
     1  # docker
     3  <!---MARKER_GEN_START-->
     4  The base command for the Docker CLI.
     6  ### Subcommands
     8  | Name                          | Description                                                                   |
     9  |:------------------------------|:------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
    10  | [`attach`](         | Attach local standard input, output, and error streams to a running container |
    11  | [`build`](           | Build an image from a Dockerfile                                              |
    12  | [`builder`](       | Manage builds                                                                 |
    13  | [`checkpoint`]( | Manage checkpoints                                                            |
    14  | [`commit`](         | Create a new image from a container's changes                                 |
    15  | [`config`](         | Manage Swarm configs                                                          |
    16  | [`container`](   | Manage containers                                                             |
    17  | [`context`](       | Manage contexts                                                               |
    18  | [`cp`](                 | Copy files/folders between a container and the local filesystem               |
    19  | [`create`](         | Create a new container                                                        |
    20  | [`diff`](             | Inspect changes to files or directories on a container's filesystem           |
    21  | [`events`](         | Get real time events from the server                                          |
    22  | [`exec`](             | Execute a command in a running container                                      |
    23  | [`export`](         | Export a container's filesystem as a tar archive                              |
    24  | [`history`](       | Show the history of an image                                                  |
    25  | [`image`](           | Manage images                                                                 |
    26  | [`images`](         | List images                                                                   |
    27  | [`import`](         | Import the contents from a tarball to create a filesystem image               |
    28  | [`info`](             | Display system-wide information                                               |
    29  | [`inspect`](       | Return low-level information on Docker objects                                |
    30  | [`kill`](             | Kill one or more running containers                                           |
    31  | [`load`](             | Load an image from a tar archive or STDIN                                     |
    32  | [`login`](           | Log in to a registry                                                          |
    33  | [`logout`](         | Log out from a registry                                                       |
    34  | [`logs`](             | Fetch the logs of a container                                                 |
    35  | [`manifest`](     | Manage Docker image manifests and manifest lists                              |
    36  | [`network`](       | Manage networks                                                               |
    37  | [`node`](             | Manage Swarm nodes                                                            |
    38  | [`pause`](           | Pause all processes within one or more containers                             |
    39  | [`plugin`](         | Manage plugins                                                                |
    40  | [`port`](             | List port mappings or a specific mapping for the container                    |
    41  | [`ps`](                 | List containers                                                               |
    42  | [`pull`](             | Download an image from a registry                                             |
    43  | [`push`](             | Upload an image to a registry                                                 |
    44  | [`rename`](         | Rename a container                                                            |
    45  | [`restart`](       | Restart one or more containers                                                |
    46  | [`rm`](                 | Remove one or more containers                                                 |
    47  | [`rmi`](               | Remove one or more images                                                     |
    48  | [`run`](               | Create and run a new container from an image                                  |
    49  | [`save`](             | Save one or more images to a tar archive (streamed to STDOUT by default)      |
    50  | [`search`](         | Search Docker Hub for images                                                  |
    51  | [`secret`](         | Manage Swarm secrets                                                          |
    52  | [`service`](       | Manage Swarm services                                                         |
    53  | [`stack`](           | Manage Swarm stacks                                                           |
    54  | [`start`](           | Start one or more stopped containers                                          |
    55  | [`stats`](           | Display a live stream of container(s) resource usage statistics               |
    56  | [`stop`](             | Stop one or more running containers                                           |
    57  | [`swarm`](           | Manage Swarm                                                                  |
    58  | [`system`](         | Manage Docker                                                                 |
    59  | [`tag`](               | Create a tag TARGET_IMAGE that refers to SOURCE_IMAGE                         |
    60  | [`top`](               | Display the running processes of a container                                  |
    61  | [`trust`](           | Manage trust on Docker images                                                 |
    62  | [`unpause`](       | Unpause all processes within one or more containers                           |
    63  | [`update`](         | Update configuration of one or more containers                                |
    64  | [`version`](       | Show the Docker version information                                           |
    65  | [`volume`](         | Manage volumes                                                                |
    66  | [`wait`](             | Block until one or more containers stop, then print their exit codes          |
    69  ### Options
    71  | Name                | Type     | Default                  | Description                                                                                                                           |
    72  |:--------------------|:---------|:-------------------------|:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
    73  | `--config`          | `string` | `/root/.docker`          | Location of client config files                                                                                                       |
    74  | `-c`, `--context`   | `string` |                          | Name of the context to use to connect to the daemon (overrides DOCKER_HOST env var and default context set with `docker context use`) |
    75  | `-D`, `--debug`     |          |                          | Enable debug mode                                                                                                                     |
    76  | `-H`, `--host`      | `list`   |                          | Daemon socket to connect to                                                                                                           |
    77  | `-l`, `--log-level` | `string` | `info`                   | Set the logging level (`debug`, `info`, `warn`, `error`, `fatal`)                                                                     |
    78  | `--tls`             |          |                          | Use TLS; implied by --tlsverify                                                                                                       |
    79  | `--tlscacert`       | `string` | `/root/.docker/ca.pem`   | Trust certs signed only by this CA                                                                                                    |
    80  | `--tlscert`         | `string` | `/root/.docker/cert.pem` | Path to TLS certificate file                                                                                                          |
    81  | `--tlskey`          | `string` | `/root/.docker/key.pem`  | Path to TLS key file                                                                                                                  |
    82  | `--tlsverify`       |          |                          | Use TLS and verify the remote                                                                                                         |
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