
     1  // Auto-generated to Go types and interfaces using avdl-compiler v1.4.10 (
     2  //   Input file: avdl/keybase1/block.avdl
     4  package keybase1
     6  import (
     7  	"fmt"
     8  	""
     9  	context ""
    10  	"time"
    11  )
    13  type BlockStatus int
    15  const (
    16  	BlockStatus_UNKNOWN  BlockStatus = 0
    17  	BlockStatus_LIVE     BlockStatus = 1
    18  	BlockStatus_ARCHIVED BlockStatus = 2
    19  )
    21  func (o BlockStatus) DeepCopy() BlockStatus { return o }
    23  var BlockStatusMap = map[string]BlockStatus{
    24  	"UNKNOWN":  0,
    25  	"LIVE":     1,
    26  	"ARCHIVED": 2,
    27  }
    29  var BlockStatusRevMap = map[BlockStatus]string{
    30  	0: "UNKNOWN",
    31  	1: "LIVE",
    32  	2: "ARCHIVED",
    33  }
    35  func (e BlockStatus) String() string {
    36  	if v, ok := BlockStatusRevMap[e]; ok {
    37  		return v
    38  	}
    39  	return fmt.Sprintf("%v", int(e))
    40  }
    42  type GetBlockRes struct {
    43  	BlockKey string      `codec:"blockKey" json:"blockKey"`
    44  	Buf      []byte      `codec:"buf" json:"buf"`
    45  	Size     int         `codec:"size" json:"size"`
    46  	Status   BlockStatus `codec:"status" json:"status"`
    47  }
    49  func (o GetBlockRes) DeepCopy() GetBlockRes {
    50  	return GetBlockRes{
    51  		BlockKey: o.BlockKey,
    52  		Buf: (func(x []byte) []byte {
    53  			if x == nil {
    54  				return nil
    55  			}
    56  			return append([]byte{}, x...)
    57  		})(o.Buf),
    58  		Size:   o.Size,
    59  		Status: o.Status.DeepCopy(),
    60  	}
    61  }
    63  type GetBlockSizesRes struct {
    64  	Sizes    []int         `codec:"sizes" json:"sizes"`
    65  	Statuses []BlockStatus `codec:"statuses" json:"statuses"`
    66  }
    68  func (o GetBlockSizesRes) DeepCopy() GetBlockSizesRes {
    69  	return GetBlockSizesRes{
    70  		Sizes: (func(x []int) []int {
    71  			if x == nil {
    72  				return nil
    73  			}
    74  			ret := make([]int, len(x))
    75  			for i, v := range x {
    76  				vCopy := v
    77  				ret[i] = vCopy
    78  			}
    79  			return ret
    80  		})(o.Sizes),
    81  		Statuses: (func(x []BlockStatus) []BlockStatus {
    82  			if x == nil {
    83  				return nil
    84  			}
    85  			ret := make([]BlockStatus, len(x))
    86  			for i, v := range x {
    87  				vCopy := v.DeepCopy()
    88  				ret[i] = vCopy
    89  			}
    90  			return ret
    91  		})(o.Statuses),
    92  	}
    93  }
    95  type BlockRefNonce [8]byte
    97  func (o BlockRefNonce) DeepCopy() BlockRefNonce {
    98  	var ret BlockRefNonce
    99  	copy(ret[:], o[:])
   100  	return ret
   101  }
   103  type BlockReference struct {
   104  	Bid       BlockIdCombo  `codec:"bid" json:"bid"`
   105  	Nonce     BlockRefNonce `codec:"nonce" json:"nonce"`
   106  	ChargedTo UserOrTeamID  `codec:"chargedTo" json:"chargedTo"`
   107  }
   109  func (o BlockReference) DeepCopy() BlockReference {
   110  	return BlockReference{
   111  		Bid:       o.Bid.DeepCopy(),
   112  		Nonce:     o.Nonce.DeepCopy(),
   113  		ChargedTo: o.ChargedTo.DeepCopy(),
   114  	}
   115  }
   117  type BlockReferenceCount struct {
   118  	Ref       BlockReference `codec:"ref" json:"ref"`
   119  	LiveCount int            `codec:"liveCount" json:"liveCount"`
   120  }
   122  func (o BlockReferenceCount) DeepCopy() BlockReferenceCount {
   123  	return BlockReferenceCount{
   124  		Ref:       o.Ref.DeepCopy(),
   125  		LiveCount: o.LiveCount,
   126  	}
   127  }
   129  type DowngradeReferenceRes struct {
   130  	Completed []BlockReferenceCount `codec:"completed" json:"completed"`
   131  	Failed    BlockReference        `codec:"failed" json:"failed"`
   132  }
   134  func (o DowngradeReferenceRes) DeepCopy() DowngradeReferenceRes {
   135  	return DowngradeReferenceRes{
   136  		Completed: (func(x []BlockReferenceCount) []BlockReferenceCount {
   137  			if x == nil {
   138  				return nil
   139  			}
   140  			ret := make([]BlockReferenceCount, len(x))
   141  			for i, v := range x {
   142  				vCopy := v.DeepCopy()
   143  				ret[i] = vCopy
   144  			}
   145  			return ret
   146  		})(o.Completed),
   147  		Failed: o.Failed.DeepCopy(),
   148  	}
   149  }
   151  type BlockIdCount struct {
   152  	Id        BlockIdCombo `codec:"id" json:"id"`
   153  	LiveCount int          `codec:"liveCount" json:"liveCount"`
   154  }
   156  func (o BlockIdCount) DeepCopy() BlockIdCount {
   157  	return BlockIdCount{
   158  		Id:        o.Id.DeepCopy(),
   159  		LiveCount: o.LiveCount,
   160  	}
   161  }
   163  type ReferenceCountRes struct {
   164  	Counts []BlockIdCount `codec:"counts" json:"counts"`
   165  }
   167  func (o ReferenceCountRes) DeepCopy() ReferenceCountRes {
   168  	return ReferenceCountRes{
   169  		Counts: (func(x []BlockIdCount) []BlockIdCount {
   170  			if x == nil {
   171  				return nil
   172  			}
   173  			ret := make([]BlockIdCount, len(x))
   174  			for i, v := range x {
   175  				vCopy := v.DeepCopy()
   176  				ret[i] = vCopy
   177  			}
   178  			return ret
   179  		})(o.Counts),
   180  	}
   181  }
   183  type BlockPingResponse struct {
   184  }
   186  func (o BlockPingResponse) DeepCopy() BlockPingResponse {
   187  	return BlockPingResponse{}
   188  }
   190  type UsageStatRecord struct {
   191  	Write      int64 `codec:"write" json:"write"`
   192  	Archive    int64 `codec:"archive" json:"archive"`
   193  	Read       int64 `codec:"read" json:"read"`
   194  	MdWrite    int64 `codec:"mdWrite" json:"mdWrite"`
   195  	GitWrite   int64 `codec:"gitWrite" json:"gitWrite"`
   196  	GitArchive int64 `codec:"gitArchive" json:"gitArchive"`
   197  }
   199  func (o UsageStatRecord) DeepCopy() UsageStatRecord {
   200  	return UsageStatRecord{
   201  		Write:      o.Write,
   202  		Archive:    o.Archive,
   203  		Read:       o.Read,
   204  		MdWrite:    o.MdWrite,
   205  		GitWrite:   o.GitWrite,
   206  		GitArchive: o.GitArchive,
   207  	}
   208  }
   210  type UsageStat struct {
   211  	Bytes  UsageStatRecord `codec:"bytes" json:"bytes"`
   212  	Blocks UsageStatRecord `codec:"blocks" json:"blocks"`
   213  	Mtime  Time            `codec:"mtime" json:"mtime"`
   214  }
   216  func (o UsageStat) DeepCopy() UsageStat {
   217  	return UsageStat{
   218  		Bytes:  o.Bytes.DeepCopy(),
   219  		Blocks: o.Blocks.DeepCopy(),
   220  		Mtime:  o.Mtime.DeepCopy(),
   221  	}
   222  }
   224  type FolderUsageStat struct {
   225  	FolderID string    `codec:"folderID" json:"folderID"`
   226  	Stats    UsageStat `codec:"stats" json:"stats"`
   227  }
   229  func (o FolderUsageStat) DeepCopy() FolderUsageStat {
   230  	return FolderUsageStat{
   231  		FolderID: o.FolderID,
   232  		Stats:    o.Stats.DeepCopy(),
   233  	}
   234  }
   236  type BlockQuotaInfo struct {
   237  	Folders  []FolderUsageStat `codec:"folders" json:"folders"`
   238  	Total    UsageStat         `codec:"total" json:"total"`
   239  	Limit    int64             `codec:"limit" json:"limit"`
   240  	GitLimit int64             `codec:"gitLimit" json:"gitLimit"`
   241  }
   243  func (o BlockQuotaInfo) DeepCopy() BlockQuotaInfo {
   244  	return BlockQuotaInfo{
   245  		Folders: (func(x []FolderUsageStat) []FolderUsageStat {
   246  			if x == nil {
   247  				return nil
   248  			}
   249  			ret := make([]FolderUsageStat, len(x))
   250  			for i, v := range x {
   251  				vCopy := v.DeepCopy()
   252  				ret[i] = vCopy
   253  			}
   254  			return ret
   255  		})(o.Folders),
   256  		Total:    o.Total.DeepCopy(),
   257  		Limit:    o.Limit,
   258  		GitLimit: o.GitLimit,
   259  	}
   260  }
   262  type GetSessionChallengeArg struct {
   263  }
   265  type AuthenticateSessionArg struct {
   266  	Signature string `codec:"signature" json:"signature"`
   267  }
   269  type PutBlockArg struct {
   270  	Bid      BlockIdCombo `codec:"bid" json:"bid"`
   271  	Folder   string       `codec:"folder" json:"folder"`
   272  	BlockKey string       `codec:"blockKey" json:"blockKey"`
   273  	Buf      []byte       `codec:"buf" json:"buf"`
   274  }
   276  type PutBlockAgainArg struct {
   277  	Folder   string         `codec:"folder" json:"folder"`
   278  	Ref      BlockReference `codec:"ref" json:"ref"`
   279  	BlockKey string         `codec:"blockKey" json:"blockKey"`
   280  	Buf      []byte         `codec:"buf" json:"buf"`
   281  }
   283  type GetBlockArg struct {
   284  	Bid      BlockIdCombo `codec:"bid" json:"bid"`
   285  	Folder   string       `codec:"folder" json:"folder"`
   286  	SizeOnly bool         `codec:"sizeOnly" json:"sizeOnly"`
   287  }
   289  type GetBlockSizesArg struct {
   290  	Bids   []BlockIdCombo `codec:"bids" json:"bids"`
   291  	Folder string         `codec:"folder" json:"folder"`
   292  }
   294  type AddReferenceArg struct {
   295  	Folder string         `codec:"folder" json:"folder"`
   296  	Ref    BlockReference `codec:"ref" json:"ref"`
   297  }
   299  type DelReferenceArg struct {
   300  	Folder string         `codec:"folder" json:"folder"`
   301  	Ref    BlockReference `codec:"ref" json:"ref"`
   302  }
   304  type ArchiveReferenceArg struct {
   305  	Folder string           `codec:"folder" json:"folder"`
   306  	Refs   []BlockReference `codec:"refs" json:"refs"`
   307  }
   309  type DelReferenceWithCountArg struct {
   310  	Folder string           `codec:"folder" json:"folder"`
   311  	Refs   []BlockReference `codec:"refs" json:"refs"`
   312  }
   314  type ArchiveReferenceWithCountArg struct {
   315  	Folder string           `codec:"folder" json:"folder"`
   316  	Refs   []BlockReference `codec:"refs" json:"refs"`
   317  }
   319  type GetReferenceCountArg struct {
   320  	Folder string         `codec:"folder" json:"folder"`
   321  	Ids    []BlockIdCombo `codec:"ids" json:"ids"`
   322  	Status BlockStatus    `codec:"status" json:"status"`
   323  }
   325  type GetUserQuotaInfoArg struct {
   326  }
   328  type GetTeamQuotaInfoArg struct {
   329  	Tid TeamID `codec:"tid" json:"tid"`
   330  }
   332  type GetUserQuotaInfo2Arg struct {
   333  	IncludeFolders bool `codec:"includeFolders" json:"includeFolders"`
   334  }
   336  type GetTeamQuotaInfo2Arg struct {
   337  	Tid            TeamID `codec:"tid" json:"tid"`
   338  	IncludeFolders bool   `codec:"includeFolders" json:"includeFolders"`
   339  }
   341  type BlockPingArg struct {
   342  }
   344  type BlockInterface interface {
   345  	GetSessionChallenge(context.Context) (ChallengeInfo, error)
   346  	AuthenticateSession(context.Context, string) error
   347  	PutBlock(context.Context, PutBlockArg) error
   348  	PutBlockAgain(context.Context, PutBlockAgainArg) error
   349  	GetBlock(context.Context, GetBlockArg) (GetBlockRes, error)
   350  	GetBlockSizes(context.Context, GetBlockSizesArg) (GetBlockSizesRes, error)
   351  	AddReference(context.Context, AddReferenceArg) error
   352  	DelReference(context.Context, DelReferenceArg) error
   353  	ArchiveReference(context.Context, ArchiveReferenceArg) ([]BlockReference, error)
   354  	DelReferenceWithCount(context.Context, DelReferenceWithCountArg) (DowngradeReferenceRes, error)
   355  	ArchiveReferenceWithCount(context.Context, ArchiveReferenceWithCountArg) (DowngradeReferenceRes, error)
   356  	GetReferenceCount(context.Context, GetReferenceCountArg) (ReferenceCountRes, error)
   357  	GetUserQuotaInfo(context.Context) ([]byte, error)
   358  	GetTeamQuotaInfo(context.Context, TeamID) ([]byte, error)
   359  	GetUserQuotaInfo2(context.Context, bool) (BlockQuotaInfo, error)
   360  	GetTeamQuotaInfo2(context.Context, GetTeamQuotaInfo2Arg) (BlockQuotaInfo, error)
   361  	BlockPing(context.Context) (BlockPingResponse, error)
   362  }
   364  func BlockProtocol(i BlockInterface) rpc.Protocol {
   365  	return rpc.Protocol{
   366  		Name: "keybase.1.block",
   367  		Methods: map[string]rpc.ServeHandlerDescription{
   368  			"getSessionChallenge": {
   369  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
   370  					var ret [1]GetSessionChallengeArg
   371  					return &ret
   372  				},
   373  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
   374  					ret, err = i.GetSessionChallenge(ctx)
   375  					return
   376  				},
   377  			},
   378  			"authenticateSession": {
   379  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
   380  					var ret [1]AuthenticateSessionArg
   381  					return &ret
   382  				},
   383  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
   384  					typedArgs, ok := args.(*[1]AuthenticateSessionArg)
   385  					if !ok {
   386  						err = rpc.NewTypeError((*[1]AuthenticateSessionArg)(nil), args)
   387  						return
   388  					}
   389  					err = i.AuthenticateSession(ctx, typedArgs[0].Signature)
   390  					return
   391  				},
   392  			},
   393  			"putBlock": {
   394  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
   395  					var ret [1]PutBlockArg
   396  					return &ret
   397  				},
   398  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
   399  					typedArgs, ok := args.(*[1]PutBlockArg)
   400  					if !ok {
   401  						err = rpc.NewTypeError((*[1]PutBlockArg)(nil), args)
   402  						return
   403  					}
   404  					err = i.PutBlock(ctx, typedArgs[0])
   405  					return
   406  				},
   407  			},
   408  			"putBlockAgain": {
   409  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
   410  					var ret [1]PutBlockAgainArg
   411  					return &ret
   412  				},
   413  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
   414  					typedArgs, ok := args.(*[1]PutBlockAgainArg)
   415  					if !ok {
   416  						err = rpc.NewTypeError((*[1]PutBlockAgainArg)(nil), args)
   417  						return
   418  					}
   419  					err = i.PutBlockAgain(ctx, typedArgs[0])
   420  					return
   421  				},
   422  			},
   423  			"getBlock": {
   424  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
   425  					var ret [1]GetBlockArg
   426  					return &ret
   427  				},
   428  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
   429  					typedArgs, ok := args.(*[1]GetBlockArg)
   430  					if !ok {
   431  						err = rpc.NewTypeError((*[1]GetBlockArg)(nil), args)
   432  						return
   433  					}
   434  					ret, err = i.GetBlock(ctx, typedArgs[0])
   435  					return
   436  				},
   437  			},
   438  			"getBlockSizes": {
   439  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
   440  					var ret [1]GetBlockSizesArg
   441  					return &ret
   442  				},
   443  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
   444  					typedArgs, ok := args.(*[1]GetBlockSizesArg)
   445  					if !ok {
   446  						err = rpc.NewTypeError((*[1]GetBlockSizesArg)(nil), args)
   447  						return
   448  					}
   449  					ret, err = i.GetBlockSizes(ctx, typedArgs[0])
   450  					return
   451  				},
   452  			},
   453  			"addReference": {
   454  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
   455  					var ret [1]AddReferenceArg
   456  					return &ret
   457  				},
   458  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
   459  					typedArgs, ok := args.(*[1]AddReferenceArg)
   460  					if !ok {
   461  						err = rpc.NewTypeError((*[1]AddReferenceArg)(nil), args)
   462  						return
   463  					}
   464  					err = i.AddReference(ctx, typedArgs[0])
   465  					return
   466  				},
   467  			},
   468  			"delReference": {
   469  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
   470  					var ret [1]DelReferenceArg
   471  					return &ret
   472  				},
   473  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
   474  					typedArgs, ok := args.(*[1]DelReferenceArg)
   475  					if !ok {
   476  						err = rpc.NewTypeError((*[1]DelReferenceArg)(nil), args)
   477  						return
   478  					}
   479  					err = i.DelReference(ctx, typedArgs[0])
   480  					return
   481  				},
   482  			},
   483  			"archiveReference": {
   484  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
   485  					var ret [1]ArchiveReferenceArg
   486  					return &ret
   487  				},
   488  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
   489  					typedArgs, ok := args.(*[1]ArchiveReferenceArg)
   490  					if !ok {
   491  						err = rpc.NewTypeError((*[1]ArchiveReferenceArg)(nil), args)
   492  						return
   493  					}
   494  					ret, err = i.ArchiveReference(ctx, typedArgs[0])
   495  					return
   496  				},
   497  			},
   498  			"delReferenceWithCount": {
   499  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
   500  					var ret [1]DelReferenceWithCountArg
   501  					return &ret
   502  				},
   503  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
   504  					typedArgs, ok := args.(*[1]DelReferenceWithCountArg)
   505  					if !ok {
   506  						err = rpc.NewTypeError((*[1]DelReferenceWithCountArg)(nil), args)
   507  						return
   508  					}
   509  					ret, err = i.DelReferenceWithCount(ctx, typedArgs[0])
   510  					return
   511  				},
   512  			},
   513  			"archiveReferenceWithCount": {
   514  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
   515  					var ret [1]ArchiveReferenceWithCountArg
   516  					return &ret
   517  				},
   518  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
   519  					typedArgs, ok := args.(*[1]ArchiveReferenceWithCountArg)
   520  					if !ok {
   521  						err = rpc.NewTypeError((*[1]ArchiveReferenceWithCountArg)(nil), args)
   522  						return
   523  					}
   524  					ret, err = i.ArchiveReferenceWithCount(ctx, typedArgs[0])
   525  					return
   526  				},
   527  			},
   528  			"getReferenceCount": {
   529  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
   530  					var ret [1]GetReferenceCountArg
   531  					return &ret
   532  				},
   533  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
   534  					typedArgs, ok := args.(*[1]GetReferenceCountArg)
   535  					if !ok {
   536  						err = rpc.NewTypeError((*[1]GetReferenceCountArg)(nil), args)
   537  						return
   538  					}
   539  					ret, err = i.GetReferenceCount(ctx, typedArgs[0])
   540  					return
   541  				},
   542  			},
   543  			"getUserQuotaInfo": {
   544  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
   545  					var ret [1]GetUserQuotaInfoArg
   546  					return &ret
   547  				},
   548  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
   549  					ret, err = i.GetUserQuotaInfo(ctx)
   550  					return
   551  				},
   552  			},
   553  			"getTeamQuotaInfo": {
   554  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
   555  					var ret [1]GetTeamQuotaInfoArg
   556  					return &ret
   557  				},
   558  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
   559  					typedArgs, ok := args.(*[1]GetTeamQuotaInfoArg)
   560  					if !ok {
   561  						err = rpc.NewTypeError((*[1]GetTeamQuotaInfoArg)(nil), args)
   562  						return
   563  					}
   564  					ret, err = i.GetTeamQuotaInfo(ctx, typedArgs[0].Tid)
   565  					return
   566  				},
   567  			},
   568  			"getUserQuotaInfo2": {
   569  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
   570  					var ret [1]GetUserQuotaInfo2Arg
   571  					return &ret
   572  				},
   573  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
   574  					typedArgs, ok := args.(*[1]GetUserQuotaInfo2Arg)
   575  					if !ok {
   576  						err = rpc.NewTypeError((*[1]GetUserQuotaInfo2Arg)(nil), args)
   577  						return
   578  					}
   579  					ret, err = i.GetUserQuotaInfo2(ctx, typedArgs[0].IncludeFolders)
   580  					return
   581  				},
   582  			},
   583  			"getTeamQuotaInfo2": {
   584  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
   585  					var ret [1]GetTeamQuotaInfo2Arg
   586  					return &ret
   587  				},
   588  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
   589  					typedArgs, ok := args.(*[1]GetTeamQuotaInfo2Arg)
   590  					if !ok {
   591  						err = rpc.NewTypeError((*[1]GetTeamQuotaInfo2Arg)(nil), args)
   592  						return
   593  					}
   594  					ret, err = i.GetTeamQuotaInfo2(ctx, typedArgs[0])
   595  					return
   596  				},
   597  			},
   598  			"blockPing": {
   599  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
   600  					var ret [1]BlockPingArg
   601  					return &ret
   602  				},
   603  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
   604  					ret, err = i.BlockPing(ctx)
   605  					return
   606  				},
   607  			},
   608  		},
   609  	}
   610  }
   612  type BlockClient struct {
   613  	Cli rpc.GenericClient
   614  }
   616  func (c BlockClient) GetSessionChallenge(ctx context.Context) (res ChallengeInfo, err error) {
   617  	err = c.Cli.CallCompressed(ctx, "keybase.1.block.getSessionChallenge", []interface{}{GetSessionChallengeArg{}}, &res, rpc.CompressionGzip, 0*time.Millisecond)
   618  	return
   619  }
   621  func (c BlockClient) AuthenticateSession(ctx context.Context, signature string) (err error) {
   622  	__arg := AuthenticateSessionArg{Signature: signature}
   623  	err = c.Cli.CallCompressed(ctx, "keybase.1.block.authenticateSession", []interface{}{__arg}, nil, rpc.CompressionGzip, 0*time.Millisecond)
   624  	return
   625  }
   627  func (c BlockClient) PutBlock(ctx context.Context, __arg PutBlockArg) (err error) {
   628  	err = c.Cli.Call(ctx, "keybase.1.block.putBlock", []interface{}{__arg}, nil, 0*time.Millisecond)
   629  	return
   630  }
   632  func (c BlockClient) PutBlockAgain(ctx context.Context, __arg PutBlockAgainArg) (err error) {
   633  	err = c.Cli.Call(ctx, "keybase.1.block.putBlockAgain", []interface{}{__arg}, nil, 0*time.Millisecond)
   634  	return
   635  }
   637  func (c BlockClient) GetBlock(ctx context.Context, __arg GetBlockArg) (res GetBlockRes, err error) {
   638  	err = c.Cli.Call(ctx, "keybase.1.block.getBlock", []interface{}{__arg}, &res, 0*time.Millisecond)
   639  	return
   640  }
   642  func (c BlockClient) GetBlockSizes(ctx context.Context, __arg GetBlockSizesArg) (res GetBlockSizesRes, err error) {
   643  	err = c.Cli.CallCompressed(ctx, "keybase.1.block.getBlockSizes", []interface{}{__arg}, &res, rpc.CompressionGzip, 0*time.Millisecond)
   644  	return
   645  }
   647  func (c BlockClient) AddReference(ctx context.Context, __arg AddReferenceArg) (err error) {
   648  	err = c.Cli.CallCompressed(ctx, "keybase.1.block.addReference", []interface{}{__arg}, nil, rpc.CompressionGzip, 0*time.Millisecond)
   649  	return
   650  }
   652  func (c BlockClient) DelReference(ctx context.Context, __arg DelReferenceArg) (err error) {
   653  	err = c.Cli.CallCompressed(ctx, "keybase.1.block.delReference", []interface{}{__arg}, nil, rpc.CompressionGzip, 0*time.Millisecond)
   654  	return
   655  }
   657  func (c BlockClient) ArchiveReference(ctx context.Context, __arg ArchiveReferenceArg) (res []BlockReference, err error) {
   658  	err = c.Cli.CallCompressed(ctx, "keybase.1.block.archiveReference", []interface{}{__arg}, &res, rpc.CompressionGzip, 0*time.Millisecond)
   659  	return
   660  }
   662  func (c BlockClient) DelReferenceWithCount(ctx context.Context, __arg DelReferenceWithCountArg) (res DowngradeReferenceRes, err error) {
   663  	err = c.Cli.CallCompressed(ctx, "keybase.1.block.delReferenceWithCount", []interface{}{__arg}, &res, rpc.CompressionGzip, 0*time.Millisecond)
   664  	return
   665  }
   667  func (c BlockClient) ArchiveReferenceWithCount(ctx context.Context, __arg ArchiveReferenceWithCountArg) (res DowngradeReferenceRes, err error) {
   668  	err = c.Cli.CallCompressed(ctx, "keybase.1.block.archiveReferenceWithCount", []interface{}{__arg}, &res, rpc.CompressionGzip, 0*time.Millisecond)
   669  	return
   670  }
   672  func (c BlockClient) GetReferenceCount(ctx context.Context, __arg GetReferenceCountArg) (res ReferenceCountRes, err error) {
   673  	err = c.Cli.CallCompressed(ctx, "keybase.1.block.getReferenceCount", []interface{}{__arg}, &res, rpc.CompressionGzip, 0*time.Millisecond)
   674  	return
   675  }
   677  func (c BlockClient) GetUserQuotaInfo(ctx context.Context) (res []byte, err error) {
   678  	err = c.Cli.CallCompressed(ctx, "keybase.1.block.getUserQuotaInfo", []interface{}{GetUserQuotaInfoArg{}}, &res, rpc.CompressionGzip, 0*time.Millisecond)
   679  	return
   680  }
   682  func (c BlockClient) GetTeamQuotaInfo(ctx context.Context, tid TeamID) (res []byte, err error) {
   683  	__arg := GetTeamQuotaInfoArg{Tid: tid}
   684  	err = c.Cli.CallCompressed(ctx, "keybase.1.block.getTeamQuotaInfo", []interface{}{__arg}, &res, rpc.CompressionGzip, 0*time.Millisecond)
   685  	return
   686  }
   688  func (c BlockClient) GetUserQuotaInfo2(ctx context.Context, includeFolders bool) (res BlockQuotaInfo, err error) {
   689  	__arg := GetUserQuotaInfo2Arg{IncludeFolders: includeFolders}
   690  	err = c.Cli.CallCompressed(ctx, "keybase.1.block.getUserQuotaInfo2", []interface{}{__arg}, &res, rpc.CompressionGzip, 0*time.Millisecond)
   691  	return
   692  }
   694  func (c BlockClient) GetTeamQuotaInfo2(ctx context.Context, __arg GetTeamQuotaInfo2Arg) (res BlockQuotaInfo, err error) {
   695  	err = c.Cli.CallCompressed(ctx, "keybase.1.block.getTeamQuotaInfo2", []interface{}{__arg}, &res, rpc.CompressionGzip, 0*time.Millisecond)
   696  	return
   697  }
   699  func (c BlockClient) BlockPing(ctx context.Context) (res BlockPingResponse, err error) {
   700  	err = c.Cli.CallCompressed(ctx, "keybase.1.block.blockPing", []interface{}{BlockPingArg{}}, &res, rpc.CompressionGzip, 0*time.Millisecond)
   701  	return
   702  }