
     1  ---
     2  project_name: kube-bench
     3  env:
     4    - GO111MODULE=on
     5    - KUBEBENCH_CFG=/etc/kube-bench/cfg
     6  builds:
     7    - main: main.go
     8      binary: kube-bench
     9      goos:
    10        - linux
    11        - darwin
    12      goarch:
    13        - amd64
    14        - arm
    15        - arm64
    16        - ppc64le
    17        - s390x
    18      goarm:
    19        - 6
    20        - 7
    21      ldflags:
    22        - "-X{{.Version}}"
    23        - "-X{{.Env.KUBEBENCH_CFG}}"
    24  # Archive customization
    25  archives:
    26    - id: default
    27      format: tar.gz
    28      name_template: '{{ .Binary }}_{{.Version}}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{.Arm }}{{ end }}'
    29      files:
    30        - "cfg/**/*"
    31        - "cfg/config.yaml"
    32  nfpms:
    33    -
    34      vendor: Khulnasoft Security
    35      description: "The Kubernetes Bench for Security is a Go application that checks whether Kubernetes is deployed according to security best practices"
    36      maintainer: Yoav Rotem <>
    37      license: Apache-2.0
    38      homepage:
    39      file_name_template: '{{ .Binary }}_{{.Version}}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{.Arm }}{{ end }}'
    40      contents:
    41        - src: "cfg/**/*"
    42          dst: "/etc/kube-bench/cfg"
    43        - src: "cfg/config.yaml"
    44          dst: "/etc/kube-bench/cfg/config.yaml"
    45      formats:
    46        - deb
    47        - rpm
    48  changelog:
    49    sort: asc
    50    filters:
    51      exclude:
    52        - '^docs'
    53        - '^test'
    54        - '^release'