
     1  package service
     3  import (
     4  	"bytes"
     5  	"errors"
     6  	"fmt"
     7  	"net/url"
     8  	"sync"
     9  	"time"
    11  	""
    13  	""
    14  	""
    15  	""
    16  	""
    17  	chatstorage ""
    18  	""
    19  	""
    20  	""
    21  	grclient ""
    22  	""
    23  	grutils ""
    24  	""
    25  	""
    26  	""
    27  	""
    28  	""
    29  	""
    30  	""
    31  	jsonw ""
    32  )
    34  const GregorRequestTimeout time.Duration = 30 * time.Second
    35  const GregorConnectionRetryInterval time.Duration = 2 * time.Second
    36  const GregorGetClientTimeout time.Duration = 4 * time.Second
    37  const slowConnSleepTime = 1 * time.Second
    39  type IdentifyUIHandler struct {
    40  	libkb.Contextified
    41  	connID      libkb.ConnectionID
    42  	alwaysAlive bool
    43  }
    45  var _ libkb.GregorInBandMessageHandler = (*IdentifyUIHandler)(nil)
    47  func NewIdentifyUIHandler(g *libkb.GlobalContext, connID libkb.ConnectionID) IdentifyUIHandler {
    48  	return IdentifyUIHandler{
    49  		Contextified: libkb.NewContextified(g),
    50  		connID:       connID,
    51  		alwaysAlive:  false,
    52  	}
    53  }
    55  func (h IdentifyUIHandler) IsAlive() bool {
    56  	return (h.alwaysAlive || h.G().ConnectionManager.LookupConnection(h.connID) != nil)
    57  }
    59  func (h IdentifyUIHandler) Name() string {
    60  	return "IdentifyUIHandler"
    61  }
    63  func (h *IdentifyUIHandler) toggleAlwaysAlive(alive bool) {
    64  	h.alwaysAlive = alive
    65  }
    67  type oobmSystemSubscriptions map[string]bool
    69  func newOOBMSystemSubscriptions(oobmSystems []string) oobmSystemSubscriptions {
    70  	if oobmSystems == nil {
    71  		return nil
    72  	}
    73  	ret := make(oobmSystemSubscriptions)
    74  	for _, system := range oobmSystems {
    75  		ret[system] = true
    76  	}
    77  	return ret
    78  }
    80  type gregorFirehoseHandler struct {
    81  	libkb.Contextified
    82  	connID     libkb.ConnectionID
    83  	cli        keybase1.GregorUIClient
    84  	oobmFilter oobmSystemSubscriptions
    85  }
    87  func newGregorFirehoseHandler(g *libkb.GlobalContext, connID libkb.ConnectionID, xp rpc.Transporter, oobmSystems []string) *gregorFirehoseHandler {
    88  	return &gregorFirehoseHandler{
    89  		Contextified: libkb.NewContextified(g),
    90  		connID:       connID,
    91  		cli:          keybase1.GregorUIClient{Cli: rpc.NewClient(xp, libkb.NewContextifiedErrorUnwrapper(g), nil)},
    92  		oobmFilter:   newOOBMSystemSubscriptions(oobmSystems),
    93  	}
    94  }
    96  func (h *gregorFirehoseHandler) IsAlive() bool {
    97  	return h.G().ConnectionManager.LookupConnection(h.connID) != nil
    98  }
   100  func (h *gregorFirehoseHandler) PushState(s gregor1.State, r keybase1.PushReason) {
   101  	defer h.G().Trace("gregorFirehoseHandler#PushState", nil)()
   102  	err := h.cli.PushState(context.Background(), keybase1.PushStateArg{State: s, Reason: r})
   103  	if err != nil {
   104  		h.G().Log.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error in firehose push state: %s", err))
   105  	}
   106  }
   108  func (h *gregorFirehoseHandler) filterOOBMs(v []gregor1.OutOfBandMessage) []gregor1.OutOfBandMessage {
   109  	// Filter OOBMs down to wanted systems if we have a filter installed
   110  	if h.oobmFilter == nil {
   111  		return v
   112  	}
   114  	var tmp []gregor1.OutOfBandMessage
   115  	for _, m := range v {
   116  		if h.oobmFilter[m.System().String()] {
   117  			tmp = append(tmp, m)
   118  		}
   119  	}
   120  	return tmp
   121  }
   123  func (h *gregorFirehoseHandler) PushOutOfBandMessages(v []gregor1.OutOfBandMessage) {
   124  	defer h.G().Trace("gregorFirehoseHandler#PushOutOfBandMessages", nil)()
   125  	nOrig := len(v)
   127  	// Filter OOBMs down to wanted systems if we have a filter installed
   128  	v = h.filterOOBMs(v)
   129  	h.G().Log.Debug("gregorFirehoseHandler#PushOutOfBandMessages: %d message(s) (%d before filter)", len(v), nOrig)
   131  	if len(v) == 0 {
   132  		return
   133  	}
   135  	err := h.cli.PushOutOfBandMessages(context.Background(), v)
   136  	if err != nil {
   137  		h.G().Log.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error in firehose push out-of-band messages: %s", err))
   138  	}
   139  }
   141  type testingReplayRes struct {
   142  	replayed []gregor.InBandMessage
   143  	err      error
   144  }
   146  type testingEvents struct {
   147  	broadcastSentCh chan error
   148  	replayThreadCh  chan testingReplayRes
   149  }
   151  func newTestingEvents() *testingEvents {
   152  	return &testingEvents{
   153  		broadcastSentCh: make(chan error),
   154  		replayThreadCh:  make(chan testingReplayRes, 10),
   155  	}
   156  }
   158  type connectionAuthError struct {
   159  	msg         string
   160  	shouldRetry bool
   161  }
   163  func newConnectionAuthError(msg string, shouldRetry bool) connectionAuthError {
   164  	return connectionAuthError{
   165  		msg:         msg,
   166  		shouldRetry: shouldRetry,
   167  	}
   168  }
   170  func (c connectionAuthError) ShouldRetry() bool {
   171  	return c.shouldRetry
   172  }
   174  func (c connectionAuthError) Error() string {
   175  	return fmt.Sprintf("connection auth error: msg: %s shouldRetry: %v", c.msg, c.shouldRetry)
   176  }
   178  type replayThreadArg struct {
   179  	cli gregor1.IncomingInterface
   180  	t   time.Time
   181  	ctx context.Context
   182  }
   184  type gregorHandler struct {
   185  	globals.Contextified
   187  	// This lock is to protect ibmHandlers and gregorCli and firehoseHandlers. Only public methods
   188  	// should grab it.
   189  	sync.Mutex
   190  	ibmHandlers []libkb.GregorInBandMessageHandler
   192  	// gregorCliMu just protecs the gregorCli pointer, since it can be swapped out
   193  	// in one goroutine and accessed in another.
   194  	gregorCliMu sync.Mutex
   195  	gregorCli   *grclient.Client
   197  	firehoseHandlers []libkb.GregorFirehoseHandler
   198  	badger           *badges.Badger
   199  	reachability     *reachability
   200  	chatLog          utils.DebugLabeler
   202  	// This mutex protects the con object
   203  	connMutex sync.Mutex
   204  	conn      *rpc.Connection
   205  	uri       *rpc.FMPURI
   207  	// connectHappened will be closed after gregor connection established
   208  	connectHappened chan struct{}
   210  	cli               rpc.GenericClient
   211  	pingCli           rpc.GenericClient
   212  	sessionID         gregor1.SessionID
   213  	firstConnectMu    sync.Mutex
   214  	firstConnect      bool
   215  	forceSessionCheck bool
   217  	// Function for determining if a new BroadcastMessage should trigger
   218  	// a pushState call to firehose handlers
   219  	pushStateFilter func(m gregor.Message) bool
   221  	shutdownCh  chan struct{}
   222  	broadcastCh chan gregor1.Message
   223  	replayCh    chan replayThreadArg
   224  	pushStateCh chan struct{}
   225  	forcePingCh chan struct{}
   227  	// Testing
   228  	testingEvents       *testingEvents
   229  	transportForTesting *connTransport
   230  }
   232  var _ libkb.GregorState = (*gregorHandler)(nil)
   233  var _ libkb.GregorListener = (*gregorHandler)(nil)
   235  func newGregorHandler(g *globals.Context) *gregorHandler {
   236  	gh := &gregorHandler{
   237  		Contextified:      globals.NewContextified(g),
   238  		chatLog:           utils.NewDebugLabeler(g.ExternalG(), "PushHandler", false),
   239  		firstConnect:      true,
   240  		pushStateFilter:   func(m gregor.Message) bool { return true },
   241  		badger:            nil,
   242  		broadcastCh:       make(chan gregor1.Message, 10000),
   243  		forceSessionCheck: false,
   244  		connectHappened:   make(chan struct{}),
   245  		replayCh:          make(chan replayThreadArg, 10),
   246  		pushStateCh:       make(chan struct{}, 100),
   247  		forcePingCh:       make(chan struct{}, 5),
   248  	}
   249  	return gh
   250  }
   252  // Init starts all the background services for managing connection to Gregor
   253  func (g *gregorHandler) Init() {
   254  	// Start broadcast handler goroutine
   255  	go g.broadcastMessageHandler()
   256  	// Start the app state monitor thread
   257  	go g.monitorAppState()
   258  	// Start replay thread
   259  	go g.syncReplayThread()
   260  }
   262  const (
   263  	monitorConnect int = iota
   264  	monitorDisconnect
   265  	monitorNoop
   266  )
   268  func (g *gregorHandler) monitorAppState() {
   269  	// Wait for state updates and react accordingly
   270  	state := keybase1.MobileAppState_FOREGROUND
   271  	suspended := false
   272  	for {
   273  		monitorAction := monitorNoop
   274  		select {
   275  		case state = <-g.G().MobileAppState.NextUpdate(&state):
   276  			switch state {
   277  			case keybase1.MobileAppState_FOREGROUND:
   278  				g.forcePing(context.Background())
   279  				monitorAction = monitorConnect
   280  			case keybase1.MobileAppState_BACKGROUNDACTIVE:
   281  				monitorAction = monitorConnect
   282  			case keybase1.MobileAppState_BACKGROUND, keybase1.MobileAppState_INACTIVE:
   283  				monitorAction = monitorDisconnect
   284  			}
   285  		case suspended = <-g.G().DesktopAppState.NextSuspendUpdate(&suspended):
   286  			if !suspended {
   287  				monitorAction = monitorConnect
   288  				g.chatLog.Debug(context.Background(), "resumed, connecting")
   289  			} else {
   290  				g.chatLog.Debug(context.Background(), "suspended, disconnecting")
   291  				monitorAction = monitorDisconnect
   292  			}
   293  		}
   294  		switch monitorAction {
   295  		case monitorConnect:
   296  			// Make sure the URI is set before attempting this (possible it isn't in a race)
   297  			if g.uri != nil {
   298  				g.chatLog.Debug(context.Background(), "foregrounded, reconnecting")
   299  				if err := g.Connect(g.uri); err != nil {
   300  					g.chatLog.Debug(context.Background(), "error reconnecting: %s", err)
   301  				}
   302  			}
   303  		case monitorDisconnect:
   304  			g.chatLog.Debug(context.Background(), "backgrounded, shutting down connection")
   305  			g.Shutdown()
   306  		}
   307  	}
   308  }
   310  func (g *gregorHandler) GetURI() *rpc.FMPURI {
   311  	return g.uri
   312  }
   314  func (g *gregorHandler) GetIncomingClient() gregor1.IncomingInterface {
   315  	cli := g.getRPCCli()
   316  	if g.IsShutdown() || cli == nil {
   317  		return gregor1.IncomingClient{Cli: chat.OfflineClient{}}
   318  	}
   319  	return gregor1.IncomingClient{Cli: cli}
   320  }
   322  func (g *gregorHandler) GetClient() chat1.RemoteInterface {
   323  	cli := g.getRPCCli()
   324  	if g.IsShutdown() || cli == nil {
   325  		select {
   326  		case <-g.connectHappened:
   327  			cli = g.getRPCCli()
   328  			if g.IsShutdown() || cli == nil {
   329  				g.chatLog.Debug(context.Background(), "GetClient: connectHappened, but still shutdown, using OfflineClient for chat1.RemoteClient")
   330  				return chat1.RemoteClient{Cli: chat.OfflineClient{}}
   332  			}
   333  			g.chatLog.Debug(context.Background(), "GetClient: successfully waited for connection")
   334  			return chat1.RemoteClient{Cli: chat.NewRemoteClient(g.G(), cli)}
   335  		case <-time.After(GregorGetClientTimeout):
   336  			g.chatLog.Debug(context.Background(), "GetClient: shutdown, using OfflineClient for chat1.RemoteClient (waited %s for connectHappened)", GregorGetClientTimeout)
   337  			return chat1.RemoteClient{Cli: chat.OfflineClient{}}
   338  		}
   339  	}
   340  	g.chatLog.Debug(context.Background(), "GetClient: not shutdown, making new remote client")
   341  	return chat1.RemoteClient{Cli: chat.NewRemoteClient(g.G(), cli)}
   342  }
   344  func (g *gregorHandler) isFirstConnect() bool {
   345  	g.firstConnectMu.Lock()
   346  	defer g.firstConnectMu.Unlock()
   347  	return g.firstConnect
   348  }
   350  func (g *gregorHandler) setFirstConnect(val bool) {
   351  	g.firstConnectMu.Lock()
   352  	defer g.firstConnectMu.Unlock()
   353  	g.firstConnect = val
   354  }
   356  func (g *gregorHandler) shutdownGregorClient(ctx context.Context) {
   357  	g.gregorCliMu.Lock()
   358  	gcliOld := g.gregorCli
   359  	g.gregorCli = nil
   360  	g.gregorCliMu.Unlock()
   361  	if gcliOld != nil {
   362  		gcliOld.Stop()
   363  	}
   364  }
   366  func (g *gregorHandler) resetGregorClient(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, deviceID gregor1.DeviceID) (gcli *grclient.Client, err error) {
   367  	defer g.G().Trace("gregorHandler#newGregorClient", &err)()
   368  	// Create client object if we are logged in
   369  	if uid != nil && deviceID != nil {
   370  		gcli = grclient.NewClient(uid, deviceID, func() gregor.StateMachine {
   371  			return storage.NewMemEngine(gregor1.ObjFactory{}, clockwork.NewRealClock(), g.G().Log)
   372  		}, storage.NewLocalDB(g.G().ExternalG()), g.GetIncomingClient, g.G().Log, clockwork.NewRealClock())
   374  		// Bring up local state
   375  		g.Debug(ctx, "restoring state from leveldb")
   376  		if err = gcli.Restore(ctx); err != nil {
   377  			// If this fails, we'll keep trying since the server can bail us out
   378  			g.Debug(ctx, "restore local state failed: %s", err)
   379  		}
   380  	}
   381  	g.gregorCliMu.Lock()
   382  	gcliOld := g.gregorCli
   383  	g.gregorCli = gcli
   384  	g.gregorCliMu.Unlock()
   385  	if gcliOld != nil {
   386  		gcliOld.Stop()
   387  	}
   388  	return gcli, nil
   389  }
   391  func (g *gregorHandler) getGregorCli() (*grclient.Client, error) {
   393  	if g == nil {
   394  		return nil, errors.New("gregorHandler client unset")
   395  	}
   397  	g.gregorCliMu.Lock()
   398  	ret := g.gregorCli
   399  	g.gregorCliMu.Unlock()
   401  	if ret == nil {
   402  		return nil, errors.New("client unset")
   403  	}
   404  	return ret, nil
   405  }
   407  func (g *gregorHandler) getRPCCli() rpc.GenericClient {
   408  	g.connMutex.Lock()
   409  	defer g.connMutex.Unlock()
   410  	return g.cli
   411  }
   413  func (g *gregorHandler) Debug(ctx context.Context, s string, args ...interface{}) {
   414  	g.G().Log.CloneWithAddedDepth(1).CDebugf(ctx, "PushHandler: "+s, args...)
   415  }
   417  func (g *gregorHandler) Warning(ctx context.Context, s string, args ...interface{}) {
   418  	g.G().Log.CloneWithAddedDepth(1).CWarningf(ctx, "PushHandler: "+s, args...)
   419  }
   421  func (g *gregorHandler) Errorf(ctx context.Context, s string, args ...interface{}) {
   422  	g.G().Log.CloneWithAddedDepth(1).CErrorf(ctx, "PushHandler: "+s, args...)
   423  }
   425  func (g *gregorHandler) SetPushStateFilter(f func(m gregor.Message) bool) {
   426  	g.pushStateFilter = f
   427  }
   429  func (g *gregorHandler) setReachability(r *reachability) {
   430  	g.reachability = r
   431  }
   433  func (g *gregorHandler) Connect(uri *rpc.FMPURI) (err error) {
   435  	defer g.G().Trace("gregorHandler#Connect", &err)()
   437  	g.connMutex.Lock()
   438  	defer g.connMutex.Unlock()
   439  	if g.conn != nil {
   440  		g.chatLog.Debug(context.Background(), "skipping connect, conn is not nil")
   441  		return nil
   442  	}
   443  	defer func() {
   444  		close(g.connectHappened)
   445  		g.connectHappened = make(chan struct{})
   446  	}()
   448  	// In case we need to interrupt auth'ing or the ping loop,
   449  	// set up this channel.
   450  	g.shutdownCh = make(chan struct{})
   451  	g.uri = uri
   452  	go g.pushStateNewDataDebouncer(g.shutdownCh)
   453  	if uri.UseTLS() {
   454  		err = g.connectTLS()
   455  	} else {
   456  		err = g.connectNoTLS()
   457  	}
   459  	return err
   460  }
   462  func (g *gregorHandler) HandlerName() string {
   463  	return "gregor"
   464  }
   466  // PushHandler adds a new ibm handler to our list. This is usually triggered
   467  // when an external entity (like Electron) connects to the service, and we can
   468  // safely send Gregor information to it
   469  func (g *gregorHandler) PushHandler(handler libkb.GregorInBandMessageHandler) {
   470  	defer g.chatLog.Trace(context.Background(), nil, "PushHandler")()
   472  	g.G().Log.Debug("pushing inband handler %s to position %d", handler.Name(), len(g.ibmHandlers))
   474  	g.Lock()
   475  	g.ibmHandlers = append(g.ibmHandlers, handler)
   476  	g.Unlock()
   478  	// Only try replaying if we are logged in, it's possible that a handler can
   479  	// attach before that is true (like if we start the service logged out and
   480  	// Electron connects)
   481  	cli := g.getRPCCli()
   482  	if g.IsConnected() && cli != nil {
   483  		if _, err := g.replayInBandMessages(context.TODO(), gregor1.IncomingClient{Cli: cli},
   484  			time.Time{}, handler); err != nil {
   485  			g.Errorf(context.Background(), "replayInBandMessages on PushHandler failed: %s", err)
   486  		}
   488  		if g.badger != nil {
   489  			s, err := g.getState(context.Background())
   490  			if err != nil {
   491  				g.Warning(context.Background(), "Cannot get state in PushHandler: %s", err)
   492  				return
   493  			}
   494  			g.badger.PushState(context.Background(), s)
   495  		}
   496  	}
   497  }
   499  // PushFirehoseHandler pushes a new firehose handler onto the list of currently
   500  // active firehose handles. We can have several of these active at once. All
   501  // get the "firehose" of gregor events. They're removed lazily as their underlying
   502  // connections die.
   503  func (g *gregorHandler) PushFirehoseHandler(handler libkb.GregorFirehoseHandler) {
   504  	defer g.chatLog.Trace(context.Background(), nil, "PushFirehoseHandler")()
   505  	g.Lock()
   506  	g.firehoseHandlers = append(g.firehoseHandlers, handler)
   507  	g.Unlock()
   509  	s, err := g.getState(context.Background())
   510  	if err != nil {
   511  		g.Warning(context.Background(), "Cannot push state in firehose handler: %s", err)
   512  		return
   513  	}
   514  	g.Debug(context.Background(), "PushFirehoseHandler: pushing state with %d items", len(s.Items_))
   515  	handler.PushState(s, keybase1.PushReason_RECONNECTED)
   516  }
   518  // iterateOverFirehoseHandlers applies the function f to all live firehose handlers
   519  // and then resets the list to only include the live ones.
   520  func (g *gregorHandler) iterateOverFirehoseHandlers(f func(h libkb.GregorFirehoseHandler)) {
   521  	var freshHandlers []libkb.GregorFirehoseHandler
   522  	for _, h := range g.firehoseHandlers {
   523  		if h.IsAlive() {
   524  			f(h)
   525  			freshHandlers = append(freshHandlers, h)
   526  		}
   527  	}
   528  	g.firehoseHandlers = freshHandlers
   529  }
   531  func (g *gregorHandler) pushStateNewDataDebouncer(shutdownCh chan struct{}) {
   532  	shouldSend := false
   533  	var lastTime time.Time
   534  	dur := time.Second
   535  	trigger := func() {
   536  		if shouldSend {
   537  			go g.pushStateOnce(keybase1.PushReason_NEW_DATA)
   538  			shouldSend = false
   539  			lastTime = time.Now()
   540  		}
   541  	}
   542  	for {
   543  		select {
   544  		case <-g.pushStateCh:
   545  			shouldSend = true
   546  			if time.Since(lastTime) > dur {
   547  				trigger()
   548  			}
   549  		case <-time.After(dur):
   550  			trigger()
   551  		case <-shutdownCh:
   552  			return
   553  		}
   554  	}
   555  }
   557  func (g *gregorHandler) pushStateOnce(r keybase1.PushReason) {
   558  	s, err := g.getState(context.Background())
   559  	if err != nil {
   560  		g.Warning(context.Background(), "Cannot push state in firehose handler: %s", err)
   561  		return
   562  	}
   563  	g.iterateOverFirehoseHandlers(func(h libkb.GregorFirehoseHandler) {
   564  		g.Debug(context.Background(), "pushState: pushing state with %d items", len(s.Items_))
   565  		h.PushState(s, r)
   566  	})
   567  	// Only send this state update on reception of new data, not a reconnect since we will
   568  	// be sending that on a different code path altogether (see OnConnect).
   569  	if g.badger != nil && r != keybase1.PushReason_RECONNECTED {
   570  		g.badger.PushState(context.Background(), s)
   571  	}
   572  }
   574  func (g *gregorHandler) pushState(r keybase1.PushReason) {
   575  	switch r {
   576  	case keybase1.PushReason_RECONNECTED, keybase1.PushReason_NONE:
   577  		g.pushStateOnce(r)
   578  	default:
   579  		g.pushStateCh <- struct{}{}
   580  	}
   581  }
   583  func (g *gregorHandler) pushOutOfBandMessages(m []gregor1.OutOfBandMessage) {
   584  	g.iterateOverFirehoseHandlers(func(h libkb.GregorFirehoseHandler) { h.PushOutOfBandMessages(m) })
   585  }
   587  // replayInBandMessages will replay all the messages in the current state from
   588  // the given time. If a handler is specified, it will only replay using it,
   589  // otherwise it will try all of them. gregorHandler needs to be locked when calling
   590  // this function.
   591  func (g *gregorHandler) replayInBandMessages(ctx context.Context, cli gregor1.IncomingInterface,
   592  	t time.Time, handler libkb.GregorInBandMessageHandler) ([]gregor.InBandMessage, error) {
   594  	var msgs []gregor.InBandMessage
   595  	var err error
   597  	gcli, err := g.getGregorCli()
   598  	if err != nil {
   599  		return nil, err
   600  	}
   602  	if t.IsZero() {
   603  		g.Debug(ctx, "replayInBandMessages: fresh replay: using state items")
   604  		state, err := gcli.StateMachineState(ctx, nil, true)
   605  		if err != nil {
   606  			g.Debug(ctx, "replayInBandMessages: unable to fetch state for replay: %s", err)
   607  			return nil, err
   608  		}
   609  		if msgs, err = gcli.InBandMessagesFromState(state); err != nil {
   610  			g.Debug(ctx, "replayInBandMessages: unable to fetch messages from state for replay: %s", err)
   611  			return nil, err
   612  		}
   613  	} else {
   614  		g.Debug(ctx, "replayInBandMessages: incremental replay: using ibms since")
   615  		if msgs, err = gcli.StateMachineInBandMessagesSince(ctx, t, true); err != nil {
   616  			g.Debug(ctx, "replayInBandMessages: unable to fetch messages for replay: %s", err)
   617  			return nil, err
   618  		}
   619  	}
   621  	g.Debug(ctx, "replayInBandMessages: replaying %d messages", len(msgs))
   622  	for _, msg := range msgs {
   623  		g.Debug(ctx, "replayInBandMessages: replaying: %s", msg.Metadata().MsgID())
   624  		// If we have a handler, just run it on that, otherwise run it against
   625  		// all of the handlers we know about
   626  		if handler == nil {
   627  			err = g.handleInBandMessage(ctx, cli, msg)
   628  		} else {
   629  			_, err = g.handleInBandMessageWithHandler(ctx, cli, msg, handler)
   630  		}
   632  		// If an error happens when replaying, don't kill everything else that
   633  		// follows, just make a warning.
   634  		if err != nil {
   635  			g.Debug(ctx, "replayInBandMessages: failure in message replay: %s", err.Error())
   636  			err = nil
   637  		}
   638  	}
   640  	return msgs, nil
   641  }
   643  func (g *gregorHandler) IsShutdown() bool {
   644  	g.connMutex.Lock()
   645  	defer g.connMutex.Unlock()
   646  	return g.conn == nil
   647  }
   649  func (g *gregorHandler) IsConnected() bool {
   650  	g.connMutex.Lock()
   651  	defer g.connMutex.Unlock()
   652  	return g.conn != nil && g.conn.IsConnected()
   653  }
   655  func (g *gregorHandler) syncReplayThread() {
   656  	for rarg := range g.replayCh {
   657  		var trr testingReplayRes
   658  		now := time.Now()
   659  		g.Debug(rarg.ctx, "serverSync: starting replay thread")
   660  		replayedMsgs, err := g.replayInBandMessages(rarg.ctx, rarg.cli, rarg.t, nil)
   661  		if err != nil {
   662  			g.Debug(rarg.ctx, "serverSync: replayThread: replay messages failed: %s", err)
   663  			trr.err = err
   664  		} else {
   665  			g.Debug(rarg.ctx, "serverSync: replayThread: replayed %d messages", len(replayedMsgs))
   666  			trr.replayed = replayedMsgs
   667  		}
   668  		if g.testingEvents != nil {
   669  			g.testingEvents.replayThreadCh <- trr
   670  		}
   671  		g.Debug(rarg.ctx, "serverSync: syncReplayThread complete: %v", time.Since(now))
   672  	}
   673  }
   675  // serverSync is called from
   676  // gregord. This can happen either on initial startup, or after a reconnect. Needs
   677  // to be called with gregorHandler locked.
   678  func (g *gregorHandler) serverSync(ctx context.Context,
   679  	cli gregor1.IncomingInterface, gcli *grclient.Client, syncRes *chat1.SyncAllNotificationRes) (res []gregor.InBandMessage, err error) {
   680  	defer g.chatLog.Trace(ctx, &err, "serverSync")()
   682  	// Get time of the last message we synced (unless this is our first time syncing)
   683  	var t time.Time
   684  	if !g.isFirstConnect() {
   685  		pt := gcli.StateMachineLatestCTime(ctx)
   686  		if pt != nil {
   687  			t = *pt
   688  		}
   689  		g.Debug(ctx, "serverSync: starting replay from: %s", t)
   690  	} else {
   691  		g.Debug(ctx, "serverSync: performing a fresh replay")
   692  	}
   694  	// Sync down everything from the server
   695  	consumedMsgs, err := gcli.Sync(ctx, cli, syncRes)
   696  	if err != nil {
   697  		g.Debug(ctx, "serverSync: error syncing from the server, reason: %s", err)
   698  		return nil, err
   699  	}
   700  	g.Debug(ctx, "serverSync: consumed %d messages", len(consumedMsgs))
   702  	// Schedule replay of in-band messages
   703  	g.replayCh <- replayThreadArg{
   704  		cli: cli,
   705  		t:   t,
   706  		ctx: globals.BackgroundChatCtx(ctx, g.G()),
   707  	}
   709  	g.pushState(keybase1.PushReason_RECONNECTED)
   710  	return consumedMsgs, nil
   711  }
   713  func (g *gregorHandler) makeReconnectOobm() gregor1.Message {
   714  	return gregor1.Message{
   715  		Oobm_: &gregor1.OutOfBandMessage{
   716  			System_: "internal.reconnect",
   717  		},
   718  	}
   719  }
   721  func (g *gregorHandler) authParams(ctx context.Context) (uid gregor1.UID, deviceID gregor1.DeviceID,
   722  	token gregor1.SessionToken, nist *libkb.NIST, err error) {
   723  	var res loggedInRes
   724  	var stoken string
   725  	var kuid keybase1.UID
   726  	var kdid keybase1.DeviceID
   727  	if kuid, kdid, stoken, nist, res = g.loggedIn(ctx); res != loggedInYes {
   728  		return uid, deviceID, token, nil,
   729  			newConnectionAuthError("failed to check logged in status", res == loggedInMaybe)
   730  	}
   731  	deviceID = make([]byte, libkb.DeviceIDLen)
   732  	if err := kdid.ToBytes(deviceID); err != nil {
   733  		return uid, deviceID, token, nil, err
   734  	}
   735  	g.chatLog.Debug(ctx, "generated NIST for UID %s", kuid)
   736  	return kuid.ToBytes(), deviceID, gregor1.SessionToken(stoken), nist, nil
   737  }
   739  func (g *gregorHandler) inboxParams(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID) chat1.InboxVers {
   740  	// Grab current on disk version
   741  	ibox := chatstorage.NewInbox(g.G())
   742  	vers, err := ibox.Version(ctx, uid)
   743  	if err != nil {
   744  		g.chatLog.Debug(ctx, "inboxParams: failed to get current inbox version (using 0): %s",
   745  			err.Error())
   746  		vers = chat1.InboxVers(0)
   747  	}
   748  	return vers
   749  }
   751  func (g *gregorHandler) notificationParams(ctx context.Context, gcli *grclient.Client) (t gregor1.Time) {
   752  	pt := gcli.StateMachineLatestCTime(ctx)
   753  	if pt != nil {
   754  		t = gregor1.ToTime(*pt)
   755  	}
   756  	g.chatLog.Debug(ctx, "notificationParams: latest ctime: %v", t.Time())
   757  	return t
   758  }
   760  // OnConnect is called by the rpc library to indicate we have connected to
   761  // gregord
   762  func (g *gregorHandler) OnConnect(ctx context.Context, conn *rpc.Connection,
   763  	cli rpc.GenericClient, srv *rpc.Server) (err error) {
   765  	ctx = libkb.WithLogTag(ctx, "GRGRONCONN")
   767  	defer g.chatLog.Trace(ctx, &err, "OnConnect")()
   769  	// If we get a random OnConnect on some other connection that is not g.conn, then
   770  	// just reject it.
   771  	g.connMutex.Lock()
   772  	if conn != g.conn {
   773  		g.connMutex.Unlock()
   774  		g.chatLog.Debug(ctx, "aborting on dup connection")
   775  		return chat.ErrDuplicateConnection
   776  	}
   777  	g.connMutex.Unlock()
   779  	g.chatLog.Debug(ctx, "connected")
   780  	timeoutCli := WrapGenericClientWithTimeout(cli, GregorRequestTimeout, chat.ErrChatServerTimeout)
   781  	chatCli := chat1.RemoteClient{Cli: chat.NewRemoteClient(g.G(), cli)}
   782  	if err := srv.Register(gregor1.OutgoingProtocol(g)); err != nil {
   783  		return fmt.Errorf("error registering protocol: %s", err)
   784  	}
   786  	uid, deviceID, token, nist, err := g.authParams(ctx)
   787  	if err != nil {
   788  		return err
   789  	}
   790  	gcli, err := g.resetGregorClient(ctx, uid, deviceID)
   791  	if err != nil {
   792  		return fmt.Errorf("failed to get gregor client: %s", err)
   793  	}
   794  	iboxVers := g.inboxParams(ctx, uid)
   795  	latestCtime := g.notificationParams(ctx, gcli)
   797  	// Run SyncAll to both authenticate, and grab all the data we will need to run the
   798  	// various resync procedures for chat and notifications
   799  	var identBreaks []keybase1.TLFIdentifyFailure
   800  	ctx = globals.ChatCtx(ctx, g.G(), keybase1.TLFIdentifyBehavior_CHAT_GUI, &identBreaks,
   801  		chat.NewCachingIdentifyNotifier(g.G()))
   802  	g.chatLog.Debug(ctx, "OnConnect begin")
   803  	syncAllRes, err := chatCli.SyncAll(ctx, chat1.SyncAllArg{
   804  		Uid:              uid,
   805  		DeviceID:         deviceID,
   806  		Session:          token,
   807  		InboxVers:        iboxVers,
   808  		Ctime:            latestCtime,
   809  		Fresh:            g.isFirstConnect(),
   810  		ProtVers:         chat1.SyncAllProtVers_V1,
   811  		HostName:         g.GetURI().Host,
   812  		SummarizeMaxMsgs: true,
   813  		ParticipantsMode: chat1.InboxParticipantsMode_SKIP_TEAMS,
   814  	})
   815  	if err != nil {
   816  		// This will cause us to try and refresh session on the next attempt
   817  		if _, ok := err.(libkb.BadSessionError); ok {
   818  			g.chatLog.Debug(ctx, "bad session from SyncAll(): forcing session check on next attempt")
   819  			g.forceSessionCheck = true
   820  			nist.MarkFailure()
   821  		}
   822  		return fmt.Errorf("error running SyncAll: %s", err)
   823  	}
   825  	// Use the client parameter instead of conn.GetClient(), since we can get stuck
   826  	// in a recursive loop if we keep retrying on reconnect.
   827  	if err := g.auth(ctx, timeoutCli, &syncAllRes.Auth); err != nil {
   828  		return fmt.Errorf("error authenticating: %s", err)
   829  	}
   831  	// Update badging for chat.
   832  	// This happens before Syncer.Connected for a reason.
   833  	// If the new inbox version (e.g. 8) were committed to disk and then the
   834  	// app lost connection and bailed out of OnConnect before applying the
   835  	// badging update (7->8) then on reconnect an incomplete chat badge update (8->9)
   836  	// could be received.
   837  	// See:
   838  	if g.badger != nil {
   839  		g.badger.PushChatFullUpdate(ctx, syncAllRes.Badge)
   840  	}
   842  	// Sync chat data using a Syncer object
   843  	// This commits the new inbox version to persistent storage.
   844  	if err := g.G().Syncer.Connected(ctx, chatCli, uid, &syncAllRes.Chat); err != nil {
   845  		return fmt.Errorf("error running chat sync: %s", err)
   846  	}
   848  	// Sync down events since we have been dead
   849  	if _, err := g.serverSync(ctx, gregor1.IncomingClient{Cli: timeoutCli}, gcli,
   850  		&syncAllRes.Notification); err != nil {
   851  		g.chatLog.Debug(ctx, "serverSync: failure: %s", err)
   852  		return fmt.Errorf("error running state sync: %s", err)
   853  	}
   855  	// Update badging from gregor.
   856  	if g.badger != nil {
   857  		state, err := gcli.StateMachineState(ctx, nil, false)
   858  		if err != nil {
   859  			g.chatLog.Debug(ctx, "unable to get gregor state for badging: %v", err)
   860  			g.badger.PushState(ctx, gregor1.State{})
   861  		} else {
   862  			g.badger.PushState(ctx, state)
   863  		}
   864  	}
   866  	// Call out to reachability module if we have one
   867  	if g.reachability != nil {
   868  		g.chatLog.Debug(ctx, "setting reachability")
   869  		g.reachability.setReachability(keybase1.Reachability{
   870  			Reachable: keybase1.Reachable_YES,
   871  		})
   872  	}
   874  	// Broadcast reconnect oobm. Spawn this off into a goroutine so that we don't delay
   875  	// reconnection any longer than we have to.
   876  	g.chatLog.Debug(ctx, "broadcasting reconnect oobm")
   877  	go func(m gregor1.Message) {
   878  		ctx := context.Background()
   879  		err := g.BroadcastMessage(ctx, m)
   880  		if err != nil {
   881  			g.chatLog.Debug(ctx, "Gregor broadcast error: %+v", err)
   882  		}
   883  	}(g.makeReconnectOobm())
   885  	// No longer first connect if we are now connected
   886  	g.chatLog.Debug(ctx, "setting first connect to false")
   887  	g.setFirstConnect(false)
   888  	// On successful login we can reset this guy to not force a check
   889  	g.forceSessionCheck = false
   890  	g.chatLog.Debug(ctx, "OnConnect complete")
   892  	return nil
   893  }
   895  func (g *gregorHandler) OnConnectError(err error, reconnectThrottleDuration time.Duration) {
   896  	defer g.chatLog.Trace(context.Background(), nil, "OnConnectError")()
   897  	g.chatLog.Debug(context.Background(), "OnConnectError: err: %s, reconnect throttle duration: %s", err,
   898  		reconnectThrottleDuration)
   900  	// Check reachability here to see the nature of our offline status
   901  	go func() {
   902  		if g.reachability != nil && !g.isReachable() {
   903  			g.reachability.setReachability(keybase1.Reachability{
   904  				Reachable: keybase1.Reachable_NO,
   905  			})
   906  		}
   907  	}()
   908  }
   910  func (g *gregorHandler) OnDisconnected(ctx context.Context, status rpc.DisconnectStatus) {
   911  	g.chatLog.Debug(context.Background(), "disconnected: %v", status)
   913  	// Alert chat syncer that we are now disconnected
   914  	g.G().Syncer.Disconnected(ctx)
   916  	// Call out to reachability module if we have one (and we are currently connected)
   917  	go func() {
   918  		if g.reachability != nil && status != rpc.StartingFirstConnection && !g.isReachable() {
   919  			g.reachability.setReachability(keybase1.Reachability{
   920  				Reachable: keybase1.Reachable_NO,
   921  			})
   922  		}
   923  	}()
   924  }
   926  func (g *gregorHandler) OnDoCommandError(err error, nextTime time.Duration) {
   927  	g.chatLog.Debug(context.Background(), "do command error: %s, nextTime: %s", err, nextTime)
   928  }
   930  func (g *gregorHandler) ShouldRetry(name string, err error) bool {
   931  	g.chatLog.Debug(context.Background(), "should retry: name %s, err %v (returning false)", name, err)
   932  	return false
   933  }
   935  func (g *gregorHandler) ShouldRetryOnConnect(err error) bool {
   936  	if err == nil {
   937  		return false
   938  	}
   940  	ctx := context.Background()
   941  	g.chatLog.Debug(ctx, "should retry on connect, err %v", err)
   942  	if err == chat.ErrDuplicateConnection {
   943  		g.chatLog.Debug(ctx, "duplicate connection error, not retrying")
   944  		return false
   945  	}
   946  	if _, ok := err.(libkb.BadSessionError); ok {
   947  		g.chatLog.Debug(ctx, "bad session error, not retrying")
   948  		return false
   949  	}
   950  	if cerr, ok := err.(connectionAuthError); ok && !cerr.ShouldRetry() {
   951  		g.chatLog.Debug(ctx, "should retry on connect, non-retry error, ending: %s", err.Error())
   952  		return false
   953  	}
   955  	return true
   956  }
   958  func (g *gregorHandler) broadcastMessageOnce(ctx context.Context, m gregor1.Message) (err error) {
   959  	defer g.chatLog.Trace(ctx, &err, "broadcastMessageOnce")()
   961  	// Handle the message
   962  	var obm gregor.OutOfBandMessage
   963  	ibm := m.ToInBandMessage()
   964  	if ibm != nil {
   965  		gcli, err := g.getGregorCli()
   966  		if err != nil {
   967  			g.Debug(ctx, "BroadcastMessage: failed to get Gregor client: %s", err.Error())
   968  			return err
   969  		}
   970  		// Check to see if this is already in our state
   971  		msgID := ibm.Metadata().MsgID()
   972  		state, err := gcli.StateMachineState(ctx, nil, false)
   973  		if err != nil {
   974  			g.Debug(ctx, "BroadcastMessage: no state machine available: %s", err.Error())
   975  			return err
   976  		}
   977  		if _, ok := state.GetItem(msgID); ok {
   978  			g.Debug(ctx, "BroadcastMessage: msgID: %s already in state, ignoring", msgID)
   979  			return errors.New("ignored repeat message")
   980  		}
   982  		g.Debug(ctx, "broadcast: in-band message: msgID: %s Ctime: %s", msgID, ibm.Metadata().CTime())
   983  		err = g.handleInBandMessage(ctx, g.GetIncomingClient(), ibm)
   985  		// Send message to local state machine
   986  		consumeErr := gcli.StateMachineConsumeMessage(ctx, m)
   987  		if consumeErr != nil {
   988  			g.Debug(ctx, "broadcast: error consuming message: %+v", consumeErr)
   989  		}
   991  		// Forward to electron or whichever UI is listening for the new gregor state
   992  		if g.pushStateFilter(m) {
   993  			g.pushState(keybase1.PushReason_NEW_DATA)
   994  		}
   996  		return err
   997  	}
   999  	obm = m.ToOutOfBandMessage()
  1000  	if obm != nil {
  1001  		g.Debug(ctx, "broadcast: out-of-band message: uid: %s",
  1002  			m.ToOutOfBandMessage().UID())
  1003  		if err := g.handleOutOfBandMessage(ctx, obm); err != nil {
  1004  			g.Debug(ctx, "BroadcastMessage: error handling oobm: %s", err.Error())
  1005  			return err
  1006  		}
  1007  		return nil
  1008  	}
  1010  	g.Debug(ctx, "BroadcastMessage: both in-band and out-of-band message nil")
  1011  	return errors.New("invalid message, no ibm or oobm")
  1012  }
  1014  func (g *gregorHandler) broadcastMessageHandler() {
  1015  	ctx := context.Background()
  1016  	for {
  1017  		m := <-g.broadcastCh
  1018  		if g.G().GetEnv().GetSlowGregorConn() {
  1019  			g.Debug(ctx, "[slow conn]: sleeping")
  1020  			time.Sleep(slowConnSleepTime)
  1021  			g.Debug(ctx, "[slow conn]: awake")
  1022  		}
  1023  		err := g.broadcastMessageOnce(ctx, m)
  1024  		if err != nil {
  1025  			g.Debug(context.Background(), "broadcast error: %v", err)
  1026  		}
  1028  		// Testing alerts
  1029  		if g.testingEvents != nil {
  1030  			g.testingEvents.broadcastSentCh <- err
  1031  		}
  1032  	}
  1033  }
  1035  // BroadcastMessage is called when we receive a new message from gregord. Grabs
  1036  // the lock protect the state machine and handleInBandMessage
  1037  func (g *gregorHandler) BroadcastMessage(ctx context.Context, m gregor1.Message) error {
  1038  	// Send the message on a channel so we can return to Gregor as fast as possible. Note
  1039  	// that this can block, but broadcastCh has a large buffer to try and mitigate
  1040  	g.broadcastCh <- m
  1041  	return nil
  1042  }
  1044  // handleInBandMessage runs a message on all the alive handlers. gregorHandler
  1045  // must be locked when calling this function.
  1046  func (g *gregorHandler) handleInBandMessage(ctx context.Context, cli gregor1.IncomingInterface,
  1047  	ibm gregor.InBandMessage) (err error) {
  1049  	defer g.G().Trace(fmt.Sprintf("gregorHandler#handleInBandMessage with %d handlers", len(g.ibmHandlers)), &err)()
  1050  	ctx = libkb.WithLogTag(ctx, "GRGIBM")
  1052  	var freshHandlers []libkb.GregorInBandMessageHandler
  1054  	// Loop over all handlers and run the messages against any that are alive
  1055  	// If the handler is not alive, we prune it from our list
  1056  	for i, handler := range g.ibmHandlers {
  1057  		g.Debug(ctx, "trying handler %s at position %d", handler.Name(), i)
  1058  		if handler.IsAlive() {
  1059  			if handled, err := g.handleInBandMessageWithHandler(ctx, cli, ibm, handler); err != nil {
  1060  				if handled {
  1061  					// Don't stop handling errors on a first failure.
  1062  					g.Errorf(ctx, "failed to run %s handler: %s", handler.Name(), err)
  1063  				} else {
  1064  					g.Debug(ctx, "handleInBandMessage() failed to run %s handler: %s", handler.Name(), err)
  1065  				}
  1066  			}
  1067  			freshHandlers = append(freshHandlers, handler)
  1068  		} else {
  1069  			g.Debug(ctx, "skipping handler as it's marked dead: %s", handler.Name())
  1070  		}
  1071  	}
  1073  	if len(g.ibmHandlers) != len(freshHandlers) {
  1074  		g.Debug(ctx, "Change # of live handlers from %d to %d", len(g.ibmHandlers), len(freshHandlers))
  1075  		g.ibmHandlers = freshHandlers
  1076  	}
  1077  	return nil
  1078  }
  1080  // handleInBandMessageWithHandler runs a message against the specified handler
  1081  func (g *gregorHandler) handleInBandMessageWithHandler(ctx context.Context, cli gregor1.IncomingInterface,
  1082  	ibm gregor.InBandMessage, handler libkb.GregorInBandMessageHandler) (bool, error) {
  1083  	g.Debug(ctx, "handleInBand: %+v", ibm)
  1085  	gcli, err := g.getGregorCli()
  1086  	if err != nil {
  1087  		return false, err
  1088  	}
  1089  	state, err := gcli.StateMachineState(ctx, nil, false)
  1090  	if err != nil {
  1091  		return false, err
  1092  	}
  1094  	sync := ibm.ToStateSyncMessage()
  1095  	if sync != nil {
  1096  		g.Debug(ctx, "state sync message")
  1097  		return false, nil
  1098  	}
  1100  	update := ibm.ToStateUpdateMessage()
  1101  	if update != nil {
  1102  		g.Debug(ctx, "state update message")
  1104  		item := update.Creation()
  1105  		if item != nil {
  1106  			id := item.Metadata().MsgID().String()
  1107  			g.Debug(ctx, "msg ID %s created ctime: %s", id,
  1108  				item.Metadata().CTime())
  1110  			category := ""
  1111  			if item.Category() != nil {
  1112  				category = item.Category().String()
  1113  				g.Debug(ctx, "item %s has category %s", id, category)
  1114  			}
  1116  			if handled, err := handler.Create(ctx, cli, category, item); err != nil {
  1117  				return handled, err
  1118  			}
  1119  		}
  1121  		dismissal := update.Dismissal()
  1122  		if dismissal != nil {
  1123  			g.Debug(ctx, "received dismissal")
  1124  			for _, id := range dismissal.MsgIDsToDismiss() {
  1125  				item, present := state.GetItem(id)
  1126  				if !present {
  1127  					g.Debug(ctx, "tried to dismiss item %s, not present", id.String())
  1128  					continue
  1129  				}
  1130  				g.Debug(ctx, "dismissing item %s", id.String())
  1132  				category := ""
  1133  				if item.Category() != nil {
  1134  					category = item.Category().String()
  1135  					g.Debug(ctx, "dismissal %s has category %s", id, category)
  1136  				}
  1138  				if handled, err := handler.Dismiss(ctx, cli, category, item); handled && err != nil {
  1139  					return handled, err
  1140  				}
  1141  			}
  1142  			if len(dismissal.RangesToDismiss()) > 0 {
  1143  				g.Debug(ctx, "message range dismissing not implemented")
  1144  			}
  1145  		}
  1147  		return true, nil
  1148  	}
  1150  	return false, nil
  1151  }
  1153  func (h IdentifyUIHandler) Create(ctx context.Context, cli gregor1.IncomingInterface, category string,
  1154  	item gregor.Item) (bool, error) {
  1156  	switch category {
  1157  	case "show_tracker_popup":
  1158  		return true, h.handleShowTrackerPopupCreate(ctx, cli, item)
  1159  	default:
  1160  		return false, nil
  1161  	}
  1162  }
  1164  func (h IdentifyUIHandler) Dismiss(ctx context.Context, cli gregor1.IncomingInterface, category string,
  1165  	item gregor.Item) (bool, error) {
  1167  	switch category {
  1168  	case "show_tracker_popup":
  1169  		return true, h.handleShowTrackerPopupDismiss(ctx, cli, item)
  1170  	default:
  1171  		return false, nil
  1172  	}
  1173  }
  1175  func (h IdentifyUIHandler) handleShowTrackerPopupCreate(ctx context.Context, cli gregor1.IncomingInterface,
  1176  	item gregor.Item) error {
  1178  	h.G().Log.Debug("handleShowTrackerPopupCreate: %+v", item)
  1179  	if item.Body() == nil {
  1180  		return errors.New("gregor handler for show_tracker_popup: nil message body")
  1181  	}
  1182  	body, err := jsonw.Unmarshal(item.Body().Bytes())
  1183  	if err != nil {
  1184  		h.G().Log.Debug("body failed to unmarshal", err)
  1185  		return err
  1186  	}
  1187  	uidString, err := body.AtPath("uid").GetString()
  1188  	if err != nil {
  1189  		h.G().Log.Debug("failed to extract uid", err)
  1190  		return err
  1191  	}
  1192  	uid, err := keybase1.UIDFromString(uidString)
  1193  	if err != nil {
  1194  		h.G().Log.Debug("failed to convert UID from string", err)
  1195  		return err
  1196  	}
  1198  	identifyUI, err := h.G().UIRouter.GetIdentifyUI()
  1199  	if err != nil {
  1200  		h.G().Log.Debug("failed to get IdentifyUI", err)
  1201  		return err
  1202  	}
  1203  	if identifyUI == nil {
  1204  		h.G().Log.Debug("got nil IdentifyUI")
  1205  		return errors.New("got nil IdentifyUI")
  1206  	}
  1207  	secretUI, err := h.G().UIRouter.GetSecretUI(0)
  1208  	if err != nil {
  1209  		h.G().Log.Debug("failed to get SecretUI", err)
  1210  		return err
  1211  	}
  1212  	if secretUI == nil {
  1213  		h.G().Log.Debug("got nil SecretUI")
  1214  		return errors.New("got nil SecretUI")
  1215  	}
  1216  	uis := libkb.UIs{
  1217  		IdentifyUI: identifyUI,
  1218  		SecretUI:   secretUI,
  1219  	}
  1221  	identifyReason := keybase1.IdentifyReason{
  1222  		Type: keybase1.IdentifyReasonType_TRACK,
  1223  		// TODO: text here?
  1224  	}
  1225  	identifyArg := keybase1.Identify2Arg{Uid: uid, Reason: identifyReason}
  1226  	m := libkb.NewMetaContext(ctx, h.G()).WithUIs(uis)
  1227  	identifyEng := engine.NewIdentify2WithUID(h.G(), &identifyArg)
  1228  	identifyEng.SetResponsibleGregorItem(item)
  1229  	return identifyEng.Run(m)
  1230  }
  1232  func (h IdentifyUIHandler) handleShowTrackerPopupDismiss(ctx context.Context, cli gregor1.IncomingInterface,
  1233  	item gregor.Item) error {
  1234  	mctx := libkb.NewMetaContext(ctx, h.G())
  1236  	mctx.Debug("handleShowTrackerPopupDismiss: %+v", item)
  1237  	if item.Body() == nil {
  1238  		return errors.New("gregor dismissal for show_tracker_popup: nil message body")
  1239  	}
  1240  	body, err := jsonw.Unmarshal(item.Body().Bytes())
  1241  	if err != nil {
  1242  		mctx.Debug("body failed to unmarshal", err)
  1243  		return err
  1244  	}
  1245  	uidString, err := body.AtPath("uid").GetString()
  1246  	if err != nil {
  1247  		mctx.Debug("failed to extract uid", err)
  1248  		return err
  1249  	}
  1250  	uid, err := keybase1.UIDFromString(uidString)
  1251  	if err != nil {
  1252  		mctx.Debug("failed to convert UID from string", err)
  1253  		return err
  1254  	}
  1255  	user, err := libkb.LoadUser(libkb.NewLoadUserByUIDArg(ctx, h.G(), uid))
  1256  	if err != nil {
  1257  		mctx.Debug("failed to load user from UID", err)
  1258  		return err
  1259  	}
  1261  	identifyUI, err := h.G().UIRouter.GetIdentifyUI()
  1262  	if err != nil {
  1263  		mctx.Debug("failed to get IdentifyUI", err)
  1264  		return err
  1265  	}
  1266  	if identifyUI == nil {
  1267  		mctx.Debug("got nil IdentifyUI")
  1268  		return errors.New("got nil IdentifyUI")
  1269  	}
  1271  	reason := keybase1.DismissReason{
  1272  		Type: keybase1.DismissReasonType_HANDLED_ELSEWHERE,
  1273  	}
  1274  	_ = identifyUI.Dismiss(mctx, user.GetName(), reason)
  1276  	return nil
  1277  }
  1279  func (g *gregorHandler) handleOutOfBandMessage(ctx context.Context, obm gregor.OutOfBandMessage) error {
  1280  	if obm.System() == nil {
  1281  		return errors.New("nil system in out of band message")
  1282  	}
  1284  	if tmp, ok := obm.(gregor1.OutOfBandMessage); ok {
  1285  		g.pushOutOfBandMessages([]gregor1.OutOfBandMessage{tmp})
  1286  	} else {
  1287  		g.G().Log.Warning("Got non-exportable out-of-band message")
  1288  	}
  1290  	// Send the oobm to the chat system so that it can potentially handle it
  1291  	if g.G().PushHandler != nil {
  1292  		handled, err := g.G().PushHandler.HandleOobm(ctx, obm)
  1293  		if err != nil {
  1294  			return err
  1295  		}
  1296  		if handled {
  1297  			return nil
  1298  		}
  1299  	}
  1301  	// Send the oobm to the wallet system so that it can potentially handle it
  1302  	if g.G().StellarPushHandler != nil {
  1303  		handled, err := g.G().StellarPushHandler.HandleOobm(ctx, obm)
  1304  		if err != nil {
  1305  			return err
  1306  		}
  1307  		if handled {
  1308  			return nil
  1309  		}
  1310  	}
  1312  	switch obm.System().String() {
  1313  	case "internal.reconnect":
  1314  		g.G().Log.Debug("reconnected to push server")
  1315  		return nil
  1316  	default:
  1317  		return fmt.Errorf("unhandled system: %s", obm.System())
  1318  	}
  1319  }
  1321  func (g *gregorHandler) Shutdown() {
  1322  	defer g.chatLog.Trace(context.Background(), nil, "Shutdown")()
  1323  	g.connMutex.Lock()
  1324  	defer g.connMutex.Unlock()
  1326  	if g.conn == nil {
  1327  		return
  1328  	}
  1330  	// Alert chat syncer that we are now disconnected
  1331  	g.G().Syncer.Disconnected(context.Background())
  1333  	close(g.shutdownCh)
  1334  	g.conn.Shutdown()
  1335  	g.conn = nil
  1336  	g.cli = nil
  1337  }
  1339  func (g *gregorHandler) Reset() error {
  1340  	g.Shutdown()
  1341  	g.setFirstConnect(true)
  1342  	g.shutdownGregorClient(context.TODO())
  1343  	return nil
  1344  }
  1346  type loggedInRes int
  1348  const (
  1349  	loggedInYes loggedInRes = iota
  1350  	loggedInNo
  1351  	loggedInMaybe
  1352  )
  1354  func (g *gregorHandler) loggedIn(ctx context.Context) (uid keybase1.UID, did keybase1.DeviceID, token string, nist *libkb.NIST, res loggedInRes) {
  1356  	// Check to see if we have been shut down,
  1357  	select {
  1358  	case <-g.shutdownCh:
  1359  		return uid, did, token, nil, loggedInMaybe
  1360  	default:
  1361  		// if we were going to block, then that means we are still alive
  1362  	}
  1364  	var err error
  1366  	nist, uid, did, err = g.G().ActiveDevice.NISTAndUIDDeviceID(ctx)
  1367  	if nist == nil {
  1368  		g.G().Log.CDebugf(ctx, "gregorHandler: no NIST for login; user isn't logged in")
  1369  		return uid, did, token, nil, loggedInNo
  1370  	}
  1371  	if err != nil {
  1372  		g.G().Log.CDebugf(ctx, "gregorHandler: error in generating NIST: %s", err.Error())
  1373  		return uid, did, token, nil, loggedInMaybe
  1374  	}
  1376  	return uid, did, nist.Token().String(), nist, loggedInYes
  1377  }
  1379  func (g *gregorHandler) auth(ctx context.Context, cli rpc.GenericClient, auth *gregor1.AuthResult) (err error) {
  1380  	var token string
  1381  	var res loggedInRes
  1382  	var uid keybase1.UID
  1383  	var nist *libkb.NIST
  1385  	if uid, _, token, nist, res = g.loggedIn(ctx); res != loggedInYes {
  1386  		return newConnectionAuthError("not logged in for auth", res == loggedInMaybe)
  1387  	}
  1389  	if auth == nil {
  1390  		g.chatLog.Debug(ctx, "logged in: authenticating")
  1391  		ac := gregor1.AuthClient{Cli: cli}
  1392  		auth = new(gregor1.AuthResult)
  1393  		*auth, err = ac.AuthenticateSessionToken(ctx, gregor1.SessionToken(token))
  1394  		if err != nil {
  1395  			g.chatLog.Debug(ctx, "auth error: %s", err)
  1396  			g.forceSessionCheck = true
  1397  			nist.DidFail()
  1398  			return err
  1399  		}
  1400  	} else {
  1401  		g.Debug(ctx, "using previously obtained auth result")
  1402  	}
  1404  	g.chatLog.Debug(ctx, "auth result: %+v", *auth)
  1405  	if !bytes.Equal(auth.Uid, uid.ToBytes()) {
  1406  		msg := fmt.Sprintf("auth result uid %x doesn't match session uid %q", auth.Uid, uid)
  1407  		return newConnectionAuthError(msg, false)
  1408  	}
  1409  	g.sessionID = auth.Sid
  1411  	return nil
  1412  }
  1414  func (g *gregorHandler) isReachable() bool {
  1415  	ctx := context.Background()
  1416  	timeout := g.G().Env.GetGregorPingTimeout()
  1417  	url, err := url.Parse(g.G().Env.GetGregorURI())
  1418  	if err != nil {
  1419  		g.chatLog.Debug(ctx, "isReachable: failed to parse server uri, exiting: %s", err.Error())
  1420  		return false
  1421  	}
  1423  	// If we currently think we are online, then make sure
  1424  	conn, err := libkb.ProxyDialTimeout(g.G().Env, "tcp", url.Host, timeout)
  1425  	if conn != nil {
  1426  		conn.Close()
  1427  		return true
  1428  	}
  1429  	if err != nil {
  1430  		g.chatLog.Debug(ctx, "isReachable: error: terminating connection: %s", err.Error())
  1431  		if _, err := g.Reconnect(ctx); err != nil {
  1432  			g.chatLog.Debug(ctx, "isReachable: error reconnecting: %s", err.Error())
  1433  		}
  1434  		return false
  1435  	}
  1437  	return true
  1438  }
  1440  func (g *gregorHandler) Reconnect(ctx context.Context) (didShutdown bool, err error) {
  1441  	if g.IsConnected() {
  1442  		didShutdown = true
  1443  		g.chatLog.Debug(ctx, "Reconnect: reconnecting to server")
  1444  		g.Shutdown()
  1445  		return didShutdown, g.Connect(g.uri)
  1446  	}
  1448  	didShutdown = false
  1449  	g.chatLog.Debug(ctx, "Reconnect: skipping reconnect, already disconnected")
  1450  	return didShutdown, nil
  1451  }
  1453  func (g *gregorHandler) forcePing(ctx context.Context) {
  1454  	select {
  1455  	case g.forcePingCh <- struct{}{}:
  1456  	default:
  1457  		g.Debug(ctx, "forcePing: failed to write to channel, its full")
  1458  	}
  1459  }
  1461  func (g *gregorHandler) pingOnce(ctx context.Context, id []byte, shutdownCancel context.CancelFunc) {
  1462  	var err error
  1463  	doneCh := make(chan error)
  1464  	timeout := g.G().Env.GetGregorPingTimeout()
  1465  	go func(ctx context.Context) {
  1466  		if g.IsConnected() {
  1467  			// If we are connected, subject the ping call to a fairly
  1468  			// aggressive timeout so our chat stuff can be responsive
  1469  			// to changes in connectivity
  1470  			var timeoutCancel context.CancelFunc
  1471  			var timeoutCtx context.Context
  1472  			timeoutCtx, timeoutCancel = context.WithTimeout(ctx, timeout)
  1473  			_, err = gregor1.IncomingClient{Cli: g.pingCli}.Ping(timeoutCtx)
  1474  			timeoutCancel()
  1475  		} else {
  1476  			// If we are not connected, we don't want to timeout anything
  1477  			// Just hook into the normal reconnect chan stuff in the RPC
  1478  			// library
  1479  			g.chatLog.Debug(ctx, "ping loop: id: %x normal ping, not connected", id)
  1480  			_, err = gregor1.IncomingClient{Cli: g.pingCli}.Ping(ctx)
  1481  			g.chatLog.Debug(ctx, "ping loop: id: %x normal ping success", id)
  1482  		}
  1483  		select {
  1484  		case <-ctx.Done():
  1485  			g.chatLog.Debug(ctx, "ping loop: id: %x context cancelled, so not sending err", id)
  1486  		default:
  1487  			doneCh <- err
  1488  		}
  1489  	}(ctx)
  1491  	select {
  1492  	case err = <-doneCh:
  1493  	case <-g.shutdownCh:
  1494  		g.chatLog.Debug(ctx, "ping loop: id: %x shutdown received", id)
  1495  		shutdownCancel()
  1496  		return
  1497  	}
  1498  	if err != nil {
  1499  		g.Debug(ctx, "ping loop: id: %x error: %s", id, err)
  1500  		if err == context.DeadlineExceeded {
  1501  			g.chatLog.Debug(ctx, "ping loop: timeout: terminating connection")
  1502  			var didShutdown bool
  1503  			var err error
  1504  			if didShutdown, err = g.Reconnect(ctx); err != nil {
  1505  				g.chatLog.Debug(ctx, "ping loop: id: %x error reconnecting: %s", id, err)
  1506  			}
  1507  			// It is possible that we have already reconnected by the time we call Reconnect
  1508  			// above. If that is the case, we don't want to terminate the ping loop. Only
  1509  			// if Reconnect has actually reset the connection do we stop this ping loop.
  1510  			if didShutdown {
  1511  				shutdownCancel()
  1512  				return
  1513  			}
  1514  		}
  1515  	}
  1516  }
  1518  func (g *gregorHandler) pingLoop() {
  1519  	ctx := context.Background()
  1520  	id, _ := libkb.RandBytes(4)
  1521  	duration := g.G().Env.GetGregorPingInterval()
  1522  	timeout := g.G().Env.GetGregorPingTimeout()
  1523  	url, err := url.Parse(g.G().Env.GetGregorURI())
  1524  	if err != nil {
  1525  		g.chatLog.Debug(ctx, "ping loop: failed to parse server uri, exiting: %s", err.Error())
  1526  		return
  1527  	}
  1528  	g.chatLog.Debug(ctx, "ping loop: starting up: id: %x duration: %v timeout: %v url: %s",
  1529  		id, duration, timeout, url.Host)
  1530  	defer g.chatLog.Debug(ctx, "ping loop: id: %x terminating", id)
  1531  	ticker := time.NewTicker(duration)
  1532  	for {
  1533  		ctx, shutdownCancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
  1534  		select {
  1535  		case <-g.forcePingCh:
  1536  			g.chatLog.Debug(ctx, "ping loop: forced attempt")
  1537  			g.pingOnce(ctx, id, shutdownCancel)
  1538  		case <-ticker.C:
  1539  			g.pingOnce(ctx, id, shutdownCancel)
  1540  		case <-g.shutdownCh:
  1541  			g.chatLog.Debug(ctx, "ping loop: id: %x shutdown received", id)
  1542  			shutdownCancel()
  1543  			return
  1544  		}
  1545  		shutdownCancel()
  1546  	}
  1547  }
  1549  // connMutex must be locked before calling this
  1550  func (g *gregorHandler) connectTLS() error {
  1551  	ctx := context.Background()
  1552  	if g.conn != nil {
  1553  		g.chatLog.Debug(ctx, "skipping connect, conn is not nil")
  1554  		return nil
  1555  	}
  1557  	uri := g.uri
  1558  	g.chatLog.Debug(ctx, "connecting to gregord via TLS at %s", uri)
  1559  	rawCA := g.G().Env.GetBundledCA(uri.Host)
  1560  	if len(rawCA) == 0 {
  1561  		return fmt.Errorf("No bundled CA for %s", uri.Host)
  1562  	}
  1563  	g.chatLog.Debug(ctx, "Using CA for gregor: %s", libkb.ShortCA(rawCA))
  1564  	// Let people know we are trying to sync
  1565  	g.G().NotifyRouter.HandleChatInboxSyncStarted(ctx, g.G().Env.GetUID())
  1567  	opts := rpc.ConnectionOpts{
  1568  		TagsFunc:      logger.LogTagsFromContextRPC,
  1569  		WrapErrorFunc: libkb.MakeWrapError(g.G().ExternalG()),
  1570  		ReconnectBackoff: func() backoff.BackOff {
  1571  			return backoff.NewConstantBackOff(GregorConnectionRetryInterval)
  1572  		},
  1573  		DialerTimeout:    10 * time.Second,
  1574  		HandshakeTimeout: 10 * time.Second,
  1575  		// We deliberately avoid ForceInitialBackoff here, becuase we don't
  1576  		// want to penalize mobile, which tears down its connection frequently.
  1577  	}
  1578  	g.conn = rpc.NewTLSConnectionWithDialable(rpc.NewFixedRemote(uri.HostPort),
  1579  		[]byte(rawCA), libkb.NewContextifiedErrorUnwrapper(g.G().ExternalG()),
  1580  		g, libkb.NewRPCLogFactory(g.G().ExternalG()),
  1581  		g.G().ExternalG().RemoteNetworkInstrumenterStorage,
  1582  		logger.LogOutputWithDepthAdder{Logger: g.G().Log},
  1583  		rpc.DefaultMaxFrameLength, opts,
  1584  		libkb.NewProxyDialable(g.G().Env))
  1586  	// The client we get here will reconnect to gregord on disconnect if necessary.
  1587  	// We should grab it here instead of in OnConnect, since the connection is not
  1588  	// fully established in OnConnect. Anything that wants to make calls outside
  1589  	// of OnConnect should use g.cli, everything else should the client that is
  1590  	// a parameter to OnConnect
  1591  	g.cli = WrapGenericClientWithTimeout(g.conn.GetClient(), GregorRequestTimeout,
  1592  		chat.ErrChatServerTimeout)
  1593  	g.pingCli = g.conn.GetClient() // Don't want this to have a timeout from here
  1595  	// Start up ping loop to keep the connection to gregord alive, and to kick
  1596  	// off the reconnect logic in the RPC library
  1597  	go g.pingLoop()
  1599  	return nil
  1600  }
  1602  // connMutex must be locked before calling this
  1603  func (g *gregorHandler) connectNoTLS() error {
  1604  	ctx := context.Background()
  1605  	if g.conn != nil {
  1606  		g.chatLog.Debug(ctx, "skipping connect, conn is not nil")
  1607  		return nil
  1608  	}
  1609  	uri := g.uri
  1610  	g.chatLog.Debug(ctx, "connecting to gregord without TLS at %s", uri)
  1611  	t := newConnTransport(g.G().ExternalG(), uri.HostPort)
  1612  	g.transportForTesting = t
  1614  	opts := rpc.ConnectionOpts{
  1615  		TagsFunc:      logger.LogTagsFromContextRPC,
  1616  		WrapErrorFunc: libkb.MakeWrapError(g.G().ExternalG()),
  1617  		ReconnectBackoff: func() backoff.BackOff {
  1618  			return backoff.NewConstantBackOff(GregorConnectionRetryInterval)
  1619  		},
  1620  	}
  1621  	g.conn = rpc.NewConnectionWithTransport(g, t,
  1622  		libkb.NewContextifiedErrorUnwrapper(g.G().ExternalG()),
  1623  		logger.LogOutputWithDepthAdder{Logger: g.G().Log}, opts)
  1625  	g.cli = WrapGenericClientWithTimeout(g.conn.GetClient(), GregorRequestTimeout,
  1626  		chat.ErrChatServerTimeout)
  1627  	g.pingCli = g.conn.GetClient()
  1629  	// Start up ping loop to keep the connection to gregord alive, and to kick
  1630  	// off the reconnect logic in the RPC library
  1631  	go g.pingLoop()
  1633  	return nil
  1634  }
  1636  func (g *gregorHandler) currentUID() gregor1.UID {
  1637  	return gregor1.UID(g.G().ActiveDevice.UID().ToBytes())
  1638  }
  1640  // `cli` is the interface used to talk to gregor.
  1641  // If nil then the global cli will be used.
  1642  // Be sure to pass a cli when called from within OnConnect, as the global cli would deadlock.
  1643  func (g *gregorHandler) DismissItem(ctx context.Context, cli gregor1.IncomingInterface, id gregor.MsgID) error {
  1644  	if id == nil {
  1645  		return nil
  1646  	}
  1647  	var err error
  1648  	defer g.G().CTrace(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("gregorHandler.dismissItem(%s)", id.String()),
  1649  		&err,
  1650  	)()
  1651  	defer g.pushState(keybase1.PushReason_NEW_DATA)
  1652  	dismissal, err := grutils.FormMessageForDismissItem(ctx, g.currentUID(), id)
  1653  	if err != nil {
  1654  		return err
  1655  	}
  1656  	gcli, err := g.getGregorCli()
  1657  	if err != nil {
  1658  		return err
  1659  	}
  1660  	return gcli.ConsumeMessage(ctx, dismissal)
  1661  }
  1663  func (g *gregorHandler) LocalDismissItem(ctx context.Context, id gregor.MsgID) (err error) {
  1664  	if id == nil {
  1665  		return nil
  1666  	}
  1667  	defer g.G().CTrace(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("gregorHandler.localDismissItem(%s)", id.String()),
  1668  		&err,
  1669  	)()
  1670  	defer g.pushState(keybase1.PushReason_NEW_DATA)
  1672  	cli, err := g.getGregorCli()
  1673  	if err != nil {
  1674  		return err
  1675  	}
  1676  	return cli.StateMachineConsumeLocalDismissal(ctx, id)
  1677  }
  1679  func (g *gregorHandler) DismissCategory(ctx context.Context, category gregor1.Category) error {
  1680  	var err error
  1681  	defer g.G().CTrace(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("gregorHandler.DismissCategory(%s)", category.String()),
  1682  		&err,
  1683  	)()
  1684  	defer g.pushState(keybase1.PushReason_NEW_DATA)
  1686  	dismissal, err := grutils.FormMessageForDismissCategory(ctx, g.currentUID(), category)
  1687  	if err != nil {
  1688  		return err
  1689  	}
  1691  	gcli, err := g.getGregorCli()
  1692  	if err != nil {
  1693  		return err
  1694  	}
  1695  	return gcli.ConsumeMessage(ctx, dismissal)
  1696  }
  1698  func (g *gregorHandler) InjectItem(ctx context.Context, cat string, body []byte, dtime gregor1.TimeOrOffset) (gregor1.MsgID, error) {
  1699  	var err error
  1700  	defer g.G().CTrace(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("gregorHandler.InjectItem(%s)", cat),
  1701  		&err,
  1702  	)()
  1703  	defer g.pushState(keybase1.PushReason_NEW_DATA)
  1705  	creation, err := grutils.FormMessageForInjectItem(ctx, g.currentUID(), cat, body, dtime)
  1706  	if err != nil {
  1707  		return nil, err
  1708  	}
  1710  	gcli, err := g.getGregorCli()
  1711  	if err != nil {
  1712  		return nil, err
  1713  	}
  1714  	retMsgID := gregor1.MsgID(creation.ToInBandMessage().Metadata().MsgID().Bytes())
  1715  	return retMsgID, gcli.ConsumeMessage(ctx, creation)
  1716  }
  1718  func (g *gregorHandler) UpdateItem(ctx context.Context, msgID gregor1.MsgID, cat string, body []byte, dtime gregor1.TimeOrOffset) (gregor1.MsgID, error) {
  1719  	var err error
  1720  	defer g.G().CTrace(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("gregorHandler.UpdateItem(%s,%s)", msgID.String(), cat),
  1721  		&err,
  1722  	)()
  1723  	defer g.pushState(keybase1.PushReason_NEW_DATA)
  1725  	msg, err := grutils.TemplateMessage(g.currentUID())
  1726  	if err != nil {
  1727  		return nil, err
  1728  	}
  1729  	msg.Ibm_.StateUpdate_.Creation_ = &gregor1.Item{
  1730  		Category_: gregor1.Category(cat),
  1731  		Body_:     gregor1.Body(body),
  1732  		Dtime_:    dtime,
  1733  	}
  1734  	msg.Ibm_.StateUpdate_.Dismissal_ = &gregor1.Dismissal{
  1735  		MsgIDs_: []gregor1.MsgID{msgID},
  1736  	}
  1738  	gcli, err := g.getGregorCli()
  1739  	if err != nil {
  1740  		return nil, err
  1741  	}
  1742  	return msg.Ibm_.StateUpdate_.Md_.MsgID_, gcli.ConsumeMessage(ctx, msg)
  1743  }
  1745  func (g *gregorHandler) UpdateCategory(ctx context.Context, cat string, body []byte,
  1746  	dtime gregor1.TimeOrOffset) (res gregor1.MsgID, err error) {
  1747  	defer g.G().CTrace(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("gregorHandler.UpdateCategory(%s)", cat),
  1748  		&err,
  1749  	)()
  1750  	defer g.pushState(keybase1.PushReason_NEW_DATA)
  1752  	msg, err := grutils.TemplateMessage(g.currentUID())
  1753  	if err != nil {
  1754  		return nil, err
  1755  	}
  1756  	msgID := msg.Ibm_.StateUpdate_.Md_.MsgID_
  1757  	msg.Ibm_.StateUpdate_.Creation_ = &gregor1.Item{
  1758  		Category_: gregor1.Category(cat),
  1759  		Body_:     gregor1.Body(body),
  1760  		Dtime_:    dtime,
  1761  	}
  1762  	msg.Ibm_.StateUpdate_.Dismissal_ = &gregor1.Dismissal{
  1763  		Ranges_: []gregor1.MsgRange{
  1764  			{
  1765  				Category_:   gregor1.Category(cat),
  1766  				SkipMsgIDs_: []gregor1.MsgID{msgID},
  1767  			}},
  1768  	}
  1770  	gcli, err := g.getGregorCli()
  1771  	if err != nil {
  1772  		return nil, err
  1773  	}
  1774  	return msgID, gcli.ConsumeMessage(ctx, msg)
  1775  }
  1777  func (g *gregorHandler) InjectOutOfBandMessage(ctx context.Context, system string, body []byte) error {
  1778  	var err error
  1779  	defer g.G().CTrace(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("gregorHandler.InjectOutOfBandMessage(%s)", system),
  1780  		&err,
  1781  	)()
  1783  	uid := g.G().Env.GetUID()
  1784  	if uid.IsNil() {
  1785  		return libkb.LoggedInError{}
  1786  	}
  1787  	gregorUID := gregor1.UID(uid.ToBytes())
  1789  	msg := gregor1.Message{
  1790  		Oobm_: &gregor1.OutOfBandMessage{
  1791  			Uid_:    gregorUID,
  1792  			System_: gregor1.System(system),
  1793  			Body_:   gregor1.Body(body),
  1794  		},
  1795  	}
  1797  	gcli, err := g.getGregorCli()
  1798  	if err != nil {
  1799  		return err
  1800  	}
  1801  	return gcli.ConsumeMessage(ctx, msg)
  1802  }
  1804  func (g *gregorHandler) simulateCrashForTesting() {
  1805  	g.transportForTesting.Reset()
  1806  	_, _ = gregor1.IncomingClient{Cli: g.cli}.Ping(context.Background())
  1807  }
  1809  type gregorRPCHandler struct {
  1810  	libkb.Contextified
  1811  	xp rpc.Transporter
  1812  	gh *gregorHandler
  1813  }
  1815  func newGregorRPCHandler(xp rpc.Transporter, g *libkb.GlobalContext, gh *gregorHandler) *gregorRPCHandler {
  1816  	return &gregorRPCHandler{
  1817  		Contextified: libkb.NewContextified(g),
  1818  		xp:           xp,
  1819  		gh:           gh,
  1820  	}
  1821  }
  1823  func (g *gregorHandler) getState(ctx context.Context) (res gregor1.State, err error) {
  1824  	var s gregor.State
  1826  	gcli, err := g.getGregorCli()
  1827  	if err != nil {
  1828  		return res, err
  1829  	}
  1831  	s, err = gcli.StateMachineState(ctx, nil, true)
  1832  	if err != nil {
  1833  		return res, err
  1834  	}
  1836  	ps, err := s.Export()
  1837  	if err != nil {
  1838  		return res, err
  1839  	}
  1841  	var ok bool
  1842  	if res, ok = ps.(gregor1.State); !ok {
  1843  		return res, errors.New("failed to convert state to exportable format")
  1844  	}
  1846  	return res, nil
  1847  }
  1849  func (g *gregorHandler) State(ctx context.Context) (res gregor.State, err error) {
  1850  	defer g.G().CTrace(ctx, "gregorHandler#State", &err)()
  1851  	gcli, err := g.getGregorCli()
  1852  	if err != nil {
  1853  		return res, err
  1854  	}
  1855  	return gcli.StateMachineState(ctx, nil, true)
  1856  }
  1858  func (g *gregorRPCHandler) GetState(ctx context.Context) (res gregor1.State, err error) {
  1859  	defer g.G().CTrace(ctx, "gregorRPCHandler#GetState", &err)()
  1860  	if res, err =; err != nil {
  1861  		return res, err
  1862  	}
  1863  	g.G().Log.CDebugf(ctx, "GetState: returning %d items", len(res.Items_))
  1864  	return res, nil
  1865  }
  1867  func (g *gregorRPCHandler) InjectItem(ctx context.Context, arg keybase1.InjectItemArg) (res gregor1.MsgID, err error) {
  1868  	defer g.G().CTrace(ctx, "gregorRPCHandler#InjectItem", &err)()
  1869  	return, arg.Cat, []byte(arg.Body), arg.Dtime)
  1870  }
  1872  func (g *gregorRPCHandler) UpdateItem(ctx context.Context, arg keybase1.UpdateItemArg) (res gregor1.MsgID, err error) {
  1873  	defer g.G().CTrace(ctx, "gregorRPCHandler#UpdateItem", &err)()
  1874  	return, arg.MsgID, arg.Cat, []byte(arg.Body), arg.Dtime)
  1875  }
  1877  func (g *gregorRPCHandler) UpdateCategory(ctx context.Context, arg keybase1.UpdateCategoryArg) (res gregor1.MsgID, err error) {
  1878  	defer g.G().CTrace(ctx, "gregorRPCHandler#UpdateCategory", &err)()
  1879  	return, arg.Category, []byte(arg.Body), arg.Dtime)
  1880  }
  1882  func (g *gregorRPCHandler) DismissCategory(ctx context.Context, category gregor1.Category) (err error) {
  1883  	defer g.G().CTrace(ctx, "gregorRPCHandler#DismissCategory", &err)()
  1884  	return, category)
  1885  }
  1887  func (g *gregorRPCHandler) DismissItem(ctx context.Context, id gregor1.MsgID) (err error) {
  1888  	defer g.G().CTrace(ctx, "gregorRPCHandler#DismissItem", &err)()
  1889  	return, nil, id)
  1890  }
  1892  func WrapGenericClientWithTimeout(client rpc.GenericClient, timeout time.Duration, timeoutErr error) rpc.GenericClient {
  1893  	return &timeoutClient{client, timeout, timeoutErr}
  1894  }
  1896  type timeoutClient struct {
  1897  	inner      rpc.GenericClient
  1898  	timeout    time.Duration
  1899  	timeoutErr error
  1900  }
  1902  var _ rpc.GenericClient = (*timeoutClient)(nil)
  1904  func (t *timeoutClient) Call(ctx context.Context, method string, arg interface{},
  1905  	res interface{}, timeout time.Duration) error {
  1906  	if timeout == 0 {
  1907  		timeout = t.timeout
  1908  	}
  1909  	err := t.inner.Call(ctx, method, arg, res, timeout)
  1910  	if err == context.DeadlineExceeded {
  1911  		return t.timeoutErr
  1912  	}
  1913  	return err
  1914  }
  1916  func (t *timeoutClient) CallCompressed(ctx context.Context, method string, arg interface{},
  1917  	res interface{}, ctype rpc.CompressionType, timeout time.Duration) error {
  1918  	if timeout == 0 {
  1919  		timeout = t.timeout
  1920  	}
  1921  	err := t.inner.CallCompressed(ctx, method, arg, res, ctype, timeout)
  1922  	if err == context.DeadlineExceeded {
  1923  		return t.timeoutErr
  1924  	}
  1925  	return err
  1926  }
  1928  func (t *timeoutClient) Notify(ctx context.Context, method string, arg interface{}, timeout time.Duration) error {
  1929  	if timeout == 0 {
  1930  		timeout = t.timeout
  1931  	}
  1932  	err := t.inner.Notify(ctx, method, arg, timeout)
  1933  	if err == context.DeadlineExceeded {
  1934  		return t.timeoutErr
  1935  	}
  1936  	return err
  1937  }