
     1  package merkletree2
     3  import ""
     5  // StorageEngine specifies how to store and lookup merkle tree nodes, roots and
     6  // KeyEncodedValuePairs. You can use a DB like Dynamo or SQL to do this.
     7  type StorageEngine interface {
     8  	ExecTransaction(ctx logger.ContextInterface, txFn func(logger.ContextInterface, Transaction) error) error
    10  	// StoreKVPairs stores the []KeyEncodedValuePair in the tree.
    11  	StoreKEVPairs(logger.ContextInterface, Transaction, Seqno, []KeyEncodedValuePair) error
    13  	// StoreNode stores the Hash (of a tree node) at the provided Position,
    14  	// Seqno in the tree.
    15  	StoreNode(logger.ContextInterface, Transaction, Seqno, *Position, Hash) error
    17  	// StoreNode takes multiple pairs of a position and a hash, and stores each
    18  	// hash (of a tree node) at the corresponding position and at the supplied
    19  	// Seqno in the tree.
    20  	StoreNodes(logger.ContextInterface, Transaction, Seqno, []PositionHashPair) error
    22  	// StoreRootMetadata stores the supplied RootMetadata, along with the
    23  	// corresponding Hash.
    24  	StoreRootMetadata(logger.ContextInterface, Transaction, RootMetadata, Hash) error
    26  	// LookupLatestRoot returns the latest root metadata and sequence number in
    27  	// the tree. If no root is found, then a NoLatestRootFound error is returned.
    28  	LookupLatestRoot(logger.ContextInterface, Transaction) (Seqno, RootMetadata, error)
    30  	// If there is no root for the specified Seqno, an InvalidSeqnoError is returned.
    31  	LookupRoot(logger.ContextInterface, Transaction, Seqno) (RootMetadata, error)
    33  	// Returns a RootMetadata given its Hash.
    34  	LookupRootFromHash(logger.ContextInterface, Transaction, Hash) (RootMetadata, error)
    36  	// LookupRoots returns the RootMetadata objects in the tree at the
    37  	// supplied Seqnos, ordered by seqno.
    38  	LookupRoots(logger.ContextInterface, Transaction, []Seqno) ([]RootMetadata, error)
    40  	// LookupRootHashes returns hashes of the RootMetadata in the tree at the
    41  	// corresponding Seqnos, ordered by seqno.
    42  	LookupRootHashes(logger.ContextInterface, Transaction, []Seqno) ([]Hash, error)
    44  	// LookupNode returns, for any position, the hash of the node with the
    45  	// highest Seqno s' <= s which was stored at position p. For example, if
    46  	// StoreNode(ctx, t, 5, p, hash5) and StoreNode(ctx, 6, p, hash6) and
    47  	// StoreNode(ctx, t, 8, p, hash8) were called for a specific position p,
    48  	// then LookupNode(ctx, t, 7, p) would return hash6. It returns an error if
    49  	// no such node was stored in the tree.
    50  	LookupNode(c logger.ContextInterface, t Transaction, s Seqno, p *Position) (Hash, error)
    52  	// LookupNodes is analogous to LookupNode, but it takes more than one
    53  	// position and returns pairs of a Position and the corresponding node Hash
    54  	// only for the nodes which are found in the tree. No error is returned if
    55  	// some of the positions are not found.
    56  	LookupNodes(c logger.ContextInterface, t Transaction, s Seqno, positions []Position) ([]PositionHashPair, error)
    58  	// LookupKVPair returns the KeyEncodedValuePair with the highest Seqno s1 <=
    59  	// s which was stored at position p (similarly to LookupNode).
    60  	LookupKEVPair(c logger.ContextInterface, t Transaction, s Seqno, k Key) (val EncodedValue, s1 Seqno, err error)
    62  	// LookupKeyHashPairsUnderPosition returns all KeyEncodedValuePairs (ordered by
    63  	// Key) which were stored at a position p' which is a descendent of p and at
    64  	// the maximum Seqno s' <= s (similarly to LookupNode). For each such pair,
    65  	// it returns the Seqno at which it was stored (in the same order).
    66  	LookupKEVPairsUnderPosition(ctx logger.ContextInterface, t Transaction, s Seqno, p *Position) ([]KeyEncodedValuePair, []Seqno, error)
    68  	// LookupAllKEVPairs returns all the keys and encoded values at the specified Seqno.
    69  	LookupAllKEVPairs(ctx logger.ContextInterface, t Transaction, s Seqno) ([]KeyEncodedValuePair, error)
    70  }
    72  // StorageEngineWithBlinding extends the StorageEngine interface with methods to
    73  // support storing and retrieving the blinding secrets.
    74  type StorageEngineWithBlinding interface {
    75  	StorageEngine
    77  	StoreMasterSecret(ctx logger.ContextInterface, t Transaction, s Seqno, ms MasterSecret) error
    78  	LookupMasterSecrets(ctx logger.ContextInterface, t Transaction, s []Seqno) (map[Seqno]MasterSecret, error)
    79  }
    81  // Transaction references a DB transaction.
    82  type Transaction interface{}
    84  type GetValueWithProofResponse struct {
    85  	_struct struct{}             `codec:",toarray"` //nolint
    86  	Value   EncodedValue         `codec:"v"`
    87  	Proof   MerkleInclusionProof `codec:"r,omitempty"`
    88  }