
     1  {Gets} = require('iced-utils')
     2  {make_esc} = require 'iced-error'
     4  hash_to_uint32 = (h) -> "0x" + h[0...8]
     5  hash_to_3bytes = (h) -> ( "0x#{h[i...(i+2)]}" for i in [0...6] by 2)
     6  hash_to_uint16 = (h) -> "0x" + h[0...4]
     8  # "abcdef1234" => ["abcd", "abcdef", "abcdef12" ]
     9  prefix_split = (h) -> (h[0...i] for i in [4..8] by 2)
    11  class Runner
    13    constructor : () ->
    14      map = []
    16    read : ({input}, cb) ->
    17      esc = make_esc cb, "read"
    18      gets = (new Gets input).run()
    19      h = {} # Sigs that start with 'h' are the new-style signatures (like >= 1.0.17)
    20      g = [] # Sigs that start with 'g' are the legacy-style signatures (like < 1.0.16)
    21      loop
    22        await gets.gets esc defer line
    23        break unless line?
    24        [which, hash] = line.split /\s+/
    25        if which is 'g'
    26          g.push hash
    27        else
    28          for prefix in prefix_split(hash)
    29            h[prefix] = true
    30      cb null, {g, h}
    32    output : ({h, g}) ->
    33      out = []
    34      out.push "package sigid"
    35      out.push ''
    36      covered = {}
    37      @output_shorts { out, h, g, covered }
    38      @output_3bytes { out, h, g, covered }
    39      @output_words  { out, h, g, covered }
    40      out.join "\n"
    42    output_shorts : ({out, h, g, covered}) ->
    43      out.push "var legacyHashPrefixes16 = [...]uint16{"
    44      output16 = {}
    45      for hash in g when not(h[(prfx = hash[0...4])]) and not(covered[hash])
    46        if not(output16[prfx])
    47          out.push "\t" + hash_to_uint16(hash) + ","
    48        covered[hash] = true
    49        output16[prfx] = true
    50      out.push "}"
    52    output_3bytes : ({out, h, g, covered}) ->
    53      out.push "var legacyHashPrefixes24 = [...]byte{"
    54      output24 = {}
    55      for hash in g when not(h[(prfx = hash[0...6])]) and not(covered[hash])
    56        if not(output24[prfx])
    57          out.push "\t" + hash_to_3bytes(hash).join(", ") + ","
    58        covered[hash] = true
    59        output24[prfx] = true
    60      out.push "}"
    62    output_words : ({out, h, g, covered}) ->
    63      out.push "var legacyHashPrefixes32 = [...]uint32{"
    64      output32 = {}
    65      for hash in g when not(h[(prfx = hash[0...8])]) and not(covered[hash])
    66        if not(output32[prfx])
    67          out.push "\t" + hash_to_uint32(hash) + ","
    68        covered[hash] = true
    69        output32[prfx] = true
    70      out.push "}"
    72    run : ({input}, cb) ->
    73      esc = make_esc cb, "run"
    74      await @read { input }, esc defer {g,h}
    75      out = @output { g,h }
    76      console.log out
    77      cb null
    79  r = new Runner
    80  await { input : process.stdin }, defer err
    81  rc = 0
    82  if err?
    83    console.err err.toString()
    84    rc = -2
    85  process.exit rc