mergedPaths, actionMap)
  2313  	return actionMap, append(newUnmergedPaths, moreNewUnmergedPaths...), nil
  2314  }
  2316  func (cr *ConflictResolver) makeFileBlockDeepCopy(ctx context.Context,
  2317  	lState *kbfssync.LockState, chains *crChains,
  2318  	mergedMostRecent data.BlockPointer, parentPath data.Path,
  2319  	name data.PathPartString, ptr data.BlockPointer, blocks fileBlockMap,
  2320  	dirtyBcache data.DirtyBlockCacheSimple) (data.BlockPointer, error) {
  2321  	kmd := chains.mostRecentChainMDInfo
  2323  	// Use a `nil` childObfuscator here, since this is for a file and
  2324  	// files can't have children to obfuscate, by defintion.
  2325  	file := parentPath.ChildPath(name, ptr, nil)
  2326  	oldInfos, err := cr.fbo.blocks.getIndirectFileBlockInfosLocked(
  2327  		ctx, lState, kmd, file)
  2328  	if err != nil {
  2329  		return data.BlockPointer{}, err
  2330  	}
  2332  	newPtr, allChildPtrs, err := cr.fbo.blocks.deepCopyFileLocked(
  2333  		ctx, lState, kmd, file, dirtyBcache, cr.config.DataVersion())
  2334  	if err != nil {
  2335  		return data.BlockPointer{}, err
  2336  	}
  2338  	block, err := dirtyBcache.Get(ctx,, newPtr, cr.fbo.branch())
  2339  	if err != nil {
  2340  		return data.BlockPointer{}, err
  2341  	}
  2342  	fblock, isFileBlock := block.(*data.FileBlock)
  2343  	if !isFileBlock {
  2344  		return data.BlockPointer{}, NotFileBlockError{ptr, cr.fbo.branch(), file}
  2345  	}
  2347  	// Mark this as having been created during this chain, so that
  2348  	// later during block accounting we can infer the origin of the
  2349  	// block.
  2350  	chains.createdOriginals[newPtr] = true
  2351  	// If this file was created within the branch, we should clean up
  2352  	// all the old block pointers.
  2353  	original, err := chains.originalFromMostRecentOrSame(ptr)
  2354  	if err != nil {
  2355  		return data.BlockPointer{}, err
  2356  	}
  2357  	newlyCreated := chains.isCreated(original)
  2358  	if newlyCreated {
  2359  		chains.toUnrefPointers[original] = true
  2360  		for _, oldInfo := range oldInfos {
  2361  			chains.toUnrefPointers[oldInfo.BlockPointer] = true
  2362  		}
  2363  	}
  2365  	cr.log.CDebugf(ctx, "putTopBlock: %s", name)
  2366  	err = blocks.putTopBlock(ctx, mergedMostRecent, name, fblock)
  2367  	if err != nil {
  2368  		return data.BlockPointer{}, err
  2369  	}
  2371  	for _, childPtr := range allChildPtrs {
  2372  		chains.createdOriginals[childPtr] = true
  2373  	}
  2375  	return newPtr, nil
  2376  }
  2378  func (cr *ConflictResolver) doOneAction(
  2379  	ctx context.Context, lState *kbfssync.LockState,
  2380  	unmergedChains, mergedChains *crChains, unmergedPath data.Path,
  2381  	mergedPaths map[data.BlockPointer]data.Path, chargedTo keybase1.UserOrTeamID,
  2382  	actionMap map[data.BlockPointer]crActionList, dbm dirBlockMap,
  2383  	doneActions map[data.BlockPointer]bool, newFileBlocks fileBlockMap,
  2384  	dirtyBcache data.DirtyBlockCacheSimple) error {
  2385  	unmergedMostRecent := unmergedPath.TailPointer()
  2386  	unmergedChain, ok :=
  2387  		unmergedChains.byMostRecent[unmergedMostRecent]
  2388  	if !ok {
  2389  		return fmt.Errorf("Couldn't find unmerged chain for %v",
  2390  			unmergedMostRecent)
  2391  	}
  2393  	// If this is a file that has been deleted in the merged
  2394  	// branch, a corresponding recreate op will take care of it,
  2395  	// no need to do anything here.
  2397  	// find the corresponding merged path
  2398  	mergedPath, ok := mergedPaths[unmergedMostRecent]
  2399  	if !ok {
  2400  		// This most likely means that the file was created or
  2401  		// deleted in the unmerged branch and thus has no
  2402  		// corresponding merged path yet.
  2403  		return nil
  2404  	}
  2405  	if unmergedChain.isFile() {
  2406  		// The unmerged path is actually the parent (the merged
  2407  		// path was already corrected above).
  2408  		unmergedPath = *unmergedPath.ParentPath()
  2409  	}
  2411  	// Now get the directory blocks.  For unmerged directories, we
  2412  	// can use a nil local block cache, because unmerged blocks
  2413  	// should never be changed during the CR process (since
  2414  	// they're just going away).  This call will lock `blockLock`,
  2415  	// and the subsequent `newDirData` calls can assume it's
  2416  	// locked already.
  2417  	var unmergedDir *data.DirData
  2418  	unmergedDir, cleanupFn := cr.fbo.blocks.newDirDataWithDBM(
  2419  		lState, unmergedPath, chargedTo,
  2420  		unmergedChains.mostRecentChainMDInfo, newDirBlockMapMemory())
  2421  	defer cleanupFn()
  2423  	if unmergedPath.TailPointer() == mergedPath.TailPointer() {
  2424  		// recreateOps update the merged paths using original
  2425  		// pointers; but if other stuff happened in the merged
  2426  		// block before it was deleted (such as other removes) we
  2427  		// want to preserve those.  Therefore, we don't want the
  2428  		// unmerged block to remain in the local block cache.
  2429  		// Below we'll replace it with a new one instead.
  2430  		err := dbm.deleteBlock(ctx, unmergedPath.TailPointer())
  2431  		if err != nil {
  2432  			return err
  2433  		}
  2434  		cr.log.CDebugf(ctx, "Removing block for %v from the local cache",
  2435  			unmergedPath.TailPointer())
  2436  	}
  2438  	blockExists, err := dbm.hasBlock(ctx, mergedPath.TailPointer())
  2439  	if err != nil {
  2440  		return err
  2441  	}
  2442  	// If this is a recreate op and we haven't yet made a new
  2443  	// block for it, then make a new one and put it in the local
  2444  	// block cache.
  2445  	if mergedChains.isDeleted(mergedPath.TailPointer()) && !blockExists {
  2446  		err := dbm.putBlock(
  2447  			ctx, mergedPath.TailPointer(), data.NewDirBlock().(*data.DirBlock))
  2448  		if err != nil {
  2449  			return err
  2450  		}
  2451  	}
  2452  	mergedDir := cr.fbo.blocks.newDirDataWithDBMLocked(
  2453  		lState, mergedPath, chargedTo,
  2454  		mergedChains.mostRecentChainMDInfo, dbm)
  2455  	// Force the top block into the `dbm`.  `folderUpdatePrepper`
  2456  	// requires this, even if the block isn't modified, to
  2457  	// distinguish it from a file block.
  2458  	_, err = mergedDir.GetTopBlock(ctx, data.BlockWrite)
  2459  	if err != nil {
  2460  		return err
  2461  	}
  2463  	actions := actionMap[mergedPath.TailPointer()]
  2464  	if len(actions) > 0 && !doneActions[mergedPath.TailPointer()] {
  2465  		// Make sure we don't try to execute the same actions twice.
  2466  		doneActions[mergedPath.TailPointer()] = true
  2468  		// Any file block copies, keyed by their new temporary block
  2469  		// IDs, and later we will ready them.
  2470  		unmergedFetcher := func(
  2471  			ctx context.Context, name data.PathPartString,
  2472  			ptr data.BlockPointer) (data.BlockPointer, error) {
  2473  			return cr.makeFileBlockDeepCopy(ctx, lState, unmergedChains,
  2474  				mergedPath.TailPointer(), unmergedPath, name, ptr,
  2475  				newFileBlocks, dirtyBcache)
  2476  		}
  2477  		mergedFetcher := func(
  2478  			ctx context.Context, name data.PathPartString,
  2479  			ptr data.BlockPointer) (data.BlockPointer, error) {
  2480  			return cr.makeFileBlockDeepCopy(ctx, lState, mergedChains,
  2481  				mergedPath.TailPointer(), mergedPath, name,
  2482  				ptr, newFileBlocks, dirtyBcache)
  2483  		}
  2485  		// Execute each action and save the modified ops back into
  2486  		// each chain.
  2487  		for _, action := range actions {
  2488  			// Make sure we don't get stuck inside a large action list
  2489  			// for a long time, if the actions are slow to complete.
  2490  			err := cr.checkDone(ctx)
  2491  			if err != nil {
  2492  				return err
  2493  			}
  2495  			swap, newPtr, err := action.swapUnmergedBlock(
  2496  				ctx, unmergedChains, mergedChains, unmergedDir)
  2497  			if err != nil {
  2498  				return err
  2499  			}
  2500  			uDir := unmergedDir
  2501  			if swap {
  2502  				cr.log.CDebugf(ctx, "Swapping out dir %v for %v",
  2503  					newPtr, unmergedPath.TailPointer())
  2504  				if newPtr == data.ZeroPtr {
  2505  					// Use the merged `dirData`.
  2506  					uDir = mergedDir
  2507  				} else {
  2508  					// Use the specified `dirData`, and supply a
  2509  					// `nil` local block cache to ensure that a)
  2510  					// only clean blocks are used, as blocks in
  2511  					// the `dbm` might have already been touched
  2512  					// by previous actions, and b) no new blocks
  2513  					// are cached.
  2514  					newPath := data.Path{
  2515  						FolderBranch: mergedPath.FolderBranch,
  2516  						Path: []data.PathNode{{
  2517  							BlockPointer: newPtr, Name: mergedPath.TailName()}},
  2518  						ChildObfuscator: cr.fbo.makeObfuscator(),
  2519  					}
  2520  					uDir = cr.fbo.blocks.newDirDataWithDBMLocked(
  2521  						lState, newPath, chargedTo,
  2522  						mergedChains.mostRecentChainMDInfo,
  2523  						newDirBlockMapMemory())
  2524  				}
  2525  			}
  2527  			unrefs, err :=
  2528  				ctx, unmergedFetcher, mergedFetcher, uDir, mergedDir)
  2529  			if err != nil {
  2530  				return err
  2531  			}
  2532  			for _, info := range unrefs {
  2533  				unmergedChains.toUnrefPointers[info.BlockPointer] = true
  2534  			}
  2535  		}
  2536  	}
  2538  	// Now update the ops related to this exact path (not the ops
  2539  	// for its parent!).
  2540  	for _, action := range actions {
  2541  		// Make sure we don't get stuck inside a large action list
  2542  		// for a long time, if the actions are slow to complete.
  2543  		err := cr.checkDone(ctx)
  2544  		if err != nil {
  2545  			return err
  2546  		}
  2548  		// unmergedMostRecent is for the correct pointer, but
  2549  		// mergedPath may be for the parent in the case of files
  2550  		// so we need to find the real mergedMostRecent pointer.
  2551  		mergedMostRecent := unmergedChain.original
  2552  		mergedChain, ok := mergedChains.byOriginal[unmergedChain.original]
  2553  		if ok {
  2554  			mergedMostRecent = mergedChain.mostRecent
  2555  		}
  2557  		err = action.updateOps(
  2558  			ctx, unmergedMostRecent, mergedMostRecent,
  2559  			unmergedDir, mergedDir, unmergedChains, mergedChains)
  2560  		if err != nil {
  2561  			return err
  2562  		}
  2563  	}
  2564  	return nil
  2565  }
  2567  func (cr *ConflictResolver) doActions(ctx context.Context,
  2568  	lState *kbfssync.LockState, unmergedChains, mergedChains *crChains,
  2569  	unmergedPaths []data.Path, mergedPaths map[data.BlockPointer]data.Path,
  2570  	actionMap map[data.BlockPointer]crActionList, dbm dirBlockMap,
  2571  	newFileBlocks fileBlockMap, dirtyBcache data.DirtyBlockCacheSimple) error {
  2572  	mergedMD := mergedChains.mostRecentChainMDInfo
  2573  	chargedTo, err := chargedToForTLF(
  2574  		ctx, cr.config.KBPKI(), cr.config.KBPKI(), cr.config,
  2575  		mergedMD.GetTlfHandle())
  2576  	if err != nil {
  2577  		return err
  2578  	}
  2580  	// For each set of actions:
  2581  	//   * Find the corresponding chains
  2582  	//   * Make a reference to each slice of ops
  2583  	//   * Get the unmerged block.
  2584  	//   * Get the merged block if it's not already in the local cache, and
  2585  	//     make a copy.
  2586  	//   * Get the merged block
  2587  	//   * Do each action, updating the ops references to the returned ones
  2588  	// At the end, the local block cache should contain all the
  2589  	// updated merged blocks.  A future phase will update the pointers
  2590  	// in standard Merkle-tree-fashion.
  2591  	doneActions := make(map[data.BlockPointer]bool)
  2592  	for _, unmergedPath := range unmergedPaths {
  2593  		// Make sure we don't get stuck inside a large unmerged list for
  2594  		// a long time, if the actions are slow to complete.
  2595  		err := cr.checkDone(ctx)
  2596  		if err != nil {
  2597  			return err
  2598  		}
  2600  		err = cr.doOneAction(
  2601  			ctx, lState, unmergedChains, mergedChains, unmergedPath,
  2602  			mergedPaths, chargedTo, actionMap, dbm, doneActions, newFileBlocks,
  2603  			dirtyBcache)
  2604  		if err != nil {
  2605  			return err
  2606  		}
  2607  	}
  2608  	return nil
  2609  }
  2611  type crRenameHelperKey struct {
  2612  	parentOriginal data.BlockPointer
  2613  	name           string
  2614  }
  2616  // makeRevertedOps changes the BlockPointers of the corresponding
  2617  // operations for the given set of paths back to their originals,
  2618  // which allows other parts of conflict resolution to more easily
  2619  // build up the local and remote notifications needed.  Also, it
  2620  // reverts rm/create pairs back into complete rename operations, for
  2621  // the purposes of notification, so this should only be called after
  2622  // all conflicts and actions have been resolved.  It returns the
  2623  // complete slice of reverted operations.
  2624  func (cr *ConflictResolver) makeRevertedOps(ctx context.Context,
  2625  	lState *kbfssync.LockState, sortedPaths []data.Path, chains *crChains,
  2626  	otherChains *crChains) ([]op, error) {
  2627  	var ops []op
  2628  	// Build a map of directory {original, name} -> renamed original.
  2629  	// This will help us map create ops to the corresponding old
  2630  	// parent.
  2631  	renames := make(map[crRenameHelperKey]data.BlockPointer)
  2632  	for original, ri := range chains.renamedOriginals {
  2633  		renames[crRenameHelperKey{ri.originalNewParent, ri.newName}] = original
  2634  	}
  2636  	// Insert the operations starting closest to the root, so
  2637  	// necessary directories are created first.
  2638  	for i := len(sortedPaths) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
  2639  		ptr := sortedPaths[i].TailPointer()
  2640  		chain, ok := chains.byMostRecent[ptr]
  2641  		if !ok {
  2642  			return nil, fmt.Errorf("makeRevertedOps: Couldn't find chain "+
  2643  				"for %v", ptr)
  2644  		}
  2646  	chainLoop:
  2647  		for _, op := range chain.ops {
  2648  			// Skip any rms that were part of a rename
  2649  			if rop, ok := op.(*rmOp); ok && len(rop.Unrefs()) == 0 {
  2650  				continue
  2651  			}
  2653  			// Turn the create half of a rename back into a full rename.
  2654  			if cop, ok := op.(*createOp); ok && cop.renamed {
  2655  				renameOriginal, ok := renames[crRenameHelperKey{
  2656  					chain.original, cop.NewName}]
  2657  				if !ok {
  2658  					if cop.crSymPath != "" || cop.Type == data.Sym {
  2659  						// For symlinks created by the CR process, we
  2660  						// expect the rmOp to have been removed.  For
  2661  						// existing symlinks that were simply moved,
  2662  						// there is no benefit in combining their
  2663  						// create and rm ops back together since there
  2664  						// is no corresponding node.
  2665  						continue
  2666  					}
  2667  					return nil, fmt.Errorf("Couldn't find corresponding "+
  2668  						"renamed original for %v, %s",
  2669  						chain.original, cop.NewName)
  2670  				}
  2672  				if otherChains.isDeleted(renameOriginal) ||
  2673  					chains.isCreated(renameOriginal) {
  2674  					// If we are re-instating a deleted node, or
  2675  					// dealing with a node that was created entirely
  2676  					// in this branch, just use the create op.
  2677  					op = chains.copyOpAndRevertUnrefsToOriginals(cop)
  2678  					if cop.Type != data.Dir {
  2679  						renameMostRecent, err :=
  2680  							chains.mostRecentFromOriginalOrSame(renameOriginal)
  2681  						if err != nil {
  2682  							return nil, err
  2683  						}
  2685  						err = cr.addChildBlocksIfIndirectFile(ctx, lState,
  2686  							chains, cop.getFinalPath().ChildPath(
  2687  								cop.obfuscatedNewName(), renameMostRecent,
  2688  								cr.fbo.makeObfuscator()), op)
  2689  						if err != nil {
  2690  							return nil, err
  2691  						}
  2692  					}
  2693  				} else {
  2694  					ri, ok := chains.renamedOriginals[renameOriginal]
  2695  					if !ok {
  2696  						return nil, fmt.Errorf("Couldn't find the rename info "+
  2697  							"for original %v", renameOriginal)
  2698  					}
  2700  					rop, err := newRenameOp(ri.oldName, ri.originalOldParent,
  2701  						ri.newName, ri.originalNewParent, renameOriginal,
  2702  						cop.Type)
  2703  					if err != nil {
  2704  						return nil, err
  2705  					}
  2706  					chain.ensurePath(rop, chain.mostRecent)
  2707  					// Set the Dir.Ref fields to be the same as the Unref
  2708  					// -- they will be fixed up later.
  2709  					rop.AddSelfUpdate(ri.originalOldParent)
  2710  					if ri.originalNewParent != ri.originalOldParent {
  2711  						rop.AddSelfUpdate(ri.originalNewParent)
  2712  					}
  2713  					for _, ptr := range cop.Unrefs() {
  2714  						origPtr, err := chains.originalFromMostRecentOrSame(ptr)
  2715  						if err != nil {
  2716  							return nil, err
  2717  						}
  2718  						rop.AddUnrefBlock(origPtr)
  2719  					}
  2720  					op = rop
  2722  					// If this renames from a source that's been
  2723  					// deleted by a previous op, we should replace the
  2724  					// delete with this.
  2725  					for i, prevOp := range ops {
  2726  						rmop, ok := prevOp.(*rmOp)
  2727  						if !ok {
  2728  							continue
  2729  						}
  2731  						if rop.OldDir.Unref == rmop.Dir.Unref &&
  2732  							rop.OldName == rmop.OldName {
  2733  							ops[i] = op
  2734  							continue chainLoop
  2735  						}
  2736  					}
  2738  				}
  2739  			} else {
  2740  				op = chains.copyOpAndRevertUnrefsToOriginals(op)
  2741  				// The dir of renamed setAttrOps must be reverted to
  2742  				// the new parent's original pointer.
  2743  				if sao, ok := op.(*setAttrOp); ok {
  2744  					if newDir, _, ok :=
  2745  						otherChains.renamedParentAndName(sao.File); ok {
  2746  						err := sao.Dir.setUnref(newDir)
  2747  						if err != nil {
  2748  							return nil, err
  2749  						}
  2750  					}
  2751  				}
  2752  			}
  2754  			ops = append(ops, op)
  2755  		}
  2756  	}
  2758  	return ops, nil
  2759  }
  2761  // createResolvedMD creates a MD update that will be merged into the
  2762  // main folder as the resolving commit.  It contains all of the
  2763  // unmerged operations, as well as a "dummy" operation at the end
  2764  // which will catch all of the BlockPointer updates.  A later phase
  2765  // will move all of those updates into their proper locations within
  2766  // the other operations.
  2767  func (cr *ConflictResolver) createResolvedMD(ctx context.Context,
  2768  	lState *kbfssync.LockState, unmergedPaths []data.Path,
  2769  	unmergedChains, mergedChains *crChains,
  2770  	mostRecentMergedMD ImmutableRootMetadata) (*RootMetadata, error) {
  2771  	err := cr.checkDone(ctx)
  2772  	if err != nil {
  2773  		return nil, err
  2774  	}
  2776  	newMD, err := mostRecentMergedMD.MakeSuccessor(
  2777  		ctx, cr.config.MetadataVersion(), cr.config.Codec(),
  2778  		cr.config.KeyManager(), cr.config.KBPKI(),
  2779  		cr.config.KBPKI(), cr.config, mostRecentMergedMD.MdID(), true)
  2780  	if err != nil {
  2781  		return nil, err
  2782  	}
  2784  	var newPaths []data.Path
  2785  	for original, chain := range unmergedChains.byOriginal {
  2786  		added := false
  2787  		for i, op := range chain.ops {
  2788  			if cop, ok := op.(*createOp); ok {
  2789  				// We need to add in any creates that happened
  2790  				// within newly-created directories (which aren't
  2791  				// being merged with other newly-created directories),
  2792  				// to ensure that the overall Refs are correct and
  2793  				// that future CR processes can check those create ops
  2794  				// for conflicts.
  2795  				if unmergedChains.isCreated(original) &&
  2796  					!mergedChains.isCreated(original) {
  2797  					// Shallowly copy the create op and update its
  2798  					// directory to the most recent pointer -- this won't
  2799  					// work with the usual revert ops process because that
  2800  					// skips chains which are newly-created within this
  2801  					// branch.
  2802  					newCreateOp := *cop
  2803  					newCreateOp.Dir, err = makeBlockUpdate(
  2804  						chain.mostRecent, chain.mostRecent)
  2805  					if err != nil {
  2806  						return nil, err
  2807  					}
  2808  					chain.ops[i] = &newCreateOp
  2809  					if !added {
  2810  						newPaths = append(newPaths, data.Path{
  2811  							FolderBranch: cr.fbo.folderBranch,
  2812  							Path: []data.PathNode{{
  2813  								BlockPointer: chain.mostRecent}},
  2814  							ChildObfuscator: cr.fbo.makeObfuscator(),
  2815  						})
  2816  						added = true
  2817  					}
  2818  				}
  2819  				if cop.Type == data.Dir || len(cop.Refs()) == 0 {
  2820  					continue
  2821  				}
  2822  				// Add any direct file blocks too into each create op,
  2823  				// which originated in later unmerged syncs.
  2824  				ptr, err :=
  2825  					unmergedChains.mostRecentFromOriginalOrSame(cop.Refs()[0])
  2826  				if err != nil {
  2827  					return nil, err
  2828  				}
  2829  				trackSyncPtrChangesInCreate(
  2830  					ptr, chain, unmergedChains, cop.NewName)
  2831  			}
  2832  		}
  2833  	}
  2834  	if len(newPaths) > 0 {
  2835  		// Put the new paths at the beginning so they are processed
  2836  		// last in sorted order.
  2837  		unmergedPaths = append(newPaths, unmergedPaths...)
  2838  	}
  2840  	ops, err := cr.makeRevertedOps(
  2841  		ctx, lState, unmergedPaths, unmergedChains, mergedChains)
  2842  	if err != nil {
  2843  		return nil, err
  2844  	}
  2846  	cr.log.CDebugf(ctx, "Remote notifications: %v", ops)
  2847  	for _, op := range ops {
  2848  		cr.log.CDebugf(ctx, "%s: refs %v", op, op.Refs())
  2849  		newMD.AddOp(op)
  2850  	}
  2852  	// Add a final dummy operation to collect all of the block updates.
  2853  	newMD.AddOp(newResolutionOp())
  2855  	return newMD, nil
  2856  }
  2858  // resolveOnePath figures out the new merged path, in the resolved
  2859  // folder, for a given unmerged pointer.  For each node on the path,
  2860  // see if the node has been renamed.  If so, see if there's a
  2861  // resolution for it yet.  If there is, complete the path using that
  2862  // resolution.  If not, recurse.
  2863  func (cr *ConflictResolver) resolveOnePath(ctx context.Context,
  2864  	unmergedMostRecent data.BlockPointer,
  2865  	unmergedChains, mergedChains, resolvedChains *crChains,
  2866  	mergedPaths, resolvedPaths map[data.BlockPointer]data.Path) (data.Path, error) {
  2867  	if p, ok := resolvedPaths[unmergedMostRecent]; ok {
  2868  		return p, nil
  2869  	}
  2871  	// There should always be a merged path, because we should only be
  2872  	// calling this with pointers that were updated in the unmerged
  2873  	// branch.
  2874  	resolvedPath, ok := mergedPaths[unmergedMostRecent]
  2875  	if !ok {
  2876  		var ptrsToAppend []data.BlockPointer
  2877  		var namesToAppend []data.PathPartString
  2878  		next := unmergedMostRecent
  2879  		for len(mergedPaths[next].Path) == 0 {
  2880  			newPtrs := make(map[data.BlockPointer]bool)
  2881  			ptrs := []data.BlockPointer{unmergedMostRecent}
  2882  			for ptr := range unmergedChains.byMostRecent {
  2883  				newPtrs[ptr] = true
  2884  			}
  2886  			mdInfo := unmergedChains.mostRecentChainMDInfo
  2887  			nodeMap, cache, err := cr.fbo.blocks.SearchForNodes(
  2888  				ctx, cr.fbo.nodeCache, ptrs, newPtrs,
  2889  				mdInfo, mdInfo.GetRootDirEntry().BlockPointer)
  2890  			if err != nil {
  2891  				return data.Path{}, err
  2892  			}
  2893  			n := nodeMap[unmergedMostRecent]
  2894  			if n == nil {
  2895  				return data.Path{}, fmt.Errorf("resolveOnePath: Couldn't find "+
  2896  					"merged path for %v", unmergedMostRecent)
  2897  			}
  2898  			p := cache.PathFromNode(n)
  2899  			ptrsToAppend = append(ptrsToAppend, next)
  2900  			namesToAppend = append(namesToAppend, p.TailName())
  2901  			next = p.ParentPath().TailPointer()
  2902  		}
  2903  		resolvedPath = mergedPaths[next]
  2904  		for i, ptr := range ptrsToAppend {
  2905  			resolvedPath = resolvedPath.ChildPath(
  2906  				namesToAppend[i], ptr, cr.fbo.makeObfuscator())
  2907  		}
  2908  	}
  2910  	i := len(resolvedPath.Path) - 1
  2911  	for i >= 0 {
  2912  		mergedMostRecent := resolvedPath.Path[i].BlockPointer
  2913  		original, err :=
  2914  			mergedChains.originalFromMostRecentOrSame(mergedMostRecent)
  2915  		if err != nil {
  2916  			return data.Path{}, err
  2917  		}
  2919  		origNewParent, newName, renamed :=
  2920  			resolvedChains.renamedParentAndName(original)
  2921  		if !renamed {
  2922  			i--
  2923  			continue
  2924  		}
  2925  		unmergedNewParent, err :=
  2926  			unmergedChains.mostRecentFromOriginalOrSame(origNewParent)
  2927  		if err != nil {
  2928  			return data.Path{}, err
  2929  		}
  2931  		// Is the new parent resolved yet?
  2932  		parentPath, err := cr.resolveOnePath(ctx, unmergedNewParent,
  2933  			unmergedChains, mergedChains, resolvedChains, mergedPaths,
  2934  			resolvedPaths)
  2935  		if err != nil {
  2936  			return data.Path{}, err
  2937  		}
  2939  		// Reset the resolved path
  2940  		newPathLen := len(parentPath.Path) + len(resolvedPath.Path) - i
  2941  		newResolvedPath := data.Path{
  2942  			FolderBranch:    resolvedPath.FolderBranch,
  2943  			Path:            make([]data.PathNode, newPathLen),
  2944  			ChildObfuscator: cr.fbo.makeObfuscator(),
  2945  		}
  2946  		copy(newResolvedPath.Path[:len(parentPath.Path)], parentPath.Path)
  2947  		copy(newResolvedPath.Path[len(parentPath.Path):], resolvedPath.Path[i:])
  2948  		i = len(parentPath.Path) - 1
  2949  		newNamePPS := data.NewPathPartString(
  2950  			newName, newResolvedPath.Obfuscator())
  2951  		newResolvedPath.Path[i+1].Name = newNamePPS
  2952  		resolvedPath = newResolvedPath
  2953  	}
  2955  	resolvedPaths[unmergedMostRecent] = resolvedPath
  2956  	return resolvedPath, nil
  2957  }
  2959  type rootMetadataWithKeyAndTimestamp struct {
  2960  	*RootMetadata
  2961  	key            kbfscrypto.VerifyingKey
  2962  	localTimestamp time.Time
  2963  }
  2965  func (rmd rootMetadataWithKeyAndTimestamp) LastModifyingWriterVerifyingKey() kbfscrypto.VerifyingKey {
  2966  	return rmd.key
  2967  }
  2969  func (rmd rootMetadataWithKeyAndTimestamp) LocalTimestamp() time.Time {
  2970  	return rmd.localTimestamp
  2971  }
  2973  // makePostResolutionPaths returns the full paths to each unmerged
  2974  // pointer, taking into account any rename operations that occurred in
  2975  // the merged branch.
  2976  func (cr *ConflictResolver) makePostResolutionPaths(ctx context.Context,
  2977  	md *RootMetadata, unmergedChains, mergedChains *crChains,
  2978  	mergedPaths map[data.BlockPointer]data.Path) (map[data.BlockPointer]data.Path, error) {
  2979  	err := cr.checkDone(ctx)
  2980  	if err != nil {
  2981  		return nil, err
  2982  	}
  2984  	session, err := cr.config.KBPKI().GetCurrentSession(ctx)
  2985  	if err != nil {
  2986  		return nil, err
  2987  	}
  2989  	// No need to run any identifies on these chains, since we
  2990  	// have already finished all actions.
  2991  	resolvedChains, err := newCRChains(
  2992  		ctx, cr.config.Codec(), cr.config,
  2993  		[]chainMetadata{rootMetadataWithKeyAndTimestamp{md,
  2994  			session.VerifyingKey, cr.config.Clock().Now()}},
  2995  		&cr.fbo.blocks, false)
  2996  	if err != nil {
  2997  		return nil, err
  2998  	}
  3000  	// If there are no renames, we don't need to fix any of the paths
  3001  	if len(resolvedChains.renamedOriginals) == 0 {
  3002  		return mergedPaths, nil
  3003  	}
  3005  	resolvedPaths := make(map[data.BlockPointer]data.Path)
  3006  	for ptr, oldP := range mergedPaths {
  3007  		p, err := cr.resolveOnePath(ctx, ptr, unmergedChains, mergedChains,
  3008  			resolvedChains, mergedPaths, resolvedPaths)
  3009  		if err != nil {
  3010  			return nil, err
  3011  		}
  3012  		cr.log.CDebugf(ctx, "Resolved path for %v from %v to %v",
  3013  			ptr, oldP.Path, p.Path)
  3014  	}
  3016  	return resolvedPaths, nil
  3017  }
  3019  // getOpsForLocalNotification returns the set of operations that this
  3020  // node will need to send local notifications for, in order to
  3021  // transition from the staged state to the merged state.
  3022  func (cr *ConflictResolver) getOpsForLocalNotification(ctx context.Context,
  3023  	lState *kbfssync.LockState, md *RootMetadata,
  3024  	unmergedChains, mergedChains *crChains,
  3025  	updates map[data.BlockPointer]data.BlockPointer) (
  3026  	[]op, error) {
  3027  	dummyOp := newResolutionOp()
  3028  	newPtrs := make(map[data.BlockPointer]bool)
  3029  	for mergedMostRecent, newMostRecent := range updates {
  3030  		// `updates` contains the pointer updates needed for devices
  3031  		// on the merged branch to update; we have to find the
  3032  		// original of the entire branch to find the corresponding
  3033  		// unmerged most recent.
  3034  		original, err :=
  3035  			mergedChains.originalFromMostRecentOrSame(mergedMostRecent)
  3036  		if err != nil {
  3037  			return nil, err
  3038  		}
  3039  		chain, ok := unmergedChains.byOriginal[original]
  3040  		if ok {
  3041  			// If this unmerged node was updated in the resolution,
  3042  			// track that update here.
  3043  			dummyOp.AddUpdate(chain.mostRecent, newMostRecent)
  3044  		} else {
  3045  			dummyOp.AddUpdate(original, newMostRecent)
  3046  		}
  3047  		newPtrs[newMostRecent] = true
  3048  	}
  3050  	var ptrs []data.BlockPointer
  3051  	chainsToUpdate := make(map[data.BlockPointer]data.BlockPointer)
  3052  	chainsToAdd := make(map[data.BlockPointer]*crChain)
  3053  	for ptr, chain := range mergedChains.byMostRecent {
  3054  		if newMostRecent, ok := updates[chain.original]; ok {
  3055  			ptrs = append(ptrs, newMostRecent)
  3056  			chainsToUpdate[chain.mostRecent] = newMostRecent
  3057  			// This update was already handled above.
  3058  			continue
  3059  		}
  3061  		// If the node changed in both branches, but NOT in the
  3062  		// resolution, make sure the local notification uses the
  3063  		// unmerged most recent pointer as the unref.
  3064  		original := chain.original
  3065  		if c, ok := unmergedChains.byOriginal[chain.original]; ok {
  3066  			original = c.mostRecent
  3067  			updates[chain.original] = chain.mostRecent
  3069  			// If the node pointer didn't change in the merged chain
  3070  			// (e.g., due to a setattr), fast forward its most-recent
  3071  			// pointer to be the unmerged most recent pointer, so that
  3072  			// local notifications work correctly.
  3073  			if chain.original == chain.mostRecent {
  3074  				ptrs = append(ptrs, c.mostRecent)
  3075  				chainsToAdd[c.mostRecent] = chain
  3076  				delete(mergedChains.byMostRecent, chain.mostRecent)
  3077  				chain.mostRecent = c.mostRecent
  3078  			}
  3079  		}
  3081  		newPtrs[ptr] = true
  3082  		dummyOp.AddUpdate(original, chain.mostRecent)
  3083  		updates[original] = chain.mostRecent
  3084  		ptrs = append(ptrs, chain.mostRecent)
  3085  	}
  3086  	for ptr, chain := range chainsToAdd {
  3087  		mergedChains.byMostRecent[ptr] = chain
  3088  	}
  3090  	// If any nodes changed only in the unmerged branch, make sure we
  3091  	// update the pointers in the local ops (e.g., renameOp.Renamed)
  3092  	// to the latest local most recent.
  3093  	for original, chain := range unmergedChains.byOriginal {
  3094  		if _, ok := updates[original]; !ok {
  3095  			updates[original] = chain.mostRecent
  3096  		}
  3097  	}
  3099  	// Update the merged chains so they all have the new most recent
  3100  	// pointer.
  3101  	for mostRecent, newMostRecent := range chainsToUpdate {
  3102  		chain, ok := mergedChains.byMostRecent[mostRecent]
  3103  		if !ok {
  3104  			continue
  3105  		}
  3106  		delete(mergedChains.byMostRecent, mostRecent)
  3107  		chain.mostRecent = newMostRecent
  3108  		mergedChains.byMostRecent[newMostRecent] = chain
  3109  	}
  3111  	// We need to get the complete set of updated merged paths, so
  3112  	// that we can correctly order the chains from the root outward.
  3113  	mergedNodeCache := newNodeCacheStandard(cr.fbo.folderBranch)
  3114  	mergedNodeCache.SetObfuscatorMaker(cr.fbo.makeObfuscator)
  3115  	nodeMap, _, err := cr.fbo.blocks.SearchForNodes(
  3116  		ctx, mergedNodeCache, ptrs, newPtrs,
  3117  		md,
  3118  	if err != nil {
  3119  		return nil, err
  3120  	}
  3121  	mergedPaths := make([]data.Path, 0, len(nodeMap))
  3122  	for _, node := range nodeMap {
  3123  		if node == nil {
  3124  			continue
  3125  		}
  3126  		mergedPaths = append(mergedPaths, mergedNodeCache.PathFromNode(node))
  3127  	}
  3128  	sort.Sort(crSortedPaths(mergedPaths))
  3130  	ops, err := cr.makeRevertedOps(
  3131  		ctx, lState, mergedPaths, mergedChains, unmergedChains)
  3132  	if err != nil {
  3133  		return nil, err
  3134  	}
  3135  	newOps, err := fixOpPointersForUpdate(ops, updates, mergedChains)
  3136  	if err != nil {
  3137  		return nil, err
  3138  	}
  3139  	newOps[0] = dummyOp
  3140  	return newOps, err
  3141  }
  3143  // finalizeResolution finishes the resolution process, making the
  3144  // resolution visible to any nodes on the merged branch, and taking
  3145  // the local node out of staged mode.
  3146  func (cr *ConflictResolver) finalizeResolution(ctx context.Context,
  3147  	lState *kbfssync.LockState, md *RootMetadata,
  3148  	unmergedChains, mergedChains *crChains,
  3149  	updates map[data.BlockPointer]data.BlockPointer,
  3150  	bps blockPutState, blocksToDelete []kbfsblock.ID, writerLocked bool) error {
  3151  	err := cr.checkDone(ctx)
  3152  	if err != nil {
  3153  		return err
  3154  	}
  3156  	// Fix up all the block pointers in the merged ops to work well
  3157  	// for local notifications.  Make a dummy op at the beginning to
  3158  	// convert all the merged most recent pointers into unmerged most
  3159  	// recent pointers.
  3160  	newOps, err := cr.getOpsForLocalNotification(
  3161  		ctx, lState, md, unmergedChains,
  3162  		mergedChains, updates)
  3163  	if err != nil {
  3164  		return err
  3165  	}
  3167  	cr.log.CDebugf(ctx, "Local notifications: %v", newOps)
  3169  	if writerLocked {
  3170  		return cr.fbo.finalizeResolutionLocked(
  3171  			ctx, lState, md, bps, newOps, blocksToDelete)
  3172  	}
  3173  	return cr.fbo.finalizeResolution(
  3174  		ctx, lState, md, bps, newOps, blocksToDelete)
  3175  }
  3177  // completeResolution pushes all the resolved blocks to the servers,
  3178  // computes all remote and local notifications, and finalizes the
  3179  // resolution process.
  3180  func (cr *ConflictResolver) completeResolution(ctx context.Context,
  3181  	lState *kbfssync.LockState, unmergedChains, mergedChains *crChains,
  3182  	unmergedPaths []data.Path, mergedPaths map[data.BlockPointer]data.Path,
  3183  	mostRecentUnmergedMD, mostRecentMergedMD ImmutableRootMetadata,
  3184  	dbm dirBlockMap, newFileBlocks fileBlockMap,
  3185  	dirtyBcache data.DirtyBlockCacheSimple, bps blockPutState,
  3186  	writerLocked bool) (err error) {
  3187  	md, err := cr.createResolvedMD(
  3188  		ctx, lState, unmergedPaths, unmergedChains,
  3189  		mergedChains, mostRecentMergedMD)
  3190  	if err != nil {
  3191  		return err
  3192  	}
  3194  	resolvedPaths, err := cr.makePostResolutionPaths(ctx, md, unmergedChains,
  3195  		mergedChains, mergedPaths)
  3196  	if err != nil {
  3197  		return err
  3198  	}
  3200  	err = cr.checkDone(ctx)
  3201  	if err != nil {
  3202  		return err
  3203  	}
  3205  	// Find any paths that don't have any ops associated with them,
  3206  	// and avoid making new blocks for them in the resolution.
  3207  	// Without this, we will end up with an extraneous block update
  3208  	// for the directory with no ops.  Then, if this resolution ends
  3209  	// up going through ANOTHER resolution later, which sees no ops
  3210  	// need resolving and short-circuits the resolution process, we
  3211  	// could end up accidentally unreferencing a merged directory
  3212  	// block that's still in use.  See KBFS-2825 for details.
  3213  	hasChildOps := make(map[data.BlockPointer]bool)
  3214  	for _, p := range unmergedPaths {
  3215  		chain := unmergedChains.byMostRecent[p.TailPointer()]
  3216  		if len(chain.ops) == 0 {
  3217  			continue
  3218  		}
  3219  		for _, pn := range p.Path {
  3220  			hasChildOps[pn.BlockPointer] = true
  3221  		}
  3222  	}
  3223  	for ptr := range resolvedPaths {
  3224  		if !hasChildOps[ptr] {
  3225  			cr.log.CDebugf(ctx,
  3226  				"Removing resolved path for op-less unmerged block pointer %v",
  3227  				ptr)
  3228  			delete(resolvedPaths, ptr)
  3229  		}
  3230  	}
  3232  	updates, blocksToDelete, err := cr.prepper.prepUpdateForPaths(
  3233  		ctx, lState, md, unmergedChains, mergedChains,
  3234  		mostRecentUnmergedMD, mostRecentMergedMD, resolvedPaths, dbm,
  3235  		newFileBlocks, dirtyBcache, bps, prepFolderCopyIndirectFileBlocks)
  3236  	if err != nil {
  3237  		return err
  3238  	}
  3240  	// Can only do this after prepUpdateForPaths, since
  3241  	// prepUpdateForPaths calls fixOpPointersForUpdate, and the ops
  3242  	// may be invalid until then.
  3243  	err =
  3244  	if err != nil {
  3245  		return err
  3246  	}
  3248  	defer func() {
  3249  		if err != nil {
  3250  			cr.fbo.fbm.cleanUpBlockState(
  3251  				md.ReadOnly(), bps, blockDeleteOnMDFail)
  3252  		}
  3253  	}()
  3255  	err = cr.checkDone(ctx)
  3256  	if err != nil {
  3257  		return err
  3258  	}
  3260  	// Put all the blocks.  TODO: deal with recoverable block errors?
  3261  	cacheType := DiskBlockAnyCache
  3262  	if cr.config.IsSyncedTlf(md.TlfID()) {
  3263  		cacheType = DiskBlockSyncCache
  3264  	}
  3265  	_, err = doBlockPuts(
  3266  		ctx, cr.config.BlockServer(), cr.config.BlockCache(),
  3267  		cr.config.Reporter(), cr.log, cr.deferLog, md.TlfID(),
  3268  		md.GetTlfHandle().GetCanonicalName(), bps, cacheType)
  3269  	if err != nil {
  3270  		return err
  3271  	}
  3273  	err = cr.finalizeResolution(ctx, lState, md, unmergedChains,
  3274  		mergedChains, updates, bps, blocksToDelete, writerLocked)
  3275  	if err != nil {
  3276  		return err
  3277  	}
  3278  	return nil
  3279  }
  3281  const conflictRecordVersion = 1
  3283  type conflictRecord struct {
  3284  	Version                      int `json:"-"`
  3285  	Time                         time.Time
  3286  	Merged                       string
  3287  	Unmerged                     string
  3288  	ErrorTime                    time.Time
  3289  	ErrorString                  string
  3290  	PanicString                  string
  3291  	codec.UnknownFieldSetHandler `json:"-"`
  3292  }
  3294  func getAndDeserializeConflicts(config Config, db *ldbutils.LevelDb,
  3295  	key []byte) ([]conflictRecord, error) {
  3296  	if db == nil {
  3297  		return nil, errors.New("No conflict DB given")
  3298  	}
  3299  	conflictsSoFarSerialized, err := db.Get(key, nil)
  3300  	var conflictsSoFar []conflictRecord
  3301  	switch errors.Cause(err) {
  3302  	case leveldb.ErrNotFound:
  3303  		conflictsSoFar = nil
  3304  	case nil:
  3305  		err = config.Codec().Decode(conflictsSoFarSerialized, &conflictsSoFar)
  3306  		if err != nil {
  3307  			return nil, err
  3308  		}
  3309  	default:
  3310  		return nil, err
  3311  	}
  3312  	return conflictsSoFar, nil
  3313  }
  3315  func serializeAndPutConflicts(config Config, db *ldbutils.LevelDb,
  3316  	key []byte, conflicts []conflictRecord) error {
  3317  	if db == nil {
  3318  		return errors.New("No conflict DB given")
  3319  	}
  3321  	conflictsSerialized, err := config.Codec().Encode(conflicts)
  3322  	if err != nil {
  3323  		return err
  3324  	}
  3325  	return db.Put(key, conflictsSerialized, nil)
  3326  }
  3328  func isCRStuckFromRecords(conflictsSoFar []conflictRecord) bool {
  3329  	// If we're exactly at the threshold, make sure the last attempt
  3330  	// has completed.
  3331  	if len(conflictsSoFar) == maxConflictResolutionAttempts+1 {
  3332  		return !conflictsSoFar[len(conflictsSoFar)-1].ErrorTime.IsZero()
  3333  	}
  3334  	return len(conflictsSoFar) > maxConflictResolutionAttempts
  3335  }
  3337  func (cr *ConflictResolver) isStuckWithDbAndConflicts() (
  3338  	db *ldbutils.LevelDb, key []byte, conflictsSoFar []conflictRecord,
  3339  	isStuck bool, err error) {
  3340  	db = cr.config.GetConflictResolutionDB()
  3341  	if db == nil {
  3342  		return nil, nil, nil, false, errNoCRDB
  3343  	}
  3344  	key =
  3345  	conflictsSoFar, err = getAndDeserializeConflicts(cr.config, db, key)
  3346  	if err != nil {
  3347  		return nil, nil, nil, false, err
  3348  	}
  3350  	return db, key, conflictsSoFar, isCRStuckFromRecords(conflictsSoFar), nil
  3351  }
  3353  func (cr *ConflictResolver) isStuck() (bool, error) {
  3354  	_, _, _, isStuck, err := cr.isStuckWithDbAndConflicts()
  3355  	return isStuck, err
  3356  }
  3358  func (cr *ConflictResolver) recordStartResolve(ci conflictInput) error {
  3359  	db, key, conflictsSoFar, isStuck, err := cr.isStuckWithDbAndConflicts()
  3360  	if err != nil {
  3361  		return err
  3362  	}
  3363  	if isStuck {
  3364  		return ErrTooManyCRAttempts
  3365  	}
  3366  	conflictsSoFar = append(conflictsSoFar, conflictRecord{
  3367  		Version:  conflictRecordVersion,
  3368  		Time:     cr.config.Clock().Now(),
  3369  		Merged:   ci.merged.String(),
  3370  		Unmerged: ci.unmerged.String(),
  3371  	})
  3372  	return serializeAndPutConflicts(cr.config, db, key, conflictsSoFar)
  3373  }
  3375  // recordFinishResolve does one of two things:
  3376  //   - in the event of success, it deletes the DB entry that recorded conflict
  3377  //     resolution attempts for this resolver
  3378  //   - in the event of failure, it logs that CR failed and tries to record the
  3379  //     failure to the DB.
  3380  func (cr *ConflictResolver) recordFinishResolve(
  3381  	ctx context.Context, ci conflictInput,
  3382  	panicVar interface{}, receivedErr error) {
  3383  	db, key, _, wasStuck, err := cr.isStuckWithDbAndConflicts()
  3384  	if err != nil {
  3385  		cr.log.CWarningf(ctx, "could not record CR result: %+v", err)
  3386  		return
  3387  	}
  3389  	// If we neither errored nor panicked, this CR succeeded and we can wipe
  3390  	// the DB entry.
  3391  	if (receivedErr == nil || receivedErr == context.Canceled) &&
  3392  		panicVar == nil {
  3393  		err := db.Delete(key, nil)
  3394  		if err != nil {
  3395  			cr.log.CWarningf(ctx,
  3396  				"Could not record conflict resolution success: %v", err)
  3397  		}
  3399  		if wasStuck {
  3400  			cr.config.SubscriptionManagerPublisher().PublishChange(keybase1.SubscriptionTopic_FAVORITES)
  3401  			cr.config.Reporter().NotifyFavoritesChanged(ctx)
  3402  			cr.config.SubscriptionManagerPublisher().PublishChange(
  3403  				keybase1.SubscriptionTopic_FILES_TAB_BADGE)
  3404  		}
  3405  		return
  3406  	}
  3408  	defer func() {
  3409  		// If we can't record the failure to the CR DB, at least log it.
  3410  		if err != nil {
  3411  			cr.log.CWarningf(ctx,
  3412  				"Could not record conflict resolution failure [%v/%v]: %v",
  3413  				receivedErr, panicVar, err)
  3414  		}
  3415  		// If we recovered from a panic, keep panicking.
  3416  		if panicVar != nil {
  3417  			panic(panicVar)
  3418  		}
  3419  	}()
  3421  	// Otherwise we need to decode the most recent entry, modify it, and put it
  3422  	// back in the DB.
  3423  	var conflictsSoFar []conflictRecord
  3424  	conflictsSoFar, err = getAndDeserializeConflicts(cr.config, db, key)
  3425  	if err != nil {
  3426  		return
  3427  	}
  3429  	thisCR := &conflictsSoFar[len(conflictsSoFar)-1]
  3430  	thisCR.ErrorTime = cr.config.Clock().Now()
  3431  	if receivedErr != nil {
  3432  		thisCR.ErrorString = fmt.Sprintf("%+v", receivedErr)
  3433  	}
  3434  	if panicVar != nil {
  3435  		thisCR.PanicString = fmt.Sprintf("panic(%s). stack: %s", panicVar,
  3436  			debug.Stack())
  3437  	}
  3439  	err = serializeAndPutConflicts(cr.config, db, key, conflictsSoFar)
  3440  	if err != nil {
  3441  		cr.log.CWarningf(ctx,
  3442  			"Could not record conflict resolution success: %+v", err)
  3443  		return
  3444  	}
  3446  	if !wasStuck && isCRStuckFromRecords(conflictsSoFar) {
  3447  		cr.config.SubscriptionManagerPublisher().PublishChange(keybase1.SubscriptionTopic_FAVORITES)
  3448  		cr.config.Reporter().NotifyFavoritesChanged(ctx)
  3449  		cr.config.SubscriptionManagerPublisher().PublishChange(
  3450  			keybase1.SubscriptionTopic_FILES_TAB_BADGE)
  3451  		cr.config.GetPerfLog().CDebugf(
  3452  			ctx, "Conflict resolution failed too many times for %s",
  3454  	}
  3455  }
  3457  func (cr *ConflictResolver) makeDiskBlockCache(ctx context.Context) (
  3458  	dbc *DiskBlockCacheLocal, cleanupFn func(context.Context), err error) {
  3459  	if cr.config.IsTestMode() {
  3460  		// Enable the disk limiter if one doesn't exist yet.
  3461  		_ = cr.config.(*ConfigLocal).EnableDiskLimiter(os.TempDir())
  3463  		dbc, err = newDiskBlockCacheLocalForTest(
  3464  			cr.config, crDirtyBlockCacheLimitTrackerType)
  3465  		if err != nil {
  3466  			return nil, nil, err
  3467  		}
  3468  		cleanupFn = func(ctx context.Context) {
  3469  			<-dbc.Shutdown(ctx)
  3470  		}
  3471  	} else {
  3472  		tempDir, err := os.MkdirTemp(
  3473  			cr.config.StorageRoot(), ConflictStorageRootPrefix)
  3474  		if err != nil {
  3475  			return nil, nil, err
  3476  		}
  3477  		dirCleanupFn := func(_ context.Context) {
  3478  			err := os.RemoveAll(tempDir)
  3479  			if err != nil {
  3480  				cr.log.CDebugf(ctx, "Error cleaning up tempdir %s: %+v",
  3481  					tempDir, err)
  3482  			}
  3483  		}
  3484  		dbc, err = newDiskBlockCacheLocal(
  3485  			cr.config, crDirtyBlockCacheLimitTrackerType, tempDir, cr.config.Mode())
  3486  		if err != nil {
  3487  			dirCleanupFn(ctx)
  3488  			return nil, nil, err
  3489  		}
  3490  		cleanupFn = func(ctx context.Context) {
  3491  			dbc.Shutdown(ctx)
  3492  			dirCleanupFn(ctx)
  3493  		}
  3494  	}
  3496  	err = dbc.WaitUntilStarted()
  3497  	if err != nil {
  3498  		if cleanupFn != nil {
  3499  			cleanupFn(ctx)
  3500  		}
  3501  		return nil, nil, err
  3502  	}
  3504  	return dbc, cleanupFn, nil
  3505  }
  3507  func (cr *ConflictResolver) getFailModeForTesting() failModeForTesting {
  3508  	cr.failModeLock.RLock()
  3509  	defer cr.failModeLock.RUnlock()
  3510  	return cr.failModeForTesting
  3511  }
  3513  func (cr *ConflictResolver) setFailModeForTesting(mode failModeForTesting) {
  3514  	cr.failModeLock.Lock()
  3515  	defer cr.failModeLock.Unlock()
  3516  	cr.failModeForTesting = mode
  3517  }
  3519  // CRWrapError wraps an error that happens during conflict resolution.
  3520  type CRWrapError struct {
  3521  	err error
  3522  }
  3524  // Error implements the error interface for CRWrapError.
  3525  func (e CRWrapError) Error() string {
  3526  	return "Conflict resolution error: " + e.err.Error()
  3527  }
  3529  func (cr *ConflictResolver) doResolve(ctx context.Context, ci conflictInput) {
  3530  	var err error
  3531  	ctx = cr.config.MaybeStartTrace(ctx, "CR.doResolve",
  3532  		fmt.Sprintf("%s %+v", cr.fbo.folderBranch, ci))
  3533  	defer func() { cr.config.MaybeFinishTrace(ctx, err) }()
  3535  	err = cr.recordStartResolve(ci)
  3536  	switch errors.Cause(err) {
  3537  	case ErrTooManyCRAttempts:
  3538  		cr.log.CWarningf(ctx,
  3539  			"Too many failed CR attempts for folder: %v",
  3540  		cr.config.GetPerfLog().CDebugf(
  3541  			ctx, "Conflict resolution failed too many times for %v", err)
  3542  		return
  3543  	case nil:
  3544  		defer func() {
  3545  			r := recover()
  3546  			cr.recordFinishResolve(ctx, ci, r, err)
  3547  		}()
  3548  	default:
  3549  		cr.log.CWarningf(ctx,
  3550  			"Could not record conflict resolution attempt: %+v", err)
  3551  	}
  3553  	cr.log.CDebugf(ctx, "Starting conflict resolution with input %+v", ci)
  3554  	lState := makeFBOLockState()
  3555  	defer func() {
  3556  		cr.deferLog.CDebugf(ctx, "Finished conflict resolution: %+v", err)
  3557  		if err != nil {
  3558  			head := cr.fbo.getTrustedHead(ctx, lState, mdNoCommit)
  3559  			if head == (ImmutableRootMetadata{}) {
  3560  				panic("doResolve: head is nil (should be impossible)")
  3561  			}
  3562  			handle := head.GetTlfHandle()
  3563  			cr.config.Reporter().ReportErr(
  3564  				ctx, handle.GetCanonicalName(), handle.Type(),
  3565  				WriteMode, CRWrapError{err})
  3566  			if err == context.Canceled {
  3567  				cr.inputLock.Lock()
  3568  				defer cr.inputLock.Unlock()
  3569  				cr.canceledCount++
  3570  				// TODO: decrease threshold for pending local squashes?
  3571  				if cr.canceledCount > cr.maxRevsThreshold {
  3572  					cr.lockNextTime = true
  3573  				}
  3574  			}
  3575  		} else {
  3576  			// We finished successfully, so no need to lock next time.
  3577  			cr.inputLock.Lock()
  3578  			defer cr.inputLock.Unlock()
  3579  			cr.lockNextTime = false
  3580  			cr.canceledCount = 0
  3581  		}
  3582  	}()
  3584  	// Canceled before we even got started?
  3585  	err = cr.checkDone(ctx)
  3586  	if err != nil {
  3587  		return
  3588  	}
  3590  	if cr.getFailModeForTesting() == alwaysFailCR {
  3591  		err = ErrCRFailForTesting
  3592  		return
  3593  	}
  3595  	var mergedMDs []ImmutableRootMetadata
  3597  	// Check if we need to deploy the nuclear option and completely
  3598  	// block unmerged writes while we try to resolve.
  3599  	doLock := func() bool {
  3600  		cr.inputLock.Lock()
  3601  		defer cr.inputLock.Unlock()
  3602  		return cr.lockNextTime
  3603  	}()
  3604  	if doLock {
  3605  		cr.log.CDebugf(ctx, "Blocking unmerged writes due to large amounts "+
  3606  			"of unresolved state")
  3607  		cr.fbo.blockUnmergedWrites(lState)
  3608  		defer cr.fbo.unblockUnmergedWrites(lState)
  3609  		err = cr.checkDone(ctx)
  3610  		if err != nil {
  3611  			return
  3612  		}
  3614  		// Sync everything from memory to the journal.
  3615  		err = cr.fbo.syncAllLocked(ctx, lState, NoExcl)
  3616  		if err != nil {
  3617  			return
  3618  		}
  3620  		// Don't let us hold the lock for too long though
  3621  		var cancel context.CancelFunc
  3622  		ctx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(ctx, crMaxWriteLockTime)
  3623  		defer cancel()
  3624  		cr.log.CDebugf(ctx, "Unmerged writes blocked")
  3625  	} else {
  3626  		// Sync everything from memory to the journal.
  3627  		err = cr.fbo.syncAllUnlocked(ctx, lState)
  3628  		if err != nil {
  3629  			return
  3630  		}
  3631  	}
  3633  	// Step 1: Build the chains for each branch, as well as the paths
  3634  	// and necessary extra recreate ops.  The result of this step is:
  3635  	//   * A set of conflict resolution "chains" for both the unmerged and
  3636  	//     merged branches
  3637  	//   * A map containing, for each changed unmerged node, the full path to
  3638  	//     the corresponding merged node.
  3639  	//   * A set of "recreate" ops that must be applied on the merged branch
  3640  	//     to recreate any directories that were modified in the unmerged
  3641  	//     branch but removed in the merged branch.
  3642  	unmergedChains, mergedChains, unmergedPaths, mergedPaths, recOps,
  3643  		unmergedMDs, mergedMDs, err :=
  3644  		cr.buildChainsAndPaths(ctx, lState, doLock)
  3645  	if err != nil {
  3646  		return
  3647  	}
  3648  	if len(unmergedMDs) == 0 {
  3649  		// TODO: This is probably due to an extra Resolve() call that
  3650  		// got queued during a resolution (but too late to cancel it),
  3651  		// and executed after the resolution completed successfully.
  3652  		cr.log.CDebugf(ctx, "No unmerged updates at all, so we must not be "+
  3653  			"unmerged after all")
  3654  		return
  3655  	}
  3656  	if len(mergedPaths) == 0 || len(mergedMDs) == 0 {
  3657  		var mostRecentMergedMD ImmutableRootMetadata
  3658  		if len(mergedMDs) > 0 {
  3659  			mostRecentMergedMD = mergedMDs[len(mergedMDs)-1]
  3660  		} else {
  3661  			branchPoint := unmergedMDs[0].Revision() - 1
  3662  			mostRecentMergedMD, err = GetSingleMD(ctx, cr.config,,
  3663  				kbfsmd.NullBranchID, branchPoint, kbfsmd.Merged, nil)
  3664  			if err != nil {
  3665  				return
  3666  			}
  3667  		}
  3668  		// TODO: All the other variables returned by
  3669  		// buildChainsAndPaths may also be nil, in which case
  3670  		// completeResolution will deref a nil pointer. Fix
  3671  		// this!
  3672  		//
  3673  		// nothing to do
  3674  		cr.log.CDebugf(ctx, "No updates to resolve, so finishing")
  3675  		dbm := newDirBlockMapMemory()
  3676  		newFileBlocks := newFileBlockMapMemory()
  3677  		bps := newBlockPutStateMemory(0)
  3678  		err = cr.completeResolution(ctx, lState, unmergedChains,
  3679  			mergedChains, unmergedPaths, mergedPaths,
  3680  			unmergedMDs[len(unmergedMDs)-1], mostRecentMergedMD, dbm,
  3681  			newFileBlocks, nil, bps, doLock)
  3682  		return
  3683  	}
  3685  	err = cr.checkDone(ctx)
  3686  	if err != nil {
  3687  		return
  3688  	}
  3690  	if status, _, err := cr.fbo.status.getStatus(ctx, nil); err == nil {
  3691  		if statusString, err := json.Marshal(status); err == nil {
  3692  			ci := func() conflictInput {
  3693  				cr.inputLock.Lock()
  3694  				defer cr.inputLock.Unlock()
  3695  				return cr.currInput
  3696  			}()
  3697  			cr.log.CInfof(ctx, "Current status during conflict resolution "+
  3698  				"(input %v): %s", ci, statusString)
  3699  		}
  3700  	}
  3701  	cr.log.CDebugf(ctx, "Recreate ops: %s", recOps)
  3703  	mostRecentMergedMD := mergedMDs[len(mergedMDs)-1]
  3705  	mostRecentMergedWriterInfo := newWriterInfo(
  3706  		mostRecentMergedMD.LastModifyingWriter(),
  3707  		mostRecentMergedMD.LastModifyingWriterVerifyingKey(),
  3708  		mostRecentMergedMD.Revision(), cr.fbo.oa())
  3710  	// Step 2: Figure out which actions need to be taken in the merged
  3711  	// branch to best reflect the unmerged changes.  The result of
  3712  	// this step is a map containing, for each node in the merged path
  3713  	// that will be updated during conflict resolution, a set of
  3714  	// "actions" to be applied to the merged branch.  Each of these
  3715  	// actions contains the logic needed to manipulate the data into
  3716  	// the final merged state, including the resolution of any
  3717  	// conflicts that occurred between the two branches.
  3718  	actionMap, newUnmergedPaths, err := cr.computeActions(
  3719  		ctx, unmergedChains, mergedChains, unmergedPaths, mergedPaths,
  3720  		recOps, mostRecentMergedWriterInfo)
  3721  	if err != nil {
  3722  		return
  3723  	}
  3725  	// Insert the new unmerged paths as needed
  3726  	if len(newUnmergedPaths) > 0 {
  3727  		unmergedPaths = append(unmergedPaths, newUnmergedPaths...)
  3728  		sort.Sort(crSortedPaths(unmergedPaths))
  3729  	}
  3731  	err = cr.checkDone(ctx)
  3732  	if err != nil {
  3733  		return
  3734  	}
  3736  	cr.log.CDebugf(ctx, "Action map: %v", actionMap)
  3738  	// Step 3: Apply the actions by looking up the corresponding
  3739  	// unmerged dir entry and copying it to a copy of the
  3740  	// corresponding merged block.  Keep these dirty block copies in a
  3741  	// local dirty cache, keyed by corresponding merged most recent
  3742  	// pointer.
  3743  	//
  3744  	// At the same time, construct two sets of ops: one that will be
  3745  	// put into the final MD object that gets merged, and one that
  3746  	// needs to be played through as notifications locally to get any
  3747  	// local caches synchronized with the final merged state.
  3748  	//
  3749  	// * This will be taken care of by each crAction.updateOps()
  3750  	// method, which modifies the unmerged and merged ops for a
  3751  	// particular chain.  After all the crActions are applied, the
  3752  	// "unmerged" ops need to be pushed as part of the MD update,
  3753  	// while the "merged" ops need to be applied locally.
  3755  	// newFileBlocks contains the copies of the file blocks we need to
  3756  	// sync.  If a block is indirect, we need to put it and add new
  3757  	// references for all indirect pointers inside it.  If it is not
  3758  	// an indirect block, just add a new reference to the block.
  3759  	dbc, cleanupFn, err := cr.makeDiskBlockCache(ctx)
  3760  	if err != nil {
  3761  		return
  3762  	}
  3763  	if cleanupFn != nil {
  3764  		defer cleanupFn(ctx)
  3765  	}
  3766  	dirtyBcache := newDirtyBlockCacheDisk(
  3767  		cr.config, dbc, mergedChains.mostRecentChainMDInfo, cr.fbo.branch())
  3768  	newFileBlocks := newFileBlockMapDisk(
  3769  		dirtyBcache, mergedChains.mostRecentChainMDInfo)
  3770  	// dbm contains the modified directory blocks we need to sync
  3771  	dbm := newDirBlockMapDisk(dirtyBcache, mergedChains.mostRecentChainMDInfo)
  3773  	err = cr.doActions(ctx, lState, unmergedChains, mergedChains,
  3774  		unmergedPaths, mergedPaths, actionMap, dbm, newFileBlocks, dirtyBcache)
  3775  	if err != nil {
  3776  		return
  3777  	}
  3779  	err = cr.checkDone(ctx)
  3780  	if err != nil {
  3781  		return
  3782  	}
  3783  	cr.log.CDebugf(ctx, "Executed all actions, %d updated directory blocks",
  3784  		dbm.numBlocks())
  3786  	// Step 4: finish up by syncing all the blocks, computing and
  3787  	// putting the final resolved MD, and issuing all the local
  3788  	// notifications.
  3789  	bps := newBlockPutStateDisk(
  3790  		0, cr.config, dbc, mergedChains.mostRecentChainMDInfo)
  3791  	err = cr.completeResolution(ctx, lState, unmergedChains, mergedChains,
  3792  		unmergedPaths, mergedPaths, unmergedMDs[len(unmergedMDs)-1],
  3793  		mostRecentMergedMD, dbm, newFileBlocks, dirtyBcache, bps, doLock)
  3794  	if err != nil {
  3795  		return
  3796  	}
  3798  	// TODO: If conflict resolution fails after some blocks were put,
  3799  	// remember these and include them in the later resolution so they
  3800  	// don't count against the quota forever.  (Though of course if we
  3801  	// completely fail, we'll need to rely on a future complete scan
  3802  	// to clean up the quota anyway . . .)
  3803  }
  3805  func (cr *ConflictResolver) clearConflictRecords(ctx context.Context) error {
  3806  	db, key, _, wasStuck, err := cr.isStuckWithDbAndConflicts()
  3807  	if err != nil {
  3808  		return err
  3809  	}
  3811  	err = db.Delete(key, nil)
  3812  	if err != nil {
  3813  		return err
  3814  	}
  3816  	if wasStuck {
  3817  		cr.config.SubscriptionManagerPublisher().PublishChange(keybase1.SubscriptionTopic_FAVORITES)
  3818  		cr.config.Reporter().NotifyFavoritesChanged(ctx)
  3819  		cr.config.SubscriptionManagerPublisher().PublishChange(
  3820  			keybase1.SubscriptionTopic_FILES_TAB_BADGE)
  3821  	}
  3822  	return nil
  3823  }
  3825  func openCRDBInternal(config Config) (*ldbutils.LevelDb, error) {
  3826  	if config.IsTestMode() {
  3827  		return ldbutils.OpenLevelDb(storage.NewMemStorage(), config.Mode())
  3828  	}
  3829  	err := os.MkdirAll(sysPath.Join(config.StorageRoot(),
  3830  		conflictResolverRecordsDir, conflictResolverRecordsVersionString),
  3831  		os.ModePerm)
  3832  	if err != nil {
  3833  		return nil, err
  3834  	}
  3836  	stor, err := storage.OpenFile(sysPath.Join(config.StorageRoot(),
  3837  		conflictResolverRecordsDir, conflictResolverRecordsVersionString,
  3838  		conflictResolverRecordsDB), false)
  3840  	if err != nil {
  3841  		return nil, err
  3842  	}
  3844  	return ldbutils.OpenLevelDb(stor, config.Mode())
  3845  }
  3847  func openCRDB(config Config) (db *ldbutils.LevelDb) {
  3848  	db, err := openCRDBInternal(config)
  3849  	if err != nil {
  3850  		config.MakeLogger("").CWarningf(context.Background(),
  3851  			"Could not open conflict resolver DB. "+
  3852  				"Perhaps multiple KBFS instances are being run concurrently"+
  3853  				"? Error: %+v", err)
  3854  	}
  3855  	return db
  3856  }