
     1  spec:
     2    id: aws-cis-1.2
     3    title: AWS CIS Foundations v1.2
     4    description: AWS CIS Foundations
     5    version: "1.2"
     6    relatedResources:
     7    -
     8    controls:
     9    - id: "1.1"
    10      name: limit-root-account-usage
    11      description: |-
    12        The "root" account has unrestricted access to all resources in the AWS account. It is highly
    13        recommended that the use of this account be avoided.
    14      checks:
    15      - id: AVD-AWS-0140
    16      severity: LOW
    17    - id: "1.10"
    18      name: no-password-reuse
    19      description: IAM Password policy should prevent password reuse.
    20      checks:
    21      - id: AVD-AWS-0056
    22      severity: MEDIUM
    23    - id: "1.11"
    24      name: set-max-password-age
    25      description: IAM Password policy should have expiry less than or equal to 90 days.
    26      checks:
    27      - id: AVD-AWS-0062
    28      severity: MEDIUM
    29    - id: "1.12"
    30      name: no-root-access-keys
    31      description: The root user has complete access to all services and resources in an AWS account. AWS Access Keys provide programmatic access to a given account.
    32      checks:
    33      - id: AVD-AWS-0141
    34      severity: CRITICAL
    35    - id: "1.13"
    36      name: enforce-root-mfa
    37      description: |-
    38        The "root" account has unrestricted access to all resources in the AWS account. It is highly
    39        recommended that this account have MFA enabled.
    40      checks:
    41      - id: AVD-AWS-0142
    42      severity: CRITICAL
    43    - id: "1.16"
    44      name: no-user-attached-policies
    45      description: IAM policies should not be granted directly to users.
    46      checks:
    47      - id: AVD-AWS-0143
    48      severity: LOW
    49    - id: "1.2"
    50      name: enforce-user-mfa
    51      description: IAM Users should have MFA enforcement activated.
    52      checks:
    53      - id: AVD-AWS-0145
    54      severity: MEDIUM
    55    - id: "1.3"
    56      name: disable-unused-credentials
    57      description: Credentials which are no longer used should be disabled.
    58      checks:
    59      - id: AVD-AWS-0144
    60      severity: MEDIUM
    61    - id: "1.4"
    62      name: rotate-access-keys
    63      description: Access keys should be rotated at least every 90 days
    64      checks:
    65      - id: AVD-AWS-0146
    66      severity: LOW
    67    - id: "1.5"
    68      name: require-uppercase-in-passwords
    69      description: IAM Password policy should have requirement for at least one uppercase character.
    70      checks:
    71      - id: AVD-AWS-0061
    72      severity: MEDIUM
    73    - id: "1.6"
    74      name: require-lowercase-in-passwords
    75      description: IAM Password policy should have requirement for at least one lowercase character.
    76      checks:
    77      - id: AVD-AWS-0058
    78      severity: MEDIUM
    79    - id: "1.7"
    80      name: require-symbols-in-passwords
    81      description: IAM Password policy should have requirement for at least one symbol in the password.
    82      checks:
    83      - id: AVD-AWS-0060
    84      severity: MEDIUM
    85    - id: "1.8"
    86      name: require-numbers-in-passwords
    87      description: IAM Password policy should have requirement for at least one number in the password.
    88      checks:
    89      - id: AVD-AWS-0059
    90      severity: MEDIUM
    91    - id: "1.9"
    92      name: set-minimum-password-length
    93      description: IAM Password policy should have minimum password length of 14 or more characters.
    94      checks:
    95      - id: AVD-AWS-0063
    96      severity: MEDIUM
    97    - id: "2.3"
    98      name: no-public-log-access
    99      description: The S3 Bucket backing Cloudtrail should be private
   100      checks:
   101      - id: AVD-AWS-0161
   102      severity: CRITICAL
   103    - id: "2.4"
   104      name: ensure-cloudwatch-integration
   105      description: CloudTrail logs should be stored in S3 and also sent to CloudWatch Logs
   106      checks:
   107      - id: AVD-AWS-0162
   108      severity: LOW
   109    - id: "2.5"
   110      name: enable-all-regions
   111      description: Cloudtrail should be enabled in all regions regardless of where your AWS resources are generally homed
   112      checks:
   113      - id: AVD-AWS-0014
   114      severity: MEDIUM
   115    - id: "2.6"
   116      name: require-bucket-access-logging
   117      description: You should enable bucket access logging on the CloudTrail S3 bucket.
   118      checks:
   119      - id: AVD-AWS-0163
   120      severity: LOW
   121    - id: "3.1"
   122      name: require-unauthorised-api-call-alarm
   123      description: Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for unauthorized API calls
   124      checks:
   125      - id: AVD-AWS-0147
   126      severity: LOW
   127    - id: "3.10"
   128      name: require-sg-change-alarms
   129      description: Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for security group changes
   130      checks:
   131      - id: AVD-AWS-0156
   132      severity: LOW
   133    - id: "3.11"
   134      name: require-nacl-changes-alarm
   135      description: Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for changes to Network Access Control Lists (NACL)
   136      checks:
   137      - id: AVD-AWS-0157
   138      severity: LOW
   139    - id: "3.12"
   140      name: require-network-gateway-changes-alarm
   141      description: Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for changes to network gateways
   142      checks:
   143      - id: AVD-AWS-0158
   144      severity: LOW
   145    - id: "3.13"
   146      name: require-network-gateway-changes-alarm
   147      description: Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for route table changes
   148      checks:
   149      - id: AVD-AWS-0159
   150      severity: LOW
   151    - id: "3.14"
   152      name: require-vpc-changes-alarm
   153      description: Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for VPC changes
   154      checks:
   155      - id: AVD-AWS-0160
   156      severity: LOW
   157    - id: "3.2"
   158      name: require-non-mfa-login-alarm
   159      description: Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for AWS Management Console sign-in without MFA
   160      checks:
   161      - id: AVD-AWS-0148
   162      severity: LOW
   163    - id: "3.3"
   164      name: require-root-user-usage-alarm
   165      description: Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for usage of root user
   166      checks:
   167      - id: AVD-AWS-0149
   168      severity: LOW
   169    - id: "3.4"
   170      name: require-iam-policy-change-alarm
   171      description: Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for IAM policy changes
   172      checks:
   173      - id: AVD-AWS-0150
   174      severity: LOW
   175    - id: "3.5"
   176      name: require-cloud-trail-change-alarm
   177      description: Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for CloudTrail configuration changes
   178      checks:
   179      - id: AVD-AWS-0151
   180      severity: LOW
   181    - id: "3.6"
   182      name: require-console-login-failures-alarm
   183      description: Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for AWS Management Console authentication failures
   184      checks:
   185      - id: AVD-AWS-0152
   186      severity: LOW
   187    - id: "3.7"
   188      name: require-cmk-disabled-alarm
   189      description: Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for disabling or scheduled deletion of customer managed keys
   190      checks:
   191      - id: AVD-AWS-0153
   192      severity: LOW
   193    - id: "3.8"
   194      name: require-s3-bucket-policy-change-alarm
   195      description: Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for S3 bucket policy changes
   196      checks:
   197      - id: AVD-AWS-0154
   198      severity: LOW
   199    - id: "3.9"
   200      name: require-config-configuration-changes-alarm
   201      description: Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for AWS Config configuration changes
   202      checks:
   203      - id: AVD-AWS-0155
   204      severity: LOW
   205    - id: "4.1"
   206      name: no-public-ingress-sgr
   207      description: An ingress security group rule allows traffic from /0.
   208      checks:
   209      - id: AVD-AWS-0107
   210      severity: CRITICAL