
     1  // Auto-generated to Go types and interfaces using avdl-compiler v1.4.10 (
     2  //   Input file: avdl/keybase1/rekey.avdl
     4  package keybase1
     6  import (
     7  	"fmt"
     8  	""
     9  	context ""
    10  	"time"
    11  )
    13  type TLF struct {
    14  	Id        TLFID    `codec:"id" json:"id"`
    15  	Name      string   `codec:"name" json:"name"`
    16  	Writers   []string `codec:"writers" json:"writers"`
    17  	Readers   []string `codec:"readers" json:"readers"`
    18  	IsPrivate bool     `codec:"isPrivate" json:"isPrivate"`
    19  }
    21  func (o TLF) DeepCopy() TLF {
    22  	return TLF{
    23  		Id:   o.Id.DeepCopy(),
    24  		Name: o.Name,
    25  		Writers: (func(x []string) []string {
    26  			if x == nil {
    27  				return nil
    28  			}
    29  			ret := make([]string, len(x))
    30  			for i, v := range x {
    31  				vCopy := v
    32  				ret[i] = vCopy
    33  			}
    34  			return ret
    35  		})(o.Writers),
    36  		Readers: (func(x []string) []string {
    37  			if x == nil {
    38  				return nil
    39  			}
    40  			ret := make([]string, len(x))
    41  			for i, v := range x {
    42  				vCopy := v
    43  				ret[i] = vCopy
    44  			}
    45  			return ret
    46  		})(o.Readers),
    47  		IsPrivate: o.IsPrivate,
    48  	}
    49  }
    51  type ProblemTLF struct {
    52  	Tlf           TLF   `codec:"tlf" json:"tlf"`
    53  	Score         int   `codec:"score" json:"score"`
    54  	Solution_kids []KID `codec:"solution_kids" json:"solution_kids"`
    55  }
    57  func (o ProblemTLF) DeepCopy() ProblemTLF {
    58  	return ProblemTLF{
    59  		Tlf:   o.Tlf.DeepCopy(),
    60  		Score: o.Score,
    61  		Solution_kids: (func(x []KID) []KID {
    62  			if x == nil {
    63  				return nil
    64  			}
    65  			ret := make([]KID, len(x))
    66  			for i, v := range x {
    67  				vCopy := v.DeepCopy()
    68  				ret[i] = vCopy
    69  			}
    70  			return ret
    71  		})(o.Solution_kids),
    72  	}
    73  }
    75  // ProblemSet is for a particular (user,kid) that initiated a rekey problem.
    76  // This problem consists of one or more problem TLFs, which are individually scored
    77  // and have attendant solutions --- devices that if they came online can rekey and
    78  // solve the ProblemTLF.
    79  type ProblemSet struct {
    80  	User User         `codec:"user" json:"user"`
    81  	Kid  KID          `codec:"kid" json:"kid"`
    82  	Tlfs []ProblemTLF `codec:"tlfs" json:"tlfs"`
    83  }
    85  func (o ProblemSet) DeepCopy() ProblemSet {
    86  	return ProblemSet{
    87  		User: o.User.DeepCopy(),
    88  		Kid:  o.Kid.DeepCopy(),
    89  		Tlfs: (func(x []ProblemTLF) []ProblemTLF {
    90  			if x == nil {
    91  				return nil
    92  			}
    93  			ret := make([]ProblemTLF, len(x))
    94  			for i, v := range x {
    95  				vCopy := v.DeepCopy()
    96  				ret[i] = vCopy
    97  			}
    98  			return ret
    99  		})(o.Tlfs),
   100  	}
   101  }
   103  type ProblemSetDevices struct {
   104  	ProblemSet ProblemSet `codec:"problemSet" json:"problemSet"`
   105  	Devices    []Device   `codec:"devices" json:"devices"`
   106  }
   108  func (o ProblemSetDevices) DeepCopy() ProblemSetDevices {
   109  	return ProblemSetDevices{
   110  		ProblemSet: o.ProblemSet.DeepCopy(),
   111  		Devices: (func(x []Device) []Device {
   112  			if x == nil {
   113  				return nil
   114  			}
   115  			ret := make([]Device, len(x))
   116  			for i, v := range x {
   117  				vCopy := v.DeepCopy()
   118  				ret[i] = vCopy
   119  			}
   120  			return ret
   121  		})(o.Devices),
   122  	}
   123  }
   125  type Outcome int
   127  const (
   128  	Outcome_NONE    Outcome = 0
   129  	Outcome_FIXED   Outcome = 1
   130  	Outcome_IGNORED Outcome = 2
   131  )
   133  func (o Outcome) DeepCopy() Outcome { return o }
   135  var OutcomeMap = map[string]Outcome{
   136  	"NONE":    0,
   137  	"FIXED":   1,
   138  	"IGNORED": 2,
   139  }
   141  var OutcomeRevMap = map[Outcome]string{
   142  	0: "NONE",
   143  	1: "FIXED",
   144  	2: "IGNORED",
   145  }
   147  func (e Outcome) String() string {
   148  	if v, ok := OutcomeRevMap[e]; ok {
   149  		return v
   150  	}
   151  	return fmt.Sprintf("%v", int(e))
   152  }
   154  type RevokeWarning struct {
   155  	EndangeredTLFs []TLF `codec:"endangeredTLFs" json:"endangeredTLFs"`
   156  }
   158  func (o RevokeWarning) DeepCopy() RevokeWarning {
   159  	return RevokeWarning{
   160  		EndangeredTLFs: (func(x []TLF) []TLF {
   161  			if x == nil {
   162  				return nil
   163  			}
   164  			ret := make([]TLF, len(x))
   165  			for i, v := range x {
   166  				vCopy := v.DeepCopy()
   167  				ret[i] = vCopy
   168  			}
   169  			return ret
   170  		})(o.EndangeredTLFs),
   171  	}
   172  }
   174  type ShowPendingRekeyStatusArg struct {
   175  	SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"`
   176  }
   178  type GetPendingRekeyStatusArg struct {
   179  	SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"`
   180  }
   182  type DebugShowRekeyStatusArg struct {
   183  	SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"`
   184  }
   186  type RekeyStatusFinishArg struct {
   187  	SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"`
   188  }
   190  type RekeySyncArg struct {
   191  	SessionID int  `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"`
   192  	Force     bool `codec:"force" json:"force"`
   193  }
   195  type GetRevokeWarningArg struct {
   196  	SessionID    int      `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"`
   197  	ActingDevice DeviceID `codec:"actingDevice" json:"actingDevice"`
   198  	TargetDevice DeviceID `codec:"targetDevice" json:"targetDevice"`
   199  }
   201  type RekeyInterface interface {
   202  	// ShowPendingRekeyStatus shows either pending gregor-initiated rekey harassments
   203  	// or nothing if none were pending.
   204  	ShowPendingRekeyStatus(context.Context, int) error
   205  	// GetPendingRekeyStatus returns the pending ProblemSetDevices.
   206  	GetPendingRekeyStatus(context.Context, int) (ProblemSetDevices, error)
   207  	// DebugShowRekeyStatus is used by the CLI to kick off a "ShowRekeyStatus" window for
   208  	// the current user.
   209  	DebugShowRekeyStatus(context.Context, int) error
   210  	// RekeyStatusFinish is called when work is completed on a given RekeyStatus window. The Outcome
   211  	// can be Fixed or Ignored.
   212  	RekeyStatusFinish(context.Context, int) (Outcome, error)
   213  	// RekeySync flushes the current rekey loop and gets to a good stopping point
   214  	// to assert state. Good for race-free testing, not very useful in production.
   215  	// Force overrides a long-snooze.
   216  	RekeySync(context.Context, RekeySyncArg) error
   217  	// GetRevokeWarning computes the TLFs that will be endangered if actingDevice
   218  	// revokes targetDevice.
   219  	GetRevokeWarning(context.Context, GetRevokeWarningArg) (RevokeWarning, error)
   220  }
   222  func RekeyProtocol(i RekeyInterface) rpc.Protocol {
   223  	return rpc.Protocol{
   224  		Name: "keybase.1.rekey",
   225  		Methods: map[string]rpc.ServeHandlerDescription{
   226  			"showPendingRekeyStatus": {
   227  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
   228  					var ret [1]ShowPendingRekeyStatusArg
   229  					return &ret
   230  				},
   231  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
   232  					typedArgs, ok := args.(*[1]ShowPendingRekeyStatusArg)
   233  					if !ok {
   234  						err = rpc.NewTypeError((*[1]ShowPendingRekeyStatusArg)(nil), args)
   235  						return
   236  					}
   237  					err = i.ShowPendingRekeyStatus(ctx, typedArgs[0].SessionID)
   238  					return
   239  				},
   240  			},
   241  			"getPendingRekeyStatus": {
   242  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
   243  					var ret [1]GetPendingRekeyStatusArg
   244  					return &ret
   245  				},
   246  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
   247  					typedArgs, ok := args.(*[1]GetPendingRekeyStatusArg)
   248  					if !ok {
   249  						err = rpc.NewTypeError((*[1]GetPendingRekeyStatusArg)(nil), args)
   250  						return
   251  					}
   252  					ret, err = i.GetPendingRekeyStatus(ctx, typedArgs[0].SessionID)
   253  					return
   254  				},
   255  			},
   256  			"debugShowRekeyStatus": {
   257  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
   258  					var ret [1]DebugShowRekeyStatusArg
   259  					return &ret
   260  				},
   261  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
   262  					typedArgs, ok := args.(*[1]DebugShowRekeyStatusArg)
   263  					if !ok {
   264  						err = rpc.NewTypeError((*[1]DebugShowRekeyStatusArg)(nil), args)
   265  						return
   266  					}
   267  					err = i.DebugShowRekeyStatus(ctx, typedArgs[0].SessionID)
   268  					return
   269  				},
   270  			},
   271  			"rekeyStatusFinish": {
   272  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
   273  					var ret [1]RekeyStatusFinishArg
   274  					return &ret
   275  				},
   276  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
   277  					typedArgs, ok := args.(*[1]RekeyStatusFinishArg)
   278  					if !ok {
   279  						err = rpc.NewTypeError((*[1]RekeyStatusFinishArg)(nil), args)
   280  						return
   281  					}
   282  					ret, err = i.RekeyStatusFinish(ctx, typedArgs[0].SessionID)
   283  					return
   284  				},
   285  			},
   286  			"rekeySync": {
   287  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
   288  					var ret [1]RekeySyncArg
   289  					return &ret
   290  				},
   291  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
   292  					typedArgs, ok := args.(*[1]RekeySyncArg)
   293  					if !ok {
   294  						err = rpc.NewTypeError((*[1]RekeySyncArg)(nil), args)
   295  						return
   296  					}
   297  					err = i.RekeySync(ctx, typedArgs[0])
   298  					return
   299  				},
   300  			},
   301  			"getRevokeWarning": {
   302  				MakeArg: func() interface{} {
   303  					var ret [1]GetRevokeWarningArg
   304  					return &ret
   305  				},
   306  				Handler: func(ctx context.Context, args interface{}) (ret interface{}, err error) {
   307  					typedArgs, ok := args.(*[1]GetRevokeWarningArg)
   308  					if !ok {
   309  						err = rpc.NewTypeError((*[1]GetRevokeWarningArg)(nil), args)
   310  						return
   311  					}
   312  					ret, err = i.GetRevokeWarning(ctx, typedArgs[0])
   313  					return
   314  				},
   315  			},
   316  		},
   317  	}
   318  }
   320  type RekeyClient struct {
   321  	Cli rpc.GenericClient
   322  }
   324  // ShowPendingRekeyStatus shows either pending gregor-initiated rekey harassments
   325  // or nothing if none were pending.
   326  func (c RekeyClient) ShowPendingRekeyStatus(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (err error) {
   327  	__arg := ShowPendingRekeyStatusArg{SessionID: sessionID}
   328  	err = c.Cli.Call(ctx, "keybase.1.rekey.showPendingRekeyStatus", []interface{}{__arg}, nil, 0*time.Millisecond)
   329  	return
   330  }
   332  // GetPendingRekeyStatus returns the pending ProblemSetDevices.
   333  func (c RekeyClient) GetPendingRekeyStatus(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (res ProblemSetDevices, err error) {
   334  	__arg := GetPendingRekeyStatusArg{SessionID: sessionID}
   335  	err = c.Cli.Call(ctx, "keybase.1.rekey.getPendingRekeyStatus", []interface{}{__arg}, &res, 0*time.Millisecond)
   336  	return
   337  }
   339  // DebugShowRekeyStatus is used by the CLI to kick off a "ShowRekeyStatus" window for
   340  // the current user.
   341  func (c RekeyClient) DebugShowRekeyStatus(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (err error) {
   342  	__arg := DebugShowRekeyStatusArg{SessionID: sessionID}
   343  	err = c.Cli.Call(ctx, "keybase.1.rekey.debugShowRekeyStatus", []interface{}{__arg}, nil, 0*time.Millisecond)
   344  	return
   345  }
   347  // RekeyStatusFinish is called when work is completed on a given RekeyStatus window. The Outcome
   348  // can be Fixed or Ignored.
   349  func (c RekeyClient) RekeyStatusFinish(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (res Outcome, err error) {
   350  	__arg := RekeyStatusFinishArg{SessionID: sessionID}
   351  	err = c.Cli.Call(ctx, "keybase.1.rekey.rekeyStatusFinish", []interface{}{__arg}, &res, 0*time.Millisecond)
   352  	return
   353  }
   355  // RekeySync flushes the current rekey loop and gets to a good stopping point
   356  // to assert state. Good for race-free testing, not very useful in production.
   357  // Force overrides a long-snooze.
   358  func (c RekeyClient) RekeySync(ctx context.Context, __arg RekeySyncArg) (err error) {
   359  	err = c.Cli.Call(ctx, "keybase.1.rekey.rekeySync", []interface{}{__arg}, nil, 0*time.Millisecond)
   360  	return
   361  }
   363  // GetRevokeWarning computes the TLFs that will be endangered if actingDevice
   364  // revokes targetDevice.
   365  func (c RekeyClient) GetRevokeWarning(ctx context.Context, __arg GetRevokeWarningArg) (res RevokeWarning, err error) {
   366  	err = c.Cli.Call(ctx, "keybase.1.rekey.getRevokeWarning", []interface{}{__arg}, &res, 0*time.Millisecond)
   367  	return
   368  }