
     1  // Copyright 2019 Keybase Inc. All rights reserved.
     2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD
     3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5  package libkbfs
     7  import (
     8  	"path"
     9  	"strings"
    10  	"sync"
    11  	"time"
    13  	""
    14  	""
    15  	""
    16  	""
    17  	""
    18  	""
    19  	""
    20  )
    22  const (
    23  	folderBranchPollingInterval           = time.Second
    24  	maxPurgeableSubscriptionManagerClient = 3
    25  )
    27  // userPath is always the full path including the /keybase prefix, but may
    28  // not be canonical or cleaned. The goal is to track whatever the user of this
    29  // type is dealing with without needing them to know if a path is canonicalized
    30  // at any time.
    31  // Examples:
    32  //
    33  //	"/keybase/public/karlthefog@twitter/dir
    34  //	"/keybase/team/keybase/dir/../file"
    35  type userPath string
    37  // cleanInTlfPath is clean path rooted at a TLF, and it's what we get
    38  // from Node.GetPathPlaintextSansTlf().
    39  // Examples, considering TLF /keybase/private/user1,user2:
    40  //
    41  //	"/foo/bar" (representing /keybase/private/user1,user2/foo/bar)
    42  //	"/"        (representing /keybase/private/user1,user2)
    43  type cleanInTlfPath string
    45  func getCleanInTlfPath(p *parsedPath) cleanInTlfPath {
    46  	return cleanInTlfPath(path.Clean(p.rawInTlfPath))
    47  }
    49  func getParentPath(p cleanInTlfPath) (parent cleanInTlfPath, ok bool) {
    50  	lastSlashIndex := strings.LastIndex(string(p), "/")
    51  	if lastSlashIndex <= 0 {
    52  		return "", false
    53  	}
    54  	return p[:lastSlashIndex], true
    55  }
    57  type debouncedNotify struct {
    58  	notify   func()
    59  	shutdown func()
    60  }
    62  func getChSender(ch chan<- struct{}, blocking bool) func() {
    63  	if blocking {
    64  		return func() {
    65  			ch <- struct{}{}
    66  		}
    67  	}
    68  	return func() {
    69  		select {
    70  		case ch <- struct{}{}:
    71  		default:
    72  		}
    73  	}
    74  }
    76  func debounce(do func(), limit rate.Limit) *debouncedNotify {
    77  	ctx, shutdown := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
    78  	ch := make(chan struct{}, 1)
    79  	limiter := rate.NewLimiter(limit, 1)
    80  	go func() {
    81  		for {
    82  			err := limiter.Wait(ctx)
    83  			if err != nil {
    84  				return
    85  			}
    86  			select {
    87  			case <-ch:
    88  				go do()
    89  			case <-ctx.Done():
    90  				return
    91  			}
    92  		}
    93  	}()
    94  	return &debouncedNotify{
    95  		notify:   getChSender(ch, limit == rate.Inf),
    96  		shutdown: shutdown,
    97  	}
    98  }
   100  type pathSubscriptionRef struct {
   101  	folderBranch data.FolderBranch
   102  	path         cleanInTlfPath
   103  }
   105  type pathSubscription struct {
   106  	subscriptionIDs map[SubscriptionID]keybase1.PathSubscriptionTopic
   107  	// Keep track of different paths from input since GUI doesn't have a
   108  	// concept of "cleaned path" yet and when we notify about changes we need
   109  	// to use the original path that came in with the SubscribePath calls.
   110  	pathsToNotify   map[string]struct{}
   111  	limit           rate.Limit
   112  	debouncedNotify *debouncedNotify
   113  }
   115  type nonPathSubscription struct {
   116  	subscriptionIDs map[SubscriptionID]bool
   117  	limit           rate.Limit
   118  	debouncedNotify *debouncedNotify
   119  }
   121  // subscriptionManager manages subscriptions. There are two types of
   122  // subscriptions: path and non-path. Path subscriptions are for changes related
   123  // to a specific path, such as file content change, dir children change, and
   124  // timestamp change. Non-path subscriptions are for general changes that are
   125  // not specific to a path, such as journal flushing, online status change, etc.
   126  // We store a debouncedNotify struct for each subscription, which includes a
   127  // notify function that might be debounced if caller asked so.
   128  //
   129  // This is per client. For example, if we have multiple GUI instances, each of
   130  // them get their own client ID and their subscriptions won't affect each
   131  // other.
   132  type subscriptionManager struct {
   133  	clientID SubscriptionManagerClientID
   134  	config   Config
   135  	log      logger.Logger
   136  	notifier SubscriptionNotifier
   138  	onlineStatusTracker *onlineStatusTracker
   139  	lock                sync.RWMutex
   140  	// TODO HOTPOT-416: add another layer here to reference by topics, and
   141  	// actually check topics in LocalChange and BatchChanges.
   142  	pathSubscriptions               map[pathSubscriptionRef]*pathSubscription
   143  	pathSubscriptionIDToRef         map[SubscriptionID]pathSubscriptionRef
   144  	nonPathSubscriptions            map[keybase1.SubscriptionTopic]*nonPathSubscription
   145  	nonPathSubscriptionIDToTopic    map[SubscriptionID]keybase1.SubscriptionTopic
   146  	subscriptionIDs                 map[SubscriptionID]bool
   147  	subscriptionCountByFolderBranch map[data.FolderBranch]int
   148  	folderBranchPollerCancelers     map[SubscriptionID]context.CancelFunc
   149  }
   151  func (sm *subscriptionManager) notifyOnlineStatus() {
   152  	sm.lock.RLock()
   153  	defer sm.lock.RUnlock()
   154  	if sm.nonPathSubscriptions[keybase1.SubscriptionTopic_ONLINE_STATUS] == nil {
   155  		return
   156  	}
   157  	if nps, ok := sm.nonPathSubscriptions[keybase1.SubscriptionTopic_ONLINE_STATUS]; ok {
   158  		nps.debouncedNotify.notify()
   159  	}
   160  }
   162  func newSubscriptionManager(clientID SubscriptionManagerClientID, config Config, notifier SubscriptionNotifier) *subscriptionManager {
   163  	sm := &subscriptionManager{
   164  		pathSubscriptions:               make(map[pathSubscriptionRef]*pathSubscription),
   165  		pathSubscriptionIDToRef:         make(map[SubscriptionID]pathSubscriptionRef),
   166  		nonPathSubscriptions:            make(map[keybase1.SubscriptionTopic]*nonPathSubscription),
   167  		nonPathSubscriptionIDToTopic:    make(map[SubscriptionID]keybase1.SubscriptionTopic),
   168  		clientID:                        clientID,
   169  		config:                          config,
   170  		log:                             config.MakeLogger("SubMan"),
   171  		notifier:                        notifier,
   172  		subscriptionIDs:                 make(map[SubscriptionID]bool),
   173  		subscriptionCountByFolderBranch: make(map[data.FolderBranch]int),
   174  		folderBranchPollerCancelers:     make(map[SubscriptionID]context.CancelFunc),
   175  	}
   176  	sm.onlineStatusTracker = newOnlineStatusTracker(config, sm.notifyOnlineStatus)
   177  	return sm
   178  }
   180  func (sm *subscriptionManager) Shutdown(ctx context.Context) {
   181  	sm.onlineStatusTracker.shutdown()
   182  	sm.lock.Lock()
   183  	defer sm.lock.Unlock()
   184  	pathSids := make([]SubscriptionID, 0, len(sm.pathSubscriptionIDToRef))
   185  	nonPathSids := make([]SubscriptionID, 0, len(sm.nonPathSubscriptionIDToTopic))
   186  	for sid := range sm.pathSubscriptionIDToRef {
   187  		pathSids = append(pathSids, sid)
   188  	}
   189  	for sid := range sm.nonPathSubscriptionIDToTopic {
   190  		nonPathSids = append(nonPathSids, sid)
   191  	}
   192  	for _, sid := range pathSids {
   193  		sm.unsubscribePathLocked(ctx, sid)
   194  	}
   195  	for _, sid := range nonPathSids {
   196  		sm.unsubscribeNonPathLocked(ctx, sid)
   197  	}
   198  }
   200  func (sm *subscriptionManager) OnlineStatusTracker() OnlineStatusTracker {
   201  	return sm.onlineStatusTracker
   202  }
   204  func (sm *subscriptionManager) checkSubscriptionIDLocked(sid SubscriptionID) (setter func(), err error) {
   205  	if sm.subscriptionIDs[sid] {
   206  		return nil, errors.Errorf("duplicate subscription ID %q", sid)
   207  	}
   208  	return func() {
   209  		sm.subscriptionIDs[sid] = true
   210  	}, nil
   211  }
   213  func (sm *subscriptionManager) registerForChangesLocked(fb data.FolderBranch) {
   214  	if sm.subscriptionCountByFolderBranch[fb] == 0 {
   215  		_ = sm.config.Notifier().RegisterForChanges(
   216  			[]data.FolderBranch{fb}, sm)
   217  	}
   218  	sm.subscriptionCountByFolderBranch[fb]++
   219  }
   221  func (sm *subscriptionManager) unregisterForChangesLocked(fb data.FolderBranch) {
   222  	if sm.subscriptionCountByFolderBranch[fb] == 1 {
   223  		_ = sm.config.Notifier().UnregisterFromChanges(
   224  			[]data.FolderBranch{fb}, sm)
   225  		delete(sm.subscriptionCountByFolderBranch, fb)
   226  		return
   227  	}
   228  	sm.subscriptionCountByFolderBranch[fb]--
   229  }
   231  func (sm *subscriptionManager) preparePathNotification(
   232  	ref pathSubscriptionRef) (sids []SubscriptionID,
   233  	paths []string, topics []keybase1.PathSubscriptionTopic) {
   234  	sm.lock.RLock()
   235  	defer sm.lock.RUnlock()
   237  	ps, ok := sm.pathSubscriptions[ref]
   238  	if !ok {
   239  		return
   240  	}
   241  	sids = make([]SubscriptionID, 0, len(ps.subscriptionIDs))
   242  	topicsMap := make(map[keybase1.PathSubscriptionTopic]struct{})
   243  	for sid, topic := range ps.subscriptionIDs {
   244  		sids = append(sids, sid)
   245  		topicsMap[topic] = struct{}{}
   246  	}
   247  	topics = make([]keybase1.PathSubscriptionTopic, 0, len(topicsMap))
   248  	for topic := range topicsMap {
   249  		topics = append(topics, topic)
   250  	}
   251  	paths = make([]string, 0, len(ps.pathsToNotify))
   252  	for path := range ps.pathsToNotify {
   253  		paths = append(paths, path)
   254  	}
   255  	return sids, paths, topics
   256  }
   258  func (sm *subscriptionManager) makePathSubscriptionDebouncedNotify(
   259  	ref pathSubscriptionRef, limit rate.Limit) *debouncedNotify {
   260  	return debounce(func() {
   261  		sids, paths, topics := sm.preparePathNotification(ref)
   263  		for _, path := range paths {
   264  			sm.notifier.OnPathChange(sm.clientID, sids, path, topics)
   265  		}
   266  	}, limit)
   267  }
   269  func (sm *subscriptionManager) prepareNonPathNotification(
   270  	topic keybase1.SubscriptionTopic) (sids []SubscriptionID) {
   271  	sm.lock.RLock()
   272  	defer sm.lock.RUnlock()
   273  	nps, ok := sm.nonPathSubscriptions[topic]
   274  	if !ok {
   275  		return
   276  	}
   277  	sids = make([]SubscriptionID, 0, len(nps.subscriptionIDs))
   278  	for sid := range nps.subscriptionIDs {
   279  		sids = append(sids, sid)
   280  	}
   281  	return sids
   282  }
   284  func (sm *subscriptionManager) makeNonPathSubscriptionDebouncedNotify(
   285  	topic keybase1.SubscriptionTopic, limit rate.Limit) *debouncedNotify {
   286  	return debounce(func() {
   287  		sids := sm.prepareNonPathNotification(topic)
   288  		sm.notifier.OnNonPathChange(sm.clientID, sids, topic)
   289  	}, limit)
   290  }
   292  type subscribePathRequest struct {
   293  	sid                 SubscriptionID
   294  	path                string // original, uncleaned path from GUI
   295  	topic               keybase1.PathSubscriptionTopic
   296  	deduplicateInterval *time.Duration
   297  }
   299  func (sm *subscriptionManager) subscribePathWithFolderBranchLocked(
   300  	req subscribePathRequest,
   301  	parsedPath *parsedPath, fb data.FolderBranch) error {
   302  	nitp := getCleanInTlfPath(parsedPath)
   303  	ref := pathSubscriptionRef{
   304  		folderBranch: fb,
   305  		path:         nitp,
   306  	}
   308  	subscriptionIDSetter, err := sm.checkSubscriptionIDLocked(req.sid)
   309  	if err != nil {
   310  		return err
   311  	}
   312  	sm.registerForChangesLocked(ref.folderBranch)
   314  	limit := rate.Inf
   315  	if req.deduplicateInterval != nil {
   316  		limit = rate.Every(*req.deduplicateInterval)
   317  	}
   318  	ps, ok := sm.pathSubscriptions[ref]
   319  	if !ok {
   320  		ps = &pathSubscription{
   321  			subscriptionIDs: make(map[SubscriptionID]keybase1.PathSubscriptionTopic),
   322  			limit:           limit,
   323  			debouncedNotify: sm.makePathSubscriptionDebouncedNotify(ref, limit),
   324  			pathsToNotify:   make(map[string]struct{}),
   325  		}
   326  		sm.pathSubscriptions[ref] = ps
   327  	} else if ps.limit < limit {
   328  		// New limit is higher than what we have. Update it to match.
   329  		ps.limit = limit
   330  		ps.debouncedNotify.shutdown()
   331  		ps.debouncedNotify = sm.makePathSubscriptionDebouncedNotify(ref, limit)
   332  	}
   333  	ps.subscriptionIDs[req.sid] = req.topic
   334  	ps.pathsToNotify[req.path] = struct{}{}
   336  	sm.pathSubscriptionIDToRef[req.sid] = ref
   337  	subscriptionIDSetter()
   338  	return nil
   339  }
   341  func (sm *subscriptionManager) cancelAndDeleteFolderBranchPollerLocked(
   342  	sid SubscriptionID) (deleted bool) {
   343  	if cancel, ok := sm.folderBranchPollerCancelers[sid]; ok {
   344  		cancel()
   345  		delete(sm.folderBranchPollerCancelers, sid)
   346  		return true
   347  	}
   348  	return false
   349  }
   351  func (sm *subscriptionManager) cancelAndDeleteFolderBranchPoller(
   352  	sid SubscriptionID) (deleted bool) {
   353  	sm.lock.Lock()
   354  	defer sm.lock.Unlock()
   355  	return sm.cancelAndDeleteFolderBranchPollerLocked(sid)
   356  }
   358  func (sm *subscriptionManager) pollOnFolderBranchForSubscribePathRequest(
   359  	ctx context.Context, req subscribePathRequest, parsedPath *parsedPath) {
   360  	ticker := time.NewTicker(folderBranchPollingInterval)
   361  	for {
   362  		select {
   363  		case <-ticker.C:
   364  			fb, err := parsedPath.getFolderBranch(ctx, sm.config)
   365  			if err != nil {
   366  				_ = sm.cancelAndDeleteFolderBranchPoller(req.sid)
   367  				return
   368  			}
   370  			if fb == (data.FolderBranch{}) {
   371  				continue
   372  			}
   374  			// We have a folderBranch now! Go ahead and complete the
   375  			// subscription, and send a notification too.
   377  			sm.lock.Lock()
   378  			defer sm.lock.Unlock()
   379  			// Check if we're done while holding the lock to protect
   380  			// against racing against unsubscribe.
   381  			select {
   382  			case <-ctx.Done():
   383  				// No need to call cancelAndDeleteFolderBranchPollerLocked here
   384  				// since we always cancel and delete at the same tiem and if
   385  				// it's canceled it must have been deleted too.
   386  				return
   387  			default:
   388  			}
   390  			err = sm.subscribePathWithFolderBranchLocked(req, parsedPath, fb)
   391  			if err != nil {
   392  				sm.log.CErrorf(ctx,
   393  					"subscribePathWithFolderBranchLocked sid=%s err=%v", req.sid, err)
   394  			}
   396  			sm.notifier.OnPathChange(
   397  				sm.clientID, []SubscriptionID{req.sid},
   398  				req.path, []keybase1.PathSubscriptionTopic{req.topic})
   400  			_ = sm.cancelAndDeleteFolderBranchPollerLocked(req.sid)
   401  			return
   402  		case <-ctx.Done():
   403  			_ = sm.cancelAndDeleteFolderBranchPoller(req.sid)
   404  			return
   405  		}
   406  	}
   407  }
   409  func (sm *subscriptionManager) subscribePathWithoutFolderBranchLocked(
   410  	req subscribePathRequest, parsedPath *parsedPath) {
   411  	ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
   412  	sm.folderBranchPollerCancelers[req.sid] = cancel
   413  	go sm.pollOnFolderBranchForSubscribePathRequest(ctx, req, parsedPath)
   414  }
   416  // SubscribePath implements the SubscriptionManager interface.
   417  func (sm *subscriptionManager) SubscribePath(ctx context.Context,
   418  	sid SubscriptionID, path string, topic keybase1.PathSubscriptionTopic,
   419  	deduplicateInterval *time.Duration) error {
   420  	parsedPath, err := parsePath(userPath(path))
   421  	if err != nil {
   422  		return err
   423  	}
   425  	// Lock here to protect against racing with unsubscribe.  Specifically, we
   426  	// don't want to launch the poller if an unsubscribe call for this sid
   427  	// comes in before we get fb from parsedPath.getFolderBranch().
   428  	//
   429  	// We could still end up with a lingering subscription if unsubscribe
   430  	// happens too fast and RPC somehow gives use the unsubscribe call before
   431  	// the subscribe call, but that's probably rare enough to ignore here.
   432  	//
   433  	// In the future if this end up contributing a deadlock because
   434  	// folderBranch starts using the subscription manager somehow, we can add a
   435  	// "recently unsubscribed" cache to the subscription manager and move this
   436  	// lock further down. This cache should also mitigate the issue where the
   437  	// unsubscribe call gets deliverd before subscribe.
   438  	sm.lock.Lock()
   439  	defer sm.lock.Unlock()
   441  	fb, err := parsedPath.getFolderBranch(ctx, sm.config)
   442  	if err != nil {
   443  		return err
   444  	}
   445  	req := subscribePathRequest{
   446  		sid:                 sid,
   447  		path:                path,
   448  		topic:               topic,
   449  		deduplicateInterval: deduplicateInterval,
   450  	}
   451  	if fb != (data.FolderBranch{}) {
   452  		return sm.subscribePathWithFolderBranchLocked(req, parsedPath, fb)
   453  	}
   454  	sm.subscribePathWithoutFolderBranchLocked(req, parsedPath)
   455  	return nil
   456  }
   458  // SubscribeNonPath implements the SubscriptionManager interface.
   459  func (sm *subscriptionManager) SubscribeNonPath(
   460  	ctx context.Context, sid SubscriptionID, topic keybase1.SubscriptionTopic,
   461  	deduplicateInterval *time.Duration) error {
   462  	sm.lock.Lock()
   463  	defer sm.lock.Unlock()
   464  	subscriptionIDSetter, err := sm.checkSubscriptionIDLocked(sid)
   465  	if err != nil {
   466  		return err
   467  	}
   469  	limit := rate.Inf
   470  	if deduplicateInterval != nil {
   471  		limit = rate.Every(*deduplicateInterval)
   472  	}
   473  	nps, ok := sm.nonPathSubscriptions[topic]
   474  	if !ok {
   475  		nps = &nonPathSubscription{
   476  			subscriptionIDs: make(map[SubscriptionID]bool),
   477  			limit:           limit,
   478  			debouncedNotify: sm.makeNonPathSubscriptionDebouncedNotify(topic, limit),
   479  		}
   480  		sm.nonPathSubscriptions[topic] = nps
   481  	} else if nps.limit < limit {
   482  		// New limit is higher than what we have. Update it to match.
   483  		nps.limit = limit
   484  		nps.debouncedNotify.shutdown()
   485  		nps.debouncedNotify = sm.makeNonPathSubscriptionDebouncedNotify(topic, limit)
   486  	}
   487  	nps.subscriptionIDs[sid] = true
   489  	sm.nonPathSubscriptionIDToTopic[sid] = topic
   490  	subscriptionIDSetter()
   491  	return nil
   492  }
   494  func (sm *subscriptionManager) unsubscribePathLocked(
   495  	ctx context.Context, subscriptionID SubscriptionID) {
   496  	// First check if this is a subscription we don't yet have a folderBranch
   497  	// for.
   498  	if sm.cancelAndDeleteFolderBranchPollerLocked(subscriptionID) {
   499  		return
   500  	}
   502  	ref, ok := sm.pathSubscriptionIDToRef[subscriptionID]
   503  	if !ok {
   504  		return
   505  	}
   506  	delete(sm.pathSubscriptionIDToRef, subscriptionID)
   508  	ps, ok := sm.pathSubscriptions[ref]
   509  	if !ok {
   510  		return
   511  	}
   512  	delete(ps.subscriptionIDs, subscriptionID)
   513  	if len(ps.subscriptionIDs) == 0 {
   514  		ps.debouncedNotify.shutdown()
   515  		sm.unregisterForChangesLocked(ref.folderBranch)
   516  		delete(sm.pathSubscriptions, ref)
   517  	}
   519  	delete(sm.subscriptionIDs, subscriptionID)
   520  }
   522  func (sm *subscriptionManager) unsubscribeNonPathLocked(
   523  	ctx context.Context, subscriptionID SubscriptionID) {
   524  	topic, ok := sm.nonPathSubscriptionIDToTopic[subscriptionID]
   525  	if !ok {
   526  		return
   527  	}
   528  	delete(sm.nonPathSubscriptionIDToTopic, subscriptionID)
   530  	nps, ok := sm.nonPathSubscriptions[topic]
   531  	if !ok {
   532  		return
   533  	}
   534  	delete(nps.subscriptionIDs, subscriptionID)
   535  	if len(nps.subscriptionIDs) == 0 {
   536  		nps.debouncedNotify.shutdown()
   537  		delete(sm.nonPathSubscriptions, topic)
   538  	}
   540  	delete(sm.subscriptionIDs, subscriptionID)
   541  }
   543  // Unsubscribe implements the SubscriptionManager interface.
   544  func (sm *subscriptionManager) Unsubscribe(ctx context.Context, sid SubscriptionID) {
   545  	sm.lock.Lock()
   546  	defer sm.lock.Unlock()
   547  	sm.unsubscribePathLocked(ctx, sid)
   548  	sm.unsubscribeNonPathLocked(ctx, sid)
   549  }
   551  func (sm *subscriptionManager) notifyRefLocked(ref pathSubscriptionRef) {
   552  	ps, ok := sm.pathSubscriptions[ref]
   553  	if !ok {
   554  		return
   555  	}
   556  	// We are notify()-ing while holding a lock, but it's fine since the
   557  	// other side of the channel consumes it pretty fast, either by
   558  	// dropping deduplicated ones, or by doing the actual send in a
   559  	// separate goroutine.
   560  	//
   561  	// We are not differentiating topics here yet. TODO: do it.
   562  	ps.debouncedNotify.notify()
   563  }
   565  func (sm *subscriptionManager) nodeChangeLocked(node Node) {
   566  	path, ok := node.GetPathPlaintextSansTlf()
   567  	if !ok {
   568  		return
   569  	}
   570  	cleanPath := cleanInTlfPath(path)
   572  	sm.notifyRefLocked(pathSubscriptionRef{
   573  		folderBranch: node.GetFolderBranch(),
   574  		path:         cleanPath,
   575  	})
   577  	// Do this for parent as well, so if "children" is subscribed on parent
   578  	// path, we'd trigger a notification too.
   579  	if parent, ok := getParentPath(cleanPath); ok {
   580  		sm.notifyRefLocked(pathSubscriptionRef{
   581  			folderBranch: node.GetFolderBranch(),
   582  			path:         parent,
   583  		})
   584  	}
   585  }
   587  var _ SubscriptionManagerPublisher = (*subscriptionManager)(nil)
   589  // PublishChange implements the SubscriptionManagerPublisher interface.
   590  func (sm *subscriptionManager) PublishChange(topic keybase1.SubscriptionTopic) {
   591  	sm.lock.RLock()
   592  	defer sm.lock.RUnlock()
   594  	// When sync status changes, trigger notification for all paths so they
   595  	// reload to get new prefetch status. This is unfortunate but it's
   596  	// non-trivial to actually build notification around individuall path's
   597  	// prefetch status. Since GUI doesnt' have that many path notifications,
   598  	// this should be fine.
   599  	//
   600  	// TODO: Build it.
   601  	if topic == keybase1.SubscriptionTopic_OVERALL_SYNC_STATUS {
   602  		for _, ps := range sm.pathSubscriptions {
   603  			ps.debouncedNotify.notify()
   604  		}
   605  	}
   607  	if nps, ok := sm.nonPathSubscriptions[topic]; ok {
   608  		nps.debouncedNotify.notify()
   609  	}
   610  }
   612  var _ Observer = (*subscriptionManager)(nil)
   614  // LocalChange implements the Observer interface.
   615  func (sm *subscriptionManager) LocalChange(ctx context.Context,
   616  	node Node, write WriteRange) {
   617  	sm.lock.RLock()
   618  	defer sm.lock.RUnlock()
   619  	// TODO HOTPOT-416: check topics
   620  	sm.nodeChangeLocked(node)
   621  }
   623  // BatchChanges implements the Observer interface.
   624  func (sm *subscriptionManager) BatchChanges(ctx context.Context,
   625  	changes []NodeChange, allAffectedNodeIDs []NodeID) {
   626  	sm.lock.RLock()
   627  	defer sm.lock.RUnlock()
   628  	// TODO HOTPOT-416: check topics
   629  	for _, change := range changes {
   630  		sm.nodeChangeLocked(change.Node)
   631  	}
   632  }
   634  // TlfHandleChange implements the Observer interface.
   635  func (sm *subscriptionManager) TlfHandleChange(ctx context.Context,
   636  	newHandle *tlfhandle.Handle) {
   637  }
   639  type subscriptionManagerManager struct {
   640  	lock                   sync.RWMutex
   641  	config                 Config
   642  	subscriptionManagers   map[SubscriptionManagerClientID]*subscriptionManager
   643  	purgeableClientIDsFIFO []SubscriptionManagerClientID
   644  }
   646  func newSubscriptionManagerManager(config Config) *subscriptionManagerManager {
   647  	return &subscriptionManagerManager{
   648  		config:                 config,
   649  		subscriptionManagers:   make(map[SubscriptionManagerClientID]*subscriptionManager),
   650  		purgeableClientIDsFIFO: nil,
   651  	}
   652  }
   654  func (smm *subscriptionManagerManager) Shutdown(ctx context.Context) {
   655  	smm.lock.Lock()
   656  	defer smm.lock.Unlock()
   658  	for _, sm := range smm.subscriptionManagers {
   659  		sm.Shutdown(ctx)
   660  	}
   661  	smm.subscriptionManagers = make(map[SubscriptionManagerClientID]*subscriptionManager)
   662  	smm.purgeableClientIDsFIFO = nil
   663  }
   665  func (smm *subscriptionManagerManager) get(
   666  	clientID SubscriptionManagerClientID, purgeable bool,
   667  	notifier SubscriptionNotifier) *subscriptionManager {
   668  	smm.lock.RLock()
   669  	sm, ok := smm.subscriptionManagers[clientID]
   670  	smm.lock.RUnlock()
   672  	if ok {
   673  		return sm
   674  	}
   676  	smm.lock.Lock()
   677  	defer smm.lock.Unlock()
   679  	// Check again under the lock in case we've already created one. This is
   680  	// important since if we create it twice we'd end up with having the same
   681  	// clientID appearing twice in purgeableClientIDsFIFO and when we purge the
   682  	// second one we'd have a panic.
   683  	sm, ok = smm.subscriptionManagers[clientID]
   684  	if ok {
   685  		return sm
   686  	}
   688  	if purgeable {
   689  		if len(smm.purgeableClientIDsFIFO) == maxPurgeableSubscriptionManagerClient {
   690  			toPurge := smm.purgeableClientIDsFIFO[0]
   691  			smm.subscriptionManagers[toPurge].Shutdown(context.Background())
   692  			delete(smm.subscriptionManagers, toPurge)
   693  			smm.purgeableClientIDsFIFO = smm.purgeableClientIDsFIFO[1:]
   694  		}
   695  		smm.purgeableClientIDsFIFO = append(smm.purgeableClientIDsFIFO, clientID)
   696  	}
   698  	sm = newSubscriptionManager(clientID, smm.config, notifier)
   699  	smm.subscriptionManagers[clientID] = sm
   701  	return sm
   702  }
   704  // PublishChange implements the SubscriptionManagerPublisher interface.
   705  func (smm *subscriptionManagerManager) PublishChange(topic keybase1.SubscriptionTopic) {
   706  	smm.lock.RLock()
   707  	defer smm.lock.RUnlock()
   708  	for _, sm := range smm.subscriptionManagers {
   709  		sm.PublishChange(topic)
   710  	}
   711  }