
     1  package merkletree2
     3  import (
     4  	"errors"
     5  	"fmt"
     6  	"math/bits"
     7  	"math/rand"
     8  	"sort"
    10  	""
    11  )
    13  // In memory StorageEngine implementation, used for tests. It ignores
    14  // Transaction arguments, so it can't be used for concurrency tests.
    15  type InMemoryStorageEngine struct {
    16  	Roots            map[Seqno]RootMetadata
    17  	SortedKVPRs      []*KVPRecord
    18  	Nodes            map[string]*NodeRecord
    19  	MasterSecretsMap map[Seqno]MasterSecret
    20  	ReverseRootMap   map[string]Seqno
    22  	// used to make prefix queries efficient. Not otherwise necessary
    23  	// PositionToKeys map[string](map[string]bool)
    24  	cfg Config
    25  }
    27  var _ StorageEngine = &InMemoryStorageEngine{}
    28  var _ StorageEngineWithBlinding = &InMemoryStorageEngine{}
    30  type SortedKVPR []*KVPRecord
    32  func (s SortedKVPR) Len() int {
    33  	return len(s)
    34  }
    36  func (s SortedKVPR) Less(i, j int) bool {
    37  	return s[i].kevp.Key.Cmp(s[j].kevp.Key) < 0
    38  }
    40  func (s SortedKVPR) Swap(i, j int) {
    41  	s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i]
    42  }
    44  var _ sort.Interface = SortedKVPR{}
    46  type NodeRecord struct {
    47  	p    Position
    48  	s    Seqno
    49  	h    Hash
    50  	next *NodeRecord
    51  }
    53  type KVPRecord struct {
    54  	kevp KeyEncodedValuePair
    55  	s    Seqno
    56  	next *KVPRecord
    57  }
    59  func NewInMemoryStorageEngine(cfg Config) *InMemoryStorageEngine {
    60  	i := InMemoryStorageEngine{}
    61  	i.MasterSecretsMap = make(map[Seqno]MasterSecret)
    62  	i.Roots = make(map[Seqno]RootMetadata)
    63  	i.Nodes = make(map[string]*NodeRecord)
    64  	i.ReverseRootMap = make(map[string]Seqno)
    65  	i.cfg = cfg
    66  	return &i
    67  }
    69  func (i *InMemoryStorageEngine) ExecTransaction(ctx logger.ContextInterface, txFn func(logger.ContextInterface, Transaction) error) error {
    70  	return fmt.Errorf("Transactions are not supported by this engine!")
    71  }
    73  func (i *InMemoryStorageEngine) findKVPR(k Key) *KVPRecord {
    74  	j := sort.Search(len(i.SortedKVPRs), func(n int) bool {
    75  		return i.SortedKVPRs[n].kevp.Key.Cmp(k) >= 0
    76  	})
    77  	if j < len(i.SortedKVPRs) && i.SortedKVPRs[j].kevp.Key.Cmp(k) == 0 {
    78  		return i.SortedKVPRs[j]
    79  	}
    80  	return nil
    81  }
    83  func (i *InMemoryStorageEngine) StoreKEVPairs(c logger.ContextInterface, t Transaction, s Seqno, kevps []KeyEncodedValuePair) error {
    84  	newSKVPR := make([]*KVPRecord, len(kevps))
    86  	for j, kevp := range kevps {
    87  		oldKvp := i.findKVPR(kevp.Key)
    88  		newSKVPR[j] = &KVPRecord{kevp: kevp, s: s, next: oldKvp}
    89  		if oldKvp != nil && oldKvp.s >= s {
    90  			return errors.New("Engine does not support out of order insertions")
    91  		}
    92  	}
    94  	sort.Sort(SortedKVPR(newSKVPR))
    95  	i.SortedKVPRs = newSKVPR
    96  	return nil
    97  }
    99  func (i *InMemoryStorageEngine) StoreNodes(c logger.ContextInterface, t Transaction, s Seqno, phps []PositionHashPair) error {
   100  	for _, php := range phps {
   101  		err := i.StoreNode(c, t, s, &php.Position, php.Hash)
   102  		if err != nil {
   103  			return err
   104  		}
   105  	}
   106  	return nil
   107  }
   109  func (i *InMemoryStorageEngine) StoreNode(c logger.ContextInterface, t Transaction, s Seqno, p *Position, h Hash) error {
   110  	strKey := p.AsString()
   111  	oldNodeRec := i.Nodes[strKey]
   112  	i.Nodes[strKey] = &NodeRecord{s: s, p: *p, h: h, next: oldNodeRec}
   113  	if oldNodeRec != nil && oldNodeRec.s >= s {
   114  		return errors.New("Engine does not support out of order insertions")
   115  	}
   116  	return nil
   117  }
   119  func (i *InMemoryStorageEngine) StoreRootMetadata(c logger.ContextInterface, t Transaction, r RootMetadata, h Hash) error {
   120  	i.Roots[r.Seqno] = r
   121  	i.ReverseRootMap[string(h)] = r.Seqno
   122  	return nil
   123  }
   125  func (i *InMemoryStorageEngine) LookupLatestRoot(c logger.ContextInterface, t Transaction) (Seqno, RootMetadata, error) {
   126  	if len(i.Roots) == 0 {
   127  		return 0, RootMetadata{}, NewNoLatestRootFoundError()
   128  	}
   129  	max := Seqno(0)
   130  	for k := range i.Roots {
   131  		if k > max {
   132  			max = k
   133  		}
   134  	}
   135  	return max, i.Roots[max], nil
   136  }
   138  func (i *InMemoryStorageEngine) LookupRoot(c logger.ContextInterface, t Transaction, s Seqno) (RootMetadata, error) {
   139  	r, found := i.Roots[s]
   140  	if found {
   141  		return r, nil
   142  	}
   143  	return RootMetadata{}, NewInvalidSeqnoError(s, fmt.Errorf("No root at seqno %v", s))
   144  }
   146  func (i *InMemoryStorageEngine) LookupRootFromHash(c logger.ContextInterface, t Transaction, h Hash) (RootMetadata, error) {
   147  	s, found := i.ReverseRootMap[string(h)]
   148  	if found {
   149  		return i.Roots[s], nil
   150  	}
   151  	return RootMetadata{}, NewInvalidSeqnoError(s, fmt.Errorf("No root at seqno %v", s))
   152  }
   154  func (i *InMemoryStorageEngine) LookupRoots(c logger.ContextInterface, t Transaction, seqnos []Seqno) (roots []RootMetadata, err error) {
   155  	seqnosSorted := make([]Seqno, len(seqnos))
   156  	copy(seqnosSorted, seqnos)
   157  	sort.Sort(SeqnoSortedAsInt(seqnosSorted))
   159  	roots = make([]RootMetadata, len(seqnosSorted))
   161  	for j, s := range seqnosSorted {
   162  		root, found := i.Roots[s]
   163  		if !found {
   164  			return nil, NewInvalidSeqnoError(s, fmt.Errorf("No root at seqno %v", s))
   165  		}
   166  		roots[j] = root
   167  	}
   169  	return roots, nil
   170  }
   172  func (i *InMemoryStorageEngine) LookupRootHashes(c logger.ContextInterface, t Transaction, seqnos []Seqno) (hashes []Hash, err error) {
   173  	if len(seqnos) == 0 {
   174  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("No seqnos requested")
   175  	}
   176  	seqnosSorted := make([]Seqno, len(seqnos))
   177  	copy(seqnosSorted, seqnos)
   178  	sort.Sort(SeqnoSortedAsInt(seqnosSorted))
   180  	hashes = make([]Hash, len(seqnosSorted))
   182  	for j, s := range seqnosSorted {
   183  		r, found := i.Roots[s]
   184  		if !found {
   185  			return nil, NewInvalidSeqnoError(s, fmt.Errorf("No root at seqno %v", s))
   186  		}
   187  		_, hashes[j], err = i.cfg.Encoder.EncodeAndHashGeneric(r)
   188  		if err != nil {
   189  			panic(fmt.Sprintf("Error encoding %+v", r))
   190  		}
   191  	}
   193  	return hashes, nil
   194  }
   196  func (i *InMemoryStorageEngine) LookupNode(c logger.ContextInterface, t Transaction, s Seqno, p *Position) (Hash, error) {
   197  	node, found := i.Nodes[string(p.GetBytes())]
   198  	if !found {
   199  		return nil, NewNodeNotFoundError()
   200  	}
   201  	for ; node != nil; node = {
   202  		if node.s <= s {
   203  			return node.h, nil
   204  		}
   205  	}
   206  	return nil, NewNodeNotFoundError()
   207  }
   209  func (i *InMemoryStorageEngine) LookupNodes(c logger.ContextInterface, t Transaction, s Seqno, positions []Position) (res []PositionHashPair, err error) {
   210  	for _, p := range positions {
   211  		h, err := i.LookupNode(c, t, s, &p)
   212  		if err == nil {
   213  			res = append(res, PositionHashPair{Position: p, Hash: h})
   214  		}
   215  	}
   217  	// Shuffle the result to catch bugs that happen when ordering is different.
   218  	rand.Shuffle(len(res), func(i, j int) { res[i], res[j] = res[j], res[i] })
   220  	return res, nil
   221  }
   223  func (i *InMemoryStorageEngine) LookupKEVPair(c logger.ContextInterface, t Transaction, s Seqno, k Key) (EncodedValue, Seqno, error) {
   224  	kvpr := i.findKVPR(k)
   225  	if kvpr == nil {
   226  		return nil, 0, NewKeyNotFoundError()
   227  	}
   228  	for ; kvpr != nil; kvpr = {
   229  		if kvpr.s <= s {
   230  			return kvpr.kevp.Value, kvpr.s, nil
   231  		}
   232  	}
   233  	return nil, 0, NewKeyNotFoundError()
   234  }
   236  func (i *InMemoryStorageEngine) LookupKEVPairsUnderPosition(ctx logger.ContextInterface, t Transaction, s Seqno, p *Position) (kvps []KeyEncodedValuePair, seqnos []Seqno, err error) {
   237  	pBytes := p.GetBytes()
   239  	minIndex := sort.Search(len(i.SortedKVPRs), func(n int) bool {
   240  		k := i.SortedKVPRs[n].kevp.Key
   241  		pLeadingZeros := bits.LeadingZeros8(pBytes[0])
   242  		for j := 1; j < 8*len(pBytes)-pLeadingZeros; j++ {
   243  			jthBitP := (pBytes[(pLeadingZeros+j)/8] & byte(1<<uint(7-((pLeadingZeros+j)%8)))) != 0
   244  			jthBitK := (k[(j-1)/8] & byte(1<<uint(7-((j-1)%8)))) != 0
   245  			if !jthBitK && jthBitP {
   246  				return false
   247  			} else if jthBitK == jthBitP {
   248  				continue
   249  			} else if jthBitK && !jthBitP {
   250  				return true
   251  			}
   252  		}
   253  		return true
   254  	})
   256  	maxIndex := sort.Search(len(i.SortedKVPRs), func(n int) bool {
   257  		k := i.SortedKVPRs[n].kevp.Key
   258  		pLeadingZeros := bits.LeadingZeros8(pBytes[0])
   259  		for j := 1; j < 8*len(pBytes)-pLeadingZeros; j++ {
   260  			jthBitP := (pBytes[(pLeadingZeros+j)/8] & byte(1<<uint(7-((pLeadingZeros+j)%8)))) != 0
   261  			jthBitK := (k[(j-1)/8] & byte(1<<uint(7-((j-1)%8)))) != 0
   262  			if !jthBitK && jthBitP {
   263  				return false
   264  			} else if jthBitK == jthBitP {
   265  				continue
   266  			} else if jthBitK && !jthBitP {
   267  				return true
   268  			}
   269  		}
   270  		return false
   271  	})
   273  	kvps = make([]KeyEncodedValuePair, 0, maxIndex-minIndex)
   274  	seqnos = make([]Seqno, 0, maxIndex-minIndex)
   275  	for j := minIndex; j < maxIndex; j++ {
   276  		kvpr := i.SortedKVPRs[j]
   277  		for ; kvpr != nil; kvpr = {
   278  			if kvpr.s <= s {
   279  				kvps = append(kvps, kvpr.kevp)
   280  				seqnos = append(seqnos, kvpr.s)
   281  				break
   282  			}
   283  		}
   284  	}
   285  	if len(kvps) == 0 {
   286  		return nil, nil, NewKeyNotFoundError()
   287  	}
   288  	return kvps, seqnos, nil
   289  }
   291  // LookupAllKEVPairs returns all the keys and encoded values at the specified Seqno.
   292  func (i *InMemoryStorageEngine) LookupAllKEVPairs(ctx logger.ContextInterface, t Transaction, s Seqno) (kevps []KeyEncodedValuePair, err error) {
   293  	kevps = make([]KeyEncodedValuePair, 0, len(i.SortedKVPRs))
   294  	for _, kvpr := range i.SortedKVPRs {
   295  		for ; kvpr != nil; kvpr = {
   296  			if kvpr.s <= s {
   297  				kevps = append(kevps, kvpr.kevp)
   298  				break
   299  			}
   300  		}
   301  	}
   302  	return kevps, nil
   303  }
   305  func (i *InMemoryStorageEngine) StoreMasterSecret(ctx logger.ContextInterface, t Transaction, s Seqno, ms MasterSecret) (err error) {
   306  	i.MasterSecretsMap[s] = MasterSecret(append([]byte{}, []byte(ms)...))
   307  	return nil
   308  }
   310  func (i *InMemoryStorageEngine) LookupMasterSecrets(ctx logger.ContextInterface, t Transaction, seqnos []Seqno) (msMap map[Seqno]MasterSecret, err error) {
   311  	if i.MasterSecretsMap == nil {
   312  		i.MasterSecretsMap = make(map[Seqno]MasterSecret)
   313  	}
   314  	msMap = make(map[Seqno]MasterSecret)
   315  	for _, s := range seqnos {
   316  		ms, found := i.MasterSecretsMap[s]
   317  		if found {
   318  			msMap[s] = ms
   319  		} else {
   320  			return nil, fmt.Errorf("MasterSecret for Seqno %v not found", s)
   321  		}
   322  	}
   323  	return msMap, nil
   324  }